
Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V. (VNB)

National Network

Bahnhofstr. 16
49406 Barnstorf

0049 5442 804525
0049 5442 80455
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information

1. The VNB is: - an adult educational institution, serving more than 40 member organisations and 180 co-operation partners throughout Lower Saxony/Germany - providing more than 110.000 educational lessons p.a. - offering services through 3 regional an 1 general department, covering the whole state of Lower Saxony - mainly financed by the state of Lower Saxony as an official acknowledged adult educational institution 2. about 3 Mio. Euros p.a. 3. 2 Mio. from government of Lower Saxony for adult education, 1 Mio. from differnet donors: EU, government and privat donors 4. We organize networks for global education, seminars and congresses. We are partner for the weltwärts-programme of BMZ ( and have young adults (volunteers) in different countries. 5. Partners are about 100 NGOs in the field of global education and incultural learning in Lower Saxony and Bremen in different countries all over the world (

Mission and Objectives

VNB gives financial, organisational and professional support to local associations working at the follwing issues: - Upbringing and family - Work against racism, discrimination and violence - Gender dialogue - LGBT, homosexuality and society - Ecology, environmental and nature conservancy - HIV, AIDS and society - Health issues - Media and culture - Intercultural issues - Migration and aslum policies - One World Issues

Main Projects / Activities

VNB has a wide range oof transnational experience, promoting own projects as well as participating in European cooperation programmes: - Community Initiative EQUAL - European Social Fund (ESF) - INTI: Integration of third country nationals - Live Long Learning - Grundtvig - Preparatory measures combating social exlusion - LEADER+ - NETD@ys EUROPE National projects are: - Networking for global education - exhibitions like:,,,,,,

Contact (1) Full Name
Marion Rolle
Head of the organisation
Marion Rolle

Villa Romana e.V.

National Network

Via Senese 68
50124 Florenz

0039 055 221654
Telephone (other)
0049 15127021837
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
General Information
Villa Romana was founded by a group of german artists and supporters in 1905. It was part of the movement of artists to self organize themselves apart from govermental structures. The Villa Romana association hosts each year the Villa Romana fellows, the eldst prize for contemporary art in Germany. Fellows have to come from Germany, not neccessarily have a german passport. Parallel to the fellows' residency Villa Romana is since 2007 inviting guest artists from Mediterranean countries for residencies in Florence and is organizing a wide range of exhibitions / meetings / concerts / screenings to move on the dialogue between contemporary artists in the Mediterranean region and share it with the german public. Please have a look at our website for concrete examples ... Depending on the project we are collaborating with different partners in Italy and abroad, institutional ones as well as individuals.  Villa Romana is since the beginning a non profit association, supported by the Deutsche Bank Foundation, the Federal German Government and private sponsors. We do have a max. budget of 450.000,- including all costs (fellowship, staff, building, program etc.). Villa Romana works since 1905 in an old Florentine Villa with 40 rooms and a 1,5 hectar garden, not far from the City center. 
Mission and Objectives

The main objective since 1905 is to support and promote (young) contemporary artists.
Until 2006 this objective was mainly focussed on the Italian-German exchange. Since 2007 we try to perceive our Italian base as a starting point to communicate with contemporary artists around the Mediterranean, create individual long lasting networks and encourage young artists in their career.
Since forced migration is also touching contemporary artists we started to create a network between artists living in Europe and those who just arrived. It is very new also on facebook: gravity for all.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main activities concerning the European and Mediterranean exchange are up to now very limited, almost without a budget. But with this little money we invite artists for a 2-3 month residency in Florence, initiate projekts like "Pas de DEeux" with artists from Maghreb and curators from the Northern Mediterranean (final book presentation on Marrakech Biennal 2014), cooperate with initiatives such as 98weeks in Beirut  ("Alternative readings"; "Oh Seminar!") or Petrit Halilaj and his project to support young artists from Kossovo (also residency in Villa Romana). On the other hand we try to mirror our practise in Italy when having shows and presentations in Germany, for example in 2013 at Deutsche Bank KunstHalle with "Süden" / South project. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We could contribute to both networks in Germany as well as in Italy, because until now their are only very, very few initiatives focussing on contemporary artist in European/Mediterranean dialogues. 
Our means are all means used by contemporary artists, in analogue as well as digital ways.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

All our efforts communicating with the Mediterranean is not covered by our "historical" aims and so far not even financially supported. We could be much more efficient if we could find additional support specially for the European / Mediterranean exchange. We want to extend the Süden / South radio (developped together with Radio Papesse), we want to develop a research on indepent music around the Mediterranean, we want to give a stronger public appearance to single artists and devevlop our collaboration / research with refugee artists in Italy as well as in Germany.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angelika Stepken
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Angelika Stepken

WADI e.V. - Verband für Krisenhilfe und solidarische Entwicklungszusammenarbeit / Federation for crisis assistance and solidary development co-operation

National Network

Herborner Str. 62
60439 Frankfurt am Main

+49 69 57002440
Telephone (other)
+49 30 61287778
+49 69 975392640
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+49 177 3815815
Mobile Phone (other)
+49 163 6128777
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
WADI is a German-Austrian nongovernmental and registered non-profit charity organisation. In its organisational structure, WADI follows the demand of in-house-democracy by transferring responsibilities to and chairing responsibility with various partners (local organisations, community activists, local staff). WADI trains and empowers its local staff to work independently and to interact with local NGO networks and community based organizations. WADI receives funding from various German and international partners, like UNICEF, WFP, USAID, Weltgebetstag der Frauen (World Women Prayer Day - Germany), Rosello Foundation, and many more, referring to concrete projects.
Mission and Objectives

Promoting human rights and supporting the democratic reconstruction of Iraq belong to the main goals of WADI. WADI strives to combat violence against women and struggles to improve the social and economic status of women in the Middle East.Therefore the organization is working with local women, has established centers to help women, dispersed mobile teams to deal with women’s health, and initiated literacy campaigns. WADI also supports marginalized groups, such as prisoners and Internally displaced people (IDP's) . Additionally WADI’s programs aim to encourage and to empower local NGOs, democratic organizations and women's networks.

Main Projects / Activities

In the beginning of the 1990s, WADI supported reconstruction and resettlement programs for displaced people in Northern Iraq as well as emergency programs. Since 1995, WADI has mainly supported long-term projects.With the help of WADI shelters for Women in Distress were established in Suleymaniah, Arbil and Mosul. Focusing on long-term empowerment of women and democratic reconstruction of Iraq , WADI supports several independent women centers in Halabja, Hauraman and the Garmyan region. Since 2003, WADI is campaigning against Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Northern Iraq. In 2005, WADI has helped to launch a free community radio station in Northern Iraq.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arvid Vormann
Head of the organisation
Thomas von der Osten-Sacken
Contact (2) Full Name
Anne Mollenhauer

Werkstatt der Kulturen

National Network

Wissmannstr. 32

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Project of a "gemeinnütziger Verein", number of staff: 15, basic funding through the Senate of Berlin, project resources to be generated elsewhere. Running several weekly series of events, large yearly events, cooperations with partners, in own house (hall for 300, club for 100, seminar rooms for 20-50 people; restaurant with garden attached) and elsewhere.
Mission and Objectives

To produce and present transcultural art - in music, dance, movies, literature; to encourage interreligious dialogue and political discussions on integration/migration; to help in empowerment of minority groups, to work against racism.

Main Projects / Activities

„Black History Month“, annual 4-week festival of black culture and history in February; "creole global - Global Music Contest“, annual world music competition; „Arab Song Jam“, monthly series of workshops and concerts of Arab traditional and popular music; „Gnaoua Festival“, annual festival of Moroccan religious trance music; „WorldWide Music“, weekly series of World-Fusion concerts; weekly series of jazz concerts featuring the house’s own „Little Big Band“ and other ensembles; „Beyond Spring“, monthly series of movies from the Arab world; etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paul Räther
Head of the organisation
Philippa Ebéné
Contact (2) Full Name
Nasi Nikpay

West Östlicher Diwan Festival Weimar gGmbH

National Network

Mittelstrasse 14, D-99425 Weimar (Oberweimar)

0049 / 3643 / 90 89 88
0049 / 3643 / 77 55 931
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The ambitious aim of the yearly recurring festival West Eastern Divan is meant to vividly shape cultural bridges between the countries of the oriental Arabic world, that is between countries of Islamic culture, and countries of the Christian Occident, that is Europe. It is aimed at revealing mutual delicate issues, prejudices and misunderstandings that exist on both sides, and to make them intelligible in order to creatively use this chance to come closer to one another and to understand people who have different cultural and religious backgrounds. It is our aim to comprehend that in particular in meeting the unknown it is possible to realize differences which are a significant precondition when trying to understand another culture. The aim is to shape bridges of understanding that promote peace, and to impart education
Mission and Objectives

Naturally, such a festival considers itself a multi-cultural event between orient and occident in order to lower the threshold between the people in Germany and the Islamic world. The town of Weimar that honours the two great poets Goethe and Hafis with its West Eastern Divan Memorial is a very suitable place to perform such an event which needs to be close to the citizens in terms of content, but on the other hand has to meet great artistic demands in order to initiate international interest in the message that is to be transported through this festival. The festival was designed in a way that a positive effect is likely thanks to the anticipated media association.

Main Projects / Activities

The festival shall consist of three complementing main pillars. Each year, one country of the Middle East will be invited to come to Weimar, and together with them the respective annual programme will be designed. These three emphasis consist of the following cultural areas:
Festival Programme with the subjects
■ classical music interpreted by artists from the host countries
■ traditional and contemporary music from the host countries
■ this part of the programme is supposed to particularly attract young people from the age of 16
Plastic Arts
■ exhibition presenting works (paintings) of artists from the host countries
○ film week presenting films of the host countries
○ lectures of authors from the host countries (including simultaneous interpreting into German and/or in German) and presentation
○ presentation of the host countries in the form of accompanying lectures

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Klaus Gallas
Head of the organisation
Dr. Klaus Gallas

Wi.e.dersprechen – Dialoge über Grenzen hinweg

National Network

Aquinostr. 7 - 11
50670 Köln

+49 2219726918
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Committee for Fundamental Rights and Democracy employs for the Human Rights work within Germany 3 political secretaries in Cologne. The Project “Vacation from War” is separated in office, staff and budget. One half-time secretary is employed, 4 people work voluntarily equal to half-time-jobs,. About 80 people in seven countries work for 2 weeks in the summer-camps and dialogue semi-nars each summer voluntarily (pocket-money) 2. 350.000 € a year Private donations, benefit events, collections in schools, pasrishes etc. Peace summer-camps and dialogue-seminars for youth from war and crises areas. The so called enemies from Former Yugoslavia countries meet on the Mediterranean coast . (ca. 250 part.). Young people from Israel and Palestine come to Germany (ca. 250 part.). Since 18 years more than 22.200 participants from war and crises areas came together for encounters with their ‘enemies’ Grass-roots initiatives in Israel, Palestine, Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Mazedonia Serbia,

Mission and Objectives

The idea is that children and young people lose prejudice and hatred if they can come to know their so called enemies in a carefree surrounding. We try to support young people on both sides to break the escalation pattern of violence in the hope that the next generation will live in respect and peace The difficult process of dialogue handles the threats and fears of everyday life, but also the hopes and visions. The participants get to know the perspective of 'the other’ regarding the causes of the conflict as well as the political and economic interests of the warring parties. They are able to expe-rience up-close the fact that the question of guilt is not as easy to settle as the local propaganda on either side would have it As the official negotiations failed, we believe a new common grassroots-movement on both sides could lead out of this impasse.

Main Projects / Activities

Altogether, in 18 years, about 22.000 children and young people from the former Yugoslavia have been able to recover from their war traumas and lack of basic needs. With the beginning of the Second Intifada, we decided to spread our practice in civil conflict solution on a grassroots level to another complicated conflict area Most of the 1600 young adults from Israel and Palestine (West Bank) who participated by today - had never before met people from the "other side" because it is legally impossible for the participants to meet each other in Israel or Palestine itself. Therefore the seminars take place in a third country, Germany On both sides the young people were taking a big risk, for they could be denounced for collaborating with the enemy or as traitors of the fatherland, facing very serious consequences

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Since 18 years we have experience in intercultural dialogue processes on a grass-roots level under the worst conditions - even during bloody wars - and can give advice to others if requested.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Vacation from War became a huge project and since many years we all work voluntarily. Therefore we avoid all additional contacts and work. But with our nomination for the EuroMed Dialogue Award' we came to know ALF. The democratic procedere and the real chance for small grassroots initiatives convinced us.We are very proud and honoured that we were elected for the third place. We discovered that some of our partner-organizations are already members of ALF. We have some problems to organize and finance follow-up activities for very motivated young people in the Middle East as well as in the Former Yugoslavia. We need some basic infrastructure but no burocracy. perhaps we can share it with others.

Contact (1) Full Name
Brigitte Klass
Head of the organisation
Brigitte Klass and Tessa Pariyar
Contact (2) Full Name
Tessa Pariyar

Women for Peace

National Network

c/o Boellstiftung,Schumannstr 8, 10117 Berlin

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
We work on the following topics: peace and human and women rights issues, sustainable development and climate and energy politics women art and interreligious dialogue environmental and peace education in a decentralised network in different cities partly linked with church or union or environemtal and peace groups no state money,no sponsors, all self organised by members only common actions with the international peace bureau or with the feministi institute of the Boell foundation related to Resolution 1325 of the UN are funded or education work with migrant women to learn german or writing we have European and global action day on 8.3. and on 24.May for women rights and peace.
Mission and Objectives

as women for peace are following the tradition of old women peace movements before
the first and the second world war and of the women movements in different countries after the wars and are linked with the international peace bureau ,the European womens lobby and the churches and trade unions in some parts we follow the old demand to
abolish wars and nuclear and mass destruction weapons in long run, against illegal small arms trade and especially against violence against women,and for their full participation in peace and community building as written down in the UN women conferences in the UN decade from 1975-2000 with the resolution 1325.

Main Projects / Activities

we try to cooperate with teachers for peace and women and environmental education
and plan a teachers conference in Egypt or Morocco on international level,
as Anna Lindh was a leading woman in European and democratic and peace politics
we try to remember her and women for peace in Germany cooperate with women for peace
actions in Sweden, Netherlands and Switzerland on energy and peace cultures and
try to use the Barcelona process and support the Anna Lindh Foundation in finding new
forms of cooperation between women peace and women groups in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eva Quistorp
Contact (2) Full Name
Barbara Thums-Senft

World University Service Germany

National Network

Goebenstrasse 35

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
1. WUS is a nongovernmental organisation which is politically and denominationally independent. Its core issuses are education and human rights. 2. 2.5 Mil. EURO 3. Public Funds 4. Seminars, conferences, publications, advisory services, database ENGLOB (European Network on Global Learning) 5. Govn., NGO, Universities, Student Org. 6.-
Mission and Objectives

WUS Germany prefers to be seen as an action-oriented organisation, assisting the victims of social injustice and oppression to find solutions to the causes of their situation by themselves, rather than to be understood as a classical relief organisation. It faciliates international contacts and co-operation of and between academics and students. It aims at supporting programmes with respect to issues concerning education, asylum as well as human rights. Priority in its policies and schemes was also given to the combat against social, cultural, political and economic discrimination in the framework of the United Nations Decade for human rights education.

Main Projects / Activities

a) Global Learning: The Information Centre “Education Mission North-South”, Global Education Week b) Returnee-Programmes: STUBE Hessen – Extra Curricular and Supplementary Programme, Reintegration Programmes c) International Education Programmes: Worldwide Cooperations with WUS Committees, Associations of Qualified Employees in Africa, Asia and Latin America, Placements in Africa, Asia and Latin America

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Kambiz Ghawami
Head of the organisation
Dr. Kambiz Ghawami
Contact (2) Full Name
Petra Loch

xm:lab - Experimental Media Lab

National Network

Media Art & DesignHochschule der Bildenden Kuenste SaarKeplerstr- 3-5
66117 Saarbruecken

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
General Information
xm:lab is a research-based media lab of the Media Art & Design degree program at the Academy of Fine Arts Saar. Started in 2010, it is part of the academy (founded in 1989) and is run by academy staff. The academy is a public institution directly funded by the state, project funds are acquired from a variety of third-party sources on a regular basis. xm:lab has a series of emphasis areas and co-develops cultural education and research projects in cooperation with international partners. From reportage to complex information visualization - if code is king and data rules, documentary practices are shifting to new terrain. Under the conceptual umbrella of documentary aeshetics,xm:lab explores experimental approaches to actuality. The exploration of transcultural flows calls attention to the way culture/nature dichotomies are renegotiated. Under the conceptual umbrella of 'network ecologies', xm:lab focuses on the way the materiality of media implicates its design, use, production, and disposal in broader ecological processes, including the (antagonistic) practices of (collaborative) creation that constitute, frame, and transform them. In cooperation with the Centre for e-Learning Technology (CeLTech), xm:lab maintains a lab on educational technologies, with an emphasis on documentary/serious/persuasive games research and immersive envionments. Researchers also collaborative in cross-border initiatives on interactive/visual media, with a particular emphasis on transcultural visual literacy initiatives. The globalized production, circulation, and (more or less reflexive) consumption of (moving) images calls for a revisiting of media literacy approaches developed in the context of national public spheres and corresponding curricula. Questions of the border, of translation, and of incommensurability - of the limits of correspondence - are central to such efforts. Under the conceptual umbrella of 'technologies of play', xm:lab investigates the role of digital media in shifting concepts and practices of creativity, with a particular focus on the role of play in education, research, and the establishment of new institutional forms. In cooperation with Saarland University and the German Center for Artificial Intelligence, xm:lab takes projects beyond the design stage and explore technical questions of developing, implementing, and testing platforms and tools. The media gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Saar offers artists and researchers a unique opportunity to explore the cultural constitution of (public) space. Designed as a projection screen as well as an interactive audio-visual environment, the screen serves as an experimental site of projection as well as reflection, an instrument both to design and conceptually explore new forms of aesthetic communication. On a regular basis, artists and researchers are invited to create their own iteration of the general curatorial perspective. Partners include cultural organizations in various countries (including Goethe Institutes in Cameroon, China, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan) as well as local and international research organizations (including universities across Europe as well as Asia and Australia).
Mission and Objectives

xm:lab - Experimental Media Lab co-develops and coordinates a wide spectrum of cultural research projects at the intersections of art and technology.

Main Projects / Activities

2011-2: J-Hub Workshop series on journalism education Mokolo African film networking and online distribution platforms Android Film Academy Development and local implmentation of film education workshops / infrastructures, transcultural visual literacy Depletion Design Media glossary on sustainable digital media African Cinema Festival Each year, a new edition of the African Cinema Festival introduces the work of 'anglophone' and 'francophone' African filmmakers, directors and critics are invited to introduce the various cinemas of the continent and its diaspora. http://

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

xm:lab already has a track record of innovative cultural education projects at the intersection of art and technology and will be able to share its experiences with interested partners, support the joint submission of international cultural grants with a special focus on transcultural practices and processes. xm:lab is one of the few actors in cultural media with a strong focus on questions of socio-ecological sustainability and can serve as a bridge/mediator between socio-cultural milieus.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

xm:lab has co-initiated a number of international cultural education projects and would like to expand these in cooperation with ALF partners. Upcoming projects include a journalism workshop series (, joint publication efforts with, a panafrican film platform, and the continuation/expansion of our film education efforts. We share ALF's values and believe in networking to co-develop sustainable cultural education projects situated, in our case, at the intersection of art and technology. xm:lab already works closely with a large variety of German partners. Membership in the ALF network will help take these cooperative projects to a new level of international exchange and collaboration and ensure effective dissemination of project outcomes to relevant audiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Soenke Zehle
Head of the organisation
Dr. Soenke Zehle
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Tretschok