
Israel Latin America Chamber of Comerce

National Network

29 haMered St
suite 1318
Tel Aviv 61502

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
We are the natural bridge of exporters, importers, diplomats and service providers in Israel and latin america. The Chamber has some 200 members and 5500 subscribers. Our budget is around 100K Euros per year. Resources are from membership fees and events. we conduct more than 20 events per years: seminars, round tables, conferences, delegations and consulting.
Mission and Objectives

to improve the Israel LATAM trade balance

Main Projects / Activities

Doing Business in Israel
Practical Tools for International Trade
Business Culture in LATAM and Israel
The israeli R/D model
Adaptation of the Israeli R/D model to different countries

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By distributing the Anna Lindeh materials to our members and create joints events

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To contribute to your main goals

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Gabriel Hayon
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Israel Latin America Chamber of Comerce

Israel Social TV (ISTV)

National Network

35 Washington St.
Tel Aviv

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
ISTV is an NGO headed by Board of Directors that consists of 6 members, and a Public Council of 18 public and academic figures who accompany the organization, do their work voluntarily. The staff consists of 8 employees, ten volunteers and many other media professionals and organizations that collaborate with us. The director and chief editor and position holders like producer, reporters, and editors are responsible to carry out the mission successfully. ISTV offers regularly updated news coverage, investigative reports and issue-based documentaries on social, economic, environmental, and cultural issues which are usually ignored by mainstream media (either governmental or corporately controlled- there is no public TV channel in Israel). The annual budget (2011) is 400,000 NIS (100,000$). ISTV is funded this year mainly by NIF, Cordaid, Sigrid Rausing Foundation and BSST (British Shalom-Slaam Trust). We work in close co-operation with other human rights NGOs and social organizations, which turn to us as the media hub that provides Israel's unheard voices the visibility and exposure they do not receive elsewhere. Our contents may be viewed here: Some of which are translated to English at: including a short self presentation and a story about us at:
Mission and Objectives

Israel Social TV is a non-partisan, independent, social change organization working to promote democracy, human rights and social justice and to encourage its viewers to serve as defenders of democracy and activists for social change. As the first and main independent news channel in Israel, ISTV offers investigative reports and issue-based documentaries on pressing - and controversial issues that often go unreported in the mainstream media.
Our mission:
* Implementation of human valued journalistic practice of TV as a tool to promote social struggle and the aspiration for peace.* Expose the public to events that are not disseminated nor covered by the mainstream media.
* Raise public awareness to issues of political, social and environmental matters.
* Mobilize civil involvement and empower human rights defenders.
* Generate alternative perspectives and information, providing a stage to unheard voices, both within Israel and the occupied territories, cooperating with organizations working to safeguard them.

Main Projects / Activities

1.Creating contents: ISTV's professional crews cover events in which human rights are being violated or demonstrated against, and reports about threats to peace and democracy both within Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories. We film well researched in depth stories and integrate all in our studio programming, scripted and anchored professionally. ISTV is also involved in co-productions with social organizations and NGOs.
2. Broadcast and Distribution: ISTV holds a news internet site where all items are catalogued as well as the studio magazines. Contents are regularly posted on social networks like Facebook, You-Tube, Twitter and other new media. The weekly news magazine "social order" is broadcasted nationally twice a week on The Public Channel via Cable and Satellite service. ISTV co-operates with various news and content outlets to widen its' contents exposure.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ISTV is constantly looking for activities to cover and distribute and contents to be translated into a professional and responsible mass media language. We are interested in co-productions that have their synergy effect, and being part of the net will clarify our position as a platform to civil and social organizations aiming to better our common future.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Anna Lindh Foundation has succeeded in creating an impressive puzzle of organizations which we feel part of, having many friends-organizations already connected together.
As an alternative media source aiming to portray reality from a human point of view, we are busy with our Israeli-Palestinian parts of an inseparable greater puzzle, but realize the importance of the Mediterranean context.
New contents, perspectives and partners are essential for our everyday work, and we hope we find new means of contribution and co-operation with The ALF and ALF Network members, promoting ideas we all share.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kinneret Golan Hoz
Head of the organisation
Ehud Shem-Tov
Contact (2) Full Name
Yael Rosenfeld

Israel Tennis Center

National Network

Kfar Hayrok Junction
POB 51

Ramat Hasharon

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ITC wish to enhance social, psychological, and physical development of Israeli youth through the medium of sport. It provides a healthy, structured environment for children from all walks of life, teaches values of cooperation, self reliance and persistence, and provides opportunities for children to reach their own level of excellence. ITC operates 14 centers located in disadvantaged neighborhoods or outlying development towns, catering to more than 21,000 children weekly – out of which 6,785 are supported financially by the ITC. We address a variety of social needs, improving the lives of developmentally challenged, underprivileged and at-risk children and helping immigrant children to gain confidence, transcend social barriers and gain a sense of belonging and identity in new surroundings.
Mission and Objectives

 To give every child in Israel – regardless of background, religion or physical ability – the opportunity to learn the game of tennis
 To provide community development and outreach programs
 To promote and develop world class Israeli tennis players

Main Projects / Activities

We provide a healthy and structured environment for children and youth from all walks of life, teach values of cooperation, self reliance and persistence, and provide opportunities for every child to reach his own level of excellence. The Israel Tennis Center has also received the coveted Israel Prize in 1989 and the Prime Minister's Award in the framework of the 60th Anniversary Celebrations of Israel in 2008 for extraordinary work with children throughout the country. We provide programs for children at risk, for Ethiopian children, for disabled children (physically and mentally)and for toddlers and programs for Coexistence between Arab and Jewish Children.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Nava Celnick
Head of the organisation
Mr. Danny Gelley - CEO

Israel Youth Hostels Association (IYHA)

National Network

Shazar St. 1 POB 6001
Jerusalem 91060

+972-2- 5945557
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Heritage
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Religion
  6. Youth and education
General Information
1. The IYHA is a network of hostels and guest houses for domestic and international tourism working in two main areas: •Cultivating a love and understanding of Israel while imparting educational values, primarily for youth groups. •Organizes seminars and tours on variety of subjects. •Offering overnights, meals and other services for individuals, families and groups from Israel and abroad to comfortable low prices and in combination with organized and guided tours. The IYHA is a non-profit organization with 160 employees. 2.About 25 Million $ 3.self + different sources 4.- Organization of tours for families, groups and educational activities - Organization of seminars - March of the Living - Birthright - Taglit - EURO med programs
Mission and Objectives

In accordance with the charter of the International Youth Hostel Federation, the Israeli Youth Hostel Association (IYHA) is committed to provide accommodation to all persons without distinctions of race, nationality, colour, religion, sex, class or political options.

Main Projects / Activities

- Organizers of the March of the Living in Israel (2500 participants a year) - Organizers of youth seminars (10,000 participants a year) - Organizers of youth tours (200,000 participants a year) - Organizers of Euro med seminar (+/- 1000 participants a year) - Others

Contact (1) Full Name
Anat Strauss Atzil
Head of the organisation
Uri Dagul
Contact (2) Full Name
Uri Dagul

Israeli Association for Immigrant Children (IAIC)

National Network

9 HaMasger Street
Tel Aviv

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Israeli Association for Immigrant Children (IAIC) is an organization composed of four primary staff members and over 500 volunteers with an annual budget of $500,000. Funding comes from private foundations, the Israeli government, municipalities, corporate and private donors. IAIC implements programs and projects to facilitate the integration of immigrant children/youth into the educational, offers advocacy and support for youth and their families whose rights are being violated, and is active in positioning the rights of immigrant youth on the public agenda. It partners with schools, community centers, and a wide range of educational, governmental and communal organizations.
Mission and Objectives

The IAIC mission is to assist immigrant youth and children integrate into the Israeli educational system and society. The objectives are to affect long-term, permanent change in policy and the social/educational climate in Israel, and achieve immediate solutions to specific, pressing issues, by working on three primary levels: ? Macro-level. Advocating policies and participating in coalitions engaged in social action that bears on immigrant children/youth. ? Societal level. Conducting educational programs for immigrant youth, educators, community leaders and parents, within schools and community settings. ? Individual level. Providing free informational, supportive and advocacy services for immigrant youth and their families

Main Projects / Activities

Social Activism • Educating legislature and general public about immigrant youth, acting to eliminate discriminatory practices, increase funding, monitoring educational entities. • Building coalitions for long-term social change. Educational/communal • Intervention with immigrant youth at-risk, including school drop-out and substance abuse. prevention. • Hebrew language proficiency tutoring. • Programs to promote development of personal/Israeli identity among immigrant children/youth. • Community leadership and cultural encounter programs. • Volunteer recruiting and training. Individual Advocacy • 24/7 telephone hotline in 6 languages providing information and advocacy for immigrant youth and families. • Training educational professionals to work in a multi-cultural society and settings

Contact (1) Full Name
Eli Zarkhin
Head of the organisation
Eli Zarkhin

Israeli Children - Rights of Children of Migrant Workers

National Network

c/o Yonatan Shacham
Kehilat Budapest 3, Tel Aviv, Israel 69701

Tel Aviv

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Founded in 2009 by migrant workers and Israeli citizens, the “Israeli Children” organization aims to protect the basic rights and halt the threat of deportation of children to migrant workers who are born, raised and educated in Israel. Responding to the dire need and status of the migrant community, the organization spearheaded the public call to prevent deportation and violation of basic rights of migrant workers, their spouses and children. “Israeli Children” is a dynamic activist-based organization that aims to shape new and clear policy directive on immigration rights in Israel’s reality today and is committed to mobilizing public support in favor of migrant workers and their families, specifically children.
Mission and Objectives

The “Israeli Children” is fully run by migrant workers and Israeli citizens who work side by side to resist human rights violation and the threat of deportation of children to migrant workers who were born, raised and educated in Israel. The organization is a dynamic grassroots, volunteer-based organization that uniquely combines community empowerment of migrant families with public and legislative outreach activities. In only two years, “Israeli Children” was instrumental in reprioritizing the topic onto the public agenda, influencing public opinion and changing governmental migrant policies. The organization relies heavily on Israeli citizens and migrant workers who volunteer and serve in key leadership and Board. There are only three part-time staff members. The organization works in partnership with other organizations such as the Hotline for Migrant Workers and Physicians for Human Rights. Israeli Children has an annual budget of 200,000 USD and is mainly supported by private donors throughout Israel, several philanthropic partners in the USA and Europe.

Main Projects / Activities

Legislative and Advocacy Outreach- The organization established ties and working relations with stakeholders, elected officials, public figures, Ministers and MK’s in order to set new, clearer policies on the status of children to migrant workers in Israel.
Public Actions and Outreach- The organization mobilized great public support and shaped public stances in favor, through public campaigns, demonstrations, generating petitions and staging public events at critical points throughout.
Family Casework - The organization provides family-based casework tailored to the social and lingual needs of the migrant community, including: translation services, legal representation, one on one accompanying of children and their families, facilitating meetings within the community and via the internet and social networks.
Public and Media Outreach- The organization was instrumental in placing a public spotlight on the topic of children of migrant workers, reprioritizing it on the public agenda and shaping public opinion, utilizing diverse media outlets and social networks

Contact (1) Full Name
Yonatan Shacham
Head of the organisation
Rotem Ilan
Contact (2) Full Name
Rotem Ilan

Israeli Choreographers Association

National Network

7 Carcom st
Rosh Ha'ayin

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
The Israel Choreographers Association has been working to advance Israeli dance in Israel and abroad. We strive to expose dance to an ever widening variety of audiences, and place dance at the forefront of Israel's cultural scene. The ICA serves as the management body for the choreographers, managing their budgets and providing various services including accounting, public relations, legal aid, third party insurance, subsidy of rehearsal space, national and local advertising of performances and workshops, providing information regarding grant RFPs, training opportunities, and representation of society members before foundations and various supporters in Israel and abroad. At present, we have 54 independent artist members, who are all leaders in their field in Israel and abroad. All our members are professional choreographers and manage their own dance company or create annual dance projects. Our financial supporters include the Ministry of Science Culture and Sport's Department of Dance, Teva Pharmaceuticals, the Municipality of Tel Aviv and other municipalities, Mifal HaPayis, funds and income form tickets & workshops, master classes, projects and performances in Israel and abroad. Yearly budget of the association is about 3,500,000$.
Mission and Objectives

Advancing Israeli dance in Israel and abroad. We endeavor to expose dance to an ever widening variety of audiences, and place dance at the forefront of Israel's cultural scene, and promote projects that use the language of dance for the good of society.

Main Projects / Activities

Alongside our work to support and assist the choreographers themselves in advancing Israeli dance in Israel and abroad. We endeavor to expose dance to an ever widening variety of audiences, and place dance at the forefront of Israel's cultural scene. , the ICA runs different projects: a unique project that brings together professional dancers and severely at- risk teens, for a year of dance training sessions and a joint professional performance. The project provides at risk youth with a window into the world of dance and creates the opportunity for forging relationships with an inspiring role model. Na'im (On the Move), creates opportunities for communities in Israel's social, economic and geographic peripheries to encounter the world of Israeli dance, through creating subsidized dance festivals, workshops and performances in Israel's periphery. International projects using dance and other art forms creating cultural dialog between countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Efrat Herman
Head of the organisation
Sigalit Gelfand

Israeli Committee Against House Demolition

National Network

14 King George St., PO Box 2030, Jerusalem 91020, Israel

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
General Information
The core of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition (ICAHD) is composed of 5 members of staff. The budgetary resources available per year amounts to an average of 500,000 Euro. ICAHD's main resources of funding derives from the Spanish cooperation, Anna Lindh Foundation, European Union, Norwegian Cooperation, private donors, ICAHD UK and ICAHD US. ICAHD's work is mainly carried out by providing educational tours, holding seminars, publishing booklets, leaflets and articles as well as holding workshops, roundtables and lectures. The Israeli Committee Against House Demolition works with a variety of International partners such as the Spanish NGO ACPP or the International Alliance of Inhabitants, Israeli as well as Palestinian organizations like the Alternative Information Center, Breaking the Silence, the Combatants for Peace or Al Haq.
Mission and Objectives

ICAHD is a non-violent, direct-action group originally established to oppose and resist Israeli demolition of Palestinian houses in the Occupied Territories. As a direct-action group, ICAHD is comprised of members of many Israeli peace and human rights organizations. All of our work in the Occupied Territories is closely coordinated with local Palestinian organizations.
Since its founding, ICAHD's activities have extended to three interrelated spheres: resistance and protest actions in the Occupied Territories; efforts to bring the reality of the Occupation to Israeli society; and mobilizing the international community for a just peace.

Main Projects / Activities

The main areas of activities carried out by the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition (ICAHD) include international and local advocacy, that includes projects such as speaking tours as as well as alternative tours through Jerusalem, publishing leaflets, booklets, articles or film footage. Furthermore, ICAHD's reports and publishes documents on human rights violations concerning house demolitions, evictions and land theft. In addition to that, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition also provides legal advice to families whose houses are being target for demolition, as well as providing training for law students at different universities in Israel. A further area of focus concerns the initiation of encounters between different sections of Israeli, international and Palestinian society. Through alternative tours, meetings with Palestinian families and youth, panel discussions or re-building activities, situations and platforms are being created to enhance discussions and encounters.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angela Godfrey-Goldstein
Head of the organisation
Jeff Halper and Meir Margalit
Contact (2) Full Name
Sahar Vardi

Israeli Fund for UNICEF

National Network

Rothschild 19, Tel Aviv 66881
Tel Aviv

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
UNICEF Israel is a non-profit organization with two full-time employees. Its annual budgetary resources are approx. 1 million NIS (200,000 Euro). Sources of funding include corporate partners, government ministries, and private donations. Modalities of action: concrete projects with youth in Israel and in legislative outreach to advocate children's rights, resource development for UNICEF's humanitarian work in developing countries. Seminars and exchanges are part of the youth projects. No scholarships or funds are granted to private individuals.
Mission and Objectives

Advancing children’s rights in Israel through education and advocacy in the spirit of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC): Raising awareness about children’s rights and implementation of the CRC, including every child’s right to education—highlighting that 20 years have passed since Israel’s CRC ratification and much more can be done to realize the CRC’s vision in Israel.
Fundraising to make Israel an active supporter of UNICEF’s humanitarian work saving children around the world: UNICEF Israel is charged with making the State of Israel part of the international circle of industrialized nations that are partners in UNICEF’s mission to save children’s lives and provide them with education and protection.
We aim to make UNICEF a household name by reaching out to corporations, private donors, foundations, and the general public with a call to action to join us.

Main Projects / Activities

• Advancing children’s rights legislation
• Nation-Wide Young Ambassadors Program for the cause of children
• UNICEF Israel Youth Leadership Program
• University Student Activists
• Leveraging UNICEF’s global technical expertise for Israeli children
• Direct marketing to make UNICEF a household name
• Corporate donations to save children around the world
• Partnering with Israeli’s leading philanthropists

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

UNICEF's global expertise on children's rights and welfare and the authority of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

UNICEF Israel, as the Israeli representative of UNICEF international, wants the opportunity to exchange professional knowledge and build partnerships with its colleagues in Israel and around the world working in the field of human rights.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sarit Henig
Head of the organisation
Adv. Moriel Matalon, Chair- Board of Directors


National Network

3 Ahuzat Bayit Street
Tel Aviv-Yafo

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Itach-Ma'aki is comprised of 15 staff members, all women, both Israeli and Palestinian, with legal backgrounds, who work alongside volunteers and interns in order to achieve a multitude of goals pertaining to gender equality. Additionally, we have a board of directors of 10 women who are active in influencing our strategies and decisions; they also bear the responsibility of managing conflict that might arise within the organization as well as to publicly represent the goals of the organization. Apart from the official staff and the board of directors, Itach-Ma'aki relies on a public council of women hailing from different demographics, that functions as a vehicle for the dissemination of information as well as to open dialogues in the wider circles of Israeli/Palestinian societies. These women are critical in the domain of event-planning and the facilitation of open discourse between women coming from different backgrounds.

Because Itach-Ma'aki is a non-profit NGO, it receives its funding exclusively from donations. Alongside donations made by generous individuals, we have a list of primary donors that can be found on our website. (

Mission and Objectives

Itach Ma'aki is a multi-faceted organization with multiple goals that each reflect our main mission; to achieve and utilize gender equality in a society afflicted by conflict, division, and violence. One of the most important objectives is to amplify the voices of women who are typically silenced, specifically the many minorities residing within Israel and the occupied territories. In order to achieve this, we are very education-focused and plan events to open dialogue between women coming from different demographics.

Our staff is comprised of both Israeli and Palestinian women who are committed to building bridges between our respective communities by advocating for peace, and by extension, advocating for the end of harmful practices by governments on both sides that marginalize and further isolate women, including but not limited to the building of illegal settlements in the occupied territories, violence and profiling against and of minorities, and the denial of full civil rights to minorities viewed as "dangerous" or "undeserving." We recognize how the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is inflamed by the lack of female representation in authoritative and diplomatic entities, and we look towards countries who have resolved conflicts, in (large) part by incorporating women in negotiations, as prototypes for our own efforts to utilize women's conflict resolution skills.

Notably, we see the grave injustices experienced by minority demographics in Israel, such as economic inequality, domestic violence, and educational disparities, and understand that women in these demographics bear the brunt of these injustices. We feel obligated to use any resources available to us to mitigate the harm experienced by these women, including our backgrounds in law and our voices as activists, to curb the harm and bring about a more equal society.

Main Projects / Activities

Itach-Ma'aki has a vast repertoire of projects and initiatives that reflect our mission and objectives. The following are some of our most successful and impactful projects:
- Haifa's "City for All" - taking models from other cities worldwide (Taiwan, for example,) and using them to implement gender equality in local Israeli government, in this specific case, we are working in Haifa.
- Center for Bedouin Women's Rights - established in 2006 through our Be'er Sheva branch with the intention to provide Bedouin people with support, specifically with issues relating to the economic strife experienced by Bedouin women. We work with the National Insurance Institute to provide income support, especially to single mothers.
- Domestic Violence Hotline - Itach Ma'aki runs a 24/7 hotline, operated by experts in the field of domestic abuse, to provide ongoing and consistent support and assistance to women experiencing domestic violence, however it may be manifested. Many times, we have helped remove women from threatening situations, thanks to our hotline.
- Legal assistance to women whose rights have been infringed on - Itach Ma'aki prides itself on providing pro-bono legal aid to victims of injustice across Israel. Some of our most prevalent legal victories have had to do with improving the incomes and rights of educational assistants who are unjustly terminated or whose incomes are reduced due to circumstances out of their control that are inextricably related to their gender (maternity leave, for example.)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Part of Itach Ma'aki's main goals has been to build expansive networks with other organizations in Israel similarly devoted to the realization of gender equality and inclusion in the domain of peace negotiations. Along these lines, we have active partnerships with impressive NGOs that have catalyzed important developments in Israel and Palestine regarding our shared goals. Some of these organizations include WIPS – Center for the Advancement of Women In the Public Sphere
at Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Advah Center - Information on Equality and Social Justice in Israel, Anashim – Movement for Advancing Equality in Israel, and many more. We are well-connected and well-known in the peace-building community. Additionally, we work with international bodies such as the UN and EU and have, on numerous occasions, advised them on matters concerning women's integration in peace negotiations, as well as on broader, gender-equality-related topics. Our contributions to our country's network often are in the form of spreading information and educating the general population on subjects that have either been shrouded in stigma, or pushed under the rug. We recruit expert speakers to lead conferences and lectures with the intention of spreading awareness and creating a more informed society. Some of our most successful events and networking initiatives have been:
- our lecture series on Resolution 1325, where more than 30 experts spoke on topics surrounding gender equality. Some speakers included foreign ambassadors and other renounced diplomats, academics, and top activists.
- a joint-steering committee including Israeli and Palestinian women, who meet on a regular basis to address issues that are affecting their communities and in turn, educate each other on a wide variety of topics. This allows bridges to be built and empathy to be integrated into the realm of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, which is typically defined by hostility and lack of understanding.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The ALF Network acts as an instrument for organizations to educate the masses while simultaneously establishing strong relationships with other organizations with whom common ground is shared. Itach-Ma'aki strives, if nothing else, to do exactly that; we wish to provide nuance and care to a conflict that has divided Israeli/Palestinian society, and to delineate the fact that no issue as complex as this one has a simple solution. The first step is to open a civilized discourse within different communities so that we can understand each other better. By joining the ALF network, we would be exposed to new organizations that might share our vision, and we could partner with them to further this vision. By doing so, we only stand to gain by advancing the notions of peace, contingent largely on women's integration in negotiations and conflict management.

Contact (1) Full Name
Netta Loevy
Head of the organisation
Ela Alon