
Moniheli ry.

National Network

Hermannin rantatie 12B, 4h floor
00580 Helsinki

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Others
General Information

Moniheli was founded in 2010 as a cooperation network for multicultural organisations. As of 2018, the network counts over 100 members. Moniheli's goal is to promote the development of a multicultural and diverse Finnish society as well as to support the activities of its member associations in various ways. More information from and; Katto project at and, Multicultural Independence Day at

Mission and Objectives

Moniheli is a service and interest network that facilitates collaborative leadership and activities in the Helsinki metropolitan area and nationwide. Moniheli contributes to and further develops the awareness and promotion of physical and mental well-being as well as economical and social improvement of all members in its member associations. It also promotes their full political participation in Finnish society. Moniheli’s practical methods and tools for promoting diversity and interculturality are the key to a more inclusive Finnish society, therefore it promotes and develops cooperation between multicultural associations, individuals, media, educational institutes and authorities. The purpose of the network is 1. to function as advocate of the multicultural society and its members 2. to develop the cooperation between migrant associations and associations active in multicultural work 3. to influence questions related to migration policy as a network 4. to promote active participation in influencing the society, especially with regards to matters of migration and multiculturalism 5. to advance equality and non-discrimination in the Finnish society 6. The network is a politically and religiously independent non-profit organisation. To do so, the network strives: 1. to plan and implement projects that advance the network’s purpose 2. to support the integration of migrants into the Finnish society 3. to promote the dialogue between its members and other actors in society 4. to promote the immediate cooperation among its members 5. to promote the employment and entrepreneurship of people with migration background 6. to advice, guide and support its member associations when cooperating and when implementing projects that support the network’s overarching objectives 7. to organise events, seminars and trainings 8. to participate actively in public discussions 9. to take care of diverse information spreading and giving out publications 10. to collaborate with actors supporting its objectives nationwide

Main Projects / Activities

Member services (guidance and advice regarding project planning, funding applications and NGO-related issues, trainings, Member Association Grant), advocacy and cooperation across sectors in favour of multiculturalism and integration; Katto project (prevention of immigrants' homelessness in Finland and information regarding housing matters); Multicultural Independence Day celebration (December), Moninainen Suomi at the World Village Festival (May).  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Bringing out views directly from grass root level by having quite large representativeness, by working actively on common interests

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are seeking for collaboration on common interests and issues, in forms of trainings, seminars and projetcs.

Contact (1) Full Name
Julie Breton
Job Title
Association Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Abdirahim Hussein, Executive Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Abdirahim Hussein
Job Title (2)

Monika – Multicultural Women’s Association

National Network

Hermannin Rantatie 12 A
00580 Helsinki

+358 9 7279 9999
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association, Finland is an NGO operating in the field of social affairs. It develops and provides specialized services for immigrant women and their children who have been subjected to violence, and acts as an expert and advocates in issues related to ethnic non-discrimination and violence, as well as promoting integration by supporting civil society activities for immigrants.

Mission and Objectives

MONIKA acts as an expert, provides statements, and collaborates with a multi-professional network at both the national and international level. MONIKA’s biggest financiers are City of Helsinki, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health with proceeds from Veikkaus (STEA), the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health / the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), the Ministry of Education and Culture, Stiftelsen Den Sjunde Mars Fonden and the City of Vantaa

Main Projects / Activities

MONIKA – Multicultural Women’s Association, Finland is a nationwide, multicultural organization functioning on social field. It promotes the equality and inclusion of women with an immigrant background in Finland and prevents violence against women. The Association acts as an expert and does advocacy to improve the status of women, as well as supports immigrant women’s activities through its member organisations. 

Crisis Center Monika (Kriisikeskus Monika) provides help for women with an immigrant background who have experienced violence or a threat of it. Crisis Center provides low-threshold services, including crisis help, psycho-social support, peer support groups, counselling and service advising, and supportive housing services after a period in a shelter. 

Shelter Mona (Turvakoti Mona) provides safe housing and crisis assistance for women and their children who have experienced intimate partner violence.

Shelter Mona is located in a secret address and meant for short-term housing. The women can come to the shelter from anywhere in Finland.

Integration Center Monika (Kotoutumiskeskus Monika) provides individual guidance, group activities, and mentoring for all women with an immigrant background who need support in their integration process and in finding a job. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Jenni Tuominen
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Managing Director (Deputy) Ms Jenni Tuominen

Multipress Ltd

National Network

Mariankatu 38 as 5, 33200 Tampere - Finland

+358 400 571481
Telephone (other)
+358 3255 6858
+358 3 2556858
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Multipress is a press-office concentrated in making programmes and manuscrpits to different television stations and articles to various nwespapers and magazines.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Lasse Tuorila
Head of the organisation
Lasse Tuorila

Mythos ry

National Network

Humanistinen tiedekunta Uskontotiede PL 59
Humanistinen tiedekunta Uskontotiede Unioninkatu 38E
Helsingin yliopisto

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Others
  3. Religion
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Mythos ry. (registered association) is a student organisation for people interested and associated with Study of Religions. Majority of our members are students. Our organization comprises of 5-15 members of board, that are elected once a year in a general meeting, and of varying committees assigned for specific projects. We employ no staff and are working with a minimum budget that depends on the activities of the year. Our funding source is grant-based and our main funder is HYY ry, who supplies us with an annual budget of about 600€. Besides that HYY and University of Helsinki provide us with small grants based on specific projects. We cooperate with student organisations concentrated on Cultural Studies such as Kulo ry, Nefa ry and other Study of Religions organizations [mainly SUS ry, TYT ry, Nirvana ry and Gnosis ry] on regular basis. Mythos holds seminars, publishes a magazine, holds a yearly course and has cultural programs. We also make annual trips with members in order to create international networks.
Mission and Objectives

The main objective of Mythos is to assemble people interested in Study of Religions in activities that relate to the field and enhance our understanding and future professional abilities. It is also within our main priorities to promote the good quality of Study of Religions and to give people possibilities to network beyond discipline and land barriers.  As a student organization we also find it important to maintain and promote the health and wellbeing of our members.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main projects include seminars on matters of interest in Study of Religions that we hold four times a year, magazine concentrated on Study of Religions and associated subjects (Mynthos), an annual course handling religious diversity, cultural excursions, recreative evenings and networking through different means (for example joint meals, travelling and joint activities). We also have many activities that change on yearly basis, for example last year we cooperated with Helinä Rautavaara museum and held a seminar and guidings with them.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would be interested in joint working, for example in joint seminars especially dealing with religions and intercultural relations. We also have willing and able volunteers to help with your  projects. If of interest we could also organise training for members of ALF network on religions.
Right now we are planning a journey to Bosnia-Herzegovina in autumn 2015 and would be very interested in working with the local Anna Lindh network and its members. Our theme for the journey is religious coexistence and cooperation as well as the religious landscape of Balkan area. We would be happy to create bonds and networks between Anna Lindh network in Bosnia and our Finnish network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see ALF as a wonderful opportunity for networking and learning through each other. We are also interested in the training ALF Networks may organise. The members of Mythos are very keen on intercultural relations and understanding of human culture(s). As a small student organisation we also find it very important to reach out to others and be more society than university centered. We find that the Finnish ALF Network has accomplished a lot;  for example the reports the Finnish ALF Network has produced are of interest to us and we would like to be a part of something that educates our society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Emma Komulainen
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Emma Komulainen

Nabo Artbook

Young people in the Nordic region are engaged in societal issues, describe common challenges and have concrete proposals for solutions. We just need to listen. For four years, between 2018 and 2021, the Swedish Agency for Youth and Civil Society...

Nadiya ry

National Network

Helenankuja 10
02700 Kauniainen

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Creating Hope Together

Nadiya, meaning "Hope" in Ukrainian, is more than an organization; it's our heart's commitment. In 2024, Nadiya remains committed to her mission of aiding refugees from Ukraine, while simultaneously embarking on a broader journey of extending support to those in need through a multifaceted approach encompassing art, body and trauma awareness methods, nature based therapy modalities, and various other interdisciplinary techniques. With our collaborators and diverse range of innovative methods, we support integration, cultivate resilience, unity, and hope, illuminating a brighter path forward.
We have at the moment one worker (50%) and we are part of Erasmus+ project for the next two years with international partners. We are looking for different funding from Finland at the moment, our yearly budget being around 30 000 - 50 000 €.

Monthly & weekly Classes - On-Site
Trauma-informed Yoga and other somatic self-regulation methodologies
Training for professionals working with refugees including online & hands-on workshops, international academies and handbook

We collaborate with organisations like, Mieli ry and Ekvalita ab in Finland

Mission and Objectives

Our Core Values and Initiatives
Belonging & Empowerment: We are co-regulating humans. Healing happens in
relationship with one another, with each other in a safe and inclusive community and
in relation to our natural environment. We aim at creating a sense of belonging and
empowerment, strengthening self-worth and confidence among Ukrainian refugees &
their host communities by creative methods of peace-building and inclusivity that are
both community-driven and embodied in their approach; We organize educational
workshops, trainings, art & nature therapies, cultural and art events, newsletter,
fundraising events, online platform and network & community support.
Collaboration and Coordination: Nadiya collaborates closely with other NGOs and
field specialists to coordinate activities, workshops, peer support programs, and
integration initiatives, education, fostering diversity and growth within communities. In
2023, Nadiya became a co-recipient of an Erasmus grant for a two-years
international project in collaboration with five other international associations working
with refugees in France, Italy, Jordan and Armenia.
Trauma-Sensitive Services: Recognizing the unique challenges of the displaced
trauma survivors, Nadiya offers trauma-sensitive services and training programs.
These initiatives promote mental well-being, resilience, and vital coping skills,
creating a safe and supportive environment for recovery and support rebuilding lives
in a new environment.
Cultivating Hope and Community: Nadiya's commitment extends to making a
positive and lasting impact on the lives of Ukrainian refugees, communities facing
crises, individuals, and organizations working tirelessly with them. We ensure they
receive comprehensive support to preserve culture and tradition, develop design
skills for new life narratives to rebuild their lives and integrate into new
intercultural communities, fostering stability, peace and hope for a brighter future

Main Projects / Activities

Empowerment & Education Through Trauma-Informed Projects,
Workshops, Events and Wellbeing Intensives

In 2023, Nadiya became a co-recipient of an Erasmus grant. The grant was awarded
for a two-years project in collaboration with four other international associations in
France, Italy, Jordan and Armenia. The associations involved are all working in the
field of art therapies and trauma work for the refugees. These partners are driven by
a shared objective: to empower and educate local associations engaged in refugee
support work, activities and initiatives.

ILLUMINA - The Art of belonging: Transforming Lives, Building Community,
and Fostering Integration A Trauma-Sensitive Creative Journey Towards
Healing, Integration, and Community Support (2024-2025)

SÄIHKYVÄ METSÄ (June 2024 - September 2024)
Participatory art and nature adventure for refugee children and

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are having international partners and wish to create exchange & more collaboration between the countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Participation in the Network gives a great opportunity to deepen into the work and expertise of Nadiya’s mission. Working on the field of trauma and creative therapeutic methodologies requires certain expertise, knowledge and experience, the Network supports us to collaborate with colleagues from other countries working on the filed, network and exchange with organisations who already has a wide experience of working with refugees and displaced people. Nadiya ry collaborates with the local volunteer organisations and assosiations, engaging local communities to actively support refugees in the integration, community building and well-being activities.
We collaborate with Ukrainian Association in Finland, an organisation that have been doing incredible work on all the levels to meet the crises in the most effective way, providing wide range of support for the refugees arriving to Finland. It is a nation wide network of active units, that binds and connects all the Ukrainians living in Finland.
Nadiya ry collaborates and supports activists art-therapists, bodyworkers and somatic practitioners in Ukraine, and have a near-future plan to work in Ukraine, co-fasilitating rehabilitation retreats for people working on the field in a critical conditions.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sini Haapalinna
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Malin Gustavsson

Naisten Kulttuuriyhdistys ry

National Network

Fredrikinkatu 39 C 22, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
00120 Helsinki

+358 50 3507616
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
The Women´s Cultural Association employees one part time secretary during the year and one person who takes care of the Women´s craft fair and during the fair we employ around 20-25 persons for one week. Our association is 30 years old. Our funding is mainly from the craft fair. We also get funding from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to our project in Morocco. Our total budget is around 200.000 €.
Mission and Objectives

Our association´s main goal is to promote both new and traditional women´s culture by following the feminist principals. The Women´s Cultural Association strives to direct Finland´s ideological climate to a more equal and tolerantly direction.

Main Projects / Activities

To arrange yearly a Women´s craft fair in December, to arrange/participate at a seminar in Morocco with local women´s organizations, to publish books for women who have suffered from violence etc...

Contact (1) Full Name
Leena Ruusuvuori
Head of the organisation
Jatta Bucht
Contact (2) Full Name
Jatta Bucht

Nicehearts ry

National Network

Lummetie 2bA
01300 Vantaa

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Nicehearts ry on vuonna 2001 perustettu tyttö- ja naistoimintaa tuottava yhdistys, jonka tavoitteena on mahdollistaa, että tytöt, naiset sekä sellaisiksi itsensä kokevat löytävät oman paikkansa yhteiskunnassa sen tasa-arvoisina ja yhdenvertaisina jäseninä. Ehkäisemme syrjäytymistä vahvistamalla tyttöjen ja naisten osallistumismahdollisuuksia ja edistämällä jatkopolkujen sekä oman paikan löytymistä yhteiskunnassa. Kasvatamme ja koulutamme tytöistä ja naisista muutoksentekijöitä! Niceheartsin arvoja ovat tasa-arvo, yhdenvertaisuus, yhteisöllisyys ja ilo. Nicehearts ry:n toiminta luo pitkäkestoisia naisten keskinäisiä verkostoja ja edistää eri kulttuuristen ja eri-ikäisten kohtaamisia arjessa. Nicehearts ry tekee vaikuttavaa työtä tyttöjen ja naisten aseman edistämiseksi. Yhdistyksen toiminta on saanut alkunsa tytöille suunnatusta nuorisotyöstä Vantaalla vuonna 2001 ja laajentunut sen jälkeen tyttö- ja naistyöstä myös Espooseen, Helsinkiin ja Lappeenrantaan. Yhdistys on voittoa tavoittelematon, poliittisesti ja uskonnollisesti sitoutuman järjestö, jonka jäseneksi voivat liittyä kaikki säännöt hyväksyvät, yli 10 vuotta täyttäneet ihmiset sekä organisaatiot.  Yhdistyksellä on vuonna 2019 28 kokoaikaista työntekijää. Lisäksi palkkaamme useita kymmeniä tuntityöntekijöitä vuositasolla sekä ohjaamme opiskelijoita ja tarjoamme mm. yhdyskuntapalvelutyötä ja työkokeilu- ja palkkatukitöitä. Yhdistyksen rahoitus on valtaosin julkista ja säätiöiden myöntämää avustusrahaa. Avustuksien lisäksi yhdistys tekee omaa varainhankintaa.  Yhdistyksen toimintamalleja ovat: Tyttöjen Tila toiminta Vantaalla WahvaNainen -toimintamalli (palveluohjaus ja ryhmät) Vantaalla ja Espoossa Lisäksi käynnissä on kolme kehittämisprojektia: ItseNaiset, Kotiäitydesta kohti opiskelua ja työelämää -hanke ESR rahoituksella Naapuriäiti -toiminnan kehittämishanke, Stean rahoituksella Tyttöjen Tila toiminnan käynnistäminen ja kehittäminen Lappeenrannassa Stean avustuksella. Yhteistyökumppanuus verkostomme on erittäin laaja. Teemme yhetistyötä mm. kaupunkien eri viranomaisten kanssa, eri organisaatioiden ja järjestöjen sekä oppilaitosten ja yritysten kanssa, joiden tavoitteena on edistää tasa-arvoa ja yhdenveratsiuutta yhteiskunnassamme. 
Mission and Objectives

Nicehearts ry toiminnan tavoitteena on mahdollistaa, että tytöt, naiset sekä sellaisiksi itsensä kokevat löytävät oman paikkansa yhteiskunnassa sen tasa-arvoisina ja yhdenvertaisina jäseninä. Kohderyhmänämme on yli 10 vuotiaat tytöt ja naiset, erityisesti erityistä tukea tarvitsevat henkilöt. 

Main Projects / Activities

Tyttöjen Tila toiminta Vantaalla
WahvaNainen -toimintamalli (palveluohjaus ja ryhmät) Vantaalla ja Espoossa
Lisäksi käynnissä on kolme kehittämisprojektia:
ItseNaiset, Kotiäitydesta kohti opiskelua ja työelämää -hanke ESR rahoituksella
Naapuriäiti -toiminnan kehittämishanke, Stean rahoituksella
Tyttöjen Tila toiminnan käynnistäminen ja kehittäminen Lappeenrannassa Stean avustuksella.
Yhdistyksen tuottamia palveluita ovat mm, yksilötyö, avoimet ja suljetut vertaisryhmät, kokonaisvaltainen palveluohjaus, kielenopetusta, koulutukseen ja työelämään ohjaus ja tuki, merkityksellistä vapaaehtoisuuteen perustuvaa toimintaa, erilaiset tapahtumat, tilaisuudet, seminaarit ja koulutus. 
Lisäksi koordioimme Espoon ja Lappeenrannan me.taloja. Me.talot ovat uudenlaisen yhteistoiminnan ja innostavan tekemisen tiloja kaikille kaupunkilaisille. Me-talo tarjoaa vapaa-ajan harrastustoimintaa, kursseja, kerhoja ja tapahtumia, kokoustilaa sekä apua ja neuvoa eri elämäntilanteisiin ja ongelmakohtiin vahvasti syrjäytymistä ennaltaehkäisevällä otteella, yhteistyössä alueen viranomaisten ja toimijoiden kanssa. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Yhdistyksessä on vahvaa osaamista liittyen kulttuuri-ja sukupuolisensitiiviseen työhön, eirtyistä tukea tarvitsevien ihmisten auttamiseen ja kotoutumiseen liittyen. Myös aluekehitysnäkökulma on työssämme vahvasti mukana. Olemme valmiita jakamaan asiantuntemustamme vastavuoroisesti. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Asiantuntijuuden, verkostoitumisen ja yhteiskehittämisen lisäämiseksi.

Contact (1) Full Name
Johanna Sjöholm
Job Title
Executive director, toiminnanjohtaja
Head of the organisation
Johanna sjöholm
Contact (2) Full Name
Miia Salo
Job Title (2)
administration secretary, hallinnon sihteeri