

National Network

Strandvejen 104 st. tv.
3070 Snekkersten

+45 5051 4951
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Master of Positive Psychology. Have family in Greece.
Mission and Objectives

Make the world a better place to live fo all

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?


Contact (1) Full Name
Vagn Hansen
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Nordic Mediators

National Network

Gunløgsgade 23, 3, th
2300 København S

+ 45 60 88 50 12
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Nordic Mediators is an assocition with around 70 members. We have no staff. All members have taken a Masters Degree in Mediation and conflict resolution at the University of Copenhagen. The association's associate deals with dialogue processes in many different areas of society. The association's economy is based on members' quotas and fees for participation in professional events  
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of the association is:
• to disseminate knowledge and use of mediation / mediation / alternative conflict management,
• to work for quality requirements for / for mediators
• To contribute to competence development through further education, as well
• to provide for the establishment of a networking forum for members of the association

Main Projects / Activities

The association does not have current projects as association. But the association is investigating possibilities for using mediation and dialogue processes in connection with the problems that the situation of refugees travels in the Nordic countries.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association can contribute with knowledge about mediation and other dialogical processes.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The association is interested in joining a network that relates to topics about democratic processes.

Contact (1) Full Name
Leise Døllner
Job Title
Member of Executive Committe
Head of the organisation
Trond Lexau

November Newsletter

Migrantour with member IPC

Migrantour with the International People’s College- IPC

Organised by the Anna Lindh Danish Network, the event was a collaboration between Crossing Borders as Head of the Network and International People’s College as a member. The purpose of the Migrantour is to train and empower immigrants to tell their stories and the stories of the neighbourhoods they call home from their perspectives. The guides of the tour were Furkan Akay from Turkey and Maryam Alaouie from Lebanon.

After taking part in her first migrantour, Crossing Borders volunteer Margaret Maged Maher from Egypt wrote the following piece on her experience: 

On my second day in Denmark 15 November 2023, I had one of the best experiences I’ve had in learning about a world I wasn’t aware of! How can one neighbourhood contain all these landmarks that highlight so many cultures?

I never thought that when I came to Denmark, I would see so much diversity and different ethnicities from many cultural backgrounds from all over the world.

On this migrant tour I was one of 23 international students from various countries including Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Japan, Korea, Mexico and Vietnam. After coffee and croissants, we were taken on exciting tour of NørreBro starting from the Cultural House UNION and through some 5 landmarks in the Nørrebro neighborhood which ranks as the coolest neighbourhood in the world in 2021 according to Time Out magazine.

Each landmark has its own story about the cultural background those immigrants brought along with and how they integrated into this new world while maintaining their own identity. The neighbourhood has both been shaped by as it shapes the new cultures.

At the end of the tour, I discovered that the migrant tour is one of the most important activities that emotionally affect a person and make him more connected to where he is.

Syrian Documentary Days

Syrian Doc Days, short for Syrian Documentary Film Days, is dedicated to stories about Syria that go beyond the general narrative. The festival took place in Copenhagen from the 22nd of November till the 26th organized by the Syrian Docs in collaboration with Crossing Borders, MS Action Aid, Union Cultural House, and online news outlet Globalnyt.

The festival included film screenings, talks, and other cultural activities. On the 24th there was a screening of the documentary, We Are the Giant. This film takes us on a journey through the revolutions of dignity in Libya, Syria, and Bahrain. Released in early 2014, it sheds light on the events that unfolded in these regions.

The screening was follow up by a panel discussion on what had happened in the region ever since 2011, what we have learned about revolutions and the forces that back dictatorships, and the importance of solidarity among the movements for democracy.

The panel members comprised the Sudanese political cartoonist Khalid al Baih, Bahraini human rights activist Maryam Alkhawaja, Afghani activist Manilla Ghafouri, and Syrian activist Wafa Ali Mustafa.

Annual Assembly 2023

On November 23rd, Crossing Borders hosted a captivating night of international collaboration. The event featured powerful presentations, poetry performances, and musical delights by extraordinary artists and human rights advocates including Danish - Bahraini Human Rights Advocate Maryam Al Khawaja, Danish -Malian Slam Poet Sarah Diallo, Afghan author and poet Dr. Hamed Samay, and Syrian-German artist Ghays Mansour.

This event provided an exceptional platform to highlight the work of the DK ALF members and how these resonate with and the shed light on the mission, values, and goals the Anna Lindh Foundation. The evening served as a unique opportunity to attract new members and amplify awareness about the foundation's impactful initiatives.

Meet DK ALF Member of the Steering Committee Angel L. Vidal - Teacher, facilitator & "brain developer" at International People's College (IPC)

Angel has a long-standing experience in leading International Programs, Institutions, NGOs and training/learning institutions and projects Strategic vision, analysis and planning and innovation. Angel’s skills include integrating the use of ICT and social media in learning, management, team building, marketing, and intercultural communication. His background spans the UN, Nansen Dialogue Network & Nansen Center for Peace & Dialogue in Norway, the International People’s College in Denmark and various others. For more on Angel, see his linked




Passepartout Theatre Production

National Network

c/o MICO
Bådehavnsgade 42
2450 Copenhagen sV

+45 2094 8889
Telephone (other)
+ 45 41263204
Mobile Phone
+45 2094 8889
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Passepartout Theatre Production (PTP) was formed in 2007 in Copenhagen by theatre director, dramatist, actor Jacques S. Matthiessen together with dramaturge, actor Peter Sloth Madsen. PTP is a Nordic theatre association with a specific selected committee, consisting of talented people with different skills and backgrounds. The frame or the “Passepartout” is based on a national and international network, where the main focus is to establish possibilities for production, finance and performance between Nordic countries and other countries. For PTP it is important, that all theatre productions have a high quality level within professionalism and artistic expression. In 08/09 PTP created two cross-cultural family performances in Mali and Nepal. Both performances were played over 50 times and were furthermore on a three-week-tour in Denmark. Among other projects can be mentioned • A youth collaboration project in Mozambique • Theatre project with streetkids in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. • Cultural exchange with theatre artists from Burkina Faso, Mali, Nepal and Lebanon. PTP has no continuously budgetary resources available, apart from membership subscriptions. All financing happens through fundraising. In the theatrical season 2008/2009 PTP received 915.000 Dkr. through fundraising and in 2010/2011 900.000 Dkr. through fundraising. PTP’s main partners involved in the association’s projects are 1) Danish Center for Culture and Development: CKU/DCCD. 2) Danish Art Council: Statens Kunstråd. 3) Danish Embassy’s.
Mission and Objectives

Passepartout Theatre Production (PTP) regard it as the most distinguished duty to act as the Nordic theatre platform for unique cross-cultural theatre in order to promote and extend intercultural understanding which is more actual and necessary than ever before, because of migration and international trade. Integration between people, culture and diversity happens through working together and it is PTP’s ambition to embrace cultural diversity within theatrical expression and artistic individuality and the association aims to work from an equal cultural collaboration between the individual participants artistic visions and professional qualifications. Because of financial and technical reasons it can, however, be difficult to carry through intercultural artistic projects. More important was the absence of a production platform or a production office for the work with cross-cultural theatre productions and PTP was created to complete that specific need for an association that exclusively focuses on cross-cultural productions in a wide perspective. It is PTP’s mission to collaborate with both industrialised countries and less developed countries around the world – an anthropological theatrical collaboration. The organisation strives for developing a synergy effect between the diverse cultures and thereby hopefully create a better cross-cultural understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

Spring 2011 - a cross-cultural collaboration between Lebanon and Denmark. The creation of 2 puppet theatre performances for children with the theme: The 3 Generations: Old, adult, child. We are working on a theatre collaboration between Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Burkina Faso in 2012.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jacques S. Matthiessen
Head of the organisation
Jacques S. Matthiessen
Contact (2) Full Name
Karin Ahnfelt-Roenne

Pausefilm ApS

National Network

Kronprinsessegade 46D, 4. sal
1306 København K

+45 35550065
Mobile Phone
+45 26832866
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
General Information
Louise Køster is the owner and executive producer of Pausefilm. Her primary focus is on the financing of the documentary projects. She has a close contact with the broadcasters, the large funding companies and other financial partners. Louise has a background from public service television, and has worked in that area as a program maker, host, producer and executive producer for the last 20 years. Anna-Maria Kantarius is the company’s main producer. Anna-Maria has a master degree in film production from the National Film School of Denmark. Anna-Maria has worked with documentary and fiction films for the last 10 years in Europe. Her primary focus is the close contact with the directors, and the development of new projects. Cristina Signorelli is the company’s production manager. Cristina has worked in production and film management for the last 20 years. She has extensive experience in prodction of feature films, both documentary and fiction. Cristina also holds an International Coach Fedration degree. Her primary focus is on the management of the production and the contact with the productions crew.
Mission and Objectives

Quality, Heart felt and Curiosity.
With these values as a base, we produce documentary film that can and will make a difference to our audience, in our community and to the world. We produce films with directors that want to participate in making that difference. We produce films that cross borders, and go internationally in order to make that difference.

Main Projects / Activities

Documentary Films

Contact (1) Full Name
Cristina Signorelli
Head of the organisation
Louise Køster
Contact (2) Full Name
Louise Køster

Pedersborg Skole

National Network

Rustkammervej 76
4180 Sorø
DK Danmark


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Pedersborg Skole is established in 1915. It's a public school. Today it has 625 students ageing from 6 to 16; a staff of 84. Since it is a public school, the school budget is given by the government and the commune. As a school we produce and take part in international projects, attend seminars, have international exchanges between students and teachers.
Mission and Objectives

One of our main missions is to prepare young people to live in a global world and be a world citizen. Since we live in a small country, it is very important to learn and be in contact with other countries for mutual understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

We have accomplished a Comenius project with schools in Wales, Italy and Spain. We organized teacher exchanges both alone and by AFS International.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abelone Bergløv
Head of the organisation
Henrik Madsen
Contact (2) Full Name
Inge Høy Larsen
Publication Illustration

Promotion of the Amman Message in the Euro-Mediterranean Region

In promoting intercultural and interreligious dialogue, we contribute to enhancing peace and stability in society , strengthening effective communications, building awareness and acceptance of differences and promoting peace, tolerance and coexistence. It can be argued that collaboration between faith- based...

Public eye (Public eye)

National Network
+45 38 88 10 08
+45 38 88 10 08
Mobile Phone
23 29 01 39
Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Sara Gebran (kunstnerisk leder)

Responsible Presse

National Network

C/O The Danish Union of Journalists
Gl. Strand 46
1202 København


+45 5190 8919
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+45 5190 8919
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Responsible Presse is a privately funded NGO founded by a group af danish journalists. The members of the organization are voulenteres and apply only for funding to cover the expences for specific projects. The Organization just finished its 2 year project on media activism involving secondary schools and highschools, explaining the role of the media, and how mediaconsumers can influence mediapractisioners to better there coverage on minorities and combat the use of stereotypes.
Mission and Objectives

The organizations overall objective is to increase awareness about the media's role and responsibilities in society, among both the mediapractissioners as well as mediaconsumers. Thus, the aim is to provide information on media coverage in general and contribute to a discussion of the ethics of journalistic work in multiculturel society.
The purpose is twolegged.
Both to inform mediaconsumers about the presse's role, including journalistic practices, routines, editorial cultures and media structures that underlie the media's selection and dissemination of newsstories.
And to contribute to a discussion and debate on the above within the mediapractissioners, including qualifying and nuancing journalistic practices, how to break with stereotypes and focus on journalistic accountability and responsibility.
The objective is pursued by information such as lectures, workshops and debateactivities and seminars as well as lobbyism.

Main Projects / Activities

Project: "The presse and the new Danes"
The project is a lecture and workshop series, organized by young Danish journalists with a minority background. Activities a targeting young people in the Danish secondary and high schools and deals with facts, prejudices and fiction in media-related questions about the "new Danes".
The Workshops objective is to equip students with knowledge and tools to analyze the products of journalistic bias, stereotypes and documentation. The goal for the students is to evolve from passive mediaconsumers to active and critical mediaconsumers.
Besides giving examples from there journalistic work, speakers will include their own stories about growing up in Denmark with the ambition to help to change society to the better and working as a journalist with a minority background.
The project is aimed at students from 8th grade in seconary schools to all highschool class' in all over Denmark - both in the immigrant-rich schools in the towns and schools in rural areas where the meeting with a new and alien Dane is not part of everyday life.
The workshops are free and funded by private danish funds.

Contact (1) Full Name
Fikré Filali El-Gourfti
Head of the organisation
Norma Martinez