

National Network

Boutadwn 6
11153 Athens

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
Mission and Objectives

We are an entertainment group of companies here in Greece and our purpose is to help people, mostly children to entertain themselves with different activities. We provide theatrical shows free of charge for children under the age of 18. One of the most famous theatrical shows here in Greece is hosted in one of our buildings.

Main Projects / Activities

Theatrical shows, dancing shows, education courses and much more..

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am still searching about your network and I am not sure I can answer this question at this present time.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As I read a little your network is having similar activities with us and I would like to be accepted because here in Greece, at the present moment our people are in pain and are in need of help.

Contact (1) Full Name
Basilis Pouftis

Image Collective

National Network

26-28 Parthenonos Street, Akropolis, 11742

0030 210 9227879
Telephone (other)
0030 210 9227876
0030 210 9227876
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6948072296
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6944628426
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Image Collective is owned by Simos Zervas and has two permanent employees. It also occupies several professionals on a project basis. The annual budgetary resources are about 300,000 euros.
Mission and Objectives

Image Collective is an independent production company, operating in the sector of audiovisual productions since 2006. It produces television series, video clips and undertakes the filming of corporate and artisitic events. Image Collective's goal is to specialise in television productions, documentaries and corporate videos and to enhance co-producing in Greece and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

The company has produces 'The Alternative Traveller', a TV travel show that was broadcasted in ERT World in 2008-09. It has also produced several documentaries, corporate presentations and has covered numerous events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Andreas Loukakos
Head of the organisation
Andreas Loukakos / Simos Zervas
Contact (2) Full Name
Simos Zervas

Impact Hub Athens

National Network

28, Karaiskaki
10554 Athens

+30 210 3210146
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Impact Hub Athens is a community that inspires and connects people who, through responsible and sustainable initiatives, can bring change. We focus on an innovative approach that uses entrepreneurship as a tool for direct social impact. We are a team of 8 people & we host a community of about 80 members. We are privately funded and seek partnerships and funding from governmental organisations and foundations.
Mission and Objectives

Impact Hub Athens aims to create and support an ecosystem of sustainable and responsible entrepreneurs and innovators in Athens, providing knowledge, infrastructure valuable connections and a global platform to launch their initiaitives.

Main Projects / Activities

Space: We provide a coworking space 
Content: We design and deliver educational programs that empower and catalyze social entrepreneurs in their journey, supporting every entrepreneurial stage.
Community: We host a thriving local community of social entrepreneurs and innovators in Athens, connecting them to our global community of 10.000 people.

Contact (1) Full Name
Filippos Stamatiou
Job Title
Business Development & Partnerships
Head of the organisation
Impact Hub Athens Team
Contact (2) Full Name
Sophie Lamprou
Job Title (2)

Individual member

National Network

kastritsiou 6
54623 Thessalonique

0033 601327198
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
First of all, I have finished the departement of literature and civilization at the University of Aristotle in Thessaloniki and I have also finished a master degree at the same univeristy.Actually, I am student at the faculty of Law and Poltical Science at the University of Montpellier. During my studies, I would like to focus on human rights and diplomacy. At the same time, I like foreign languages. More particiulary, I speak as native languges French and greek and as foreign languages I speak fluently english, dutch and norwegien. I addition, and I am rower and I like sailing.  
Mission and Objectives

Speaking about missions and objectives, I had worked to Greenpeace Hellas in order to protect the enviroment and at the same time, to establishe the renewable energies in Greece. In France, I was volunteer on some mission of the local office of Greenpeace. More particiulaty, the first mission was concerning the subject of the libersation of greenpeace's activists. The next mission was about the monsanto's product and the product with OMG. During this mission, we support the ecologic and green local product. In Greece, I had worked at the organization A21 which is against the violence and the sexual abuse against women and generally fight for equal rights between men and women. Finally, In France, I am volunteer at the local office of Red Cross in order to help and support the homeless and foreign people who just ask a better life in europe.  

Main Projects / Activities

As main projects and activities, I would like to focused on promoting modern ideas for young people and promoting also the projects of some organizations like Think Young or Esn and EVS  which realized some events or seminars concerning the subject of youth education and volunteer services.    

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

studing political science and having some experiences concerning the subjet of human rights and the equality between sexes, I would like to focus on youth and education and on human rights. Cortibuting to the Network of Anna Lindhl Foundation, I think that it is a great opportunity for helping with my knowlegdes and to orientate my personal career especially for human rights.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I would like to join the Alf Network in order to focus on Human rights and the education of Youth. During my studies, I have focused on scandinavian education system and generally, I supprt the Lifelong Learning. Personally, I believe that it is about a great opportunity to learn and at the same time to give your personal point of view. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Adamantidis Stefanos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adamantidis Stefanos


National Network

Vasileos Irakleiou 14

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

InfinityGreece is a Social Enterprise that was established on 2014 as a non-formal students group. Our organisation is a leading entrepreneurship on Youth Empowerment in Digital Media with a variety of outdoor and indoor activities.
Our volunteer program is about developing soft and hard skills in Digital Media. This process is spitted in 3 parts: Content creation for a Media portal, (WebRadio, Blogging, Photography and WebTv), Management (Marketing, Human Resource, Project and Event management) and Technology (Web development and Web design). Since 2014 more than 450 young people volunteered on Infinity Greece. Each Content group and project operates with the supervision and assistance of an experienced volunteer youth worker, whose role is mentoring and supporting. Each mentor has optioned both theoretical and technical knowledge of the subject he is working on.
Our educational program includes series of workshops open to the public, trainings for our volunteers, workshops , the online educational platform Academy and granted on “openschoolsthess” project from the SNF (Stavros Niarchos Fundation) and Municipality of Thessaloniki, for after school activities in primary schools.
In addition we do outdoor activities such as treasure hunting, “My Bike Rocks” biking through the city and “pick a smile - action about international day of happiness" founded from the participatory youth budget of the Thessaloniki Youth Council.
Aim of our activities is to make young people active citizens, that's why we organize events and festivals in a way to leave our mark in the city. In total we account more than 54 actions, events, parties, workshops and festivals with total attendance over 16000 people.
Our vision is to make young people more creative, give them the opportunity to experiment and improve their soft and hard skills in a safe environment provided from the organisation.

We have experienced youth leaders, youth workers and mentors able to support young people and motivate them. Key persons involved in Erasmus+ projects are young leaders developed their experience abroad. This has not only given them strong educational basis but has also taught them how to communicate with people coming from different cultural and social backgrounds. Their knowledge spreads on various fields, based on non-formal education techniques and working with young people. Our staff expertise is on Digital & Social Media, Content Creation, Event & Project management, young people inclusion and intercultural exchange.
The key staff involved have been part of all the previous activities of the association.
• Ioannis Charchantis (Founder, Trainer) BSc on Informatics and Management, Trainer at Summer Camp and Sports & Culture facility, Content Creator and Video Producer, Music Theory Teacher.

Is the legal representative and founder of InfinityGreece. He is studying Informatics and Administration at the University of Macedonia and is a graduate of the New Conservatory of Thessaloniki, where he was also working as a music theory teacher.
In addition, he continues to undertake projects related to digital media and advertising, or education (inside or outside InfinityGreece).
He has been involved in children camps since 2005, where he first came into contact with European Program Participants (EVS and Youth Exchanges). In recent years, as an employee, he has worked with EVS participants on and off the campus many times. He has participated as a student in the Comenius program and as an adult in Erasmus + and AIESEC exchange and training programs.

• Dimitrios Papadopoulos (Marketing Director) Marketing and Human Resource Mentor, Project Manager at Business Mentality, Cooparator of Europe Direct Halkidiki.

Is a member of the InfinityGreece management team. Is is a student of Balkan, Slavic & Eastern Studies in the Department of Economics and International Business at the University of Macedonia and has proficiency in foreign languages ​​such as English, French and Russian at basic communication level.
Has participated in youth exchange (EU) programs as well as training seminars (TC) on the facilitation of the European ERASMUS+ Programs. He has been a direct partner at the EU Direct Europe Halkidiki, as well as a project manager at BUSINESS MENTALITY. At the same time, he has been in charge of youth exchange programs organized by BUSINESS MENTALITY. He has worked with EVS participants providing advice and support during their volunteer work. He is actively involved in digital media and communication with new people.

• Vasiliki Tsiakiridou (Creative Director) Digital Marketer, Content Creator, BSc on Balkan, Slavic Eastern Studies in the Department of Economics and International Business at the University of Macedonia.She is a co-partner of the InfinityGreece social enterprise and has proficiency in foreign languages such as English and Bulgarian. She has been a volunteer at InfinityGreece for the last 3 years and participated in training seminars (TC) on the facilitation of the European ERASMUS+ Programs. As part of her internship, she worked in TIF-HELEXPO and was a member of the organizing team of the 82nd Thessaloniki International Fair. Currently, she is involved in Digital Marketing and Content Creation, for business and mentoring purposes.

• Aleksandros Nanaj (Project Coordinator) Youth worker, Economist, experienced on international programs, Orator on intercultural project in primary school in Poland, cofacilitator on organisations trainings.

Born in Albania and at the age of 2 immigrated with his family in Greece. He is responsible for communicating with international partners, especially the Erasmus + programs and coordinating the projects.
Supports, informs and prepares the participants of the programs in which Infinity Greece participates as well as being the rapporteur and coordinator of the programs of the organization. He is a graduate economist with master on Energy Finance.
He has participated in several Erasmus + projects and is an active youth worker supporting organizations abroad and in Greece.

Mission and Objectives

Aim of our activities is to make young people active citizens, that's why we organize events and festivals in a way to leave our mark in the city. In total we account more than 56 actions, events, parties, workshops and festivals with total attendance over 21000 people.
Our vision is to make young people more creative, give them the opportunity to experiment and improve their soft and hard skills in a safe environment provided from the organisation.

Main Projects / Activities

Since the establishment of InfinityGreece more than 500 young people have been part of the volunteering program. All of them taking part through open calls, bringing something new in the organization and getting the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and get out of their safe zone. In the same way the participants of the projects will be a mixture of experienced youth workers and young people with fewer opportunities from Thessalonikis region, though open call on our pages ( and ). Depending on the needs of each project we share our call with our national partners as well as the National (Erasmus+, Education) agencies. Selection is based on participants profile, motivation and willingness to get involved and contribute to activities, taking in to consideration their background and the opportunities that possible had. Furthermore in each project we run we keep a genre balance, selecting the same number of participants from both genres.
For each project we create a closed Facebook Group for direct communication among participants and to ensure that each one of them is informed for related to the project subjects.
For sending project in addition we host a preparatory face to face meeting with our participants, giving them the first idea for the project and a guideline. We select experienced leader, who is able to support other participants and take action if need be. In addition we assist the group in task related actions and material preparation. We suggest the best way to travel and assist with travel related and practical tips. For safety reasons all participants make European Health insurance card. Participants will be able to contact our team members via social media before, during and after the project for support and assistance. During the project we are in close communication with our partners and ready to assist and provide what is needed to easy the project and ensure the quality of it. After the project we ask the participants to give as a copy of any available digital material (photography, video) and write a short summary of the project. We post them on our website and on our social media (more than 8000 likes on facebook and more than 3000 followers on instagram). Lastly we invite the participants to an open to public day to present the project their participated, thereby inspire newcomers and spread the knowledge they gained. In addition we are always ready to assist the participants on the follow up activities they choose to do, from a street activity to festival, they name it.
When it comes to training courses and seminars, the tools and methods developed during the project are taken into consideration as part of the organisation for future use and uploaded on our educational platform Academy where our members and volunteers have easily access.

In general InfinityGreece is active on fields of Digital and Social Media, Youth Empowerment and inclusion, hosting actions for schooling, social awareness, racism, young participation in social life.
InfinityGreece training program includes "Training Weekend", a two-day event dedicated to the training of participants. The program aims to integrate new members into the InfinityGreece team, gain technical and theoretical knowledge in the wide range of Digital Media, manage and utilize human resources and improve internal communication, giving impetus to the development of new ideas. During the program sessions are held to cultivate team spirit and partnership with digital media workshops on both the content and the technical needs of each module.
As part of our ongoing training of volunteers we offer “TeamWork in Digital Media ”, a series of seminars / workshops exclusively for volunteers, an 8-week course where, through innovative and interactive seminars, they acquire soft and hard skills, making greater progress, either in Human Resources Management or in Content Creation and Marketing. Seminar lecturers are experts in their field with experience in either non-formal learning or seminar education.
In the summer of 2019, we held the 1st Summer Training of InfinityGreece in our offices, focusing on developing collaborative skills within the organization's teams and co-creating the action plan for the new year with volunteers. The program lasted 5 days and in addition to the members of the organization, Ioannis Charchandis and Alexandros Nanaj, co-facilitators were experienced trainers and youth workers from teams and organizations collaborate.
We participated as trainers in the “YouthWin! Youth workers improving youth work now ”of KEDITH (Municipality Enterprise of Thessaloniki) where for two days we trained Greeks and Swedes on video production.
During the same period we hosted 2 study visits of Erasmus+ youth trainings in our offices as part of the actions "ERASMUS + Capacity Building" and "Using Social Entrepreneurship in Erasmus + - USEE +", where we informed them about social entrepreneurship, our social impact among young people in Thessaloniki, the local community, and the empowerment we offer to digital media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ioannis Charchantis
Job Title
Founder & President
Head of the organisation
Ioannis Charchantis

Initiative for Heritage Conservancy

National Network

Markora 20, GR11141

0030 210 5565605
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0030 6939367526
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
Structure: Director, and Academic Committee, Managers of different programmes. 4 full time employees Sources of funding: donations and grants. Under the auspices of the Greek Ministry of Culture, Annual audit by PWC
Mission and Objectives

The Initiative for Heritage Conservancy aims to promote best practices in heritage management through education and research.

Main Projects / Activities

Training and raising awareness through 5 lectures/workshops/seminars series
Training through summer sessions in digitization (with US, GR and UK unis and foundations), climate change and the monuments (forthcoming)
Visiting research scholar programme
Ethnography work for monument significance

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Evangelos Kyriakidis
Head of the organisation
Dr. Evangelos Kyriakidis
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Nota Pantzou

Insitute of Research and Training on European Affairs

National Network

Favierou str. 39
10438 Athens

0030 2130250217
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Institute of Research and Training on European Affairs was founded in 2010 by a group of young international relations scientists. Today it consists of almost 40 members working on a voluntary basis. More than 1000 young students participate every year in its actions, such as european institutions' simulations, conferences, research programs and european-funded projects. The I.R.T.E.A.s' actions are financially supported either by its participation in european-funded projects or by the fees of participation set in some of the organisation's activities. In the four years of its existance the I.R.T.E.A. has managed to create partnerships with almost every University on political science, humanities and business administration in Greece, such as the National Kapodestrian Univeristy of Athens and the University of Piraeus, as well as with other NGOs both in Greece such as the ELIAMEP, and in other countries, such as the B.E.T.A. in Germany and the Youth Council of Cyprus. Lastly it has established its cooperation with the Official Representation of the European Commission in Athens and with the Information Office of the European Parliament in Athens.

Mission and Objectives

The Institute of Research and Training on European Affairs was created  with the purpose to fill the gap created in Greece and Europe among theoretical education, practical education and labor market and to establish a strong academic center in Athens for the yourh across the EU and its partner countries. In order to achieve this mission, the Institute will promote the following purposes:     1. The Institute’s primary purpose is for the Greek youth to fully understand the mode of operation of Bodies and Institutions of the European Union.     2. The Institute will inform the citizens of the Union on the international relations of the European Union and its other member states with third counties.     3. The Institute has as its mission the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge and policy for the Environment and Sustainability, in order to realize a sustainable society.     4. The implementation of any kind of activity which contributes to the familiarization of the citizens of the member states of the European Union with different cultures and traditions.     5. The Institute aims to bridge the gap among the academic, social and business world in Europe. The most important thing for the Institute is to produce work living up to the requirements of this time and the young people. The Institute will train the young people so as for them to broaden their academic status and to pass from theory to practice. The Institute and the services provided are addressed to the younger generation, since the field of practical training in Greece is static and no expanded at all.

Main Projects / Activities

The actions of the I.R.T.E.A. could be divided in five main categories: the simulations, the conferences, the European programs, the actions related to media and the research programs. The simulations organized by the I.R.T.E.A. are four. The first one is the European Parliament Simulation ( Euro.Pa.S), which this year celebrates its five years of excellence. The Euro.Pa.S. has managed to be recognized by all the European Institution as well as the General Secretariat of Youth. In the five years of its existence it has gathered more than 1.000 participants from all over Europe. Our second simulation was the Military Academies Simulation with the participation of students of the National Military Academies of Greece. The simulated bodies are the Council of the European Union and of the Military Committee. The third Simulation is the Simulation of Private Corporations, named Be an Executive, created for post-graduation degree students, studying Business Administration, Economics, Marketing, Law and Human Resources  at the Athens University of Economics and Business. Last but not least, the Simulation of Euro-Summit in collaboration with University of Athens, Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy and Students Association for International Affairs, which aimed European postgraduate students. This particular conference simulates the European Council with the presence of Ministers of Economics. In the context of our research program our goal is to create and achieve a scientific outcome on issues related to Europe. To fulfill this mission we promote the efforts of the young students and we cooperate with all the interested in promoting as well this effort organizations. Working to this direction we participate in ECOSOC and Europaid. As an example some of our research programs are: “The strengthening of relations in security issues among the countries of Southeast Mediterranean.” “Participatory Democracy: The model of the positive direct democracy of Switzerland and can the EU adopt from that.” “The Balkan Member States as exponents of EU The European orientation and the Balkan States” In our actions related to media we have managed to organize three writing contests the past year, with participations from students in many Greek Universities. By creating this action our goal was to give the space to the Greek youth to express their opinion on daily issues regarding the Greek and the European societies. One of our most important actions which were created in 2013 and aims at becoming an annual event is the 1st European Economic Forum, taking place in Athens, Greece. This action aims at becoming the place where the economics and the society meet to discuss about the future economic plans and the sustainable development of Europe. Last but not least is our participation in European Programs. In 2013 we worked in the program B.E.S.T. (Bringing Europe at Schools and Teachers), in which we organized a simulation of the European Parliament for young pupils of the primary education. Our goal was to teach the kids using a fun game the way the European Parliament works and how the decisions are being made, in a simplified way. In the same year we participated in the program “European Citizens’ Year: The rights of the Youth as European Citizens”, in which we organized supporting the Research Centre of the University of Piraeus, three conferences for freshman students in the University and school students in their last year in the secondary education. Our goal was to raise the awareness of the value of the youth participation in the society in the EU. This year we work again with the Research Centre of the University of Piraeus in the program “Europe at Schools through Art and Simulation”. In this project we organize five simulations, one for teachers with almost 160 teachers working in the primary education and four for 300 pupils.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We believe that by participating in the network of Greece we can exchange good practises and know-how on the issues concerning the youth of Greece, which we have gained trhough our experience. Moreover we could cooperate closer and offer quality opportunities to the Greek youth for education and training on European, human rights and cultural issues. Last but not least we can disseminate the aims of the network and its results through our own activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We believe that joining the ALF Network is a great chance for the NGOs of the regions to find partners, exchange good practises, cooperate closer aiming at serving the civil society of their countries and improve the quality of their activities and its dissemination. Moreover the Network gives us the chance to work coordinated towards the cultural understanding and cooperation of the region. Therefore we wish to join the ALF Network and participate in its actions in an active and fruitfull way.

Contact (1) Full Name
Georgios Antonakakis
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Antonakakis George

Institute DDIKEOMA for the sustainable evolution of the corfiot culture

National Network

Corfu town / Municipal Theatre
Corfu (Kerkyra)

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
DDikeoma Institute is a NGO that serves as a centre for volunteerism on Corfu and accordingly works extensively with volunteers and local organizations that rely on volunteers. The DDikeoma for the sustainable evolution of Corfiot culture (NGO/ Number in Hellenic Court 93/2006) was founded on 27.2.2006 as a non-profit foundation with the goal of supporting creative cooperation and exchange toward the scientific, intellectual, social and cultural development of Corfu.
Mission and Objectives

The primary functions of the DDikeoma reflect and exhibit European Union values:
- Accessible Communication Channels/Access
- Diversity
- Participation
- Improving citizen conduct
- Involvement of Citizens with Local, National and European Institutions
(See also the attachment file)

Main Projects / Activities

To achieve and promote the aforementioned goals and values, DDikeoma has made use of the natural environment of Corfu. The DDikeoma has initiated an educational walking program of its own and has partnered with several NGO’s on Corfu that work toward educational, environmental and cultural development (Annual Corfu Symposium).
DDikeoma’s Walking Program makes use of trails that pass through the entirety of Corfu’s countryside. The trails pass through several environmental, cultural and historical sites. This makes the trails well-suited to educational programs that are accessible to people all over the island of Corfu. The trail also passes through a number of small villages, many of which are run down and nearing abandonment. The trail will inevitably lead to sustainable economic development and revive these traditional settlements.

Contact (1) Full Name
Petroulias Apostolos / Director
Head of the organisation
Petroulias Apostolos / Director

Institute of Entrepreneurship Development

National Network


(+30) 2410 62 69 43
(+30) 2410 62 69 43
Mobile Phone
(+30) 6977 43 55 87
Mobile Phone (other)
(+30) 6977 71 27 20
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1 Organizations’ Structure 1. General Assembly 2. President 3.1. Secretariat 3.2. Scientific Council 4.1. Humanitarian Aid 4.2. Research and Development 4.3. Counseling 4.4. Project Management 4.4.1. National Programs 4.4.2. European Programs 4.5. Promotion and Publicity 4.6. Economic department 6 employments and 40 partners 2 25.000€ 3 National and European projects 4 1. Club de Dirigentes de Marketing de Madrid, Spain 2. Avanzza, Spain 3. EBG, Germany 4. HELLENIC MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION – HMA, Greece 5. COFIMP, Italy 6. EDUCATIONAL MEDIA SERVICES SRL, Romania
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is to create an environment that promotes research and entrepreneurial spirit of the enterprises, creating long – lasting relations with the society and the academic community. Our vision is anthropocentric and our basic concern is to help citizens and disadvantage groups to improve their place in the society and to be a part of it more easily.
• Assistance to the developing countries in the fields of education, economic and social development.
• Promotion of the human rights and democracy
• Development actions for democracy and peace
• Contribution in the scientific research
• Protection of humanity and indignity
• Promotion of economic and social process of disadvantage groups

Main Projects / Activities

1. Financial Management of Interreg Project (FIMIP)
2. European Professional Marketing Expertise - EMC_pro: Accreditation of informal learning in the Marketing area - Leonardo Da Vinci
3. Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training : «Researching obstacles of Womans’ e-Entrepreneurship» - Archimed ??

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Anastasios Vasiliadis
Head of the organisation
Mr. Anastasios Vasiliadis
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Alexandra Charitonidou

Institute of International Economic Relations

National Network


+30 210 36 36 326
Telephone (other)
+30 210 36 20 374
+30 210 36 26 610
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
The Institute of International Economic Relations was established in February 1993 by the Greek Association of S.A. & Ltd companies. The Director of the Institute is Dr. Charalambos Tsardanidis. The institute collaborates with other research institutes in Greece and abroad. There is also cooperation with national institutions such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Greek Universities. The funding of the institute comes mainly from the Greek Association of SA and Ltd companies, the EU Commission and the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs The research programmes of IIER focus mainly on the following areas: * Problems and prospects of the international economy. * Globalisation and Regionalisation process. * Analysis of the Greek economic diplomacy and foreign economic relations. * Promotion of Greek exports and investment abroad. * Study of economic relations and prospects of Greece’s cooperation with South Eastern Europe, Central and Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean, African and Asian countries.
Mission and Objectives

The Institute's main objectives are:
To conduct research on the most significant contemporary issues in international economy paying special attention to the international economic relations of Greece.
To provoke and enrich the public debate in business, academic and political circles.
To put its expertise and consulting capability at the service of private and national institutions that determine the foreign economic affairs of Greece.

Main Projects / Activities

The Institute is organizing every year numerous of seminars for students, academics and enterprises. It has also organized international Conferences such as:
-The Euro-mediterranean Partnership-Perspectives from the Mediterranean EU countries (Held on October 2007 in Crete)
-The Panhellenic Conference on International Political Economy (every two years) For more information please visit our site.
It is also publishing the quarterly journal "Agora without Frontiers" (three issues in Greek and one in English every year). The institute has conducted research projects on various subjects. Indicatively:
-Prospects for Absorption of Returning Refugees to the West Bank and to Gaza Strip. Commission of European Union/Council of Ministers,1999
-Greece and the South-Eastern European States. Economic Dynamics Cooperation and Prospects, Athens: Secretariat General and Information, 2000
-Evaluation of the ten years function of the EMP. Prospects for the future, Athens: Institute of International Economic Relations, 2005
-Asian Migrants in Greece: Origins, status and prospects, Athens: Institute of International Economic Relations, 2007.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name