


This Handbook was created as part of the three-year program entitled Contact - Centers for Youth Empowerment from alternative care, with the financial support of the Ministry of Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy, and in partnership of the association...


National Network


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Cuncil of the Bosniaks National minority was established in 2007. Organization has 195 membrs. The main purpose of the Council is to suport the local population (Bosniak c)in achieving rights guaranteed by the Laws and Constution.
Mission and Objectives

The Council trhough its mission brings together local populatia (Bosniak) ana local authorities, organise round tables, to rise public awernes for local population, counselling on individual level.

Main Projects / Activities

The mos inportant activity in last cople of years was esthablishment and reckognitijon of "Bosniaks" as regular term for our national minority in local comunity and in national levl. Close coperation with National assosiation of Bosniak in order to suport cultural hertage, bringing together local community with Bosnian authorities in Bosnia and Hezegovina in order to strenght bonds in diferent economical issues.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

PRONI Centre for social education

National Network

Kralja Zvonimira 15

Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

PRONI Center is a non-profit organization. Special attention in our work is given to young people, respecting differences in ethnical background, religion, culture, gender and race. In its work, PRONI uses experiences and examples of positive practices from EU. PRONI works with young people, civil society organizations and responsible authorities using an integrated developmental approach in the fields of education, youth work and policy development. PRONI Centre wants to enable young people to take responsibilities for themselves and for development of the society. We are funded by local and international donors (pre-accession funds, National foundation for development of civil society, etc). Our partners in 2009 were P.G.D.I. Beli Manastir, Volunteer centre Osijek, School of social work (Uni. of Indiana and Zagreb), Towns of Vukovar and Sisak etc.

Mission and Objectives

PRONI Center for Social Education is a non-profit organization founded in 1998 as a legal entity in the Republic of Croatia. Special attention in our work is given to young people, respecting differences in ethnical background, religion, culture, gender and race. PRONI Center works in Croatia, with special focus on post-war regions where the strong need for societal reconstruction is present. In its work, PRONI is using experiences and examples of positive practices from the EU, as well as is developing cooperation with less developed countries in this sense (primarily neighborhood countries) where Croatian experiences can help their society development. PRONI works with young people, civil society organizations and responsible authorities using an integrated developmental approach in the fields of education, youth work and policy development. PRONI is striving to encourage cooperation and understanding between people. PRONI wants to enable young people to take responsibilities for themselves and for development of the society they are part of, in which their needs are recognized and responded to at all levels.

Main Projects / Activities

We provide free advice, informationa and education to organisations of civil society and active individuals. We implemented Youth employment support project, and we are running Regional info-centre for youth Osijek, Info-cntre for youth Vukovar and Info-point for youth Sisak. We implemented a research on parent involvement and society development in Vukovar. We educated children in primary schools about EU. One of our core projects in the past was two-year university education for youth and community leaders, in partnership with School of education and communication, University of Jonkoping, Sweeden.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Vukovic-Covic
Head of the organisation
Sanja Vukovic-Covic

Rahela Jurković

National Network

Vukoviceva 5
10000 Zagreb

+385 98 922 8805
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
I graduated history of art and French language and literature from the Zagreb University. I also hold three master degrees: one in marketing and two in European studies (the last one obtained from the College of Europe, Brugge-Natolin). I have many years of experience working in international development cooperation and EU programmes/projects. Currently I am a doctoral student of cultural anthropology and my area of research is integration of refugees into Croatian society.
Mission and Objectives

My goal is to meet new people from the Mediterranean region and the European Union with whom I could cooperate in the areas of cultural understanding, migration, integration of refugees, protection of human rights, as well as in other areas that overlap with the aims of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation.

Main Projects / Activities

I initiated and developed a workshop on intercultural learning in Croatia in 201. It was funded by the EU and gathered participants from Bulgaria, Ireland, Poland, Romania, Turkey and the UK. I was also involved in other intercultural projects. My publications related to intercultural projects are 2 papers: „How to keep learners motivated and excited in technology enhanced learning” and “How to motivate adult learners through e-learning" - both written with two colleagues/researchers from the UK and Sweden. I have also participated in the 2nd Alexandria Education Convention organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation in December 2012 in Alexandria, Egypt.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I will regularly attend the meetings of the Croatian Network and will participate in its activities wherever my skills and knowledge proves to be useful to the Network.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I have already participated in the ALF network through a membership of a Croatian company where I worked until 1st April 2016. I think that this Network is very important for gathering people all over the Mediterranean and Europe who share common values and who can make that the whole Euro-Mediterranean area is a better place for life to all of us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rahela Jurković
Head of the organisation
Rahela Jurković

Regional Environmental Center - Country Office Croatia

National Network

Djordjiceva 8a, HR-10000 Zagreb

+385 1 4810774
+385 1 4810844
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The REC Country Office Croatia (REC Croatia) was founded in 1993, and currently operates with a staff of 5, including social and natural science background (biology, chemistry, education, linguistics, public administration and finance, IT). It is entirely project-funded, with an aproximate annual turnover of 300,000 EUR. Our projects are funded mainly by various EC programs, EU governments funds as well as some US and UN agency funds, through calls for tender, direct funding and partnerships. REC Croatia expertise includes Information Dissemination; Transboundary Cooperation in the Protection of Natural Resources; Capacity Building for Governmental Authorities and Industry; Public Participation in Environmental Decision-Making; Strategic Environmental Assessment; NGO Capacity Building, Networking and Grants Management; Waste and water management; Energy efficiency; Sustainable development of local communities. REC CO Croatia actively participates in regional projects that originate from and are set up by the REC Headquarters, and also works by implementing own national projects. The CO implements the national component of regional projects by disseminating information on project status, carrying out background research, arranging meetings, organizing and facilitating trainings and workshops, providing logistical support. Since 1999, the Croatian REC office has been actively involved in the implementation of regional and national projects dealing with institutional strengthening and environmental policy development in light of EU accession (Environmental Assessment; assistance in environmental law drafting; environmental financing; strengthening environmental enforcement capacities), within the Stability Pact for South East Europe.
Mission and Objectives

The REC is an international organisation with a mission to assist in solving environmental problems. It fulfils this mission by promoting cooperation among governments, non-governmental organisations, businesses and other environmental stakeholders, and by supporting the free exchange of information and public participation in environmental decision making. The REC was established in 1990 by the United States, the European Commission and Hungary. Today, the REC is legally based on a Charter signed by the governments of 29 countries, including Croatia, and the EC.

Main Projects / Activities

• Neretva Delta Forum for the Sustainable Use of Shared Natural Resources (funded by Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation - BiH Cooperation Office)
• Assistance in Priority Environmental Investment Programme Development and Implementation (funded by EC EuropeAid)
• Assistance in Environmental Law Drafting in SEE & Monitoring Transposition and Implementation of the EU Environmental Acquis in Croatia and Turkey (funded by EC CARDS)
• SECTOR - Supporting Environmental Capacity Building Organisations in South-Eastern Europe (funded by SIDA)
• Sustainable island and coastal development in Šibenik-Knin: Awareness raising, capacity building and multi-stakeholder planning for sustainable development and social transformation in Croatia (funded by MATRA programme through Wageningen University and Research Centre)
• From Latvia to Croatia and Macedonia: Capacity building for implementation of EU environmental policy on local and regional level (funded by German Federal Ministry of the Environment, Nature Protection and Nuclear Safety & German Federal Environmental Protection Agency (through BEF Deutschland; Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency, Croatia)
• From Estonia till Croatia: Intelligent Energy Saving Measures for Municipal housing in Central and Eastern European Countries - INTENSE (funded by EC- Intelligent Energy Europe - IEE)
• Promoting Financing Mechanisms for Eco-Innovation in South East Europe
• Support to the Establishment of Regional Waste Management Centers in North-West Croatia and Eastern Slavonia
• Country Survey on Environmental Integration Tools in Croatia (funded by International Institute for Environment and Development
• Enhancing Access to information and Public Participation in Decision Making on Water and Environment, Danube Regional Project
• Business Planning for Cleaner Production, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects in Croatia
• Water and wastewater training for industry - IPPC Directive implementation in Croatia
• Waste Management in Dalmatian Counties
• Technical Assistance in EC Grant Scheme Management - Croatia
• Approximation of Croatian Water Management Legislation with EU Water Acquis

Contact (1) Full Name
Irena Brnada
Head of the organisation
Irena Brnada

Regional Foundation for Local Development “Zamah” (“Momentum”)

National Network

Svačićev trg 3

+385 1 36 46 237
+385 1 36 46 237
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
098 90 58 409
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Foundation have Director and Board of trustees responsible for adopting decisions on amendments to the Foundation's Statutes; - adopting decisions concerning the Foundation's operations; elect and dismiss the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, decide on the allocation of support to respective projects; monitor the spending of funds granted by the Foundation within the respective project; administer the assets of the Foundation and undertake activities aimed at their increase (organization of charity events, lottery for specific purposes, sale, etc.). Foundation has two full time employees, one half time employee and a few associates. Sources of funding are: - National Foundation for Development of Civil Society - Charles S. Mott Foundation - European Commission Projects are: - “Citizens initiatives program” within the Program of decentralization managed by Croatian National Foundation for Civil Society Development - Ecological program “Karlovcani for City of Parks” - Development of regional Philanthropy programs in three counties in Croatia - Project “Citizen’s Awakening to Responsibility Fostered by Civil Society Organizations” together with Centre for Civil Initiatives Main partners are: - National Foundation for Civil Society Development - Centre for Civil Initiatives - Local authorities in targeted Counties of Sisačko -moslavačka, Krapinsko - zagorska, Karlovačka and Varaždinska County
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the Foundation is to foster the development of local communities through support to civic initiatives and their formal associations as well as activities conducted by individuals and legal entities. Foundation promotes neglected and rural areas in Croatia, volunteerism among the members of small communities and citizens' active involvement in the resolution of issues within their communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects/activities of the Zamah Foundation are:
- “Citizens initiatives program” within the Program of decentralization managed by Croatian National Foundation for Civil Society Development
- Ecological program-Small grants “Karlovcani for City of Parks”
- Development of regional Philanthropy programs in three counties in Croatia
- Project “Citizen’s Awakening to Responsibility Fostered by Civil Society Organizations” in partnership with Centre for Civil Initiatives

Contact (1) Full Name
Drago Vručnić
Head of the organisation
Drago Vručinić
Contact (2) Full Name
Maja Dubljević


National Network

10000 ZAGREB


+ 385 1 3098 247
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 385 91 8930 675
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 385 91 5315205
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Restart is an non governmental organization established by group of documentary filmmakers and video activist from Croatia. At the moment there are 9 people on daily basis involved in the work of Restart, but for our projects we cooperate with many others. Sources of funding are mainly different local and international funds that promote civil society media projects and our annual budget until now was 35.000 €. At the moment we are increasing number of our projects and widen our focus. Our most important projects are: video activism courses, documentary film courses, Restart laboratory, Interactive web portal for uploading videos, production of socially engaged documentaries and opening of small cinema only for documentary films in Zagreb, Croatia.
Mission and Objectives

RESTART is an organization, whose aim is to create alternative media channels through education, production, distribution and technical help.
Our main focus is to educate about how to use video in order to promote activism, human rights and independent culture. In collaboration with festivals, local organizations, associations as well as institutions we help in creating and networking various activist productions in order to create an effective alternative to mainstream media.

Main Projects / Activities

Restart Media Center is a continuous program of media and educational programs that sprang out of associations Fade In and Attack from Zagreb and represents a central point for education and production of socially engaged video. The educational program started in July 2003. Until July 2008 through 7 different programs we held 90 workshops, screenings and presentations encompassing roughly 300 days in 40 cities with 2500 participants from Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Serbia.
The program consists of 3 phase:
a.) Introduction to video activism – screening with discussions
b.) Basic video workshop (3 to 7 days)
a.) Advanced workshop of documentary film, engaged journalism and organizational skills
b.) Intership with local TV
a.) Establishing centers of video activism in Croatia
b.) Networking

Contact (1) Full Name
Oliver Sertic
Contact (2) Full Name
Vanja Jambrovic

Ri Rock Association

National Network

Delta 5
51000 Rijeka

+38551 211 437
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Ri Rock association is a non-govermental organisation aimed at contributing to the development of alternative culture and economy through various creative events, workshops, and youth-centred educational activities. Since its formation the association has continued the tradition of Ri Rock festival – the oldest regional festival of demo bands, dating from 1979. It also organises numerous activities, programs and projects aimed at informal musical education, music events and festivals, club programs, but also the development of social entrepreneurship. There are 12 members of the association, 4 of which are currently employed. With 32 registered volunteers, Ri Rock has been awarded as the best volunteer program organisation in 2015. Our annual budget is 426.000,00 kn, funded by several institutions, including governmental and music organisations. Our main partners are educational institutions and other non-governmental organisations. Ri Rock is also a part of the Alliance of associations – Molekula and Croatian youth network.
Mission and Objectives

Ri Rock association is aimed at raising awareness about the alternative culture and economy, developing innovative educational activities for youth (various creative events, workshops), creating new channels of communication, developing cooperation of key stakeholders in the cultural sector, and contributing to the development social entrepreneurship.
By developing programs that seek to promote a critical attitude towards the prevailing consumerist culture, Ri Rock provides a unique support to younger generations in need of various forms of creative expression, whether by helding free music lessons or helping the youth to not only consume cultural programs, but (co)create them, taking the role of a proactive individuals. Thus, culture becomes not only means to fill ones leisure activities and free time, but a way to develop various forms of self-organisation while developing ones social and creative skills.
Our vision is a society of solidary and responsible members following the principles of sustainable growth.

Main Projects / Activities

Organization's main activities are: (1). Raising public awareness, level of knowledge and interest for alternative culture and economy by organizing music festivals, concerts and other cultural events; providing spatial, material and technical support to unaffirmed alternative musicians; advocacy and development of support system for social entrepreneurship and initiating these type of initiatives. (2). Providing innovative educational and activistic content, especially for children and youth through music workshops and playgrounds, backstage workshops (sound, light, video, photo); development and implementation of quality volunteer programs for young people; youth forums and public debates; implementation of socially useful learning in educational institutions. (3). Development of new channels for animation and communication with public through social networks and guerilla marketing.
.Main projects in 2015:
1. ‘’Music box music workshops: youth for culture’’ - free music lessons for beginners and intermediate musicians. Includes lessons for guitar, bass guitar, drums, and workshops for cooperation between the band members
2. ‘’Čujemo s(v)e vidimo’’ (We hear, we see) – developing management capacities and sustainable growth for youth organisations and organisations aimed at youth population
3. Music Box; centre for alternative cultural creativity – program for developing creative cultural spaces and capacities of youth population
4. Dark ‘’O’’ Metal festival – unique festival of alternative metal music bringing together artistic groups from countries across the region.
5. Ri Rock festival –the oldest regional festival aimed at demo and unaffirmed bands
6. Yearly club program – organising musical events and providing support for bands and musicians throughout the year
7. Ri Use: recycling centre – campaign for forming a cooperative for recycling various materials based on the principles of social entrepreneurship

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Ri Rock has over 10 years of experience in developing various cultural programs aimed at youth population: musical and cultural festivals, club programs, concerts, volunteering activities, workshops, public debates and actions, thus supporting local and regional artists, music bands and initiatives and providing professional support.
There are also several city spaces that our association, as a member of the Molekula alliance, has the right to use on a daily basis for our programs and activities. These include Filodrammatica, a neo-baroque building for performing arts (547m2), Youth cultural centre Palach, the famous alternative club (709m2), Hartera (Marganovo), an abandoned paper factory which hosts various music events (1595m2), and two fully equipped and isolated rehearsal rooms ‘’Music Box’’ (81m2).
With these available spaces, our experience in organising volunteering activities, as well as innovative and creative project aimed at youth population, we believe that we can contribute to your Network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Since the beginning of the year 2016., our strategic aim has been the development of regional and international partnerships, searching and looking out for associations with similar backgrounds. The main reason for this was to develop quality international projects and diversify possible funding opportunities. Membership in the ALF Network would be a great opportunity to develop these partnerships, whether on a single or multiple projects, because it offers a great platform for exchanging contacts and ideas. Joining the Network would be a first step towards developing quality cooperation and exchange of ideas throughout the region. To sum up, there are two main reasons for joining the Network: new cooperation opportunities, and various funding possibilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
+385 98 167 2047Anja Štefan
Job Title
Project manager
Head of the organisation
Nikola Jovanović

S.O.S. - counselling, empowerment, cooperation

National Network

Trg fra Bonifacija Gerbera bb
33000 Virovitica

+385 33 721 500
+385 33 721 922
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The organization has one employee and 10 volunteers. Our average budget in a year is 42.000,00 euro. Our sources of funding include domestic Minitries, local government, and local foundations. Some of our projects: 1. S.O.S. line and counselling for women victims of violence - implemented continuosly since the foundation of the organization. S.O.S. line is open every day from 6 pm to 8 pm. Victims of violence can get help nad support, and if necessary, can come to direct counselling (counselling for help and support, psychological counselling and legal counseling. 2. Prevention of youth addiction - project that is based on educational workshops in schools in Virovitica-podravina County with the goal of prevention of adolescent addcition 3. Be my friend - project that works on developing tolerance and toghetherness among differnet nations and religions Main partners - local and national NGOs, local government, local institutions

Mission and Objectives

The goal of the organization is: - Promotion and protection of human rights, promotion and protection of civil rights, prevention of human trafficking, establishing a gender equality, suppression of domestic violence, providing social services to victims of violence, prevention of peer violence and any form of addiction among young people. - Providing direct advisory help and providing support and information by phone to people faced with problems like abuse, violence, family or health problems and addictions - Empowerment of non-government sector, local civic initiatives and local government with the purpose of improvement of civil society and cross-sector cooperation with the goal of building a democratic society.

Main Projects / Activities

Prevention of violence – S.O.s. line for women victims of violence and educational workshops in schools for prevention of violence among children Prevention of human trafficking – we have established Counties Multidisciplinary team for suppression of human trafficking, and also implemented numerous educational workshops in schools with the goal of preventing student to become victims of trafficking Prevention of addiction – workshops in grammar schools to prevent nicotine and alcohol addiction among students. Development of tolerance – working on acceptance of differences and establishing a multicultural society Development of civil society – initiatives for signing the Agreement of Cooperation between Virovitica-podravina County and Civil society, and Agreement of cooperation between City of Virovitica and Civil society;

Contact (1) Full Name
Desa Kolesaric
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Deša Kolesarić

Sanja Mijic

National Network

Rue du Taciturne 41
1000 Bruxelles

+32 4 899 588 91
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Dear colleague,   I would like to joint your foundation as individual person. I m coming from Croatia, but working in European Parliament in Brussels since 2015. My field of work and of interesst are culture, intercultural dialogue, migration.   Please let me know if it is possible to join your network.   Kind regards, Sanja
Mission and Objectives

Main mission and objective is to promote a peace and intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

In EP I m working on Intercultural Dialogue with Mediterranean countries.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Mijic
Job Title
Parliament Assistant
Head of the organisation
Working in European Parliament