
Groupe ATIC

National Network

56 Rue d'Iran Etage III Ap. 07 code postal 1001

+216 71 28 35 45
Telephone (other)
+216 71 28 35 42
+216 71 28 35 42
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+216 98 29 59 52
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Agence de communication socioculturelle nombre de l'équipe: 20 financement: restourne des activités Tunisie telecom et autres partenaires MEPI Notre objectif est la participation active dans les efforts internationaux visant la limitation de la fossé numérique, la promotion du tourisme solidaire et le renforcement de l’échange entre les cultures et les civilisations. Le groupe ATIC est une compagnie pionnière au niveau de l'investissement dans les domaines technologiques à forte valeur ajoutée, le développement du contenu numérique et l'exploitation des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication dans divers secteurs. Le Groupe ATIC participe dans les domaines liés à : - L'aide à la production des contenus touchant la réforme et le développement. - L'organisation des conférences et réunions en relation avec la société civile. - L'aide aux différentes composantes de la société civile pour développer leurs capacités communicationnelles, la sensibilisation et l'encadrement de leurs publics adhérents et la gestion électronique de leurs activités. - La conception, l'administration et la promotion des sites web. - La production des cd-rom multimédia interactifs. - Le traitement numérique du son, image et vidéo. - L'aide à la production des contenus numériques et à leur hébergement sur le réseau Internet.
Mission and Objectives

Groupe Arabe des Technologies d’Information de Communication est une Agence de Communication Socioculturelle sise à Tunis, « Multi service » Créée en 1998 opérant dans l’offre et la demande de ses clients et partenaires en matière de communication, (Evénements, Conseil en communication par l’objet, idées innovatrices, Développement de contenu significatif, création de sites Web…
Le Groupe ATIC est pionnier au niveau de l'investissement dans les domaines technologiques à forte valeur ajoutée, le développement du contenu à caractère éducatif et de réforme, vulgarisation de culture de dialogue interculturel et de la paix et l'exploitation des nouvelles technologies de l'information et de la communication dans divers secteurs.
Notre objectif est la participation active dans les efforts internationaux visant la limite de la fosse numérique, la promotion du tourisme solidaire et le renforcement de l’échange entre les cultures et les civilisations.
• Une sensibilisation intelligente de rapprochement entre les peuples et coopération pour construire une société universelle solidaire.
• Offrir de vastes opportunités d'échange et de partenariat entre les différents acteurs économiques, sociaux et culturels.
• Approfondir le débat sur un sujet stratégique et futuriste,
• Toucher les différentes tranches d'âge ainsi que toutes les composantes de la société méditerranéenne et faciliter une bonne communication cohérente et accessible.

Main Projects / Activities

Le Groupe ATIC gère aujourd’hui :
- Une campagne de sensibilisation sur le sport en tant qu’un pilier fondamental d’une culture de dialogue et de paix,
- EuroMed Network www.euromedspace.net est un espace pour entrelacer les différents réseaux dans les 43 pays membres de l’Union pour la Méditerranée.
- Lancement des sicles de formation civique et politique dans le but de créer des leaders à fin de réaliser une société ouverte, tolérante et démocrate.
Le Groupe ATIC participe dans les domaines liés aux :
- L'aide à la production des contenus touchant la communication d’entreprise : Marketing, créativité d’idées innovantes et fidélité des clients.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelfattah Idoudi
Head of the organisation
Abdelfattah Idoudi

Groupe Scolaire Les Nouvelles Générations

National Network

Bousmail ajim
4123 Djerba

±21670 279 340
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We are an international private school with the IB system. Around 100.000 Euros. We organise activities for students and national competitions to engage themin the civil word. There few partners engaged yes.

Mission and Objectives

To create reliable students and future global citizens.

Main Projects / Activities

Creating national competitions and partnerships with local government that help students develop their learning skills.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I will supervise the process and helps students gain the best experience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To develop my personal experience in debating and help my students improve their leading and speaking skills to gain more self confidence.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kais Ben Temellist
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Adel Haj Yedder

Guide d'orientation de la digitalisation des municipalités

Depuis 2011, la Tunisie s’est engagée dans un processus de réforme économique, politique et sociale qui l’a conduit à reconsidérer la conception du développement régional et local à travers l’amélioration de l’organisation et du fonctionnement de l’administration publique. Afin de...

Hannibal charity

National Network

Rue de lac Léman les berges du lac
Immeuble herthouma
1053 Les Berges du lac

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

hannibal charity was founded in 2017 by Mohamed Hamdi Nasra.
The Hannibal Charity was founded to take Care of the Families of the Wounded and Martyrs of the Nation from the Security and the Army
it adopts several programs that provide subsidies to the families of the martyrs of the homeland.
These programs are comprehensive and provide an umbrella under which many projects can fall

Mission and Objectives

Cooperation, solidarity and partnership
Charity work is based on cooperation and coordination between all parties, whether at the government level or at the level of civil society institutions and donors. • Integrity, credibility and transparency
Through investigation of integrity, transparency, responsibility and accountability in all activities and projects implemented and through continuous pursuit of development and renewal • Social Responsibility
The Association plays a leading role in Tunisian society by tackling negative phenomena, social deprivation and promoting the values ​​of support and help. • Culture of teamwork
It must be based on teamwork, brotherhood and cooperative work. • Justice and equality
The belief that every family who has lost a son in defense of this country has the right to receive benefits and services provided by the association without affecting their political affiliation or nationality • Commitment
The belief that mutual trust is the basis of success and that trust is generated by hard work.
• Respect By respecting the principles and customs of Tunisian society

Main Projects / Activities

1. Eid clothing project 2016-2017-2018-2019
2. Social Welfare Project “Ramadan 2018”
3. Ramadan Quffet Project 2020
4. The project to bring medical equipment “Coronavirus 2020”
5. Ramadan Quffet Project 2021
6. The project to bring medical equipment “Corona Pandemic 2021”
7. The Winter 2021 Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Creating partnerships with many organizations and associations on a national and international level, in addition to openness to cultures and international relations to advance marginalized communities

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The cultural and social path that Anna Lindh follows is compatible with the aspirations and goals of the Hannibal charity

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Hamdi Nasra
Job Title
President of the association
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Hamdi Nasra

Hatem Atallah

Executive Director of the Anna Lindh Foundation (2015-2017). Atallah has a rich diplomatic background as the Tunisian ambassador in several countries including US, UK, South Africa and Ethiopia. He was also the Permanent Representative to the African Union, the Economic...


Hatem Atallah

Directeur général de la Fondation Anna Lindh (2015-2017). Hatem Atallah a une riche expérience diplomatique en tant qu'ambassadeur tunisien dans plusieurs pays dont les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni, l'Afrique du Sud et l'Éthiopie. Il a également été représentant permanent auprès de...

Hatem Louati

National Network

D6 Rue Taher Sfar, Res. Aicha, Cité El Hana
2078 La Marsa

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Youth and education
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Hippocampe. Art et Citoyenneté

National Network

14 rue Fatma Fehria, 1082 Mutuelleville

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Notre statut est celui d'une association tunisienne. Les membres fondateurs sont au nombre de 13 personnes, âgées de 20 à 75 ans et parmi lesquelles figurent des plasticiens, des cinéastes, des critiques d'art, des musicologues, des photigraphes, des universitairesn, des médecins et des journalistes. Nous avons projets concrets, l'un pour 2011, l'autre pour 2012. Nos partenaires sont le Ministère de la culture, le Ministère de la femme et des associations de femmes (ATFD et AFTURD).

Mission and Objectives

NOTRE MISSION : Contribuer au développement régional et à l'éveil à la citoyenneté, par le biais de l'art et de la culture1. NOS OBJECTIFS : 1.Favoriser le rayonnement et le dialogue des cultures méditerranéennes 2.Contribuer au développement régional par la promotion d’un tourisme culturel et solidaire 3.Dynamiser le patrimoine culturel des régions de l’intérieur et y encourager la créativité 4.Développer une meilleure connaissance mutuelle entre les jeunes des deux rives de la Méditerranée, favorisant la paix entre les peuples

Main Projects / Activities

Nous souhaitons promouvoir un tourisme culturel vivant générant une interaction des touristes et de la population locale dans une relation humaine fondée sur l’ouverture, le respect, et l’envie de mieux connaître l’autre. Par l’organisation de festivals culturels et d’ateliers de création dans les régions défavorisées du pays, nous voulons créer des espaces de rencontre véritable des cultures. Nous espérons contribuer ainsi à l’émergence d’une culture de paix et de solidarité, conduisant à la fraternisation des peuples.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Faten M'hamdi

Horizon for the development and citizenship

National Network

Rue Hedi Khefecha
Maison des jeunes Dar Chaabane Elfehri
8011 Dar Chaabane Elfehri

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Horizon pour le développement et la citoyenneté is an active Tunisian NGO, born from the passion of a few youngsters who wanted to take action and make a change in the society after the Tunisian revolution in January 14, 2011. We focus on national and international networking among young people, students, trainers and teachers. We tackle topics such as inter-cultural exchange, non-formal education, ecology, sustainable development, Entrepreneurship, citizenship and national policies. We have an experience in youth field (Euromed Youth projects: international youth exchanges, Salto trainings, Erasmus+, OFAJ trainings ...).
We are aware of our social responsibility as youth and we are willing to be more active and dynamic and use our potential in a good and useful way. We aim at acquiring new skills and using them for young people around us to make them realize the power, energy and potential they have. Participation of young people, Community development, Human Rights, Intercultural dialogue and Volunteering are some of the topic we are focused on.
We aim to initiate, promote and implement sustainable and active development measures regarding the quality of life, seeking to build a responsible and active society in terms of cultural, educational, social and entrepreneurial spirit development.

Mission and Objectives

Our Missions:
- To establish in the Tunisian youth some important notions such as: citizenship, creativity, democracy, equality and freedom of speech.
- To help the youth to better develop their lives and levels through trainings in different fields.
- To develop in the Tunisian youth the notion of tolerance, acceptance and dialogue of religions and civilizations through youth exchanges programs, volunteering and intercultural training.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Training Course: Radicalization and Extremism: December 2017: Toulouse (France)
This training is funded by the German and French Office of youth. And The workshop tackles reasons and causes leading to Violent Extremism. Participants from Germany, Tunisia and France looked at the measures in place to ensure an Internet of Trust in the wake of violent extremism that is becoming a major challenge for many societies and is threatening the security and fundamental rights of citizens all over the world. In this training we focused in the role of Media to reduce dangers of Extremism and fight against radicalization.

2. Training Course: Radicalization: youth workers roles and responsibilities
December 2018, (Dresden, German)
This Training is also funded by the OFAJ German and French Office of youth. It aims to offer a space for reflection, sharing practices and exploring their interdependencies, between youth workers and other kinds of practitioners working in the field of building resilience against young people's violent radicalization.
During this training participants were seeking for more effective approaches and strategies to respond to this challenge. In this seminar, participants agreed that realities of this emerging trend make it necessary to emphasise the need to work with young people in Europe and its neighbouring regions, in order to strengthen their resilience to violent radicalisation, and reinforce the openness and inclusiveness of the communities in which they live using social media channels.

3. Youth Exchange: Hannibal, leçon de la l’espace ouvert, May 2016 (Nabeul, Tunisia)
This project is funded by Euromedyouth programme
The cultural wealth of the world is its diversity in dialogue. Proceeding on that quote, comes the idea for this project that meet the management of cultural diversity on the Euro- Mediterranean region. Each event is a lesson, provided to draw good morals. Hannibal inspires us a beautiful lesson of cultural heritage as a factor for dialogue, peace and social cohesion.

This project is a positive reaction to the stereotypes of religious and cultural practices that have led to the appearance of discrimination and hatred. (Islamophobia and Islamophobic acts have increased especially after the waves of illegal immigration and terrorist actions that lead to confusion between diversity and extremism). This youth exchange project focuses on intercultural dialogue and the role of history not to read the past, but to read the future by
learning intercultural skills responding to diversity in equal dignity.

4. “young rowers... face sailboats”: youth exchange: In 2013 we have organized a youth exchange that tackled the theme of illegal immigration in the Euromed region. It was funded by Euromed youth program with the participation of many partners that face the same problem like Italy, Morocco, France, Egypt.. https://web.facebook.com/groups/203616323148111/
This project contributes to the current actions of the Euro-Mediterranean community in the field migration. This is an initiative in synergy with the efforts to address the problem of illegal immigration.
We tackle topics like minorities rights, social and economic rights, role of civil society and importance of cooperation between both side of the Mediterranean sea countries.
« Jeunes Rameurs ... face aux Voiliers » “young rowers... face sailboats” : aimed at Creating a space for discussion, development of a reflection on the issues of illegal immigration, strengthen operational commitment and cooperation of civil society in the management of illegal immigration.

Participants had the opportunity to get new or deepen their knowledge in youth migration & mobility, minorities and share best practices with their colleagues and spent quality time for introspection and reflection of their work and future collaborations. They will learn how to work within their communities and how to use different tools and techniques basically arts creations, cinema, theater and social Media.

5. Perspectives against Unemployment: (Brendisi, Italy, 2016) it’s an Erasmus+ project about promotion and valuing of territories and cultures. In this project Participants discovered, created and reflected on their future opportunities. Tourism and promotion of territory represent an important activity and one of the most powerful economic resources.

6. Feel Food: (Brendisi, Italy 2016) Erasmus youth exchange that aims to the valorisation of EuroMed food in order to promote solidary tourism in rural area.

7. Free rural Women: It’s about youth work empowerment of rural women, especially in terms of providing opportunities for self-assessment, development of skills and competences and by giving practical support in the attainment of self-realization. The promotion of young women employability through non-formal education. In this project we focused on the concept of entrepreneurship, the competences needed both for the target groups and youth workers and above all we intend to set an inter-sectorial partnership among participants for future cooperation.

8. Neet Worker: (Zakopani, Poland, 2018) The main aim of the project is to provide a space, for 14 organisations from Erasmus+ programme and partner countries, to establish new partnerships and exchange good practices in the field of social inclusion (focusing on young people in NEET situation). The other important part of the seminar will be a “Tool fair” where each of the organisation will have a chance to implement their workshop, using methods or techniques they use in their daily-based work with the target group they work with.

9. To be employed or not: ( Akcakoca, Turkey, 2017) Erasmus Youth exchange about the employment and unemployment problem that appears as the most important and social problem facing us. The concept of unemployment which causes deep impacts on economic and social impacts has great importance and poses danger especially for a specific group. Those who are mostly affected among these groups by the unemployment are the young.
In this context, overall aim of the project is to create new ideas which will focus on employment of the youngsters by promoting their creativity and entrepreneurship and their active participation in labor market.

10. Youth Megaphone: Decision makers: This project started from one consideration: young people issued from minorities communities are social actors who express in a more ambitious and idealistic way concepts related to democratic participation but, at the same time, they represent the category that, more than others, expresses its disaffection for the political world, although youth policies, in particular, should be aimed to youngsters’ involvement in decision making being their protagonists. Young people should be considered as a real resource in which to invest, without neglecting their role as citizens aware, critical and active participants in the development of society. Equally youth policies should be aimed to youths in order to guarantee a real involvement in decision making processes not only as beneficiaries but principally as actors. Mass Media was one of the best ways to help those young to be more involved.

11. Wind of change through innovative actions: it’s a KA2 project that aims to help the unemployed minorities to be involved economically in their societies. We believe that one of solutions for the current young unemployment passes through the development and training on the ICT based capabilities. Thanks to this project we take part in helping our target groups offering training sessions for youth workers and young people within mobility activities.

12. 4R, Roma, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle : (Craiova, Romania, 2021) This project aims to bring together youth from 7 countries (Romania, Turkey, Greece, Tunisia, Serbia, Croatia,Italy) in order to realize a business based on products from recyclable materials. This project involved 35 participants from 7 countries for 5 days in Craiova, Romania in a dialogue with local youth authorities, with youth leaders, to identify the effects of social entrepreneurship based on green recycling in the social integration of the Roma minority.

13. Startup your future: we are currently working in this project with close collaboration with TALENT HUB (entrepreneurial training center). This project is funded by the international German cooperation Agency (GIZ). The general aim of the project is to create new projects which will focus on employment of the youngsters by promoting their creativity and entrepreneurship skills and their active participation in labor market.

14. Artists for rural solidarity tourism: this project is funded by the Tunisian ministry of youth and sport. The aim is to valorize rural heritage and enhance natural resources of the rural communities in order to enhance a rural solidary tourism. This project involved local actors and European painters that would create drawings to be sold on line for the benefit of those rural areas.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Horizon for the development and citizenship will actively join the activities planned by national Network and contribute to their successful establishment. Since we have expertise with many international programms like Erasmus+, OFAJ, Solidarity Corps, Pnud, GIZ, Expertise France we can share our knowledge and contribute to the richness of Tunisia National Network.
we can also propose projects and activities and invite the Network to partner with us to make stronger and more effective consortium for much more social impact.
Ultimately, we can also contribute to enhancing the quality of the capacity building activities via our experts in different fields.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF Network, because we believe that this Foundation can enhance our strenghts and can give rise too many new opportunities for international cooperation. The ALF Network is proposing many trainings and funding programs and we think it really fit with our missions and objectives.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Salem Ben Houia
Job Title
Senior youth worker (Ministry of youth and sport)
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Samah Yazidi
Job Title (2)

i Photo Kairouan

National Network

16 rue 3 Aout Kairouan
3100 Kairouan

(+216) 21 039 446
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
21 039 446
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information

Means to develop a picture of Kairouan Through cultural image, video, and encourage Young people to volunteer work.

Mission and Objectives

Through the photo gallery and videos of the definition of cultural heritage Through seminars

Main Projects / Activities

So we fairs Photos Seminar to introduce the cultural heritage Participation in association with awareness campaigns

Contact (1) Full Name
Hindaoui Abderrahim
Head of the organisation
Zied Nsir
Contact (2) Full Name
Nsir Zied