
MUNA - Mediterranean and Middle East University Network Agreement (13 universities represented on the network)

National Network

Corso Umberto I 40

39 081 2531111
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
"Un accordo tra l'università di Napoli e 11 tra le più importanti università del Mediterraneo e del Medio Oriente che punta allo scambio di docenti e studenti in tutte le aree accademiche". Così Gaetano Manfredi, rettore dell'Università Federico II di Napoli descrive la creazione del Muna, Mediterranean and Middle East University Network Agreement, sancito a Napoli al termine della due giorni di lavori organizzati dall'ateneo federiciano. L'evento, di grande rilievo internazionale, nasce dall'esigenza di dare una sistemazione formale e organica ai tanti scambi di docenti, ricercatori e studenti già in atto tra l'ateneo partenopeo e le università del nord Africa, del Medio Oriente e dei Balcani. La nascita delle rete di atenei è sancita dalla presenza a Napoli di rettori e delegati delle Università di Mohammed V di Rabat e Moulay Ismail di Meknés, Hassan II di Casablanca (Marocco), Monastir (Tunisia), Pharos di Alexandria (Egitto), Saint Joseph di Beirut (Libano), Albanian University di Tirana (Albania), Nouakchott (Mauritania), Badji Mokhtar di Annaba (Algeria), Cairo University del Cairo (Egitto), Libanese University (Libano).
Mission and Objectives

"Un accordo tra l'università di Napoli e 11 tra le più importanti università del Mediterraneo e del Medio Oriente che punta allo scambio di docenti e studenti in tutte le aree accademiche". Così Gaetano Manfredi, rettore dell'Università Federico II di Napoli descrive la creazione del Muna, Mediterranean and Middle East University Network Agreement, sancito a Napoli al termine della due giorni di lavori organizzati dall'ateneo federiciano.
L'evento, di grande rilievo internazionale, nasce dall'esigenza di dare una sistemazione formale e organica ai tanti scambi di docenti, ricercatori e studenti già in atto tra l'ateneo partenopeo e le università del nord Africa, del Medio Oriente e dei Balcani. La nascita delle rete di atenei è sancita dalla presenza a Napoli di rettori e delegati delle Università di Mohammed V di Rabat e Moulay Ismail di Meknés, Hassan II di Casablanca (Marocco), Monastir (Tunisia), Pharos di Alexandria (Egitto), Saint Joseph di Beirut (Libano), Albanian University di Tirana (Albania), Nouakchott (Mauritania), Badji Mokhtar di Annaba (Algeria), Cairo University del Cairo (Egitto), Libanese University (Libano).

Main Projects / Activities

"Un accordo tra l'università di Napoli e 11 tra le più importanti università del Mediterraneo e del Medio Oriente che punta allo scambio di docenti e studenti in tutte le aree accademiche". Così Gaetano Manfredi, rettore dell'Università Federico II di Napoli descrive la creazione del Muna, Mediterranean and Middle East University Network Agreement, sancito a Napoli al termine della due giorni di lavori organizzati dall'ateneo federiciano.
L'evento, di grande rilievo internazionale, nasce dall'esigenza di dare una sistemazione formale e organica ai tanti scambi di docenti, ricercatori e studenti già in atto tra l'ateneo partenopeo e le università del nord Africa, del Medio Oriente e dei Balcani. La nascita delle rete di atenei è sancita dalla presenza a Napoli di rettori e delegati delle Università di Mohammed V di Rabat e Moulay Ismail di Meknés, Hassan II di Casablanca (Marocco), Monastir (Tunisia), Pharos di Alexandria (Egitto), Saint Joseph di Beirut (Libano), Albanian University di Tirana (Albania), Nouakchott (Mauritania), Badji Mokhtar di Annaba (Algeria), Cairo University del Cairo (Egitto), Libanese University (Libano).

Contact (1) Full Name
Gaetano Manfredi
Head of the organisation
Gaetano Manfredi

Municipality of Albignasego

National Network

Via Milano, 7
Albignasego - 35020

+39 049 8042225
+39 049 8625188
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information
1. 87 staff employed in 8 sectors; 2. Around 13.500.000 euros yearly income 3. Own resources (taxes); state, regional and provincial funding; other resources (amount due from citizens for services like kindergarten, ext.) 4. Strong policy of communication with the public through a front office and newsletters; projects; seminars and various events. 5. Province of Padua; Region of Veneto; Energie-cités and AICCRE (networks); various local authorities and institutions in partner for European projects. 6. From October 2005 the Municipality has an European office to keep updated with European opportunities and develop a culture of belonging to Europe and a dialogue between cultures.
Mission and Objectives

Overall objectives: to provide services for the citizens in the fields of culture, sport, school, social assistance. The aim is to co-operate close to the associations, schools, citizens and enterprises of the territory involving them in events and initiatives.
To raise the possibility of being involved in activities fruitful for the community, the Municipality works in strict contact also with other institutions, in Italy and abroad, to develop projects taking into account innovation and exchange of experience and know how. This co-operation is a great enrichment for the administration and, as a consequence, for the entire community.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the most important activities of the Municipality is the so called “social financial statement”, an instrument to share with the community the results of the administration’s work and public spending.
Furthermore, it manages many cultural and social activities, basically through the public Library: important exhibitions, seasonal celebrations, concerts, cineforum ext.
At the moment, it is preparing and developing international projects on environment and on cultural initiatives together with European partners.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fabrizia Pertegato
Head of the organisation
Massimiliano Barison (Mayor)

Municipality of Bologna – Mayor’s Cabinet - International Relations, Cooperation and Projects Office

National Network

Piazza Maggiore, 6

39 051 203499
Telephone (other)
39 051 204355
39 051 227845
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The International Relations, Cooperation and Projects Office is part of the Mayor’s Cabinet and its Director is represented by the Head of the Mayor’s Cabinet.
Mission and Objectives

The International Relations Area provides a specialised advisory service for the Mayor and the Councillors mainly regarding the organisation of international bilateral and multilateral relations. Links with organisations and institutions are made and maintained and assistance is offered to directors and other employees embarking on foreign trips. Another of the services offered by this area is events organisation, and also representation of the Municipality at international city networks and association meetings. The Municipality is member of several EU networks of cities, among which: Eurocities, Telecities, Global Cities Dialogue, ASCE (Association of Significant Cemeteries in Europe, Co-ordinator), ICLEI, European Coalition of Cities Against Racism and Xenofobia.

Main Projects / Activities

The International Projects Area offers specialised support to all the departments of the Municipality dealing in particular with funding applications as well as the planning and management of European projects and international cooperation projects. It is composed of experienced project and accounting managers. At the moment, the office is coordinating many EU projects in several fields: IST, culture, environment, e-government, sustainable and vocational tourism, urban development, education, immigration, unaccompanied minors, social integration etc. In 2005, the office has been involved into 30 projects, supporting different Departments of the Municipality (Social Services, Environment, Information Systems, Culture, etc.). Among these, four are co-ordinated, at EU level, by the Municipality.
Main Projects and Activities
Activities focus on European projects (social inclusion, citizenship, socio-labour integration of asylum seekers, socio-labour inclusion of unaccompanied minor migrants, sensibilization on the themes of social exclusion)

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Francesca Martinese
Head of the organisation
Mr. Berardino Cocchianella
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Lucia Fresa

Municipality of Cremona

National Network

Piazza del Comune 8
26100 Cremona

+39 (0) 372 4071
Telephone (other)
+39 (0) 372 407787
+39 (0) 372 407320
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Youth and education
General Information
1. Municipalité employant 700 personnes 2. 3. Budget municipal 4. Projets, échanges, séminaires, développement de projets participés 5. Autorités publiques, écoles, reseaux thématiques, ONGs
Mission and Objectives

Développement d’égalité des chances, dialogue et échange entre cultures différentes. Développement durable et intégration socio-culturelle par la méthode des projets participés et communs, et des échanges de bonnes pratiques.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets de formation et échange dans le cadre du Programme Jeunesse ; participation et citoyenneté active, expression artistique (musique, théâtre, arts figuratifs, etc.) surtout avec les jeunes ; Agenda 21 ; valorisation des ressources locales et tourisme responsable ; jumelages et échanges avec municipalités d’autres Pays.

Contact (1) Full Name
Oreste Perri
Head of the organisation
Oreste Perri

Municipality of Genoa

National Network

Palazzo Tursi, Via Garibaldi 9 / Palazzo Ducale, Piazza Matteotti 9, 16136

+39 010 5572166
Telephone (other)
+39 010 5574052
+39 010 5574815
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 335 8312597
Mobile Phone (other)
+39 335 5699409
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Monsieur Gianluca Saba
Head of the organisation
Monsieur le Maire Giuseppe Pericu
Contact (2) Full Name
Madame Annamaria Agarini

Municipality of Mazara del Vallo

National Network

Via Carmine, 7-9
91026 Mazara del Vallo

+39 0923 932919
+39 0923 933177
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
347 - 5711226
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Municipality of Mazara del Vallo is a public body with 472 employees. In 1995 was created the Community Policies Bureau in which six persons has been working. Last year the Community Policies Bureau managed about € 2.000.000,00 thanks to projects which were financed by european, national and regional authorities.
Mission and Objectives

Planning, Innovation, Competiton and Community Policies

Main Projects / Activities

The Municipality of Mazara del Vallo was partner, besides Finland, Hungary, Romania and Spain in a project called “AGRINET” within the Ecos-Ouverture community programme in the years of 1996 and ’97.AGRINET was focused on rural tourism with special regard to farm tourism. Farm tourism is a non-traditional form of tourism, not addressed to the masses, but at the same time widespread, showing respect for the environmental heritage, the search for quietness and countryside traditions. In 1998 the administration was partner in the project “Propart” within the Ecos-Ouverture programme focused on the creation of a network between Administrations and industries in order to favour cooperation and industrial partnerships between Italy, Marocco and Tunisia.Within the community programme Life-Nature ’99 Mazara del Vallo got financed a project which regards the “Reclamation and Environmental Remediation of the Capo Feto Biotope”. Since the year 2000 the reserve has been proclaimed “Biotope of international interest”. The objective is to show to the public, in the future, a very interesting damp zone which contains a very rare flora and fauna but, also, to give a tourist importance. In the same year another project called “Le città del mare – Circuito dei Borghi Marinari (The cities of the sea - the circuit of the fishing suburbs)” has been financed thanks to the ERSF. The cultural tourism beginning from a specific theme "The cities of the sea – The Circuit of the fishing suburbs", the activity of exploitation of the tourist and cultural sites, is organized according to cultural and thematic criterions and of marketing of the single city and the destination in its complex, defined as whole of visit places participating to a circuit.Considering its nature, it is a planning document which defines, in specific terms, the guide lines for the development of the territory and it establishes the same concept of itinerary, fixing rules for the qualified tourist fruition of the cultural patrimony. The project will, therefore, see this area of the Mediterranean object of a careful operation of territorial marketing, aimed atdiscovering and studying in communicative terms, all the wealth inside, from those more easily visible, to those, above all, which are actually in a potential state.Thanks to a special National Fund another project called “Giardino dell’Emiro (The Emir’s garden)” has been financed. The project foresees,on the one side the environmental restoration of the Mediterranean vegetation, from the other the recovery of the ancient caves of tufo (stone) and the restoration of the paleo-christian cave, being in the past a burial. The project has a strong tourist value, considering that facilities for the reception of the tourists are foreseen.In 2003 a project of twinning called ”Euromediterranean – Culture, economy and development in the vivacity of the peoples” was financed by the European Commission and realised in Mazara del Vallo. The event was devoted to the principal themes about balanced development of the maritime cities which lean out on the Mediterranean, with the finality to create a moment of meeting to exchange best practices and to prepare a preliminary draft for future partnership in a Europe more and more widened. The partners had been Spain, Greece, Malta and Tunisia.In the same year a cooperation project with Tunisia had been financed called “Proche” and in 2005 the second part had been financed. In the year 2004/05 Mazara del Vallo was partner in a Interreg III b Medocc project called “Marimed” managed by the Region Emilia Romagna. In the year 2007 the Municipality of Mazara del Vallo took part in a project called THON.DOC within the programme Interreg IIIb Medocc managed by the prefecture of Heraklion (Greece). Besides Italy the other partners are from Portugal and Spain.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dott.ssa Maria Gabriella Marasca
Head of the organisation
Nicolò Cristaldi

Municipality of Ravenna - European Policies Office

National Network

Via Raul Gardini, 20 - 48100 Ravenna

0039 0544/482545
Telephone (other)
0039 0544/482845
00 39 0544/482844
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The European Office’s staff is made of 4 employees and it works as a coordinator of European projects in partnership with other staff of Municipality Departments and local organizations. Our European Office is part of two international networks: ALDA, Association of Local Democracy Agencies; and the Association: Forum of Adriatic and Ionian Cities and Towns. Municipality of Ravenna is part of SERN, Sweden Emilia Romagna Network. Twining: Marocco (Region of Meknés). City Networks: City of Chichester (UK); City of Chartes (F); City of Speyer (D).
Mission and Objectives

European Office is an operating structure created in order to promote the access and the participation to EU programmes and funding opportunities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our services provide: Actions aimed making aware of EU topics;
Organization of meetings, conferences and workshops; editing and distribution of a periodical Newsletter about EU funding opportunities; Project formulation and editing in the framework of EU Calls for Proposals;
Technical assistance to the Municipality Departments and local organisations for the management of financed projects; Partner search;
Activation of relationships with the DGs of the European Commission and National Agencies; Participation to “City Networks”;
Capacity training for administrative personnel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Maurizio Cortesi
Head of the organisation
Mr. Maurizio Cortesi

Museo Internazionale della Stampa - Museum Graphia

National Network

Via della Miniera 10
61029 Urbino PU

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Youth and education
General Information

Museum Graphìa is an NGO accredited under Erasmus + Program - Education and Vocational Training (VET) in the field of professional education and training (2020-1-IT01-KA120-VET-008695), and sponsors Alternanza, the work/study project that offers new and innovative learning methods for acquiring knowledge and labor market skills to meet the school operation guidelines of the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research. Student-centric in situ learning to learn, Alternanza’s labs and working environments offer myriad opportunities to acquire real-world skills, consolidate those learned in school and acquire the culture of work through real-world experience. is based on "learning by doing" that increases product outcomes through practice, self-perfection and innovation. Our target groups are both young people for training and mobility as well as adults for professional development and to foster transnational collaboration in European projects.

Mission and Objectives

Museum Graphia is a non-formal educational and training organization that hosts hands-on learning primarily in the arts. Our focus is on skills development and making work/school connections where our training can enhance academic curricula in formal learning environments. We are located in Le Marche, an important agricultural area of Italy and therefore our outreach is mainly to young people in rural and peri-urban regions. We are foster cross-border collaboration activity with our neighbours in the Mediterranean to share expertise, support training opportunities for young people and the organizations they associate with, and engage in activity that promotes better understanding between people in our shared region.

Main Projects / Activities

Our youth work is dedicated toward skills development for practical applications in the workforce. To this end, our work is focused on acquiring skills - young people for enhancing their employability and entrepreneurship, and youth workers, educators, trainers and youth programming managers for professional development and to improve the craft of teaching. As an art-focused NGO, we specialize in training for art production – lithography, silk screening, etching, etc. – that can be used in employment. We collaborate with formal education (i.e. schools, high schools and universities) and non-formal learning environments (i.e. NGOs and public bodies) to teach groups at our facilities in the Urbino countryside, where we partner with a local agrotourism operation for room and board during a group’s mobility projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We make resources available to improve the region in which we live, work and study. Therefore, we help organizations build their capacity to provide services to targeted audiences, that include people experiencing difficulties because of the geographic areas that are isolated, primarily rural, obstacles to social integration or other barriers that prevent them from participating in programming that aims to improve conditions for young people to grow and prosper.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To participate in collaborative endeavors.
Museo Internazionale della Stampa
PIC : 905507417
OID: E10021935

Contact (1) Full Name
Claudia Baratti
Head of the organisation
Claudia Baratti

Music Theatre International

National Network

via Metaponto 8, 00183

0039 0677203007
Telephone (other)
0039 062071832
0039 062071832
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 3381515381
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Non-profit independent organization, which works on project level. Staff is involved on project level too. Annual budget is around 35.000,00 euro. Sources of funding: grants, private companies, institutions. Productions: performing arts, artistic and management consulting, workshops, exchanges; member of the following organizations: ITI, ISPA, Rotta dei Fenici, CLE Partners: list of partners it's to long to be enclosed here... see website.
Mission and Objectives

The association promotes different forms of music theatre; encourages the knowledge and the circulation of the international repertoire; produces and promotes performances and events which involve a synergistic combination of the different languages of live performance with contemporary arts; promotes and supports small Italian arts experiences with young artists, theatre companies, and music and arts non-profit organizations; organizes research, promotional documentation and training activities in the performing arts at a national and international level; collaborates with other non-profit and for-profit organizations, active in the performing arts, providing them with consulting services in marketing, public relations, artistic and project management.

Main Projects / Activities

a) Festivals and concerts seasons;
b) Concerts;
c) Music theatre, chamber operas, scenic oratorios;
d) Theatre performances and scenic adaptations of classical texts (in Latin language too);
e) Mise-en-espace and contemporary theatre;
f) Art and performing projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paola Sarcina
Head of the organisation
Paola Sarcina
Contact (2) Full Name
Vera Mancini

Music Theatre International ETS

National Network

via Metaponto 8
00183 Rome RM

0039 3500119692
Mobile Phone
0039 338 1515381
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

The non-for-profit association Music Theatre International ETS, was formally founded on 7 January 2000. MThI is an organization with a management model by project. The association doesn’t have permanent staff, but operates thank to the involvement of its members and/or external professionals, who are involved according to each project necessity, with contracts of collaboration on specific time and task.

Mission and Objectives

M.Th.I. produces and promotes performances and events which involve a synergistic combination of the different languages of live performance with the contemporary creative languages. The association’s activity is now day mainly focused on multidisciplinary projects and productions that weave together music, theatre, dance, fine arts, digital and audiovisual arts. Training activity for adults and didactical workshops in collaboration with schools, are provided by members and/or external consultants, at a national and international level. On specific request of institutions and organizations M,Th.I. realizes cultural and artistic projects on demand. The association works also as artistic consultant for corporate events and event agencies; it collaborates with public bodies, non-profit organizations and business companies providing them with consulting services in marketing, public relations, artistic and project management.

Main Projects / Activities

From its foundation, the association has promoted different collaborations and cultural exchange programs with other national and international organizations, private or public institutions, in Italy and abroad, receiving the sponsoring and patronage of many local and national institutions: ministries and local authorities, public and private institutions, foreign and international organizations, not-for-profit organizations
among the active partnerships we mention: TIT The International Theatre, Vivarium novum Academy, The Pontifical Salesian University of Rome UPS, Villa Valmarana, Collina della Pace Volunteer Association
• Productions in the performing arts, such as festivals and concerts (classic and jazz, opera), music theatre, chamber operas, scenic oratorios, classical theatre in Latin, mise-en-espace and readings, contemporary theatre, interdisciplinary projects
• Awards (drama and performing arts disciplines)
• Researches and publications
• Audio e video recording (CD and video, docu-film)
• Consulting (management and administration, promotion and communication for culture and performing arts, sponsoring and fundraising)
• Training for children and adults (M.Th.I. is active in promoting the theatre and music culture through integrated theatre workshops with pupils and students, who can in this way become protagonists of the artistic product, giving new life to classical or contemporary texts and discovering the linguistic and expressive richness of a literary and theatrical universal heritage)
• Events and interdisciplinary projects (M.Th.I. cooperates with organizations and individual professionals to provide original and sophisticated tailor-made programs for private and corporate events. It can provide outstanding music with singers and piano, full period-instrument orchestra or ensembles, classical/contemporary dance and/or new circus performances, theatre original and/or repertoire plays of all age and style, in costumes and in different languages - Italian, English, Latin -, giving clients an opportunity to hear, see and meet world-class young and famous artists in intimate, traditional or unconventional settings. Some possibilities may include gala dinners, receptions with musical/dance interludes; private concerts or performances, or any other special and exclusive event)

• Listing in the census book published in occasion of the 1st Bazar Opera Festival (meeting of Experimental Company of Chamber Music Theatre and New Languages) presented at the Goldoni Theatre of Florence, 28 September 2002. Promoting committee Region of Tuscany, Orchestra of Tuscany, Representation of the European Commission in Italy.
• Accredited by the Region Lazio: included in the public listing of istitutions, non-profit and private organizations of the free time sector, with D.D. n. D2325 of 30 May 2005.
• Private audience with Pope Benedetto XVI, in occasion of the 48th Certamen Vaticanum of the Latinitas Vaticana Foundation, Vatican City, 28 November 2005.
• Accredited by the IX District / Rome Municipality – included in the public listing of non-profit organizations, with registration n. CI/2009/4734 – Register of Cultural Associations of the VII Municipality, protocol CI / 2017/0147986
• ISPA fellowship 2010. M.Th.I. received the fellowship for the ISPA annual meetings in New York (12-14 January 2010) and Zagreb (3-5 June 2010).
• Accredited by the Province of Rome, register of institutions, associations and private bodies operating in the leisure sector (March 2010)
• Gold Formica Award 2012. Assigned on January 26, 2013, from the Forum of the Third Sector Lazio for the artistic activity with social value realized particularly in the suburbs of Rome.
• Accredited by the Register of the Municipality of Rome (call 2016 / prot. 5584 – score 90/100)
• Medal of the President of the Republic to the 7th Festival Cerealia 2017
• Medal of the President of the Republic to the 8th Festival Cerealia 2018
• Medal of the President of the Republic to the 9th Festival Cerealia 2019
• Medal of the President of the Republic to the 10th Festival Cerealia 2020
• Medal of the President of the Republic to the 11th Festival Cerealia 2021

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

for over 13 years the association, thanks also to the organization of the Cerealia Festival, has developed various bilateral activities with Mediterranean countries. Many of these initiatives have also received the patronage of the ALF. The MThI chairman served two years on the Advisory Board of the ALF (2018-2021). We are planning to intensify our activities on the southern shores of the Mediterranean, in particular with Morocco, Tunisia and Jordan, with whom we already maintain various cooperation relationships. In particular we are interested in carrying out initiatives in the field of food education, artistic training and female empowerment

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MThI has been member of ALF Network sinc 2011. On January 27 we sent an emal to RIDE APS communicating that we wanted to resign from RIDE but remain in the ALF Italia Network. We thus discovered that we had instead been canceled from the ALF Italia network, because RIDE had sent a newsletter in which it indicated to communicate confirmation of membership to the ALF network by January 20th. We were told that they could not re-enter us as we missed the deadline, but that we had to apply again for membership to ALF. We asked RIDE when the confirmation of membership of the ALF Italia Network should be sent, because the last time we received a membership request was in 2018-2019, but they were unable to answer us, saying that there is no rule defined. We therefore ask you to re-accept our membership and allow us not to lose our historical seniority. Please also inform us when the membership confirmation must be sent each year and by what date, so as do not incur in our cancellation again. Thank you

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Toscano
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Paola Sarcina
Contact (2) Full Name
Paola Sarcina
Job Title (2)