
Makhzoumi Foundation

National Network

Bechara El Khoury Branch Ras El Nabeh, Bechara El Khoury Str. Adonis Bldg. 2nd Fl.

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Makhzoumi Foundation is a National, Not-for-Profit Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that works through 4 programs and 1 unit to empower the community. It was established by Dr. Fouad Makhzoumi, and chaired by Mrs. May Naamani Makhzoumi, out of a strong desire to help empower fellow citizens to achieve self-dependence and improved career prospects.  Today, the foundation employs around 150 individual. Please find attached more detailed information regarding the organization's structure, funding, modalities of action and partner.
Mission and Objectives

To mobilize resources, build partnerships and develop the capacities of our community in Lebanon while promoting targeted education, affordable healthcare, workable startups, sustainable development and secured livelihoods.
Our objective is to ensure ultimate living conditions for every person in Lebanon.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the Development Program's main projects:

On going projects:
- Agro-Forestry Development Project of Degraded Lands of Lebanon:
This project aims at encouraging reforestation and includes a main nursery in Akkar/ Northern Lebanon, which produces trees and plants that are offered to municipalities, local NGOs, and communities countrywide.
- Civic Engagement
This Project aims at developing the combination of skills, knowledge and values in order to promote a quality of life in our communities.
- Craft Workshops
This project includes holding craft workshops that often aim at conveying the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) message to minimize household wastes.
- Environmental Education for Children
This project aims at increasing students’ knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, and at developing necessary skills and expertise to address those challenges.
- Yalla Nofroz – Let’s Sort Initiative
Makhzoumi Foundation launched an environmental initiative entitled “Let’s Sort…Let’s Start the First Step Together”, in collaboration with CEDAR-Environmental, on March 11, 2016, aiming at stimulating the neighborhoods of its centers to begin sorting solid wastes (the non-organic).
Previous projects:
- ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENT to foster Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth in the Municipality of Irkay:
The action proposed to foster sustainable development and inclusive growth through the environmental improvement with the following three specific objectives:
To provide innovative services of renewable energy for environmental protection, to develop a basic disposition of children of care towards nature and to provide them with a green space, and to strengthen the role of environmental awareness in achieving sustainable development and empowering people.
The Project included activities such as installation of solar energy poles in the main places of the Municipality, establishment of a green area for children, holding training workshop on environmental education including climate change and sustainable development addressing teachers of primary and intermediate school, organization of environmental craft workshops for women among others. Students were also introduced to the GHG calculations and reduction initiatives.
- Regreen Lebanon and Preserve the Climate- 2007:
Celebrating the Mediterranean Action Day 2007 dedicated to Climate Change and the Mediterranean and also on the occasion of the National Tree Day in Lebanon, Makhzoumi Foundation supported by the Mediterranean Information Office (MIO) organized a project entitled Re-green Lebanon and Preserve the Climate of Our Planet in Sarafand, South Lebanon. The event was carried out in cooperation with the Greek NGO, Society for the Environment and Sustainability on Earth (SENSE), the Ministry of Education in Lebanon and the Lebanese NGO in Sarafand, Shoaa al Beeaa.
70 volunteer students who came from several schools in Beirut and Sarafand attended a presentation dealing with the topic of climate change and the importance of trees in reversing the present day worldwide danger of climatic changes. The presentation was followed by a tree planting event whereby all the participants cooperated in planting 400 saplings (poplar, mimosa, oleander, leucena and others) offered by Makhzoumi Foundation from its nursery in Akkar. Brochures about the importance of trees and the methods of planting them were distributed to all participants to spread awareness.
- Awareness Training on Solar Energy Application- 2008-2009:
The project aimed at raising awareness on the importance of renewable energy by spreading the principle of solar energy and emphasizing its role as an efficient and renewable source that could easily replace traditional ones.
174 science teachers of the 6th grade from both public and private schools in all the regions of the country were trained on new technical skills of solar energy. A training manual was designed and simple educational kits were developed to be used as teaching material that would support the official science curriculum. Each teacher received an educational kit in addition to a transcript of attendance. During the workshops, a Best Poster contest was announced to all the students of the schools that participated in this project and a prize distribution ceremony was held on June 17th 2009 for the winners.
- Climate Change and Biodiversity in Qannoubine- 2010:
Celebrating the Mediterranean Action Day 2010, which was dedicated to Climate Change and Biodiversity in the Mediterranean, Makhzoumi Foundation supported by the Mediterranean Information Office (MIO) organized a project entitled Climate Change and Biodiversity in Qannoubine Valley in North Lebanon. The project included a field visit 2010 to Quanoubine valley in Northern Lebanon with 45 participants.
The day started by an informative power point presentation where the natural reserves of Lebanon, the native plant and animal species, the importance of biodiversity and the effects of climate change were explained. The presentation was followed by a discussion about the topic then the specialist accompanied the group on a walk in the valley whereby she demonstrated the existing native plants to the participants and explained to them how climate change could affect the ecosystem balance. A manual about Climate Change and Biodiversity was prepared, translated and printed in English and Arabic; it was distributed to all participants during the visit.
Photos and video-tapes of the site and several plants were taken by a photographer and were used along with other educational data for preparing a short documentary video by an expert that was uploaded on the websites of Makhzoumi Foundation and MIO-ECSDE as well as the manual.

- Youth Exchange in the Mediterranean- 2010:
The Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE) and 6 partners from the Mediterranean, took the initiative to address youth and introduce the YOUTH X CHANGE IN THE MEDITERRANEAN initiative and kit, as part of a global campaign on sustainable consumption. As a partner, Makhzoumi Foundation prepared and provided MIO-ECSDE with four case studies for the kit. The event was launched in Lebanon on November 2010, organized by Makhzoumi Foundation and MIO-ECSDE including a press conference and an experiential train-the-trainer seminar for youth associations and teachers.
Press Conference at the Press Syndicate on November 26th, 2010:
This event was the official launching of the YXC in Lebanon; it was addressed, primarily, to the relevant ministries of Education and Environment, local authorities, CSOs, NGOs and the media with 63 participants from those sectors.
Training event Saturday on November 27th, 2010:
This event was addressed to those involved with education and youth issues in the public and private schools such as teachers of primary and secondary level, youth leaders, university students, and NGOs carrying out educational projects with 72 participants.
- Youth in Sustainable Production and Consumption 2011:
The project “Youth…The Ultimate Player in Sustainable production and consumption” was implemented in cooperation with MIO-ECSDE within the framework of the Mediterranean Action Day 2011. The activity was a follow-up of the Youth X Change (YXC) in the Mediterranean initiative that addresses the youth community all over the world and that was launched in Lebanon in November 2010, jointly organized by MIO-ECSDE and Makhzoumi Foundation as the Lebanese partner.
The activity included the following: A survey targeting 406 young adults in different regions of the country reflecting their consumption behaviors; A documentary prepared including the results of the above survey as an introduction and portraying in photos and video films the conclusions and recommendations of each chapter of the YXC kit. A discussion session targeting several stakeholders from ministries, schools, universities, scouts and clubs was held on December 19th whereby the results of the survey and the documentary were presented. Brainstorming on the different uses of the video documentary was done and recommendations were provided.

- Youth Education on Sustainable Development- 2011:
This project included a workshop whereby the opening was attended by the Minister of  Education who gave a speech followed by a plenary session where Dr. Sulieman elaborated on the ESD package.
33 participants mostly school teachers and directors as well as NGO members attended the workshop. The participants were divided into 3 groups based on 3 dimensions: social, economic and environmental. On the second day, the sessions focused on the YXC kit and participants were divided into two rotating groups, From my habits to my values … and back and Breaking the Barriers.
The workshop aimed at introducing the UNESCO package Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable Future which includes training modules on the economical, social and environmental dimensions of education for sustainable development and applications in the educational systems, introducing the Package The Youth…Together towards Sustainable development which focuses on consumer behavioral patterns that limit the environmental degradation in the society, Involving students and youngsters in a number of activities associated with the development  goals  of  the  United  Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014), such as tree planting. After the workshop, a tree planting activity was held in Deir Mkhalles where students planted 250 saplings offered by the nursery of Makhzoumi Foundation in Akkar.
-Marine Litter in the Mediterranean- 2012:
As part of the MIO-ECSDE’s annual activity entitled the Mediterranean Action Day (a joint, small/medium-scale action conducted in many Mediterranean countries during a three-month period each year), Makhzoumi Foundation submitted a project that included holding a shore cleansing event whereby a group of 15 young adult volunteers collected the marine debris on the shore of Antelias, then sorted and measured them. The event was preceded by an awareness lecture on the topic and its importance; the project was held in partnership with Mer Terre Liban, a Lebanese NGO concerned with environmental issues.
-Green Demonstration Room- 2013:
A memorandum of understanding was signed on September 23rd 2013 among the three partners: the Center of Research and Development (CERD), The Lebanon Green Building Council (LGBC) and Makhzoumi Foundation (MF) for the implementation of a project that includes the establishment of a “Green Demonstration Room” at the premises of the Center of Research and Development in Jounieh.
The main objectives of the Project are: to demonstrate the concept and principles of Green Buildings, to raise public awareness on the importance of energy efficiency, water conservation, pollution-reduction and other environmental issue to as many learners as possible of all ages and backgrounds, to encourage the use of renewable energy technologies, to train trainers of the Center and science teachers, to support the integration of Energy Efficiency in the official school curricula, to have an educational unit on green buildings for the young generations to come.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By working on implementing activities and/or projects that promote human rights, citizenship, leadership, and democracy in the hope of improving the quality of life in this country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To have the chance to meet other organizations with similar goals and share experiences and knowledge with the aim of widening our outreach, forming partnerships and enhancing intercultural cooperation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sallama Namani
Job Title
Development Program Manager
Head of the organisation
Mrs. May Makhzoumi
Contact (2) Full Name
Cyma Naamani
Job Title (2)
School Project Coordinator

Maqamat Theatre Dance

National Network

Achrafieh, Independence street, Habis Bldg., 1st floor
Beirut 1100

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Maqamat Is a non-profit civil company directed by an artistic Director elected by a founding board of directors. There are no full time employees, however the administrative and management work is either voluntary work or project oriented. Similarly, the company is also project oriented in raising funds and mostly from cultural centres in Lebanon. Maqamat organises an annual projects such as BIPOD-Beirut international Platform of Dance and different artistic projects throughout the year. Maqamat is a founding member in ‘Masahat’ (landscapes) a regional network aiming at developing cultural and artistic exchange between artists and companies, creating more opportunities and chances to better develop the concept and practice of contemporary dance.
Mission and Objectives

Maqamat Theatre Dance aims at establishing a platform for innovation, experimentation, and continuous development of contemporary dance culture, in Lebanon and the Region. Through introducing new ideas and concepts of dance and ''the body'', the company anticipates a new phase of artistic and social productivity, creativity, modernization, and free expression.

Main Projects / Activities

The artistic and cultural activities organised by Maqamat are divided into three categories. Firstly, artistic and creative dance performances, events and collaborative projects. Secondly, Project Zero, a development work project targeting young dancers/choreographers and supporting these artists through funding and organising artistic dance residences, workshops, lectures, and meeting. Thirdly, organising an annual contemporary dance festival, BIPOD (Beirut International Platform of Dance).

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Omar Rajeh
Job Title
Artistic Director
Head of the organisation
Mr. Omar Rajeh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Mia Habis
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Masar Association

National Network

Hamra, Souraty street, Shartouni building, 7th floor, Apartment 36 & 37
Beirut 01135979

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Masar has 7 staff members divided across 3 units: Management, Administration, and Programs. In 2022, Masar’s budgetary resources were 234,592.09 USD. In 2021, budgetary resources were 658,448.96 USD.
Some of our donors over the past few years have been the Asfari Foundation, The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations (LSU), UNICEF, Swiss Embassy in Lebanon, and Norwegian Embassy in Lebanon, among others.
Our modalities of action are concrete projects spanning awareness and outreach activities, advocacy meetings and campaigning.
The main partners involved in our modalities of action are youth initiatives from all over the country, youth NGOs and political groups, and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.

Mission and Objectives

Masar Association was founded in 2005 with the aim of contributing to local and national development processes and the advancement of society. Masar operates at the community and policy levels, enabling wide access to information and emphasizing empowerment and advocacy as cross-cutting approaches. We envision a secular and inclusive State where every human being is actively engaged, enjoys public freedoms, and where the rule of law is respected and abided by.

Main Projects / Activities

Masar has three programs: Youth for Community Development (YCD), Youth Policy & Governance (YPG), Rights for Palestinians in Lebanon (RPL). Any project/activity needs to fall under one of these programs. Some of our latest projects are: “The Provision of Economic, Social and Legal Protection & Security for Palestinian Nurses at the Workplace in Lebanon” project in partnership with the Swiss Embassy in Lebanon; “Youth Citizens of Today” project, in partnership with UNICEF; “Advocating a National Youth Policy” in partnership with The National Council of Swedish Youth Organizations (LSU).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Masar has extensive experience in community mobilization, and in networking among diverse groups over specific issues and causes. It has created and acted as the Secretariat of the “Youth Forum for Youth Policy” that gathers youth from across the different colors of the Lebanese political spectrum to advocate collectively a youth policy, and “Qindeel – The Network of Palestinian Nurses in Lebanon” that gathers Palestinian nurses from across Lebanon to advocate their rights at the workplace in Lebanon. Masar can share best practices in networking and in forging win- win scenarios based on concrete experience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Masar association is interested to join ALF Network to reach out to new partners and opportunities and expand its work with youth, adding new dimensions to it. Masar is interested in particular to enhance its work on intercultural dialogue which is highly needed in Lebanon and the MENA region, and even beyond, which would strengthen citizenship practices and social cohesion.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rania Sabaayon
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Kamal Shayya

Mashallah News

National Network

132 California street, Kronfol Bldg., Ras Beirut
Beirut 1103

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Mashallah News is an initiative that was started in 2010 by a group of journalists, graphic designers, writers and photographers, and now includes five core members - four editors and one graphic designer - and more than 15 contributors. The core group is based in Beirut and Istanbul, while the collaborators live in different Middle Eastern cities. Up until now, Mashallah News has worked on an entirely voluntary basis, without external sources of funding. Writers and collaborators contribute without reimbursement, and the few expenses Mashallah News has had, have been covered by the founding members as well as by funds raised during two events in Beirut. Mashallah News is partner with Babelmed and La Revue De Tehran, two online platforms with whom we share articles. We are also cooperating with Lebanese citizen media initiative Hibr in organizing events in Beirut.
Mission and Objectives

Mashallah News is a new online platform for the Arab world, Turkey, and Iran, that is collective, independent, grass-root, dynamic and cross-cultural. The perspective is social and cultural and the project aims to describe events, circumstances and developments in the daily life of people in the region. Mashallah News tells stories that have important societal implications, artistic value, cultural bearing and regional and global dimensions. The core of Mashallah News is an engagement with contemporary societal change and cultural developments. We believe that Middle Eastern cities are dynamic places, rich with stories that rarely make it to conventional media. Mainstream news coverage of the Middle East is largely focused on geopolitics, something that creates a single-minded conception of the region. Mashallah News aims to describe a different side, and sets out to move beyond narrow categories and such single-minded focus.

Main Projects / Activities

Mashallah News has a regional and urban outlook and publishes stories, articles and visuals describing life, society and change. Fourteen cities are covered at the moment but Mashallah News aims to gather writers from all major urban centers between the Moroccan coast and the Iranian shores. Since the start, we have published more than 100 articles, video reports and photo essays from places like Cairo, Jeddah, Istanbul, Ramallah, Algiers and Beirut. This way, the platform contributes to both cross-cultural understanding and inter-regional connections, and to the creation of a new, independent and people-focused media outlook.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Micheline Toubia
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Clement Girardot (Co-Founder)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Jenny Gustafsson
Job Title (2)

Masrah Ensemble

National Network

Mtayleb, Bldg. 660, Lot 15
Metn 2426

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Masrah Ensemble is a nonprofit theatre collective and organization that aims to reconfigure audiences and to encourage transcendent, riveting theatre. The Ensemble also aims to cultivate new talent from the margins, to champion artistic and cultural exchange, and to challenge prevailing ideas of what theatre should be, where it should take place, and to whom it belongs. Masrah Ensemble pursues its mission by making and developing formal and informal performances (usually presented free of charge), by conceiving and implementing projects embedded in and emerging from activist networks and spaces, and by initiating radical education initiatives that aspire to artistic excellence. Furthermore, our strategies include prioritizing translation and literacy, creating new axes of exchange and unprecedented collaborations, and fostering research and criticism of theatre that is engaged with the public sphere, with the life of the street, with both contemporary and historical narratives. Highlights of our work since inception include a three-month Amharic-Arabic-English theatre festival with audiences and artists of socio-economic diversity in performances of works-in-progress in Beirut and New York. Last year, we also produced a two-month playwright residency program to develop new Arabic drama (first initiative of its kind in the Middle East) in collaboration with theatre makers in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon. In 2013, we presented an Arabic-English production of Mud (1982) by María Irene Fornés in a salvaged, derelict Ottoman mansion, presenting more than a dozen free performances to audiences of migrant workers and standard Beirut theatregoers. We have conducted workshops with preteen Syrian refugees in Lebanon and college students in the United States and performed staged readings of plays in Arabic, English, French, and Amharic. The organization launched in 2012 with an international educational and artistic theatre series around the book Doomed by Hope: Essays on Arab Theatre (Pluto Press) in Lebanon, United States, The Netherlands, and Australia. ** Le Masrah Ensemble est une association à but non lucratif et compagnie de théâtre qui crée des projets et effectue des recherches sur le théâtre, avec une attention particulière à la scène arabe. Basé à Beyrouth, l’Ensemble a pour objet de reconfigurer les publics et de favoriser le développement d’un théâtre à la fois accrocheur et transcendant. Depuis 2009 la compagnie monte des spectacles, cultive des jeunes talents et encourage les échanges artistiques et culturels. ** إن مسرح انسمبل هو جمعية ثقافية، وفنية، وتربوية، واجتماعية لا تبغي الربح تعمل في إطار المسرح وتقوم بشكل خاص على إجراء البحوث والنقد المسرحي وكافة النشاطات والمشاريع المتعلقة بالمسرح إضافة الى تنظيم المسارح والعروض وتعزيز دورها مع التركيز على المسرح العربي. تهدف الجمعية إلى إعادة هيكلة قاعدة الجماهير وتشجيع المسرح المشوّق والممتع.
Mission and Objectives

Masrah Ensemble is a nonprofit theatre company and organization that aims to reconfigure audiences and to encourage transcendent, riveting theatre. The Ensemble also aims to cultivate new talent from the margins, to champion artistic and cultural exchange, and to challenge prevailing ideas of what theatre should be, where it should take place, and to whom it belongs.

Main Projects / Activities

Masrah Ensemble pursues its mission by making and developing formal and informal performances (usually presented free of charge), by conceiving and implementing projects embedded in and emerging from activist networks and spaces, and by initiating radical education initiatives that aspire to artistic excellence. Furthermore, our strategies include prioritizing translation and literacy, creating new axes of exchange and unprecedented collaborations, and fostering research and criticism of theatre that is engaged with the public sphere, with the life of the street, with both contemporary and historical narratives.
Highlights of our work since inception include a three-month Amharic-Arabic-English theatre festival with audiences and artists of socio-economic diversity in performances of works-in-progress in Beirut and New York. Last year, we also produced a two-month playwright residency program to develop new Arabic drama (first initiative of its kind in the Middle East) in collaboration with theatre makers in Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon.
In 2013, we presented an Arabic-English production of Mud (1982) by María Irene Fornés in a salvaged, derelict Ottoman mansion, presenting more than a dozen free performances to audiences of migrant workers and standard Beirut theatregoers. We have conducted workshops with preteen Syrian refugees in Lebanon and college students in the United States and performed staged readings of plays in Arabic, English, French, and Amharic. The organization launched in 2012 with an international educational and artistic theatre series around the book Doomed by Hope: Essays on Arab Theatre (Pluto Press) in Lebanon, United States, The Netherlands, and Australia.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Masrah Ensemble can facilitate collaborations between artistic and cultural organizations and activist institutions serving minority groups such as migrant workers and refugees.
We can also advise members of the network on international collaborations and exchange as well as publications and translation intiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We woudl like to join the ALF Network in order to particpate in a Euro-Mediterannean movement of civil society and cultural activism and also to apply to grants in order to further such initiatives.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Eyad Houssami
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mr. Eyad Houssami

MEADOWS - Mediterranean Endeavors Advancing Development Of Widespread Sustainability

National Network

Caracas st. Garnet bldg. 1st Fl.
Zalak 55511966

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

MEADOWS - Mediterranean Endeavors Advancing Development Of Widespread Sustainability, founded in Beirut registration No 229/AD is an International ngo with representations in 5 continents. Its headquarters is in Beirut - Lebanon, and consists of 22 volunteer members. It gets personal funding mainly from its board members, international patrons and project partners.

Mission and Objectives

MEADOWS engages in programs collaborating with the governmental and non-governmental sectors, as well as with all kinds of specialized international organizations by organizing seminars, exhibitions, and orientation programs within the cultural and sustainable development realms. MEADOWS ngo has over the years grown and spread with its regional and national representations worldwide creating a network engaged in cultural dialogue through a wide spectrum of cultural and social activities that promote art, free outside the box thinking, art therapy, awareness to the importance of safeguarding the environment, social activities in collaboration with talented and established artists worldwide, using the arts as one of its major tools.

Main Projects / Activities

Art Therapy workshops & TOT for trauma victims (2007-present) Organizing & curating International Art Exhibitions & Biennials in Venice-2018-20-22, Civitanova-Novara-Verbania, Louvre-2017-18 Paris, Miami-2017, Tijuana-Mexico 2019-21, Jakarta-Bali 2010-12-13-15-16-18, Beijing-Shanghai-Hubei-Dafen-Changzhou-2008-10-12-13-14-15-17-19 China, Palma de Majorca 1997, Dhaka-2015-17-19-22, Mamaia, Constanta- Cluj 2015-16-18, UAE 2016, Sarajevo-Banjaluka-2004-06-08-10, Beirut-Sidon 2003-07-10-14-18-19-20-21, Barcelona 2015, Jollabuk do 2012 S. Korea. Partners: UNESCO Beirut office, European Cultural Centre, Paint Pals-Art Reach-USA, SNBA-Paris, FAM ngo Greece, CETYS University Mexico, AmericanUniv-Beirut, DAK University- NABAD , AMEL ngo, St. George Hospital, CMC Hosptl affiliated with Johns Hopkins, One Design Lebanon, RestArt Beirut, Hamazkain ngo, Beirut & BH Municipalities

Contact (1) Full Name
Lena Kelekian
Job Title
Founder / International president
Head of the organisation
Lena Kelekian
Contact (2) Full Name
Hagop Sulahian
Job Title (2)
Co- Founder / Board member

MEADOWS - Mediterranean Endeavors Advancing Development Of Widespread Sustainability

National Network

Caracas st. Garnet bldg. 1st Fl.
Zalka 55511966

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

MEADOWS - Mediterranean Endeavors Advancing Development Of Widespread Sustainability, founded in Beirut registration No 229/AD is an International ngo with representations in 5 continents.
Its headquarters is in Beirut - Lebanon, and consists of 22 volunteer members. It gets personal funding mainly from its board members, international patrons and project partners.
Main projects: Art Therapy workshops & TOT for trauma victims (2007-present)
Organizing & curating International Art Exhibitions & Biennials in Venice-2018-20-22, Civitanova-Novara-Verbania, Louvre-2017-18 Paris, Miami-2017, Tijuana-Mexico 2019-21, Jakarta-Bali 2010-12-13-15-16-18, Beijing-Shanghai-Hubei-Dafen-Changzhou-2008-10-12-13-14-15-17-19 China, Palma de Majorca 1997, Dhaka-2015-17-19-22, Mamaia, Constanta- Cluj 2015-16-18, UAE 2016, Sarajevo-Banjaluka-2004-06-08-10, Beirut-Sidon 2003-07-10-14-18-19-20-21, Barcelona 2015, Jollabuk do 2012 S. Korea.
Partners: UNESCO Beirut office, European Cultural Centre, Paint Pals-Art Reach-USA, SNBA-Paris, FAM ngo Greece, CETYS University Mexico, American University of Beirut, DAK University- NABAD , AMEL ngo, St. George Hospital, CMC Hospital affiliated with Johns Hopkins, One Design Lebanon, RestArt Beirut, Hamazkain ngo, Beirut, Bourj Hamoud & Sidon Municipalities, Ancol Sea Resort, Jakarta Indonesia, Jimbaran Hub Bali, Indonesia, Civitanova municipality, Italy, Cluj Art Museum, Napoka Romania, Hubei Cultural Center, China, Joelbuk Do Municipality, S. Korea, Sarajevo & Banja Luka Municipalities, Bosnia & Herzegovina

Mission and Objectives

MEADOWS engages in programs collaborating with the governmental and non-governmental sectors, as well as with all kinds of specialized international institutions by organizing seminars, exhibitions, and orientation programs within the cultural and sustainable development realms.
MEADOWS ngo has over the years grown and spread with its regional and international representations worldwide creating a network engaged in cultural dialogue through a wide spectrum of cultural and social activities that promote art, free outside the box thinking, art therapy, awareness to the importance of safeguarding the environment, social activities in collaboration with talented and established artists worldwide, using the arts as one of its major tools.

Main Projects / Activities

MEADOWS has been engaged in indirect communal therapy projects both applied indoors and outdoors, by creating a visual environment that has a positive impact on the viewers and indirectly contributing to lowering anxiety levels. Examples of indoors projects are the artwork furnishing of Hospitals in many countries e.g. The CMC - Clemenceau Medical Center affiliated with John Hopkins in Beirut, Dubai and Riyadh. The Bellevue Medical Center, many medical facilities and clinics. As for examples of outdoors projects, The Embellishment project of the Ain Mreisse, Avenue de Paris Corniche Waterfront ornamented with colorful ceramic benches stretching over 3 km. Similarly creation of visually appealing landmarks along public walkways, gardens, in the form of monuments, murals inside and outside tunnels all using colorful cut ceramics thus impacting the general public while walking, jogging or driving by with a visually pleasing elements that has an indirect effect of calming and relaxation. The direct method is through the application of Art Therapy program through workshops for people from all walks of life covering professionals, millennials, social workers, war traumatized children, teenagers and schools children. A program that has helped relieve the anxiety of thousands of people that followed the program. Having extensive presentations, talks about the relationship between city embellishment and Art Therapy and the different methodologies developed and implemented over the years through our team of experts in the field.
Organization and curating of Art exhibitions, as well as participation through MEADOWS in international Biennales, Salons and exhibitions through providing a platform for established and emerging artists to have the exposure internationally.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the implementation of joint cultural and artistic projects with ALF would have a positive impact on the Lebanese social fabric and promote the concept of sustainable development championed by MEADOWS.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Joining a reputable international organization like ALF would certainly enhance the credibility of our ngo both locally and internationally. Similarly the exchange of expertise would, without any doubt enhance many aspects of collaboration and improve our performance and broaden our horizon in all the fields of mutual interest.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lena Kelekian
Job Title
Founder / International president
Head of the organisation
Lena Kelekian
Contact (2) Full Name
Hagop Sulahian
Job Title (2)
Co- Founder / Board member

Mediterranean Design Organization

National Network

San Antonios road

+961 3 250180
+961 9 925554
Mobile Phone
+961 3 250180
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Motto: “Invest in People for a sustainable future” At times of global monetary crisis it is wise to take some time to rethink some strategies that have not been sustainable. This is the time to rebuild a global and sustainable future and “investing in people” along side other investments could be the key for success.
Mission and Objectives

The Mediterranean Design Organization is a non-profit organization established in 2009 in the city of Beirut, Lebanon. Its mission aims at the contribution to the integrated development of the Mediterranean Sea region through a design-led arts and crafts methodology. MeDO concentrates on innovative activities compatible with the environment and the preservation of the cultural heritage of this region. MeDO focuses on a multidisciplinary approach through design, arts and crafts it also encourages research and entrepreneurship.
The founding objectives of MeDO are:
- The support of the Design-led Arts and Crafts professions in the region.
- The promotion of the preservation of cultural heritage of the eastern Mediterranean region.
- The promotion of research activities in the fields of Design, Arts and Crafts.
- The promotion of advanced communication networks through the use of new technologies in the areas of creativity, innovation, design development and entrepreneurship.
- The promotion of design-built methodology, technology, ecology and nature science as the rational for exploitation of the natural and human resources in the region.
- The promotion of multidisciplinary educational methods aiming at exploring and developing new design areas.
- The promotion of inter-exchanging skills that consist in the creation of new programs to encourage design and art mobility across the Mediterranean countries.
- The promotion of sustainable design environments that aim at enhancing socio-economical growth in the region.
- The promotion of a new Apprenticeship method as a means of educating under privileged people.
- The promotion of partnership in design research and entrepreneurship amongst the Mediterranean cross border countries.
- The promotion of continuing education programs in the different Design, Arts and Crafts disciplines.

Main Projects / Activities

Main Streams:
1- Marketing
2- Academia
3- Projects
4- Data base
- Creation of a Design-led arts and crafts production center.
- Promote Arts and Crafts exhibitions.
- Creation of an Arts and Crafts school of Apprenticeship
- Arts and Crafts incubators and entrepreneurship.
Research topics:
- Phoenician Arts and Crafts: Investigation of the path and
the network established by the Phoenicians in the Mediterranean Sea.
Search the Partnership intends to rediscover what lead the Phoenician to travel in the Mediterranean and research the aspect of their endeavor. Emphasis on the Phoenician alphabet, and arts and crafts.
- Revival of the Lebanese tradition and cultural heritage.
- Lebanon: a society’s sustainable life style.
- Arts and Crafts in Lebanon.
- Design society in Lebanon.
- Design Entrepreneurship: A new profession?
- Research and methodology in Design.
- Research and Methodology for designers in the Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Haddad