
EUth Wonders e.V.

National Network

Annaberger straße
53175 Bonn

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

EUth Wonders e.V. establishment was collaboration for greater cause as it started with the new program of Erasmus+ 2021, the idea behind was to create a platform where youth from all around the world can contribute and benefit with the idea of diversity such as our founding members who came from different countries and background (German, Albanian, Egyptian and French) and as visible the connection was diversity and humanity in order to build and support youth and humans in general to be mentally and physically tolerant and healthy to cooperate regardless of where they come from or what are their background. EUth Wonders sets its development program from the perspective of human rights to involve a person with courage, confidence and own character in the fields of education, sports, economy, health and environment within the framework of citizenship and effective participation. The purpose of the Association shall be to promote youth welfare, to promote an international spirit, tolerance in all areas of culture and international understanding, and to promote civic engagement for charitable and benevolent purposes. EUth Wonders aim to provide equal opportunities for everyone, especially for motivated young people with fewer opportunities whose opportunities for mobility, especially international ones, are otherwise very much restricted due to their social or economic status, geographical position, health or disability.

Mission and Objectives

1. VISION TO CREATE A HUMANE AND LASTING WORLD FOR HUMANITY. We aim to promote diversity, break down cultural barriers, and formulate norms of communication through an interconnected world characterized by peace, fulfillment, and well-being. 2. MISSION EUth Wonders aims to realize the potential of individuals, and creatively address pressing challenges. 3. PURPOSE EUth Wonders is a non-governmental organization that strives to develop the capacity of individuals especially women, children and youth to learn, have fun and take hold of initiatives for life.

Main Projects / Activities

EUth Wonders cooperates with other European Youth groups and NGOs and international organizations in hosting and helping others host youth activities in a number of countries, promote cultural diversity and contribute to the positive social changes in the European continent. We aim to create this platform where we help all in need when it comes to supporting linguistics, ideas, implementation and orientation. Our activities now are more focused on the youth sector where we provide several valuable opportunities to enhance leadership, entrepreneurial skills and diversity. We are applying for different European and local calls to strengthen the cooperation between the German community and worldwide to eliminate the stereotypes about local people and engage others in knowing closely how practical, engaging and tolerant they are. We started with a local activity called “Senior Citizens” where we engage young groups of people with older groups to share experiences and showcase their lifetime stories which affect in two ways digital storytelling which will be published on our website and social media platform, and engagement of local senior people who needs our attention and making them feel as valuable as they were always. Nevertheless, EUth Wonders is a non-for-profit association but it holds a great social enterprise within its surroundings, as a start we are a migrant based organization where most of our members and board are from different continent which we believe is amplifying our vision therefore, we have great community responsibility towards our homeland communities and the acceptance of the local communities we live in. EUth wonders e.V, despite the newly establishment, tries hardly to engage local youth centers and encourage the improvement of youth policies in the city and the region of NRW, working closely with local NGOs and Bundesstadt Bonn administrations and representatives. We established a youth virtual platform through our newly built website where youth can communicate with us personally and we advise them about youth work and European contribution to the facility of their future work and opportunities when it comes to work and entrepreneurship, NFE education, Mental health, coaching and training and lastly volunteerism, where we can promote a bigger concept of European active citizenship through specific activities such as: • To develop the sense of entrepreneurship for young adults and how can they use it in a social aspect to benefit others and disseminate their results; • To support young adults, gain right advocacy skills in order to decrease violence against people; • To support young adults, be involved in a democratic atmosphere where they can practice and take part actively in the decision-making mechanisms; • To create a foundation for cooperation between different NGOs and public offices to raise awareness about environment and agricultural skills and preserve nature; • To provide tech advices and opportunities for marginalized groups for young adults to be more included; • To build capacities and creating network in order to prevent youth radicalization; • To raise awareness about differences and showcase different aspects about neighboring countries of the EU. I. One of our founders (Mahmoud Abd elMageed) he is the CEO – Founder of Have A Dream ( Social enterprise where he made his core idea in diversity traveling and assisting local communities in the destination countries through their local NGOs, some examples - Lebanon after explosion, - Albania after the Covid wave which affected the economy by bringing tourists from Egypt, - Kenya by communicating with businessmen to build a youth center etc. II. EUth wonders Cooperate with the board of Unity Effect ( through their programs to increase the capacities of our volunteers and staff through self-improvement programs in soft and professional skills. III. Lastly, Mahmoud ElSayed the president of EUth Wonders is a NFE Trainer who held many trainings including the topic of social enterprises and supported many participants to start their own idea whether NGO or social enterprises with a local focus and cause to provide a platform for whoever needs guidance through programs or advisory such as NGO North South Center Oslo which was created by one of our founders Klaudia Tomaszewska with a brightly similar cause to EUth wonders and our first collaborator

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

This Organization will support Annalindh Foundation aims and ambitions to reach the optimum target groups specifically the marginalized groups we involve always in our projects and it will: • To increase volunteerism and passion in our activities and consciousness in the local community; • To contribute to personal development of young adults to ensure their active participation in civil society life; • To raise awareness about youth work; • To provide information and publicity about local, national and international opportunities in youth work; • To introduce the multiculturism concept between young adults and senior citizens in order to achieve globalization and global citizen concept; • To provide a space for young people to develop projects for civil society area; • To encourage young people to take part in youth related decision-making; • To raise awareness about activities related to young adults with disabilities; • To use sports activities as a tool of inclusion of refugees and migrants; • To contribute in personal and professional development of young adults; • To ensure young students to blend in with different cultures in local, national and international platforms by using sports as a bonding tool which comes from its universal nature.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

EUth Wonders e.V. shows a very promising actions and willing to support, on the other hand, it will also have a greater impact from the Foundation as we seek different platforms for our local target group, ALF has a very big impact on NGOs and as well has lots of partners whom we can collaborate with. It also increases our visibility in our local work to encourage and distribute among the network the accomplished work which has been done on the local ground, this can be a very supportive action. Also, the network has its own funding actions and programs which can be an opportunity for our local youth to apply for with our support and the support from the partners as well. Finally, EUth wonders aims to create a humane environment where we all live in harmony and peace, as well, providing opportunities which can help the development of young adults, youth and adults (women and men) through a non discriminatory process.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Mahmoud ElSayed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mahmoud ElSayed
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Fadel
Job Title (2)

Evangelische Akademie der Pfalz

National Network

Luitpoldstrasse 10
76829 Landau

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Ev. Academie der Pfalz is part of the Ev. Church of Palatinate. 6 employed and 2 associated staff members are working in different fields. Its budget contains funds from the church as well as from the government and from private foundations. It offers conferences, exhibitions, training-courses, and lectures. One main focus concentrates on intercultural and interreligious encounters and relations, especially with Islam. The Academy is part of different national and international networks and cooperates with governmental, religious, and cultural partners as well as with different universities and institutes.
Mission and Objectives

The Ev. Academy deals with public, economical, religious, philosophical, and culutral issues. It invites people from different areas to meet, to discus, and to consider new ideas relating to future solutions of emerging questions. It moderates societal and political discussions and it does own research.

Main Projects / Activities

At this time the main projects are: young academy; migration, society and change; Islamic care taking in hospitals; Christian-Muslim encounters; economics and responsibility.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sr. Georg Wenz
Head of the organisation
Dr. Christoph Picker
Contact (2) Full Name
Katrin Jaeger

Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg (Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Wuerttemberg)

National Network

Gänsheidestraße 4

0049-711-229363 286
Telephone (other)
0049-711-229363 246
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The "Evangelische Landeskirche in Württemberg" has more than 2.2 Million members, about 1400 parishes, organized in 51 districts. It was established in 1534, when Wuerttemberg became Lutheran. The "Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Wuerttemberg" got her present constitution in 1920. The members of the "Landessynode" (church parliament) are directly elected by the church members.
Mission and Objectives
Main Projects / Activities
How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can offer our international and interreligious contacts. We are part of networks on the national and regional level and could try to connect activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The initiative to join the Network came from Heinrich Georg Rothe, in charge of Christian-Muslim relations in our church (Islambeauftragter). It is strongly supported by Ralf Häußler, director of the "Zentrum für entwicklungsbezogene Bildung". Both work in the same department. Because of the legal structure of the church the church as a whole joins the network. The "Kirchenleitung" (directory) took this decision on August 21,2012. That allowss other departments of our church to participate in the activities of the network. - Especially the "Islambeauftragte" is developping international relations with institutions in the Middle East (Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, relations to Oman are developping), but also in European Countries (e.g. Austria, Switzerland, Greece, Turkey), in the field of Christian-Muslim Relations and Intercultural Relations. The same is true for the ZEB (Zentrum für entwicklungsbezogene Bildung). We are working in close cooperation with partners of other faith, cultural and ethnic background. As a church we are working in networks, as well as our Muslim partners in their own networks. We are working in fields of intercultural training, interrelitious dialogue, Human Rights, Gender Issues, and more.

Contact (1) Full Name
Heinrich Georg Rothe
Head of the organisation
Bischof Dr. h.c.Frank Otfried July
Contact (2) Full Name
Ralf Häußler



A Facilitator Qualification Course organised by the Horizontal School and MitOst 


A facilitator…

  • makes a difference in how people learn, work, or develop ideas and projects together
  • enables transparent, inclusive, and participative group processes that are diversity-sensitive
  • creates spaces in which each individual counts and feels encouraged to develop their own vision, identify their inner motivation and turn ideas into action


This course is for you if:

  • you want to facilitate participation and co-creation for positive social change in your team, community or ecosystem
  • you are interested in facilitating good learning processes within a group
  • you already have experience and would like to deepen your facilitation practice and get connected to other facilitators on an international level
  • you have some experience with moderating a group and enjoy bringing people together for a common cause and purpose
  • you are engaged in formal or non-formal education and you would like to learn about hands-on facilitation method

Find more information here!

Photo credit:



Organised by the German network member MitOst e.V.

Start: 18 October 2022 at 3 pm

Do you enjoy bringing people together and supporting their learning or co-creation? Do you want to facilitate processes of participation and co-creation for positive social change in your team, community or ecosystem? Are you interested in facilitating good learning processes for a group?

In this blended learning training of trainers combining 6 online live sessions with asynchronous group work and readings in between, you will reflect about the role of a facilitator and get familiar with the theoretical foundations of pedagogy, constructivism, principles of adult learning and group dynamics. You will learn how to design and facilitate sessions and educational events in a participatory, holistic and inclusive way, taking into account different learning styles and individuals’ background. You will get equipped with appropriate tools and methods that address different needs and resources of your participants.

Registration Deadline: 11 October 2021

More information:

FASE-Berlin e.V.

National Network

Stresemannstr 25. 10963 Berlin

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
FASE-Berlin e.V. is a national branch of a European NGO with the focus on youth, education, cultural dialogue as well as lobbying for Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis living abroad. Decision making body of the Organization is a board that consists of seven board members. Chairman of the Board is leading organizations daily activities. All staff involvement and activities within the organization are based on social work. Organization implements projects by acquisition donations and grants from local as well as international institutions. FASE-Berlin e.V. focused in activities devoted to cultural dialogue, international understanding, religious tolerance etc. Form of activities are conferences, seminars, debates, cultural events such as concerts and national music presentations and other innovative ways. Main partners of the Organization are European Youth Foundation, Youth in Action of European Commission, People to People International, Institute for Foreign Relations- IFA, Foreign Affairs Office of Federal Republic of Germany.
Mission and Objectives

FASE-Berlin was established by a group of young Azerbaijanis and friends of Azerbaijan with various backgrounds, primarily residing or studying in Germany, who were united by the idea of direct contribution to the strenthening of integration of Azerbaijanis in Germany and who believed that their efforts will have better appeal and efficiency if coordinated and discussed. Simultaniously FASE-Berlin brings together German citizens of Azerbaijani-origin and aims at facilitating their successful integration to their respective communities. We successfully implemented several projects, including a project with the the support of German Bundestag. FASE-Berlin is a platform of youth/students acting as a hub for communication. Benefiting from the large network of activists and interested people, FASE-Berlin utilizes the potential of this network for raising profile of Azerbaijan in Germany, initiating cultural interchange, engaged in informal educational activities, being in course of events happening regarding Azerbaijan in Germany and lobbying for these purposes.

Main Projects / Activities

- Forum of Azerbaijani Students at European Parliament "RECONNECTING IDEAS FOR FUTURE"
- Forum at French Senate and German Bundestag
- JAZZerbaijan concert at European Parliament
- FASE Summer Camp in Athens

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Ziya Gaziyev
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ziya Gaziyev
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Nargiza Abdullaeva


National Network

Wolgaster Str. 11

0049 (0) 1 79 50 74 77 8
Telephone (other)
0049 (0) 38354790042
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
We are preparing a film-project about morocco and the new law moudawana. We want to interview women, which were involved in preparing the new law.
Mission and Objectives

Find out if moroccos women are rally involved in the democrtization-project.

Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Dana Fennert
Head of the organisation
Dana Fennert

Flinn Works

National Network

Auf der Schubach 88
34130 Kassel

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Flinntheater e.V. is a non-profit trust
Mission and Objectives

Objectives: to create theatre that is socially relevant, also for young people to foster new playwriting to create plays with intercultural themes to build regional identity through theatre (in Kassel)

Main Projects / Activities

Flinn Works is led by co-artistic directors Sophia and Lisa Stepf. It has independently produced and presented more than 20 performances in a wide range of different venues and festivals. Always engaging with current social and political issues, the company devises its work in collaboration with professional artists and performers.
Through the investigation of questions that resonate globally, performance, music and text are created with artists who work in different art forms and global locations. The style of each Flinn Works production varies, as determined by the key artists and performers and their specific skills and experiences. Flinntheater has a strong commitment to engaging with the next generation of audience members, and regularly offers education workshops and subsidised tickets for young people from the age of 15 and up.
Flinn Works is committed to intensive research, sarcastic humour, strong soundscapes, multiperspectivity  & polyphony in their artistic language.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sophia Stepf
Head of the organisation
Sophia Stepf
Contact (2) Full Name
Lisa Stepf