
Anka Üreten Kadın Derneği

National Network

Güvenevler M.1901 S.Coşkun A.Zemin Kat no 26
33250 Mersin/

0 324 999 75 45
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0 544 680 24 08
Mobile Phone (other)
0 553 166 36 67
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
Anka Üreten Kadın Derneği öncülüğünde “Hikayesi Olan Kadınlar” Projesi  kendini toplumda var edemeyen , sosyal ve ekonomik anlamda kısıtlanmış, şiddet görmüş, cezaevinden çıkmış ya da eşi cezaevinde olan  dezavantajlı kadınları  hedeflemektedir.
Mission and Objectives

Derneğimiz şiddet mağduru kadınların yanı sıra toplumda çok fazla hatırlanmayan ancak sayıları azımsanamayacak kadar çok olan cezaevinden denetimli serbestlikle ya da cezasını doldurarak çıkmış kadınlar ve eşi cezaevinde olup yaşamını sürdürmekte zorlanan kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik hayatın içinde gerektiği gibi temsil edilebilmelerini amaçlıyoruz.
Özellikle kadın ekonomik ve sosyal haklarına önem vererek   dezavantajlı kadınlar ile   çalışan bir çok sivil toplum kuruluşu ile ortak çalışmaları yürütmek istiyoruz. Dernek öncelikle Türkiye özelinde bölgesel farklılıkların giderilmesi AB-Türkiye üyelik süreci, kadın hakları ve sivil toplumun güçlenmesini hedeflemektedir ve  çalışmalarını yerelden genele , şeffaf ve hesap verilebilir bir yöntemle yürütmektedir. Vizyoner bir  yaklaşım ile insanın eleştirel aklının tüm potansiyeli, tüm yeteneklerinin özgürce harekete geçirdiği, ürettiği , bunun bütün mümkün olduğu, özendirildiği koşulların yaratılmasına destek olmak için varlığını sürdürmektedir.
Bizlerde ANKA Üreten Kadınlar Derneği olarak, bu hedeflerimiz kapsamında özellikle dezavantajlı kadınları hedef alarak onları güçlendirici çalışmalar ile destekleyerek  farklı bir vizyonla üretmelerini sağlamak , kendi kendilerini değerlendirebilecekleri , yönetebilecekleri ve özgürce üretebilecekleri alanlar yaratmak ve kendileri için nitelikli sürdürülebilir gelir getirici çalışmalar yapmalarını istiyoruz.

Main Projects / Activities

Mersin İli 90 ‘lı yılarda sonra yoğun göç alan bir kentimizdir. Yaşanan bu göçlerle birlikte kentleşme gecekondulaşma  yoksulluk düzeyinde ciddi bir artış gözlenmiştir. Gelen göç lerle birlikte açığa çıkan yoksulluğa bağlı olarak İşsizlik, Aile İçi Şiddet,Eğitim Fırsatlarından Yararlanamama, Çocuk İşçiliği, Suça Eğilim ve sosyal hayata entegre olamama gibi sorunlar açığa çıkmıştır. Mersin İli Akdeniz ve Toroslar İlçesinde yoğun göçlere bağlı olarak açığa çıkan yoksulluk özellikle bu İlçedeki  mahallelerde baş göstermektedir. Bu sonuçlar neticesinde Toroslar Belediyesi  ve Akdeniz Belediyesi bir çok alanda mesleki eğitim kursları açmış özellikle kadınlara da Üretim Atölyeleri ( Cam Füzyon, Heykel, Seramik, Hediyelik Eşyalar) kurmuştur .  Bir çok kadın bu kurslarda eğitim görerek  mesleki becerilerini geliştirmiş ve sosyal yaşamına katkıda bulunmuştur.  Fakat  yapılan saha çalışması neticesinde bu kurslarda  eğitim alan ve üretim atölyelerine dahil olan bir çok kadın kendi yaşamlarına yön verecek sürdürülebilir  gelir getirici ekonomik faaliyetler yürütemedikleri gözlemlenmiştir. Bu sorununun en önemli sebepleri ; dezavantajlı kadınlara yönelik mentörlük hizmetinin yetersiz kalması, kurs ve atölye faaliyetleri sonucunda kadınların ürettikleri ürünlerin pazarlama ve  satış yönetimini bilmemesi ve bu yönde doğru yönlendirmelerin sağlanamaması ,eğitmenlerin bu konuda yeterli vizyona sahip olamamaları , yerel yönetimlerin ve sivil toplum kuruluşların bu yöndeki işbirliğinin zayıf kalması, reel ve sanal pazarlama platformlarının deneyimsel olarak oluşturulmamasına dayanmaktadır.
Bizler de ANKA Üreten Kadınlar Derneği olarak  Mersin İlimiz’deki tüm dezavantajlı kadınlar için Mersin Akdeniz  Belediyesi , Mezitli Belediyesi,Toroslar Belediyesi , ile birlikte tüm bu sorunlar özelinde işbirliğine giderek  kadınların ekonomik kalkınmasına daha etkili ve sürdürülebilir çözümler geliştirmek için işbirliği yaptık.Üreten kadınlarla buluştuk , ürettikleri ürünleri değerlendirdik , eğitmenlere eğitici eğitimleri verdik, E ticaret sitemizi kurduk ve yavaş yavaş kadınların ürettikleri ürünleri onlar için nasıl pazarlanacağına dair destekler sunduk. Bunun yanı sıra dernek olarak hem daha dezavantajlı gruplarla çalışmayı hem de siyasi hiçbir taraf olmadan sadece kadın odaklı çalışmayı hedef edinerek kendi alternatif üretim atölyelerimizi (Seramik ,Cam Füzyon ,Keçe,Kil Kumaş-Kırkyama,İğne Oyası ,Miyuki ,Ahşap ,Gümüş Takı,Doğal sabun,Dekoratif Mum ,Amigurumi) kurmayı amaçlamaktayız. Bu proje temelinde Mersin ‘de Mersin Denetimli Serbestlik ve Mersin Sosyal Hizmetler İl Müdürlüğü işbirliği ile  şiddet mağduru kadınların yanı sıra toplumda çok fazla hatırlanmayan ancak sayıları azımsanamayacak kadar çok olan cezaevinden denetimli serbestlikle ya da cezasını doldurarak çıkmış kadınlar ve eşi cezaevinde olup yaşamını sürdürmekte zorlanan kadınların sosyal ve ekonomik hayatın içinde gerektiği gibi temsil edilebilmelerini amaçlıyoruz.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Toplumda kendini var edemeyen sosyal ve ekonomik anlamda kısıtlanmış şiddet mağduru, mahkum kadınlar , mahkum eşleri  ve kimsesiz yoksul kadınları güçlendirerek  ve önemli ölçüde yaşamlarına yön verecek sürdürülebilir  ekonomik faaliyetlerini  sağlamak,
Sürdürülebilir bu sisteme sürekli yeni dezavantajlı kadınları dahil etmek, bu kadınların ekonomik ve sosyal anlamda güçlenmesiyle de yetiştirdikleri çocukların daha eğitimli ve aydın bireylere dönüşmesini, toplum genelinin kültür, eğitim ve ekonomik düzeyinin arttırılmasının hedeflemekteyiz.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Hak temelli çalışan STÖ'ler ile temas halinde olmak, hibeler ve destekler konusunda bilgi sahibi olmak için bu ağda yer almak istiyoruz

Contact (1) Full Name
Devrim ÖZCAN
Job Title
Dernek Başkanı
Head of the organisation
Devrim ÖZCAN
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
Dernek Genel Sekreteri

Anka Youth Association

National Network

NO:13 2092/14 STREET
06370 Yenimahalle/Ankara

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

ANKA Youth Association was established in 2017 as a youth group with four members and turned into an NGO in 2020 counting now more than 50 members (in 2020). The vision of the group forms around the motto, "We bring the World together." Anka works in the youth field to promote inclusion of young people especially who have fewer opportunities to take an active role in society, communities, and organizations, develop their skills, improve their performance and exchange knowledge in order to face the needs of society and thus effectively contribute to the development of a European field of skills and qualifications. Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion. During the year, we work on national and international projects. Main sources are Erasmus+ and ESC. During three years, we joined many international projects which are;
Erasmus + YE Sport for Youth Kooperáció Egyesület
Erasmus + YE 2017-2-BG01-KA105-036458 Workshop for Dreams Association Brainstorm Group
Erasmus+ YE 2017-3-HU01-KA105-046815 Natural Peace Kooperáció Egyesület
Erasmus + TC 2018-1-FR02-KA105-014248 ARTooLINK Association Fandene Espoir
Erasmus + TC 2018-1-PL01-KA105-050045 Contact Making Seminar - LOCALizer – Erasmus+ projects for local community activation
Erasmus + TC Our World Foundation Understand Autism
Erasmus + YE Youth Exchange for Youth Workers Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia – FYCA
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015549 New Approaches to Youth Employability Alliance pour l'Education et le Droit des Femmes
Erasmus + YE 2019-1-PL01-KA105-061826 Academy of ECO-NOMY MOJE KRZYSZKOWICE
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015603 Promote Inclusion by Art Association Solidarité Handicap France Cameroun
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015786 The Youngsters' Trail D'ANTILLES ET D'AILLEURS
Erasmus + TC 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016138 Win Youth Challenge Fédération Nationale des Associations Franco-Africaines
Erasmus + TC 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016118 Racism Tools Fédération Nationale des Associations Franco-Africaines
Erasmus+ TC #TurnYouthONline Coconutwork
Erasmus+ TC 2020-1-KA105-966CF2A1 DigiMigrACT TC Réseau Solidaire & Participatif

We have more than 50 members around Europe and the Mediterranean countries from 32 different countries which we work together for many years. Also, with the two of them, we are planning to apply for the call of Anna Lindth in May 2020. Who are Geyc from Romania (Group of Young people for Change) and from Tunisia: AVER ( Association Voix de l'Enfant Rural).

In the organization, we have 7 people on the board, and in addition to them, we have a project team consist of 5 people.

Mission and Objectives

Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion. ANKA’s founder members are university students and new graduates who have expertise in Erasmus+ Projects, and they had experience with all the objectives mentioned above. Therefore, Anka also promotes young youth workers to take an active role in non-formal learning. After they had enough experience and faith, they decided to establish this youth group to reach more and more young people to encourage them and experience all their aims. Anka's team is growing day by day with new volunteers involving the team. Some of the interest areas of Anka are Erasmus+ youth exchanges, training courses, national solidarity corps projects, strategical partnerships in the field of youth, and implementation of those. In short, we promote all young people on a large scale of projects. Anka emphasizes on ensuring fair learning opportunities, encouraging human rights, cultivating the spirit of creativity and improving people's skills, supporting intercultural interaction, promoting the solidarity between young people, information sharing and EU understanding through the active participation of young people and adults in mobility initiatives, entrepreneurship, personal development, developing young people’s awareness in the field of youth work, increasing the interaction between different cultures, raising young people's awareness of obstacles and diverse living styles. Anka is closely linked to numerous public and private organizations at the national and international levels, including non-governmental organizations, universities, enterprises, communities, etc.
ANKA Youth Association is also a member of the PRISMA European Network, a pan-european informal network of organisations active in the youth field and interested to raise the quality of their work through technology. Since 2016, PRISMA European Network adopted EQYP standard of quality in youth work. (https://www.prisma-network.eu/)

Main Projects / Activities

ANKA Youth Association is mainly working in the field of youth, and inclusion of young people to society to make them active individuals. Anka has a young people profile. To make them involved, we use different methods such as art, sports, drama, languages, non-formal education methods, etc. On a national level, Anka also promotes dialog between local and regional authorities, universities, foundations and other non-governmental organizations dealing with the enhancement of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, digital learning, training, and skills, personal development. With the help of local authorities, Anka conducts activities such as;
• Drama workshops
• Language Courses
• Theatre Workshops
• Sport Sessions: Such as Yoga with the Middle East Technical University Yoga Club
• English Speaking Club
• Environmental Awareness Activities
• Leadership workshops
• Team building activities
• Technological Tools Education workshops with the help of Ankara University Technopolis, etc.

Also, Anka has carried out a series of activities (workshops, seminars, and studies) in the areas of social entrepreneurship, examining skills and competences, human rights and active citizenship, etc. Additionally, volunteer training is regularly organized to promote the value of volunteering, and its team of volunteers counts more than 50 members. Moreover, with the help of different SMEs, Anka is helping young people to create job/internship opportunities. Also, planning leadership workshops. Anka is trying to create new workshop areas/abilities for young people where they will feel more active and leader. As giving leader roles for our workshops, we are creating a base for them to lead a group and to involve them in working life. With their new abilities and involvement in local projects, many of our volunteers found a way to express themselves better, and they found their job path thanks to these local activities.
One of the main objectives of Anka is to promote integration between cultures and counteract violence between cultures in Turkey and other countries. With culture, we mean the individuals.
Besides, one of the main priorities of Anka at the local level is environmental awareness. Since in the area, we work in our local community is in the danger of climate change. We have two lakes and forests in the area. The biggest lake in Ankara, which name is Mogan, is located here. Unfortunately, Mogan lake is in danger of climate change, also pollution, and drought. As young people, who work for society and action, we took the role to maintain the sustainability of our living places. Therefore, we started a project for the long term, which promotes environmental awareness actions inside. It begins from the information sessions in our training center to explain the climate change, the consequences, and actions we should take.
Moreover, we are conducting different environmental activities such as cleaning the forest and the park around the lake with the participation of local volunteers. After these activities, we also started to work on environmental awareness topic deeply. In international level, we had three international youth exchange projects about nature, and environment which are Sports for Youth, Natural Peace, Academy of Economy, which all promoted environmental activities with the help of sports, a music and theatre festival in a local village, healthy life styles, recycling, etc. In national level, As Anka, we have prepared a European Solidarity Corps project in solidarity part in national level, and it includes monthly workshops, planting activities, covered climate change, eco-business ideas, organic farming, cleaning activities, and voluntary activities in local level with our team members.
Additionally, Art is the way to make our volunteers involved; we usually use art since it is the way to include young people more into society. Art is the way of impression, contact, sport, health, and thought. Art makes people imagine more and live comradely. Due to this reason, Anka is trying to involve more young people in their workshops at the national level. Anka is creating drama and music workshops in their office often.
Moreover, volunteers are chosen to lead many workshops. Many of our volunteers know how to play different musical instruments. Also, we are working with the Middle East Technical University’s Modern Arts Department and having their help for our national workshops. Mostly we are involving college students in our workshops. Moreover, we are working and promoting the METU Musical Team which they create musical shows. With the help of our national project and the collaboration with METU, we are trying to create new areas for young people where they will feel more active and leader.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the national level, we have many weekly and yearly activities that promote the inclusion of young people. As some of the activities explained in above question, we want from our volunteers to take active roles in the event and manage those events to promote a way for leading and entrepreneurship. Since, ALF Network also promotes youth and education; as well as culture, arts, and peace, we know that we will be contributing the AFL Network's priorities at the regional level. Moreover, we will broaden our national activities with the contribution of ALF. In the international level, we aim to work with the Mediterranean countries to promote culture, diversity, and peace. We would like to create partnerships and projects, also new campaigns to promote those idealities. Therefore, this will help the activeness of Turkey in the field and in the network. Moreover, with our national volunteers, some of them belong to the Mediterranean countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco, we would like to create an international bridge volunteer team which will create monthly activities such as cultural nights, exhibitions, movie nights related with other cultures, etc. This will also promote the values of the network. In addition for those information, we are very active in digital sector and working in cooperation with Ankara University Technopolis. We would organise digitalisation courses with the help of technopolis for all network members and therefore increase the quality of NGO work in Turkey. Moreover, since we work with university very closely, we have the chance to reach many young people in our training center in technopolis area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a youth NGO, and as an internationally active NGO, we work mostly with the topics of cultural dialog, inclusion and peace. Even in the regional level, we have lots of volunteers who belong to foreign cultures or countries. Since ALF strives to create a dialogue and bridge for diversity and coexistence; promotes coexistence and diversity, we would like to join as a new diversity to the network to promote these priorities. Moreover, since we are planning to apply for the call of CALL FOR PROPOSALS ON INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE INITIATIVES of Anna Lindth, we decided that also joining the network will be a positive asset for us for the future activities. Thanks to GEYC and AVER, who are our partner organizations also promoted us to apply for the AFL Network. After joining the network, we plan to involve the calls and activities also as coordinator and an official member. Moreover, we would like to broaden our network to more Mediterranean countries because we mainly work with European countries and the cooperation between the Mediterranean region is limited in our main working area. However, as quite close countries, and while sharing common needs and goals, to enrich our network and plans for young people will be easier and more professional with Anna Lindth Foundation Network. . As a youth NGO, and as active youth workers, we know that one of the best ways to create a network for diversity, and intercultural dialog is belonging the ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Begüm Merve Demirsoy
Job Title
Project Manager / Head
Head of the organisation
Begüm Merve Demirsoy
Contact (2) Full Name
Muhammed Barış
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Anka Youth Association

National Network

NO:13 2092/14 STREET
06370 Yenimahalle/Ankara

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

ANKA Youth Association was established in 2017 as a youth group with four members and turned into an NGO in 2020 counting now more than 50 members (in 2020). The vision of the group forms around the motto, "We bring the World together." Anka works in the youth field to promote inclusion of young people especially who have fewer opportunities to take an active role in society, communities, and organizations, develop their skills, improve their performance and exchange knowledge in order to face the needs of society and thus effectively contribute to the development of a European field of skills and qualifications. Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion. During the year, we work on national and international projects. Main sources are Erasmus+ and ESC. During three years, we joined many international projects which are;
Erasmus + YE Sport for Youth Kooperáció Egyesület
Erasmus + YE 2017-2-BG01-KA105-036458 Workshop for Dreams Association Brainstorm Group
Erasmus+ YE 2017-3-HU01-KA105-046815 Natural Peace Kooperáció Egyesület
Erasmus + TC 2018-1-FR02-KA105-014248 ARTooLINK Association Fandene Espoir
Erasmus + TC 2018-1-PL01-KA105-050045 Contact Making Seminar - LOCALizer – Erasmus+ projects for local community activation
Erasmus + TC Our World Foundation Understand Autism
Erasmus + YE Youth Exchange for Youth Workers Federation of Youth Clubs of Armenia – FYCA
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015549 New Approaches to Youth Employability Alliance pour l'Education et le Droit des Femmes
Erasmus + YE 2019-1-PL01-KA105-061826 Academy of ECO-NOMY MOJE KRZYSZKOWICE
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015603 Promote Inclusion by Art Association Solidarité Handicap France Cameroun
Erasmus + TC 2019-1-FR02-KA105-015786 The Youngsters' Trail D'ANTILLES ET D'AILLEURS
Erasmus + TC 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016138 Win Youth Challenge Fédération Nationale des Associations Franco-Africaines
Erasmus + TC 2019-2-FR02-KA105-016118 Racism Tools Fédération Nationale des Associations Franco-Africaines
Erasmus+ TC #TurnYouthONline Coconutwork
Erasmus+ TC 2020-1-KA105-966CF2A1 DigiMigrACT TC Réseau Solidaire & Participatif

We have more than 50 members around Europe and the Mediterranean countries from 32 different countries which we work together for many years. Also, with the two of them, we are planning to apply for the call of Anna Lindth in May 2020. Who are Geyc from Romania (Group of Young people for Change) and from Tunisia: AVER ( Association Voix de l'Enfant Rural).

In the organization, we have 7 people on the board, and in addition to them, we have a project team consist of 5 people.

Mission and Objectives

Anka’s goal is to encourage lifelong learning and transnational programs directly targeted at young people and youth workers through non-formal education. The core goal is to create new innovative techniques that will be applied at the level of civil society and therefore lead to social cohesion. ANKA’s founder members are university students and new graduates who have expertise in Erasmus+ Projects, and they had experience with all the objectives mentioned above. Therefore, Anka also promotes young youth workers to take an active role in non-formal learning. After they had enough experience and faith, they decided to establish this youth group to reach more and more young people to encourage them and experience all their aims. Anka's team is growing day by day with new volunteers involving the team. Some of the interest areas of Anka are Erasmus+ youth exchanges, training courses, national solidarity corps projects, strategical partnerships in the field of youth, and implementation of those. In short, we promote all young people on a large scale of projects. Anka emphasizes on ensuring fair learning opportunities, encouraging human rights, cultivating the spirit of creativity and improving people's skills, supporting intercultural interaction, promoting the solidarity between young people, information sharing and EU understanding through the active participation of young people and adults in mobility initiatives, entrepreneurship, personal development, developing young people’s awareness in the field of youth work, increasing the interaction between different cultures, raising young people's awareness of obstacles and diverse living styles. Anka is closely linked to numerous public and private organizations at the national and international levels, including non-governmental organizations, universities, enterprises, communities, etc.
ANKA Youth Association is also a member of the PRISMA European Network, a pan-european informal network of organisations active in the youth field and interested to raise the quality of their work through technology. Since 2016, PRISMA European Network adopted EQYP standard of quality in youth work. (https://www.prisma-network.eu/)

Main Projects / Activities

ANKA Youth Association is mainly working in the field of youth, and inclusion of young people to society to make them active individuals. Anka has a young people profile. To make them involved, we use different methods such as art, sports, drama, languages, non-formal education methods, etc. On a national level, Anka also promotes dialog between local and regional authorities, universities, foundations and other non-governmental organizations dealing with the enhancement of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial learning, digital learning, training, and skills, personal development. With the help of local authorities, Anka conducts activities such as;
• Drama workshops
• Language Courses
• Theatre Workshops
• Sport Sessions: Such as Yoga with the Middle East Technical University Yoga Club
• English Speaking Club
• Environmental Awareness Activities
• Leadership workshops
• Team building activities
• Technological Tools Education workshops with the help of Ankara University Technopolis, etc.

Also, Anka has carried out a series of activities (workshops, seminars, and studies) in the areas of social entrepreneurship, examining skills and competences, human rights and active citizenship, etc. Additionally, volunteer training is regularly organized to promote the value of volunteering, and its team of volunteers counts more than 50 members. Moreover, with the help of different SMEs, Anka is helping young people to create job/internship opportunities. Also, planning leadership workshops. Anka is trying to create new workshop areas/abilities for young people where they will feel more active and leader. As giving leader roles for our workshops, we are creating a base for them to lead a group and to involve them in working life. With their new abilities and involvement in local projects, many of our volunteers found a way to express themselves better, and they found their job path thanks to these local activities.
One of the main objectives of Anka is to promote integration between cultures and counteract violence between cultures in Turkey and other countries. With culture, we mean the individuals.
Besides, one of the main priorities of Anka at the local level is environmental awareness. Since in the area, we work in our local community is in the danger of climate change. We have two lakes and forests in the area. The biggest lake in Ankara, which name is Mogan, is located here. Unfortunately, Mogan lake is in danger of climate change, also pollution, and drought. As young people, who work for society and action, we took the role to maintain the sustainability of our living places. Therefore, we started a project for the long term, which promotes environmental awareness actions inside. It begins from the information sessions in our training center to explain the climate change, the consequences, and actions we should take.
Moreover, we are conducting different environmental activities such as cleaning the forest and the park around the lake with the participation of local volunteers. After these activities, we also started to work on environmental awareness topic deeply. In international level, we had three international youth exchange projects about nature, and environment which are Sports for Youth, Natural Peace, Academy of Economy, which all promoted environmental activities with the help of sports, a music and theatre festival in a local village, healthy life styles, recycling, etc. In national level, As Anka, we have prepared a European Solidarity Corps project in solidarity part in national level, and it includes monthly workshops, planting activities, covered climate change, eco-business ideas, organic farming, cleaning activities, and voluntary activities in local level with our team members.
Additionally, Art is the way to make our volunteers involved; we usually use art since it is the way to include young people more into society. Art is the way of impression, contact, sport, health, and thought. Art makes people imagine more and live comradely. Due to this reason, Anka is trying to involve more young people in their workshops at the national level. Anka is creating drama and music workshops in their office often.
Moreover, volunteers are chosen to lead many workshops. Many of our volunteers know how to play different musical instruments. Also, we are working with the Middle East Technical University’s Modern Arts Department and having their help for our national workshops. Mostly we are involving college students in our workshops. Moreover, we are working and promoting the METU Musical Team which they create musical shows. With the help of our national project and the collaboration with METU, we are trying to create new areas for young people where they will feel more active and leader.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

In the national level, we have many weekly and yearly activities that promote the inclusion of young people. As some of the activities explained in above question, we want from our volunteers to take active roles in the event and manage those events to promote a way for leading and entrepreneurship. Since, ALF Network also promotes youth and education; as well as culture, arts, and peace, we know that we will be contributing the AFL Network's priorities at the regional level. Moreover, we will broaden our national activities with the contribution of ALF. In the international level, we aim to work with the Mediterranean countries to promote culture, diversity, and peace. We would like to create partnerships and projects, also new campaigns to promote those idealities. Therefore, this will help the activeness of Turkey in the field and in the network. Moreover, with our national volunteers, some of them belong to the Mediterranean countries such as Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco, we would like to create an international bridge volunteer team which will create monthly activities such as cultural nights, exhibitions, movie nights related with other cultures, etc. This will also promote the values of the network. In addition for those information, we are very active in digital sector and working in cooperation with Ankara University Technopolis. We would organise digitalisation courses with the help of technopolis for all network members and therefore increase the quality of NGO work in Turkey. Moreover, since we work with university very closely, we have the chance to reach many young people in our training center in technopolis area.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a youth NGO, and as an internationally active NGO, we work mostly with the topics of cultural dialog, inclusion and peace. Even in the regional level, we have lots of volunteers who belong to foreign cultures or countries. Since ALF strives to create a dialogue and bridge for diversity and coexistence; promotes coexistence and diversity, we would like to join as a new diversity to the network to promote these priorities. Moreover, since we are planning to apply for the call of CALL FOR PROPOSALS ON INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE INITIATIVES of Anna Lindth, we decided that also joining the network will be a positive asset for us for the future activities. Thanks to GEYC and AVER, who are our partner organizations also promoted us to apply for the AFL Network. After joining the network, we plan to involve the calls and activities also as coordinator and an official member. Moreover, we would like to broaden our network to more Mediterranean countries because we mainly work with European countries and the cooperation between the Mediterranean region is limited in our main working area. However, as quite close countries, and while sharing common needs and goals, to enrich our network and plans for young people will be easier and more professional with Anna Lindth Foundation Network. . As a youth NGO, and as active youth workers, we know that one of the best ways to create a network for diversity, and intercultural dialog is belonging the ALF network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Begüm Merve Demirsoy
Job Title
Project Manager / Head
Head of the organisation
Begüm Merve Demirsoy
Contact (2) Full Name
Muhammed Barış
Job Title (2)
Project Coordinator

Ankara Çankırılılar Associtation (ÇANDER)

National Network

Ostim OSB Mah. Örnek San. Sitesi 1261. Sok. No:5
06374 Yenimahalle/Ankara

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Ankara Çankırılılar Association is a fellow countryman association established in Ankara. It has around 300 members, but the potential number of members is 450,000.
Board of Directors: Our board consists of 11 full and 5 alternate members, 3 full, 3 alternate members in the Monitoring Board, 11 active members in the Implementation Coordination and 5 members in each Coordination, 16 representatives in the Public Sector, also there are representatives in 25 provinces of Ankara and 12 representatives in 12 provinces of Çankırı.

Mission and Objectives

Mission and Vision : Our aim as an association is to unite people of Çankırı in the same spirit. Our association is a costomer oriented association which pays attention to collaboration and unity. People of Çankırı is dedicated to their nation, country, its flag and the state.

Main Projects / Activities

Our activities :
1- Strenghtening and improving non-profit organisations’ activities and carrying out social responsibility projects.
2- Implementing national and international projects.
3- Generating a portfolio of our citizens who are active in many fields.
4- Organizing networking meetings for our own citizens who live in Ankara.
5- Arranging Meetings and visits for promoting Çankırı.
6- Organizing panel discussions, conferences and training in the specific fields.
7- Providing scholarships for students with few opportunities.
8- Arranging activities on behalf of young people and elderly people.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can develop cooperation with other institutions and organizations in the national field and make projects in every field and in every subject. In this way, we can benefit those who have limited means with unity, solidarity and friendship.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We can develop cooperation with other institutions and organizations in the national and international arena and we can make projects in every field and subject.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hasan KAYA
Job Title
vice president
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Erden Karaoğlu
Job Title (2)

Ankara Cinema Association

National Network


+90 312 466 34 84
Telephone (other)
+90 312 466 47 28
+90 312 466 43 31
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+90 533 630 76 41
Mobile Phone (other)
+90 532 655 66 33
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Ankara Cinema Associaton is a NGO based in Ankara. Number of staff four. In 2008 incomes 609.237.56 turkish liras; outcomes 590.879.60 turkish liras. Sources of funding; Ministry of Culture, EU, embassies and cultural centers of various countries in Turkey. Ankara Cinema Association is organising the Festival on Wheels since 1995, also Euromed Audiovisual Projects Greenhouse (2006-2010 / partners New Israili Foundation for TV&Cinema, Zebra Productions, John Apple Heddy Honigmann Filmakers)and Medscreen (2006-2009 / partners Beirut Development&Cinema, Europa Cinemas, Europanet).
Mission and Objectives

To perform the Festival on Wheels, to arrange activities in order to develop, support, organize and promote the Art of Cinema and the Art of Cinema related activities, to work for increasing the knowledge, experience and understanding of the Turkish public opinion on modern art of cinema activities and works, to perform exhibition of the cinema works and also organization of meetings, symposiums and publications, subjects of which are cinema, and to provide introduction of Turkish movie makers and their movies abroad,to work to provide support from private organizations for such activities so that the Art of Cinema activities will be realized, to work in order to provide and encourage extensive and detailed follow up of art of cinema activities from media such as Press, Publication and Television.

Main Projects / Activities

Ankara Cinema Association organizes the Festival on Wheels since 1995, apart from the Festival the Association organizes film weeks of various countries (Israel,Finland, Korea, Egypt, Iran, Greece, Canada, France, UK). The Ten Best Turkish Films selected by a poll organized among professionals of cinema, were screened during the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival in 2004. The films were then screened in USA, Germany, Finland, The Netherlands, Brazil, South Korea. The feature film CONFESSION directed by Zeki Demirkubuz was shot in Ankara in July 2001 and production was coordinated by Ankara Cinema Association. The Association published 15 books on cinema since 1999. The Association was in charge of the Turkish stand at the 60th and 61st Cannes Film Festival (2007 and 2008)and at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2008. Ankara Cinema Association is now in post-production of the feature "Tales from Kars".

Contact (1) Full Name
Basak Emre
Head of the organisation
Dr. Ahmet Boyacioglu

Ankara European Youth Forum

National Network

Merkez Mühendislik Binası No:120


+90 312 2103625
+90 312 2103625
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Ankara European Youth Forum is a voluntary, non-profit student organisation with around 300 volunteers from different disciplines. It has organized many activities such as seminars, conferences, panel discussions, summer universities, trainings and thematic discussions which focus on human rights, non-formal education, intercultural dialog, active citizenship, peace, culture and language, youth mobility. Ankara European Youth Forum has contributed to the introduction of Erasmus program in Turkey together with establishment of Turkish National Agency. In 2007, with the project Turkish-Greek Civic Dialogue (2002-2006), Ankara European Youth Forum received the Award of “Best Youth Projects” by United Nations Development Program-Turkey.
Mission and Objectives

The main missions of Ankara European Youth Forum are to encourage cooperation and integration among young people, to provide mobility for youth, to develop democracy, tolerance and human rights, to contribute for an open society withouth prejudices through action days, field studies, summer universities and trainings.

Main Projects / Activities

In April 1997, Ankara European Youth Forum invited Prof. Andrea Gattini to give a conference on "Inter-governmental Conference - European Union in Perspective" at METU.
In November 1998, in the 50th anniversary of Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Ankara European Youth Forum organized the conference "Universality of Human Rights" in order to discuss if we need a new conceptualization on Human Rights.
In July 2003 Ankara European Youth Forum organized in Fethiye Kayakoy the youth festival with the participation of thousands of young people from Greece and Turkey. The festival was organized within the framework of Turkish Greek Civic Dialogue Project.
Between 2-4 April 2004 the Final Conference of Turkish Greek Civic Dialogue Project was held in METU. This conference marked the end of the Turkish Greek Civic Dialogue Project. The Project, financially supported by European Commission was one of the most important projects of Ankara European Youth Forum.
Its latest project was realized in the beginning of May 2009, Living Library Project aiming at helping people overcome their prejudices.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hatem Efe
Head of the organisation
Fatma Kaya
Contact (2) Full Name
Fatma Kaya


National Network


Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Since 1963 till today, opens the curtains for 50 years AST (AST; Ankara Art Theatre) – was founded at 6 December 1963 by Asaf Çiğiltepe and his friends as a revolutionary-progressive theater, is Turkey’s eldest and entrenched private theatre. AST had protected its percipience of art as an avant-garde theatre which based on team-play. Güner Sümer had taken Asaf Çiğiltepe’s role of General Director of Art after his passing away at a car accident at 1967 while a tour was happening. After Güner Sümer, Rutkay Aziz had taken the place of General Director of Art. For many years Aziz had conducted that position, had his sign at stage as an actor and the director.
Mission and Objectives

Since the 60’s Turkey till todays’; AST is a school that educated hundreds of actors, writers, directors, stage designers, stage musicians and technicians; placed in history as a ‘touchstone’. AST had been a pioneer of youth and experimental theatre against commercial and subsidized ones in its turn of period. As a theatre based on repertory and team play, AST mostly had included contemporary world classics (Samuel Beckett, Brendan Behan, Armand Salacrou, Max Frisch, August Strindberg) had especially gain an identity of being a ‘Brecht-Gorky Theatre’ ; In the meanwhile, it had given an importance to national contemporary Turkish theatre , (Nazım Hikmet, Orhan Kemal, Cahit Atay, Turgut Özakman) also had provided a contribution for educating a generation of new Turkish playwrights.

Main Projects / Activities

AST produced 160 plays in total since the year 1963 and for 50 years it has been protecting its place at Turkey and also the rest of the world as a revolutionary and an avant-garde. To serve for ‘the mother’ of all arts; ‘the art of living’ became the basic artistic idea of AST since its founding.. AST, is opening its curtains with its socialist line of view, and human-centered foundation principles against the difficulties of acting a political theatre, the apolitical climate which had created by the new world order, the culture market which reduces the art to an empty entertainment.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AST has 50-year experience in fine arts. Its experience will be useful for interculturel dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

AST would like to open to the world by international networks and ALF is one of the best network to realize this aim.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

Another Step Towards Democratic Participation Project

Another Step Towards Democratic Participation

Babylon Society Culture, Art and Documentary Filmmakers Association will carry out the project "Another Step Towards Democratic Participation" in partnership with the Local Development Association (Şanlıurfa), Boğaziçi University Lifelong Education Centre, Batman Strategic Research Centre and Children of Nature Cherokee Ecological Life and English Village Club Association (Mersin).

The project aims to improve the democratic competencies of young people in different regions of Turkiye through trainings that will increase their knowledge and awareness, to ensure that young people integrate the understanding of participatory democracy into their daily lives through the Democratic Participation Workshop, and to promote democratic participation among young people in Turkiye through awareness activities. The Democratic Participation Workshop will be held in İstanbul between September 4-8, 2023 and four online trainings will be organised by the Lifelong Learning Centre of Boğaziçi University within the scope of the project:

Language for the trainings will be in English and Turkish.
—Development of Critical Thinking Skills
—Development of Active Citizenship and Democratic Competence
—Gender Equality and Its Contributions to Participatory Democracy
—Democratic Governance Education

For other networks to apply visit website https://babilkultur.org/etkinliklerimiz/

Antalya Development and Scouting Association

National Network

Odabaşı district 9700 street no:4/a Kepez/ Antalya
07190 ANTALYA/Antalya

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Antalya Development and Scouting Association (ANTİZ) In 2020, to contribute to the social and cultural development of young people, to carry out studies in the fields of education, health and sports, to contribute to the improvement of youth policies, to carry out rights-based studies in the field of human rights, to provide cooperation and solidarity among the youth, It is a non-governmental organization established to contribute to their development, encourage entrepreneurial spirits and carry out international youth projects, carrying out independent national and international studies.

As Antalya Development and Scouting Association, we display a network-based and rights-based approach in all our work. In order to increase the participation of young people and facilitate their volunteering, we prefer innovative methods instead of traditional methods. Our association, which started to use the online volunteering model, provides our sustainability with this model.

Mission and Objectives

To enable young people to act together, to be accessible to every young person, to produce solutions to human rights problems, to contribute to the development of young people, and to raise awareness of active citizenship, making them conscious, sensitive and responsible for the society.
To enable young people to work together with a rights-based approach and to create solutions to social problems together, with the online volunteering system, where young volunteers are at the center, accessible to all young people. To create dialogue among young people in Mediterranean countries. To cooperate with Civil Society, public, private sector and activists with a network-based approach model.

Main Projects / Activities

This year, we organized an information and awareness work on children's rights, and then we ran a campaign. We are currently conducting a campaign on sexual rights and reproductive health.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can support you in Campaign and Advocacy studies. We can provide network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are an organization located in the Mediterranean region and it will be beneficial to cooperate with other organizations in this region and strengthen mutual capacity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Şeymanur irem Durak
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Şeymanur İrem Durak