
Rosmini Christina

National Network

140, Corniche Kennedy

0033 (0)607671369
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Artiste, auteur-compositeur-intertprète de chansons parlant de Méditerranée et de Féminin.
Mission and Objectives

Partager avec le plus grand nombre des valeurs communes et l'ensemble des réalisations et créations artistiques à mon actif.

Main Projects / Activities

De nombreux spectacles sont en cours de diffusion (voir site internet)

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Par des rencontres, des échanges...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Pour élargir mon réseu méditerranéen et y faire de belles rencontres artistiques et humaines.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rosmini Christina
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Chanteuse- Auteure-Compositrice-

Royaumont Foundation

National Network

Abbaye de Royaumont, 95270 - Asnières sur Oise
Asnières sur Oise

00 33 1 30 35 59 00
00 33 1 30 35 39 45
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
General Information
1. Foundation of French right recognized of public utility (1964). 56 permanent. 2. average annual budget: 7 million euros 3. public financings: 39%; own resources: 61% 4. arts centre of meeting; reception of artists in residence; vocational training of the artists; annual season in concerts and public representations; productions of spectacles; conferences and conferences; diffusion of spectacles; international exchanges; international networks; territorial actions 5. inistère of the Culture, the general Council of the Valley of Oise, Area Island of France, Companies Civil, national scenes, theatres, festivals.
Mission and Objectives

Fields of intervention: architectural heritage (Cistercian abbey of XIIIe century); music of repertory (XIIe S - Xxe S); oral and impromptu musics; contemporary creation (music and dance); multi-field creation. Missions: to protect the monument and to make known it; to support the study of the musical old repertories and the new creation of?uvres (music and dance), to support the dialogue between the cultures (music and dance), to support the diffusion of the?uvres and the artists at the international level, to support the accessibility of the activities to the greatest number, including by the means of actions in teaching matter.

Main Projects / Activities

Discovered monument by the visits (open site all the year) Residences of artists: reception of artists of all countries, Europeans and extra European (300) Training of the singers, instrumentalists, choreographers and type-setters professional: 18 programs are proposed each year for 170 trainees, European Europeans and extra Diffusion of the?uvres and the artists: 1 musical Season made up of 34 concerts of which more half are new?uvres and world creations (9000 spectators); an international distribution programme (25000 spectators) Accessibility and activities of discovered any public: realization of workshops for children and adults; residences of artists in rural and urban medium near desocialized populations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anne Françoise Le Guilliez, coordination des dossiers européens
Head of the organisation
Francis Maréchal
Contact (2) Full Name
Frédéric Deval, directeur du programme « Musiques orales et improvisées »

Safar Expeditions Jeunesse

National Network

4 bd Sakakini


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Media
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Safar Expeditions Jeunesse is a recently created non-profit organization. It counts around 30 voluntary members, including 3 in the bureau (head of the organization) and no employee. Budget: around 60000 euros/year. Sources of funding: participation of the members, donations, grants of public institutions (Conseil général, Conseil Régional, Ministère de la Jeunesse et de Sports...) and foundations, subsidies of private companies... and all ressources allowed by the law. The action of Safar Expeditions Jeunesse consist in organizing journeys in foreign countries with young French people and realizing reports about these countries during the travel, such as video documentaries, articles and photos. Safar Expeditions Jeunesse also organizes meetings in Marseille about responsible ways of travelling. Main partners: Ministère de la Jeunesse et de Sports, local associations working in the field of responsible travel, solidarity and fair trade (Soli 13, En visages, Citoyens de la Terre, Horizons volontaires...), IRTS (Institut régional du travail social).
Mission and Objectives

Safar Expeditions Jeunesse offers to young French the opportunity to travel around the world in order to discover and learn about people and their cultures. It carries an ethical and educational conception of travelling, that promotes a better knowledge between peoples.
Safar Expeditions Jeunesse is not a travel agency. It proposes long travels (at least one month in one country), using local means of transportation. The journey are prepared with the young, that are activelly implied in the search of contacts and the choice of the places to visit and stay in. Overall, they realize reports during the journey, about the people they encounter and their way of life. With their words, they carry the voice of these people.
After each travel, Safar Expeditions Jeunesse organizes events in France using these reports, such as showing of the film and debates with pupils in local schools, students in local universities.

Main Projects / Activities

March 14th 2008: meeting in Marseille about ethical and reponsible ways of travelling, with different partners working in this field (international and european volunteers, youth mobility, construction projects for young people in foreign countries...)
Summer 2008: 2-month journey in Romania and Turkey with 10-12 French young people, production of 2 films, one in each country, called « Crossed glances about Europe » (« Regards croisés sur l'Europe »). These films will collect and carry diverse point of views about european identity nowadays.
Sept 2008 – June 2009: showing of the films, debates, exhibitions about the journey, in French local schools, universities, non-profit organizations...

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Deniaud


National Network

92 bis quai de la Loire
75019 paris

06 34 23 12 05
Telephone (other)
01 42 40 93 86
Organisation Type
Private Company
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Salama magazine est composé de 4 associés, nous commençons avec un budget très petit, et sommes à la recherche de sponsors et partenaires. Publication mensuelle à compter du mois d'avril 2010 (selon fonds disponible).
Mission and Objectives

Améliorer, informer, coopérer au bon dialogue euro-méditerranéen. De nos jours l'information est un facteur majeur dans la vie des citoyens du monde, et notre role majeur est ciblé de mener au mieux notre cause, ce moyen nous est essentiel pour rétablir un dialogue positif.

Main Projects / Activities

collecter toutes actualités se rapportant au Monde Franco-Méditerranéen tous sujets confondus, avec l'objectivité nécessaire. Notre objectif majeur reste l'information dans toute sa diversité.

Contact (1) Full Name
Kaid ismail ep Bouzouidja
Head of the organisation
Hadj Sahraoui

SAMAR Media (ZSCJ Media Limited)

National Network

Ithaki Building (Off 401). 12, Michalacopoulou Str.
1642 Nicosia

+357 22 767160
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 73 26 80 09
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
SAMAR Media (corporate name: ZSCJ Media Limited) is a Limited Liability Company registered in Cyprus. It mainly operates from Lebanon and covers the whole MENA region. SAMAR Media is headed by Ziyad Clot and Jana Jabbour. Its staff includes 4 employees working from Beyrouth, Cairo and Paris and a network of free-lancers throughout the MENA region. Its yearly budget is within the range of 100,000/150,000 EUR and is generated by sponsorship revenues, grants and donations.  SAMAR’s most recent web programs “Me & My country, 5 years into the Arab uprisings”, “Rap Generation: the Beat of the Street” and “Arabic Dialects” have generated more than 1,5 million views since the start of the year 2016. SAMAR Media often partners with other media outlets, which relay its web programs to wide audiences worldwide. It has worked with international news websites such as The Guardian, France 24, El Pais, The Christian Science Monitor, Jaddaliya etc. SAMAR also coordinates on a project-basis with local actors (NGOs, universities, local institutions) to organize on the ground events such as workshops, conferences or debates on both sides of the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

SAMAR is a web media organization dedicated to the Arab world. It produces and broadcasts videos on the internet in Arabic, English and French and aims to make knowledge, arts and culture available to the widest audience. SAMAR’s main editorial goal is to address the realities and underlying dynamics which are reshaping the Arab region, rather than to cover its most sensational stories. SAMAR also promotes a more positive image of the Arab region and its people through inspiring individuals and innovative projects. SAMAR shares this aspiration with the widest number in the MENA region: SAMAR also finally offers to its followers the opportunity to share their video production and picks with its growing online community.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2012, SAMAR Media has produced and broadcast more than 200 videos as part of the following web programs:
Tahrir, my revolution, The Cartoonists of the Arab world, The Arab Summer, This is Palestine, Turkey and the Arab World, The New Arab media, The Lebanese of West Africa, Me and my Country: 5 Years into the Arab Uprisings, Rap Generation: The Beat of the street, Arabic Dialects.
These web video series have generated more than 3 million views on the Internet.
SAMAR also regularly organizes public screenings of these series. In June 2016, SAMAR Media also held a conference and a concert at the Villa Méditerranée in Marseilles on the theme « Exile & Migrations in the Mediterranean ». This public event featured musicians and Spoken Words artists from the Arab region and experts of migration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SAMAR’s media coverage follows a ‘Slow Media’ approach and its video production emphasises the positive energies and creativity of the Arab world and its diaspora. With an ambition to strengthen intercultural dialogue throughout the Mediterranean, SAMAR hopes to develop a synergy with Anna Lindh’s network members in order to shed light on the potential of Mediterranean societies and contribute positively to the many challenges faced in this region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Pan-Arab editorial approach of SAMAR Media led us to work on many projects in and outside the MENA region. We are aware that many challenges Arab countries face today (migrations, security, environment etc.) are shared throughout the Mediterranean zone. However, the perception of these challenges and the way they are addressed often tend to vary from one side of the Mediterranean to the other. Developing partnerships around the Mediterranean with ALF network members will allow SAMAR to cover these challenges through the lens of a regional perspective. Thus, we hope to multiply in the future events that embody a multicultural vision of leading issues related to the Mediterranean region. Joining the ALF Network is an important step towards this ambition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziyad Clot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ziyad Clot
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Jabbour
Job Title (2)
Beirut Bureau Chief

Samba Résille - Centre d'Initiatives Culturelles et Citoyennes

National Network

38 rue Roquelaine 31000 Toulouse

05 34 41 62 16
05 34 416 100
Mobile Phone
06 62 88 73 84
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Association loi 1901, établie en France à Toulouse. Plus de 300 adhérents (personnes physiques et morales). Nos actions sont d'ordre culturel et artistique. Nous nous adressons à tous les publics, mais priorisons nos actions sur les publics habitant les territoires et publics fragilisés et/ou isolés. Nos partenaires habituels sont la Mairie de Toulouse, le Conseil Général de la Haute-Garonne, le Conseil régional de Midi Pyrénées et l'Etat (Politique de la Ville, Jeunesse et Vie Associative).
Mission and Objectives

favoriser la mixité sous toutes ses formes au travers d'actions d'ordre artistique et culturelle.

Main Projects / Activities

1- Des ateliers & stages de pratiques artistiques (Samba, Batucada, Chant)pour jeune public et public adulte (organisation par tranches d'âge)
2- Finalités pour les ateliers et stages lors de fêtes et carnavals de quartiers
3- Rencontres entre les différents publics sur des moments conviviaux et festifs
4- Organisation et/ou aide à l'organisation de carnavals et fêtes de quartiers
5- Accompagnement à la résidence de groupes issus des quartiers suburbains(accompagnement à la répétition, à l'écriture musicale, au travail scénique,...)
6- Diffusion dans notre établissement des groupes et confrontation artistique avec d'autres groupes et formes artistiques issus d'autres territoires (organisation de concerts, de rencontres entre artistes, de résidences de création,Master Class,...)
7- Aide à la structuration des groupes accueillis (Mise en réseau, structuration juridique,...) et repérage de jeunes talents émergents en recherche de lieu de pratique et de diffusion hors de leur lieu de résidence, notamment les groupes de musiques actuelles et les groupes constitués de jeunes filles
8- Aide et suivi de porteurs de projets individuels et/ou collectifs (en s'appuyant sur les dispositifs dans lesquels l'association est inscrite : Envie d'Agir, DLA, MAIA)
9- Formation d'animateurs et éducateurs spécialisés sur deux thèmes principalement : La culture outil de transformation sociale, et la Musique source de relations éducatives.
10- Aide à la structuration et au développement pour les associations des quartiers des zones urbaines sensibles en s'appuyant sur le dispositif du DLA comprenant une proposition de formation aux bénévoles des associations des zones urbaines sensibles en s'appuyant sur le Fonds National pour le Développement de la Vie Associative

Contact (1) Full Name
Hamza Medkouri
Head of the organisation
David Crochet, Président / Hamza Medkouri, Directeur

Samusocial International

National Network

35 avenue Courteline
75012 Paris

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information
Samusocial International (SSI) is registered under the French law of associations since 1998. It is governed by a Board of Directors (11 members), has presently 8 staff employed and works with 14 local Samusocial partner organisations (CSO). Its 2014 budget is of 1.814.578 EUR and main sources of funding are: French Agency for Development, European Union, Monaco cooperation, Sanofi Foundation, Total Foundation. Its modalities of action are to provide general support, grants and trainings to Samusocial local organizations of our network that are active to protect people victims of social exclusion. We also conduct in depth research as well as capitalize best practices in order to build appropriate responses to social exclusion. Finally we advocate and communicate our knowledge and know-how to a wide audience through conference talks, paper publications, trainings and university courses.
Mission and Objectives

Its mission, as per its statutes, is to use all possible public information and training programs, in all world cities where problems linked to social exclusion arise (including problems of shelter, food, access to care, psychological suffering and any other consequence of rejection and the breakdown of human, economic and social links), to create, promote and support arrangements similar to those operated by samusocial de Paris and which meet the criteria set out in the objectives and charter of Samusocial International, and to perform directly or indirectly related tasks. Agreements, exchanges of all types and training arrangements shall be established. The Association’s objectives shall also include collecting funds to support Samusocial organisations, in accordance with the spirit of samusocialdeParis and, in the same conditions, creating, supporting and assisting the action, research and special interests of Samusocial organisations overseas. Samusocial International shall also appraise, evaluate and guarantees the minimum quality criteria that all bodies going by the name of "Samusocial " must abide.

Main Projects / Activities

The current strategic phase (2013-2015) is to build upon its 15th anniversary to raise the organisation’s visibility in terms of expertise and know-how, and continue to develop innovative responses to social exclusion.
The main activities are:
Objective 1. To promote and deepen the Samusocial method:
• To ensure a quality offer of technical assistance and trainings to local Samusocials and other stakeholders aiming at setting up Samusocial in their city (trainings on Samusocial method, on keys of comprehension of phenomenon of social exclusion and psychopathology of marginalised people/ inter Samusocial exchange of experiences/ Annual coordination meetings);
• To improve production and publication capacities of training tools, methodological guides and technical resources (register and compile existing documentation to be published on online resources centre of SSI; etc.);
• To draft position papers and to participate to international/regional/national conferences on the issues of social exclusion to share SSI’s experiences and tools;
• To develop a pool of external experts for trainings;
• To ensure and develop academic teachings in order to transfer know-how of SSI and its local partners’ experiences.
Objective 2. To develop and promote local responses of local Samusocials
• To contribute to functioning of local Samusocials by technical assistance provided to ensure good governance of the local NGOs; in some Samusocials, SSI mandates an expatriate director or volunteer to ensure daily management and monitoring of the activities;
• To ensure regular steering and monitoring of local Samusocials by field support missions conducted at least once/year by SSI staff;
• To strengthen information systems on activities and beneficiaries of each local Samusocial by implementing a standardised database that will ensure a better knowledge of socio-demographical trends of targeted populations and thus feed targeted advocacy and awareness raising activities;
• To promote innovative actions developed by local Samusocials by accompanying them in the capitalisation process; for example the Samusocial Casablanca aims to become national training and resources center for newly created Samusocials in each big city of Morocco.
• To support implementation of quality processes within each Samusocial in terms of HR policy, procurement, accounting, and resources mobilisation.
Objective 3. To accompany the development of new Samusocials
• Elaborate feasibility and exploratory mission kits and constitute a pool of experts to conduct these missions and be able to negotiate with local and central authorities the opening of new project ;
• Develop a pool of financial and non financial resources in order to implement these missions and ensure funding for the launch of these new projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Samusocial International can contribute to the network by sharing its expertise and understanding of social exclusion, as well as best practices in terms of responses to this phenomenon affecting all cities throughout the world.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Samusocial International works with local partners in Algeria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Egypt, Morocco and Romania, outside of France, countries served by the ALF network, and aims at benefitting from ALF network to contribute to strenghthen CSO’s capacities in these countries to act against social exclusion by organizing exposure visits and capacity building activities and exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Marie Chuberre
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Xavier Emmanuello

Second Intercultural Morning Coffee

The public debates in Europe and the Southern Mediterranean have recently been colored by issues relating to diversity in citi

Seconde Nature

National Network

Patio/CECDC, 27 rue du 11 novembre, 13090 Aix-en-Provence

+33 4 42 20 96 25
Telephone (other)
+33 4 42 20 96 28
+33 4 42 20 96 40
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Pierre-Emmanuel Reviron
Contact (2) Full Name
Raphaël Sage

Sextant et plus

National Network

41 Rue Jobin, La Friche, la belle de mai

04 95 04 95 94
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
06 89 15 87 11
Mobile Phone (other)
06 62 74 49 30
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Sextant et plus est une association à but non lucratif située à la Friche La Belle de Mai à Marseille. Son équipe est composée de 7 personnes en charge des projets, de la médiation et des actions éducatives, du développement, de l'administration, de la communication et relations publiques. La structure est financée par le secteur public (Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (DRAC), le Conseil Général des Bouches du Rhône, la Région Provence Alpes Côtes d'Azur, la ville de Marseille etc), et privé (entreprises partenaires de projets par des apports en mécénat). En 2011, environ 60% de son budget global provenait de ressources privées et on chiffre d'affaire était de 365 873 Euros. Les modalités d'action de l'association vont de la conception et mise en oeuvre d'expositions et de projets d'art contemporain en France et à l'international à la publication de catalogues d'artistes en passant par le conseil et consulting auprès d'organismes privés ou publics ou la mise en oeuvre de politiques envers les publics, de projets éducatifs et la conception d'outils de médiation. Aujourd'hui Sextant et plus est l'une des structures les plus dynamique en région PACA dans le domaine de l'art contemporain. Elle est force de proposition au sujet de politiques publiques dans le secteur. Ses partenaires dépendent des projets mis en oeuvre. Actuellement, Sextant et plus est responsable de 4 ateliers de l'Euro-Méditerrannée Marseille Provence 2013 Capitale Européenne de la Culture. Elle met en œuvre le service des publics de la Fondation Van Gogh en Arles par ex.
Mission and Objectives

L'association Sextant et plus a pour but :
La création, le développement, la gestion et la promotion des arts sous toutes ses formes en France et à l'étranger.

Main Projects / Activities

Du local à l'international, de la sphère publique au secteur privé, l'association étend
son activité à travers différents types de projets :
- La Collection : un projet permanent qui vise à soutenir et diffuser le travail
d'artistes de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur.
Productions et co-productions d’expositions, location et vente d’oeuvres, espaces
de stockage et de conservation, résidences, éditions monographiques... sont autant
d'outils et de projets mis en oeuvre à des fins de promotion des artistes que nous
- Les expositions : des projets à dimension internationale.
Pour Sextant et plus, il s'agit de produire des expositions monographiques ou
collectives d'artistes issus de la scène internationale, souvent peu montrés en
France, et présentées sur une période de 2 à 3 mois à la Friche Belle de Mai.
- L'offre aux publics : visites et plus...
À l'occasion des événements qu'elle produit, l'association Sextant et plus conçoit et
propose des actions éducatives et des supports de médiation pour le public. Visites
commentées, audioguides, dossiers pédagogiques, programmations et activités
jeunes publics, projets en milieu scolaire... offrent des clés utiles et précieuses à la
découverte de la création contemporaine.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Les informations concernant Sextant et plus seront relayées et actualisées régulièrement sur le site web Anna Lindh afin de garantir une recherche efficace des autres membres du réseau quant à des possibilités de partenariats.
Sextant utilisera largement les perspectives offertes par le réseau en se mettant en contact avec d'autres membres des deux rives de la méditerranée, dans la mesure du possible et selon la pertinence des projets développés. L'association serait également heureuse de participer aux différents événements organisés par la Fondation au niveau national afin d’œuvrer et de promouvoir efficacement cette logique d'échange chère à Anna Lindh.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Sextant et plus partage et met en oeuvre les valeurs de la Fondation Anna Lindh au quotidien, par l’intermédiaire de ses divers projets, inscris dans une logique euro-méditerranéenne. Promotion de la diversité culturelle, de l'égalité des chances, transmission du savoir et échanges interculturels sont au cœur des missions de l'association.
Ainsi nous développons des résidences d'artistes en France et à l'étranger (Projet La Cité des Curiosités dans les quartiers nords de Marseille ou Projet Trankat Street à Tétouan au Maroc par ex) qui incluent de larges volets médiation et formation en direction des jeunes issus de quartiers défavorisés ou de milieux sensibles. Par ses divers projets, comme Jeunes Curateurs ou Nouveaux Collectionneurs, Sextant et plus s'attache à promouvoir l'éducation artistique auprès d'un large public, majoritairement jeune et souvent éloigné de l'accès aux ressources artistiques. Intégrer le réseau Anna Lindh est un élément de développement logique pour notre association, en accord avec les objectifs et résultats des différents projets mis en œuvre. En effet, le réseau Anna Lindh par son étendu et la qualité de ses membres, offre une extraordinaire plateforme de visibilité et de promotion de nos projets tout en nous permettant de développer de nouvelles pistes de partenariats.

Contact (1) Full Name
Véronique Collard Bovy
Head of the organisation
Véronique Collard Bovy
Contact (2) Full Name
Bérénice Saliou