
Together Polska Foundation (Fundacja Together Polska)

National Network

Ul. Stalowowolska 6 lok 2

00 48 360 88 22
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
00 48 697 175 347
Mobile Phone (other)
00 48 603 601 331
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The type of the organization is a non-profit making one and it’s the member of Together network, registered in 2005. Polish branch is based on its focal points in 4 cities in Poland, with headquarters in Wroclaw. It is a volunteer organization, and at the moment, we have no employed staff. As the resources of financing, we are using the grants for the concrete projects, mostly YOUTH Proframme and local founds in Poland Our partners of the NGO are both local and international ones. We have strong cooperation with Balkan countries, mostly with Macedonia.
Mission and Objectives

The network of “Together” organisations is present in Europe and also in the process of establishment in the Middle East: in Jordan and Palestine.
Using the opportunities for international mobility we wish to strengthen the appreciation of diversities in the large Europe concept and we try to support people in discovering other cultures and lifestyles and thus enriching their personal and professional developments.
We encourage volunteering – the principal of mobility of young people, European citizenship and active participation.

Main Projects / Activities

International level:
European Voluntary Service Projects
Local level:
Local volunteers
Human Rights promotion and campaigns
Trainings for Human Resources

Contact (1) Full Name
Magdalena Jakubowska
Head of the organisation
Magdalena Jakubowska
Contact (2) Full Name
Damian Dudala

Torunska Agenda Kulturalna

National Network

Pod Krzywą Wieżą 1
87-100 Toruń

+48 56 621 03 33
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Toruń Cultural Agency is a municipal institution of culture, financed from the resources of the city of Toruń. Its structure consists of PR Department, Projects and International Relations Department, Technical-Organizational Department and Accounting Department with the total of 11 permanent employees. TAK is the organiser of the biggest cultural events in Toruń and spectacular outdoor events and festivals of international (Bella Skyway Festival) and national (The Art of Fact Festival, The Festival of Film Songs and Ballads) importance. It conducts numerous educational activities, supports non-governmental organisations, as well as local artists representing various fields of art. Over the years Toruń Cultural Agency organised and participated in many international cultural projects financed by European Commission programmes: “Creative Europe”, “Culture 2007–2013,” and “Youth in Action,” as well as supported by Norway Grants (EEA Grants), Visegrad Fund, and Foundation for Polish-German Cooperation. Value of all these projects totalled 1,350,000 €. Within the years 2014–2015 Toruń Cultural Agency (as the only institution from Poland!) has been a partner in three “Creative Europe” projects. Within the aforementioned projects we colaborate with partner organizations from Portugal, Finnland, Greece, France, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Netehrlands and Czech Republic. 
Mission and Objectives

According to the statutes of our institution our tasks are following:
1) organising festivals, artistic and cultural events at local, national and international level, city cyclic events, conferences, seminaries and thematic meetings,
2) organising workshops, trainings and other forms of cultural education which activates people to participate in cultural life of the city,
3) realization of tasks which will create good conditions for dynamic development of amateur and professional artistic movement,
4) supporting artists and people acting within the field of culture with the program of small grants (Mikrowsparcie),
5) activating local and regional business environments to support cultural activities taking place in the city of Toruń,
6) realization of national and international campaigns which promote city of Toruń as an important center of culture on the map of Europe,
7) collaborating with the departments of the City Council of Toruń, city cultural institutions and non-governmental organizations to create
8) consistent cultural policy and develop and promote cultural activities.

Main Projects / Activities

Our most important event is international light festival Bella Skyway Festival, which is held every year since 2009 and provides a unique combination of beauty, architecture, art, light and scientific, mainly astronomical, inspirations — is the largest outdoor cultural event in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie region and one of the most highly rated cultural events by the domestic audience. We are also the organizer of other international festivals such as The Art of Fact Festival and Street Theatre Festival and o a national-level festival: The Festival of Film Songs and Ballads
Toruń Cultural Agency has a long-standing record of participation in European Voluntary Service programmes, as well as of facilitating local cultural activities. Our European Voluntary Service (EVS) programmes included projects with volunteers from Spain, Macedonia, Hungary and Portugal. Support for local artists and cultural activists is provided by “Mikrowsparcie” (Micro-support) programme of small grants, enabling beneficiaries to publish or promote their work, as well as to organise free of charge events addressed to the public.
Our international projects have included, among others:

“Lightbridge” (Polish-Norwegian light art project),

“Lux Scientia” (British-Polish-Estonian light art project),

“Spectrum 2014/2015” (Portugese-Slovenian-Finnish-Czech-Polish light art project),

“Mixdoor” (Hungarian-Greek-Croatian-French-Polish street dance and theatre project),

“ALIPI — Advancing Light-Driven Public Interactions” (Czech-Dutch-Polish- Slovenian light art project), “COOLture Freshmaker” (youth project connecting people from Poland and Czech Republic), 

“At Home in Europe” (youth project connecting people from Poland, Latvia, and Portugal).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our contibution to the Polish Network would involve our experience in international projects and cultural cooperation as well as large cultural evenst organization. We could collaborate with other organizations from the Network - they could be our partners, we could transfer knowledge and share experiences.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network in order to enhance the institution's Euro-Med cooperation capacity, to develop international contacts, learn to know new possibilities and new partner organizations from Poland and from abroad.

Contact (1) Full Name
Małgorzata Burzyńska
Job Title
Projects specialist
Head of the organisation
Krystian Kubjaczyk, Director
Contact (2) Full Name
Agnieszka Marecka
Job Title (2)
Head of Projects and International Relations Department

Towarzystwo Aktywnej Komunikacji (Active Communications Society)

National Network

ul. Rymarska 10/3
53-206 Wrocław


+48 783783100
Telephone (other)
+48 609645598
+48 717336246
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
TAK association has been operating in Wroclaw under the name “Active Communications Society” since 2001. It brings together the people interested in the conscious and active participation in the communicational processes of the modern world. As our members are specialists in various fields – new media, philology, advertising, television, literature and computer science (18 persons) – we are able to conduct a number of projects which have educational, cultural, pro-health and sport character. At the moment most of the projects conducted by the society deal with literature, visual arts and electronic media. The association has an impressive base of coworkers from different areas: literary specialists, musicians, visual artists and informaticians. We rent an office for the workers and association members (30 sq. m) equipped with computers, with internet access. Since 2006 the president of TAK society has been Marcin Hamkało, holder of a doctorate in the humanities, art director, editor, lecturer, and poet. We are funding through grants and money passed by the City Council of Wroclaw, local and national cultural institutions. Also we apply for grants to Visegrad Fund, international cultural institutions.
Mission and Objectives

The Assoeiation shall be voluntary, permanent and self-governed. Its aims shall be as
1. To create, protect and popularise culture by supporting and promoting artistic work,
cultural education, as well as cultural activities and inttiatives.
2. To promote independent artistic movement, especially film, music, theatre, literature,
painting, design and digital art.
3. To gather and process data regarding noteworthy cultural undertakings.
4. To promote the idea of an information soeiety and active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

The most important events that have recently been organized and co-produced by TAK are: International Short Story Festival (since 2007, co-produced with the cultural centre Zamek in Wroclaw), Kultuba (for the Wroclaw-European Capital of Culture 2016 office), Kindness Day (for the Wroclaw Promotion Bureau), TIN Weekly (for the Culture and Art Centre in Wroclaw), RadioWroclove.com (for the city of Wroclaw), Wroclaw Sound Festival (for the IMPART Art Centre), Survival Art Review (for the ART TRANSPARENT Foundation), “What are you reading, Madam?” film cycle (together with Polityka weekly). In 2011 our association acquired financial support from the Visegrad Fund for which we organized V4 project in the Polish-Czech-Hungarian-Slovak partnership: its subject was the development of international communication through literature. In 2012 TAK has also acquired additional grants for the “November with Adaptation” festival which will be organized in Kłodzko – it is co-financed by the Lower Silesian Marshall Office. We have also started another project for the Visegrad Fund which will be international V4 Liternet Television.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote the network in Poland. We can involve in it other organizations and work for its development.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in the implementation of international projects. We constantly are looking for partners from different countries with which we can cooperate. We are also interested in applying for funds to your Fund.

Contact (1) Full Name
Paweł Rogowski
Head of the organisation
Marcin Hamkało

Towarzystwo Edukacji Antydyskryminacyjnej / The Anti-discrimination Education Association (TEA)

National Network

ul. Kłopotowskiego 9/31

+ 48 604 48 19 69
Telephone (other)
+ 48 535 559 557
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
The Anti-discrimination Education Association (TEA) was founded in 2009 by persons involved in anti-discrimination education. The Association brings together several dozen persons who specialize in this area. They include, among others, women and men who are anti-discrimination trainers, initiators of equality and diversity projects, members of organizations supporting groups threatened with discrimination. The activities of the Anti-discrimination Education Association are directed to those individuals and institutions engaged in formal and non-formal education in Poland. We create solutions for:     teachers,     educational institutions - Ministries responsible for education and science,     education superintendents, teacher training centers,     trainers of adults and youth,     institutions involved in non-formal education.
Mission and Objectives

In our work, we meet representatives of various groups: representatives of public administration, labor market institutions, trade unions, police, education sector, business, media, NGOs, and finally individuals. We conduct educational activities for these groups to counteract unequal treatment.
The mission of the Association is to develop and disseminate anti-discrimination education so that each person is participating in the creation of a world free of discrimination and violence.

Main Projects / Activities

The Equality and diversity – in practice Project
Coordination of the Coalition for Anti-discrimination Education
Report "Significant absence - anti-discrimination education in the formal education system in Poland"
Institutional capacity building of the Anti-Discrimination Education Association
The „Equals = quality” Project

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are educators, trainers and teachers specialised in human rights. We are also keen on multiculturalism. We would like to take part and propose activities, promote our organisation and meet other activists interested in human rights and multiculturalism. We also would like to realise projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the network, take part and propose activities, promote our organisation and meet other activists interested in human rights and multiculturalism. We also would like to realise projects.
Some of our members (Anna Urbańczyk, Jan Świerszcz) are already active in Polish network, because they are also members of oteher organisation, which are ALF members. They would like to be our association ambassadors.

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Urbańczyk
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Board: Małgorzata Borowska, Dorota Bregin, Małgorzata Dymowska, Elżbieta Kielak, Ewa Stoecker
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Świerszcz
Job Title (2)

Towarzystwo Edukacyjne "Wiedza Powszechna"

National Network

ul.Startowa 21 F/12

+ 48 58 345 11 66
+ 48 58 345 11 66
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 48 606 49 43 85
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Our organization consists of teachers, academics, sociologists (16 members) and runs the non-public educational centre.Staff: 6 employees.When particular projects were conducted, some experts were bound by contracts on specific work or commission contract. The number of volunteers working on regular basis is 60.Budgetary resources available in a year - about 800 000 PLN. Sources of funding: grants (European Social Fund, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and others. Modalities of action: - conducting courses concerning education and improvement within different fields of knowledge and skills - organizing lectures and talks - organizing training courses and workshops - organizing conferences, seminars and discussion meetings - publishing activity - scientific and research activity - educational tourism Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: schools, universities.
Mission and Objectives

The Association carries out educational activity for the whole of society.
The mission of the Association is disseminating knowledge and humanistic values as well as shaping high intellectual and moral levels of the society.
The main aims of the Association are:
• activities supporting science and education and promoting life-long learning
• preparing members of the society for terms of living in a global community and equipping them with knowledge and skills necessary to function in a global society
• conducting pro-European education, shaping attitudes that would be favourably inclined towards European integration and equipping the Polish society with knowledge and skills necessary to function properly in the unified Europe
• activities supporting European integration and developing contacts and cooperation between societies
• activities supporting the development of citizen society and increasing citizen competences

Main Projects / Activities

The aims are accomplished by the following forms of activities:
- conducting courses concerning education and improvement within different fields of knowledge and skills
- organizing lectures and talks
- organizing training courses and workshops
- organizing conferences, seminars and discussion meetings
- publishing activity
- scientific and research activity
- educational tourism
Main activities:
- adult education (women,unemployed etc)
- teacher trainings
- International youth exchange
- volunteering 50+ and 60+
- projects in the field of global education
- international partnerships (Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci and bilateral projects with NGOs from Belarus and Russia)

Contact (1) Full Name
Anna Odrobińska
Head of the organisation
Witold Turnowiecki
Contact (2) Full Name
Jan Odrobiński-Staporek

Town of Radomsko

National Network

Tysiaclecia Street 5, 97 - 500 Radomsko

+48 (44) 685 45 10
48 (044) 685 45 13
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The Town Hall is an institution which carries out the tasks defined by the City Council and duties provided by law. The Town Hall is responding the needs of Radomsko inhabitants. In the developing world, oriented on common aims, needs and initiatives, Town Hall organizes international cooperation, and gathers the European citizens on common ideas. Number of staff employed in City Hall is approximately 150. Various activities are carried with close cooperation with numerous institutions and organizations, including Public Library, Town Center of Culture, Museum, non-governmental organizations and others. Annual budget of Radomsko is 317.693.640 PLN. These founds come from incomes determined in relevant law acts as commune incomes - subventions from the state budget, local taxes, specific subsidies of own tasks and the tasks commissioned to the commune from the government administration as well as European and governmental funds. Since 2008, Town Hall is organizing international events for inhabitants in which citizens from different countries (twin cities or associated) can take part: workshops, debates, conferences, study visits, concerts, presentations, sport activities etc. Participants exchange experience, discuss, make friendships, develop the cooperation and strengthen the partnership. Actions are opened for all inhabitants, number of them confirms the need. Every year, are also organized visits at the civic level, between the mayors of twin cities. It gives, the great opportunity to maintain relation and point new directions.
Mission and Objectives

Radomsko City Hall is a budget authority and organizational unit, by which Mayor is realizing common public tasks, as well as the governmental administration tasks resulting from acts and agreements with other individuals of the civil service. Main mission of Radomsko City Hall is to promote and implement measures to ensure the sustainable development of the city and the standard of living of people in safe, friendly and efficient way.
Municipality is realizing the rule of self – autonomy which origin is to provide collective and individual satisfaction of inhabitants. In own actions municipality is guided by principles of legalism, transparency, reliability, appropriateness and economies.
Duties of the municipality are the activities of a particular:
-Social (health care, welfare, public education, disseminating culture, development of physical culture and tourism, care of public order and safety of citizens, pro-family policy)
-Infrastructure (care of ensuring the spatial order, protection of environment and nature, commune roads, etc.)
-Promotional (supporting and popularizing the self – governmental idea, promotion of the commune, interaction with non – governmental organizations, as well as local and regional communities of other states).

Main Projects / Activities

Radomsko realizes many Project In cooperation with international partners that refers to intercultural dialog In many aspects of understanding. Our aim is to show many dimensions of this dialog and look for most possible ways of communication.
1. Family Matters Project is concerned with the influence of emigration and immigration on communities and families, the role of volunteering in supporting families, the accessibility of services for children, the work of selected youth representatives, best practices and various methods which could be used by every local government.
2. „Golden ideas for creativity” - the objective of project is to create capabilities of cooperation and participation in building more opened Europe through tightening contacts and mutual understanding. This will be provided by forum for discussion about various aspects of creativity of cities shaped by activity of their inhabitants. The two-day conference consists from plenary part with general speeches of invited guests, as well as workshop part in four thematic groups. Project will allow to exchange experiences between cities representing.
3. Twin Towns in Action – the main purpose of the project was to promote activeness as a one of the most important aspect of living on the local and European level. Our aim was to promote activeness among European citizens, involving the local community considered on two fields: personal and social.
4. "Key to Identity" - project is directed to 50 people represents of different areas of activity (egg. authority, institution, ngo's). Project is aimed on building common European identity on local level and active citizenship participation. So, we will concentrate on our experience in EU, our potential and new possibilities to cooperate. The project provides four-day event relating to the main theme, which is building sense of European community.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Thanks to five years of active cooperation and work on intercutural dialog In many dimension we hale many importand achievements and best practises that might be shared. All involved parters are very keen to further actions on many fields – education, culture and art, citizenship and social issues. All of that we could contribute to ALF Network.
What is more in 2011 Radomsko started cooperation with Israeli town Kiryat Bialik. That cooperation have deep background in history. Before II World War Radomsko was a almost 50% of Jewish population living there. Many aspects of local culture has Jewish root. Today we also celebrate this aspect of town’s historical integrity by organizing in egg. Jewish Culture Days. Now having Israeli partner we would like to start new chapter in Polish-Jewish relations locally. Remembering and inspired by the history we would like to look in the future and built it together. For that we invitied young people. They started to cooperate with Kiryat Bialik schools and prepare coomon projects that could be realized soon. We think that these activities developed consequently might be valuable contribution to the ALF Network here in Poland.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

All the projects already taken by the Town of Radomsko concerning international and twin cooperation prove our determination to maintain and develop multicultural dialog. We cooperate and realize common activities with many countries – Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Republic of South Africa. We consider the impact of this cooperation and realize that make our inhabitant more open. We also find inspiration for future activities as well as solution for current problems. During organized conferences, meetings, artistic events and education projects we touched many local and global problems which we would like to share and develop in the Network. We are orientated to spreading our partners network to enrich it and achieve synergy effect. That makes us useful to the ALF Network as well as gives us chance to use it for further development.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katarzyna Szczegodzińska

UFA - Centra Fundation

National Network

ul. Nowilipki 20, Warsaw

0048 501 136 177
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
UFA is: a space open to different initiatives, group meetings, local actions and informal groups' work a non-profit, open place of work, meetings, knowledge exchange and creation a unique concept in nowadays Poland
Mission and Objectives

UFA is a women-queer social and cultural Centra [female form of “center”] based in Warsaw and carried by collective. It is by all means queer place as it floats undefined and keeps fluidly changing from gallery to meeting place to workshop to club to cinema to cafe to library...
Apart from integration of communities and individuals and creation of infrastructure and organizational background UFA carries on its own activities including: workshops, trainings, conferences, exhibitions, movie screenings, theatre performances, concerts, meetings and discussions, free of charge internet access, library with a reading room, printing workshop.
Activities of UFA are divided into three categories:
UFA's own activities
activities in co-operation of UFA and groups or people from outside
open space activities organized by groups or people from the outside.
This way we hope to combine the aim of being open and supportive to any freedom orientated initiative with promotion of high artistic and intellectual quality of these activities.
UFA abbreviation means Unidentified Flying Abject but also many other things... whatever you wish in fact.

Main Projects / Activities

1/ GENERATIONS IN ACTION 2009: a big project for women, with computer courses, English courses, Wendo trainigns, legal advice, psychological adivce, job advice.
2/ WE, THE WOMEN OF MURANÓW: a project where women aged 50+ meet to explore the history of our district, learn about its history, acquire new skills (eg photography) and create an amotional map of the district.
3/ ACTIVISATION: a project on cyber empowerment of women aged 50+
4/ EXPERIENCE TRANSFER - from Daughters to Mothers: computer classes for older women (supported by OSKa Foundation: the concept of individual work in pairs (young volunteer – older beneficiary) appears to be very efficient; this project can serve as an example of our approach: it enables the meeting and cooperation of young women, mostly queer and/or feminist or anarchist, with older women from different social groups).
5/ QUEERMASH I. Lesbian-Bisexual-Transgender-Queer Empowerment Project (September – December 2008): supported by Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands and consisting of fundraising workshops, WenDo self-defense course, coming out, relationships, sexuality workshops, improvisation theatre, creative writing, photography, movie and visualisation workshops, discussion series, integration events such as poetic slams) = 300 hours in total.
6/ ZEBATKA - bike fixing workshops for girls and women

Contact (1) Full Name
Małgorzata Gąsiorowska

UNESCO Initiatives Center (Centrum Inicjatyw UNESCO)

National Network

ul. Wiśniowa 33

+48 71 716 48 40
+48 71 3645067
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The structure of the organization is composed of the general gathering of the members of administration.Administration is composed of 5 people:chairwoman,chairman,secretary and the member of administration.None of those people is employed as they work for the organization voluntary.At the moment we have 30 voluntary working members Their competences are defined in the status.Budgetary resources of the organization are at the moment:1569,77z?.Our source of founding comes from the members' collection money plus grant centers.Our organization works with the UNESCO Information Center,House Meeting Angelus Silesius,The Point and Edyta Stein Society.
Mission and Objectives

UNESCO Initiatives Centre is quite young non govermental youth organisation, dealing mainly with educational projects. Our main interest is connected with non formal education methods and with showing, teaching, letting young people experience all those key issues, key topics that are missing in traditional schools system. That is mainly: intercultural learning, education for sustainable development, human rights education, civic education and education for peace. Activities: - activities on the field of global, European, democratic, human rights and peace education. - spreading the ideas of protection of freedoms and human rights. - spreading the ideas of democratization and civil society - activities in the field of European integration

Main Projects / Activities

Our projects: “What Keeps Us Together, What Sets Us Apart” - journalism workshops * (September 2005) “Cultural Diversity in Society - overcoming conflicts and taking the chances” - training for youth workers on conflict management (November 2006) “Neighbours Meet Neighbours” - training for youth workers on project management for cross-border areas (February 2007) “EULE-Life and Development” * (February 2007) “Together for Coexistence” * (March 2007) “Shaping the Future of Europe” - contact-making seminar for Eastern Europe and Caucasus countries (May 2007) "Youth opens the space" - UNESCO Youth Forum - open space conference for youth trainers, youth leaders and youth workers from 33 countries (July 2007)

Contact (1) Full Name
Justyna Kańczukowska
Head of the organisation
Wojciech Frydrych

University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow; Centre for Studies on Terrorism; Institute of Researches on Civilisations

National Network

University of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszów
Address: ul. Sucharskiego 2, 35-225 Rzeszów POLAND


+48 17 866 14 47
Telephone (other)
+48 17 866 12 24
Mobile Phone
+48 600 371 975
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Two units of the University are willing to be a partner for the foundation: 1. Centre for Studies on Terrorism with 5 persons of staff employed; 2.Institute of Researches on Civilisations with 5 persons employed. We applied for the EU project concerning intercultural relations with the new members of the EU. We have partners (only those with which we have a real cooperation) from Macedonian Universities, Turkish Centre of Terrorism and Lithuenian Universities in Vilnius and Klaipeda.
Mission and Objectives

Author of this applikation is the member of both and moreover director of the National Security Cathedral. Our objective is to find the ways of building the security for nations but also international organizations through the aspect of improovement of intercultural understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

We are looking forward to start new projestc about intercultural dialogue connected with improoving the security of the countries and international organisations. We are aware that the mistake of the EU is the looking on the international relation just through the aspect of finances. But especially in the contacts with the North African and Middle East countries we should look also on the other aspects. For us security, antiterrorist prevention can be managed by intercultural dialogue. To do it we have to improove intercultural skills of the european citizens and clear up our own culture to the "others". For the author of this application such cooperation between our departments is especially intersting as he is willing to go into the euromediterranean issues and to write habilitation (scholar work post doctoral) about this subject. Egypt in this issue should be according to the author of this application the key player and on this country (where Alexandria has a special meanning) should be placed accent of the cooperation between european part of the partnership and the south and east part of it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maciej Milczanowski
Head of the organisation
President of UITM

Venture Cafe Warsaw Foundation

National Network

al. Jerozolimskie
02-001 Warsaw

+48 502 372 053
Telephone (other)
+48 882737865
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+48 502 372 053
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 882737865
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

Venture Café Warsaw is a nonprofit organization that seeks to grow Warsaw’s innovation community by working to make it more diverse, inclusive, accessible, and better connected locally, nationally, and globally. Venture Café Warsaw is a member of a growing global network of organizations – each with the shared mission and a local flare. Venture Café Warsaw works closely with its partner, CIC Warsaw, to build a vibrant innovation community. Strategic partners: Microsoft, Samsung, Grupa Azoty, Polish Development Fund.
The team consists of 7 people and cooperates with around 30 partners, depending on a project, from local selfgovernmental, corporate and start-up sector.

yearly budget: 300 000 PLN/ 71500 Euro
sources of founding: CIC Warsaw, partners, donations.

Mission and Objectives

Venture Café Warsaw’s mission is connecting innovators to make things happen by working to make our community more diverse, inclusive & accessible. We are creating the major innovation community hotspot, the first touchpoint for all the innovators from Warsaw, Mazovia Region and other parts of Poland to gather, mingle, exchange ideas and share the innovation spark. What’s more, our goal is to enrich Warsaw’s community and make it better connected: locally, nationally, and globally.

Main Projects / Activities

core programmes:
- Thursday Gatherings - events on a regular basis to connect innovators
- Trend House - innovators club
- District Hall - open to the public center for innovation in Warsaw
- Innovation Visitors Bureau; inclusion of foreign innovation into Warsaw’s ecosystem.
- Corporate Innovation Playbook - a collection of good practices and ideas for implementation of innovation in a corporate environment. A handbook with ready-made paths for identifying needs and implementation innovations that meet these needs in the shortest way possible.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As an operator of District Hall - space for social innovation we could host interesting events on social innovation organized together with other members of the ALF Network. We would also like to build local and international partnerships and get involved in Network's projects. We could share our experience and knowledge based on many years of international activity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join ALF, because diversity inclusion is one of our core goals and our mission is to promote innovation and build more inclusive business societies. We value a lot work of the Anna Lindh Foundation and would like to be part of it. Building international partnerships and implementing intercultural, cross sectorial projects is in the scope of our interest. We think that we could add a lot of value to the network and be an important partner in Poland for many other organisations. We would like to participate in the Foundation's events and share knowledge and experience with other members.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Founding Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Aureliusz Górski
Contact (2) Full Name
Katarzyna Lindner
Job Title (2)
project coordinator