
National Network

Alyanabii St. , 6th Circle, Aladeeb Center, 1st floor
Amman 11181

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

The organization has 10 employees and operates as a bootstrapped business. Its core focus is on AI-driven job market analytics, to automate hiring operations and provide individualized career advising. Its budget is based on earned revenue. Recruitment services, employment market analysis, and tailored career counseling are some of the options available. Employers, government agencies, institutions, businesses, and job seekers are among the most important partners. They receive services such as sourcing, screening, confirming, interviewing, job market trend reports, and career counseling. The organization's fundamental methodology entails using AI, NLP, and machine learning to process vast amounts of job data, offering real-time insights and facilitating efficient labor market decision-making.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to update and optimize the job market with AI-driven solutions that connect businesses and job seekers.


Streamline Hiring: Use AI to simplify and expedite the hiring process for both companies and job seekers.
Improve Matching: Create algorithms for accurate candidate-job matching based on skills and preferences.
Provide Insights: Offer important employment market insights to help you make informed decisions.
Empower Job Seekers. Offer personalized career advice and support.
Encourage collaboration: Form collaborations with stakeholders to build a strong job market ecosystem.
Ensure Accessibility: Make AI-powered job matching available to everyone, encouraging equitable opportunity.

Main Projects / Activities

Signing partnership agreement with int@j for 260 ICT Company
Signing partnership agreement with Education for Employment
finalizing partnership agreement with the Jordanian Engineers Association

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Providing Expertise: We may share our knowledge of AI technology and job market data with other network members, assisting them in understanding and implementing these tools for their projects.

Collaboration: We can partner with other organizations in the network to create cooperative projects or campaigns that address similar job market concerns, such as skill shortages or unemployment.

Training and Capacity Building: We may provide training sessions or seminars to network members, arming them with the knowledge and skills required to use AI technology for job market optimization.

Data Sharing: We may contribute to the network by sharing anonymized job market data and insights, which will assist in improving our collective understanding of market trends and dynamics.

Advocacy and Policy Support: We can lobby for policies and programs that encourage the proper use of AI technology in the workplace, as well as help to create a more inclusive and fair workforce.

Overall, our firm is devoted to working with the network to promote good change in the job market and contribute to our country's economic growth and prosperity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We seek to join the ALF Network to leverage its resources, expertise, and collaborative opportunities in advancing our mission of revolutionizing the job market through AI-driven solutions. By joining the network, we aim to amplify our impact, foster meaningful partnerships, and contribute to the collective effort of improving employment outcomes and fostering economic growth in our country and beyond.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Mohannad Al-souqi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohannad Al-souqi
Contact (2) Full Name
Diala A Al-taher
Job Title (2)
Marketing officer

Tanweer for Organisational Building and Knowledge Management

National Network

P.O. Box 910390 - 11191

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Tanweer is a non-profit independent organisation that seeks to make a qualitative difference in the policies, systems and work patterns of the civil society sector. Its programmes and activities are aimed at disseminating knowledge and improving practical tools used in this field at both the individual and the institutional levels. Tanweer also means to promote principles of active citizenship, and values and attitudes of human rights while adopting proved development applied approaches in its work. Partners in Success • Local Partners including non-governmental organisations and the public sector • Educational Institutions focussing on developmental studies • International bodies working in the field of development • Student Exchange Programmes of regional and international academic institutes
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To make a qualitative difference in Jordan’s civil society’s building by mean of promoting positive values and attitudes and empowering individuals and civil society organisations to have a strong interaction with the society and the public sector.
• Contribute to the empowerment of civil society organisations to participate in the making of social policies.
• Increase the participation of the society in the social sector, as well as in the decision-making process.
• Promote co-operative relations between civil society organisations, individuals and the public sector.
• Present management approaches and solutions within the scope of development considering the challenges facing the civil society sector in the Arab region.
• Develop the expertise and skills of social sector workers in specialised work areas.
• Contribute to promoting positive values that lead to better organisational practices.

Main Projects / Activities

Tanweer is set to provide a number of self-organised and consultancy-based services in line with its strategic objectives. These include:
• Planning, monitoring and evaluation of programmes
• Conducting research, surveys and analytical studies
• Designing and delivering training activities
• Organising conferences and workshops

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Tanweer members are actively engaged with national and international organisations in promoting intercultural dialogue with and between Arab countries. As a member of the ALF Network, Tanweer will be engaged programmatically and through ALF's local and regional partners to further promoting co-operation and dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Tanweer shares the values, principles and the objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation as it aims to support development stakeholders to assume their role, particularly in the fields of learning, action, and policy dialogue.

Contact (1) Full Name
Susanne Shomali - Chairperson

Tawasol: Anna Lindh Youth Network Unit

National Network

Amman 11183

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
وحدة شباب تواصل: مباردرة انطلقت من قبل الشبكة الوطنية الأردنية لمؤسسة آنا ليند للحوار بين الثقافات الأورومتوسطية - شبكة الشباب- لتنمية المجتمع المحلّي وسعياً منها للإسهام في فاعلية العمل المدني، تعتمد على عمل ترويج عمل الشباب الناشطون في مختلف المجالات والمحافظات، من خلال  الأنشطة والبرامج التي تقدّمها الشبكة الأردنية، إلى جانب العمل على الأدوات الاجتماعية الخاصة بها. وتعمل من خلال برنامج بناء القدرات من خلال العمل المشترك لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني الأردني الأعضاء في الشبكة، وفي خدمة العمل التنموي وتفعيل دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في عمل شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند. وتسعى الشبكة في المرحلة المقبلة إلى بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني   لديمومة العمل واستمراريته. .   An initiative launched in 2013 by Anna Lindh Jordanina Network through social media and its influenicial role to make a change.  A youth netwokr for social development working closely with the Anna Lindh Foundation on the grass rout level.   Volunteers run the association: people from all walks of life with different backgrounds and experiences who give their time and effort to lead and guide Tawasol ALF youth network. The Founders Committee is responsible for the overall direction and policies of Tawasol, they are vital to our success and the legal responsibilities we have to funders and to our staff rests with them. The founders work as team; guidance is a shared task and this makes it more enjoyable as well making the work more manageable. The Founders involve both the Jordanian ALF youth members, staff and young people who are part of the association in the decisions making process. the founders are 5 people - self funded till now. Objectives : •Building comprehensive national culture awareness among youth which embraces all positive pillars of development; in order to meet all the demands of this century to find peace with itself, present and future. • Spreading the notion of 'freedom of expression' for positive change. This includes solutions in all development areas: social, political and economic development within the frames of reference. •Raising Youth awareness on democratic processes in order to encourage and increase political participation. •Contribute in increasing awareness on human rights and gender‐related issues and focus on its importance in the development process of all sectors. •Cultivating young people's skills in using mass communication to interact and put them in a positive way to build an interactive map for communication and knowledge reflected positively on the reform and political development in the community of Jordan. •Activate Jordanian's women role at both educational and economic stages in order to reach wider women's political participation Vision Develop the skills and capacities of young people is the main driver for the positive change Mission TAWASOL aims at developing various educational resources so that young people gain valuable understanding to empower their communities and become the change of their country How can you contribute to the Network in your country?: Being active members and participate in all activities. moreover, create joined projects with ALF members to develop our own community how shares same interest and values. learn from the training activities and transmit the knowledge gained to the community and create partnership locally. Why do you want to join the ALF Network?: Develop and network on national and international level with different ngo's and create bridges to come up with different ideas for certain themes. Promote other cultures and introduce it to our Jordanian youth and enable them to be aware of the others by all means culture,religion, human rights, democracy and community development.
Mission and Objectives

وحدة شباب تواصل: مباردرة انطلقت من قبل الشبكة الوطنية الأردنية لمؤسسة آنا ليند للحوار بين الثقافات الأورومتوسطية - شبكة الشباب- لتنمية المجتمع المحلّي وسعياً منها للإسهام في فاعلية العمل المدني، تعتمد على عمل ترويج عمل الشباب الناشطون في مختلف المجالات والمحافظات، من خلال  الأنشطة والبرامج التي تقدّمها الشبكة الأردنية، إلى جانب العمل على الأدوات الاجتماعية الخاصة بها. وتعمل من خلال برنامج بناء القدرات من خلال العمل المشترك لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني الأردني الأعضاء في الشبكة، وفي خدمة العمل التنموي وتفعيل دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في عمل شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند. وتسعى الشبكة في المرحلة المقبلة إلى بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني   لديمومة العمل واستمراريته. .

Main Projects / Activities

وحدة شباب تواصل: مباردرة انطلقت من قبل الشبكة الوطنية الأردنية لمؤسسة آنا ليند للحوار بين الثقافات الأورومتوسطية - شبكة الشباب- لتنمية المجتمع المحلّي وسعياً منها للإسهام في فاعلية العمل المدني، تعتمد على عمل ترويج عمل الشباب الناشطون في مختلف المجالات والمحافظات، من خلال  الأنشطة والبرامج التي تقدّمها الشبكة الأردنية، إلى جانب العمل على الأدوات الاجتماعية الخاصة بها. وتعمل من خلال برنامج بناء القدرات من خلال العمل المشترك لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني الأردني الأعضاء في الشبكة، وفي خدمة العمل التنموي وتفعيل دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في عمل شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند. وتسعى الشبكة في المرحلة المقبلة إلى بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني   لديمومة العمل واستمراريته. .

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

وحدة شباب تواصل: مباردرة انطلقت من قبل الشبكة الوطنية الأردنية لمؤسسة آنا ليند للحوار بين الثقافات الأورومتوسطية - شبكة الشباب- لتنمية المجتمع المحلّي وسعياً منها للإسهام في فاعلية العمل المدني، تعتمد على عمل ترويج عمل الشباب الناشطون في مختلف المجالات والمحافظات، من خلال  الأنشطة والبرامج التي تقدّمها الشبكة الأردنية، إلى جانب العمل على الأدوات الاجتماعية الخاصة بها. وتعمل من خلال برنامج بناء القدرات من خلال العمل المشترك لمؤسسات المجتمع المدني الأردني الأعضاء في الشبكة، وفي خدمة العمل التنموي وتفعيل دور شبكات التواصل الاجتماعي في عمل شبكة مؤسسة آنا ليند. وتسعى الشبكة في المرحلة المقبلة إلى بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني   لديمومة العمل واستمراريته. .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

من أجل بناء شراكة مع الشباب ومؤسسات المجتمع المدني للشبكة الوطنية الأردنية  لديمومة العمل واستمراريته.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdallah al Ahmad
Job Title
Co-founder of the Unit
Head of the organisation
Abdallah Momany
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohammad Zayed
Job Title (2)

The 2023 Local Youth Conference on Climate Change (LCOY) in Jordan


The 2023 Local Youth Conference on Climate Change (LCOY) took place between 2-5 October, the conference was hosted by the Ministry of Youth and the Ministry of Environment with the presence of their ministers in partnership with UNICEF Jordan, ALF Jordanian member Generations for Peace and Hussein Technical University (HTU), with the participation of 200 young people from across Jordan.

 The third annual conference focused on the role of youth in addressing climate change impacts and promoting green growth. The event culminated in the release of the Youth Statement on climate change, detailing concrete policies put forth by youth to enhance their commitment to addressing this global crisis and adapting to it. The Youth Statement will be presented at the COP28 Climate Change Summit in Dubai next month.

For more info, click here 


The Adonis Travel & Tourism

National Network

8 Ismail Hijazi street , Rwad Bldg 142930 Amman 11844 Jordan
Amman 11181

+962 6 552 7992
Telephone (other)
+962 6 552 5599
+962 6 552 5826
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The foundation of the ADONIS group took place back in 1990 in Damascus – Syria, then, ADONIS kept and keeps growing according to a deliberate, ambitious plan for expansion. In order to build the needed infrastructure which supports Adonis’ philosophy, we created a network between 7 countries that is able to respond to our guests’ demands, offering the same standard of services wherever it is requested. Apart from our Head Office in Syria, Adonis Travel and Tourism established its offices over the years in Jordan, Lebanon, Yemen, Libya, Dubai, Oman and Ethiopia With a qualified & multinational staff (20 in Jordan office) , Adonis become one of the leaders in the domain of the cultural events and historical programs.
Mission and Objectives

The target group of Adonis is to assure the comfort and wellbeing of our clients, adding to this other important factors such as hospitality, generosity and punctuality. ADONIS succeeded to become one of the distinguished tour operators, and by time, to engrave its name as a leader in the market. Reliable and consistent is what ADONIS’ proofed to be.

Main Projects / Activities

The target group of Adonis is to provide an authentic tourism product to promote the traditional Jordan in a Euro Mediterranean vision and assure the comfort and wellbeing of our clients, adding to this other important factors such as hospitality, generosity and punctuality. ADONIS succeeded to become one of the distinguished tour operators, and by time, to engrave its name as a leader in the market. Reliable and consistent is what ADONIS’ proofed to be.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Adonis Travel created an excellent local & international relations with professional suppliers, NGO’s, cultural events organizers and local community key persons. Adonis production department follow up our channels through a daily mails, weekly updates and monthly news letter.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

One of our main goals is giving a major role to the youth, the local community, the women & the traditional hand craft to create a healthy environment and new cultural activities between the Euro Med populations. We participated in euro Med projects like (Filière innovant project Euro Med heritage) and we believe on the dialogue and the experience exchange between the Euro-Mediterranean populations and we hope that our participation in ALF activities will help us to improve our future projects in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Marwan Idris
Head of the organisation
Mr. Marwan Idris
Contact (2) Full Name
Mrs. Alisar Al Husni

The Arab Center for Democracy and Peace Studies

National Network

P. O. Bos 140178 Amman 11814 Jordan

00 962 79 5428158
00 962 6 5814402
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The center is a privately owned company working as a non-profit organization and is funded per project by donor organizations. Main activities is preparation of studies currently working on a project about future Jordanian Palestinian relationship.
Mission and Objectives

To promote cross - cultural dialogue and understanding among different notions. Center will assume a proactive role in creating opportunity for people to meet, interact and exchange knowledge.

Main Projects / Activities

Study on future Jordanian Palestinian Relations. (Underway)

Contact (1) Full Name
Eng. Fakhry Abu Shakra
Head of the organisation
Eng. Fakhry Abu Shakra

The Arab Education Forum - الملتقى التربوي العربي : (SAFAR استكشاف FUND Program) دليل سفر

National Network

6 Fares al Khoury Street, Shmeisani

(06) 5687557
Telephone (other)
(06) 5660570
(06) 5687558
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
(079) 5618889
Mobile Phone (other)
(0777) 5618889
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Arab Education Forum as a project was founded by Dr. Munir Fasheh in 1998 under the umbrella of the Contemporary Arab Studies Program at the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University – USA with a regional office in Jordan. In May 2006 an NGO was registered in Jordan by Munir Fasheh and Serene Huleileh to sustain the work and vision of AEF. The three main funders for AEF since 1999 have been the Kuwait based Arab Fund for social and economic development, The Ford Foundation – Cairo office and the Boston based Khudari foundation. Currently, 9 staff members are employed and our work is conducted in partnership with several NGOs in the Arab world. Annual budget is around $ 100,000.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of AEF is to contribute to an Arab cultural regeneration project that springs out of the inherent knowledge and experiences within the Arab societies. AEF constantly attempts to develop a shared vision related to learning in the Arab world; a vision that springs out of authentic initiatives which start with and build on what people do and what culture has.

Main Projects / Activities

1. The Safar youth mobility fund aims to support young Arabs aged 15 – 35 who are involved in youth initiatives to travel within the Arab world to participate in apprenticeships, internships, training workshops and/or meetings with other youth initiatives to exchange and learn and construct knowledge as a group based on individual experiences. ( 2. Azkadunya or the other Arabia attempts to promote, market and distribute Arab non-commercial cultural production through a website and other means. ( 3. Al Jami3ah project aims at providing settings for learning within life embodied by apprenticeships, exchanges, meetings, and building knowledge out of reflections on personal and communal experiences. ( . 4. A series of publications, which document the proceedings of our meetings, under the title “Qeematu Kulli Imri’en Ma Yuhsen”.

Contact (1) Full Name
Munir Fasheh
Head of the organisation
Serene Huleileh
Contact (2) Full Name
Mais Erqsousy; Ms. Suad Nofel

The Cocreation Movement |

National Network

Building 6, Dawood Al Quran Street
Tela Al Ali | Al Shamali
Amman 11141

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Research
General Information

The Cocreation Movement is a new approach for accelerating innovation, bringing people together, accelerating economic growth and social development on a global scale. Today problems are very complex and require multi-stake holders to solve them, cocreation brings people together, but the cocreation movement helps in making sure this togetherness will solve problems and will contribute to local and global development.

Feras Naser is a pioneer in the field of cocreation and he has developed the cocreation movement and the cocreation ecosystem.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to accelerate global innovation, empower young people and solve global problems until we reach a one united world that is working together in harmony.

Objectives :

1- Developing the Cocreation Ecosystem.

2- Advancing Innovation in various industries and Provide and Engine for Growth and Social Advancement.

3- The Development of Meeting Platforms that can foster global relationships and global networks.

3- Fostering Global Collaboration and intercultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Cocreation workshops

1- We organize a weekly cocreation workshop that aims to solve global problems and bring people together. The workshop regular time is 10:00 AM and 6:30 PM Amman time.

2- We also have many digital assets that can help participants co-create better, these assets can be seen on our platforms and

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- We organize weekly cocreation workshops since 1st/Nov/2022.

- We have developed an ideation & innovation platform called

- Our Report the State of the Movement which happens every four months serves as an inspiration for Government, Private Sector and Public Sector.

- Some of our innovation and Business Seeds can be used by the public such as our Udemy Courses.

In the State of the Movement 3 (31/Dec/2023), we have reported on the following Achievements that can have a direct or indirect impact on the network in my country.

Knowledge Creation & Delivery

- 40 Workshops
- 55 Participants - International
- 50 Technology & Industry Maps
- 10 Industry Contacts Lists
- 13 Online Course
- 23 Books
- 3000 Students | 101 Countries

Reach and Influence

- 20,000 Network Weekly Invitations
- Digital Assets Rewards (2000$) | 10 Beneficiaries
- 10 Social Clubs
- Four Media Outlets
- Advanced Content Delivery System
- Talent Ranking System
- International Cocreation (UK, BRICS & EUROPE)

AI & Data

- Cocreation Collective Intelligence (ChatGPT for Expert, Personal & AI Knowledge)
- 1 Million Experts Data Records

Advancing Cocreation

The Cocreation Sport

- The Cocreation Culture
- Thriving Cocreation Cafes
- The Cocreation Ecosystem
- The Cocreation Immigration
- Cocreation Authorities
- Cocreation Score
- Complex Missions
- Paving the way for self healing.
- Paving the way for self feeding.
- The Cocreation Promise

Capital, Community & Legal

Feras Naser story published at Large.
Feras Naser case is registered with the United Nations.
The First Believer Award (TBC)
Companion No 1 (TBC)

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

- ALF Network can help us develop new collaborations and partnerships on a global scale. This will help us in advancing The Cocreation Movement which will help in empowering young people and it will provide them with a platform for economic growth and social advancement.

Contact (1) Full Name
Feras Naser
Job Title
Founder | Global Cocreation Authority
Head of the organisation
Feras Naser

The Hashemite University

National Network

damascus highway
P.o Box (13133)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The Hashemite University Career Center (HUCC) was established in cooperation with the Business Development Center and with the support of the American Embassy in Amman to provide career counseling services, support the career path, provide training and career rehabilitation programs, provide job opportunities for university students, create their own businesses, and enhance their concepts of entrepreneurship. Within a state of cooperation and partnership between the center and the university's colleges, centers and various units, in addition to cooperation and partnership with the public sector and various business sectors.

Mission and Objectives

The Vision:
The HU Career Center at the Hashemite University seeks to be a model for the distinguished career and professional preparation center for designing and providing innovative and comprehensive professional guidance, preparation and employment services so that it is the link between the university environment and the labor market.

The Mission:
The mission of the center is to provide comprehensive professional services and empower students by engaging them in career development to a situation in which our students are qualified with knowledge, acquire personal competencies and skills necessary to succeed in the labor market and are able to innovate, which increases their employment opportunities and paves the way for a successful career path that makes them active citizens in their communities.

The center aims to:
1.Providing specific and specialized training for students to find job opportunities, create their own businesses, and enhance their concepts of entrepreneurship.
2.Providing guidance for students to the labor market so as to create a positive culture towards the work environment for students, which would improve the preparation of graduates on how to engage in the labor market.
3.Networking students with the labor market and building bridges of cooperation with the public and private sectors to train students and improve their professional potential in a way that increases students ’ability to reach their future career path.
4.Developing the important partnership between academia and the business sector, which leads to the presence of permanent professional consultations at the university.

Main Projects / Activities

The Hashemite University Career Center is keen to work with a future vision and strategic directions that contribute to providing competitive outputs of qualified and trained students who are able to contribute effectively to building our country under its inspiring Hashemite leadership.

Contact (1) Full Name
مركز الاعداد لسوق العمل الجامعة الهاشمية
Job Title
Director of the career center/ Dr. Ibrahim Mansour
Head of the organisation
The Hashemite University Career Center
Contact (2) Full Name
Lara Amro
Job Title (2)

the higher population council

National Network

almadinah almunoura street
jordan 11181

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
I'm manal al-ghazawi have 32 years of experience in executive management. I have professional knowledge in project management, mathematics and programming, I have a unique experience for project management tools, and I’m familiar with the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK), I have a strong experience working with foreign-funded projects.  Four years of my experience were with the Japan International Corporation Agency (JICA), Jordan; 1 year with Severn Trent Water International – UK, and four years worked as Group leader With (GTZ) Modernization Project, I am very familiar with the nature of work at diplomatic missions. I worked closely with a multinational technical experts, I have worked as Project coordinator for e-government program in department of lands and survey in addition to my basic job the head of e-government section; through my work I gained excellent experience in the field of business process reengineering, I gained an excellent knowledge and experience in the Jordanian market through managing a personal business. I am currently employed as coordinator of Reproductive Health Program, in the higher population council. Fortunately, I have the opportunity to prepare the Reproductive Health/Family Planning national Strategy for 2013–2017, and prepare the operational plan for the year 2013 and 2014 which prepared through joint national effort with all relevant partners, including ministries, institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector, and donor agencies. I am fluent in both Arabic and English; I have Strong negotiation, communication, facilitation and influencing skills. I worked in the development of a comprehensive organizational, institutional, and technical standards framework when I worked at the Jordanian Department of Lands and Survey (DLS). I also participated on optimizing the use and integration of geospatial technology, information, and place-based problem solving and decision support within the DLS modernization framework. I have good experience in Monitoring and Evaluation technic working to ensuring high quality and timely inputs, and for ensuring that the project maintains its strategic vision and that its activities result in the achievement of its intended outputs in a cost effective and timely manner. I have good experience in human resource management, and I conduct training course in E-secretary in Al-Sudan, also I conduct ICDL training course, in my work as change manager I was responsible for conducting serial of training course in customer service orientation subject. im working now as  Coordinator of the National Reproductive Health/ Family Planning Plan,  in the Higher Population Council, Amman, Jordan. As Program Coordinator of the Reproductive Health / Family Planning Plan,  in the Higher Population council, My main duties & responsibilities were: Working with the high level  management to improve the chances of success of national plans coordinated by the Higher Population  Council to achieve its goals, and improve the level of monitoring and evaluation control over the programs emanating from the national plans in terms of achievement, with high level Involvement  with government, civil bodies and volunteer in the planning, management and implementation of population projects in accordance with national Agenda plans, and Contribute to strengthening cooperation and coordination with regional and international Agencies  concerned with population issues, I'm responsible for the monitoring and evaluation of the national reproductive health family planning strategy for the years (2013-2017) to ensuring high quality and timely inputs, and for ensuring that the project maintains its strategic vision and that its activities result in the achievement of its intended outputs in a cost effective and timely manner also responsible for designing and implementing the M&E activities of the Project; and preparing Quarterly/Annual reports on project progress and monitor the project activities on a regular basis, and developing and maintaining the MIS of the Project and responsible for the collection & analysis of different data in relation to the project activities, I’m responsible for the monitoring and ensuring high quality and timely inputs, and for ensuring that the Plan maintains its strategic vision and that its activities result in the achievement of its intended outputs in a cost effective and timely manner, also I’m responsible for designing and implementing the M&E activities of the plan; preparing Quarterly/Annual reports on project progress and monitor the Plan activities on a regular basis, developing and maintaining the MIS of the Plan and responsible for the collection & analysis of different data in relation to the plan activities.I'm working in close collaboration with all relevant partners, including ministries, institutions, Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) ,civil society organizations, private sector, and donor agencies General Background about the Higher Population Council Near the end of the 1980s, the concept of social work in Jordan had begun to expand, growing from its initial form of merely providing charitable donations to the less fortunate to encompass the more comprehensive goal of empowering families in need to depend on themselves and to achieve self-sufficiency. During this conceptual shift, the need for a specialized committee, capable of providing population data and addressing population issues from a developmental perspective, became apparent.   Based on the close relationship between population issues and national development concerns, in 1973, Her Royal Highness Princess Basma Bint Talal (The  Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Jordanian Hashemite Fund for Human Development (JOHUD), submitted a proposal to the government of Jordan to establish the Jordanian National Population Commission (JNPC). HRH Princess Basma’s proposal was adopted immediately, with its General Secretariat to be hosted by JOHUD. In 1988, the Jordanian government developed a General Secretariat for the Jordanian National Population Commission, acting as the Commission’s executive arm. In December 2002, in recognition of its expanded role and responsibilities, the JNPC was renamed the Higher Population Council (HPC) and was presided over by the Prime Minister. In 2012, the HPC was reconstituted under the chairmanship of the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation. The HPC is empowered with the authority to direct national efforts in the pursuit of sustainable development, striving to create a balance between population growth and social and economic resources. HRH Princess Basma remains an integral figure within the HPC, as she continues to oversee HPC activities as well as to monitor its progress. HRH continuously underlines the important role that youth play in bringing about sustainable development, she is a strong proponent of supporting young people in the achievement of and investment in the ‘Demographic Opportunity,’ which represents a core component of HPC policies. The Princess has emphasized that understanding and preparing for the ‘Demographic Opportunity’ is key in reaching a smaller dependency ratio (i.e. ratio of dependents to working-age population); this would create a demographic potential for higher economic growth, as favorable dependency ratios tend to boost the progress of economic and social development. In December 2002, in recognition of its expanded role and responsibilities, the JNPC was renamed the Higher Population Council (HPC) and was presided over by the Prime Minister. In 2012, the HPC was reconstituted under the chairmanship of the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation. The HPC is empowered with the authority to direct national efforts in the pursuit of sustainable development, striving to create a balance between population growth and social and economic resources. HRH Princess Basma remains an integral figure within the HPC, as she continues to oversee HPC activities as well as to monitor its progress. HRH continuously underlines the important role that youth play in bringing about sustainable development, she is a strong proponent of supporting young people in the achievement of and investment in the ‘Demographic Opportunity,’ which represents a core component of HPC policies. The Princess has emphasized that understanding and preparing for the ‘Demographic Opportunity’ is key in reaching a smaller dependency ratio (i.e. ratio of dependents to working-age population); this would create a demographic potential for higher economic growth, as favorable dependency ratios tend to boost the progress of economic and social development.    
Mission and Objectives

A Reference for all Population matters and for information related to development to facilitate setting policies, strategies and action plans and monitor and evaluate their execution in addition to lobbying and deploying awareness about them and reinforcing national capabilities in this area in coordination with partners and concerned entities.
An Influential presence in policy formulation and supporting decisions affect population to reach Jordanian citizen prosperity.

Accountability and Transperency: We work transparently with all private and public entities as well as the people & continually dissminate the results of our performed studies and conducted activties committing to our faith that we are responsibile to perform our tasks properly with high quality infornt of all parties.
Leadership: We believe that we are pioneers in our field, and this requires initiative.
Participatory: We believe that the success of the council in performing its mandate and achieving the goals related to pouplation and development cannot be reached without active cooperation and mutual support from all partners, service providers, decision makers, beneficieraies and any other party involved in population and development matters.
Quality And Excellence: We work according to standards and specifications of excellence, to ensure quality results, and we seek to improve our performance and results of our work constantly.
Creativity: We beleive that every issue of population and development cases is unique to their requirements and needs to be addressed creatively. Therefore we seek to find innovative solutions for each case.
Perseverance: We beleive that in order to reach our aimed goals related to population and development issues, hard working, persistence and following up with various parties is required.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Proposing population policies to the Government, steering efforts spent in the efficient and effective implementation of said policies to contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the comprehensive socio-economic development plans, and submitting them to the Cabinet for verification.
2. Endorsing HPC as a coordination body in the field of population activities, and demographic information, as well as between public, private and voluntary entities and enhancing their participation in planning, management and implementation of population programs and projects in line with the National Population Strategy.

3. Proposing policies related to raising public awareness on population and development issues and providing advocacy through well-thought out programs s for media, education and communication and dedicating the various media instruments for this endeavor.
4. Accepting aid and grants/donations, provided by international and national donor institutions, to population programs and activities with the approval of the Cabinet.
5. Endorsing the mechanisms and procedures aimed at facing population challenges in line with the objectives of the Population Policy in Jordan and submitting then for the approval of the Cabinet.
6. Enhancing the cooperation and coordination with regional and international organizations concerned with population issues.
7. Proposing the training, education and national capacity building programs for workers in the population areas in the different institutions in coordination with the concerned ministries and submitting them to the Cabinet.

8. Participating in conferences, seminars, workshops and meetings related to the population issues.
9. Responsible for the provision of demographic information, conducting demographic surveys, studies and research, and their follow up for the purposes of updating the National Population Strategy and planning for the relevant action programs. 

10. Approving the publications of scientific research papers and printed materials specialized in the field of population according to the applicable laws.

Contact (1) Full Name
manal "muhammd said" fares al-ghzawi
Job Title
Prpgram coordinator
Head of the organisation
Eng Maysoon al-zubi