
Jeunesse sans Frontières - Tunisie / شباب بلا حدود - تونس / Youth Without Borders - Tunisia

National Network

9 rue Mohamed Ali Annnebi - Montplaisir 1073 Tunis

+216 71901013
+216 71 277 238
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+216 97 184 756
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 23 743 036
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Others
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information

ASSOCIATION A VOCATION GENERALE Le bureau directeur de l'association compte 11 membres bénévoles Un coordinateur au niveau de chaque région

Mission and Objectives

-Contribuer à la promotion de la culture du dialogue, de l'esprit d'initiative et des valeurs de volontariat et l’ouverture sur l'autre. -Participer à l’enracinement des valeurs de la citoyenneté et de l'identité nationale chez les jeunes. - Contribuer à sensibiliser les jeunes à la nécessité de préserver les biens publics et privés. - L'organisation de programmes de formation, de stages ou d'activités visant à faciliter l'intégration des jeunes dans la société civile ainsi que le suivi de leurs préoccupations et aspirations. - La participation à divers séminaires et réunions sur le plan national, régional ou international, afin de faire connaître les compétences tunisiennes dans tous les domaines. - L'organisation de colloques et la publication de recherches et d'études dans divers domaines (santé, environnement, sport, éducation, développement ...).

Main Projects / Activities

- L'organisation de programmes de formation, de stages ou d'activités visant à faciliter l'intégration des jeunes dans la société civile ainsi que le suivi de leurs préoccupations et aspirations. - La participation à divers séminaires et réunions sur le plan national, régional ou international, afin de faire connaître les compétences tunisiennes dans tous les domaines. - L'organisation de colloques et la publication de recherches et d'études dans divers domaines (santé, environnement, sport, éducation, développement ...).

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Kairouan Community

National Network

13 rue Aslem ibn Salim
3100 Kairouan

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Kairouan Community established in 2014 is a first association in Tunisia based on multi-sectoral cooperation between NGOs, local authorities and business acting jointly for the local development and fostering local initiatives. The experience of Kairouan Community is rich thanks to the diversified experience of its members. Kairouan Community is supported by the representatives of Polish: Development Policy Foundation (fpr.org.pl) and Press Club Foundation. Both NGOs helped in creation of Kairouan Community, as a continuation of efforts to boost the development of civic society and increase the social awareness and sense of responsibility in local development (projects financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Poland, Support for Democracy Programme 2013 & 2014).

Mission and Objectives

The main goals: sustainable environmental, social and economic development in Tunisia; mainstreaming of durable solutions to social & economic malaise and underdevelopment of urban and rural communities; political & social and economic empowerment and activation of disadvantageous and marginalized areas and vulnerable groups and communities.

Main Projects / Activities

NGO representatives in Kairouan Community are sharing their experience of various programmes and projects: association “We Love Kairouan” promoting ecology, active citizenship, supporting young leaders - programme “Get Involved… Think green” (financed by Institut fur Auslandbeziehungen), programme Jeunesse & Leadership; association A.G.I.M (Association Générale des Insuffisants Moteurs de Kairouan) which run the daycare center for disabled people and implement the art therapy within a framework of vocational training; association “Gouvernance Participative” organizing various campaigns aiming to increase the awareness and support the participation of all citizens in public debate; Association Tunisienne du développement vert et des énergies renouvelables ATDVER – projects on alternative composting methods and projects on using alternative energy sources in Kairouan.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As members of the Tunisian Network we can share the experience of multisectoral cooperation of NGOs, local governmnet and business on the local level, supporting local initiatives and helping to solve existing problems in the city.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining the ALF Network will be an opportunity to find partners within the field of activity, as well as learn about interesting ideas, actions and possibilities in Tunisia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Saied Baklouti
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Saied Baklouti

Kantara SEA

National Network

Pulled Bout Ali
3070 Sfax

216. 51 157994
Telephone (other)
216. 98 421377
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
216. 51 157994
Mobile Phone (other)
216. 98 421377
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
General Information

Local environment defense, sustainable development based on inheritage economic specificities of kerkenna and other objectives are disserved by an organizational staff of four persons and 30 partners. We had resources in membership contributions and some donators.
Last year we wined an european grant of 10000 euro (enseres project) which we have employed in a project called "kerkenna clean beaches" in which we mobilised school children, students and three NGOs partners; scout organization, a local association called AKDDL ( Ass. Kraten. Dev.Durable.Loisir) and a students club said SEA ( Sovrein Eather Aither).
We aim in a more wide future partnership with fishers communities and women acting in local grapes production. These communities use to be empowred against many factors from climate change to the trawling cheaps that destroy shallow sea beds.

Mission and Objectives

environnement protection in sea, beach's and on lands. Promoting circular economy. Ecoresponsibility . enhance social resilience.

Main Projects / Activities

We aim to invest in protecting costal shallow seabeds against trawling activities in order to empower local fishers resources.
We are working to enhance economic valu of local grapes production which is manly women activity in kerkenna. This objective is attainable by making legal wine transformation and labelling it.
Promoting ecoconscience and ecoresposibility in new generations

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

in our country? We'll try of course, but we will be certainly more efficient in our island, kerkenna.
Then we like to share and exchange experience and knowledges.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we can act alone in our area and progress slowly in small inclusive projects. That won't be bad, but being open on the world's scale seem to be more efficient and we maked the choice to be more implicated in world changing efforts.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Chelly Ghassan
Job Title
President association
Head of the organisation
chelly Ghassan
Contact (2) Full Name
Chilly Saber
Job Title (2)

kantara SEA (Save EArth)

National Network

Ouled Bou Ali
3070 Sfax

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

executive bureau is conducted by a president, a vice-president and a treasurer. in addition we rely on 13 to 20 members yearly. their money contributions is part of our resources. we collect donations from entreprises when is needed. last year we had been funded by an european project named ANSERES in a 10000 euro programme and we had managed a total budget of 13000 euro/year.
we act on environmental projects manly in our island and we had developed there a large net of partners from local ones (municipality, Elkraten ONG, Hnacher fishermen community) to national institutions (scouts national organisation, regional direction of education, Notre Grand Bleu ONG)

Mission and Objectives

defending local environment and promote sustainable development in kerkenna.

Main Projects / Activities

kantara SEA organises every year an environmental camping for childeren. the camp starts usually with plastic waste collecting on beach and it teach children how to live cleanly on coast.
kantara has conducted "kerkenna- clean beachs" project in partnership with ENSERES initiative 2022-2023.
it has supported the constitution of Hnacher local fishermen group in 2022.
and it has initated the creation of "marine educative area" in a zone highly menaced by sea and sebkha. main purpose is to start learning about sea rise level impacts and fighting methods.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we are one of the organisations in kerkenna. it is a small island but its problems are verry big regarding development, sustainabilitie, and environment menaces. so we can.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we adopt the idea that big changes are mostly done by small ones. so we aim to cooperate.

Contact (1) Full Name
chelly ghassen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Chelly Ghassen
Contact (2) Full Name
mejri randa
Job Title (2)
vice president


National Network

Hub Design Denden
Independence street
2011 Tunis

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Research
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the network by organizing events, workshops, projections and spreading hope thoughts in the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To achieve my dreams, my goals and to be part of the world's community of changemakers .

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamed Khalil Hamdi
Job Title
Artist & social activist
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Khalil Hamdi

kef organic association

National Network

93 farhat hached kef
7100 kef

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

the kef organic association is created in march 2014 and have a 148 menbership within the organic certified grower ,farmers also kids , youth and civil socity. generly the resources of the association are coming from the donnation of the menbers also from international organization such as ILO: international labor organization , VNG :CILG-VNG international, GIZ : germany , slow food and terra madre - 100000$ from the international  organisation  - 30 000 tunisian dinar from the menberships   

Mission and Objectives

non - formel education -good agriculture practice whitch respect the environment and minimies soil and water polution - organisation of trainning and workshops for rural womens in order to improve them skills and incomes -saving the local seeds by the conservation and the multiplication -perparing a healthy and safe food for the community from the local product -organaize and participation in international exchange programms in the filds of interest  

Main Projects / Activities

- trainnig for rural community for good organic practices : ILO (50000 $)  - valorisation and mangement of green wastes : composte : VNG (30000$)  - participing in international festival : italy , torino : convivium slow food kef (5000 $) : local food produced from local varrity and seeds  - organisation of olive oil tasts and dugustation , home made traditional food   for children and youth : bio-kef (2000 tunisian dinar)     

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

-improve the quality of our local products by using a safe and good practices. -organasing meetings and trainning for community teams in the filds of interset - increasing the participation of rurual women in the family decision and improving here levels and skills  -by  participating in international exchanges programms we improve the knowelege of the community and share the experiences of others countries - sharing new tradition, habit, culture of other nations also leran how to tolerate the differences in a mind thinking. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

join ALF network allow us to: -share new experinces and new  technolgy - cooperate with new methods and larger network  - exchange group visit with other association  - consolidate and support the effort of ALF

Contact (1) Full Name
moez ben dhief
Job Title
professor researsher in horticulture science
Head of the organisation
moez ben dhief
Contact (2) Full Name
aroua leila
Job Title (2)
trainner youth

Kerkennah Sports & Loisirs

National Network

3072 Sfax

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Kekennah sport & loisirs visent l'animation de l'archipel de kerkennah ...Un archipel appartenant à la ville de sfax ..capitale du sud
Mission and Objectives

Animation de l'ile

Main Projects / Activities

organisation d'évènements sportifs et de loisirs 
former des cadres dans le domaine de l'organisation 

Contact (1) Full Name
Mechti seifeddine
Head of the organisation
Mechti Seifeddine
Contact (2) Full Name
Nazek Bouteraa
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Konrad Pedziwiatr

Professor at Cracow University of Economics. Pedziwiatr's expertise lies in Sociology of migration and religion, social movements, Islam and Muslim communities in Europe, Islamism in MENA countries, immigrants in Poland and Polish migration policy. Recently he has been involved in...

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Konrad Pedziwiatr

Professeur à l'Université d'économie de Cracovie. L'expertise de Konrad Pedziwiatr réside dans la sociologie de la migration et de la religion, les mouvements sociaux, l'islam et les communautés musulmanes en Europe, l'islamisme dans les pays MENA, les immigrants en Pologne...

L' association tunisienne des auberges et tourisme des jeunes :Le comité régional de sfax

National Network

place achiche sous la salle des fêtes municipales de sfax bab bhar 3000 sfax

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
L'association tunisienne des auberges et tourisme de jeunes est une association non gouvernementale à but non lucratif. elle est structurée de cette façon: - Un comité directeur national contenant douze membres élu après un assemblé général électif pour un mandat de 4 ans( agissant au capiltal Tunis ). - Des comités régionaux contenant sept membres chacun élus après un assemblé général régionl électif pour un mandat de trois ans. Cette structure a pour objectif de diriger les activités liées à l'association au sein des gouvernants. -Des comités locaux élus pour un mandat de deux ans agissant au sein des délégations. -Des groupes d'activités spécialisés formés par des jeunes adhérents( groupe folklorique; théâtre; études touristiques...). les ressources financières sont obtenues du vente des cartes d'auberges internationale, des cartes d'étudiant internationale, des dons, et du sponsoring plus le marketing des voyages. Les partenaires principaux sont: La fédération internationale des auberges de jeunesse, et le bureau international du tourisme social
Mission and Objectives

L'association tunisienne des auberges et tourisme de jeunes a pour objectifs principales le développement du tourisme pour jeunes; axé principalement sur le tourisme intérieur pour l'exploration de la patrie et l'accueil de jeunes hôtes étrangers au sein des auberges de jeunesses, et l'exploration d'autres cultures et civilisations.

Main Projects / Activities

l'association tunisienne des auberges et tourisme de jeunes s'occupe à la promotion du tourisme culturel, social et écologique.... pour les jeunes et les échanges des groupes entre les pays et la formation des guides amateurs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Bacem Hbaieb
Head of the organisation
Ezzeddine Zouche
Contact (2) Full Name
Kais Tounsi