
Meeting for Friendship amongst Peoples

National Network

Via Flaminia, 18

+ 39 0541 783100
Telephone (other)
+ 39 0541 1832541
+39 0541 786422
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+39 348 6294487
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Apart from a small group of 14 people who work full-time, Meeting is organized, prepared, managed and then dismantled by the impassioned and generous efforts of 3500 volunteers. The Foundation is primarily engaged in the annual realization of the week of meetings, exhibitions, shows and initiatives taking place in Rimini under the name of "Meeting for Friendship Among Peoples". The Foundation also organizes: • meetings, conferences, international meetings, holding exhibitions and shows; • productions and editions of documents, books, films; • travel in Italy and abroad to visit places, to search for documents, for the acquisition of information, including the purpose of meeting individuals or groups; The annual budget amounts to approximately 9 million Euros that come mainly from sponsorships and contributions of more than 200 corporate (for example Enel, Finmeccanica, Intesa Sanpaolo and Wind participating as main partners - Eni, Lottomatica, Nestle, Coop, Ferrovie dello Stato, Fiat, Sisal, Sky as official partners).
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the Foundation is to promote cultural and social growth of human beings, as a priority resource for building relations of friendship and solidarity among peoples. In its activity the Foundation intends protecting and promoting all authentically human values for the building up of a co-existence more respectful of the real dignity of human beings. , having as its priority reference, on the one hand, the principles contained in Mgr. Luigi Giussani’s book “Il rischio educativo” and, on the other, making reference to the “fundamental principles” laid down by the constitution of the Italian Republic with special reference, as regards international relations, to the provisions of art.11.

Main Projects / Activities

An encounter among persons of different faiths and cultures. A place for friendship where peace, socialization, and a friendship among peoples may be established. These are encounters born from people that share a tension towards what is true, good, and beautiful. Since then every year great political personalities, managers, representatives of different religions and cultures, intellectuals and artists, athletes and protagonists of the world scene visit it. It offers stories of men and women through conferences, exhibitions, shows, and sporting events. For each edition thousands of volunteers go to Rimini from Italy and from all over the world; they pay for their own trip and lodging, and organize, stage, manage, and dismantle the Meeting. A living witness of how gratuitousness is a possible and testable value; the beauty of people that freely offer their work in order to live the experience of truth and to give witness to it.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Relying on large numbers (Every edition counted 800,000 visitors from 20 nations, 4,000 volunteers, 130 conferences, 250 speakers, 8 exhibitions, 35 shows, 10 sporting events, 170,000 sq. m of staged spaces, 1,000 accredited journalists, more than 200 partners and sponsors) we believe we can give proper emphasis to the efforts of the Network.
The competent offices of the Meeting are at work throughout the year in order to promote the activities to be defined for the current edition, Personality and through relationships with national and international institutions. The Press Office promotes the Meeting of all the national newspapers and leading international publications.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sharing the purpose and being the protagonists of the same radius of action (education, arts and culture, religion and spirituality, peace, etc ...), we believe we can contribute to bringing our network characteristics. A certain identity, an infinite openness. This human and cultural position is the starting point for a gaze towards the whole world. The Meeting is a place where it is possible to value each other, where the other’s differences are a positive provocation, a help to discover the truth that corresponds to the human needs. For this reason every year Jews, Buddhists, atheists, Orthodox, and Muslims attend it.

Each year, starting from a particular title, we speak about economy, art, literature, science, politics, social affairs, and different kinds of music. For thirty years a association, now a foundation, every year the Meeting dialogues with institutions, diplomatic delegations, public and private corporation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marco Aluigi (Vice Director Foundation)
Head of the organisation
Prof.ssa Emilia Guarnieri
Contact (2) Full Name
Matteo Turchi (Congress Manager)
Mentor Me manual

Mentor Me manual

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Meridie Associazione Culturale

National Network

Via Ottavio Asarotti 8

+39 06 33 85 170
Mobile Phone
+39 348 81 10 315
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Meridie is a no-profit cultural association established under the Italian Law with 7 founders coming from different fields of art and culture. It realizes projects and searches always on a partnership basis with similar structures in the Mediterranean area. Funding and human resources depends on the realized projects; main sources are members funds and EU Programs.
Mission and Objectives

“Meridie promotes arts and culture in all its forms especially in the Mediterranean area. The Association objectives are: exchange actions, dialogues and activities between cultural actors and artists in this area. It promotes and develops national and international meetings, seminars, pedagogical actions addressed to professionals training and to citizens, produces and organizes performing arts activities, expositions, videos and other forms of artistic productions, produces and shares documents in collaboration also with national and international structures and Institutions.”

Main Projects / Activities

- FAM – Forum pour les Arts en Méditerranée, dance and theatre workshops, performances, cultural management workshop in collaboration with Tunisia, Syria, France, Spain, Italy.
- “Thinking Bodies”, interviews to choreographers and cultural operators on dance pedagogy, supported by DBM Network and R. Cimetta Fund.
- Young Mediterranean Creators Biennial, Naples 2005.
- Rizoma Festival 2005, Regione Toscana

Contact (1) Full Name
Gerarda Ventura


National Network

S. Polo 2035
30123 Venezia


+39 0412348805
+39 0415241847
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+39 3471663989
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
MeRiFor stands for "Mediterraneo Ricerca e Formazione". It is a non-profit Association that developed in the framework of Master MIM, involving the University of Venice and several other partners spread around the Mediterranena Basin. The association is managed by a Scientific Commettee, shaped up by young and experienced researchers who deal with education and research concerning intercultural dialogue in the Mediterranean . MeRifor has a limited amount of budgetary resources, which vary year by year and can be evaluated in about between 5000€ and 8000€. Source of founding also vary, having being both public (Veneto Region), Foundations (Fondazione Venezia, Fondazione Paralleli). Concrete projects include a yearly international conference usually focused on one specific country of the Southern Mediterranean Basin (2009: Algeria, 2008: Social Movements in the Mediterranen, 2007: Lebanon, etc.)
Mission and Objectives

MeRiFor aims at spreading knowledge and research engagemnts on the following subjects: 1. Mediterranean Migration, 2. History and politics of the Mediterranena, 3. Environment and sustainability in the Mediterranean Coastal areas, 4. Inter-cultural dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

As mentioned before, at the moment the main activity of the Association concerns the organisation of one yearly conference introducing one Mediterranen country per year and to publish the proceedings of each conference. Moreover, the Associations deals with teaching Arabic and Hebrew at several university, as well as promoting intercultural dialogue among university curricula. MeRiFor aims at enlarging its fields of activities, keeping as main axle the promotion of dialogue and mutual knowledge between cultures, through research, teaching and education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Alvise Vianello
Head of the organisation
Prof. Emanuela Trevisan Semi
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnese Boscarol

Michele Capasso

President of Fondazione Mediterraneo in Italy. Michele Capasso has worked as a photographer, painter, architect and engineer, carrying out more than 500 projects in various countries of the World, before taking the decision to devote himself to the promotion of...


Michele Capasso

Président de la Fondazione Mediterraneo en Italie. Michele Capasso a travaillé comme photographe, peintre, architecte et ingénieur, réalisant plus de 500 projets dans différents pays du monde, avant de prendre la décision de se consacrer à la promotion du dialogue...

MIND - Med INnovation Dialogue

National Network

Piazza Michelangelo, 4

+39 0882 44 11 19
Telephone (other)
+39 0884 22 61 09
+39 0882 44 11 19
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+339 3391309326
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
MIND is a Non profit association situated in Puglia, Italy. Its mission aims at creating cooperation opportunities and partnerships amongst countries in the EuroMediterranean region. MIND welcomes initiatives related to intercultural dialogues and exchanges and is willing to work in different activities to promote such ideas. MIND’s activities are focused on the promotion of integrated projects of a European dimension that support processes of positive cultural dialogue and common growth within the region of Puglia and any neighboring regions. Subjects already involved in our projects are: Adult Education Centres, CSOs, Public Administrations, Universities. By the profile of MIND budget, available in a year, this aspect is strictly related to the EU projects and initiatives funded that allow to cover the work – developed on a voluntary base – by our team. As active members of MIND we have 3 main roles are: President (Giuseppina Nardo’), Associated (Michele Tedesco) and Administrative (Giuseppina Bramante).
Mission and Objectives

MIND aims at establishing cooperation networks at an international level, acquiring both leading and active roles, mediate in projects between foreign countries, the European Union, the Mediterranean basin, the Italian State, the Regions and other local entities (NGO, cooperatives, SME’s etc), both national and international, so to promote the aims and objectives of the Association.
Improving the dynamics for sharing and dialogue amongst Associations, Institutions, Universities and Local Administration, increasing the quality and efficiency of decentralised cooperation;
Reinforcing local and regional empowerment and territorial attractiveness;
Sustaining the convergence dynamics between the local and community policies in respect to issues related to education, innovation, research, local development, environmental sustainability together with social and cultural dialogue;
Promoting and sustaining new and diverse initiatives for cooperation, in the particular issues related particularly to the prospective of creating international networking which supports the local culture reality.

Main Projects / Activities

The projects activity areas include:
- Protection of civil rights and fundamental freedoms, equal gender opportunities between man and woman;
- Protection, promotion and valorization of artistic, social and cultural heritage, including libraries and other cultural treasures as well as non-material aspects through dissemination events which promote social integration;
- Promotion of intercultural exchanges through activities open to the public, educational activities (both formal and informal) and social events targeting social and cultural integration and involving disadvantaged members of society at international, European, national and regional levels;
- Professional training for educational services management;
- Protection and valorization of the environment through the direct leadership, or partnership, in projects and initiatives targeting the matter;
- Supply to other NGOs, Public administrations, enterprise and Universities support activities and other services related to planning and reporting related to eAudit for european funded projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MIND will contribute to AL Network becoming a promoter of European citizenship and of the social cultural belonging at a Mediterranean level. Specifically, MIND will involve itself at a regional level as it aims to promote, through various initiatives, the role of Puglia which geographically acts as an intermediary hub between the Balkan and Mediterranean areas.
MIND’s activities thus qualify as Euro-Mediterranean characteristics, and will focus on the promotion of integrated projects of a European dimension that support processes of positive cultural dialogue and common growth within the region of Puglia and any neighboring regions.
Through the work of MIND, a network will be formed to incorporate various organizations, involving Universities, Enterprises and public entities, in order to improve their active role in the cooperation of both at a local and community level.
Improving the dynamics for sharing and dialogue amongst Associations, Institutions, Universities and Local Administration, increasing the quality and efficiency of decentralised cooperation;
Reinforcing local and regional empowerment and territorial attractiveness;
Sustaining the convergence dynamics between the local and community policies in respect to issues related to education, innovation, research, local development, environmental sustainability together with social and cultural dialogue;
Promoting and sustaining new and diverse initiatives for cooperation, in the particular issues related particularly to the prospective of creating international networking which supports the local culture reality.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MIND want to join the ALF Network to improve its role in the EuroMediterranean area in terms of positive actor oriented to provide visibility and diffusion of the initiatives of civil society organizations and local authorities active in the Mediterranean.
Through our participation to the ALF Network, MIND aims at the creation of the necessary conditions for the leaders of these initiatives to meet in order to share know-how and experiences, to avoid scattered and compartmentalized actions, and by doing so, to optimize their impact in the field; encouraging particularly North-South and South-South dialogue and knowledge exchanges.
Being part of ALF Network will allow to MIND to gain recognition of the importance of the civil society role as designers, managers, and leaders of development policies and initiatives that are the closest to the citizens.
We want to put in relation what we are learning in our European project initiatives with the knowledge of other European and Meditterranean networks and actors. We want to produce and space for mix, cooperation and organization that could work at least at a European level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giuseppina Nardo'
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Giuseppina Bramante


National Network

Via D'Annunzio,4

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Mine Vaganti NGO is a no-profit association born in Sardinia in 2009. MVNGO has 3 offices in Olbia, Sassari and Tempio Pausania covering all the North of Sardinia with other branches in the rest of Italy. Mission MVNGO promotes intercultural dialogue, social inclusion through Sport and environmental protection using Non Formal Education. MVNGO is part of 3 international networks such as YEE, ISCA and MV International. Services MVNGO is an educational training provider at local and european level. MVNGO has a consultant role for public and private bodies in order to promote and develop european and trans-continental projects. Programmes MVNGO works on Erasmus+, Horizon 2020, Europe for Citizens, Creative Europe, EuropeAid, EaSi, Life+, IEE, the United Nations programmes (UNDEF) and with foundations such as EYF, Anna Lindh and Open Society.
Mission and Objectives

The NGO promotes: - Intercultural Dialogue. - Social inclusion through Sport Values (in particular we are very careful about people with disability). - Environmental protection and Green Skills as new job opportunities for young european citizens. - Youth/Adult mobility in Europe and the rest of the world. - Offer of trainings, seminars about non-formal education and intercultural youth dialogue.
MVNGO has about 200 worldwide partners, mostly in Europe but as well in Asia, South America and Africa.
Every year MVNGO is involved as sending organization in about 50 European projects with 150 mobilities of young/adult people and organises about 7-8 projects as hosting organisation in Sardinia.

Main Projects / Activities

Mine Vaganti NGO promotes the intercultural dialogue and social entrepreneurship. Currently we cooperate with partners in two different actions in Egypt and Marocco for developing projects in the frame of EuroArab Platform, ensuring our commitment on spreading positive values, exchange of best practice and enhance a spirit of solidariety. Mine Vaganti NGO is registered in the Euro-Med Platform in order to rise the opportunity of exchange cultures among youths. In the previous years MVNGO organized several trainings and exchanges which involve MENA countries through the old Youth in Action Programme.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Mine Vaganti NGO is active member of ALF Italy and attended the last two operative congress.
Mine Vaganti NGO is self-financed and committed to promote a multicultural and multiracial european society and an active citizenship in social problems like racism, discrimination, unemployment often using art as tools for inclusion. We would like to share our local/international network and our project management's team with ALF in order to help reaching the goals of Anna Lindh Foundation.
This is the link of our best presentation in Prezi: 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We join the ALF Network:

To enlarge our network.

To help the individual development of each member.

To acquire new skills and abilities.

To promote sense of entrepreneurship and solidarity.

To develop youth movement within Europe and Arab countries.

To increase knowledge using non formal education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Roberto Solinas
Head of the organisation
Roberto Solinas
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Grazia Pirina

Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo e la Documentazione

National Network

via di San Michele, 18, Roma - Italy

+39 06585521
+39 0658332313
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rita Sanzi Di Mino (Director)

MISS CHEF Association

National Network

via Nedo Nadi, n.2
via Nicola Vaccaro, n.134
85100 Potenza

0039 0971 594037
0039 0971 594037
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0039 333-4532314
Mobile Phone (other)
0039 331-5934925
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Others
General Information
MISS CHEF® ( is a no-profit cultural association aiming at the promotion of the growth of the female talent. With the collaboration of public institutions and other cultural associations, it contributes to the diffusion of the Italian Culture and food and wine tradition, in different forms and expressions, promoting the “Made in Italy” culinary excellences, known and appreciated all over the world. In fact, the MISS CHEF® Association is a multicultural container in which it is possible to meet ideas, insights, knowledge, planning, entrepreneurial, artisan and artistic realities from different sectors that characterize the "Made in Italy", but always focusing on the value of the Italian woman. MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. MISS CHEF have a eight ten persons in its staff and over twenty partners in Italy and abroad. In a year MISS CHEF can reach a budget of about 20000 euros in resources coming from public entities ad private sponsors. MISS CHEF realizes seminars and concrete projects. Main partnes are some public Region, Universities and other no profit Associations.
Mission and Objectives

The Award consists in a competition in show cooking born in 2012 and become, in 2014, itinerant in several Italian regions and has made competitions even in the USA. With its innovative and dynamic formula on tour, it wants to contribute to exalt the socio-cultural value-ness, of the Italianness. The protagonists of the competition are some Chef Women for each competition, selected for curriculum and professional merits. The chefs on competition are engaged in the realization of a dish according to their repertoire in the kitchen following the strict Regulation of the Award. The competition consists in a show cooking with the subsequent tasting of the dishes realized and offered to two Juries, a technical one and an institutional one; the jurors may ask the chefs for questions or explanations and, soon after the tasting, will give an overall judgment according to some pre-fixed criteria. The Award Juries are always made up of personalities from the political, economic, entertainment and socio-cultural national and international world, journalists and food and wine experts. While they are at work in the kitchen or in front of the juries, the competitors describe their dishes underlining the interpretation of the classic recipe, the use of certain ingredients, the recovery of certain flavors and products that make the excellence of the different territories; illustrating their own recipe in the competition, each Chef tells her family and professional history. The competition takes place in some prestigious locations that host the tour stops in the various Italian regions and abroad. Each competition has a MISS CHEF® Winner . The format is further enhanced by an innovative formula complementing the experience MISS CHEF®, moments of culture, entertainment and discussions, cooking demonstrations and conferences may be planned and implemented from time to time for the promotion of excellence and typical manufacturing or territorial peculiarities and, of course, the highlight of the competition which is the MISS CHEF® Award.

Main Projects / Activities

MISS CHEF® ASSOCIATION owns the national and international Award “MISS CHEF®” organized and implemented since 2012. Conceived by the journalist MARIANGELA PETRUZZELLI, president, author and artistic director of the Award, which is the first competition among some of the best Italian Chef Women with the proposition, all in pink, of the most renowned menu of the traditional Italian cuisine, between yesterday and today.MISS CHEF realizes also MISS CHEF Academy to teach high quality cusine. MISS CHEF promotes and realizes cultural and socio- economical meetings, events and debates.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Organizing common internazional meetings, events and debates. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because ALF Network have an international mission and view and because the multicultural relationship with all the ALF entities  create a plus value for MISS CHEF. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mariangela Petruzzelli
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mariangela Petruzzelli-president
Contact (2) Full Name
Maria Di Girolamo
Job Title (2)