

Marco Ianniello

Program Co-ordinator: Media & Communications, Discipline Head and Senior Lecturer: Film and Screen Production. Previously Ianniello was working at the ZAK Centre for Cultural and General Studies at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) based in Germany. As an editor...


Marco Ianniello

Coordinateur du programme « Médias et communications », responsable de la discipline et maître de conférences en cinéma et production cinématographique et cinématographique. Auparavant, Marco Ianniello travaillait au Centre ZAK d'études culturelles et générales de l'Institut de technologie de Karlsruhe...

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Maria Kontochristou

Lecturer at the Greek Open University. Kontochristou has collaborated with leading research institutes and has worked many years as a consultant. Kontochristou has directed the Departments of Promotion and Communication and International Collaborations of the Hellenic Culture Organization at the...

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Maria Kontochristou

Maître de conférences à la Greek Open University, Maria Kontochristou a collaboré avec des instituts de recherche de premier plan et a travaillé de nombreuses années en tant que consultante. Elle a dirigé les départements de promotion et de communication...


Media Litracy for Women Empowerment

This paper explores the ongoing issue of gender inequality within the media of Tunisia and Greece. While acknowledging the challenges women face, it also highlights movements advocating for change. It identifies key obstacles, such as limited opportunities for women in...

Medieval Rose

National Network

2, Al. Ypsilanti str.

+30 22410 74405
Telephone (other)
+30 22410 21344
+30 22410 74405
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+30 6972 178603
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6936 760007
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The "Medieval Rose" Association is a voluntary organisation and does not employ any staff. It is administrated by the Board of 7 members and there are 100 more members participating the association. The Events,have mostly been funded by public bodies, authorities and local sponsors. Every year the events become greater and richer in quality and participations, so a larger budget is needed. The projects of the "Medieval Rose" are based on international participations and cultural exchange. The artisans and re-enactors coming from abroad recreate history, myths and traditions. There had been also seminars taking place in order to educate locals on re-enactments, medieval arts and crafts as well as sword fighting. Some of our main partners are: Organisation for Cultural Development of the Prefecture of Dodecanese, History Park of Rhodes, Municipal Sports & Youth Organisation, Organisation for Rhodes Tourism Promotion, Handicraft Center of Rhodes and many more.
Mission and Objectives

Cultural upgrading:
Events, inspired by customs and manners, traditions, myths and the history of Rhodes.
Enhancement of monuments of cultural heritage:
By means of organizing minor relevant events in Byzantine and Medieval monument sites and fortifications, elsewhere in the island or the Dodecanese.
Intercultural dialogue:
Communication and co-operation with other similar teams in Europe will contribute in the exchange and investigation of the treasure of cultural elements all our nations have in common.
The study of various subjects of the festival events will spread the knowledge concerning our history and traditions. Medieval dance and theatre seminars will be regularly held.
Cultural Tourism:
In the beginning of the tourist season, the Medieval Festival will provide a unique attraction for visitors with advanced interests and demands.
Promotion of the ideal of voluntary work:
By means of continuous encouragement of people to participate / contribute, in any way they wish, in the satisfying process of organizing such an event.

Main Projects / Activities

Main project of the "Medieval Rose" association is the organization of the Medieval Festival of Rhodes.
The festival includes a varity of activities meeting all interests. Dance, music, theatre, medieval games and sports, reenactments of customs, tradition, battles,and medieval lifestyle given with the most possible authenticity. Also,guided tours, workshops, seminars, symposiums - historic conferences and intercultural exchanges have been implemented by the Medieval Rose association.
Until now there have been 3 big events taking place: The 1st & 2nd Medieval Fair 2006, The Medieval Weekend 2007 and currently the Medieval Festival 2008 is being prepared. Also, the 1st International Medieval Symposium 2007 and currently the very important 2nd International Medieval Symposium is preparing.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Achiola
Head of the organisation
Anna Achiola
Contact (2) Full Name
Andreas Kaklios

Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE)

National Network

12 Kyrristou str. 105 56 Athens

00 30 210 3247490
Telephone (other)
00 30 210 3247267
00 30 210 3317127
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
MIO–ECSDE is a Federation of Mediterranean NGOs for Environment and Development. It cooperates with Governments, International Organizations and other socio–economic partners. The AGM of the Member Organizations constitutes the basis of the Federation. Its membership numbers 102 from 24 countries. The full and part – time staff, permanent or activity based numbered 9 persons in 2005. MIO–ECSDE funding: contributions and fees from its members; the Commission of the European Union; the Greek State; UNEP/MAP, the Global Water Partnership, etc. The overall program executed annually by MIO-ECSDE, is on average 550.000 euros.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: To protect the Natural Environment and the Cultural Heritage and the areas of interaction between these two domains, in order to promote sustainable development in the Mediterranean.
Major objectives of MIO-ECSDE are to:
- promote understanding and cooperation among the people of the Mediterranean.
- assist the establishment, strengthening, co-operation and co-ordination of Mediterranean NGOs.
- To promote education and research on Mediterranean issues.
- To raise public awareness on crucial Mediterranean environmental and social issues

Main Projects / Activities

The main MIO-ECSDE activities are:
- Networking
- NGO capacity building (seminars, workshops, etc.)
- Drafting, Promoting and Presenting common NGO policies and positions
- Promoting partnerships
- Raising public awareness, participation and consensus building Research
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
- Promoting the cultural dimension of sustainable development
- Publications
- Facilitation of Mediterranean stakeholder networks (MEDIES: Mediterranean Education Initiative for Environment & Sustainability, COMJED: Circle of the Mediterranean Journalists for Environment & Sustainable Development, COMPSUD: Circle of the Mediterranean Parliamentarians for Sustainable Development )

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Anastasia Roniotes
Head of the organisation
Prof. Michael Scoullos
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Bessie Mantzara

Mediterranean College

National Network

8 Pellinis Street & 107 Patision Street
GR-11 251

Athens, Thessaloniki

Telephone (other)
0030 211 770 9450
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure: Governed by an Executive Board and managed by a Head. Follows a function-based structure where units are formed according to operational processes. There are two major departments: the Academic and the Administrative. Staff Number: 34 administrative – 15 full time academics & 102 part-time academics Funding & Resources: Private financing through students’ tuition fees Main Actions: • Provision of fully-fledged UK academic programmes in Greece • Organisation of seminars, workshops, lectures, cultural and other open social events [Xinis Educational Festival (, Valaoritou Project (] • European Student Exchanges • Promotion of student employability through a career’s network • Scholarship scheme Partners: British Universities and Educational Institutions: University of Derby, Edexcel International, London Centre of Management. Individuals, business firms, non-profit organisations, municipalities, etc.
Mission and Objectives

Mediterranean College entered its fourth decade remaining firmly committed to the proud tradition of bringing the best of higher education in Greece through its collaboration with major foreign universities. Being a private college of – primarily - professional studies, Mediterranean College offers challenging undergraduate and postgraduate programmes and is committed to life-long learning. As a teaching-oriented institution of higher learning, the College emphasises on the provision of high standard teaching services and multiple opportunities for personal and professional growth.
Along with the investment in its resources in accordance with the students’ needs and the pursuit of academic excellence, the College also makes strong efforts in facilitating the needs of its local communities as well as those of the country itself, by initiating projects designed to develop links between its Schools and the local communities, as well as by organising cultural events in or outside the college boundaries.

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities and projects of Mediterranean College are:
• Undergraduate and postgraduate Education
• Organisation of educational activities: Seminars, workshops, lectures, etc
• Organisation of major Educational or Social Festivals/ Events (e.g. Xinis Educational Festival, e.g. Valaoritou Project)
• International recruitment activities
• Career Office activities
• Alumni Office activities
• Students’ Union & students services
• Volunteering events and charity actions
• European Student Exchanges
• Participation in research Projects and International Academic Fora
• Student Creative Competitions (eg. Recycling Project)
• Development of Projects with the local authorities (Municipality of Thessaloniki and Athens)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Contribution of Mediterranean College to the Anna Lindh Network in Greece shall be unique in reaching local youth via the Colleges campus in both Athens and Thessaloniki. Considering the College’s profile of a 34-year history in the Educational field and the continuous communication with young people, Mediterranean College can assist the Greek Network in:
• achieving the goals of transmitting the Euro-Mediterranean values
• promoting cultural cooperation and social dialogue via the implementation of the aforementioned projects
• supporting other projects of the national network
• improving awareness of the network’s work in over 2,000 students of Mediterranean College
• improving awareness of the network’s work in over 5,000 students from other Educational Organisations of Xinis Educational Group

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network will enable us to share our work with other members around the 43 member countries, exchange ideas and find new partners for our future projects.
Another reason for us to join the Network is the role we wish to play as Mediterranean College in the field of Mediterranean Education and Research.
More specifically, our goals for our first year membership at ALF are:
1) to conduct a survey on Mediterranean youth study preferences
2) to promote informal education and collaborate with other members of the network for the 4th year biggest Educational Festival in Greece, Xinis Education Festival, March-June 2012
3) to meet other members and explore future project partnerships
Both of the above projects aim:
1) to enable local youth to gain qualifications and improve skills by receiving relevant certificates of attendance (via the free seminars/training sessions and workshops of the Festival)
2) to assist Greece and Mediterranean countries overall in raising the number of international student recruitment and intercultural exchanges
3) to expand collaborative opportunities with other members and implement projects together

Contact (1) Full Name
Katerina Xini
Head of the organisation
Professor Sophocles Xinis
Contact (2) Full Name
Philis Ramtsiou


National Network

Mamai 3A, Str.

+30 210 8228795
Telephone (other)
(+30) 210 8228795
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
National-level non-profitable, registered NGO, comprised/ administered by its Members' General Assembly and a 7-members' Administrative Board. At present, MedSOS employs 7 permanent collaborators/ staff while a network of Supporting Members and external partners is involved in projects in part-time or voluntary basis. Sources of funding include members’ subscription fees, private donations and public (national and international) project grants Modalities of action include information campaigns, production of print, audiovisual and multimedia material, organization of cultural events, environmental education & training (seminars, conferences) activities, youth volunteer work and exchanges, networking with NGOs and public agencies at local, national, regional level, media work
Mission and Objectives

MEDITERRANEAN SOS is a Greek environmental and social NGO, active since 1990, for the protection of the natural and cultural heritage and the promotion of sustainable development of the Mediterranean Sea area, for the dialogue between the peoples of the region. Aims:
Raising public awareness and encouraging changes in citizens' -especially youth- everyday behavior that impact on the environment
Advocating, lobbying and promoting cooperation among social partners, stakeholders amp policy-makers
Promoting active public participation in sustainable development strategies and demonstrating alternative solutions in local communities
Promoting intercultural exchanges and balanced international cooperation among European - Mediterranean partners

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects are activities focus around issues of:
• Marine environment & coastal zones
• Water Resources
• Natural protected areas, local communities, urban environment
• Energy and Climate Change
• Euro Med cooperation
• Civil Society and Intercultural Dialogue
• International NGO Networking
For complete details of recent projects and activities, please visit:

Contact (1) Full Name
Mrs Myrsini Koukiasa, Actions & Events Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Mr Evangelos Koukiasas, President of the Administrative Board


National Network


+30 210 6722714
Telephone (other)
+30 210 6779062
+30 210 8075444
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6945 770732
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6933 401928
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The structure of the organization is as follows:General Assembly, elected Board of Directors, Scientific Council, Director, Secretariat.7 Board Members, 3 alternate Board Members, 1 accountant, 1 administrator, 1 secretary, 2 Scientific Advisotrs,1 Research analyst, 1 person head of KEGME's Projects, 1 Financial auditor and 1 Project evaluator.The budgetary resources available in a year are 100.000,00 Euros average.Sources of funding are:Membership fees.Subscriptions.Co-financed projects by the EU, UNESCO, UN, Council of Europe, UNFPA, National Institutions.Private donors such as Banks, corporations, private enteprises etc.National and International Foundations.Modalities of action are concrete Projects, Seminars, Conferenses,Campaigns. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities are:GREECE:General Secretariat for Equality,General Secretariat for Popular Education,General Secretariat for Youth Affairs, Mediterranean Research Foundation,Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Germany.KEGME is a member of:The European Women's Lobby.The Mediterranean Women's Forum under the auspices of UNESCO.The European Network for Conflict Resolution of the EU.Board Member of the European Network for Women's Technical and Scientific Studies (ENWS) under the auspices of the Council of Europe.The Greek National Platform of NGOs for Development in the EU.KEGME is affiliated with various Greek NGOs, many universities in Greece, Europe, the USA, Australia, Asia and Canada, various women's NGOs from all Balkan countries, many research centers at national, European and international level.KEGME has singed a special agreement for consultative status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) and with the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Department for International Development and Cooperation.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to promote women's rights and their position in the public and private spheres in the Mediterranean and globally.Our objectives are To:1.  study, analyze and improve women's lives in all areas.2.  develop actions that increase gender awareness and promote gender equality.3.  develop gender sensitive methods and initiatives in conflict resolution and peace building.4.  sensitize and mobilize women for the protection of the environment and their cultural heritage.5.  initiate and participate in national and international campaigns and programes of global concern such as: trafficking, gender based violence, racism, AIDS and drug abuse.6.  empower women through capacity building in various skills enabling them to fully participate on equal  terms in political, socio-economic and cultural life.

Main Projects / Activities

Since its inception KEGME has developed and initiated a large number of research and development projects in Greece, the Mediterranean and in developing countries.  Sample projects from 1999 are:A.  Research:1.  Means of identification of sexually abused girls (1999-2000) within the EU DAPHNE Initiave.2.  Women at risk:  Trafficking in Albania (2003-2004) financed by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.B.  Peace and Culture:1.  Women's Dialogue for the promotion of Stability, Human Rights and Peace in South-East Europe withing the    EU Royaumont Initiative, 2000-2001.C.  Development / Cultural Heritage:1.  Cross Border Women's Agrotourist Network of Prespa Lake, Greece-Albania-FYROM, 2003-2004, financed by the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs.D.  Training:1.  Gender, Leadership, Communication and Women's rights, Tunisia 2006, financed by UNFPA.

Contact (1) Full Name
KATIA KOSSENTOU, Responsible for KEGME's Projects
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
KRINI KAFIRIS, Scientific Consultant