
Centre for European Studies (CEUS)

National Network

Faculty of Economics and Political Science ( FEPS)- Cairo University(CU)

+ 202 5711678
+ 202 5711678
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+20 105376376
Mobile Phone (other)
0108168561 (Rola)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
General Information
Centre for European Studies is a Special Type Unit affiliated to Faculty of Economics and Political Science with financial and administrative independence. The Board of Administration is headed by the Dean of the faculty and consists of 13 members with different disciplines. The staff employed consists of three research assistants and the research work is done on contractual arrangements with experts and professors.* 2- / 3- CEUS depends on foreign and local donor agencies and foundations. 4- please find enclosed the list of CEUS Activities 5- EU commission, Forum Euro-Mediterraneen Des Instituts Economiques (FEMISE), EuroMesco, Ford Foundation, Konrad Adenauer, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement (IRD), Industrial Modernisation Center (IMC), DAAD.
Mission and Objectives

Due to the shortage of both the general knowledge and the specialized academic studies on Europe, the objectives of CEUS are twofold:
1- To study the economic, political, institutional, social and cultural aspects of the European societies, as well as to analyze the transformations that have taken place in the different regions of the continent.
2- To help in developing the Egyptian Foreign Policy towards Europe and managing Egyptian and Arab – European relations in a way that maximizes national and Arab interests.

Main Projects / Activities

The Center for European Studies Activities (2009/2010):
1. "The Conference Labour Markets and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean Countries, 11th and 12th October 2009: ", which was jointly organized with Cairo University, the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute the European Commission. This conference was the final event to present and discuss the Study on “Labour Markets Performance and Migration Flows in Arab Mediterranean Countries: Determinants and Effects”, commissioned by the European Commission to the European University Institute and carried out with the participation of 17 experts and researchers from across the region.
2. Seminar on"The EU Energy Policy between Economy and Security": by Dr. Francesca Longo. Catania University, Italy,14th October 2009: the seminar was jointly organized with Konrad Adenauer Institution.the Seminar focused on The EU’s energy policy as one of the newest common areas of the European integration process. In this perspective EU energy policy has two different and strictly connected dimensions:
• the domestic dimension affecting the economic and the environmental sectors
• the external dimension affecting the foreign and security sectors.
The analysis of these two dimensions- as they have been developed by European institutions- was the main tool used for understanding the EU common energy policy
3. Meeting with the Finnish Foreign Minister discussing "Finnish Perspectives to the European Union as a Global Power in the Making", 20th October 2009: where the Finnish Foreign Minister met with Faculty staff and students elaborating on the EU integration and the project of a common Foreign policy with its implication on the integration process.
4. "Egyptian Danish Seminar on Understanding Global Issues", 27, Sep 2009 – 1, May 2010: The Seminar consists of an activity where Danish and Egyptian students together organize four public debates on four global issues. Issues will be chosen, organized and moderated by the students’ themselves. The debates will be carried out during the two academic semesters of 2009-2010(two each semester). The dates of the debates: 10th of November 2009, 15th of December 2009, 22nd of March 2010 and 28th of April 2010.
5. "The EU's Mediterranean Policy: Continuity and Change, Success and Failures", by Dr. Ingeborg Toemmel, Osnabrueck University, 29th of March 2010.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rola Tarek
Head of the organisation
Dr. Abla El Khawaga

Centre Rézodanse Egypte

National Network

15 Rue Sézostris
Al Attarine


00203 48 35 355
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
002018 60 80 621
Mobile Phone (other)
002018 77 50 503
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Egyptian branch of the French Association Rézodanse, based in Alexandria, Egypt. The Centre Rezodanse opened in December 2008, and is directed by Lucien Arino. The organisation is currently in the process of being registered, through the Ministry of Social Affairs, as the Egyptian branch of Association Rezodanse. To date, staff includes: 5 permanent members of staff and 2 volunteers. 1 Director 1 Responsible of fundraising and local and international cooperation 1 Responsible for communication and administration 1 Receptionist and 1 assistant 2 International Volunteers Projects in visual arts, dance training, independant theatre, exhibitions, cultural activities
Mission and Objectives

- Raising the standards of dance and dance training in Alexandria
- Provide space for independent theatre and dance groups
- Host workshops involving Euro-Med partners concerning visual arts, dance, theatre
- Exhibition space for young artists
- To initiate and host cultural projects in coordination with other Egyptian cultural centres

Main Projects / Activities

- Dance training (Ballet, Hip hop, Latin dances, Contemporary dance)
- Providing free space for independent theatre or dance groups (e.g. Babylon Troup within the framework of the Independent Theatre Forum at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Project with Nora Amin in collaboration with the Goethe Institut, Project with a dance group supported by the Young Arab Theatre Fund)
- Septentrionale photo exhibition, in cooperation with the Senghor University

Contact (1) Full Name
Lucien Arino
Head of the organisation
Lucien Arino
Contact (2) Full Name
Moataz Farag Helal

CEO and programs manager

National Network

5 Tanzim 888 Moustafa Abu Heif st, Saba Basha, El Raml

+20 155 019 0074
Telephone (other)
+20 120 259 3577
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Empower Hub is a youth-led, SDG-oriented social enterprise empowering everyone to study and volunteer in their dream institutions. Also, we are a team of 10 passionate young leaders. Our main sources of funding are Embassies, international organizations and other private sectors that have SDGs on their mandate. As we believe that People who are closest to pain should be closest to power, so we should empower the most vulnerable among us because everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity. Therefore, we have +150 partnerships with local youth-led organizations and students’ activities to be able to provide more opportunities to those from marginalized communities. We also had partnerships with the British Council Egypt, the US embassy, Amideast, and Women Deliver. Those partnerships have been helping us execute development programs related specifically to gender equality, quality education, climate action, and generally to the SDGs where we can contribute to solving some societal issues.

Mission and Objectives

Empower Hub’s vision:
We believe that people who are closest to pain should be closest to power, so we should empower the most vulnerable among us because everyone deserves equal protection and prosperity.

Empower Hub’s Goals: We want to
• Strengthen the technical and language skills of unprivileged youth.
• Help marginalized youth explore different careers that aren’t supposed to be for them.
• Help unprivileged youth know how to start their social enterprises and initiatives or work individually with multinational companies remotely as freelancers.
• Empower marginalized youth to get scholarships and other learning opportunities in prestigious educational institutions.
• Make a community where we gather all people from different backgrounds, experiences, and beliefs to support each other as they have the same interests and passions.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Empower Educational Academies
2. Empower Development programs
• Empower 2030 Leaders
• Active Citizens
• Gender and Climate Guidebook
• Youth Voices
• Climate Leaders Hub
• Tech Leaders Hub
• Women Leaders Hub
• California Activity Club
3. One-day Events celebrating the international days of the UN agenda
4. Empower Hub summits

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we have a great record in implementing development programs, interactive workshops, and raising awareness about specific issues, we can contribute with the following:
1. Organize exchange programs between Egyptian youth and their counterparts from other Mediterranean countries, facilitating cultural immersion and dialogue on shared challenges and opportunities.
2. Create and moderate online forums and social media groups for young people from different cultures to engage in discussions on various topics, fostering mutual understanding and respect.
3. Organize and co-host workshops and other interactive events that celebrate the international days of the UN agenda.
4. Develop and deliver educational materials and workshops on intercultural competency, conflict resolution, and human rights, raising awareness and appreciation for diverse perspectives.
5. Create media campaigns that promote positive narratives about intercultural relations and challenge stereotypes, fostering mutual understanding and respect.
6. Train and empower young people from marginalized communities to develop and implement sustainable social enterprises that address local challenges, creating positive social and environmental impact.
7. Organize awareness campaigns, workshops, and community projects on climate change and environmental protection, engaging youth in finding solutions for a sustainable future.
8. Implement programs that empower women and girls in Egypt, focusing on access to education, economic opportunities, and leadership roles, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.
9. Utilize Empower Hub's extensive network of youth organizations and partnerships to reach wider audiences and ensure community engagement in Anna Lindh Foundation activities.
10. Share Empower Hub's expertise in skill development, career exploration, and social enterprise development through workshops, training programs, and mentoring initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network focuses on intercultural dialogue, understanding, and sustainable development and aligns with Empower Hub's values of empowerment, inclusivity, and social justice. This shared ground creates a strong foundation for a mutually beneficial partnership. Also, joining the ALF network allows Empower Hub to reach a wider audience across the Mediterranean region, amplifying the impact of their programs and initiatives. Besides, ALF provides a platform for knowledge sharing and capacity building through workshops, conferences, and exchange programs. By joining the network, Empower Hub can learn from best practices and expertise from other members, enhancing their programs and skills. Additionally, it can lead to valuable partnerships with other organizations, NGOs, and institutions. This can open doors to new funding opportunities, joint projects, and resource sharing, expanding Empower Hub's reach and impact.
Ultimately, joining the ALF Network presents a multitude of benefits as it enhances impact, fosters knowledge sharing, builds valuable partnerships, and strengthens youth engagement in crucial issues like intercultural dialogue and sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amr Mohamed Ramadan Hassan
Job Title
CEO and programs manager
Head of the organisation
Amr Mohamed Ramadan Hassan
Contact (2) Full Name
Donia Nashaat Ali Ahmed Darwish
Job Title (2)
Operations and financial manager

CEREMED (Jesuit Cultural Centre)

National Network

298 Port-said street., Cleopatra, 21618 Alexandria

00 203 5423553
Telephone (other)
00 203 5463509
00 203 5443246
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 20 127878359
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The CEREMED is the human and intellectual training and study department of the Jesuit Cultural Centre (J.C.C.) that is an independent non-profit organisation, founded under the authority of the Jesuits Fathers. CEREMED is an abbreviation for a French expression «Centre Egyptien de Réflexion et d’Etudes Euro-méditerranéennes sur le développement ». This centre was founded six years ago by the Jesuit Brother Fayez Saad. The director of the J.C.C. is a Jesuit, with an administration staff of four persons, a technical staff of five persons, a board of 4 or five part-timers counsellors for the cultural activities and the Art training programs and another committee for the human and intellectual Training of the CEREMED Centre. All the activities are free, so the Centre depends on grants by development organisms as the Ford Foundation, the Jesuits themselves and other organisms who preferred to stay anonym.
Mission and Objectives

The main purpose of the CEREMED is the understanding of the human development process inside Egypt, the Arab world and the Mediterranean area and to encourage the Egyptian university graduates to continue to read and discuss books, and to do research on their own society and culture open to other cultures and religions with the help of experts in seminars, workshops and training sessions in order to become efficient, open-minded promoters of human development in their society without any kind of segregation.
Brother Fayez died on the 7th of October 2005, but the actual direction of the J.C.C. and the CEREMED is anxious to find the necessary founds not only to continue and even to increase all those activities that are done freely, but hopefully the Centre would be able also to improve the quality by engaging better teachers, trainers and artists.

Main Projects / Activities

The CEREMED was founded in connection with the other departments of the J.C.C., one for cultural performances of theatre, music, Egyptian folklore, poetry, dance (since autumn 2000 most of them are performed in “the Garage”) , and also workshops for cinema training, theatre training, music training and last but not least the training of young journalists.
By all those cultural and intellectual training activities the J.C.C. and the CEREMED try to promote in a practical way a better mutual understanding, respect and collaboration between the different religions inside the civil society.
The CEREMED is also in charge of the permanent training of about 250 volunteer teachers in five centers of the El-Ghad Association for primary and preparatory kids in the poorest areas of Alexandria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Souzi Alfy
Head of the organisation
Fr. Francis Berkemeijer
Contact (2) Full Name
May El-Sheikh

Charisma Arts developing the community foundation

National Network

115 road 9

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  6. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Charisma arts is a nonprofit organization with the vision of using arts and entrepreneurship to empower the community.

Mission and Objectives

-Financial sustainability through handmade incubator
-using performing arts to promote social values
- promoting and training on entrepreneurship

Main Projects / Activities

Teaching entrepreneurship, women equality, sustaibale development

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With more than 18 years of experience as a social entrepreneur, mentor, consultant, trainer and motivation speaker I hope I can always add and be part of the team of the Egyptian network

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because I believe there is a lot I can learn and add to the network, besides I believe so much in all its principals

Contact (1) Full Name
Vivian labib noeur
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Eng. Vivian labib

Charisma Arts for development

National Network

115 road 9, Maadi, Egypt

+2 01226023388
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 01226023388
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information

Charisma Arts is a social enterprise with the vision of using arts to empower the community, peace building and conflict resolution- we use our private money and volunteers till now-prepared lots of initiatives includes: training of youth, entrepreneurship, women empowerment, mentoring, artistically social events to speak about human values, schools awareness campaigns, sustainable development through selling handicrafts, and others. The founder is an internationally awarded social entrepreneur (Vivian Labib Noeur)

Mission and Objectives

Using Arts to empower the comunity

Main Projects / Activities

- sustainable development through selling heritage handicrafts - media and arts to explain a human value - peace making and conflict resolution through arts - entrepreneurship - women empowerment - youth training

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I'm a certified mentor on women empowerment, entrepreneurship, using arts is sustainable development and I would love to share my experience with whoever needs it

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Networking is always such a powerful tool, as I was taught, and is always good to have support, funding, partnerships with people specialized in the social work

Contact (1) Full Name
Vivian Labib Noeur
Job Title
head of organisation
Head of the organisation
Vivian Labib Noeur

Charisma Arts organized the day of the Mediterranean


Charisma Arts organized the day of the Mediterranean this year under the title of the (call for peace) on the 28th November. On an extremely tight schedule, a professional performance was held in the Olympics center maadi tolip hotel. An opening note was spoken by eng. Vivian labib noeur the founder of Charisma Arts welcoming the attending and online audience to the special night with the beloved talented band (shwayet fan=some arts).  Call for peace was the title of the day and songs with nostalgia connecting cultures were played.

children of female prisoners care association (CFPA)

National Network

building 98 – Mosadk St. – second floor – flat 8, Giza

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Others
General Information
In 1990, Ms./Nawal Mostafa founded children of female prisoners association after a successful journalistic campaign, after she discovered the tragedy of these children and poor women. CFPA continued to offer the help and aid like food, medicine, legal assistance, till 2007 when Nawal also discovered the “female prisoners of poverty” and began to release them from prison after paying their small debts. Now CFPA is concentrating on empowering the women financially after prison time, because they suffer from stigma and rejection from the society by establishing a workshop of “New life” project inside “Qanater” prison and outside also.CFPA depends mainly on individuals donations who believe in our mission. In addition, we succeeded to sign a contract with Droses foundation to fund our new project “a new life“since July,, the number of employees don't exceed than 10.
Mission and Objectives

mission of the organization:  -Economically empower women prisoners, by providing training and employment opportunities for them.
- The integration of women prisoners and their children in the community by removing the stigma of "former prisoner."
- Take care of women prisoners and their children psychologically and socially.  
our objectives: 
1- Empowering female inmates in Qanater prison to engage in income-generating activities.
2- Providing mechanisms for improving the economic conditions of ex-inmates and their families.
3- Providing mechanisms for improving the social and psychological conditions of ex-inmates and their families.
4- Improving society’s perception of inmates and their families.
5- Raising women’s legal awareness in marginalized areas (i.e. potential prisoners due to poverty-related offenses).
6- Improving the living conditions of female inmates and ex-inmates. 

Main Projects / Activities

From the first day of establishment and registration of the foundation in the ministry of solidary, we did our best to support all the participants and beneficiaries from the foundation. It is enough to say that our Silver Jubilee celebration was in March 2015.The association succeeded through the last two years to release about 35 poverty prisoners after repaying their debts and the legal expenses of reconciliation with creditors. We nowadays implement a project with cooperation with Drosos Foundation for raise the economic life of 100 female prisoners released or still in prison, we started a project for sewing learning divided into two levels, we are now in the second level and train about 20 released female prisoners on sewing and after finishing this period, we will provide them with a sewing machine to start their own project and have a fixed income. Beside this, we have partnership with foundation “ Wahed Men Al-Nas” to share in the required amount of money to some cases of poverty female prisoners to help in releasing them.
We shared in some of international conference discus women rights, and we worked as member in women’s edition project from 1995 until 2000, finally we received a grant from the US Agency for International Development in collaboration with non-governmental organizations Services Center (NGO Service Centre) for advocacy and lobbying in 2004.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

1)  Merge the poverty female prisoners again in the society, encourage them to live their normal life before being as prisoners, and delete the stigma of former prisoner.
2) Renewal of self-confidence, self-appreciation and a sense of interaction in the community through psychotherapy individual and group sessions.
3) Sense of comfort that there is no dependence of the effects of debt on them, as well as the taste of a sense of security to not keep track of them by policemen or creditors.
4) Economic empowerment projects and training that women keep pace with the needs of the labor market will contribute to the financial independence of women and the lack of need for debt.
5) Accept others for the idea of poverty female prisoners, will help released female prisoners to feel belong to this society and activate their role of productivity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

1) Contribute in achieving the goals of ALF in new associations, and hence reach more beneficiaries.
2) Data and information exchange between the same associations under the umbrella of ALF.
3) knowing another associations in ALF network, will help to implement mutual projects, and delete double benefets for the same person.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nawal Sayed Mustafa
Job Title
founder & chairman of CFPA
Head of the organisation
Nawal Mustafa
Contact (2) Full Name
Tarek Essa
Job Title (2)
vice president
Publication Illustration

Cinema of the Arab World

This volume engages new films and modes of scholarly research in Arab cinema, and older, often neglected films and critical topics, while theorizing their structural relationship to contemporary developments in the Arab world. The volume considers the relationship of Arab...

Circle for training and consultancy

National Network

Sidi Bishr

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Circle for training and consultancy is a social enterprise and youth organization, We are engaged in youth exchange, education, cultural and social trainings, language trainings, volunteering, environmental rights, and development work, especially focusing on the mobility of youth. -Our team comprises individuals in various roles, including the CEO, Programs Director, Capacity Building Officer, Operations and Logistics Officer, and Media and Marketing Officer. - Our source of funding depend on applying for grants and proposals to implement development projects. Main partners: - British council - Erasmus Plus - Arab Academy for science and technology - Alexandria university - Damanhur university - Benisueif university

Mission and Objectives

Circle for training and consultancy is a social enterprise and youth organization that aims to create cadres of youth, raise their social, cultural and communication abilities, and give them the opportunity to know different cultures and express new things. Our mission is to empower individuals and institutions to harness their full potential for positive and sustainable change on personal, professional, and societal levels. The organization provides training and help young people to make them social change makers who seek to create social action projects that face challenges and issues in the society. Moreover, it seeks to build communication and intercultural dialogue among young people from different cultural backgrounds and nationalities, organizing important events for the local and international community.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Inclusive youth empowerment in partnership with British council 2024 2) Partner organization at Youth Exchange “Earth Food - EAting Rural Traditional Grant Agreement No. 2020-1-IT03-KA105-018344 Partners: Spain, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Tunisia, Spain and Turkey When: 14-24 July 2023 3) Active Citizens program in partnership with British council 2022-2023 4) Partner organization at Project Title KÜLTÜR KERVANI Grant Agreement No.2019-2-TR01-KA105-078220 Partners: Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Jordan, Egypt, Lithuania, Spain and Turkey When: 16-22 March 2020 5) Financial literacy and banking knowledge Training For Women in partnership with CHF (2021) 6) Young Mediterranean voices In partnership with British Council & Ana lindh foundation for 2 years(2019-2020) 7) Designing guide of services for refugees and migrations in partnership with Save the children international” SCI” (2019) 8) Training for refugees in partnership with UNHCR (2019). Services provided by Circle for Training and Consultations include managing various community service and social responsibility projects. Additionally, we offer capacity-building, training, and technical support for public and private sector organizations interested in designing and implementing human, social, and institutional development programs. Some of these services include: -Capacity-building and non-formal education programs -Tailored training programs -Community research and needs assessment -Technical support and institutional development for civil society organizations working in the development sector -Design and implementation of women's empowerment programs, enhancing women's roles in business and society -Youth development programs and human capital enhancement -Design and implementation of volunteer management programs, promoting effective citizenship among youth -Monitoring and evaluation services for community development and social responsibility projects

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we can contribute to the network in our country by leveraging the company's expertise in innovative approaches to community and human development. Our mission to empower individuals and institutions aligns with the goals of the network, and I can actively engage in various ways: Capacity-Building Programs: Utilize the knowledge and experience gained from our capacity-building and non-formal education programs to enhance the skills of network members. This includes tailored training programs to address specific needs within the network. Community Research and Needs Assessment: Offer support in conducting community research and needs assessments to identify key areas for intervention and development. This can contribute to informed decision-making and targeted program implementation within the network. Technical Support for Civil Society Organizations: Share insights and provide technical support for civil society organizations within the network, assisting them in institutional development and project implementation in the development sector. Women's Empowerment Programs: Collaborate on the design and implementation of women's empowerment programs, aiming to enhance the roles of women in both business and society. This can contribute to fostering gender equality and inclusivity within the network. Youth Development Initiatives: Contribute to youth development programs by sharing strategies for human capital enhancement. This includes designing and implementing initiatives that promote effective citizenship among the youth within the network. Volunteer Management Programs: Share expertise in designing and implementing volunteer management programs, encouraging active participation and contribution from network members. This can strengthen the network's ability to engage and mobilize volunteers effectively. Monitoring and Evaluation Services: Offer support in establishing monitoring and evaluation frameworks for community development and social responsibility projects within the network. This ensures accountability and enhances the impact of initiatives. Training Courses and Workshops: Collaborate in organizing training courses and workshops to improve the skills of professionals at different job levels within the network. Topics may include effective communication, train-the-trainer techniques, project lifecycle management, community resource mobilization, and other relevant skills. By actively engaging with the network and drawing upon the comprehensive services offered by ALF, we aim to contribute to the positive and sustainable development goals of the network in our country.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are eager to join the ALF Network because it aligns closely with our professional values and aspirations. The ALF Network, with its commitment to fostering collaboration and positive change, resonates with my belief in the power of collective efforts for societal development. Here are some specific reasons why I want to be a part of the ALF Network: Shared Mission: The ALF Network's mission to promote intercultural dialogue, social cohesion, and sustainable development reflects my own commitment to contributing meaningfully to positive societal change. I believe that by joining the network, I can actively contribute to and benefit from a community of like-minded individuals and organizations. Collaborative Opportunities: The network provides a platform for collaboration and exchange of ideas among professionals and organizations with diverse expertise. I am excited about the prospect of working collaboratively on initiatives and projects that leverage the collective strengths of network members. Learning and Professional Development: Being a part of the ALF Network offers opportunities for continuous learning and professional development. Engaging with a diverse group of individuals and organizations will expose me to new perspectives, innovative approaches, and best practices in areas such as intercultural dialogue and sustainable development. Global Perspective: The network's international scope allows for the exchange of experiences and insights on a global scale. I am keen on broadening my understanding of different cultures, societies, and approaches to societal challenges, and I believe the ALF Network provides an excellent platform for such cross-cultural learning. Impactful Initiatives: The ALF Network has a track record of implementing impactful initiatives that address critical issues. I am motivated to contribute my skills and experiences to support and participate in these initiatives, with the shared goal of making a positive and lasting impact on communities. Networking Opportunities: Joining the ALF Network opens doors to valuable networking opportunities with professionals, experts, and organizations that share a common interest in promoting intercultural understanding and sustainable development. This network can serve as a catalyst for potential collaborations, partnerships, and knowledge exchange. In summary, my desire to join the ALF Network stems from a genuine alignment of values, a shared commitment to positive societal impact, and the belief that collective efforts can bring about meaningful change. We are excited about the prospect of contributing to and learning from this dynamic network of individuals and organizations.

Contact (1) Full Name
Amr Moustafa Elnabawy
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Amr Moustafa Elnabawy
Contact (2) Full Name
Bassem Elzoghby
Job Title (2)
Programs director