The Civic Forum of Romanians from Covasna, Harghita and Mureล, in partnership with the National Foundation for Romanians Abroad (Bucharest), the European Studies Center Covasna-Harghita (St. Gheorghe) and the Anna Lindh Romania Foundation, organized the special edition with number XX of the Izvoru Mureลului Summer University, an event that took place between August 15-20, 2023, at the "Izvoru Mureลului" National Sports Complex, Harghita county.
At the opening of the event, were present deputies and senators from the Parliament of Romania, representatives of the Government of Romania, prefects, mayors of Romanian localities from Covasna, Harghita and Mureล counties, local elected officials and leaders of civil society from Romania.
The director of ALF Romania, university professor Dr. Dan Dungaciu, launch a call for the Romanian politicians and diplomats to assume geopolitics and religious diplomacy, as this is increasingly becoming part of the new dialogue in the Euro-Mediterranean space.ย