
Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit

National Network

C/O, 9C, Mikiel Anton Vassalli Street, Valletta,
Msida MSD 06

+3562722 4408
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Research
  8. Youth and education
General Information
FTZ is a Maltese not-for-profit public-equivalent foundation drawing key stakeholders together in a strategic partnership to boost regional development. Its 3 units are active in ICT-assisted education and training, research and innovation, and culture and regional development. It operates 2 national centers (Avicenna Knowledge Centre, Researchers’ Mobility Centre) and an Energy Agency, employing 8 full-timers and several part-timers. FTZ implements local and transnational projects for which it sources mainly EC program funding and national co-financing. Members include the University of Malta, Ministries, government agencies, municipalities, trade unions, international development networks, SMEs, etc. Partners from more than 50 countries collaborate with FTZ.
Mission and Objectives

FTZ is a collaborative network implementing local and transnational projects of benefit to the whole community. It provides lifelong learning opportunities, aiming to create greater social cohesion and to contribute to the molding of tomorrow’s knowledge-based society.
The focus of FTZ’s regional development activities lies mainly on culture and tourism, due to the island’s rich cultural heritage and heavy reliance on the tourism industry. Besides supporting the development of learning organizations, responding to the effects of globalization and the rise of the knowledge society, FTZ is also committed to promote a favorable environment for intercultural dialogue, research and innovation.

Main Projects / Activities

Cultural, research and dissemination activities, studies, implementation of local/transnational projects in:
1. Open & Distance Learning, education, training:
- Avicenna Virtual Campus (EUMEDIS)
- Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC)
- Centre for Flexible Learning (UNESCO)
- Community Knowledge Centers (UNESCO)…
2. Reg. development, culture, democracy, heritage, tourism, environment:
- Approdi, New Arrivals
- Digital Citizenship… (WDCNET)
- Intelligent Port Systems (iPORTS)
- Mediterranean Cultural Network of Cities… (MEDMISSION)
- Energy Agency [for Renewable] (IEE) …
3. Research, innovation, ICT:
- Researchers’ Mobility Centre – Malta (FP6-HRM)
- EPRI-start [for SMEs] (FP6-IST)
- TOSSAD [Open Source Software] (FP6-IST)
- ERA Pilot [Micro Nanotechnology] (FP6-IST)
For the full list, please refer to website (

Contact (1) Full Name
Jesmond Xuereb (Secretary General)
Head of the organisation
Mr Narcy Calamatta (Chairman)
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr Cedric Mifsud (Board Secretary)


National Network

21, Triq Habel ix-Xghir

00356 21418756
00356 21418702
Mobile Phone
00356 79418756
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Others
  10. Religion
General Information
Mission and Objectives

FOPSIM is a Maltese foundation that aims to achieve concrete progress for marginalized groups or sections within Maltese society in the following areas:
Social protection and inclusion
Working conditions
Diversity and gender equality
In this context FOPSIM’s main mission is to promote and sustain employment, social solidarity, youth and other marginalized issues to achieve tangible advancement in the transition towards a more equitable society.
The Foundation makes use of a diffuse network of resources in the professional, academic, research and journalism fields.

Main Projects / Activities

FOPSIM is actively participating and seeking participation in EU-funded programmes such as structural funding, Leonardo da Vinci and framework programmes. It seeks to increasingly promote Malta’s participation in EU affairs in the social inclusion and youth areas.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadia Theuma
Head of the organisation
Nadia Theuma

Fostering Social Technological Economic Renewal Foundation (FOSTER)

National Network

8, Northfield Apartments, Independence avenue

356 27014415
00356 25401308
Mobile Phone
00356 79051478
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information
Foster Foundation is a voluntary Non Governmental organisation working in the fields of socio-economic nature. The aim of the FOSTER Foundation is to foster, encourage, promote and develop activities of a socio-economic nature that promote the development of research, innovation, technological advancement, best practices and benchmarking in the micro and macro economic spheres in harmony with best practices of social inclusivity and participation.
Mission and Objectives

socio-economic nature that promote the development of research, innovation, technological advancement, best practices and benchmarking in the micro and macro economic spheres in harmony with best practices of social inclusivity and participation

Main Projects / Activities

To promote and work in the fields ITC, research and development, the arts and culture, sports, intercultural dialogue and education.
To promote policies that achieve social inclusion for all marginalised societal sectors in various fields such as poverty, anti discrimination and equal opportunities fields
To promote all initiatives that militate towards the promotion and implementation of projects of an innovative nature, irrespective of its life cycle stage, that add economic value and lead to development in societies in general.
To promote policies and projects that seek to foster technological advancement, research in new technologies or in alternative uses of existing technologies and applications;
To bridge gaps between geographical areas having differing levels of socio-economic development in order to ensure a more playing field in the European Union and elsewhere
The goal of the FOSTER Foundation is to conduct and promote research and interchange of scientific and practical knowledge related to socio-economic nature that promote the development of research, innovation, technological advancement, best practices and benchmarking in the micro and macro economic spheres in harmony with best practices of social inclusivity and participation. It will promote and work in ITC, research and development, the arts and culture, sports, intercultural dialogue and education.
Foster Foundation shall seek to circulate information and educational material, organize educational events, to provide and to establish the best possible standards to network amongst the general public, professionals, and to publish and distribute related research literature.
Foster Foundation shall work to provide or organise, educational demonstrations, assistance, contacts to introduce and advance initiatives to overcome such impediments; to consider options and alternatives to conventional practices that can advance the best possible practices. The Foundation shall not seek radical solutions such as protest marches or public demonstrations to promote its activities or ideals.
Foster Foundation intends to assist all the community and any businesses, groups, organisations and other entities that are dedicated to improve their conventional practices and are ready to introduce new practices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michael Debono

Foundation For Empowering Geneder Equality

National Network

32, Main Street
Kirkop KKP 1528

00356 79906648
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation for Empowering Gender Equality aims at local and international development linked to closing the gap in gender disparities and improving the socio-economic growth. The Foundation was set up in Malta in 2015 and its aim is to bring together local policy-makers, NGOs and international authorities in order to improve matters related to some of the major principles entrenched in the European Union.
Mission and Objectives

The objects and purpose of the Foundation are to:
a. To empower women towards personal and professional development, through information and support;
b. To promote gender equality;
c. To contribute towards the global campaign to end violence against women;
d. To promote cultural integration of women in Malta regardless of religious belonging, race and sexual orientation;
e. To collaborate with other organizations for the reforms of laws and practices that discriminate against women;
f. To raise awareness about gender disparities in Malta; and
g. To conduct research and collect relevant data for the advancement of women rights.

Main Projects / Activities

The main objectives will be achieved through the organisation of local and international events, networking; participation in EU funded projects, specific tailored training and last but not least setting up various local and international initiatives aimed at improving challenging scenarios

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Gisella Orsini
Head of the organisation
Dr. Gisella Orsini (Secretary General), Ms. Katina Mladenova (Chairperson)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Katina Mladenova

Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs

National Network

Gateway Center, Kappillan Mifsud Street

+356 21224900
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (FWE) is a non-profit organization that aims to promote opportunities and training in the area of Women Entrepreneurship. The Foundation is headed by 2 full-time staff that take care of its accounts and administration and as well supported by a number of corporations based in Malta. Other sources of income of the Foundation include its participation in a number of EU project; the organization of training courses, whilst a number of Maltese governmental agencies have subcontracted research contracts in the area of gender mainstreaming.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation for Women Entrepreneurs (Malta) has been set up for the promotion of opportunities, awareness building, training and research in the field of Women Entrepreneurs and other gender issues in Malta, Europe and the Mediterranean.
We believe and realize that all women in Malta and abroad especially in the European and Mediterranean regions, have the right to be educated and receive equal opportunities in all aspects of their public and private life
We believe that it is of paramount importance to create an awareness of the issues, challenges and social relevance of creating an entrepreneurial culture in women including all ethnic, social, geographical, religious and other minority groups

Main Projects / Activities

The main activities of the foundation are the organization of a number of services which aim to promote female entrepreneurship in Malta and the Euro-Mediterranean Region. These include: the provision of entrepreneurship-related skills courses; and a mentoring and job-coaching scheme, where they advise potential female entrepreneurs on how they could set their enterprises. Furthermore, the foundation is currently participating in a number of EU sponsored projects under the 6th Framework, Leonardo and Socrates programmes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Angele Giuliano (Chief Executive Officer)
Head of the organisation
Ms Angele Giuliano (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Mr Angelo Camilleri


 GRF Projects pictures

Genista Research Foundation was established 25 years ago and over the years has coordinated 30 approved projects and participated as partners in 175 projects.

GRF works with disadvantaged youths and focuses on environmental, inclusion, teacher/youth worker training, integration of migrants and game based activities. It's training center is in Gharb Gozo and the nature reserve is in Kalkara. 

Our recent and ongoing projects:

1. The Arts for Social Inclusion project brought together 30 youths from Greece, Malta, Poland, Ireland and Turkey. Youths discussed ideas of how they can be the change for improving social inclusion, promoting diversity and equality. Workshops were held in Poland, Malta and Greece. During the workshops events were also organised in public spaces so the general public could participate.

2. Enlargement Compare, a project funded through CERV organised activities in Malta, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Lithuania. It brought together various citizens from 8 EU countries were they held conferences, workshops and other activities to promote inclusion and citizen participation.

 3. EUMunicipal project funded by CERV brought together 12 municipalities and NGO’s working together  to promote an inclusive EU society were activities and policy making is through grassroots involvement.

 4. GBL4All project funded through Erasmus+ brought together 6 partners to attend 3 training workshops on inclusivity using game based training methodologies and techniques.

GRF is open for transnational collaborations with other ALF members.

Genista Research Foundation

National Network

19, Hospital street,

00356 79232635
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00356 79232635
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Genista Research Foundation has been recently set up with the aim of coordinating a pioneering project on sustainable farming to demonstrate practical systems in various sectors of farming and other sustainable practices where one is expected to take greater care of our environment and the health of the consumer. The project will also serve as an opportunity for further initiatives and practical research in the field of sustainable farming and other related ecological issues by providing technical assistance, courses, educational material and other informational activities. The Foundation also co-ordinates a pioneering project on sustainable farming demonstrating environmentally friendly farming systems in various sectors of farming. Through its educational activities and events the foundation encourages the protection of the natural environment together with the conservation of native agricultural landscapes, ensuring that agricultural activities care for the protection of valleys and landscapes of scientific interest. Environmentally friendly farming promotes sustainable farming methods which are supported by European agricultural policies, a practice that deserves encouragement as it generates a positive health and environmental impact. Genista Research Foundation is a follower of the Biodynamic Farming and gardening Association USA and is looking forward is to reinforce its commitment towards the environment by implementing and demonstrating the principles of 'Permaculture'.
Mission and Objectives

Environment friendly farming, as one of our initiatives, will promote sustainable farming methods which is a new trend in European Agricultural Policies which is a practice that deserves support as it generates a positive health and environmental impact such as:
• Reducing health hazards posed to both the consumer and the farmer by the use of dangerous chemicals in conventional farming.
• Reducing the potential of nitrate leaching, contaminating the water table
• Beneficial impact on the wildlife population and biodiversity of flora and fauna of the Maltese islands
• Promoting responsible environmental attitudes and establishment of basic practical data that can serve for educational programs and consultation services - The foundation has already been assisting students in related studies.

Main Projects / Activities

an NGO which works in the environmental and Organic farming sectors among other areas, a foundation which was set up in 2002 , with the aim of coordinating a pioneering project on sustainable farming and Biodiversity to demonstrate practical systems in various sectors of farming and other sustainable practices where one is expected to take greater care of our environment and the health of the consumer.
The project has also served as an opportunity for further initiatives and practical research in the field of sustainable farming and other related ecological issues by providing technical assistance, courses, educational material and other informational activities.
Genista manages the Rinella nature park in the south of the island.activities related to the European Commission and is the direct point of contact between the community of Malta and the European commission, offering advice, information etc both to the Maltese public, SME’s, NGO’s, schools and also to European citizens who require information about Malta.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mark Causon
Head of the organisation
Mark Causon
Contact (2) Full Name
Michael Mallia

GMD Training and Consultancy Services Ltd

National Network

115B, Suite 3, Old Mint Street
Valletta VLT1515

+356 79404689
Telephone (other)
+39 333 3884589
Mobile Phone
+39 333 3884589
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

GMD is an organization based in Malta, which provides consultancy services, trainings and coaching, supported by research-based diagnostic tools, on intercultural diversity management and gender equality. It helps organizations and individuals promote intercultural management, cultural diversity & inclusion, enhance communication, productivity & sense of belonging. It helps its clients to adopt and develop a global mindset and “culture add” mentality to attract and retain diverse talent; value and transform diverse workforce in a real competitive advantage; foster an inclusive employee experience creating community and sense of belonging; find the best way to promote social change while bridging the gap between profit and purpose. GMD is a SME with one employee and occasional collaborators who contribute to specific tasks and work on specific projects. Since 2021, GMD has organized four editions of a Train the Trainers programme with the aim of establishing a network of trainers and collaborators.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Global Mindset Development is to provide consultancy services, training, and coaching, supported by research-based diagnostic tools, focusing on intercultural diversity management and gender equality. The organization is committed to developing a global mindset and creating culturally intelligent workplaces. However, its mission extends beyond individual and organizational development, encompassing a broader societal impact. GMD is dedicated to fostering positive change in society by promoting new narratives, particularly those related to migration. The organization aims to challenge existing perspectives and stereotypes through its initiatives, contributing to a more inclusive and understanding society. Through its various projects and collaborations, GMD actively works towards creating a cultural shift and influencing societal perceptions for the better. The objectives of GMD include offering tailored training programs, developing effective tools for intercultural skills, and creating a culturally intelligent workplace. The organization emphasizes promoting female entrepreneurship, youth development, and contributing to the field of education through collaborations with institutions like the Institute for Education in Malta. GMD actively engages in projects and initiatives that address societal challenges, such as migration narratives, LGBTQ+ rights, disability awareness, and well-being in minority communities. In line with its mission, GMD actively participates in European projects, such as ERASMUS+ initiatives, aiming to bring about positive changes in cultural perceptions and civic involvement. The organization leverages its expertise in diversity and inclusion, intercultural communication, and gender equality to contribute to the development of individuals, organizations, and communities.

Main Projects / Activities

In 2023, Global Mindset Development conducted over eighty training sessions, engaging participants from more than 80 countries. In total, more than 1,500 individuals were trained over the course of the past year in intercultural management, diversity and inclusion, and cultural awareness. In alignment with GMD's core competencies and mission, the organization is currently implementing the ERASMUS+ Small Scale Partnership project, "ORRAJT - On the road: new routes, alternative journeys and fair tracks. Challenging perspectives on migration, walking different narratives." This venture, funded under Key Action 2, has successfully secured a grant of 60,000 euros. Leveraging the established success of the Migrantour methodology with 24 partners across 8 EU countries, ORRAJT aims to introduce an experiential new narrative about migration and integration to Malta. The project uniquely incorporates local walking tours guided by migrants, providing an authentic and engaging perspective. Key objectives of ORRAJT encompass enhancing the belonging, civic involvement, and active citizenship of migrants and refugees through meaningful engagement with cultural heritage. The project addresses migrants' specific needs, offering training, recognition of their expertise, and fostering a sense of belonging through civic participation in cultural tourism. Global Mindset Development aims to actively engage Maltese schools, universities, and colleges in the ORRAJT project by extending invitations for participation in its tours to students. The objective is to provide a valuable opportunity for the younger generation to contemplate issues surrounding migration and integration. By offering these tours, GMD seeks to foster meaningful reflections on crucial themes such as acceptance, diversity, and inclusion. The initiative is designed to contribute to the educational and experiential growth of students, encouraging them to broaden their perspectives and become more informed global citizens. GMD offers a specialized course titled "Train the Trainer." In this comprehensive training programme, participants have the opportunity to gain insights and knowledge from our extensive expertise in the intercultural field; explore cultural dimensions developed by the pioneers in the field, delving into the historical context; stay updated with the latest studies and research on cultural diversity, inclusion, and innovation; the training also provides valuable networking opportunities. Participants not only benefit from GMD's wealth of experience but also gain access to our extensive international network. This network extends beyond professional connections, fostering a sense of global citizenship and community. The "Train the Trainer" initiative has already seen four successful editions, showcasing its effectiveness and positive impact on participants. GMD collaborates with the Institute for Education in Malta (IFE) to deliver Professional Development Sessions on intercultural communication, intercultural relations, cultural diversity, intercultural and interreligious conflict management, capacity building for teachers and parents in Maltese schools. The Institute for Education provides various modes of continuing professional development that inject the 21st-century skills and competencies into the educators at all levels of leadership and infuse equity and social justice within all the learning programmes. Since 2019, GMD has been collaborating with Learning Works Academy. For them, GMD has created and coordinated the Level 4 award, discovering diversity potential at the workplace. The aim of the course is to train trainers and managers on cultural awareness and diversity and inclusion at the workplace. In June 2020 the first cohort of students graduated and started working as Diversity and Inclusion officers in their respective organizations. GMD is also involved in various vocational education and training activities in Malta, Italy and other EU countries in different sectors. Together with Learning Works, GMD also offers training to local companies and organizations, like CareMalta, Farsons Group and the Malta Football Association on topics related to cultural intelligence and cultural awareness. Since 2018 Viviana Premazzi, GMD’s CEO, has worked as a lecturer for the University of Malta for the courses: “Building Bridges". Developing skills to work with people from different cultures”, “Responding to Multicultural contexts”, “Entrepreneurship: from ideas to action”, “Equality at the place of work”, “Gender and Social Policy” and as a dissertation supervisor for the Center for Labour Studies. GMD regularly offers team-building programs to businesses. These programs include "The Glocal Malta - A Global Mindset Development Cultural Immersion Experience" and "Life in the Mediterranean Sea", in partnership with EcoMarine Malta. These activities encourage reflection and skill development among participants from participating companies. As self-employed before creating GMD, the founder Viviana Premazzi and her network of collaborators were involved in various vocational education and training activities in Malta, Italy and other EU countries in different sectors. GMD records proven experience and expertise in innovative learning methodologies, online and offline training and educational technologies. GMD's work is inspired by the UN's Sustainable Development Goals which focus on addressing social and economic development issues across a range of subject areas including: education, social justice, diversity and inclusion and equality, social innovation.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

GMD can make a meaningful contribution to the ALF network in Malta by virtue of its deep-rooted presence and diverse collaborations on both national and international fronts. As a Malta-based organization, GMD brings a nuanced understanding of the local context, cultural intricacies, and societal challenges. GMD takes pride in its extensive national and international network, forged through collaborations with institutions all over Europe. This network not only establishes GMD as a connector but also facilitates the exchange of knowledge, best practices, and innovative approaches to intercultural diversity management and gender equality. Furthermore, GMD's strategic partnerships with key local institutions, including IFE and the University of Malta, underscore its credibility and commitment to excellence. GMD aims to contribute significantly to the ALF network in Malta by offering not only its deep local insights but also its extensive capabilities, expertise, and enthusiasm. As an organization committed to intercultural diversity management and gender equality, GMD aims to share its knowledge and best practices, actively participating in the network's initiatives. Our collaboration is not merely transactional, as GMD is dedicated to building and sustaining fruitful relationships within the network, fostering a cooperative environment where all members benefit from shared experiences and resources. By actively engaging with the institutions within the network, GMD seeks to amplify its impact, reaching diverse demographics and advocating for the importance of intercultural understanding, inclusion, and equality.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

GMD is eager to join the ALF network to expand its reach and engagement with like-minded organizations, associations, and NGOs that share our mission and objectives. By becoming part of this network, GMD aims to cultivate new partnerships and collaborations that can translate into impactful projects and initiatives. We believe that the ALF Network provides a dynamic platform for fostering connections, sharing knowledge, and collectively working towards a more inclusive and diverse society. GMD sees this opportunity as a means to amplify our efforts and contribute to meaningful change on both local and international scales.

Contact (1) Full Name
Viviana Premazzi
Head of the organisation
Viviana Premazzi
Contact (2) Full Name
Irene Cristaudo

Government looking to limit non-EU nationals in Malta

2nd article Sources : ⁃ « Government looking to limit non-EU nationals in Malta » The Maltese government is implementing measures to limit the presence of non-European Union (EU) nationals in the country, aiming to address concerns related to...

Happy Parenting - Malta (For Happier Children)

National Network

Dar Christine Bougainvillea Complex
Wistin Camilleri Street
Victoria VCT 2080

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Structure A President, a Secretary and a Treasurer are the officially registered Administration team with an assisting subcommittee for administration and accounts. We have various volunteers. We employ 2 disabled persons through Access to Employment Scheme. Budget and Sources of Funding We depend on donations which amount around Eur12,000 in a year. At times we win sponsorship through small initiative scheme by The Malta Council for Voluntary Organisations Bank of Valletta and HSBC Malta Foundation support us in small amounts around Eur650 for each 10 sessions and competition prizes for children and youths with lesser opportunities. We deliver sessions online and also at the Foundation for Educational Services - so called 3-16 club. Where children aged 3-16 have to stay some hours extra at school as there would be no-one at home Our Supporters We get support from various other organisations such as Attard Parish Centre, Ahmadyjja Musulmana, Grandparents Malta, the Gozo Mental Health Association... We are member of MaltaCan Foundation an umbrella organisation for groups working in the best interest of children. We are supported by the Commissioner for Mental Health since our main agenda is to combat Parental Alienation in which cases there might be mental health issues. We are affiliated with Parental Alienation Europe and we are in touch with numerous entities working on parental alienation across the world... We are members of The International Council for Shared Parenting. Locally we have a few psychotherapists and family lawyers supporting us. But the demand increasingly needs we commission professionals to address family wellbeing. In the long term such investment saves many family situations... we try to keep families away from court as much as possible.

Mission and Objectives

Our Vision: to have Happier Children through Healthier Parenting for a more Prosperous Society. Our Mission: to improve family well-being through prevention, support and therapy

Main Projects / Activities

P R E V E N T I O N is addressed through a number of events: annually • an international experts’ seminar on Changes for Family Wellbeing • a 17-day awareness campaign on family violence and the need of children to have healthier parenting, organized during the Christmas month when families with difficulties feel the suffering even more. We visit different locations such as Parliament, Local Councils and Parish Centres. occasionally • recommending changes in the family law, training of professionals on early detection of child psychological abuse and the need for early intervention. • group fun activities for all, such as sports, lunch, dinner, BBQs, visits to parks • solidarity vigils weekly (free of charge): • courses in parenting skills • art and music sessions for students who have to stay afterschool hours at school • art sessions and competitions for students with limited opportunities • crafts club for grandparents, parents, youths and children S U P P O R T is offered to parents and children in difficult situations through: • bi-weekly group empowerment sessions supported by legal and social care professionals • one to one support and follow-up sessions • provision of food and other essential items T H E R A P Y is made available through: • one-to-one & group counselling • one-to-one & group psychotherapy sessions P L A N N I N G A H E A D 2024, 2025, 2026 Enhancing on the above initiatives and introducing: • activity-based therapy programmes • re-unification therapy amongst others (proven to have a success rate of over 90%) • psychiatric consultation sessions • training on planning to have a family; co-parenting; harmonious relationships.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

see uploaded file Happy Parenting in brief January 2024

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

for support as per the attached Happy Parenting brief 2024 Any support whatsoever will highly be beneficial and appreciated

Contact (1) Full Name
Mary Gauci
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mary Gauci
Contact (2) Full Name
Anthony Cauchi
Job Title (2)
Founder, Treasurer and Public Relations Officer