


EUROCLIO est l’Association Européenne pour les Enseignants en Histoire. La mission de EUROCLIO  est de soutenir le développement de l’Histoire Responsable et Innovante et l’Éducation à la Citoyenneté par la promotion de la pensée critique, du respect mutuel, la paix, la stabilité et la démocratie.

EUROCLIO a été fondée en 1992 et compte 63 associations membres titulaires des éducateurs de l’Histoire et la Citoyenneté, venant de 46 pays et 15 membres associes venant de 12 pays.

Le groupe cible de EUROCLIO comprend tous ceux qui sont impliqués dans l’enseignement de l’histoire: enseignants, professeurs stagiaires, formateurs d’enseignants, concepteurs de programmes, auteurs de manuels, experts en évaluation, conseillers, inspecteurs, éditeurs de matériel pédagogique, décideurs éducatifs et universitaires. Il met un accent particulier sur l’apprentissage par les pairs et l’examen par les pairs.

Le bureau de EUROCLIO est basé à La Haye aux Pays-Bas. Le Secrétariat de EUROCLIO est une équipe d’employés actifs, jeunes et engagés, soutenu par un Conseil international et des enseignants bénévoles en histoire, à un niveau national.

Platform Spartak

National Network

PO Box 668, 2501CR, The Hague
The Hague

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Platform Spartak is an interdisciplinary platform for anybody interested in Eastern Europe. Everybody can contribute to this platform.Our association receives a structural Operating Grant from European Commission's the Youth in Action programme. We are an association made up of a board, which in turn gives assignments to a number of freelancers. The board is responsible the general planning, finances and general goals of the association. The freelancers are responsible for running the office on a daily basis. Recurring freelancers have distinguished roles within the organisation.We organize a wide range of projects, like youth exchanges, music festivals, lectures, seminars and debates. Main topics are arts, culture, intercultural dialogue and youth. We collaborate with a network of like minded partner organizations in Europe. Most of our contacts are situated in Southeastern Europe.
Mission and Objectives

Spartak’s main goal is to strengthen the bond between East and West in the broadest sense: culturally, politically, but first and foremost directly and individually, by bringing together young Europeans from all parts of the continent, inside and outside of the Union. By these means we try to make young people aware of the differences and similarities within the “European family”.

Main Projects / Activities

Platform Spartak is active in several fields:
1. International youth exchanges
Diverse topics are covered in the exchanges organized by Spartak. In recent years we worked on topics like European awareness, music and arts, history, comic drawing and environmental awareness. Locations have included Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Poland and Finland, but also in the Netherlands.
2. European Voluntary Service (EVS)
Platform Spartak is a sending organization within the European Voluntary Service (EVS) of the Youth in Action programme, which allows young Dutch citizens (18-30) to pursue a unique working and learning experience abroad, working as a volunteer anywhere in Europe. Projects range from three months to a year.
3. Lectures, conferences and seminars on European topics
The scientific debate on European topics is important to Platform Spartak. That’s why we organize local, national and international conferences and seminars on European themes.
4. Festivals
In 2008 two Spartak EVS-volunteers were co-initiators and co-organizers of the 3-day youth festival Streets Kumanovo, which promoted interethnic dialogue in Macedonia. In 2009 Spartak helped organize similar festivals in Serbia, Kosovo and continued to support Streets Kumanovo. In the summer of 2010 the concept of ‘Streets’ was also implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Eastern-Croatia. Three promotional events were organized in The Netherlands. The festivals are organized in cooperation with local partner NGO’s and youth organisations, who are involved in all stages of the organisational process. Streets festivals aim to bring multi-ethnic young people in peripheral regions and cities together through cultural participation and the shared experience of a music concert.

Contact (1) Full Name
Janneke Francissen
Contact (2) Full Name
Pieter van Leeuwen

Podium voor Palestina

National Network

W. Prinsstraat 23
4101ZW Culemborg

++316 21258831
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Grassroots initiative to promote Palestinian culture and literature to a Dutch audience. Online and offline activities based on non monetary transactions.

Mission and Objectives

Reframe the narrative on Palestinians by connecting their cultural expressions with a Dutch audience

Main Projects / Activities

Book talks, podcasts, articles, special projects
Online literary short story service

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With my knowledge, experience and ideas

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because of the match in objectives

Contact (1) Full Name
Marianne Dagevos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marianne Dagevos

PROMENA Foundation

National Network

Laan van Meerdervoort 70
2517 AN The Hague

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Foundation is headed by the President in cooperation with the Vice-President. PROMENA relies on a staff that conducts daily activities. The number of people changes every 4-6 months, as all of them are volunteers, but the organization aims to have at least 1 remunerate staff member in order to guarantee the continuity of the projects. The staff includes a project manager, project assistants, communications advisor and a staff writer. Since PROMENA is an NGO, its resources exclusively depend on funding opportunities, grants and donations. PROMENA works on a project by project basis and aims to organize numerous events throughout the year. Currently, the organization is organizing a Roundtable discussing the importance of preserving the intangible cultural heritage and Arab Fashion show. Finally, the organization aims to partner up with universities, student associations, cultural organizations and individuals who can contribute their expertise and resources to our projects.
Mission and Objectives

PROMENA’s mission is to promote the cultural richness and diversity of the Middle East and North African (MENA) region by expanding knowledge through artistic and academic events in the Netherlands.
In PROMENA Foundation we believe that cultural awareness and knowledge are the keys to challenge the negative stereotypes and misconceptions about the Arab-Muslim world, and more specifically about the MENA region. Because of this, the organization seeks to create innovative events in the Netherlands where opinion leaders, young professionals, artists, and experts from all different backgrounds participate in respectful discussions. PROMENA aims to create an environment where differences are put aside to make way for cultural richness and the diversity of the MENA region to take the main stage.

Main Projects / Activities

PROMENA Foundation works to encourage an informed, critical and respectful dialogue about the cultural diversity and richness of the MENA region by creating events such as: conferences, workshops, seminars and cultural programs. Currently, PROMENA Foundation is organizing two cultural programs for the first half of the next year.
The first event, ‘Memories from home: What we hold on to’, aims to explore the state of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) of the Middle East and North African (MENA) region, in the context the current migration crisis. Taking oral tradition and performing arts as our focus, this event brings together experts/artists to highlight examples of heritage, aiming to create awareness about the importance of preserving them among refugee communities in The Netherlands and by showing the Dutch public the richness of their culture.

The second event is an ‘Arabic Fashion Show’. The objective is to bring together Dutch and Arab Designers, to create design pieces that represent a fusion of the two cultures. The goal of this fashion show is to create an intercultural dialogue through fashion design.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

PROMENA Foundation’s events, in the Netherlands, are intended to bring together opinion leaders, young professionals, artist and experts from different backgrounds, since they are the group most poised to create change within Europe. Therefore, the organization wants to nudge this group of people towards a positive shift in the current European context. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Under the direction of Ms. Eveline J.A. America (2nd November 2011 – 31st October 2016), Foundation FONDEMA was part of the ALF Network in The Netherlands. As a member of the ALF, the foundation organized cultural events - ‘ReciPeace for Dialogue: Shaping Diverse Societies through Culture, Youth and Education’ in May 2013 and ‘Connecting through Art’ in June 2014 - with the support of the consortium.

However, on 31st October 2016, Foundation FONDEMA closed its doors in the country, and PROMENA Foundation took over the task of promoting the MENA region in The Netherlands with a new, clear and improved mission and vision. In order to do so, PROMENA Foundation considers an honor to be a member of the ALF network and hopes to keep creating inspiring and meaningful events in collaboration with such a prestigious organization.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Eveline J.A. AMERICA
Job Title
Founder and President / Treasurer
Head of the organisation
Ms. Eveline J.A. AMERICA
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Founder and Vice-President/ Secretary

RASA centre for world cultures

National Network

Visitors: Pauwstraat 13 a postal: P.O box 1352 3500 BJ UTRECHT

+31 (0)30 2330123
+31 (0)30 2330122
Mobile Phone
+31 (0)6 512 405 90
General Information
RASA is a cultural centre dedicated to the performing arts, non western as well as traditional European. The majority of the performances concerns music and/or dance. RASA is a venue as well as a concert organisation, staging it’s own productions and organising tours in the Netherlands and abroad. Besides it’s main programs RASA offers fringe activities like lectures, workshops etc in order to provide the necessary context to these programs. RASA is funded by the Ministry of OCW, the City and the Province of Utrecht. RASA has a staff of 17 persons (12 FTE). The budget is around € 1.000.000, in a year. RASA cooperates with organisations on a local, a national and a international level.
Contact (1) Full Name
Wieland Eggermont
Head of the organisation
Wieland Eggermont, director
Contact (2) Full Name
Tamara de Bruijn, deouty director

Reach Out

The aim of the REACH-OUT project is to improve competences of youth workers to specify unique needs, challenges and strengths of immigrant young migrants and refugees and provide necessary training for integration of them into society through NFE personal and...

Sander Francken FILM

National Network

Heintje Hoekssteeg 18
1012 GR Amsterdam

+ 31 20 6245278
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 31 6 53184405
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information

1) Official legal status: a so called one man's company with a staff of one director/producer, one back office staff member plus a wide range of freelance experts, which differs from project to project. 2) Depends on current project(s). In 2006 the available resources were approximately 275.000 Euro. 3) The Stimuleringsfonds Nederlandse Culturele Omroepproducties, het Nederlands Fonds voor de Film, CoBO Fonds, NCDO, Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, HIVOS, Oxfam Novib, LLINK, Nederlandse Moslim Omroep, Pax Christi, Unicef, Europese Commissie, MEDIA Plus and others. 4) Development and production of thought provoking films and television programs. 5) Rolf Koot / Eyeworks, Joost Schrickx / Pelicula, Joep Bannenberg / Momoves, Mitchke Leemans / Transprojects and others

In development: LUCKY BASTARDS (feature) + ARBA'EEN 2024 (documentary) + THE SILENT FORCE OF KALI JOMPO (documentary) 


Mission and Objectives

The goal of this company is to develop and produce thought provoking projects with a high dramatic potential and outstanding visual approach. Awareness raising on contemporary themes such as the attraction and repulsion between different cultures.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects on attraction and repulsion between (people of) different cultures.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sander Francken
Head of the organisation
Sander Francken
Contact (2) Full Name
Liz Meis

Sapiens Productions

National Network

Observantenweg 25
6212 EN


E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Sapiens Productions is an eco-documentary film production company specialised in the Middle East and environmental issues such as climate change, water shortage and sustainable development. We produce TV documentaries for channels such as BBC World and Al Jazeera International. We also work for non-profit organisations such as Save the Children and Television trust for the Environment. Most recently we have worked on a film for the EU-MEDA water programme based in Amman. We regularly work with media partners in Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon and Egypt.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to tell environmental stories of sustainable development from a human perspective regardless of religion, politics and nationality. Our films feature the voices of the grassroots and the people most affected by problems like water shortage, floods and climate change. In our subjects we always look for a way how people can cooperate and create ecopeace though common environmental interests. We focus especially on the Middle East.

Main Projects / Activities

We produce eco-documentaries for television broadcast and in the process try to create media platform and outlets for local filmmakers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Joshka Wessels
Head of the organisation
Joshka Wessels
Contact (2) Full Name
Franscesca de Chatel

Sharing Perspectives Foundation

National Network

Bosboom Toussaintstraat 29-2, 1054AN Amsterdam

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The Sharing Perspectives Foundation (SPF) is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation based in Amsterdam, founded in 2012. Currently, SPF staff is composed by five full-timers, three part-timers and three interns. The budgetary resources available to SPF come prevalently from EU tenders and funding. The SPF current project on the Euro(pean) Crisis has been funded by the EU program of the EACEA ‘Europe for Citizens’. The SPF also receives support from the Lutfia Rabbani Foundation for its work in the Mediterranean region. SPF mainly operates through concrete projects revolving around the concept of Virtual Exchange, conceived as the ideal platform for people to acquire critical thinking, cross-cultural communication and collaboration skills. The main partners supporting the SPF in the realization of its projects are Soliya ( for the online video conference technology and the partnering universities providing academic content to our programs.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to initiate, stimulate and facilitate international cross-cultural dialogue and collaboration to foster knowledge and understanding of each other’s perspectives by utilizing new online communication platforms. The Sharing Perspectives Foundation’s innovative Virtual Exchange concept takes place through web-based online video-conference technology. Our programs directly bridge academia and civil society by stimulating students and professors to cooperate academically through new media technology and social networks, while bringing in the voices of the communities participants live in through survey research. This way, the classroom itself becomes an opportunity for intercultural dialogue and encounter where knowledge of the ‘other’ is fostered. The SPF wants to contribute to a world where communication creates mutual understanding and respect, where people take the time to explain their thoughts and opinions, and listening becomes part again of the way people communicate.

Main Projects / Activities

Presently, the SPF has one ongoing project titled ‘Perspectives on the Euro(pean) Crisis’ (PEC), which started last October in collaboration with eight universities across Europe. It addresses graduate students who want to learn more about the deep causes of and possible solutions to the Euro(pean) economic, political and socio-cultural crises. The SPF has designed its second program for next spring titled ‘Perspectives on Changing Societies in the Euro-Mediterranean’ (PCS), which will revolve around the unprecedented challenges that have been investing the Euro-mediterranean region over the last three years. In order to generate a feeling of ownership and inclusiveness in decision making processes in the participants and, on the other hand, give stakeholders the possibility to reflect on their policies, SPF programs entail a final summit that gives the best students the possibility to present the findings of their research to policy makers and institutions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The SPF would be able to contribute to the goals of the Anna Lindh Foundation network through the implementation of programs that foster intercultural dialogue, peaceful coexistence and respect for diversity. Moreover, given the strong research component of our Virtual Exchange programs, the whole network will benefit from collected data concerning relevant economic, political and socio-cultural aspects in the region. Such data can definitely serve as a solid foundation for following research, working papers and recommendations to institutions and policy makers. Finally, thanks to its access to web-based online video-conference technology, the SPF will be able to provide members of the network not only with the opportunity to meet regularly without necessarily travelling - thus cutting the costs and strengthening the network itself - but also with our professional UN-certified facilitators we can stimulate effective cooperation and increase mutual understanding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Like the Anna Lindh Foundation, the SPF aims at bringing people together across cultural and national borders and promote mutual understanding and respect between cultures. With our programs, in fact, we foster intercultural dialogue and the overcoming of those stereotypes that too often lead to identity claims and xenophobic rhetoric, thus undermining the possibility to engender positive common change in the respect of diversity. Moreover, by allowing the participants to its programs to present their findings and research to policy makers, institutions and stakeholders, the SPF also aims to reestablish a sense of ownership on the future and spark hope on the possibility to have an influence on the solution of crises they face. Being part of the Anna Lindh Foundation network would be a very important accomplishment for the SPF, inasmuch as it would undoubtedly facilitate the development of common actions with other member organizations at a regional level.

Contact (1) Full Name
Casper van der Heijden
Head of the organisation
Casper van der Heijden