
Young Women's Christian Association/Amman

National Network
Address 5014 Amman 11183 Jordan
Amman 11183

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Background: The YWCA is a nonprofit non-governmental Association founded in 1950 and registered in the Ministry of Social Development. It is a branch of the YWCA of Jordan, which is in turn affiliated to the World YWCA whose head office is in Geneva, Switzerland. Purpose: The YWCA of Amman serves women without racial, social or religious discrimination. It aims to help women in developing their skills and capabilities in order to reinforce their role in society, bearing in mind the economic, social and cultural needs

Mission and Objectives

1- Development of mind, body and soul. 2- Help women understand their rights and work toward obtaining them. 3- Reinforce the position of women in society as citizens with special emphasis on equality, justice and human rights. 4- Leadership Training with emphasis on both women and youth . 5- Provide women with skills to get working opportunities, which will raise their standard of living. 6- Family Counseling (human rights practices, combat violence against women and children, promote awareness with respect to environmental protection, health and education services etc). 7- Strengthen the role of women in local society and encourage them participate in sustainable development and income generating projects.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Hotel: for working girls, college students and women tourists established in 1958. 2- Cultural Centre for young women: (Vocational Training Centre specialized in secretarial skills) established in 1964. 3- University Student Loans: started in 1969, to help young men and women who are financially in need in order to help them acquire university or college education in Jordan. 4- Summer Camp for Children: started in 1996, to develop children skills and offer them leadership training as cultural, physical, recreational, creative, artistic activities and environmental awareness. 5- Youth Club for young men and women was founded in 1968 to promote leadership training and provide cultural, social, educational activities and social work through different programs offered to youth. YWCA Activities and Services: - Social services for needy families. - Community Choir. - Social and cultural programs. - Sport activities including tennis.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nawal Qassar
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nawal Qassar

Youth for Youth Association (مؤسسة الشباب من أجل الشباب)

National Network

Jordan - Amman - queen rania street - Khalefeh Plaza - 5th floor
Amman 11181

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. it is simple organization with no staff. 2.the budget depends on the projects and we wait for the first budget until this moment. 3.we wait for the funding for our projects from special companies and the big organization in the world .
Mission and Objectives

Objectives : - Establishing the values of good citizenship and awareness of the importance of serving the country by young people who comprise the largest percentage of the community - Contribute to educate the local community rights and duties guaranteed to them by law. - Establishing close links with those bodies that are to serve young people in local and international community to solve the problems of society and promotion. - To encourage young talents and investment potential in various fields. - Attention to enrich the area of dialogue among young people and respect for opposing opinions. - Support the concept of sustainable development among young people. Mission: We believe in the values of civil society , equality, justice and liberty so we aim to establish and organize sustainable projects to meet the challenges of present and future and that is to be achieved through the empowerment of the Jordanian and Arab youth to give them the opportunity to create positive changes, and to promote the real image of Jordan and the Jordanians themselves as a forgiving open minded people through all the countries in the world.

Main Projects / Activities

we did 2 activities and we plane for do 2 projects when get the fund for it> is partner with Al-dustor newspaper in youth Initiative it is about Candidate for youth in the Parliament and what the youth want from them. 2. it is open day with minster of Ministry of Political Development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yousef Melhem
Head of the organisation
Yousef Milhem
Contact (2) Full Name
Rawan Amin
Job Title (2)

Youth in Jordan

In this study, which presents the situation of young people in Jordan in 2021, authors Mohammed Abu Rumman and Walid Khatib focus on the religious orientation of youth and their social values. Young Jordanians have become more religious, while considering...

youthful MINDSET organization YMO

National Network

shemesani -prince shaker bin zaid street.

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Others
General Information

The Youthful Mindset Organization operates as a non-profit dedicated to youth empowerment. With a lean and efficient structure, we currently employ 5 full-time staff members, 5 part-time and mobilizing the energy of 25 dedicated volunteers. As a start-up NGO Our planning annual budget, averaging 250000$, is primarily will be sourced from a diverse funding strategy, encompassing grants from international organizations, private donations, and collaborations with local foundations. Our modality of action includes executing concrete projects in education, skills development, and environmental stewardship. We foster intercultural understanding through youth exchanges, conduct seminars, and offer scholarships to underprivileged youth. Key partners in our initiatives include Haya Cultural Center, ELTIZAM, Nofeed, and various governmental and non-governmental entities, collectively driving impactful youth-focused projects.

Mission and Objectives

The Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is driven by a mission to empower and uplift the youth through holistic development. Our primary objectives include:

Educational Empowerment: Enhance access to quality education, providing scholarships and resources to underprivileged youth.

Skills Development: Equip young individuals with practical skills, fostering leadership and personal growth.

Environmental Stewardship: Raise awareness about climate change and sustainability, engaging youth in eco-friendly initiatives.

Cultural Understanding: Promote intercultural dialogue through youth exchanges, encouraging global citizenship.

Community Engagement: Execute concrete projects addressing local needs, collaborating with diverse stakeholders for lasting impact.

Media Literacy: Enhance digital, financial, legal, climate, and media literacy among youth for effective communication.

Through these objectives, YMO aims to cultivate a positive and resilient mindset in youth, contributing to their overall well-being and societal development.

Main Projects / Activities

As a startup organization, the Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is committed to implementing impactful projects and activities focusing on youth development. Our initial projects include:

Scholarship Initiative (YMO-SI):

Purpose: Provide financial assistance to underprivileged youth, enabling access to quality education.
Action: Award scholarships based on academic merit and financial need, creating opportunities for higher education.
Skills Workshop Series (YMO-SWS):

Purpose: Equip youth with practical skills for personal and professional growth.
Action: Organize workshops covering leadership, communication, and vocational skills, enhancing employability.
Green Youth Initiative (YMO-GYI):

Purpose: Foster environmental stewardship and awareness about climate change.
Action: Organize tree-planting campaigns, environmental workshops, and engage youth in sustainable practices.
Community Needs Forum (YMO-CNF):

Purpose: Address local community needs through collaborative initiatives.
Action: Conduct forums to identify pressing issues, mobilize resources, and implement community-centric projects.
Youth Exchange Program (YMO-YEP):

Purpose: Promote intercultural understanding and global citizenship.
Action: Facilitate cultural exchange programs, allowing youth to experience different perspectives and cultures.
Digital Literacy Campaign (YMO-DLC):

Purpose: Enhance digital literacy among youth, covering technology, media, and online communication.
Action: Conduct workshops and awareness campaigns on safe and responsible digital practices.
Expression through Art (YMO-ETA):

Purpose: Provide a platform for creative expression among youth.
Action: Organize art exhibitions, creative writing contests, and performance events to showcase artistic talents.
Youth Resilience Program (YMO-YRP):

Purpose: Build resilience and coping mechanisms among youth.
Action: Conduct workshops and counseling sessions, addressing mental health challenges and promoting well-being.
These projects reflect YMO's commitment to addressing various aspects of youth development, from education and skills acquisition to environmental awareness and cultural understanding. As a startup, our focus is on creating a positive impact and laying the foundation for sustainable growth and community engagement.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is eager to contribute meaningfully to the network in our country through a multifaceted approach:

Youth Empowerment Programs: YMO specializes in designing and implementing youth empowerment programs. We can contribute by organizing workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs that focus on skill development, leadership, and personal growth.

Cultural Exchange Initiatives: YMO is committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity. We can organize cultural exchange programs, events, and workshops that bring together youth from different backgrounds, fostering intercultural understanding and cooperation.

Environmental Sustainability: YMO actively engages in environmental stewardship projects. We can contribute to the network by organizing initiatives that raise awareness about environmental issues, promote sustainable practices, and involve youth in eco-friendly projects.

Literacy Enhancement: YMO's comprehensive literacy programs cover financial, legal, digital, climate, and media literacy. We can collaborate with the network to implement literacy initiatives that enhance various skills among the youth, ensuring they are well-equipped for the challenges of the modern world.

Media and Arts Engagement: YMO has initiatives in media and arts that encourage creative expression. We can collaborate on projects that utilize media and arts as tools for communication, storytelling, and promoting positive messages among the youth.

Community Outreach: YMO has a strong presence in the local community. We can actively engage in community outreach activities, organizing events, seminars, and campaigns that address community needs and involve youth in community development projects.

Global Citizenship Education: YMO's programs aim to instill a sense of global citizenship among youth. We can collaborate with the network to develop educational materials, workshops, and projects that promote a global perspective and cross-cultural understanding.

Technology and Innovation: YMO is involved in technology and innovation programs, fostering digital literacy and innovation among youth. We can share our experiences and collaborate on initiatives that leverage technology for educational and empowerment purposes.

By actively participating in the network, YMO aims to contribute to the overall mission of fostering dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among diverse youth communities in our country. We are open to collaboration and look forward to sharing our experiences while learning from and supporting other organizations within the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Youthful Mindset Organization (YMO) is eager to join the Anna Lindh Foundation (ALF) Network for several compelling reasons:

Shared Mission and Values: The ALF Network aligns closely with YMO's mission of empowering youth, fostering cultural understanding, and promoting positive social change. The shared commitment to intercultural dialogue and collaboration resonates with our organizational values.

Global Collaboration: Joining the ALF Network provides a platform for global collaboration and networking. YMO believes in the power of collective action and sees the network as an invaluable opportunity to collaborate with like-minded organizations, share best practices, and contribute to impactful initiatives on an international scale.

Learning and Capacity Building: YMO recognizes the ALF Network as a hub of knowledge and expertise. We are eager to learn from other organizations within the network, share our experiences, and engage in capacity-building opportunities that will enhance our effectiveness in youth development and intercultural initiatives.

Visibility and Partnerships: Being a part of the ALF Network offers increased visibility and opportunities for partnerships. YMO aims to leverage the network to expand its reach, establish collaborative partnerships, and access potential funding sources that will enable us to amplify our impact.

Access to Resources: The ALF Network provides access to a diverse range of resources, including research, best practices, and funding opportunities. YMO is excited about the prospect of tapping into these resources to strengthen our programs and initiatives for the benefit of the youth we serve.

Contribution to Regional Dialogue: YMO recognizes the importance of contributing to regional dialogue and cooperation. Joining the ALF Network allows us to actively participate in initiatives that promote dialogue and understanding within the Euro-Mediterranean region, fostering positive relationships and mutual respect.

Opportunities for Collaboration: YMO is enthusiastic about collaborating on joint projects and initiatives facilitated by the ALF Network. By actively participating in network activities, we aim to contribute our expertise, share innovative ideas, and engage in collaborative efforts that align with the network's overarching goals.

In summary, the Youthful Mindset Organization sees the ALF Network as an instrumental platform for collaboration, learning, and collective impact. We are eager to become active members of the network, contributing to its mission and benefiting from the diverse opportunities it offers for organizational growth and collaboration.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Maisoon Al Amarneh
Job Title
Founder -CEO
Head of the organisation
Maisoon Al Amarneh
Contact (2) Full Name
Ghalia al Eses
Job Title (2)
program manager

zina al balad

National Network

Airport street
Um uthainah

Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Non profit organization consiste of 5 members and two partners working hand to hand with non profit organizations funds to achieve our projects target for the national and international developent in different sectors..
Mission and Objectives

Applying for projects of Youth exchange, culture relations, human rights, education and awarness for all the community genders and Ages in order to have the opportunity to meet the the most important needs of cultural developments in all sectors and work hand to hand by using all our capacities and equipments (training, activities, ..) to achieve our goals of building better world in all needed sectors for all the community. .

Main Projects / Activities

Youth exchange and development, human rights, peace collaboration, health awareness, women's needs and opportunities, education, training, environmental and community development, gender,poverty and crises solution opportunities , ... etc

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through our organization, media, meeting the official sectors responsible for admitting to the right proposals

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

In order to be one of key partners that influence the proper change and community development which share in building new thinkers and meet cultures in goals and purposes for better life ..

Contact (1) Full Name
Shereen Adnan Abu Nimreh
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
shereen abu nimreh

Zina Ishaq-Nimri

Zina Ishaq Nimri is a civil society development specialist with over 20 years of expertise in interfaith and intercultural dialogue, civil society mobility, community cohesion, preventing violent extremism and youth empowerment supporting institutional capacities in the Middle East and Euro-Mediterranean...


Zina Ishaq-Nimri

Zina Ishaq Nimri est une spécialiste du développement de la société civile avec plus de 20 ans d'expertise dans le dialogue interconfessionnel et interculturel, la mobilité de la société civile, la cohésion communautaire et la prévention de l'extrémisme violent. Elle...

Good Practice
النوع الاجتماعي
Swedish Jordanian Dads

أبوي - الآباء الأردنيون والسويديون

معرض صور فوتوغرافية ومشروع مشترك بين السفارة السويدية في عمان ومنظمة صداقة المعنيّة بحقوق المرأة. يسلط المشروع الضوء على أهمية الأبوة الملتزمة في بناء مجتمع أقوى وتحسين حقوق المرأة في الأردن. في بيان منظمة صداقة لصحيفة جوردان تايمز، جاء ما...


National Network

محافظة البلقاء مدينة السلط حي البقيع
as salt 00962

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
يهدف تجمع أبيش لتغيير السلوك المجتمع الخاطئ و تحفيز أنشطة الحوار داخل المجتمع و نبذ العنف و تحسين الممارسات الديموقراطية للمواطنيين و زيادة الثقافة الحقوقية الإنسانية و القانونية إضافة إلى دعم مشاريع الشباب الصغيرة من خلال المساعدة في تسويقها إضافة إلى متابعة المؤسسات الخدمية الحكومية
Mission and Objectives

مجتمع متحاور
شباب أكثر دراية بحقوقه و واجباته
مؤسسات خدمية مرنة و متواصلة
رفع ثقافة المجتمع الإنسانية
دعم قطاع الأعمال الصغيرة
محاربة التطرف و توجيه الشباب نحو التطوع

Main Projects / Activities

مشروع زراعة الأشجار و محاربة الاعتداء على الثروة الحرجية
نادي القراءة
مشروع ندوات الحوار
طوف بالسلط مشروع دعم السياحة المحلية
مبادرة مجالس العشائر انشاء مجالس عشائرية تنتخب أعضائها و تشكل قاعدة مجتمعية صحية

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

يمكنني الإسهام بنقل تجربتي للشباب المشارك في الشبكة و أيضاً الانتقال لمناطق أخرى في الأردن و مساعدتهم في إنشاء شبكات حوار اجتماعية ينتج عنها أعمال ومشاريع تساعد في تمكين المجتمعات

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

لإكتساب مزيد من المهارات و تطوير المعرفة و نقلها لمجتمعي

Contact (1) Full Name
al-mothana basheer arabeyat
Job Title
Head of the organisation
مجتمع الشباب

أندرو سباث

الدكتور أندرو سباث أستاذ محاضر أقدم في كلية الخدمة الدولية في الجامعة الأمريكية. يركز سباث في تعليمه وبحوثه على السياسة في الشرق الأوسط، والنظام السلطوي، والحركات الاحتجاجية والقمع، وأساليب البحث، وعمليات المحاكاة الاستراتيجية. أجرى بحوثاً ميدانية واسعة النطاق في الشرق...