Making research, good practices, learning activities and events on intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean accessible to everyone.

Good Practice

Different Cultures – Common Values

Good Practice Illustration

In a world where people from all cultures and faiths are increasingly mixing, intercultural awareness is an ever more needed skill. Based on these observations Different Cultures – Common Values set out to promote mutual understanding among young people and minorities in the Euro-Mediterranean region.

The activities of the project included various activities such as: Producing a booklet with a methodology on conducting lessons on intercultural awareness; training of coordinators of project partners; focus groups with representatives of the target groups; lessons with children and young people in different themes according to the booklet, incl. discussion with the children; A Catalogue for exchange of knowledge in order to increase young people’s skills and lastly: A closure lesson called “Ethno Happening”.

The project directly benefitted 20 teachers (5 teachers per country), 200 children at the ages of 14-18 years (10 children per teacher, 50 children per country) and 40 representatives of different minority groups.

The project was funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation and it included contributions and participation from the Alliance for Regional and Civil Initiatives (ARCI), Bulgaria, Future Worlds Center (FWC), Cyprus, Tunisian Association for Cultural Action (ATAC), Tunisia, and The Economic Research and Social Solidarity Foundation of the Balkan Immigrants (BISAV), Turkey.