

National Network

19, Mithimnis Str, 112 57 Athens

0030 210 8616449
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0030 6973430545
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6972972700
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners Board of Directors (4 members), Executive Director, International Advisory Board (12 members), Head of Studies and Head of Tutors with annual contracts, 10 trainers payed per project and 2 staff employed. Budgetary resources available in a year 110.000 euros Resources of Funding Media Program, ERT, Ministry of Culture & Tourism, Athens Municipality, Goethe Institute Athens & Ramallah. Modalities of action: Workshops, Seminars and exchanges in the field of International co-productions documentaries. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: European Documentary Network, Dok-Festival Leipzig, SEMAT Productions, Egypt, Pen Media, Palestine, Box-Dox Festival Syria, Media to Community Network - Jordan, Hellenic Culture Foundation, ERT, Greek Ministry of Culture & Tourism, Athens Municipality, Goethe Institute (Athens, Ramallah and Tel Aviv ), Institute Francais (Athens and Ramallah), British Council. StoryDoc is a non profit international educational institute for documentaries based in Athens, Greece. StoryDoc specializes in providing professional development training to filmmakers from South and North of Mediterranean, to encourage the multilateral cooperation and to provide opportunities for culture and professional networking with key Industry players in Central and North Europe. StoryDoc training sessions focus on concept/idea development, film structure, script development, and production of professional trailer, preparation for participation in pitching forums, know-how and negotiating for international co-productions, introduction and promotion to the international market. To date StoryDoc has organized 20 international workshops In Europe and the Middle East and has a significant success record in producing results-documentaries–films
Mission and Objectives

StoryDoc has organized successfully four annually series of workshops for development and pitching forums with sessions in Ramallah Palestine, Athens and Corfu in Greece and Leipzig, Copenhagen and Sheffield. Storydoc has organized delegations of Mediterranean filmmakers to the Sheffield Doc Festival and to the Leipzig International Festival and exchanges delegation of producers between Israel and Greece. Furthermore Storydoc has established bilateral agreements with the international Festivals in Hanover, in Duisburg and Thessaloniki with the aim to host Special Promotion activities with the work of StoryDoc alumni. In 2011-2012 Storydoc was the educational partner in the film production project UNKNOWN LIFE where 12 youths from Germany and Greece explored, discovered unknown aspects of the social life in both countries and produced 6 documentaries with the aim to facilitate a deeper understanding between the nation in the time of financial crisis in Greece and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Storydoc intends to join the ALF Network with the aim to expand our network of associates in the Mediterranean area and in Europe, to exchange experience and work with in new projects similar to the mission of our Institute.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

• The development of skills of the Greek filmmakers in order for their films to be accepted by international festivals and international TV stations.
• The organization of meetings of creators/producers with international distributors, film fund representatives and commissioning editors with the aim of achieving international co-productions.
• The organization of group missions to acclaimed international festivals for the promotion of the Greek documentary.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We can contribute the ALF Network in Greece by co organize symposiums and conferences in Greece, by adding our local network of professionals and artists and through distribution of the ALF activities, press releases and calls among the potential interested organizations and individuals in Greece

Contact (1) Full Name
Konstantinos Spyropoulos
Head of the organisation
Konstantinos Spyropoulos
Contact (2) Full Name
Chara Lampidou

Hives Project

National Network

Nea Sermyli, Ormylia
63071 Ormylia

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

We are promoting environmental awareness by proposing low environmental footprint practices. We work for the betterment of our environment in the social aspect by promoting inclusion, gender equity and supporting people with disabilities and with fewer opportunities. We are applying permaculture and social permaculture.

Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the betterment of our environment, the improvement of living conditions, the improvement of our communicational skills , the cultural awareness .
Our vision is to show good example of co living and connecting with earth. To protect women and children. To provide opportunities to those with fewer ones. Cultural development and social awareness and development.

Main Projects / Activities

Seminars , trainings and campaigns through non formal education for empowerment of youth and of people with fewer opportunities.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to develop more activities in our area by offering our co living hub to your network, in order to host activities of more organisations active in the sector of youth.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because through the network we are aiming to our own development as well as the development of the network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giannopoulou Galilaia
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Giannopoulou Galilaia
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Home New Home

Societies in the Euro-Mediterranean region are experiencing challenges due to an influx of people fleeing war and violence from the South to the North of the Mediterranean. This, in turn, has instigated fears, prejudices and misunderstandings among different groups in...

Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

Home New Home

Les sociétés de la région euro-méditerranéenne font face à de nombreux défis en raison d'un afflux de personnes fuyant la guerre et la violence du sud vers le nord de la Méditerranée. Cela a, à son tour, suscité des craintes...

Horizons For Youth GR

National Network

Karaiskaki 28
10554 Athens

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

We are a youth organization, trying to create opportunities for young people who would like to be active, try and learn something new and gain some experience and knowledge for personal and professional development. We would like to enrich the educational, social and cultural life of young people living in our country, this is why we are mainly working with young people with fewer opportunities. Our organization is aimed towards a community of youth development, because we believe that young people can play an active role in public life and become partners in the decision-making processes, and a driving force in the shaping of the society they live in. We would like to contribute to the formation of a new successful generation, which is determined to change the world for the better. Our organization is mainly focusing on Human Rights education and the promotion of active citizenship through the spreading of the true meaning of the European lifestyle

Mission and Objectives

Our main goals are:
● to increase employment of young people and to support their personal and professional development,
● to inform and promote opportunities for young people about study abroad, internships, volunteering etc.,
● to promote European integration of western Balkan countries and constructive debate about EU,
● to encourage active citizenship and civic participation of young people in particular,
● to assist in building and developing a civil society based on the principles of democracy, freedom, pluralistic and rule of law, justice, responsibility and solidarity,
● to promote and seek the solutions for increasing the transparency in the allocation of public resources,
● to increase legal awareness of citizens and to promote and protect of human rights and freedoms,
● to encourage a responsible attitude to the nature and animals, to promote healthy lifestyles and environmental protection,
● to promote regional development and cross-border cooperation.
● to promote Human Rights education
● to improve educational methodology through Youth Work

Our motto is: Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind

Main Projects / Activities

We are very active in the field of youth and adult education as holders but also as partners of different kinds of projects in our country and abroad. We have a big experience in making youth exchanges, leading programs and personal consulting in critical situations. We are very interested in the topic, because by ourselves a lot of times we were making small activities about it. We will prepare our group for the project, so they would be even more motivated and ready for self development. After numerous participations to Youth in Action and Erasmus Plus projects hosted abroad by partner organizations and courses promoted by our local Volunteer Center; we have gained competences concerning the:

• creation of safe didactic environments,
• development of educational materials fitting each kind of approach and attitude,
• interpersonal relationships management and motivational techniques.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As Horizons for Youth GR, our contribution to the Anna Lindh Foundation Network in Greece could focus on promoting intercultural dialogue, human rights education and understanding. This can be achieved through various initiatives such as organizing cultural exchange programs, educational workshops, and community events that bring together people from diverse backgrounds. We will engage in collaborative projects with other members of the network to address common challenges and share best practices. Additionally, participating in and contributing to the network's conferences, seminars, and training sessions would be beneficial. Leveraging our organization's unique strengths and resources, such as youth engagement, educational expertise, or community outreach, to support the network's goals in Greece would be a valuable contribution. We will align our activities with the core values and objectives of the Anna Lindh Foundation, which focuses on fostering mutual respect and understanding across cultures. We consider this crucial for a meaningful and impactful collaboration.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As Horizons for Youth GR, our interest in joining the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network stems from our commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue and understanding, which aligns closely with the core mission of the ALF. Joining the network presents several opportunities:

1. Collaboration and Networking: Being part of the ALF Network would enable us to connect with like-minded organizations and individuals across the Euro-Mediterranean region. This networking opportunity can lead to collaborative projects, exchange of ideas, and sharing of best practices.

2. Cultural Exchange and Learning: The ALF Network is a platform for cultural exchange. By joining, we can participate in and contribute to various programs and activities that promote mutual understanding and respect among cultures. This aligns with our goal of educating and sensitizing youth about different cultures and perspectives.

3. Capacity Building: The ALF Network offers training, workshops, and resources that can help us enhance our capabilities in areas such as project management, intercultural communication, and community engagement. This capacity building is crucial for the effectiveness and sustainability of our programs.

4. Visibility and Influence: Being part of a prestigious and widely recognized network like the ALF would increase our visibility and credibility. It would also provide a platform to voice our perspectives and contribute to policy dialogues related to cultural and intercultural issues.

5. Resource and Funding Opportunities: Membership in the ALF Network can provide access to information about funding opportunities, grants, and partnerships that can support our projects and initiatives.

6. Impact Amplification: By joining the ALF Network, we can amplify the impact of our work. The network's reach and resources can help us to extend our influence and make a more significant contribution to promoting intercultural understanding and cooperation.

In summary, joining the ALF Network aligns with Horizons for Youth GR's mission and goals, and it provides a valuable platform for collaboration, learning, and amplifying our impact in the field of intercultural dialogue and education.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eirini Drakopoulou
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Eirini Drakopoulou
Contact (2) Full Name
Ilias Konstantinos Lazaridis
Job Title (2)
IT Manager

Humanitarian and Eurocultural Development Association (H.E.D.A.)

National Network

26 Dorileou str

0030 210 6461401
0030 210 6461073
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Humanitarian and Eurocultural Development Association (H.E.D.A.) founded in Athens in 2003, is a non profit, non governmental association, registered to the Hellenic Ministry of Foreign Affairs (International Development Cooperation Department – Hellenic AID) with compatibility of the D.A.C. criteria and registration number 235 and affiliated to the St. Catherine Monastery of Sinai . HEDA is also registered as a foreign NGO to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

H.E.D.A.’ s goals and objectives are to develop, encourage friendship and participation between the countries of Europe, Asia, and Africa so as to achieve development and cooperation in all aspects concerning human rights, humanitarian aid, social welfare, education, protection of the environment equality between men and women. Organize, direct and administrate in an international level exhibitions, trading centers, conferences, lectures, seminars and / or other events that aim in the interchange of socio-economic and cultural issues.

Main Projects / Activities

Construction of schools and nursery schools in Egypt, construction of medical centres, organisation of conferences, concerts etc

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Humanity Crew

National Network

Saint Lucas 5
Haifa 31041

(+972) 52-309- 2982
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
General Information
Humanity Crew is an international aid organization specializing in the provision of psychological aid to refugees and people in crises. We work to deploy mental health and psychosocial support to displaced populations in order to improve their well-being, to restore order in their lives, and to prevent further psychological escalation. Humanity Crew recruits, trains, and deploys mental health professionals and qualified volunteers to deliver psychosocial relief to refugees and displaced populations. Their current mission is to provide psychosocial support for refugees arriving to Europe in their own language. They do this through community based activities, focus group sessions and individual sessions for vulnerable cases. They have 6 employees and over 160 volunteers. All of Humanity Crew’s funding comes from community based support; the entire organization runs on private funding and community led support from volunteers and friends of the organization. In late 2016 Humanity Crew was presented the “Defenders of Refugee Rights” award at the 4th edition of Cities Defending Human Rights in Barcelona. The “Cities Defending Human Rights” project, which takes place in many municipalities around Catalonia was the first official recognition of our work. Upon accepting the award, we toured Catalonia where we held talks for two weeks, speaking to young people, visiting many cities, and meeting human rights activists.
Mission and Objectives

We seek to create a world in which mental health support is a fundamental component in all emergency efforts for victims of humanitarian crises.

Main Projects / Activities

Since November 2015 they have worked in camps, shorelines, ports, and the local hospital in the city of Mytilene, and mainly at Lesvos Solidarity - PIKPA Camp, which became the core of their fieldwork activity in 2016. Later, as a response to the EU-Turkey deal, they expanded to the north to Diavata Camp, Elpída Center, and Floxenia Housing Project on the outskirts of Thessaloniki in mainland Greece. In addition to their work at the camps, they ran significant emergency work during the height of the refugee crisis. They also initiated several emergency operations. These included work on-board rescue boats of our partners Proactiva Open Arms, mental health mobile clinics on shores and ports, and our work with hospital staff once refugees were referred there.
Their work in Greece included activities they held for children and adults which were tailored detailed activities to contribute to the resilience of the refugees, prevent the deterioration of their mental health, and enhance the communal empathy and support mechanisms. The activities, implemented by a team of native Arabic speaking mental health professionals and well-trained volunteers, support the refugees’ recovery by empowering them with tools and skills to cope with the traumas they have endured. They conducted daily activities for children that included recreational activities and non-formal educational activities. They led weekly activities for adults that included crisis intervention for individuals and families in need, as well as support group sessions which included gender and age sensitive groups for men, women and teenagers. From these group sessions, they then earmarked particularly vulnerable cases which they later treated on an individual case by case basis. They also conducted dyadic activities for infants and their primary caregivers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Humanity Crew has a lot of experience on the field and have been one of the few organizations that have dealt exclusively with MHPSS in the refugee's own langauge. We feel there is a lot to be taught and we have a lot to learn and a good way to do that is through wider netowrks that have similar goals towards human rights.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Similarly to what has been stated above, Anna Lindh is a great network that would potentially provide good contact, conferences, workshops, and general experience. We believe that the more we are exposed to other NGOs the better we become at our jobs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Jammal
Job Title
CEO & Co-Founder
Head of the organisation
Maria Jammal
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Boulus
Job Title (2)
Programs Coordinator

Iam not a doll project

National Network

11744 athens

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AND expand awareness of the project all over the world

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because i believe we support the same goals!
For a better world

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Kathi Vkeri
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Kathi Vekri


National Network

10446 ATHENS

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Media
  4. Others
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

IASIS NGO is a Non- Profit Organization, which composed by: i) Board of Directors, and ii) 50 Personnel. Our organization has a wide field of stuff, such as: Manager Psychologists Social Workers Nurses Physiotherapist Work therapist Administration Stuff Trainers General Duties Psychiatrist Pathologist Special Consultant Also, our budgetary resources are about 1.5 milion euros, while our funding comes from Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare, and European Union. About our action, we have concrete projects, such as: 1) Boarding House, 2)Day Center, 3)Youth Day Center called "Passe partout", 4) Shelter for Asylum Seekers, 5) Guest House for Asylum Seekers called "MELLON", 6) Project for women-victims of violence called "I have avoice, I take a stand". Also, we organize dozens of seminars per year, as well as participate in many european youth exchanges programs. Finally, we have many partners, which involved in our organization projects, such as: "NOSTOS" NGO International Organization of Migration Ministry of Health Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Welfare European Union Ministry of Finance  

Mission and Objectives

IASIS NGO was established in 2005 as a mental health care organization. Since then, we have developed housing and training facilities for social vulnerable groups such as mental health patients, immigrants, unemployed people, young offenders, victims of violence and youngsters. As an organization we have holistic approach to our beneficiaries. We provide them (apart from the specialized accommodation), training, coaching, specialized treatment and psychosocial support. For improving our services, we have established an R&D department in order to provide our staff with training and new tools. In this framework, we are looking for collaboration with other organizations in order to exchange knowledge, and develop new tools and techniques to support our beneficiaries. Our goals are the following: Providing services of early diagnosis and treatment of adults and their families. Organizing and functioning units of reception and provision of sufficient care to adults with psychiatric disorders. Functioning units that host vulnerable social groups. Organizing and implementing a consulting and supporting way of treatment. Providing specialized psychiatric services and psycho-educational interventions. Preventing and raising awareness of the adults’ family for his needs. Organizing and implementing of intermediate structures of diagnosis, therapeutic treatment of mental disorders, and reinstatement back to society. Planning interventions to the community in order to raise awareness for general matters (social responsibility, etc.) and for more specialized matters (such as immigration, people with special needs, etc.). Collaboration with hospitals and other psychiatric facilities, so the continuity of care is ensured by organizing a network in the community.  Training of Health professionals in matters of Mental Health. Implementing research programs.

Main Projects / Activities

Boarding House of IASIS NGO, which give shelter and psychosocial support to mental health patients that have just left from psychiatric asylums. Day Center of IASIS NGO, which provide psychosocial support to mental health patients that have just left from psychiatric asylums. Exchange of techniques on the community service of juvenile offenders, in order to identificate specific tools, techniques and methods of motivating young offenders in order to socially reintegrate them. Service for supporting abused women with mental health problems and/or mental disabilities "I take a stand, I have a voice", which provide psychosocial support for women with mental health problems and/ or mental disabilities who have been victims foe violence. Shelter House for unaccompanied children and single-parent families, called "MELLON", which provide shelter and psychosocial support to unaccompanied children aged 5-17 and single-parent families from war zones. Place an Train, which is a program in order to create a workbook for mental health professionals that helps them reintegrate their beneficiaries in the labour market. Soft skills for migrants in Europe, in order to create and provide tools taht wins immigrants empower their soft skills. Shelter House for Semi-autonomous accommodation, which provide a semi-autonomous accommodation to four of our beneficiaries Shelter House for immigrants, which provide shelter and psychosocial support to asylum seekers until they receive an answer to their request. Art Expression-Fight Depression. Youth education and awareness to fight depression through art through expression. UCoach!. A program which provide new skills to empower handicapped people to become more autonomous. Soultrip is a European Voluntary Service project (EVS).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the broad experience in the field of mental health, an adult education. Through the well experienced staff in mental health, research and adult education. Through the participation in European partnerships and the exchange of good practices. Through a well structured national and european network with NGO, hospitals and Universities. IASIS NGO is a member of "Psychargos", which is a National Psychiatric Reform Program in order to change the way mental health services.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Many of our firm`s goals are similar to your institutions principles goals. We are hoping to cooperate with other institutions in order to increase the standards of our services.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
IT administrator
Head of the organisation