
ODRAZ Sustainable Community Network

National Network

Lj. Posavskog 2

+385 1 46 55 203
Telephone (other)
+385 1 46 55 202
+385 1 46 55 200
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 98 65 88 03
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
ODRAZ is non-profit organisation established in 2000 by experts in the field of sustainable development, community organising, environmental protection,social welfare and other experts. ODRAZ has four full time employees, two permanent collaborators and volunteers. ODRAZ facilitates Community Network with more than 400 members from different sectors and parts of Croatia and i coordinator of Croatian Rural Development Network. Our yearly budget is between 150-200.000 Eur, comming from national funds, EU and other countries. Partners: Milieukontakt International from Amsterdam, Croatian rural development network, City of Zagreb
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is of a society in which well-balanced and high quality development of local communities is secured for the benefit of all members and sectors, as well as for future generations. That means achieving changes in value systems (philanthropy), process (consultation) and mechanisms (partnerships between different sectors). ODRAZ is dedicated to bringing those changes about.
Our vision is that ODRAZ becomes, not only an established and recognized institution, but also financially stable, with well educated and adequately trained and paid professionals, dedicated to delivering high quality results and to responding to the challenges and responsibilities of the future as well as those of today.
Our mission is o motivate and strengthen initiatives in local communities through partnership in order to develop practical and appropriate ways for improving the local economy and environment.

Main Projects / Activities

Currently we are partner in FP7 funded CIVITAS ELAN project and "Sustainable future of rural areas for Croatia" funded by Dutch Matra programme. We also received institutional grant from National foundation for development of civil society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lidija Pavic-Rogosic
Head of the organisation
Visnja Jelic Mück

OLIMPIJADA KULTURE OSIJEK (Olympic Games of Culture Osijek)

National Network

Županijska 18/II, 31000 Osijek
31000 Osijek

+385-91-4115512 (President)
Telephone (other)
385-91-4115513 (Exec. Vice-President)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Non-profit organization, 27 regular members, more than 100 honorable members. Had office is in Osijek (Croatia), branches in process Pech (Hungary) and Novi Sad (Serbia). Local government budget participacion, and participacions from ministry of Culture, Tourism, Education, plus EU fonds and sponsors. International cultural excanges (2009.-2011.) and Olimpic Of Culture (2012.) will be invited all Europian countries for two weeks competition in all kind of human creativities and art. Main partners - local governments (Panonian region - Croatia, Serbia, Hungary).
Mission and Objectives

Through cultural excange in troublled area open dialogues and cooperation, as well as education for the younger generation.

Main Projects / Activities

2009-2011. international cultural excanges (as a preparation for the main tusk, Olimpic Of Culture)
2012. Olimpic Of Culture - will be invited all Europian countries for two weeks competition. Each Ministry of Cultar will choose a National team. Organization based simmilar as Olimpic games of Sport, because the competition will be in all area of human creativites and art. This is the main different from cultural festivals, exibitions where the competition is in only one discipline.
The main event will be split in this 3 cities of Panonian region - Osijek (CRO), Pech (H), Novi Sad (SER).
We expecte more than 4.000 participants.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jasminka Paunovic (Exec. Vice-President)
Head of the organisation
Peter (Pierre) Weisz (President)

Open Academy Step by Step

National Network

Ilica 73

+385 1 4854 935
Telephone (other)
+385 1 4854 936
+ 385 1 4854 022
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+385 91 4674 980
Mobile Phone (other)
+385 91 4854 222
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
OA Step by Step (OASbS) has the Governing Board of five members. OASbS has 4 full-time staff: Nives Milinović, director; Helena Burić, preschool program coordinator; Sanja Brajković, school program coordinator; Sunčana Vidaković, administrative and accountant assistant. OASbS has the network of 53 trainers all over Croatia. The trainers are preschool and school teachers, psychologists, pedagogues, and university professors. The 2006 budget was 201.000 €, in 2007 was 190.000 €, and in 2008 was 238.000 €. About 20-35% comes from donations, and 65-80% is earned income. Main activities are seminars for teachers and projects in partnerships with kindergartens and schools. OASbS is the Council member of the International Step by Step Association.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is quality improvement of education and promotion of child-centered kindergartens and schools in which children are able to participate actively in the educational process, express themselves freely and creatively, develop critical thinking skills, independence, responsibility and care for others, and to reach their full potential in line with their interests and abilities, in an environment which supports democratic relationships and respects diversity. By promoting child-centered kindergartens and schools, we encourage partnerships with families and the broader community.
All our activities relate to our mission. Main activity of the Open Academy Step by Step is education of preschool teachers, school teachers, and education specialists working in kindergartens and schools for the areas:
• Child-centered methods of teaching
• Inclusion of Children with Disabilities
• Education for Social Justice – Anti-bias Education
• Quality Improvement of Teaching - Applying ISSA Pedagogical Standards in the Classroom and Mentoring

Main Projects / Activities

We train about 1300 teachers a year and have extensive cooperation with many kindergartens and schools, local governments, and the Education and Teacher Training Agency.
Some of the recent projects:
‘Inclusion of Children with Special Needs’ was implemented in cooperation with the Centre for Preschool Education in Osijek in 2008/2009, and funded by the Co-operating Netherlands Foundations.
‘Education for Social Justice – Anti-bias education for students of the University of Osijek’ was implemented in 2007 and funded by the Netherlands Embassy and the World Bank.
‘Education for Social Justice – Anti-bias education’ was implemented in 2007 in the Town of Knin, and funded by the US Embassy.
‘Education for social justice – Program for children’ was implemented in 2007 in Beli Manastir, and funded by the Open Society Institute.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nives Milinović, Director
Head of the organisation
Nives Milinović, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Sanja Brajković, School program coordinator

Open call for WHW Academia 2023


The curatorial collective What, How & for Whom / WHW , ALF Croatia network member, announces an open call for applications to participate in the fifth year of Zagreb based WHW Akademija, an experimental, interdisciplinary, tuition-free art study program for emerging artists. Through generating new models and testing existing ones, WHW Akademija seeks to develop a reciprocal educational process. Its programs encourage participants to coproduce critical content based on how knowledge is produced and questioned through the poetic, the physical, the material, and the eco-social. The program starts in March 2023 and lasts until November 2023.




Opening of the 17 th Festival of Tolerance in Zagreb


The 17th Festival of Tolerance, organized by the Croatian ALF Network member Jewish Film Festival, opened on January 24th, 2024 at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, drawing a big crowd. The opening ceremony witnessed the presence of eminent personalities, including ambassadors, city officials, representatives from public institutions, Homeland War veterans and the VeDRA Anti-fascist Association. Also in attendance were representatives from foreign cultural institutes, festival partners, directors, actors, media representatives and ardent film enthusiasts.

Find out more at:

Organisation of Youth "Youth in the EU"

National Network

Prilaz tvornici 41
22000 Sibenik

+ 385 (0) 22/212 834
Mobile Phone
+ 385 97 778 778 1
Mobile Phone (other)
+ 385 97 778 779 1
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

We have 40 members Structure of the organization: congress, board of organisation, president, members Budgetary: from 10 000 to 12 000 euro Sources of funding: national budget, donation and the local self-government Actions: projects and seminars based on the young people Partners: Club tehnical culture "Enter" and "Šibenski consumer" (Organisation of consumer)

Mission and Objectives

Mission and objectives of Organisation is to promote the values and quality of the European union, to expand the knowledge of citizens about European union, the development of organisations and civil initiatives, promoting volunteery and fleeting the rights of the young people.

Main Projects / Activities

Information the citizens about EU, organisating the leisure time for young people and protect their rights.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With our experience and capacity on the Sibenik-Knin County we contribute with our seminars and projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because, we wont to promotion the new projects and developt the partners cooperating.

Contact (1) Full Name
Martin Mrša
Head of the organisation
Martin Mrša
Contact (2) Full Name
Živana Junaković

Organization for Civil Initiatives

National Network

Osijek office:
Organization for Civil Initiatives
Kralja Petra Svacica 36
31000 Osijek
Drnis oficce:
Kralja Zvonimira 10
22320 Drnis


Osijek: ++358 (0) 31 582 290
Telephone (other)
Drnis: ++385 (0) 22 888 606
Osijek: ++358 (0) 31 582 291 Drnis: ++385 (0) 22 888 607
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Drnis: ++385 (0) 99 218 52 27
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
STRUCTURE OF THE ORGANIZATION Assembly : memberrs of the organization, 22 adult persons - President of the Assembly - Management board - Executive board: consists of executive and development director and prigram / project managers. - Executive director - Development director - Implementation teams According to the needs and possibilities of the organization and in concordance with the organization's Statute, Rules on organization and systematization of work positions and salaries, OCI hires persons for implementation of the activities. Hired persons can have following status: full-time employee, part-time employee, honorary employee and volunteer. For managing accounting and book-keeping OCI has its own employee and book-keeping service. They handle total financial functioning of the organization. We have 7 employees. Budgetary resources available in a year are cca 230.000E. Sources of funding: European Commission – PHARE European Commission – CARDS Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, USA Balkan Trust for Democracy/German Marshall fund NessT - Budapest Croatian Government National foundation for civil society development Regional and local selfgoverment Embassys in Croatia Modalities of action Organizing and implementing educational programs - trainings Organizing and implementing campaigns Organizing and implementing of tribunes Writing and publishing publications Providing trainer / consultant services Providing expert and technical support in organizing and implementation of activities in communities Providing finacial support for NGOs and local civil initiatives through public tenders Organizing and implementing of public advocacy Organizing and implementing of conferences Informing the citizens etc. Providing pro bono legal advices for citizens Organizing and implementing researches Implementation of monitoring Implementation of evaluations Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Goverment - Competent ministries, public institutions, local and regional selfgoverment, and other NGOs and networks that we are a member of.
Mission and Objectives

Society of active citizens that participate in social development and influence public policy.
Support for associations of citizens and local institutions in creating positive social changes in local communities.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Social work with the community
2. Development of the entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship in the community
3. Improving human rights
Main Projects in 2009:
Hope - a project of economic empowerment and social inclusion of women (Goverment and World Bank)
Be young, be active (European Commission)
With partnership to development (The Balkan Trust for Democracy)

Contact (1) Full Name
Aleksandra Janjic, developing director - Drnis
Head of the organisation
Branislav Vorkapic, executive director
Contact (2) Full Name
Branislav Vorkapic, executive director - Osijek

Organization for the promotion of Creativity Merlin

National Network

PULA, 52100

00385 52 387 515
Telephone (other)
00385 52 544 779
00385 52 387 515
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00385 91 789 44 81
Mobile Phone (other)
00395 91 6004103
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Merlin Association has been active since 2001 in Pula City and Istria County, Croatia The Association administration: Assembly, Management Committee (3 persons) with the President of Association and Supervisory Committee (3 persons). Permanent staff are the director, educators, accountant and 10 women annually. Budgetary resources available in a year : 60.000 EU Sources of funding and cooperated: The City of Pula, the Istria County, the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Croatia, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, the Foundation for Partnership and Civil Society Development in Istria, Netherlands CNF-CEE • Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.) Club Socializing while doing creative work • Informal education for various skills • Self-employment of women through the original handicrafts • Community projects for marginal groups • Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities The Association has cooperated with the City of Pula, Archaeological Museum of Pula, Ethnographic Museum of Pazin, National Tourist Board, the Employment Office, the Women's Association, Monteparadiso Hackclub, Centre For Civic Initiative Porec, Daily Centre For Work Therapy And Rehabilitation Pula, Tara and Nit from Korenica, Centre For Inclusion And Assistance In Society, Homo, the Open Society, the Romany Association
Mission and Objectives

Merlin Association for promotion of creativity is Croatian NGO concerned with exploration, education and creative activities in everyday life. It encourages the progress of society, and the improvement of living and interpersonal relations.
The Association work with individuals, families, groups and communities is based on the principle of creative approach to life activities, strengthening, active involvement, support of positive initiatives and cooperation, tolerance and non-violence, mutual respect and respect for the diversity.

Main Projects / Activities

Fields of activity: Youth and education, Human rights, Roman minority, Heritage and Traditional Arts
Merlin Association has started "Do It Yourself Creative Workshops" as a form of informal education and encouragement for self-employment of unemployed persons, young people and women of different age groups, members of Romany minority and persons with special needs. Projects that are active in community:
1.Projects established in 2002 - ‘’Creative workshops’’: Computer workshop for beginners (unemployed women and pensioners), Preservation of traditional crafts: Cutting out and sewing workshop, Weaving and embroidery workshop; Creative-working activities for persons with special needs.
''Roman smiles" workshop for clay, ceramics and plaster moulding. The educational workshop for design of handicrafts from clay, ceramics and plaster, based on cultural-historical legacy from Roman period of Pula City. During past five years, about fifty items were created at this workshop, all based on the original old Roman theatre masks, and other historical resources. Workshop goal is to teach its participants about monuments, buildings and ancient art objects from local history, and to involve citizens in changing the manufacture of local souvenirs.
2. Projects established in 2004 – Sale exhibition event ‘’Original Splendour Of Arena’’ is dealing with the issue of organizing legal sale at standard souvenir stands, and with the manufacture of quality souvenirs and handicrafts. The aim is to bring closer the ancient artistic items and local history, and to encourage the improvements in the manufacture of handicrafts.
3. Projects established in 2005 - Center for Romany children ''Morning flower''. Playground and the Day Care/ Learning assistance for school children, computer workshop and sewing workshop. The aim is to organize educational and quality activities for pre-school and school Romany children. It also encourages volunteer work and employment of unemployed teachers and educators. 50 Romany children (age 3 – 15) is attending this Center each year. Project cooperates with the local government and Primary School. The programme of preschool education is co-financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sanja Apostolovski
Head of the organisation
Sanja Apostolovski
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Bauerova 6

+385 1 4828 776
+385 1 4828 775
Mobile Phone
+385 95 578 0343
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
General Information

Open Media Group is a non-for-profit non-government organization. The Management bodies of Open Media Group are the Assembly and the Management Board. The Assembly is the highest managing body of the Association, and is made of all the regular members of the Association. The Management Board is the executive body. The Chairman of the Management Board represents the Association and is liable for legality of its activities. O.M.G. has 23 members, 3 of which make the Management Board. O.M.G. has 3 employees. O.M.G. has created, developed and realized 6 documentary films in co-operation with various partners. We have also created and implemented numerous media campaigns aimed at raising awareness on different topics of civil society, mainly prevention of and combating violence against women and trafficking of human beings. Our media campaigns are financed by European Commission, UNHCR, UNDP, Embassies of Netherlands, Norway, Finland, Government of Croatia Offices for Human Rights and Gender Equality, Ministry of Family, Veterans’ Affairs and Intergenerational solidarity, National Foundation for Civil Society Development, Ministry of Environmental Protection, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports. In the year 2009 OMG is receiving institutional support from National Foundation for Civil Society Development.

Mission and Objectives

VISION: Creation of society of equal opportunities for all citizens, in which sensitized citizens make informed decisions and are conscious about their responsibility for society in whole. O.M.G. has been founded with the aims of promotion of civil society and protection of human rights, especially rights of the young by compiling modern technologies with arts, especially film art; raising awareness of the young and promoting the values of the society of equal opportunities for all citizens, and especially promoting gender equality. O.M.G. gathers young people that decided to employ their knowledge and experience in promotion of human rights and value of democracy. Our experience includes media production, organization, media campaign design, and knowledge on media effects and impact, which is all very important for quality promotion. We have a big network of contacts in media production and broadcasting, for every project we engage experts based on the project needs. In this way we are ensuring that the topic is covered thoroughly and with quality.

Main Projects / Activities

One of the documentaries we produced is “Facing the Day” directed by Ivona Juka, thatspeaks about prisoners in Penitentiary Lepoglava, one of the strictest penitentiaries in Croatia, and re-examines the manners of resocialisation in Croatian prisons. Film was screened at numerous international festivals and received many awards including: Best Documentary Film at goEast Film Festival (Wiesbaden, Germany) ; 3 awards at Croatian Film Days – Grand Prix for the best Croatian film, “Oktavijan” award for the Best Documentary Film awarded by the Croatian Film Critic Society and Best Editing award; in Sarajevo Film Festival it was awarded Heart of Sarajevo for the Best Documentary. Film participated in International Documentary Festival DokMa in Maribor where it won Best European Documentary Award. Film was also screened at prestigious film festivals in Montreal, Ljubljana, Sofia, Motovun, Calcutta, Sao Paolo and Author Film Festival in Belgrade. Film has cinema distribution in Croatian Macedonia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina and has recommendations by Education and Teacher Training Agency, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Government Office for Human Rights and prof. Dr. Ksenija Turković, the Chair of Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Zagreb, as well as the support of Government Office for Combating Narcotic Drug Abuse. The film was screened to university students and to pupils of high schools and of 7th and 8th grade of elementary school: 74 screenings were held in 63 towns, and film was seen by 9.573 students and pupils of elementary and high schools. In years 2007 and 2008 we implemented Awareness Raising Campaign for Prevention of Gender Based Violence co-financed by European Commission, Ministry of Education Science and Sports, CARE International, Royal Netherlands Embassy, Royal Norwegian Embassy, Embassy of Finland, Ministry of Family, Veterans’ Affairs and Intergenerational Solidarity. Open Media Group created, developed and implemented the media campaign as part of the project. The slogan of the campaign is “Silence is not Gold” and the TV clips were broadcasted on Croatian Television and RTL Croatia, which provided free media time, with value of broadcasting time over 17.000.000,00 HRK (approx. 2,3 mil. EUR).

Contact (1) Full Name
Maja Vukic
Head of the organisation
Ivanka Mezak

Poplar Trees Association (Jablani)

National Network

Vladimira Ruždjaka 2a (OŠ Jure Kaštelana)
10000 Zagreb

+385 98 98134 34
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Full name: Poplar Trees – Association for promoting civil society values among children and youth

Mission and Objectives

Promotes European cooperation in the youth field Promotes young people’s active citizenship in general and their European citizenship in particular Fosters mutual understanding between young people in different countries Cultural diversity

Main Projects / Activities

Debate and mediation club International projects Youth exchange

Contact (1) Full Name
Vesna Starešinić
Head of the organisation
Vesna Starešinić