
Mr. Omar Akfou

National Network

Apart. 138, étage 2, No: 94, Immeuble Sabri, Ait Melloul, Maroc
80000 Ait Melloul

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Religion
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information

I am Assitant Professor at Ibn Zohr University; Agadir, Morocco. I am interested in cultural heritage preservation including folktales, music and arts in the Hassani Culture.

Mission and Objectives

I am Assistant Professor at Ibn Zohr University, Agadir, Morocco. I am interested in collecting the cultural heritage of the Hassani culture (Art, folktales... ).

Main Projects / Activities

Higher education in Morocco and Youth. Intercultural encounters in contact zones. Islamic groups. Youth and traditional music and arts in Hassani cuture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Omar Akfou
Head of the organisation
Omar Akfou

Musique – Tricinty Fest revient à Rabat pour sa seconde édition

big_Event (1)

Pour les amateurs de musique Rock et Metal, un événement incontournable s’est organisé par la fondation Hiba en partenariat avec L’ambassade d’Espagne et l’institut Français du Maroc au Cinéma Renaissance de Rabat, le Tricinty Fest, avec sa deuxième édition qui a offert une expérience sonore unique en son genre.

Le public marocain a pris la température et la puissance de deux groupes de la scène Metal locale mais aura aussi l’occasion de découvrir de belles pépites Rock venues d’Espagne et de France.

Tricinty Fest s’impose avec cette seconde édition comme une plateforme vitale et nécessaire pour la diffusion des groupes de Rock et de satisfaire les amateurs et passionnés de guitares distordues et de rythmes déchaînés. Le projet Tricinty a débuté comme une émission de radio en ligne dédiée aux sons distordus. En 2014, l’idée de créer un blog couvrant la scène rock et metal underground est apparue comme une nécessité.

Par la suite, le désir de promouvoir la production locale a conduit à la création du label, qui a publié deux compilations mettant en avant des groupes marocains électriques.


National Network

Rue Soumaya, Résidence Shehrazade 3, 5eme étage, N22, Palmier, Casablanca
20000 Casablanca

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

MyTindy is a digital marketplace focused on empowering artisans, particularly in Morocco, by providing them with a platform to showcase and sell their unique, handcrafted products globally. We leverage technology, including artificial intelligence, to enable artisans to reach a wider audience, connect directly with customers, and preserve cultural heritage. Our platform celebrates the authenticity and stories behind each artisanal creation while fostering economic empowerment and sustainable practices within local communities.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Empowering artisans in Morocco and beyond by providing them with a digital platform to showcase and sell their unique, handcrafted products globally, while preserving cultural heritage and fostering economic empowerment within local communities. Objectives: Provide artisans, especially those in rural areas, with access to global markets through our digital platform. Connect artisans directly with customers, eliminating intermediaries and ensuring fair compensation for their products. Preserve traditional artisanal skills and cultural heritage by facilitating their transfer to the next generation. Foster economic empowerment within local communities by generating income and creating job opportunities for artisans. Celebrate the authenticity and stories behind artisanal creations, promoting cultural exchange and appreciation.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the main projects and activities of MyTindy include: Artisan Onboarding and Training: We conduct training sessions and workshops to onboard artisans onto our platform and provide them with the necessary skills and knowledge to showcase and sell their products effectively online. These training sessions cover topics such as product photography, digital marketing, e-commerce best practices, and financial management. Marketplace Operations: We manage the day-to-day operations of our online marketplace, including product listing, order processing, payment management, and customer support. Our team ensures a seamless and user-friendly experience for both artisans and customers, facilitating transactions and fostering trust within the community. Artisan Support and Empowerment: We provide ongoing support and guidance to artisans, helping them navigate the challenges of selling online and grow their businesses. This includes personalized coaching, access to resources and tools, and opportunities for networking and collaboration with other artisans. Product Curation and Promotion: We curate a diverse selection of high-quality artisanal products, ranging from home decor and fashion to jewelry and accessories. Our team showcases these products through targeted marketing campaigns, social media promotion, and collaborations with influencers and media outlets to attract customers and drive sales. Cultural Preservation Initiatives: We are committed to preserving and celebrating Morocco's rich cultural heritage through our platform. We promote traditional craftsmanship, indigenous materials, and cultural motifs, highlighting the stories and traditions behind each artisanal product. Additionally, we collaborate with local artisans and communities to safeguard and promote intangible cultural heritage. Community Building and Engagement: We foster a vibrant and supportive community of artisans, customers, and supporters through online forums, social media groups, and offline events. We facilitate connections, knowledge sharing, and collaboration opportunities, creating a sense of belonging and solidarity among members of the MYTindy community. Impact Measurement and Reporting: We track and measure the social, economic, and environmental impact of our activities to ensure accountability and transparency. Through regular reporting and evaluation, we assess our progress towards key performance indicators and continuously refine our strategies to maximize positive outcomes for artisans and communities. These projects and activities reflect our commitment to empowering artisans, promoting cultural heritage, and creating sustainable economic opportunities through our online marketplace.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

MYTindy can contribute to the network in our country in several ways: Economic Empowerment: By providing a platform for local artisans to showcase and sell their products, MYTindy contributes to economic empowerment by generating income opportunities and supporting small businesses. This helps stimulate economic growth and development within our country. Cultural Preservation: MYTindy celebrates Morocco's rich cultural heritage by promoting traditional craftsmanship and indigenous art forms. By showcasing artisanal products that reflect our country's unique cultural identity, we contribute to preserving and promoting Moroccan culture both locally and globally. Entrepreneurship Support: MYTindy offers training, mentorship, and resources to aspiring entrepreneurs and artisans, helping them develop the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the digital marketplace. By supporting entrepreneurship and innovation, we contribute to building a thriving ecosystem of creative industries in our country. Social Inclusion: MYTindy prioritizes inclusivity and diversity, providing opportunities for artisans from diverse backgrounds, including women, rural communities, and marginalized groups, to participate in the digital economy. By fostering social inclusion and empowerment, we contribute to creating a more equitable society. Collaboration and Partnership: MYTindy actively seeks partnerships and collaborations with local organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders to amplify our impact and reach. By working together with the network in our country, we can leverage collective resources and expertise to address shared challenges and advance common goals. Overall, MYTindy is committed to contributing positively to the network in our country by promoting economic empowerment, cultural preservation, entrepreneurship support, social inclusion, and collaboration. Through our efforts, we aim to make a meaningful and sustainable impact on our local communities and beyond.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

MYTindy is interested in joining the ALF Network for several reasons: Collaboration Opportunities: We recognize the value of networking and collaborating with like-minded organizations and individuals who share our commitment to promoting social and economic development in our region. By joining the ALF Network, we hope to connect with potential partners, mentors, and stakeholders who can support and amplify our efforts. Knowledge Sharing: The ALF Network provides a platform for sharing knowledge, experiences, and best practices related to social entrepreneurship, cultural heritage preservation, and sustainable development. We believe that participating in the network will enable us to learn from others, gain new insights, and refine our strategies for greater impact. Capacity Building: MYTindy is committed to continuous learning and improvement. We see the ALF Network as an opportunity to access capacity-building initiatives, training programs, and resources that can enhance our organizational capacity and effectiveness. By investing in our professional development, we can better serve our community and achieve our goals. Advocacy and Influence: As a member of the ALF Network, MYTindy can contribute to shaping policies, agendas, and narratives that advance social cohesion, cultural diversity, and inclusive development in our region. By participating in advocacy efforts and collective action, we can amplify our voice and influence positive change at local, national, and regional levels. Platform for Impact: Ultimately, joining the ALF Network aligns with our mission to create a more inclusive, sustainable, and prosperous future for our region. We believe that by collaborating with diverse stakeholders and leveraging collective expertise and resources, we can maximize our impact and contribute to building a brighter future for all.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Aida Kandil
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aida Kandil
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Natalia Ribas-Mateos

Chercheuse à l'Université Autonome de Barcelona, Natalia Ribas-Mateos était auparavant affiliée à l'Université de la Corogne. Par ailleurs, elle a été boursière Marie Curie au Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie d’Aix-en Provence en France et au Center for Migration Studies à...

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Natalia Ribas-Mateos

Researcher at Universitat autonoma de Barcelona. Ribas-Mateos has previously been affiliated with Universidad de A Coruña. Furhtermore, she has been a Marie Curie Fellow at the Laboratoire Méditerranéen de Sociologie Aix-en Provence in France and at the Centre for Migration...

Newbridges Association For Live Languages

National Network

306. Lot Saaidia

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
* Newbridges est une association geree par un bureau de 5 personnes: Le président, Le vice Président, Le Trésorier, son Adjoint, et La sectrétaire generale. On tavail avec une equipe de plus de 10 professionels dans l'éducation et la jeunesse. Nos partenaires sont: - La delegation de La Culture et de La jeunesse. - L'ambassade Des Etats Unis à Rabat. - Amideast. - Peacecorps. - UME (The University of The Middle East Project.) - Morlearningcenter (Afoundation in Senegal created by Mor Thiam, The father of the famous singer Akon) - Les établissement d'éducation publiques et privés. - Le Conseil Municipal. - AMA (Association of The Moroccan Alumi) * Approximativement 15000,00 $ * Nos ressources budgetaires anuelles disponibles sont les bources octroyèes par Amideast, les donnations et les cotisations de quelques beneficiaires. * Parmis nos projets: -Bources: Access Programme For Micro Scholarships avec RELO Rabat (2008- en cours) -Seminaire: Collaborative Art Initiative 2009 UME -Echange: Tiznit Sommerville sister city Partnership 2009 avec AMA etUME
Mission and Objectives

La mission et l'objectif principal de Newbridges est de construir des ponts et des passerelles entre differents personnes de differents cultures, pays et religions à travers l'apprentissage des langues etrangeres et organisation de seminaires et rencontres et divers activitees culturelles et artistiques qui attirent le maximum de participants.

Main Projects / Activities

- Newbridges est provider du Programmes Access 2008/2009/2010/2011/2012 en partenariat avec Amideast, L'ambassade des USA à Rabat a travers RELO.
- Enseignement de la langue Tashlheet au volontaires American de Peacecorps.
- Tiznit somerville sister cities Partnership.
- Collaborative Art Initiative Morocco 2009.

Contact (1) Full Name
Brahim EL Mourabit
Head of the organisation
Brahim EL Mourabit
Contact (2) Full Name
Souaad Abakarim


National Network

30, avenue des FAR

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
NextDayNews édite le quotidien francophone "Le Soir Echos" avec une équipe de 45 personnes dont une vingtaine de journalistes. Structure indépendante, nous nous finançons sur fonds propres et par les ventes générées du journal. La vocation du journal est de couvrir les informations nationales et africaines sans parti pris.
Mission and Objectives

Notre mission est d'informer nos lecteurs sans parti pris et d'être le reflet le plus objectif prossible du monde dans lequel nous évoluons.

Main Projects / Activities

Après le support papier, nous avons développé un site web qui évolue vers un portail avec une web tv basée sur des informations de proximité.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

En relayant les informations émises par la fondation et en y contribuant grâce à des expertises locales de nos journalistes et partenaires.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Afin de bénéficier des informations sur la région méditerranéenne et servir de caisse de résonance aux initiatives positives qui s'y expriment

Contact (1) Full Name
Saâd A. TAZI
Head of the organisation
Saâd A. TAZI
Contact (2) Full Name
Hafid El Jai

No more silence,no more fear.

National Network

Oujda, 60000

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Fighting for women's rights. helping women talk about their rape experiences.
Mission and Objectives

Fighting for women's rights.
helping women talk about their rape experiences.
'No more silent, no more fear.' is a non-profit organization/ anti-sexual violence organization.
We want women to become silent no more, and to stand up for justice and for their rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Conferences, psychological aid, lectures.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Je peux organiser des réunions, aider les femmes arabes (marocaines) à parler, se défendre et avoir le courage de dire 'non'.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Parce que je pense que mon organisation va créer un changement vers le bien , et va aider de nombreuses femmes à se dépasser de leur passé.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation


National Network

Rue des Ecoles
20200 Casablanca

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
An enthusiastic and highly analytical Software Quality Assurance Engineer with success project management and software development experiences. Effective and has strong background in Network and System administration.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

KEY SKILLS AND COMPETENCES Project Management Software Quality Assurance Software Development Network Administration Linux Administration AWS (S3, RDS, EC2) CMMI 1.3,, ISO 9001 Selenium Python, C, C++, Java. Android, PHP5, HTML, CSS3, JavaScript, Symfony2 MySQL, SQLITE, Oracle 11g UNIX and Linux­based tools XP & Scrum UML, Merise JIRA, MS Project

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
IT Engineer
Head of the organisation


National Network

12000 RABAT

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Religion
General Information
I am an individual person.  
Mission and Objectives

I want to make it easy to establish peace between europe and arabic countries.

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As I live in Morocco, the origin country of Mr André azoulay, I think that my country needs help in many cases such as religious tolerance and especialy tolerance between irrelegious and religious people.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I want to contribute as I can in the realisation of freedom, tolerance and progression.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation