
Szkoła Muzyczna I i II Stopnia im Bronisława Rutkowskiego w Krakowie

National Network

ul. Józefińska 10
30-529 Kraków

+48 12 656 09 45
+48 12 656 09 45
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+48 508 269 407
Mobile Phone (other)
+48 502 886 996
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We are a music school. Our learning system is based on individual courses in music performance on the instrument (or vocal courses in secondary education) as well as group courses in general music education, group performance, choir, orchestra and big band. Our school provides only music courses, we do not provide regular school courses. There are 116 professional teachers, 10 people of the other staff and 560 students in the school. The school is financed from the state resources and is governed by the City of Cracow. We are a non-profit organization. All our budget covers the costs of teaching only. The funds for any other activities must be won from other sources. Activities: Students concerts, organization of competitions (of the national and international levels), musical workshops, international students exchange. Partners: Academy of Music in Kraków, other music schools in all other the Poland and abroad, music companies and associations.
Mission and Objectives

The aim of the school is to educate children and young people professionally as well as develop their musical sensitivity. Our school prepares instrumentalists and vocalists for performance purposes and further music education. The education process in our school is founded on deep dedication to our pupils' good, professionalism in our teaching and upbringing efforts

Main Projects / Activities

Our school provides two levels of education: 1st ( primary) level – admissions at the age from 5 to 16 and 2nd (secondary) level – admissions at the age of up to 23). 
Since their early school years our pupils can taste individual and group performances, giving concerts not only in our school's music hall, but also in historical buildings of Krakow such as Philharmonic Hall, “Wieliczka” Salt Mine, historical churches of Krakow or Niepolomice Castle. Our pupils take part in festivals and competitions in Poland and abroad – they have performed in Germany, Denmark, France, Italy, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia, Lithuania and Ukraine. The school constantly cooperates with the Music Academy in Cracow. Our students takes part in festivals and competitions in Poland and abroad.
International events organized by us lately:
The International Competition of Contemporary Music for Children and Youths „SREBRNA SZYBKA” every year, since 2004,( http://srebrnaszybka.pl/index.php)  
December 2015 – 1st International Ettore Pozzoli Piano Competition
March 2015 – 2nd  International harp workshop and exhibition in cooperation with the Camac Harps company (France).The first one took place in 2010.
October 2014 – International Marimba Days – workshops and concerts – in cooperation with the Marimba Festiva Association (Germany)
October 2012 and June 2013 – orchestral students exchange with a music school in Bamberg (Germany)
In June 2015 our delegation signed an Arrangement about students and teachers exchange with the Ningbo Foreign Affairs School in China
Last year our school has broaden its offer by the ‘Ancient Music’ and ‘Jazz’ departments. We are about to launch a department of Ethnic Music.
Thanks to the European Community funds we have built a new, 4 floors high section of the school building and the new modern concert hall with the stage for 50 persons and 137 persons in the audience.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We would like to share our 50 years long experience in music teaching as well as organization of international events, and promotion of culture. We are going to invite the others to the ancient city of Cracow to enable them to take use of its reach cultural heritage.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Bronisław Rutkowski Primary and Secondary Music School in Kraków, Poland is going to continue its activity in the field of cooperation with young people learning music in various countries. We hope, that our ALF Network membership will make realization of our purposes easier .
Our nearest initiative is a programme: “Kraków – Jerusalem. The Bridge of Cultural Heritage”, a joint Polish-Jewish Youth Orchestra’s workshops and  concert series organized by our School in cooperation with The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. This unique events is will take place in both Kraków (14-20 April 2016) and Jerusalem (June 2016).
In the subsequent school year we are going to organize a student exchange with the National school for Musical and Performing arts "Professor Pancho Vladigerov" in Burgas (Bulgaria). We are going to learn together both the Slavic and Balkan folk music.

Contact (1) Full Name
Grzegorz Łobodziński
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Marta Nowaczyk-Łapińska
Contact (2) Full Name
Sylwia Romek
Job Title (2)
Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

The Anna Lindh Days for Intercultural Citizenship Education

The Finnish Network organized together with its partners from ALF Heads of Networks of Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Morocco, Poland, Sweden, Tunisia and Turkey, an intercultural forum and a training titled the Anna Lindh Days for Intercultural Citizenship Education from 26...

The Foundation "Save from oblivion" (Fundacja "Ocalić od zapomnienia")

National Network

ulica Wólczańska 223

042 631 28 58
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
502 227 076
Mobile Phone (other)
516 105 315
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The staff is very small. Thera are prof. Grzgorz Matuszak, mgr inż. Jurczakowski Jarek, dr. Jacek Ladorucki, mgr Elżbieta Uljańska , dr inż. Józef Dąbrowski , Ryszard Uljański and an accountant and few volunteers- students from the Academy of Art in Łódź. The foundation has its "Museum of paper and print" that is situated in the building of Politechnc - The Institut of Poligrafy and Papercraft in Łódź and in the old building in Centralne Muzeum Włókiennictwa in Łódź.
Mission and Objectives

Mission: education between everybody interested, especially children, about polish and world history of handmade paper, editor and bookbinding. We spread knowledge about the art and craft connected with book and paper. The museum gathered a lot of XIX century machines to work with books such as knives, presses etc. We show how to create well hand made book and handmade paper made only of natural celulosis and different rags and herbs. We also gather and show everything connected with print and engravings, watermarks etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Projects done: a lot of exhibitions showing the history of paper in Poland and in the world. The festival of print and paper with 10 different event. Yearly over 2000 people attend workshops on books and its specific in Poland. A lot of people took part in workshop about handmade paper. We helped students to create their books and covers on international competitions. We promote the knowledge about indigenous character of book in polish history and the craft of handmade paper and bookbinding. We organized meetings with artists and craftsmen from Poland and abroad.We also gathered the library about the history of book.

Contact (1) Full Name
Elżbieta Uljańska
Head of the organisation
Elżbieta Uljańska
Contact (2) Full Name
Ryszard Uljański

The Jan Karski Society

National Network

Paderewskiego 40 St, 25 - 502

0048 41 343 28 44
0048 41 343 28 49
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0048 608 318 027
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
General Information
The Society’s activity is based on the Statutes in accordance to the Polish law. The Society is registered in the Registry of Societies in the National Judicial Register as no. 0000230415. The authorities of the Society are the General Assemble of Members, the Executive Board and the Audit Committee. The Society comprises of 22 members – private persons, citizens of Kielce, socially active outstanding scientists, teachers, businessmen, journalists and artists. The Executive Board consists of 5 members. The Chairman of the Society is the founder Mr. Bogdan Białek – Vice-President of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews, a member of the Executive Board of the Yeshiva Pardes. The Audit Committee consists of 3 members. The Executive Board submits to the General Assemble factual and financial annual reports and annual balance. A highly-regarded accountancy office in Kielce manages the accountancy and supervises finances of the Society. There is a website of the Society www.jankarski.org.pl and a website of the accomplished project www.szabaton.kielce.eu (in Polish-English version). The Society may grant an award VIR BONUS, FEMINA BONA to persons who made a great service to Christian-Jewish dialogue and had made great contributions to the Society’s mission.The Society co-operates with schools in Kielce, governmental institutions: City Hall of Kielce, Marshall of Świętokrzyskie Voivodeship Office, and cultural institutions, high schools and media. The Society also co-operates with other Polish institutions,( i.a.) Yeshiva Pardes, Museum of Jewish History in Poland, Jewish Historical Institute, web portal www.jewish.org.pl and Jewish communities in Poland. All members of the Society are volunteers. Nobody has an employment contract or a contract for specific tasks. There are no operative or administrative structures in the Society such as management or office workers. Hierarchy of the organization is horizontal – the best qualified project manager must be appointed to each task or project. The same way we choose among our members a project manager assistant. The other members of the Society support realization of the project according to their possibilities and qualifications. Members of the Society, project managers and project manager assistants did not receive any payment for their activity or reimbursement of any costs incurred (e.g. trips, telephones etc.). The Society’s activity is supported by the group of reliable and responsible young volunteers.
Mission and Objectives

The Society’s mission is to counteract all the forms of neglecting human dignity, especially anti-Semitism. The special aim of our organization is to commemorate the history of Jewish residents of Kielce as well as to demonstrate what the Kieltzer Jews meant in the history of the town and what the town meant in their history.
Our goals are realized by organization of educational programs for youth and promotion and recalling the Righteous among the Nations, commemoration of people who perished in Shoah(the installation of two monuments in Kielce), publishing books about the history of the Second World War and the last pogrom in Europe – the Kielce pogrom (1946), organization of educational workshops, public debates, interface international meetings, concerts and exhibitions.
We cooperate with the public administration, educational, cultural and non-profit non-governmental organizations, as well as with religious organizations and communities in Poland and abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

Realization of the project “Let’s meet – Poland and Israel in young people’s eyes” - project grant-aided by the Chancellery of the President of the Council of Ministers. 500 pupils from Poland and Israel and 40 teachers took part in the meetings.
Shabaton in Kielce - a meeting of representatives of the Jewish community from Poland and all over the world with descendants of the survivors of Pogrom. The heart of the meeting was Sabbath prayers held in Kielce synagogue for the first time since the beginning of World War II. Many citizens of Kielce participated in the Shabaton.
Series of school meetings in Kielce with participation of representatives of the Association “Children of the Holocaust”.
Restoring of the Monument to the Victims of Pogrom in Kielce located at the Jewish Cemetery in Kielce.
The First Christian-Jewish Meeting in Kielce “FAITH-HATIKVAH-LOVE” comprising workshops, performances and films that brings citizens of Kielce closer to understanding Jewish neighbours history, their tragic past and contribution to the Polish culture.
Top prize won in the competition organized by the Chancellery of the President of the Council of Ministers : “An Alive Bridge Poland -Israel”. In October students from Poland and Israel shall take part in the integrative workshops.
Since 2000:
Organization of the annual Commemorative Marches on the anniversaries of Pogrom in Kielce on July 4th.
The First International Meeting of the Jews, Christians, Muslims and Buddhists “TIKKUN OLAM – Repairing the World Here and Now”.
Commemorative Day of the Victims of Pogrom at the Menorah, a monument commemorating the victims of ghetto in Kielce.
Celebration of the 65th Anniversary of Pogrom in Kielce.
Commemorative Marche on the anniversary of Pogrom in Kielce on July 4th.
Publication of the a book on the most important issues of the “TIKKUN OLAM” meeting and publication of other book titled “People to People” on history of Jews in Kielce. Both books shall be published in Polish and English version.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We cound contribute to the Network in Poland by:
Organizing educational programs for youth
Teaching about local history
Commemoration of the victims of Shoah
Building an international dialogue and peace in Europe
Counteracting of anti-Semitism and racism
Dealing with traumas different forms physical and verbal violence and intolerance.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join your network and begin the international cooperation in order to achieve common aims. We are eager to share our experience with you and discuss together some important historical, sociological and cultural issues. We hope that thanks to the deep historical study of the Polish-Jewish history people, especially young, would better understand the important role of the European Union in maintaining peace among the European countries. That is the way of working on creating the better future for Europe.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Andrzej Białek
Head of the organisation
Mr. Bogdan Białek

The Murowana Goślina Partnership Committee

National Network

Poznańska 16
Murowana Goślina

+4861 8113088
Telephone (other)
+48 501669352
+4861 8122120
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+48 504910619
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Our organisation was founded in spring 2003. The Partnership Committee is officially twinned with Ochotnica Dolna in Poland and Hemmingen near Hannover, Germany. Thanks to the cooperation with the latter, we also maintain contacts with their twinned towns: Clydesdale in Scotland and Yvetot in France. For two years we have been cooperating with partners from Israel. The goal of the contacts and common work is mutual development and removing borders between cultures and nations. We also want to stimulate the exchange of experience and widen the knowledge of different religions. Our fields of interest are all areas that bring nations closer to each other.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is the development of co-operation beyond borders, especially on the citzens' level. The main objective of the committee’s activity is to initiate and support the co-operation between the people from other regions of our country as well as from abroad – different countries. That includes both towns with which we are officially twinned and places that we do not have official bonds with. Our society develops the contacts mainly on the lowest level. We follow a belief that despite the importance of official treaties ant co-operation on the level of local governments, it is the people who make connection real. It is our task to develop contacts between societies, organizations, culture and leisure centers, and other similar units as well as between individual inhabitants.

Main Projects / Activities

Our organization was registered in spring 2003. Since that moment we have realized numerous projects, such as the Twinned Towns Tournaments, professional trainings for young people, Polish language courses for foreigners, Polish folk dance courses, performances of art groups, chess, shooting and football tournaments, the participation of our runners in sport events organized by our partners, exchange visits of families, an exhibition of children’s works of art from all twinned towns called “What Makes Us Sad? What Amuses Us?”,
a festival ‘In The Rhythm of The Heart’, inspired by the traditions and legends of the Midsummer Night celebrations, which were presented by the schoolchildren from the twinned towns in a form of a play. The Partnership Committee has also organized the Murowana Goslina stall at Europafest in Hannover.
Some of our projects are realized with the help of the Town Hall; among others, they have also the economic growth in focus. For example, we have created an Internet business database, we have arranged the participation of the business people of Wielkopolska in B2FAIR Matchmaking Event in Hannover, and meetings and training for governmental organizations in our gmina. We have participated in the meeting in Brussels, called “Making Contacts”, organized by the Committee of the Regions.
We cooperate also with the Hipolit Cegielski Middle School in Murowana Goślina and the Jewish Community of Poznań. Last time we made two Israeli-Polish projects: “Stones of memory roost” and “Three lives – common memory”. The most important aims of projects was a growth of tolerance and understanding of young people from Poland and Israel. Thanks to different methods and forms of cooperation we were discovering our common roots in the present by showing that the past is not only a stone in the form of cemetery but it is also a kind of precious stone which may be used to create a wonderful mosaic of two cultures and religions. An Oxford debate, frottage (a method of copying gravestone inscriptions), mosaic, drama, pantomime, poetry explication – all of it broke the stones of prejudice and stereotypes for the reason of origin or religion practiced.
Our last project was titled "Multicultural VIPs around the table destroy various stereotypes". The most important aim of that project was the development of tolerance and mutual understanding between young people from Poland and Israel through meetings and common, art workshops. In this process of creative learning the most important thing was the context of contemporary Polish history, which included such moments from the past of our country, as The Second World War: death Jews and Poles, the period of PRL: the Poznań June 1956, Gdańsk 1970 and 1980, the Round Table 1989. We wanted to present a specific dialogue with the past, memory, diversity and multiculturalism of our country. Each country was represented by
a group of ten, young people aged 20-35 years old. We made our activity in the following cities: Poznan, Murowana Goślina, Toruń, Gdańsk, Sztutowo, Bialystok, Orla, Tykocin Knyszyn, Supraśl, Kruszyniany, Sejny, Teremiski and Warszawa. All the places were very interesting not only because of their modernity, but first of all, because of their history.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jakub Niewiński

The Old Mine Science and Art Center

National Network

Wysockiego 29

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
The Old Mine – The New Idea On 9th November 2014, the Old Mine – Science and Art Centre was opened for the first time. It is a modern, newly renovated building complex built on the basis of the former ‘Julia’ coal mine (KWK Julia). The end of the coal industry in Wałbrzych initiated a project of changing former industrial buildings into completely new museums and spaces for artistic and cultural events and activities. Thus, an industrial potential of Wałbrzych has been successfully changed into an institution which serves primarily educational and artistic purposes. It is now a place where historic environment meets state-of-the-art multimedia and audiovisual technologies. The Old Mine is one of a kind place and this is why everyone is thrilled and excited to visit it. Old Mine Science and Art Centre offers: MUSEUM. Visit and explore our museum exhibition. Permanent exhibition reveals the history of coal and mining and is an exceptional offer for everybody, who wants to know how the miner and mine was working. Vast exhibition of industrial machines of historical value can enchant everybody interested in the history of industry and technique. Geological museum reveals the exceptional role of coal in this geographical region. GALERY OF ARTS AND EXHIBITIONS. Temporary exhibitions are perfect solution to get in touch with the actual trends in arts and culture. Presented works are addressed to various groups, varying from the citizens of town to the guests of Wałbrzych. WORKSHOPS. We offer diverse and interesting workshops influencing the imagination, developing, teaching and broadening the scope of view.  Centre of Unique Earthenware is a perfect invitation to pottery and earthenware workshops. We have special historical, scientific and industrial workshops, according to “Do It Yourself” spirit. We organize domestic and international holiday camps and workshop series under the guidance of the best specialists in particular branches. EVENTS. The Centre enables the organization of various events and performances, thanks to its modern infrastructure. Our Centre is a perfect place for concerts, conferences, artistic, scientific, educational, touristic, recreational and exhibition events, thanks to its design by world-renowned specialists.
Mission and Objectives

The Old Mine`s structure is combined with 7 divisions and 43 workers employed at the moment. The main divisions are Museum of Industry and Technique, Centre of Unique Earthenware, Marketing, International Cooperation, Education, Art Exhibitions. Funding sources come from public funds and funds from projects, partners and sponsors.
Projects are concentrated in the field of education, local history, tourism (ex.European Route of Industrial Heritage), art and industrial heritage.
Main partners are other public institutions, cultural organizations, non governmental organizations, schools, universities.

Main Projects / Activities

The Mine of Summer Energy: summer project with concerts, theater shows and special chill space.
The Mine Of Creativity: educational project for school children (art and industrial heritage).
The Mine of Music: different kind of music shows through the year.
The Day of Europe: colourfull parade on the May 8th.
The Santa Barbara Festival of Mining Traditions.
International Children`s Day, The Mine of Colours - music show at the end of summer time.
Many conferences, meetings and workshops.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As The Old Mine is situated in the city of Wałbrzych, that has a long multicultural history, we offer our space and experience to organise events with international partners. Wałbrzych is situated in a crossboarder region that gives even more possibilities in the area of multicultural diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are strongly interested in building international cooperation within the Network and organizing projects concerning multicultural issues. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Magdalena Wach
Job Title
International Relations Manager
Head of the organisation
Anna Żabska
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Żabska
Job Title (2)

The Other Space Foundation (Fundacja Inna Przestrzeń)

National Network

ul. Nowy Świat 23/25 lok. 32

(+48) 22 299 04 29
+ 48 (0) 22 435 5347
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
General Information
Foundation is administered by the Board consisted of the President (Witek Hebanowski) and two Members of the Board (Piotr Cykowski and Anna Tomaszewska). Council of Foundation exercises supervisory duties. We employ no statutory staff, but we collaborate with a team of experienced workers. We cooperate with different institutions and organizations in the fields of migrants' affairs and multiculture in Warsaw, Poland, Tunisia and the countries of the Caucasus. Foundation has initiated a coalition of several NGOs and municipal offices in order to work on creation of Warsaw Multicultural Center. Budget of the last two years averages 1 700 000 PLN available per annum. Main sources of funding include grants given by municipal offices, government, EU and private sources. Foundation carries out various types of actions: international and local festivals, social campaigns, monitoring, advocacy and training activities. We cooperate with leading NGOs working on migration, intercultural dialog and human rights. Our Foundation is a member of Zagranica Group - association of Polish NGOs working abroad.
Mission and Objectives

We are Polish non-profit NGO founded in 2006 as a continuation of activities realised by a group of social activists. Our mission is to support democracy, human rights, multiculture and tolerance. We aim at opening unconventional spheres of social life to cultural and artistic initiatives and social projects generating real changes in different regions of the world. Since 2007 we are public benefit organization what allow us to receive 1% of tax donations. Since 2010 we have been a member of Zagranica Group - most important coalition of Polish NGOs working abroad.

Main Projects / Activities

There are four main areas of our actions: 1. International artistic festivals, events and actions initiating collaboration between artists from different parts of the globe. 2. Development cooperation, especially with partners from Ukraine and the Caucasus. 3. Human rights and democracy promotion - we focus on cooperation with democratic activists from northern Africa and Middle East. 4. Multiculture in Warsaw - we carry out projects activating immigrants who participate in creation of contemporary Warsaw and its culture.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our Foundation intends to support the development of interregional collaboration between Poland and the countries of northern Africa and the Caucasus. We are well-experienced in running intersectoral and intercultural projects. Our main goals are closely connected with the exchange of experiences between democratic activists from the Euro-Mediterranean region. We also hope to develop our website in order to promote the idea of civil society in the countries of northern Africa and to encourage making contacts between organizations.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Foundation runs a program called "Springtime of the Peoples" which is devoted to the cooperation between democratic activists from the countries of northern Africa, Middle East, Poland and others. Its aim is to provide non-formal space of exchange of ideas, information and tools for the activists. We have initiated collaboration with Tunisian NGOs by carrying out pilot activities of the program. In September 2011 we contributed to the participation of one of the leaders of Tunisian NGO sector in main Polish NGO forum (OFIP). We also participated in workshops of Informal Polish-Tunisian NGO Forum in Sousse and Tunis in March 2012. Moreover, Foundation runs www.WiosnaLudow.pl website with interviews and information about Tunisian NGOs willing to work with Polish organizations. We aim at developing partnership with organizations and democratic activists from other countries of the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Witek Hebanowski
Head of the organisation
Witold Hebanowski
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Tomaszewska

The Ukrainian section of Association of the European Journalists (AEJ)

National Network

POB 10
Kiev - Ukraine

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Ukrainian section of Association of the European Journalists (AEJ) The Ukrainian section AEJ has been created at the initiative of Arthur Rudzitsky who has made an application on the introduction in AEJ in April, 2009. Within 2009 the group of the Ukrainian journalists took part in meeting AEJ in Turkey, and in November, 2009 in Maastricht where on General Congress AEJ the decision on creation of Ukrainian section AEJ in Kiev has been approved. Spring of 2010 were one more meeting AEJ in Greece on which definitively Ukrainian section AEJ, led by its head Arthur Rudzitsky, have received the official status of National section AEJ. Within 2010 the Ukrainian section AEJ has transferred in Secretary AEJ reports and some statements for a situation with infringement of the rights of the Ukrainian journalists and problems with a freedom of speech in Ukraine. Our statements have been extended among members AEJ in Europe, and also published on official web-site AEJ. Overall objective of Ukrainian section AEJ - is protection of the rights and freedom of the Ukrainian journalists. In plans of Ukrainian section AEJ - cooperation with European and international non-governmental the organisations, including National Press Foundation (USA), International Press Institute (IPI), South EastEurope Media Organisation (SEEMO), Representations of the Council of Europe and EU in Ukraine, etc. Separate direction - an exchange between the Ukrainian both European journalists and experts in the field of media, participation of our members at the international conferences and the congresses of mass-media.
Mission and Objectives

The Ukrainian section of Association of the European Journalists (AEJ)
The Ukrainian section AEJ has been created at the initiative of Arthur Rudzitsky who has made an application on the introduction in AEJ in April, 2009.
Within 2009 the group of the Ukrainian journalists took part in meeting AEJ in Turkey, and in November, 2009 in Maastricht where on General Congress AEJ the decision on creation of Ukrainian section AEJ in Kiev has been approved.
Spring of 2010 were one more meeting AEJ in Greece on which definitively Ukrainian section AEJ, led by its head Arthur Rudzitsky, have received the official status of National section AEJ.
Within 2010 the Ukrainian section AEJ has transferred in Secretary AEJ reports and some statements for a situation with infringement of the rights of the Ukrainian journalists and problems with a freedom of speech in Ukraine. Our statements have been extended among members AEJ in Europe, and also published on official web-site AEJ.
Overall objective of Ukrainian section AEJ - is protection of the rights and freedom of the Ukrainian journalists. In plans of Ukrainian section AEJ - cooperation with European and international non-governmental the organisations, including National Press Foundation (USA), International Press Institute (IPI), South EastEurope Media Organisation (SEEMO), Representations of the Council of Europe and EU in Ukraine, etc.
Separate direction - an exchange between the Ukrainian both European journalists and experts in the field of media, participation of our members at the international conferences and the congresses of mass-media.

Main Projects / Activities

The Ukrainian section of Association of the European Journalists (AEJ)
The Ukrainian section AEJ has been created at the initiative of Arthur Rudzitsky who has made an application on the introduction in AEJ in April, 2009.
Within 2009 the group of the Ukrainian journalists took part in meeting AEJ in Turkey, and in November, 2009 in Maastricht where on General Congress AEJ the decision on creation of Ukrainian section AEJ in Kiev has been approved.
Spring of 2010 were one more meeting AEJ in Greece on which definitively Ukrainian section AEJ, led by its head Arthur Rudzitsky, have received the official status of National section AEJ.
Within 2010 the Ukrainian section AEJ has transferred in Secretary AEJ reports and some statements for a situation with infringement of the rights of the Ukrainian journalists and problems with a freedom of speech in Ukraine. Our statements have been extended among members AEJ in Europe, and also published on official web-site AEJ.
Overall objective of Ukrainian section AEJ - is protection of the rights and freedom of the Ukrainian journalists. In plans of Ukrainian section AEJ - cooperation with European and international non-governmental the organisations, including National Press Foundation (USA), International Press Institute (IPI), South EastEurope Media Organisation (SEEMO), Representations of the Council of Europe and EU in Ukraine, etc.
Separate direction - an exchange between the Ukrainian both European journalists and experts in the field of media, participation of our members at the international conferences and the congresses of mass-media.

Contact (1) Full Name
Arthur Rudzitsky
Head of the organisation
Arthur Rudzitsky

The University of Bialystok Foundation UNIVERSITAS BIALOSTOCENSIS

National Network

Konstantego Ciołkowskiego 1K

85 745 70 00
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Heritage
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Research
  5. Youth and education
General Information
The University of Bialystok Foundation was chartered in 2004 as a non-governmental and non-profit organisation with the aim of complementing and supporting the development of the University of Bialystok and its actions to promote exchanges with the local community as well as openness in international relations. In 2004 – 2017, Foundation carried out many projects on its own or in cooperation. Foundation is involved in publishing activity. Foundation operates on the involvement of volunteers: staff and students of the University of Bialystok. Foundation receives external funding from the Stefan Batory Foundation, the Leopold Kronenberg Foundation, the City of Bialystok, the Ministry of the Interior, “Youth” and “Youth in Action” programmes, the Podlasie Province Local Government among others.
Mission and Objectives

Foundation’s main objective is to provide organisational, material and financial support for the development of the University. To realize its statutory duty, Foundation extensively organizes lectures, seminars, conferences, courses, trainings, workshops, open discussions and the like. It also initiates local and international forms of cooperation, as well as social, educational and cultural projects.

Main Projects / Activities

The Foundation carried out a lot of projects for example: Jewish Heritage Trail in Bialystok; Commonality and Difference. Bialystok and its Dwellers in the Eyes of Foreigners; Prettier? The PRL in the City; Kot(d) dla tolerancji; Audiobus of Bialystok; 35 Years Later; Immortalize Atlantis; Adventures of the Other; Develop the PRL; Culture of Many Voices; Południce/Elektronice; Found Stories of Music; ‘We Were Here’ Educational Workshop; The Modernist Architecture of Bialystok.
Foundation is involved in publishing activity. It has published History, Memory, Tolerance; Kot(d) dla tolerancji; Adventures of the Other and other publications addressed to teachers and educators. Foundation also organizes exhibitions, original workshops about intercultural education and local history, or alternative walks around the city (e.g. the ones following the trail of the PRL architecture). What is more, it initiates open meetings with artists or community workers as part of series The City Is for People. Talks about Architecture, Art and Social Space and Culture of Many Voices.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can contribute to the Network in Poland by sharing our experiences in many ways e.g. by participation in common conferences, trainings, projects and crating common initiatives.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to join the ALF Network because it could be good opportunity to get to know organizations which work in similar field and share our good practices, learn in international space, crating common projects etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
dr Katarzyna Niziołek
Job Title
Head of the organisation
dr Katarzyna Niziołek
Contact (2) Full Name
dr Anna Młynarczuk-Sokołowska
Job Title (2)

Therapy and Development Foundation in Gdansk - Gdańska Fundacja Terapii i Rozwoju

National Network

ul. Ciołkowskiego 7c/3,
80-463 Gdańsk


+48 604 966 390
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Gender
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Therapy and Development Foundation in Gdansk is a non-governmental organization. The staff includes the head, the secretary and a psychologist. Furthermore, all projects are supported by work of volunteers and the Foundation Council. The majority of funding sources comes from The City Council of Gdansk, the rest comes from sponsors. Main partners involved in the organization's projects are Development Support Centre (Centrum Wspomagania Rozwoju) and State Fund for Rehabilitation of Disabled Persons (PFRON).
Mission and Objectives

The mission of foundation is therapy, personal and artistic development in mental crisis that concern both children and adults. We intend to achieve the goal by creating an artistic-therapeutic centre in Gdansk.
The main fields of our activities are:
1.Personal development via art, prevention from computer and television addiction, prevention from aggression in schools.
2.Stating and introducing equal educational opportunities for children with disabilities.
3.Personal development of women via art
4.Psychological help in case of mental crisis

Main Projects / Activities

Main projects:
1.The school of flying – art therapy classes for the disabled children
2.The blue dress – theatre workshops for women who look for ways of personal development
3.The school for parents – psychoeducational workshop for parents, who would like to improve contact with their children and find new methods of bringing up their children

Contact (1) Full Name
Alina Joanna Wiśniewska
Head of the organisation
Alina Joanna Wiśniewska