
Dar Qandeel For Arts and Culture

National Network
00970 (0)9 2671101
Telephone (other)
00970 (0)9 2689558
00970 (0)9 2689558
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00970 (0)599777100
Mobile Phone (other)
00970 (0)599100241
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The organization is presently composed by 3 staff members fully employed (project coordinator, administrator and secretary) and by a broad numbers of volunteers working on daily activities. The average budgetary resources available in a year are about 20,000 euros. The main source of funding are represented by main local and international NGOs, as well as international donors: European Union, United Nations, Swedish Cooperation. The organization develops its actions through specific projects on arts and drama to increase youth self awareness and foster social changes, artistic exchanges with artists of the organization and other international artists coming from North Africa, Middle East and Europe and human rights programs developed through the use of specific conferences developed through the collaboration of main national authorities and universities,and through the network with other main Palestinian cultural and human rights centers.
Mission and Objectives

Dar Qandeel believes on the power and the enlightenment that culture and arts can bring to the people, as an instrument to foster social changes and peace.
Improving communication and self awareness among people is the main goal of Dar Qandeel, believing that the only way to achieve respect and common understanding is the knowledge of our self as human beings.
Through the availability of staff expertise (human rights experts, teachers, musicians, painters, sculptors, actors ect..) and the strong efforts of its volunteers, the centre has become in few years the second home for all different kind of people that found and continue to find their own space to express their personality in a free and creative atmosphere.
Thanks to its peculiar and innovative approach, the centre addresses different kind of people (from youth to elders) through a wide variety of activities (theatre, music, puppets theatre, handicraft, storytelling, drawing, video making, photography, human rights awareness and social assistance).
The centre specifically addresses youth as the main agent to foster social changes, open to the participation of all boys and girls that feel the need to express themselves, finding a space out of the community control. The methodology’s peculiarity used for training programs is the mixed class, targeting boys and girls in the same moment, space and action, promoting gender equality, social justice and fighting social discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Projects: European Union project on the establishment of a School of Arts in Tulkarem District, Arts and drama activities for Schools in Tulkarem refugee camp, arts and drama programs for children in Tulkarem city in collaboration with international artists, project on human rights targeting boys and girls, empowering youth centers networking in Palestine in collaboration with main local Palestinian human rights and cultural centers.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Dar Qandeel could bring to the network the voice of the isolated , rich in local cultural heritage and history, bringing its artistic expertise and the use of arts and drama to foster social change.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Through ALF Network we would be able to increase our capacities to get in contact with other main local Palestinian Institutions fostering the impact of our programs at national level.At the same time we would be able to cross our social, economic and political borders, bringing our artistic and cultural voice at world wide level, increasing possibilities of international exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Alaa Rosol Ganem
Head of the organisation
Alaa Rosol Ganem
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Tanbouz

Defence for Children International/ Palestine

National Network

Sartawi Building, Sateh Marhaba, Al Bereh, Ramallah Palestine
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
General Information
     Defense for Children International Palestine (DCIP) is committed to securing a just and viable future for Palestinian children in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. For more than twenty years, we have supported and advocated for this child population: investigating and documenting grave human rights violations, holding both Israeli and Palestinian authorities to account, and providing legal services to children in urgent need. We will continue to demand national and international bodies enact stronger measures to safeguard this vulnerable demographic of Palestinian society. Since DCIP’s inception in 1991, we remain the only Palestinian human rights organization specifically focused on child rights. Our highest value is the pursuit of each child’s best interests. To this end, we are guided by the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), as well as other international, regional and local standards.
Mission and Objectives

Our work is divided into two broad programs: Accountability and Child Protection. Both include direct services and advocacy components. The Accountability Program focuses on child rights as they intersect with Israeli military and legal systems, while the Child Protection Program addresses Palestinian children’s rights inside the Palestinian legal framework and mobilizes children within their own communities.

Main Projects / Activities

    We defend children’s rights three ways: offering free legal aid, documenting violations of international law, and advocating for greater protections. More:

Contact (1) Full Name
Khaled Quzmar
Job Title
General Director
Head of the organisation

Democratic Youth Foundation for Development (SHABAB)

National Network

بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية
بعد الاطلاع على الملفات الخاصة بالمؤسسة من قبل وزارة الداخلية تبين ان هذه المؤسسة تم ايقافها عن العمل وانها غير قانونية

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

" SHABAB" is a non-profit non-governmental organization that was established by a group of youth in December of 2011 in Ramallah, Palestine. It aims at developing youth; male and female, abilities and empowering their role in social, economic and cultural life, in addition to provide an incubator for their talents and creative works and help preparing them to a more active role in decision making process.

Mission and Objectives

The current conditions that young Palestinians are living in, causing them to live under extreme marginalization and negligence. They are the ultimate victims of the harsh Israeli military measures, nothing to say about the miserable Palestinian own complications. All this made " SHABAB" develop a group of programs that we think it will help easing those conditions, on one hand, and open the road for them to take back their civic role in shaping their own lives. In specific, " SHABAB" is working on: 1. Encouraging and supporting youth creativity and helping them pursue their ambitions 2. Improving youth academic, cultural, sports and artistic capacities 3. Enabling active youth participation in local communities 4. Supporting equal participation for women, as well as men 5. Help protecting youth organizations independence and support legislations for better youth conditions 6. Help creating qualified youth leadership that will be able to be part of decision making process

Main Projects / Activities

Courses for young people about the role of youth in the development of society. (Ramallah, Abu Dis, Nablus, Jenin, Qalqiliya), 3/2012 First Palestine Youth Festival in Arrabeh 7/2012 Festival on this earth what makes life worth living for children / Jama'in 7/2012 Courses awareness of the importance of reviving the concept of volunteer work in Palestine (Jenin, Salfit) 8/2012 Ramadan campaign brings us together (little work a lot) for orphaned children, the elderly and people with a disability. 8/2012 The provision of food parcels to some needy families in many areas of the West .8/2012 Participate in many events youth actors at the country level (national campaign to end the division, the Youth Rally for unity, freedom and social justice) during the year 2012

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

build the youth and develope thier abilities in many sectors and to coopetate with the ngo's in Palestine to build the democratic and civic sociaty

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

to cooperate and exchange the experince with the network's associations, and to build a loppy to solve the youth problems

Contact (1) Full Name
Maher Amer
Head of the organisation
Maher Amer
Contact (2) Full Name
Hilmi Hamdan

Developmental Association to build a family

National Network

khanyounis - Bani Suheila - Main Street - Sakia area
Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Developmental Association for the construction of the family is a non-governmental organization founded in 2003, License No. 7344 as a charity social development
Mission and Objectives

Our vision
Sustainable social development of the family of a coherent and better society
Our Mission
Contribute to the development of the family in order to bring about positive change in society and achieve a happy life for a family a decent
. Work on development of the family through the establishment of charitable projects
 Organization of lectures, workshops and educational lessons for the construction and development of the family
 Find the problems of some families and work to resolve them
 contribute to the education of families and literacy and the creation of educational centers and kindergartens
contribute to help poor families
 conciliation between the parties for the purpose of marriage and the convergence of views and to facilitate all the difficulties that stand Boutraiqam
 revealed talents and inclinations of individuals and work on development and development

Main Projects / Activities

Programs and projects
Dar Al-Furqan kindergarten project support and self-financing and civil institutions that benefits the Tql 150 annually
Kindergarten Flowers Project Hope with the support and financing of self-benefiting about 100 children per year / e.
Facilitation Project marriages for young couples with the support of the local community and voluntary good people, through which the project provides financial or in-kind assistance for young people
Capacity building program which contributes to the development of skills and development of individuals
Anti-poverty program, which contributes to meeting the needs of poor families received the aid in emergency situations
Family Development program, which directs the family of the sources of the different services in the community for the prevention of family problems and achieve family stability

Contact (1) Full Name
Ramzy A. H. ALnajjar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Ramzy A. ALnajjar

Douban Professional Dance

National Network

Jerusalem ,Beit Hanina , Taha Husein st
Collage Des Freres
Palestinian Territories

+972 504534800
Telephone (other)
+ 972 504450851
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+972 504534800
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 972 504450851
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Douban Structure : The word ‘Douban’ originates from an exquisite Persian dancing performance style, which used to be performed in front of Persian rulers on special occasions by the most professional dancers of the court. The Company was founded in the end of 2012, by a young talented dancer who believe in the power of movements more than words in developing society and bring people together, in addition he addressed thirst for arts in the Palestinian society that needed to be quench. Douban Professional Dance was founded as non- profit organization that both stuff and dancers were volunteering. Douban started with 16 young talent girls and 3 compassionate choreographers and teachers. Today Douban is comprised of more than 50 committed Palestinian young dancers from all areas of East Jerusalem and the west bank who have trained together for several years. Douban dancers are still volunteering however Douban are providing them with high quality dance education, teachers and opportunities. In addition, The Company adminastration and artistic Stuff grow as well, in the result of the dramatic development of the company , the company artistic staff now is composed of 12 experienced teachers in various fields ,and 4 volunteering employees in administration . Besides our network extended vastly to move from local to international. Douban Resource: The Group implement via few resources , since douban group is non profit organization ,and depends on itself to generate money enable it to function in a challenge diverse society ,and provide different artistic services to the community. However it was not easy to sustain ,but fortunately Douban evolve a viral positive reputation among society and still executing a high-end quality in providing art services , creating and performing artistic productions , protecting and guid the development of Palestinian folklore by implementing several researches, inhabiting the art culture in the community .Thanks to our long-term partner "Collage Des Freres" who provide us with the space and administrative services . As we said before the group generates funds independently ,determining on four sources , the first and the major one is the Artistic director/ Main Choreographer who believed in the Company role from the beginning and volunteer his time ,skills , and technique to the Company .The second major one is from the revenues generated by different Dance courses we are offering to kids ,youth, and adults in Palestine who contribute resealable fees .Besides ,we count on the revenues from the tickets selling and performances. The third source is the community itself ,which support and motivate us financially ,physically, and emotionally by funding some events expenses , spread the word out to reach and influence new participants/audiences ,and offering help to develop the company. Douban specialization & Work: Douban is a specialized group that performs a variety of both local and international styles of dance. With artistic and cultural development as a core belief, the group combines the expressive style of modern dance, with classical and folkloric dance. As an integral part of the social, cultural and artistic mosaic of Jerusalem, the group seeks to tackle social issues by conveying positive messages through the production of integrated theatrical dance performances. Our dance Company has a firm belief that through our commitment and creativity we can develop society to tackle local, regional and international issues. In 2014, the group produced and performed a show titled “Desert Dream”, which was a modern dance style that infused Palestinian traditional “dabkeh” dance with modern and Flamenco dance. The show aimed to trigger constructive thinking based on unity and group achievements. It allowed the audience to reject deformed social habits and to break the silence. It put forward women talents with youthful enthusiasm. The performance involved more than 40 young dancers (14-22 years old). The show was performed among 3 years in Jerusalem, Birzeit, Ramallah, Bethlehem, and Nazareth as well as during the cultural week festival 2014 in Kuwait. Building on this experience and with the help of trainers from several parts of the world, Douban Troup was able to produce their second production under the name of SALAL, which addresses the most sensitive issues within the Middle East. This performance was a journey in itself; it was capable to bring 145 artists within art field, from around the world to corporate and put their unique signature into the project, which result in unique creative performance, and music Cd. Besides our preforming company, Douban Professional Dance is providing dance and Folk Program in schools, intuitions and clubs. Douban is now cover 12 organizations with dance & folk lessons, and artistic support, which influence more than 1200 students, and these students are our seeds for change. Not only that but also Douban volunteers its capabilities to different non profit/public organization in Palestine providing their end-beneficiary with performances, researches and dance classes.

Mission and Objectives

Douban Professional Dance produces and presents high quality of unique visual arts that tackle social issues faced by the community. It aims to enhance the infrastructure of the Palestinian society through arts, found creative space that incubates artist and talents within a challenged diverse community. Aims A. Enhancing the professional dancing through specialized training courses and programs. B. Find a creative space and turn it into home (space for creating, teaching, and preforming) C. Building the capacity of dance performance in schools and arts centers. D. Enhancing the role of youth at the awareness level through arts and cultural performance E. Promoting the professional dance in Palestine and in the region. F. Building expertise among the local trainers by sharing thoughts, join events with dancers and companies worldwide G. Being the address for all artist in the field, that bring them together under a creative umbrella H. Composing masterpieces using dance fusions to tackle political, economical, and social issue faced in our region. I. Represent Palestine all over the world (new way –artistic) being a hub of Palestinian Arts over the world (to change the world point of view of Palestinian) Objective 1 (Aim A) Create the first dance school that provides high quality dance service in Palestine and the region. Objective 2 (Aim E) Providing professional dance classes for Palestinians citizens no matter the age and experience. Objective 3(Aim A) Developing a strong unique dance curriculum, and let it be part of the education in Palestine Objective 4(Aim F & A) Forming a strong relationship between our school and schools in Europe, providing the school and the students with more opportunities and learning methods. Objective 5 (Aim D & C) Working with more schools and other bodies in Palestine to provide dance education and outreach work for a diverse range of young people. Objective 6(Aim D & E) Develop more art programs, which adapt to the different youth interest that will enable us to reach wider range of young people with different interest. Objective 7(Aim H, D, & E) Researching and investigating existing and potential audience, improving our dialogue with them, make it easier for them to engage, and let them part in taking decisions related to our services and performances Objective 8(Aim I, H, G, F & E) Producing high-level productions, by creating pathways for inspiring ideas to move, and to work with partners to ensure maximum exposure for productions Objective 9(Aim E) Increasing performances by 30%, which will enable us to reach more audience base, more locations, more recognition (reputation) and more sources.

Main Projects / Activities

Salal Production SALAL is a full-length show that reflects the cultural and social diversity of Jerusalem throughout history. Starting from creation, Douban’s approach to interpreting common historical tales is unique; in keeping with the theme of coexistence and equality, for instance, Lilith was not made from Adam, rather they were made together to form a life-long partnership. The culmination of which is to show how the city of Jerusalem has benefited from its diversity and how this diversity has shaped our current identity as Jerusalemites. Through each gate into the old city, a group of dancers representing different cultures (Armenian, African, Moroccan, Egyptian ,Gypsies) will perform dances that reflect various styles of traditional and contemporary dance, and through storytelling and movement will show how evil can be overcome when people focus on common human values and work together as a community. Douban Troup was Capable to produce their second production which addresses the most sensitive issues within the Middle East with the help of more than 100 artists from around the world who shared common believe in humanity and translated it in their own unique artistic approach. Studio Project The Studio project will provide an artistic angle which offer more space and services to our Jerusalemite community without any constraints ,offering a creative fun space, to join and spend quality time . As well as offer youth talented Palestinians high quality dance education which enable them to pass all dance exams and grow as an artist without the need to travel outside to gain this knowledge. Besides, gathering the community under the same ceiling, and unify them by their passion of moving, discovering, and belonging. Along with, protect youth form the challenge diverse community they are living in, and rise their awareness towards several issues occurring within the community, such as empowering young females through dance ,and support them with the various recourses, plus contain young males within a positive environment ,which will result in motivating them to be better version of themselves, and guard them from the risk they are facing in their community (drug using, behavioral and family problems- Jerusalem have a high present of divorce).Moreover found an art gang within our community. Lessa Fi Amal Project Hope will never die…. It is a voluntary project whose original idea started from inside Douban group with the aim of contributing towards the revival of the human spirit in our Palestinian villages which have been evicted since 1948… this project shall help to revive the Palestinian memory with a modern spirit, fully determined to bring life back to these wonderful villages which are considered an indispensible part of our Palestinian, Arab and international identity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hanna Tams
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Hanna Tams
Contact (2) Full Name
Hilda Zabaneh
Job Title (2)
Public Relation Manager

Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi Center for Culture & Development

National Network

Haboush st.
Palestinian Territories

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

A Palestinian non-governmental organization established in 2014 at the initiative of a group of civil activists. It got a registration by the Ministry of the Interior under the number 8429.

Mission and Objectives

- Strengthen the role of Palestinian society by all categories to support the national struggle to achieve our goals in freedom, independence , and return. - We look forward to a democratic civil society based on the principle of the rule of low, separation of powers, and the respect of public freedoms. - Strengthen a pluralistic Palestinian political system based on partnership. - Establish the democratic culture where based on the respect of political pluralism and accept other. - Discard violence to resolve internal problems in the society and to promote mechanisms of dialogue & consensus and election. - Promote the development ideas which support the elements of steadfastness. Our message:- Transfer the march of Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi and his culture and principles to the society specially to the future generations and concentration on youth. His march described as a title of national unity, incorruptibility, integrity, transparency and democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

- To Strengthen the role of the Palestinian society in the national struggle for his national, inalienable, and legitimate rights where it aims to the stop of the occupation and to ensure his right in return and self determination. - Documentation of the march of Dr. Haider Abdel Shafi “ create a website for documentation” - To reinforce the concepts of democracy, freedom of expression, culture of tolerance, and accept other. - To Revive the idea of voluntary work and human development. - To establish a platform for dialogue by attract international and local figures to achieve cultural communication and to gain supporting for our rights. - To reinforce the culture of citizenship based on the equality and non-discrimination in regardless to religion, sex, race, color, language, and gender

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohsen Abu Ramadan
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mohsen Abu Ramadan
Contact (2) Full Name
Israa Alanqar
Job Title (2)
Administrative assistant

Dura Municipality

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

Dura is located 8 km southwest of Hebron / West Bank and is the center of more than 43 villages and rural communities and it is considered to be the second largest area in the west bank area is 145000 dunums. Is characterized by the role of many organizations, institutions and associations that provide services to the population and aims to improve their social, economic and environmental status ... etc. Dura municipality is one of those organizations that seek to help citizens in their lives. The population of the city of Dura and its villages is about 105 thousand people in the total gatherings and about 41 thousand for the city of Dura (center) according to the Palestinian census 2017. Dura Municipality was established in 1967 and has continuous ambitions to serve all members of society (children, women, the elderly, youth and handicaps), for example, it provides water, electricity, paved roads, garden, playground ... etc. He also does not rule out people with special needs from his program. He established the first center in the West Bank for these marginalized groups to serve and integrate them into society. The municipality seeks to exchange experiences with similar municipalities in serving the population in this context, we hope to be in touch with a number of friendly municipalities in which we can share experiences in the field of joint work or partner institutions.

Mission and Objectives

Dura Municipality was established in 1967 and has continuous ambitions to serve all members of society (children, women, the elderly, youth and handicaps), for example, it provides water, electricity, paved roads, garden, playground ... etc. He also does not rule out people with special needs from his program. He established the first center in the West Bank for these marginalized groups to serve and integrate them into society.

Main Projects / Activities

Dura municipality is a member of EUROMED and UCLG, The Dura municipality has a number of international partnerships and cooperation, most notably the German municipality of Dortmund, Ramnicu Valcea Municipality/ Romania, Botoșani/ Romania, itogon/ Philippines, Nichelino/ Italy.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
maher qazzaz
Head of the organisation
Mohaned Amro

dura municipality

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Youth and education
General Information
حضرة الرئيس دورا هي مدينة فلسطينية تقع جنوب غرب مدينة الخليل. تضم دورا أكثر من 35 قرية ومجتمعات ريفية. في دورا العديد من المنظمات والمؤسسات والجمعيات التي تقدم الخدمات للسكان وتهدف إلى تحسين وضعهم الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والبيئي ... إلخ. بلدية دورا هي إحدى المنظمات التي تسعى إلى مساعدة المواطنين في حياتهم. تغطي بلدية دورا العديد من القرى المحيطة وهذا التوسع يزيد عدد الأشخاص الذين يخدمهم أكثر من 100.000 شخص. أنشئت البلدية عام 1967 ولها طموحات مستمرة تخدم جميع أفراد المجتمع (الأطفال والنساء وكبار السن والشباب والمعوقين) ؛ على سبيل المثال ، فإنه يوفر المياه والكهرباء والطرق المعبدة ، حديقة ، ملعب ... الخ لا يستبعد أيضا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من برنامجه. أنشأ أول مركز في الضفة الغربية لهذه المجموعات المهمشة لخدمة ودمجها في المجتمع. نشكركم على جهودكم تجاه فلسطين وعلى الدعم الذي تقدمه حكومتكم في مجال الخدمات في فلسطين. يسرنا أن نعمل معكم من أجل تعميق التعاون معكم وبلديتكم ونأمل في تلقي ردكم في المستقبل القريب. صديقك الصادق ، عمدة دورا
Mission and Objectives

حضرة الرئيس
دورا هي مدينة فلسطينية تقع جنوب غرب مدينة الخليل. تضم دورا أكثر من 35 قرية ومجتمعات ريفية.
في دورا العديد من المنظمات والمؤسسات والجمعيات التي تقدم الخدمات للسكان وتهدف إلى تحسين وضعهم الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والبيئي ... إلخ.
بلدية دورا هي إحدى المنظمات التي تسعى إلى مساعدة المواطنين في حياتهم. تغطي بلدية دورا العديد من القرى المحيطة وهذا التوسع يزيد عدد الأشخاص الذين يخدمهم أكثر من 100.000 شخص.
أنشئت البلدية عام 1967 ولها طموحات مستمرة تخدم جميع أفراد المجتمع (الأطفال والنساء وكبار السن والشباب والمعوقين) ؛ على سبيل المثال ، فإنه يوفر المياه والكهرباء والطرق المعبدة ، حديقة ، ملعب ... الخ لا يستبعد أيضا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من برنامجه. أنشأ أول مركز في الضفة الغربية لهذه المجموعات المهمشة لخدمة ودمجها في المجتمع.
نشكركم على جهودكم تجاه فلسطين وعلى الدعم الذي تقدمه حكومتكم في مجال الخدمات في فلسطين.
يسرنا أن نعمل معكم من أجل تعميق التعاون معكم وبلديتكم ونأمل في تلقي ردكم في المستقبل القريب.
صديقك الصادق ،
عمدة دورا

Main Projects / Activities

حضرة الرئيس
دورا هي مدينة فلسطينية تقع جنوب غرب مدينة الخليل. تضم دورا أكثر من 35 قرية ومجتمعات ريفية.
في دورا العديد من المنظمات والمؤسسات والجمعيات التي تقدم الخدمات للسكان وتهدف إلى تحسين وضعهم الاجتماعي والاقتصادي والبيئي ... إلخ.
بلدية دورا هي إحدى المنظمات التي تسعى إلى مساعدة المواطنين في حياتهم. تغطي بلدية دورا العديد من القرى المحيطة وهذا التوسع يزيد عدد الأشخاص الذين يخدمهم أكثر من 100.000 شخص.
أنشئت البلدية عام 1967 ولها طموحات مستمرة تخدم جميع أفراد المجتمع (الأطفال والنساء وكبار السن والشباب والمعوقين) ؛ على سبيل المثال ، فإنه يوفر المياه والكهرباء والطرق المعبدة ، حديقة ، ملعب ... الخ لا يستبعد أيضا من ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة من برنامجه. أنشأ أول مركز في الضفة الغربية لهذه المجموعات المهمشة لخدمة ودمجها في المجتمع.
نشكركم على جهودكم تجاه فلسطين وعلى الدعم الذي تقدمه حكومتكم في مجال الخدمات في فلسطين.
يسرنا أن نعمل معكم من أجل تعميق التعاون معكم وبلديتكم ونأمل في تلقي ردكم في المستقبل القريب.
صديقك الصادق ،
عمدة دورا

Contact (1) Full Name
mahir M. GAZAZZ
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Educational Forum Association

National Network

Palestinian Territories

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
About Us: Educational Forum Association, a Palestinian non-profit charity, was founded in 2003 in the Gaza Strip, operating under the law of charities and bodies Palestinian civil No. (1) for the year 2000 and its implementing regulations, and its activities in the fields of educational work, cultural, scientific and social charity.
Mission and Objectives

Association Education Forum is an association of civil independent, non-profit organization that aims to enhance the educational process in the Gaza Strip for community empowerment Palestinian through capacity-building programs and the promotion of culture and empowering children and young people, and is committed to the Assembly during the realization of the vision of the principles of human rights, which include justice, equality and transparency, tolerance, respect and non-discrimination participation and empowerment of marginalized groups.
1-contribute to raising the level of education in Palestine.
2- to provide advice and expertise to students, graduates and teachers.
3- to provide material support to students and graduates needy Palestinians.
4- to assist in the alleviation of poverty and unemployment and its negative
     repercussions on society as a whole and the student    And graduate Palestinian  in particular.

Main Projects / Activities

The local Youth Council to encourage young people to exercise local Government ensure that university students are poor written makes my future to encourage young people to read training and operation of graduates unemployed business initiatives (projects) and many important activities and projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the implementation of joint projects and activities and the constant communication with the network partner institutions are urged to cooperate in achieving the objectives of the network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
akram hassan hashem
Job Title
Executive director
Head of the organisation
wajdi jouda

El Wedad Society for Community Rehabilitation

National Network

Tal Alhawa , league of Arab States St
Palestinian Territories

00972- 8-2641955
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

Structure of the organization: Board - Executive Director-Monitoring &Evaluation-Legal Consultant-Internal Audit-Financial Manager-Program Manager-Project Manager -(Other Staff) NO. Of Staff=20 Budgetary resources available in a year=800000 $ Sources of funding: HelpAge International - Islamic Relief Canda - Sida - Terre De Hommes -StartFund Network- EU & many Of Donors All of the donors mentioned above are our major partners in Projects

Mission and Objectives

Vision "We look forward to the advancement of the local community and the reaching of the social balance." Mission WSCR is working on community rehabilitation and development through providing social, educational, and psychological equal services to several targeted beneficiaries. Goal Achieving community-based sustainable development through programs that meet the Palestinian society's needs. Objectives • Enhancing the psychosocial well-being of targeted groups (children, women, youth, and elderly). • Rehabilitation of youth to act leading and vital role in building up the community. • Developing and improving the personal and professional skills and capabilities of youth and graduates to meet labor market demands. • Contributing to enhance children abilities and develop their behaviors and skills. • Support and enable women to enhance their community participation. • Enhancing the principles of citizenship and respect, and avoiding the intellectual and political fanaticism. • Contributing to enhance the principles of democracy and national peace, and human rights for targeted groups. • Activating the role of Palestinian family in enhancing the humanity values, empowering the concepts of family dialogue and full families, and strengthening marriage relations. • Investment of experiences and capabilities of elderlies through enhancing their community participation. • Identification of community needs and problems throughout studies, researches, and questionnaires. • Enhancing the voluntary participation in the institutional and community work.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Women And Child Support And Rehabilitation Program 2.Old People Program 3.Rwad Youth Development Forum 4.Program of Training and Scientific Research

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By working on directing projects to raise the voice of marginalized groups within a clear vision

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To form bodies of civil institutions that take care of raising the voice of youth and their participation in civic life and decision-making

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Oday Omar El-Meghari
Head of the organisation
Oday O. El-Meghari