
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Cultures Différentes – Valeurs communes

Dans un monde où les gens de toutes cultures et confessions se mélangent de plus en plus, la conscience interculturelle est une compétence de plus en plus nécessaire. Sur la base de ces observations, « Cultures différentes - Valeurs communes...

Demetra Association

National Network

Sheinovo str. 102A,

+359 56 815618
+359 56 836667
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+359 897 516996
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Structure of the organization: General Meeting, Board of Directors, President and Control Committee. The general decisions about the Association's organizational life are made by the General Meeting that takes place once-a-year. On-going decisions about the Association's activities are made at meetings of the Board of Directors that takes place once-a-month. Day-to-day activities are coordinated by the Chairperson who is responsible for the implementation of the Board of Directors' decisions. For the Programs implementations and projects managment there is Project Coordinator that is reposnsible. Administrative office - 5 rooms, 6 computers, 2 printers, 3 copiers, telephone fax;Crisis Center for victims of violence and trafficking and Consultative Center for victims of violence and Crime. Number of full time staff: 16; Number of half time: 22. Financial status:2012-24 7980euro;2011- 218 325euro; 2010- 63 401euro. Sources of funding: private donors and governmental funds.
Mission and Objectives

Demetra Association has been working on women and children’s issues with main focus on the domestic violence and discrimination. It participates in many lobbying initiatives, projects and campaigns. All these activities are related to social work and community work with people and youngsters in risk and with fewer opportunities.The Association has developed long-term program for youngsters. We are working towards prevention of violence, crime and discrimination. Demetra Association has been providing legal and psycho-social support to victims of violence and discrimination since 2001. We also provide consultations – individually and group.
Our main objectives that we are working on are:
Development and improvement of social strategies and practices
Supporting the formulation and implementation of public policies in social, health, education and culture based on identified priorities and needs;
Achieving Gender Equality and women’s empowerment
Work for social inclusion of young people, adults and disadvantaged families and people;
Identification, protection and advocacy for developing and implementing policies for young people;
Improving the quality of vocational education and training for different groups of professionals;
Support the integration of minorities in Bulgarian society
Supporting the formulation and implementation of public policies in social, health, education, culture, ecology and sport based on identified priorities and needs;
To increase the sensitivity of the society, the institutions and the professional workers on the problem of violence.
To support women -victims of violence and their children and to protect women’s reproductive and sexual health and rights an to raise awareness in the society on the topics of prevention of human trafficking and human exploitation
Very strong and durable over time, we have developed social - psychological and legal counseling that we offer to victims of violence and discrimination.

Main Projects / Activities

’Groups for support for girls victims of sexual violence’
“Increase of the awarennes of the society on the problem human trafficking and inclusion of the institutions “
“Preventing trafficking and human exploatations in Burgas schools”
“Burgas against sexual violence and trafficking of young people”
2005 - 2006 Educational activities trainings for prevention of sexual violence for children 2010-2013"Skills for successful social integration after institutional care .Funded by: OAK Foundation Switzerland .
“Let’s help young Romani girls to be successful in life” -Open Society Budapest
“Yes! In Action!”, “Yes! In Action-2”, “Hate speech online” . 2010-2012, European Youth Foundation
Project under the Ministry of Justice Bulgaria- “Increasing the effectiveness of NGOs to deal with socially significant issue by providing comprehensive care for victims of domestic violence and conducting training programs to prevent violence among young people”
“ASBAE Addressing Sexual Bullying Across Europe (ASBAE)” and IOR / Impact on Relationship"- DAPHNE II

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Demetra Association is part of the Bulgarian Alliance for Protection Against Domestic Violence, Bulgarian Network for Children, Astra Network, Bulgarian Platform of Wide Network and Demetra is the founder of Bulgarian Platform of European Women’s Lobby. Work for social inclusion of young people, adults and disadvantaged families; Identification, protection and advocacy for developing and implementing policies for young people; We would like to be informed about the current initiatives and acticities in the field and to establish good working relationship with other partners.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Demetra Association is part of the Bulgarian network of NGOs working with the issues of human and children’s rights. Our main aim is to support and to work with and for young people. The representatives of the organization are highly motivated to work also at European level and establish contacts with other countries and to bring back information for the NGOs in Bulgaria.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms Teodora Taneva
Head of the organisation
Ms. Ana Burieva

Detski Knigi Foundation

National Network

blvd. Samokov 3, fl. 11, apt. 51
1113 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Detski Knigi Foundation is a non-governmental organisation, aiming to develop a literate future generation through raising the reading abilities of the children in Bulgaria. The foundation consists of a Council as decision-making body and an Executive Director. The staff consists of 20 people, who are volunteers. The organisation is a member of the National Network for Children. In the previous year we had a budget of around 5 000 EUR. The funds come from contest fees from the Bulgarian publishers, as well as from economical activities like marketing campaigns. sponsorships and trade. For the next year we expect to receive grants for different planned activities in the field of education and literacy for around 10 000 EUR. We aim to raise the reading abilities of the children through different national reading campaigns. One of them is called Reading Relay and it is suitable for children aged 6-13 years. The other special campaign is the Magic Pearl Award - the only literary award in Bulgaria, in which every Bulgarian child aged 6-15 can vote for a favourite book. We also have special campaigns to promote young adult books, dealing with the problems of the teenagers, as well as literary clubs for children, book games and events. We are also trying to change the attitude of the parents, teachers, librarians against reading interests of the children and we take part in different seminars as lectors. Our main partners include the Ministry of Education, the Alliance of the municipalities, Bulgarian Library and Information Association, Bulgarian book Association, many schools and libraries around the country. 
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to develop a strong future generation through raising the reading abilities of the children and thus - lowering the levels of functional illiteracy.
We aim to change the attitude of the adults against the reading interests of the children, which will make the kids to read more. Our goal is to change the policy in the field of education and make it more up-to-date with the children`s interests. We want to promote the Bulgarian children`s literature not only in Bulgaria, but also around the world. We would like to establish a modern House of the Children`s books, together with research center, so to be able to unite parents, teachers, librarians, institutions, media and business to change the situation with the illiteracy together.

Main Projects / Activities

One of our main projects is the national campaign Reading Relay. It is suitable for children aged 6-13 years. We have 4 issues of this campaign and it is one of the beloved projects of the Bulgarian teachers and librarians. In those 4 issues we have more than 2500 readers, who have read at least 3 books in 3 months, and more than 10000 books read.
The other special campaign is the Magic Pearl Award - the only literary award in Bulgaria, in which every Bulgarian child aged 6-15 can vote for a favourite book. This Award was established in 2013, and its 2nd and 3rd editions were under the patronage of the President of Bulgaria. In the 3rd edition we had 109% increase in the vote compared to the previous year. The Award is included in the National Strategy for Literacy of the Ministry of Education.
We would also like to support the Bulgarian authors, illustrators and publishers to show their extraordinary works all over the world. That`s why we have sent books to the International Youth Library in Munich, Germany. 2 of them are included in the prominent White Ravens catalogue. 
We organise reading clubs for children, we take interviews of the reading children of Bulgaria, and we also try to collect and share the good practices of the teachers and librarians in our country.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute by helping all the organisations to reach their goals by raising together a literate future generation. Because we believe that if a person is functionally literate, he/she can take care of himself/herself, be healthier, find a better job, contribute to the social and economical life better. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We think that all the good things can be done more easily with friends and partners. As we are ready  to give our support, we also think it`s good to have someone by your side, with whose support to make the world a better place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Valentina Stoeva
Job Title
Chairwoman of the Council
Head of the organisation
Valentina Stoeva
Contact (2) Full Name
Lora Filipova
Job Title (2)
Executive Director

Dialogue Association

National Network

5"Oborishte"Street, Vidin 3700, Bulgaria

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Religion
  10. Research
General Information
The Dialogue Association consists of 8 people and 20 volunteers. The Association works in partnership with local authorities and school.The association implements projects and youth exchanges, training courses and seminars. The funding of the organization comes from EU,membership fee and donations.
Mission and Objectives

The work of the association is mainly aimed in the field of youth. We develop and implement projects, training and workshops aimed at empowering young people through practical, participatory education to transform democratic ideals into citizen action., gaining experience how to become self-confidence and socially and morally responsible, both in and beyond the classroom, towards those in authority and towards each other, becoming helpfully involved in the life and concerns of their school, neighbourhood and wider communities, including learning through community involvement and service, learning about the institutions, issues, problems and practices of our democracy and how citizens can make themselves effective in public life, locally, regionally and nationally through skills and values as well as knowledge. The mission of the association is also •Preserving, keeping and reconstructing the historical monuments in the region; •Supporting the development of tourism; • Supporting the regional and cross border development; •Developing programmes coordinated with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social policy, Ministry of Law etc.;• Writing , coordination and management of projects and programmes funded by the EU;Organization and implementing of educational and training programmes for the people living in the region;•Protection of the environment

Main Projects / Activities

“Public Achievement educational network””-funded by Operative Programme “Developing of human resources” through European Union-European Social Funds
"First steps to an Active citizenship"
"Civic skills Academy"
"Let's introduce and document our cultures"
"Bad habits"

Contact (1) Full Name
Proletka Paskova
Head of the organisation
Proletka Paskova
Good Practice
Good Practice Illustration

Different Cultures – Common Values

In a world where people from all cultures and faiths are increasingly mixing, intercultural awareness is an ever more needed skill. Based on these observations Different Cultures – Common Values set out to promote mutual understanding among young people and...

Dimitrovgrad Public Library Penyo Penev

National Network

7 Kiril and Methodeus Street

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Organizational structure: Director, Assembling Department, Processing and Catalogue Department, Readers’ Services, Lending Department, Reading Room, Humanitarian and Applied Sciences, Arts Reading Room, Children Department (for readers up to 14 years of age), Bibliographical and Information Services Personnel: 13 people; Yearly Budget: 212000 leva (108000 Euro) Funded by the municipal budget; Main partners: Dimitrovgrad Municipality, Munistry of Culture; Projects: participated in the BG-US project for library exchange ABLE and the projects of the Ministry of Culture. The library organizes each year seminars for librarian experience exchange.
Mission and Objectives

Affirmation of Dimitrovgrad Public Library Penyo Penev as a contemporary information center.

Main Projects / Activities

Dimitrovgrad Public Library named after Penyo Penev is the largest contemporary informational, educational and cultural center in the municipality.
The main activities of the library are as follows:
- Assembling, processing, organizing and storing library assets – books, periodicals, graphical editions, musical notations editions, audio recordings in Bulgarian and foreign languages;
- Circulation of paper and non-paper information sources for satisfying the needs of the readers;
- Bibliographical and information services;
- Research, storing and provision of information about the Municipality of Dimitrovgrad. Archive of the local newspapers;
- Automation of librarian activities – an automated librarian system with 9 computers is in place.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ilko Vasilev Chamov
Head of the organisation
Ilko Vasilev Chamov
Contact (2) Full Name
Filka Angelova Kuzmanova

District Lozenets - Sofia Municipality

National Network

2 Vasil Levski blvd
1142 Sofia

Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
+359882 452 113
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Limits of the district which is 4% of the territory of Sofia Municipality; In the territory of Lozenets district circulate two rivers – Dragalevska and Adzhibarica, and almost 30% of that up area (2.7 km2) are forests. District "Lozenets" is one of the 24 districts of Sofia Municipality; the population on its territory is above 53 000 citizens. The budget is funded by the Sofia Municipality. Partners: Methodius Web offers complete web solutions. Foundation "My City" is a charitable foundation dedicated to improving the appearance of cities in Bulgaria. ICDSoft Ltd offers web hosting service in over 140 countries. Regional Information Center.
Mission and Objectives

District "Lozenets" – Sofia Municipality
Mission and Objectives: the administration of the district "Lozenets" focus attention on the development and implementation of own projects aimed at improving the living environment, to a large extent to the preservation, development and dissemination of spiritual and cultural heritage and values of the community

Main Projects / Activities

Forms of action:
Annually participate with its own projects by the Program "Culture" at the Sofia Municipality for realization of various initiatives related to preservation and popularizing of the cultural identity of the district, traditions and rituals.
- Feast of the district "Lozenets" - Spassov den - a festive concert and presentation of different customs, their exhibitions on traditional Bakery Products, etc.
-Residents of Sofia - 17th September – celebrate the Day of Sofia traditionally with a rich cultural program - concerts, exhibitions, children's representations and others.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The district can involve BG ALF network in its activities.
Participation private projects under the "Europe" of Sofia Municipality
- In 2012 realization of information printed edition EBook titled "Lozenets green pearl of Sofia" representing the district "Lozenets" throughout his appearance, from its inception to the present day with distinctive architecture and landmarks. The publication is trilingual - Bulgarian, English and Italian and provide capital at an exhibition in Italy in connection with the candidature of Sofia for European Capital of Culture 2019
- In 2013 realization of the second part of the luxury information printed edition EBook titled "Lozenets - prominent personalities", representing the part of prominent personalities lived and worked in the territory of the region who have left their mark in history. Trilingual edition again.
With private participation project under the Operational Programme "Administrative Capacity" aimed at enhancing the professional competence and improve coordination for more efficient administration of the district "Lozenets".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Fields of Activity are similar to the ALF: Arts, Democracy and community development, Environment/Sustainable development, Heritage, Human rights, International/Cultural relations, Youth and education. Mission and Objectives of the district are similar to the ALF ones. focus attention on the development and implementation of their own projects aimed at improving the living environment, but to a large extent to the preservation, development and dissemination of spiritual and cultural heritage and values of the community.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lyubomir Drekov
Job Title
District Mayor
Head of the organisation
Lyubomir Drekov
Contact (2) Full Name
Tzvetelina Danailova
Job Title (2)
PR manager

Eastern European Forum for Dialogue “BRIDGES”

National Network

46, Parchevich Str., fl. 3, ap. 7
1000 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Media
  7. Others
  8. Religion
  9. Youth and education
General Information
Eastern European Forum for Dialogue “BRIDGES” – an United Religions Initiative -Europe Cooperation Circle in Sofia, Bulgaria, is an organization working in the field of social, cultural and training activities puting the special focus on the interrelligious and intercultural dialogue. The organization has a Managining Board of three persons and a number of collaborators from Bulgaria and abroad.
Mission and Objectives

"What can we, as people of faith, do to respond and to overcome the pressing challenges of our time, such as violence and conflict, and build together mutually accountable societies based on respect and cooperation?"
Fighting all forms of violence and discrimination through a fruitful dialogue.

Main Projects / Activities

Establishing Country-Based Mechanisms for Assisting Victims of Traffic in human beings and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse Victim assistance vs. Survivor assistance
We re-affirm our goal of achieving full implementation of these principles as a matter of urgency and commit to:
1. Develop organization-specific strategies to prevent and respond to traffic in human beings and sexual exploitation and abuse.  These would include time-bound, measurable indicators of progress to enable our organizations and others to monitor our performance.
2. Incorporate our standards on traffic in human beings and sexual exploitation and abuse in induction materials and training courses for our personnel.
3. Prevent perpetrators of traffic in human beings and sexual exploitation and abuse from being (re-)hired or (re-)deployed.  This could include use of background and criminal reference checks.
4. Ensure that complaint mechanisms for reporting traffic in human beings and sexual exploitation and abuse are accessible and that focal points for receiving complaints understand how to discharge their duties.   
5. Take appropriate action to the best of our abilities to protect persons from retaliation where allegations of traffic in human beings and sexual exploitation and abuse are reported.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Participate and organize different activities, preparing and implementing joint projects, etc.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We find the objectives of the network very close to our ideas and feel we could support each other.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angelina Ivanova Vladikova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Angelina Ivanova Vladikova

Ecological Manifesto - ManEco

National Network

16 Lozenetz Str.
1421 Sofia

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information

The Foundation was created on the basis of the Ecological Manifesto, urging humanity to rethink its life on Earth and prepare for a new way of life - more generous, ecological, energy and resource efficient and sustainable. With its activities, the organization helps to increase democracy, the inclusion of young people in civil society and the fight against climate change. ManEco is foundation run by 6 people from which 2 working full time. We have 8 permanent partner organizations and many more with which collaborate.

ManEco depends on both national and international funding as from this year the annual budget of the organization will reach 50 000 EUR for the first time. We organize educational workshops and develop projects in the area of sustainable tourism, environmental education, youth empowerment, circular economy and more. Our main partners are Junior Achievement Bulgaria, WWF Bulgaria, Wind of Change. We are also part of international networks such as YOUNGO and FYEG.

Mission and Objectives

We strongly believe that humanity can change and deal with climate change. But if we want that to happen we should work in all possible ways to keep the global temperatures well below 1.5 degrees Celsius. The ideological framework of the Ecological Manifesto is much in line with the concept of the Deep Ecology Movement of Arne Naess. We appreciate technology and its potential but we prefer to change the morals of the people for the better so that technology can be managed properly and used only to ease our lives or solve problems.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of “Ecological Manifesto – ManEco” are:
- raising awareness events such as movie screenings, photo exhibitions and discussions;
- projects – environmental education, sustainable tourism
- research on topics such as climate change, conflicts, ecological diplomacy, recycling, sustainability, circular and shared economy, youth;
- consulting on topics like climate change, carbon footprint, just transition, circular economy and green entrepreneurship
- work with youth – trainings, youth exchanges

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can represent the ALF Network in the country or if there are more organizations part of it we can be coordinators and encourage them to be more active. We can share opportunities and experience through our channels of communication and encourage people to be more involved in related topics.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ALF Network is chance for us to meet like minded organizations, form new partnerships, be inspired with new ideas, adopt new practices and provide new opportunities for Bulgarian citizens and youth.

Additional Information
Contact (1) Full Name
Vihren Mitev
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Vihren Mitev
Contact (2) Full Name
Magdalena Babacheva
Job Title (2)
Youth and Volunteering Activities Coordinator

Euro-Mediterranean Center for Cross-Cultural Dialogue

National Network

23 v Polk. Sava Motkurov str

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Euro-Mediterranean Center for Cross-Cultural Dialgue has been informally estalished in the summer of 2007 with the support of the Euro-Med Youth Platform, after first two young Bulgarians joined the Euro-Med Youth Parliament in Berlin in June 2007. STRUCTURE: EMCCCD is guided by the decisions of the General Assembly, managed by a Board, following the program, designed by the International Bureau. The General Assembly is responsible for managing the organisation in areas such as the definition of EMCCCD annual work programme and the approval of the budget. It is composed of one elected representative from each national coordinator and meets once a year. Each national coordination organization regularly elects one board member who constitutes the link between the associated members in the country and the EMCCCD secretariat in Bulgaria. All organizational members have the right to participate in the General Assembly with one representative. The EMCCCD Bureau is composed of seven international members elected by the Board, which have the task of monitoring the daily managerial aspects of our network. Sources of funding: European Comission; Council of Europe; Open Spciety Fund; The World Bank; the Central European Initiative Modalities of action: training courses, summer schools, conferences, cultural exchanges and art events, workshops, seminars, individual and group volunteer programs; Euro- Mediterranean mobility) Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Formally established in 2008 as the first youth organization with Euro-Mediterranean focus, registered in Bulgaria, now EMCCCD is an international youth network that unifies 73 collective (youth NGOs and non-formal groups) and 112 individual members from 43 European and Mediterranean countries.
Mission and Objectives

EMCCCD aims at:
Promoting the consistent concept of the dialogue at three levels, namely :
 Inter-civilizational dialogue
 Inter-cultural dialogue
 Inter-religious dialogue
In EMCCCD’s view, dialogue is based on firm foundations and general rules, as well as on three considerations, namely :
 Mutual respect
 Equity and justice
 Rejection of fanaticism and hatred
o Working towards understanding diversity and diversity management towards social cohesion and social inclusion. Actions also address the need of creating new instruments to value market and non-market benefits of diversity and integrate diversity consideration into policy-making.
o Promoting diversity, knowledge production and creativity for the benefits of community asset building and community development.
o Initiating and maintaining Cross Cultural Dialogue for unfolding diversity. Actions on Cross Cultural Dialogue provide the framework in which differences can be expressed and interact in a positive manner.
o Development of cross cultural exchanges in collaboration of all sectors of society at the regional, national and international level.
o Providing an open platform for non-formal education and regional networking for the benefit of all stakeholders in the Euro-Mediterranean Region.

Main Projects / Activities

The main projects and activities of the EMCCCD are grouped arround 9 fields of action: Euro-Med Peace Academy; Euro-Med Human Rights Education Laboratory; Euro-Med Art Space; Euro-Med Initiative for Gender Equality; Euro-Med Migration Platform; Euro-Med Volunteering Centers. More details on those activies can be obtained from the Annual Report attached.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute with sharing good practices, educational tools and material, results of research and pools, experiences, ideas, expertise and networking contacts.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because we belive that we can bring in our experience and ideas; expertise and contacts; as well as to benefit from the opportunies that the ALF Network offers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Yoanna Daskalova
Head of the organisation
Katerina Robova