
Étudiant en droit international public en langue française

National Network

Driba derb karmouda N15
50030 Meknes

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information

Je m'appelle boujaddaine Abdelouahab.. Je suis intéressé de participer toujours dans les actions et les activités concernant... La démocratie et droit de l'homme dans la méditerranée

Mission and Objectives

Être un acteur mobile.. Dans des animations. Sur les thèmes droit de l'homme.. Et démocratie..

Main Projects / Activities

Je suis étudiant deja obtenu mon Master en droit international public en langue française j'ai l'intention de faire une thèse de doctorat sur un thème sur la méditerranée la démocratie dans zone méditerranée comme l'ouvrier de construction de l'union pour la méditerranée... '... Le but c'est dencourager les jeunes de la méditerranée d' avoir la culture démocratique qui est base de construction des valeurs démocratiques..dans cette zone.. Tant que il y'a des theses qui s'occupe de la démocratie etdroit humain dans cette avec le temps on arrivera à l'intégration de la méditerranée comme carrefour de civilisation comme il a été avant

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

La diffusion des valeurs démocratiques.. C'est à dire accepter l'autre.. Cela par la voie d'animation des debats au niveau local.. Dans des associations civiles qui sont la base de la démocratie parcipative...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Je suis intéressé car ce réseau. Je le trouve..dedans mes principes..

Contact (1) Full Name
Boujaddaine Abdelouahab
Job Title
Étudiant master en droit international public
Head of the organisation

Eurocham Maroc

National Network

Bd Zerktouni

+212 522 42 94 05
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
EuroCham Maroc est l’Union des Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie Européennes au Maroc. Elle a pour objet de rassembler les intérêts de plus de 6000 entreprises européennes au Maroc, d’assister et de promouvoir le développement des relations économiques et des investissements entre le Maroc et l’Union Européenne, notamment dans le cadre de la mise en place du statut avancé et du dialogue euro-méditerranéen, en étroite collaboration avec les représentations des différentes instances communautaires au Maroc. Elle est composée des sept Chambres suivantes : la Chambre Allemande de Commerce et d’Industrie au Maroc, la Chambre de Commerce Belgo-Luxembourgeoise au Maroc, la Chambre Espagnole de Commerce, d’Industrie et de la Navigation à Casablanca, la Chambre Espagnole de Commerce et d’Industrie à Tanger, la Chambre Française de Commerce et d’Industrie du Maroc, la Chambre de Commerce Britannique au Maroc et la Chambre de Commerce Italienne au Maroc. La présidence de EuroCham Maroc est une présidence tournante annuelle entre les différentes Chambres.
Mission and Objectives

- Représenter les intérêts des entreprises européennes au Maroc - OEuvrer pour la suppression de toutes les barrières limitant l’accès aux marchés marocain et européen - Définir le programme d’action commun des CCI européennes au Maroc - Donner de la visibilité et de la profondeur aux échanges UE-Maroc

Main Projects / Activities

- Rédaction d’une déclaration à l’occasion du Sommet UE-Maroc de Grenade conjointement avec EUROCHAMBRES, mars 2010 - Organisation d’un forum d’information en présence de S.E. Eneko LANDABURU, Ambassadeur de l’UE au Maroc, avril 2010 - Organisation d’une conférence regroupant des organisations représentatives des entrepreneurs européens en méditerranée, en partenariat avec EUROCHAMBRES, à la CFCIM, mai 2010

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Everyone Academy

National Network

N 86 Avenue des FAR
82000 Guelmim

212 06 62 43 23 40
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The association is composed of 7 members and 19 volunteers who act like ambassadors from different parts of the world. We have 4 international partners. Our workshops , sessions and courses are free and available for everyone. We only charge a small fee for issuing certificates. We don't have any source of funding and our work is based on collaboration, connection and communication.

Mission and Objectives

-Organizing 50 workshops and training courses for the benefit of 500 professors in the latest methods of teaching the English language and using information and communication technology. -Training 500 professors in learning proficiency across 3 of the most famous English language teaching platforms in the world. -Increasing the capabilities of 1,500 students in creative education and producing educational videos. -Hosting 100 national and international experts in teaching English from 15 international universities to facilitate access to knowledge for academy followers. -Creating partnerships between 6 national and international universities and higher institutes to provide 3 training courses in teaching the English language. -Introducing 50 books on teaching the English language for the benefit of those involved in the assoication and encouraging interest in circulating them

Main Projects / Activities

-Integrating technology in the classroom -Artificial intelligence for EFL educators - Teaching reading and writing - self-care and well being for teachers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Organization of joint CPD activities, participation in conferences, seminars and workshops as well as joint publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals. - Mobility of students and post-graduates, providing necessary conditions for expansion of their knowledge and skills, global and intercultural outlook. - Facilitation of virtual or hybrid form of cooperation where necessary.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-To increase the power of collaboration and connection with individuals locally and globally. -To improve the quality of education and learning through dialogue and the power of listening.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aziz Soubai
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aziz Soubai
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita Wirtz
Job Title (2)

Everyone Academy

National Network

N 86 Avenue des FAR
82000 Guelmim

212 06 62 43 23 40
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

The association is composed of 7 members and 19 volunteers who act like ambassadors from different parts of the world. We have 4 international partners. Our workshops , sessions and courses are free and available for everyone. We only charge a small fee for issuing certificates. We don't have any source of funding and our work is based on collaboration, connection and communication.

Mission and Objectives

-Organizing 50 workshops and training courses for the benefit of 500 professors in the latest methods of teaching the English language and using information and communication technology.

-Training 500 professors in learning proficiency across 3 of the most famous English language teaching platforms in the world.

-Increasing the capabilities of 1,500 students in creative education and producing educational videos.

-Hosting 100 national and international experts in teaching English from 15 international universities to facilitate access to knowledge for academy followers.

-Creating partnerships between 6 national and international universities and higher institutes to provide 3 training courses in teaching the English language.

-Introducing 50 books on teaching the English language for the benefit of those involved in the assoication and encouraging interest in circulating them

Main Projects / Activities

-Integrating technology in the classroom
-Artificial intelligence for EFL educators
- Teaching reading and writing
- self-care and well being for teachers

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- Organization of joint CPD activities, participation in conferences, seminars and workshops as well as joint publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
- Mobility of students and post-graduates, providing necessary conditions for expansion of their knowledge and skills, global and intercultural outlook.
- Facilitation of virtual or hybrid form of cooperation where necessary.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

-To increase the power of collaboration and connection with individuals locally and globally.
-To improve the quality of education and learning through dialogue and the power of listening.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aziz Soubai
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Aziz Soubai
Contact (2) Full Name
Rita Wirtz
Job Title (2)


National Network


Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  4. Youth and education
General Information

The EvoluSoft Foundation is a non-profit organization based in Morocco dedicated to redefining the true egalitarian ideals of feminism as human rights essential to the survival of humanity in the 21st century.  The feminist revolution made great strides towards liberating women but in many ways the end result was women took upon themselves more responsibilities that effectively prevented them from truly achieving leadership positions in economic and political arenas.

Mission and Objectives

Co-founded by activist Sanaa Moujahid and social entrepreneur Abdelaziz Idmansour, EvoluSoft Foundation strives to promote the human rights of women and girls within the spirit of the principles of equality, liberty, safety, justice, integrity and freedom.

EvoluSoft Foundation seeks to empower women and help them thrive both on the personal and professional levels, regardless of religion and political affiliation. Since women represent about half of the world population, the more we help them, the better our whole world will be!

Main Projects / Activities

Co-founded by activist Sanaa Moujahid and social entrepreneur Abdelaziz Idmansour, EvoluSoft Foundation strives to promote the human rights of women and girls within the spirit of the principles of equality, liberty, safety, justice, integrity and freedom.

EvoluSoft Foundation seeks to empower women and help them thrive both on the personal and professional levels, regardless of religion and political affiliation. Since women represent about half of the world population, the more we help them, the better our whole world will be!

Our work focus in this axis :

·         Personal empowerment

·         Economic & Financial empowerment

·         Corporate/Professional empowerment

·         Educational empowerment

·         Mentoring


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The empowerment phase will enable women to protect their rights as women, safeguard themselves and earn a livelihood and be economically independent. We will achieve this through programs that focus on:

·         Self Defense training

·         Skill based training for earning a livelihood across a range of viable occupations or trades

·         And knowledge about their bodies and reproductive system.

We actively scout for opportunities where girls who have been part of our program can get fruitful employment or engage in any small home based businesses. We achieve this by interfacing with the industry, understanding the skill sets and services they require and by preparing our members to imbibe and train in those skills.

Education, empowerment and encouragement are powerful tools that change a woman’s personal narrative.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

 To benefit from your programs of :

·         Empowering young voices

·         Influencing policy makers

·         Intercultural cities and Learning

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network

Dar Chabab avenue Fourat- Hay Mohamadi

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
.Extramuros est une association socioculturelle et artistique qui compte 5 membres. Association fondée en janvier 2010. Elle monte actuellement ses premiers projets dans le domaine artistique et socioculturel en s'entourant d'acteurs et de partenaires ciblés. .Ressources budgétaires annuelles: en cours de recherche. .Sources de financements: en cours de recherche. .Modalités d'action: formation, exposition, éducation, événements... .Partenaires:en cours de recherche.
Mission and Objectives

L’Art et la Culture pour tous
EXTRAMUROS est une association socioculturelle et artistique, elle s'est donnée pour mission de promouvoir l’art, sous toutes ses formes (design, arts visuels, arts plastiques… les manifestations artistiques et culturelles) et de favoriser la création par le biais des formations, des expositions et des publications.
En mettant en place un espace dédié à la formation et à l’apprentissage EXTRAMUROS favorise la transmission , le partage et la diffusion de la création artistique auprès du grand public.
L’association encourage également l’organisation de manifestations (expositions, ateliers rencontres…) en partenariat avec des institutions et des fondations publiques et privées au Maroc et à l'étranger,qui s’engagent auprès d’elle à la mise en œuvre d’une politique de programmation culturelle efficace et ciblée.
L’ensemble de ses activités est voué à la formation, la création et à la diffusion des œuvres d’artistes et créateurs marocains tant au Maroc qu’à l’international.
Par ailleurs, l’association à pour objectif de mener toute action en faveur de l’éducation à la citoyenneté.

Main Projects / Activities

Projets en cours
- Sensibilisation à l’art et à la culture auprès des quartiers « défavorisés »
• Visites et réinterprétations créatives d’expositions.
• Ateliers créatifs autour des différentes disciplines artistiques:
Recyclart, recupdesign, slam écriture, nature et environnement sciences et découvertes…
• Ateliers de création auprès des femmes au Maroc et des femmes issues de l’immigration à l’étranger.
. Ateliers de création plastique et d'écriture au Maroc et à l'étranger auprès d'adolescents issus de l'immigration.
Organisation d’ événements
• Forum des jeunes
• Expositions d’arts
• workshop / ateliers de recherche création
Soutien et partenariat dans la diffusion de la création artistique contemporaine marocaines
.Exposition Local vs Global, MAC Sao Paulo.

Contact (1) Full Name
Khadija Kabbaj
Head of the organisation
Khadija Kabbaj
Contact (2) Full Name
Hadia Slaoui

Faculte des sciences juridiques, économiques et sociales Ain Sebaâ, Casablanca

National Network

Beausite BP 2634 Ain Sebaâ 20250, Casablanca

05 22 34 19 08
05 22 35 78 46
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 61 51 81 54
Mobile Phone (other)
06 61 51 81 97
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
L’établissent fonctionne avec prés de 70 fonctionnaires, enseignants chercheurs et administratifs. Il associe à son travail près de 80 vacataires nationaux et étrangers. aux fonds publics qui lui sont alloués , s'ajoute le soutien des partenaires dont le nombre voisine la centaine. Il s'agit de partenaires institutionnels privés et publics. quelques rares individus relèvent de cette catégorie et ce sont principalement des artistes.
Mission and Objectives

Formation de jeunes dans les domaines relatifs à la spécialité économique aussi bien en enseignement fondamental qu'en enseignement professionnel. L'objectif est de renforcer l'employabilité des diplômés tout en tenant compte dans la mesure du possible des demandes du marché de l'emploi. Les équipes en charge de cette mission sont convaincues que l'université peut et doit jouer son rôle en tant qu'ascenseur social dans un Maroc en pleine transformation.

Main Projects / Activities

*Outre les programmes d'enseignement, l'établissment développe des activités culturelles en tant que politique de l’établissement (les ateliers culturels , projet jardins artistiques...), mais également en tant qu'initiatives des étudiants. L'objectif est de faire jouer à la culture son rôle d’émulateur de talents tout en fournissant aux étudiants des repères modernes quant à leur identification citoyenne.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Toute la logistique de notre &établissement sera associée à la réalisation de projet développés par le réseau. notre contribution pourra également se porter au niveau de la conception, de la proposition et le cas échéant de l’évaluation de projets relevant de la philosophie qui est au fondement du réseau.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

En raison d'affinités intellectuelles et culturelles entre les démarches de notre établissment qui parie sur l'intelligence du cour et de laraison, sur le dialogue et l'échange et la solidarité tout en s'assurant la plus grande ouverture sur le monde euro-méditerranéenne notamment 5Le premier Master crée dans notre établissement porte sur les études euro-méditerranéennes et la première université d'été organisé par notre établissement est l'ULM (Université Libre de la Méditerranée). Fallait-il absolument parler de notre sympathie, voire admiration, pour l’œuvre de la Fondation qui mérite tout notre soutien et notre contribution la plus énergique ?

Contact (1) Full Name
Jamila Houfaidi Settar
Head of the organisation
Pre Jamila Houfaidi Settar, doyenne
Contact (2) Full Name
Pr Abdellah Labdaoui

Fadae Athena Association

National Network

Rue Zayed Ahmed N 42
45800 Tinghir

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

FADAE ATHENA (فضاء أثينا) is a non-profit organization founded in 2013 by a group of young cultural activists in the southeastern region of Morocco. Its mission is to empower young generations, especially women and girls in marginalized communities, to facilitate their social inclusion and economic stability by launching hybrid, online, in-person programs on entrepreneurship, cultural management, and resource mobilization through different activities such as workshops, mentoring, and a series of artistic productions. It also trains cultural actors to advocate for their constitutional rights, enabling them to be to research, promote and advocate cultural policies on behalf of local artists and preserve creative industries. Our organization is distinguished by the type and the methodology of work. We offer programs, focus groups, production of theater performances, art tours, open studios, meetings, festivals, surveys, reports, and expert mentorships, peer-to-peer competition, all of which are exclusively dedicated to three major issues in accordance with our current strategy pillars: the employment of female artists, the advocacy for cultural policies and gender equity, and freedom of artistic expression for schoolgirls in the southeast. Also, we regularly seek new methodologies and unprecedented approaches in implementing various activities and targeting audiences for better practice and goals achievements.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is cultural equity to all citizens of Southeast of Morocco. it aims to fulfill these objectives: - Empowering young artists and cultural activists in arts management, funding and creative entrepreneurship. - Training artists in cultural rights and tools to advocate the status of artists in the villages and cities in southeast - Empowering women and young females in entrepreneurship, protection of cultural rights and arts production. - Encouraging young generations to write policy briefs on critical issues in creative and cultural industries in their region. - Promoting job opportunities for young artists and cultural operators in most-demand professions in Daraa Tafilalt.

Main Projects / Activities

- She creative entrepreneur. - Theatrical performances and theatre plays tours. - Youth Forum 4 Cultural Policies. - Youth Lab. - Arts campaigns. - arts management training and capacity-building in fundraising, theatre, freedom of arts and cultural diversity. - Cultural Rights Academy (CRA).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will contribute to your network in Morocco via these actions: - Understanding the body of the network and its needs and expectations. - Participating in the initiatives and meeting the objective of the network. - Suggesting activities and workshops in current project or designing future projects in mutual interests. - Offering training and capacity building either in-person or online for the members of the network and inviting them to benefit from the association experience and projects. - Offering fruitful partnerships to the networks members according to their priorities and visions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are keen to join the ALF Network to:: - share our projects, ideas and expand our network with like-minded and leading NGOs. - Benefiting from the membership benefits and promotions. - Expanding our knowledge in partnerships and cooperation levels with high-caliber organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
youssef soubai
Job Title
Internatioal relations coordinator
Head of the organisation
Hicham Boba
Contact (2) Full Name
yassine ouddou
Job Title (2)
Project manager and member of the association

Fadae Athena Association

National Network

Rue Zayed Ahmed N 42
45800 Tinghir

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

FADAE ATHENA (فضاء أثينا) is a non-profit organization founded in 2013 by a group of young cultural activists in the southeastern region of Morocco. Its mission is to empower young generations, especially women and girls in marginalized communities, to facilitate their social inclusion and economic stability by launching hybrid, online, in-person programs on entrepreneurship, cultural management, and resource mobilization through different activities such as workshops, mentoring, and a series of artistic productions. It also trains cultural actors to advocate for their constitutional rights, enabling them to be to research, promote and advocate cultural policies on behalf of local artists and preserve creative industries. Our organization is distinguished by the type and the methodology of work. We offer programs, focus groups, production of theater performances, art tours, open studios, meetings, festivals, surveys, reports, and expert mentorships, peer-to-peer competition, all of which are exclusively dedicated to three major issues in accordance with our current strategy pillars: the employment of female artists, the advocacy for cultural policies and gender equity, and freedom of artistic expression for schoolgirls in the southeast. Also, we regularly seek new methodologies and unprecedented approaches in implementing various activities and targeting audiences for better practice and goals achievements.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of the association is cultural equity to all citizens of Southeast of Morocco. it aims to fulfill these objectives: - Empowering young artists and cultural activists in arts management, funding and creative entrepreneurship. - Training artists in cultural rights and tools to advocate the status of artists in the villages and cities in southeast - Empowering women and young females in entrepreneurship, protection of cultural rights and arts production. - Encouraging young generations to write policy briefs on critical issues in creative and cultural industries in their region. - Promoting job opportunities for young artists and cultural operators in most-demand professions in Daraa Tafilalt.

Main Projects / Activities

- She creative entrepreneur. - Theatrical performances and theatre plays tours. - Youth Forum 4 Cultural Policies. - Youth Lab. - Arts campaigns. - arts management training and capacity-building in fundraising, theatre, freedom of arts and cultural diversity. - Cultural Rights Academy (CRA).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will contribute to your network in Morocco via these actions: - Understanding the body of the network and its needs and expectations. - Participating in the initiatives and meeting the objective of the network. - Suggesting activities and workshops in current project or designing future projects in mutual interests. - Offering training and capacity building either in-person or online for the members of the network and inviting them to benefit from the association experience and projects. - Offering fruitful partnerships to the networks members according to their priorities and visions.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are keen to join the ALF Network to:: - share our projects, ideas and expand our network with like-minded and leading NGOs. - Benefiting from the membership benefits and promotions. - Expanding our knowledge in partnerships and cooperation levels with high-caliber organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
youssef soubai
Job Title
Internatioal relations coordinator
Head of the organisation
Hicham Boba
Contact (2) Full Name
yassine ouddou
Job Title (2)
Project manager and member of the association