
Appropriate Communication Techniques for Development Center (ACT)

National Network

22 El Shahid Yousri Fahmi St, Colleyat al Banat, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
ACT was founded by a group of men and women, Azza Kamel, Ros Ford, artist, Halim Zaka, Mohamed Wael. number of staff: 10 partners: Kvinna till Kvinna, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Foundation for the Future. Budgetary resources: 220000 $ Sources of funding: Kvinna till Kvinna, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Foundation for the Future. Modalities of action: concrete projects, exchanges, workshops, and seminars) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: New women foundation, Helwan Association for Developing community, the Egiptian Association for Family Development.
Mission and Objectives

ACT mission is to improve skills of communication in the field of development work , help societal groups to get organized, seek networking with other development groups in Egypt and the Arab world, provide an information database for the different educational resources, build the capacities of women groups and marginalized groups, and activate the political and societal participation for the different categories of societies.

Main Projects / Activities

Project on monitoring and changing the image of women and men in media.
for the purpose of monitoring and changing the image of women as handled in media, with a vision to create a society where media value justice, equality and human rights, and represent women as a competent citizen.
projects on fighting violence against women
which included a number of activities, such as awareness raising, teaching skills needed for listening centres staff, and implemented many seminars and the press conferences on the issue, and on the International Day for Women.

Contact (1) Full Name
Azza Kamel
Head of the organisation
Azza Kamel
Contact (2) Full Name
Samah Salaheldin

Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport

National Network

AbuKir, Alexandria, Egypt
Alexandria Governorate

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

Educational System:
The AASTMT has started its activities in education and training in three fields of specialization Marine Navigation, Marine Engineering and Radio Officers and Marine Technicians. The aim of these courses is to qualify the marine cadets. Later, the offered studies developed to include the Basic Sciences and the bachelor''s degrees for which the American Credit Hours System was adopted. As for the upgrading studies for maritime officers and marine engineers, the English System was adopted. Finally, for the vocational studies, the Japanese System was adopted. All these fields of specialization depend on practical applications.

Certificates Equivalence
The AASTMT has managed to obtain the approval of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities for considering the holders of the High Seas Second Officer eligible for the affiliation with any Egyptian University or any 4-year higher education entity which a student can join after high school. (Thanaweya Amma)

It is worth mentioning that the AASTMT has the precedence in achieving a high degree of flexibility in the process of transferring the marine officers from the path of vocational studies to that which allows them to obtain the bachelor''s degree in Marine Navigation Technology. This is due to the application of the American Credit Hours System. In order to show the importance of this achievement, it would be essential to mention that the holder of the High Seas Captain certificate, when sent to the United Kingdom to obtain the bachelor''s degree, had to start his studies over regardless of his previous studies. However, due to the flexibility of the current system the AASTMT applies, it opened the door for its officers to obtain the bachelor''s degree as well as the eligibility certificate in four years only something deemed by experts an unprecedented achievement.

In addition, the report which was prepared by the Japan Transport Cooperation Association in March 1997 about the AASTMT''s progress over the years and the flexibility with which it switched to science and technology then to science, technology and maritime transport, is considered the most sublime honor the AASTMT has received, especially that the honor is bestowed upon the AASTMT by the country which occupies the first position in the field of maritime transport internationally. The AASTMT has also managed to make all its certificates equivalent to those granted by Egyptian universities in the fields of Engineering and Management.

Students Affairs:
Since its establishment in 1972 until the academic year 2001/2002, the AASTMT has provided a multiplicity of educational opportunities to students from more than 59 Arab, African, Asian, European ...etc. countries. These opportunities were distributed throughout the AASTMT''s long experience in the field of education.

Main Elements of the AASTMT''s Educational Services Distinction:
Stemming from the AASTMT''s concern about the distinction of the services it provides in education, training and research and its belief in its role in the service of the students and their parents - despite the application of the self-finance policy - the AASTMT has extended its activities from its main headquarters in Alexandria, to Cairo, South of the Valley and Latakia in an attempt to offer its distinct services to the sons of all the Arab countries. This is due to the fact that the AASTMT is considered a unique model for the collective Arab work on the lands of Egypt, which owns all of its assets (public property). This is also due to the flexibility and the open educational philosophy, with which the AASTMT is managed under the umbrella of the Arab League (flexible administration). It is also considered a true model for the educational organization that does aim at any financial profit. Indeed, the secret behind the AASTMT''s success and distinction lies in the aforementioned models the AASTMT represents and through them it has taken off from regionalism to the skies of internationalism. The main elements of this success lie in the strategy the AASTMT adopts the strategy of managing the results not the activities. The main assets of this strategy can be summarized in the following points:

The constant development of the syllabi for all fields of specialization according to the latest international systems, resorting to rare expertise, deriving benefits from the greatest educational consultants like Sir Graham Day, educational advisor to the former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Dr. Ernest Fraenkel one of the geniuses of the MIT who played a major role in the development of the Maritime Transport in Singapore.
The gradual approximation to the industry, the offering of community service programmes, the adaptation of the syllabi and scientific research in order to achieve that goal and the innovation of new fields of specialization in order to fulfill the needs of the market and the demands of development.
The constant development of the methodology of teaching and the use of modern techniques as effective tools in the educational and administrative processes an example of which is the use of computers, multimedia, CDs, internet and Intranet. The AASTMT has also established 13 libraries, public and specialized, in its main headquarters and the other branches. These libraries contain hundreds of scientific periodicals and more than 60,000 reference books. That is in addition to the scientific studies, dissertations, papers and projects. There is also the e-library service which grants the students and the teaching staff easy access to thousands of books, references and periodicals in the world''s biggest libraries.
The ongoing attempts to attract the distinct teaching personnel and providing them with the suitable financial income and moral appreciation. Due to the adoption of this strategy, the employed teaching staff of the AASTMT reached 639 staff members, 234 of whom are PhD holders. In addition to about 1400 teaching assistants, lecturers, part timers, and seconded staff members from other universities, all of whom, take part in enriching the process of education, training and scientific research.
Realizing the philosophy of considering the student the focal point of the educational process, (the student is the final product), through establishing two deaneries specialized in students'' affairs and services and students'' activities. Both deaneries are responsible for providing various services to the students, patronizing their athletic and cultural activities, caring for their educational, social and medical affairs and adopting the policy that the educational process in the AASTMT is considered a contract between the AAT&MT and the parents. That is why in case of the student''s death - God forbids - the parents get back all the fees paid since the day the student joined the AASTMT in addition to the insurance. Also, if a student loses the family bread winner, he/she is exempted from paying any further educational fees till he/she graduates from the AASTMT. This strategy stems from deeply-rooted Arab values and the fundamentals of Islamic solidarity which are non-existent in any other institution all over the world.
Caring for students after graduation through the establishment of the Graduates'' Affairs Fund in cooperation with the major industrial institutions in Egypt. Through this Fund, the AASTMT creates job opportunities for its graduates, pays part of their salaries for a whole year, after which, a decision whether the graduate continues in the job or receives a certificate of experience that qualifies him/her to work in other places is taken.
Offering grants for outstanding and distinguished students and adopting the system of the gradual reduction of fees for students who have excelled in their high school studies and who wish to join the AASTMT. The AASTMT also adopts the strategy of preventing any increase in educational fees for students once they join the AASTMT until they graduate. Any increase is applied via the strategy of the rationalized increase, and it is applied on new students.
Establishing the Projects Incubation Centre to patronize students'' projects and care for them, an original idea that the AASTMT presents to the world of projects and business in all the Arab countries, starting from Egypt, where the main headquarter is located. This idea creates a new cultural perspective when it comes to employment it corrects the prevailing ideology behind the constant demand for the employment of everyone since no government is able to employ all its subjects. The idea of this centre is based on adopting the ideas of projects students present, the AASTMT helps them, through the teaching staff, prepare the necessary feasibility and marketing studies, then comes the financial aid till the project starts the actual executive steps and comes out as a project with separate financial entity. Many employers share in these projects with students out of their own financial resources. Parents also share in these projects. The AASTMT, thus, achieves many goals the students who contribute to these projects or share in them need not search for employment after their graduation, especially that they are working in the fields that they like and that they have chosen for themselves. The AASTMT also shares in creating new activities for the society through the innovative ideas behind these projects. Even if a project not based on a new idea or if there are similar projects in the market, the AASTMT helps through the Centres'' projects in enhancing the performance of these projects.
Services and Students'' Activities:
The AASTMT adopts a distinct policy when it comes to caring for its students. This policy considers the student the focal point of educational services as well as administrative support. As a consequence of this policy, the AASTMT''s main headquarters includes various activities and services, the aim of which is to make the life of students easier. Among these activities and services are the dorms, hostels and restaurants, which have the capacity for 1300 students, and which are fully equipped with all means of comfort. In addition to these facilities, there is also the girl''s hostel which can accommodate up to 100 girls.

Nautical and Marine Engineering students lead a safe and organized life within the campus of the AASTMT, starting from abiding by the uniform to the commitment to leadership and athletic drills. This goes on for the first two academic years.

Throughout the year, all AASTMT students practice their cultural activities through the seminars and lectures organized by the Cultural Activities Department. That is in addition to entertaining trips and athletic activities. In this regard, students are always keen on organizing the annual Parents'' Day in order to improve and enhance the cooperation, and the cultural and social affinity between the students and their parents.

Community Service Programmes and Continuous Education:
Due to the AASTMT''s belief in the role of the educational institutions in serving the community, it has started offering various educational programmes to serve the community of Alexandria. The aim of these programmes is to further develop and enhance the skills of those who did were denied the opportunity of being well qualified or distinguished in the fields of language, computing, secretarial work, aviation tickets reservation, marketing and management. These programmes also grant them a chance for continuous education, and open new tracks for them to pursue other fields of specialization should they choose to.

These programmes start over every three months, and they are ongoing all year round. They are carried out in the AASTMT''s headquarters in Miami, Sidi Bishr and downtown. The programmes are offered according to an evening schedule. These courses attract a considerable number of those who aim at developing and enhancing their vocational skills, as well as gaining new ones. In addition, these courses are sometimes especially designed for groups of employees in a certain company or organizations. The estimated number of those benefiting from these programmes, throughout the year, ranges from 15,000 to 20,000 Alexandrians. Furthermore, there are the summer courses for the education of children which benefit around 5,000 children.

Mission and Objectives

The AASTMT''s strategic plan is based on two main axes, the first is the strategic goals axis, and the second is strategic potentials axis. The first includes strategic objectives that were formulated in the light of the vision and mission of the AASTMT, as well as the values governing performance from 2021 to 2026.

The strategic axes include the strategic objectives of education and learning, the primacy of maritime education, international status, and social responsibility. To achieve those ends, a set of strategic potentials will be used, which comprise intellectual capital, digital transformation, management, governance, and financial efficiency.

Main Projects / Activities

Core Values
# Value Meaning
1 Alignment
We seek a high degree of complementarity and involvement among the AASTMT family around the strategic goals, working on achieving them, and putting it ahead of the personal interest.
We seek to formulate a known and agreed vision and mission among all members of the AASTMT and its organizational units.
We believe that devotion, dedication, and belonging to the AASTMT are our way to achieve leadership on the local and regional levels.
2 Leadership
We seek to provide a model for good leadership as a principal feature that characterizes organizational leadership at the AASTMT on all levels.
We seek to offer academic programs that aim at the development of leadership skills among the graduates, faculty, and staff at the AASTMT.
3 Excellence and
We believe that excellence in education and research, development, and innovation are our way of attaining leadership among universities and educational institutions in the Arab world.
We trust that excellence must be reflected in our relationship with the larger community through our diverse practices in the area of social responsibility.
4 Dignity
We aim at adhering to ethical standards in all professional administrative practices within and outside the AASTMT.
We seek excellence in all areas of educational and administrative work.
5 Respect
We believe that mutual respect among all individuals and organizational units is the basis of work at the AASTMT.
We emphasize this through mutual dealings and relationships between all organizational units.
We believe it''s important to stress the value of diversity (in individuals and Ideas) among all individuals and parts within and outside the AASTMT.
6 Accountability
We believe that each one of us is responsible for the institutional success of the AASTMT, each within his/her occupational terms.
We believe that the right empowerment of individuals and organizational units will help strengthen the concept of accountability.
7 Knowledge
We trust our ability to create a digital smart university capable of dealing with the requirements of modern universities in the age of knowledge in a high degree of excellence.
We have faith that the digital transformation of the AASTMT will help us understand and contribute to the development of scientific and practical solutions to the challenges facing society as a whole.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through pro-active initiatives, sharing knowledge, open new horizons for our students and staff.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

New opportunities, networking and giving back for our society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmed Swidan
Job Title
Associate Professor and Vice Dean of Maritime Research
Head of the organisation
Professor Dr Ismail Abdel-Ghaffar Ismail Farrag

Arab Alliance for Women

National Network

28, Adly Street, Appt. 74-75

+20 (0)2 3939899
Telephone (other)
+ 20(0) 3950911
+20 (0)2 3936820
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 0122175188
Mobile Phone (other)
+2 0122123998
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Alliance for Arab Women is an NGO which was founded in 1986. It employs about 25 members of staff. It benefits from different sources of funding: membership dues, donations from individuals or organisations such as the Rotary and the Lion's Club, as well as contributions from international partners such as the British Embassy, the Dutch Government, USAid, GTZ (Germany).
Mission and Objectives

The Alliance works as an umbrella to a network of NGO's and cooperates with other organisations to provide women with basic human security through influencing policies and legislation and through providing relevant services and programs within the framework of human rights.

Main Projects / Activities

Areas of interets:
- Poverty. Aims at raising the level of well-being of poor families through accessing employment, training, job placement and small entreprises.
- Education. Works on increasing enrolment of children in schools, reducing drop-out from school, revising extra-curriculum activities, reducing illiteracy rate and creating a supportive community to the school.
- Health. Aims at providing access for women to health services and also at changing harmful health habits and practises.
- Public participation. Works on increasing women's participation in the decision-making process through encouraging them to join political parties and to run for elections as well helping them to acquire relevant skills in this field.
- Violence. Combats all kinds of violence affecting women through awareness raising and rehabilitation.
- Finally, organises meetings and conferences about issues related to the above topics as well as all sorts issues related to women.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Hoda Badran
Head of the organisation
Dr. Hoda Badran (President)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms. Leila Abaza (Executive Director)

Arab Center for Human Rights

National Network

egypt- elminia- matay -el thawra street

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
24 founding members 7 members of the Board of Directors Partners / Justice and Citizenship Foundation - freedoms Center and immunities Tomorrow messages Foundation Funding / Self
Mission and Objectives

The solution always see in democracy
Human rights organization working to promote a culture of human rights and legal and human rights awareness
Fields of work
1. Field of human rights
2. Services, cultural, scientific and religious communities.
3. Ralih marginalized groups and disabled
4. Care for prisoners
5. Economic development.
6. Development of local communities
7. Awareness of the constitutional and legal rights

Main Projects / Activities

Field of human rights
2. Services, cultural, scientific and religious communities.
3. Ralih marginalized groups and disabled
4. Care for prisoners
5. Economic development.
6. Development of local communities
7. Awareness of the constitutional and legal rights
Assembly activities and projects:
1. Participation in the project root democracy awareness with Ibn Khaldun
2. Project participation is the solution with the MEPI
3. Legislative elections monitoring project with the American University
4. Workshops mechanisms to monitor the government's performance with usaid
5. Torture does not justify the lawmaker with Freedom House
6. Defense of women's rights with Maat
7. Training for the cases of detainees

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can through the organization disseminate and promote the principles of Anna Lindh and strive to achieve goals that serve Egypt through training, workshops and conferences, seminars and scientific brochure and materials

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

iwant to join your prestigious institution in order to utilize your previous experience in all areas and activities, Oda'm and promotion of human rights and non-discrimination and integration of marginalized groups and activating the role of youth and time in Egyptian society

Contact (1) Full Name
ahmed salah shbeb
Head of the organisation
ahmed salah shbeb

Arab Digital Expression Foundation

National Network

4 al-Ahram St. Upper Plateau Mokattam - Cairo

+202 25080191/2/3
+202 25080194
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Organization Committee: •Ranwa Yehia: ADEF Foundation Director and concept developer, a journalist who worked in several Arab countries. Ranwa was granted a 3-year Ashoka Fellowship ( in 2008 in recognition for her work on ADEF •Ali Shaath: ADEF concept developer, a computer engineer professional with management experience in the Middle East •Shaimaa Yehia: ADEF Program Officer, with an experience in development and working with children through different forms of arts. •Sama Al Iryan: ADEF Admin Officer, Visited many Arab countries, volunteered for the development of marginalized children in Gaza and Cairo, has her own experiment in documentary filmmaking. ADEF received start-up funding from TEAM's management & engineering consultants ( CSR program which covered its operation and development costs from 2006 to 2008. In 2009 received a grant from Naseej a Community Youth Development Initiative (CYDI) cover some of our 2009 activities Partners: 1.Jozour Association forHuman Resource Development – Wazan- Morrocco 2.UNESCO Club-ALESCO-du bardo)-Tunisia • 3.Salama Moussa Association in Minya – Egypt. 4.Ruwwad in Amman – Jordan 5.the Arab Resource Collective-Lebanon 6.Give Gaza (
Mission and Objectives

The" Arab Digital Expression Foundation"- promotes the use of ICTs by Arab Youth for digital expression and artistic creation.
The Foundation aims at offering the young Arab generation a free and constructive environment and the opportunity to produce ideas and works of art of their own using new technologies, in an attempt to improve and add creative and meaningful content to the world of media. It will enable youth from various Arab countries to meet each other and together become familiar with digital media and tools to express themselves and discover their identity in both culture and heritage.
•Design a program using open-source software for the development of youth digital expression with the collaboration of young professionals involved in the different fields covered by the project
•Build a network of youth, NGOs (or NGOs working with youth), experts and trainers at the local and regional level
•Enable Arab trainers and youngsters to meet each other and together become familiar with digital media to express themselves and their identity in both culture and heritage
•Organize summer camps as a highly effective model for learning for digital expression to teach the Arab youth how to use technological tools and to promote digital expression through image and sound
•Organize local workshops within communities of partner NGOs targeting disadvantaged youth where trainers and youngsters will learn how they can integrate or utilize the passed-on skills in their communities
•Train trainers in open-source software and alternative learning methodologies for the purpose of expression
•Develop a Linux-based live CD with open source software for the trainers and youngsters to take home and a collaborative community portal for their continued work after the summer camp (
•Develop an online open source tool kit on "how to" do a digital expression camp, licensed under creative commons for other organizations and people to use it.

Main Projects / Activities

Since it started, ADEF has trained 158 youth aged 11 to 16 from eight different Arab countries in various forms of digital expression in cinema, sound and music, graphic design, web design, animation, sports, arts and crafts and web 2.0 within a summer camp model. It also has trained 68 Arab trainers (aged 20 to 30) from Tunisia, Morocco, Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine, Sudan and Syria in digital arts and various training methodologies for the purpose of expression. Young professionals are trained in open source software in the different audio-visual media and design and participate in enriching discussions over online sharing and collaboration and the roles of individuals and groups in this emerging worldwide trend that is proving to have tremendous empowering impact.

Contact (1) Full Name
Shaimaa Yehia
Head of the organisation
Ranwa Yehia
Contact (2) Full Name
Sama El Eryan

Arab Forum for Alternatives Studies (AFA)

National Network

3 El-Sheikh El-Maraghi Street, AL Agoza, Cairo, Egypt.

+202 333 59 852
+202 333 59 852
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA) is an organization that works for a society in which democratic culture prevails, for a society capable of protecting its rights and defending such rights through a democratic movement built on a scientific ground which safeguards the concept itself from being abused. This will be implemented by providing a space for experts, activists and researchers in the field of civil society who are interested in issues related to the reform/change process in the Arab region, and who have alternative visions seeking to put forward in a scientific and practical way aiming the development of their societies on the basis of Justice, Democracy and Human Rights values. Fields of Work: •Democracy: on conceptual and institution levels such as democratic culture, parliamentary work, human rights development... •Civil Society Development: studying experiences and developing tools for social movements and civil society organizations. •Reform Process: Political , economic and Social levels. •Regional Relations: - within Arab Region, Euro Mediterranean Region. •International relation: Arab region with different regions such as EU, Latin America..... Networks: •Observer at the EUROMESCO Network: •Member of the Egyptian Committee of Joussour” Masherek & Maghereb Civil Society portal”:
Mission and Objectives

•Providing alternative visions for Arab society development based on scientific basis related to the reality on the ground.
•Linking both academic and activist dimensions of civil society and related concepts.
•Linking civil society work with the Arab region's reality, and establishing accountability value.
•Developing mechanisms to network with international institutions working on reform/change issues.
•Suggesting analytical visions for the actuality on scientific basis in order to provide practical alternatives for the development of Arab societies.
•Developing scientific and field researches in the field of work.
•Development of translations in the Forum field of work.
•Raising capacity in the field of scientific research. Specially in the field of Policy Recommendation Papers.
•Expanding cadres interested in democracy with its two dimensions: academic and practical.
•Support the Human Rights approach in different sectors of civil society.
•Adopting structured methods of networking.
•Support networking locally, regionally and internationally.
•Exchanging experiences that will enable a more globalized approach, in addition to enhancing and promoting the concept of Democracy.

Main Projects / Activities

Ongoing projects:
• Towards establishing a think tank to support the Iraqi Parliament (2009-2011)
• Regional organizations and freedom of association project:
• The Third Sector in the Mediterranean:
• The privatization of Essential services and its effects, and how to deal with this effects through international network:
• Public participation through local councils and communities:
Previous projects :
• Study project: :" The protest movements in the Arab Region" (2009-2010)
• EU security policies and their implication on the Mediterranean (June 2010):
• "A new context for Islamic movement" experts' meeting (May 2010):
• Media between professionalism and Politics - The aftermath of Egypt Algeria games ( February 2010):
• Critical Dialogue Between Different Political Forces (2009-2010):
• Joint workshop with CIDOB " Reform in Egypt: political, economical and social challenges": Barcelona- ( November 2009):
• Report about: "Anti- terrorism law in Egypt", (August 2009):
• Discourse analysis for President's Obama Speech in Cairo, 4th of (June 2009):
• Training a pool of University Lecturers from Iraq on Parliamentary Systems (March 2009):
• Project: Training for Iraqi University Professors on Human Rights and Democratic Values (June 2008):
• Workshop: "The Laws of Civil Society: Experiences and Expertise" (May 2008):
• Seminar: The future of the reform process in Egypt (April 2008):
• Conference: "The right of free associations and the laws governing CSO" (December 2007):
• Seminar: "Civil Society, Human Rights and Democracy" in the Mashrek region (April 2007):
Ongoing projects:
• Towards establishing a think tank to support the Iraqi Parliament (2009-2011)
Arab Forum for Alternatives (AFA) in cooperation with Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD) and Association for University Lecturers in Iraq (AUL) The Iraqi institutions and people are at cross-roads and will be thinking about the political System they need to restore. There is a need for a comprehensive political strategy to ensure that the state is built on legitimate institutions capable of ensuring stability and the rule of law. Parliaments play a fundamental role in establishing the rule of law and overseeing transparent governance processes. Hence, the effectiveness of the Iraqi Parliament (here after referred to as the Council of Representatives) in representing the people's needs and interests will be one of the main emerging issues in the future of Iraq. However, the complexity of the operational, political and sectarian environment in Iraq affects the Parliament's ability to perform and to fulfil its main functions: legislative, representative and oversight.
The main demands of the Iraqi parliament in the period following the current legislative elections are:
-Enhancing the institutional capacities of the parliament, and providing the necessary experience and resources.
- building the capacities of the Iraqi parliamentarians themselves, on the political and the legislative aspects.
Therefore, the general objective of the project is to enhance the capacities of the Iraqi Council of Representatives and its specialized committees in the fields of: education, public health, gender, transparency and accountability.
This objective can be met through the establishment of a think tank specialized in parliamentary affairs, providing consultancy, lobbying and providing the parliament with the necessary studies and policy recommendations in the fields mentioned, through university professors specialized in Parliamentary Affairs and public policies.
• Regional organizations and freedom of association project:
In cooperation with the International Centre for Non - Profit Law, the Arab Forum for Alternatives is preparing a monthly report about the ongoing developments through 2010 in the Organization of the Islamic Conference and league of Arab States about the freedom of Association and the partnership with Civil Society organizations.
• The Third Sector in the Mediterranean:
In partnership with "Fondazione Roma Terzo Settore "and the" Institute Jacques Maritain", The forum is conducting a research about Civil society organizations in Egypt as part of a research project called: "The Third Sector in the Mediterranean" a comparative analysis of social contexts, strategies and aims connected to the Third Sector in some countries of the Mediterranean (Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Turkey).
• The privatization of Essential services and its effects, and how to deal with this effects through international network:
In partnership with "Development Support Centre" & "Oxfam/Novib", The Forum is conducting a research about the "Privatization of essential services" The study aims to present a general view of the neo-liberal policies and its development concerning the privatization process (in particular water and health sectors) in addition to the workers' measures, its impacts on the Arab region and procedures made to resist the process and its local, regional and international mechanism.
• Public participation through local councils and communities:
A study in Collaboration with Danish Egyptian Dialogue institution, AFA is conducting a research about the public participation through local councils and communities. The study aims to enhance this participation through 2 main parts the first part concerns the Egyptian situation, the second part will be the responsibility of DEDI and will be tackling the Danish experience in this field. Also AFA will be in charge to add a chapter at the end of the study comparing both experiences and what are the lesson learned from the Danish experience that can be adopted in the Egyptian context.
Previous projects :
• Study project: :" The protest movements in the Arab Region" (2009-2010)
Since the 90s, it is noticeable that the social movements have been playing a growing role in various fields, for instance: the democratization in Eastern Europe, facing the imperialistic policies in Latin America, and the anti- globalization movements created internationally to face the neo-liberal policies of the globalization.
It is difficult to describe the mobility witnessed lately in the Arab World as social movements, according to its scientific definition. However, the traces or beginnings of such movements are remarkable in many Arab countries, such as: Anti- globalization movements, movements seeking democratic change, labour movements, anti- inflation movements… These movements were all created for several reasons, such as: the socio-economic crisis in the region, the waves of democratization rising around the world, and also the different crises witnessed in the Arab World (such as the second Intifada 2000, and the war on Iraq 2003…).
Hence, we can consider those aspects of mobility in the Arab society as protest movements, using tools to express their rejection of the pressure of these crises, but often taking inefficient , or not organized ways of action, taking course, most of the times, outside the syndical or partisan framework.
Therefore, this study is conducted to figure out whether these protest movements are an embryo of real social movements, who might induce a positive change in the Arab region, or if they are simply a part of the situation of chaos the region is living currently. For many reasons, on top of which are the relatively mature civil society, diversity and density, this study chose four countries representing different parts of the Arab World as models: Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco and Bahrain.
This study is conducted in cooperation with Centre for Arab Unity Studies (based in Beirut, Lebanon) the Book is currently printing..
• EU security policies and their implication on the Mediterranean (June 2010):
INEX project in cooperation with CIDOB, The project is concerned with the implications of EU security policy-making in the Mediterranean. The implications to be considered are those on human security and to what extent the EU does to secure itself is consistent with its own commitment to security in the Mediterranean—not only in terms of state security, but also human security (on both shores of the Mediterranean).
The Arab Forum for Alternatives is conducting the part of this project related to the implications of the EU security policies on Egypt.
• "A new context for Islamic movement" experts' meeting (May 2010):
The first experts' Egyptian-German in Cairo to discuss condition of the Islamic movements after the 9/11 attack and how it affected the American policies towards the "new" middle east.
The meeting was held on the 10th may in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung to exchange opinions about the recent events in the Arab region (Lebanese elections, Hamas and Fatah conflict, the recent Egyptian political mobility and the Sudanese issue).
• Media between professionalism and Politics - The aftermath of Egypt Algeria games ( February 2010):
The football game between the Egyptian and the Algerian football teams last November raised a bunch of profound psychological and political repercussions, which led to a growing tension in their mutual relations; and the altercation, and the "name- calling" between the media of both countries reached an unprecedented level of insults and offences. These events raised the following question: what made a football game, no matter how important it is or the amount of sensitivity accompanying it, raise all these crises? And how did the media mobilization succeed, so easily, in piling up and mobilizing millions of spectators in both Egypt and Algeria, turning being a football fan, or the right of cheering the national football team into a war scene between the two people. This Seminar was organised jointly with the Danish Egyptian Dialogue Institute.
• Critical Dialogue Between Different Political Forces (2009-2010):
AFA is organizing a research project headed by the Arab Reform Initiative in France. The project deals with the experience of collective work between the different political forces. Those experiences were announced in different parts of the Arab World, or have been already held on the ground. The study objective is to analyze the circumstances that pushed these forces to make those alliances, and the issues that are discussed by those ideologically different forces, and the determination of the reasons for their failure in other places. The project takes the form of a research study spanning on a period of one year and which is conducted through periodical discussion meetings for those involved in the project, ending with a conference. At the end of the project the papers discussed during its period will be published in a Book. For More Information:
Also a workshop was hed on the margin of this project supported by IDRC under the title (traditional societies and Modern politics)
• Joint workshop with CIDOB " Reform in Egypt: political, economical and social challenges": Barcelona- ( November 2009):
During the seminar held in CIDOB venue - Barcelona the 23rd and 24th of November Experts and researchers from Egypt, Syria, Spain and other European countries discussed the reform process in Egypt, through three main topics:
The first topic was related to the nature of the political system, and was entitled "Where is Egypt heading?"
1. The features of the Egyptian political system.
2. The possibility of building genuine democratic Islamist movements, believing in secularism.
3. The crisis of the secular movements.
As for the second, it was about the" Economic and social dynamics: which present and which future for Egypt?"
1. The economic reform: the limits of success:
2. New political protest and socio- economic realities:
3. Al- Mahala Al- Kobra industrial city: Can the social protest movements transform into a political reality?
The third topic involved the impact of external factors on the domestic politics:
1. The Change of the regional environment:
2. The Egyptian role in a new Arab environment:
3. How did the external factor affect the reform process?
• Report about: "Anti- terrorism law in Egypt", (August 2009):
After the 9/11 incidents, a series of anti- terrorist laws have been issued in many countries of the world, even in democratic countries such as: UK, and USA. As for Egypt, this issue has been very problematic, especially when some decision- making circles announced the possibility of replacing the existing emergency law by an anti- terrorist law. Therefore, this report will tackle three main questions: what are the main features of this anti- terrorist law? How can we understand the anti- terrorist law in the current social and political context? What will be its expected implications on the Egyptian political scene?
• Discourse analysis for President's Obama Speech in Cairo, 4th of (June 2009):
Obama made a visit, on the 4th of June 2009, described by many as "historic", to Cairo. During his visit, Obama gave a speech to the Islamic World from Cairo University. The speech discussed nine main points: violence and extremism, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Palestinian case, the Iranian nuclear program, democracy issues, religious freedom, women's rights and economic development. The AFA team published a report with the discourse analysis on the AFA website, and a briefing of it was published in both El Shorouk Egyptian newspaper, and As-Safir Lebanese newspaper.
• Training a pool of University Lecturers from Iraq on Parliamentary Systems (March 2009):
Considering the difficult situation Iraq is living currently, on both political and security levels. The Iraqi parliament members suffer from lack of information, studies and consultants, and at the same time, the Academics with their capacities and experiences cannot reach the decision making circles. This gap influences the development of democracy and human rights badly in Iraq. Therefore, the Arab Forum for Alternatives (based in Cairo), with the support of WFD (Westminster Foundation for Democracy- London), and in cooperation with the League of Academic Lecturers in Iraq, is conducting this project aiming to bridge the gap mentioned, by providing support to the Iraqi parliament through academic advisors. In order to achieve that, a training program will be held in Beirut, from the 7th till the 16th of March 2009, to develop a core group of experts ready to support the Iraqi Parliament with Papers and recommendations on bills and laws. The training will provide a group of university lecturers in Iraq with the main knowledge and skills to be able to play a role in advising, lobbying and providing policy recommendations to the parliament members.
• Project: Training for Iraqi University Professors on Human Rights and Democratic Values (June 2008):
In cooperation with Westminster Foundation for Democracy in Oxford U.K. and the University Professors Alliance in Iraq, AFA implemented, a-six month project, that ended in June 2008 by a workshop in Amman – Jordan to train 22 Iraqi academics on issues related to the field of democracy and human rights, protecting it and developing their skills in this field (advocacy and lobbying, good governance, gender and right based approach) The objective of this was to contribute to promoting democratic values in the country, the rule of law, collective work and respecting its values; hoping that this workshop would be a motivator for the trainees to exchange their concluded knowledge and their acquired experiences to the society of academics and to their university students in Iraq.
• Workshop: "The Laws of Civil Society: Experiences and Expertise" (May 2008):
In coordination with ICNL, "AFA" organized an advocacy skills training workshop for Egyptian NGOs. This workshop aimed to providing Egyptian NGOs with An analysis for the current NGO's law in Egypt and models of advanced laws in other countries, also skills for strategies and techniques to help them lobby for civil society law reform (and other issues) in the politically hostile environment of modern Egypt. An additional goal was differentiating between participants' draft for positive amendments to the Egyptian NGO law. Workshop was attended by 29 participants representing 20 CSO's in Egypt in addition to experts from Egypt, Moroco, Russia and USA.
• Seminar: The future of the reform process in Egypt (April 2008):
In participation of 20 academics, researchers and civil society activists "AFA" organized an Indoor seminar. The papers presented discussed the expected scenarios and ideas for the reform in Egypt and the role of Civil Society in this process.
• Conference: "The right of free associations and the laws governing CSO" (December 2007):
In partnership with the association of freedom of thoughts and Express Egypt and ICNL in Washington the centre organized in Cairo a two-day Conference. Papers presented the obstacles facing the right of freedom of associations imposed by current laws in Bahrain, Yemen, Jordan, Syria and Egypt.
• Seminar: "Civil Society, Human Rights and Democracy" in the Mashrek region (April 2007):
Organizing a two-day seminar in Alexandria. In cooperation with the EuroMeSCo network, the seminar focused on the topic of Fundamental Rights in the context of political reform process and its reflection on the experience of civil society actors in the Mashrek region. Around 70 participants of the civil society representatives, journalists, experts and practitioners attended. The seminar tackled issues such as Religion and Politics in the public sphere, Women's Rights and the Reform Process, Protection of Human Rights, Freedom of Expression, Civil Society Challenges. Recommendations regarding Human Rights in the Euro-Mediterranean Agenda where developed during the seminar.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nadine Abdalla
Head of the organisation
Dr. Amr Elshobaki

Arab Forum for Enhancing Transparency


During Partners’ participation in a plenary session on “Future of Anti-corruption: predicting the unpredictable", throughout the course of the second Arab Forum for enhancing Transparency and Good Governance, in Baghdad, Iraq. at 12 September 2025 ,  Merna Shalash,"Head of Egyptian Network of Anna Lindh " and  the President of Partners for Transparency, addressed the role of civil society organizations in the combating corruption in the future. The Panelists also included representatives of various national and international bodies: Dr. Daniel Eriksson, CEO of Transparency International, Dr. Renad Mansour, senior research fellow at Chatham House, Judge Claud Karam, head of the National Anti-Corruption Commission in Lebanon, Dr. Youness Abouyoub, moderator and chief of Governance and State-Building section of UN-ESCWA.


Image removed.

Arab Office for Youth and Environment "AOYE"

National Network

3A Masaken Masr Lel-Taameer, Zahraa El-Maadi Str., Zahraa El-Maadi, 1st Floor

+20 2 25161519
Telephone (other)
+20 2 25161245
+20 2 25162961
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+20 100 11 88 99 8
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
AOYE is established 1978 and registered at the Min. Of social affairs at 1990. It has 18 permanent Employee. The Budgetary resources in the year 2011 is 4.5 Million Egy. Pounds Sources of funding from different sources such as EU, Foreign Embassies in Egypt, UNDP, DFID Projects - Conferences - Researches - Exchange Visits - Training Courses - Field Work Partners: MIO-ECSDE, GEF, UNISDR, EU, Nile Basin Discourse, Media, UNDP, ALF.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: “Arab Office for Youth and Environment (AOYE) seeks to be one of the best NGOs working in the field of Environment and Sustainable Developmental on the National, Arab, Mediterranean and International levels through its comprehensive environmental action plan that has an economically sustainable approach that offers integrated services and activities towards protection and conservation of the environment, capable to provide full enabling to its beneficiaries”. AOYE is the Secretariat of the Arab Network for Environment and Development (RAED) in Cairo, Egypt. RAED includes more than 100 NGOs from across the Arab countries. These NGOs share their experiences and exchange information on environmental and developmental issues in the Middle East profiting from the cooperation and shared knowledge of the group. As the secretariat for RAED, AOYE is responsible for publishing and printing a monthly newsletter- "Montada El-Biah". AOYE is the Arab speaking representative of the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO/ECSDE) in Athens, Greece. Vision: “Together to Achieve Sustainable Development” Objectives: • Mobilizing the community to adopt new environmental patterns of life • Increasing environmental awareness among students and youth in different areas • Preparing and implementing programs and projects that aim at sustainable development. • Developing partnerships with different associations, organizations and institutions that are concerned with environment and sustainable development; locally, nationally, regionally and internationally.

Main Projects / Activities

- Ana El-Masry - Nile Basin Discourse - Egypt National Discourse Forum - Youth X Change - ALF "partner" - Mediterranean Environmental Program - H2020 "ENPI project-EU"

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have experiences that we could share with others, and being an umbrella of tens of organizations in all country, we could add value for the ALF network in Egypt and all Mediterranean countries.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AOYE is one of the first organizations which joined ALF network since its inception and we have worked in cooperation with ALF in many projects as partners with other Mediterranean agencies. AOYE is working closely in the Mediterranean Region and it has many associates in this region. ALF network is a valuable tool to sustain our work locally and regionally and we could through it exchange experiences and implement more activities for the sake of better and safer Mediterranean.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Emad Adly
Head of the organisation
Dr. Emad Adly

Arab Organization for Democracy and Human Rightsعدالة

National Network

17 Seedy Malek st., the eastern tunnel, misr elqadeema – Cairo

002- 27421093
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
002- 01227627495
Mobile Phone (other)
002- 01000066155
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Number of the staff 6 / concrete projects - seminars and workshops - Exchange of experiences /Main partner: National Council for Human Rights /budgetary resources: self voluntry of the trustees board - Participate in projects with donor institutions ( usaid 2007-2008 - Friedrich Ebert 2009 - Foundation for the future 2009 - National Council for Human Rights 2009 )

Mission and Objectives

Disseminating culture of human rights among the citizens at all levels/ Promote women's rights as an integral and complementary part human rights and raising awareness among Egyptian women /Respect for human dignity and rights, whether civil, political, economic, social and cultural /reforming Egyptian legislation, regulations and administrative practices to comply with the agreements and conventions of human rights

Main Projects / Activities

democratic support program / support and developing legal awarness program / Monitoring and Documentation program / Program of education and dissemination of Human Rights culture.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Gamal Barakat
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Mr. Gamal Barakat
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Hussein Ahmed

Arab Origami Center

National Network

17 Ibrahim Shawky st
Al Ibrahimeya

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

AOC was founded in 2011 in Alexandria
We have an art director and a program coordinator. In addition to different origami artists and creative facilitators.
Since establishment in 2011, we have not had a place nor a clear structure until this year, in which we have received an establishment grant of 25000 dollars which is our budget for this year.
We have been working on EduGami and Origami theater. Through the years, we have partnered up with all the cultural centers in Alexandria, such as Goethe institute, the French cultural center, the Spanish Consulate, Jesuits cultural center besides working with Japan foundation in Cairo.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission
The Arab Origami Center seeks to empower teachers and facilitators in Egypt to use
origami for developing the formal and civic education curriculums, besides promoting
creative thinking skills. The Arab Origami Center also works on combining origami
with different disciplines coming up with creative artistic products that serve social
Our Goals
● Empowering teachers to use origami in teaching school curriculums
● Combining origami with different disciplines to produce various artistic
● Deepening the community’s understanding of the origami art as a tool for
creative thinking
● Promoting human values as diversity, acceptance and coexistence through
Target Groups
● School teachers, trainers and facilitators
● Children from all social segments
● Youth from all social segments
● Women and girls in marginalized neighborhoods

Main Projects / Activities

EduGami is a project that aims to provide workshops that are based on the applications of Origami and also we use it to teach certain values to children using origami as a tool for entertainment and education. We also provide training for people so they can be qualified to working with children as creative facilitators. It also teaches them using origami as an educational tool in an entertaining way.

These are theatrical / storytelling shows that are essentially based and created by Origami, light and shadows and can only be executed through origami and not other artistic mediums. These shows can be targeted to different age groups.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we are already established as a group in Alexandria, we have access to a great pool of talented individuals that we have been working with over the years. Therefore, we can help other similar groups that are already starting their journey through sharing our experiences and resources. We are already trying to help our community doing what we can and giving a training or even a short lived entertainment for free if we manage to. Also we are one of the few organizations in the region that is using origami as such and we are trying to spread the word about it and create a community of professionals and enthusiasts so they can show the real potential of that art.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Ahmad Nageeb
Job Title
Program coordinator
Head of the organisation
Ossama Helmy
Contact (2) Full Name
Ossama Helmy
Job Title (2)
Founder - Art director