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Young Mediterranean Citizens Facing Climate Change

Because it is one of the great challenges facing the new generation, the fight against climate change constitutes a privileged area where young Mediterranean people can exercise their citizenship. Thanks to the Young Mediterranean Citizens Facing Climate Change project co-funded...

Young Mediterranean Voices

National Network


Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
General Information

I have benefited from trainings as part of the young arab voices, young moroccan voices and young mediterrenean voices programmes. It was an experience that has had an impact on my professional life to this day. I'm a professor-researcher and I'm still adopting what I've learnt from the programme and, as part of my work with associations, I travel to several regions in Morocco to run training courses on soft skills, social innovation and entrepreneurship, so that I can share as much as possible with those involved, especially in rural areas.

Mission and Objectives

training courses on soft skills, social innovation and entrepreneurship.

Main Projects / Activities

a large contribution to the debate activities and events in Morocco.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
YMV debate master trainer
Head of the organisation

Youth Association for Culture and Developement

National Network


Telephone (other)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

The Youth Association for Culture and Development in Oulad Teima is a non-profit community organization established with the aim of promoting culture and community development in the Oulad Teima region. The association consists of five members in the executive board, which manages the association's activities and makes decisions related to its operations. The association is a strong community institution, with 45 members who are enrolled in the association and support its goals and activities. These members work as a team to implement various projects and events that aim to achieve the association's mission. The Youth Association for Culture and Development in Oulad Teima collaborates with important local partners to achieve its goals. These partners include the Oulad Teima Municipal Council and the Taroudant Regional Council. The association works with these councils to provide the necessary financial support and resources to implement its projects and programs.

Mission and Objectives

We are targeting the development of youths, to promote peace, tolerance and solidarity, through helping young people to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies. We are addressing major issues of youth development and empowerment by organizing seminars, conferences, workshops, summits, expert group meetings, lectures, and youth oriented programmes in an effort to better the prospects of the youth in our part of the world. Engaging with youth worldwide to exchange experiences and knowledge, and addressing various issues and characteristics of youth locally, nationally, and internationally, in service of peace and enriching the culture of dialogue. Supporting youth civic initiatives to achieve the goals of the Third Millennium. Promoting human rights education and fostering a culture of citizenship. Improving the situation of women and children and addressing family issues. Focusing on social, sports, artistic, and cultural fields. Establishing partnerships with national and international organizations and institutions to finance various development workshops. Preserving cultural and environmental diversity through meaningful projects. Promoting Moroccan civilizational and cultural components in fields such as architectural engineering, tourist sites, folk arts, traditional fashion, and handicrafts.

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing volunteer workshops in various fields: environmental conservation, repairing (schools, social and educational institutions, etc.). Organizing educational activities for children in difficult situations and individuals with disabilities, focusing on inclusion, guidance, and education. Organizing training courses and educational programs in various fields for foreigners as part of promoting national culture's openness to other cultures: Moroccan culinary arts, teaching Arabic to foreigners. Organizing language training courses in foreign languages. Organizing purposeful recreational and cultural trips. Organizing local, national, and international exhibitions to showcase national heritage. Organizing sports, artistic, scientific, and cultural competitions and activities with the aim of fostering connections and familiarity among participants. Prioritizing the education sector, particularly primary education in rural and semi-urban areas, including organizing training courses for early childhood educators. Establishing and developing early childhood education departments, especially in rural and mountainous areas.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The association aims to achieve the following through joining the network: - Exchange experiences and expertise with other associations, organizations, and entities. - Enhance cultural exchange with youth from around the world for the benefit of nations. - Develop partnership mechanisms with various national and international entities and organizations. - Participate in training and capacity-building workshops within the country and abroad, especially those organized by the Anna lindh foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

we want to join the ALF Network for : 1 - Expanding collaboration and exchange: We aim to connect with other associations and organizations to exchange experiences, knowledge, and collaborate on joint projects and activities. We believe in the importance of teamwork and cooperation in achieving common goals. 2 - Promoting culture and cultural exchange: We seek to enhance understanding and communication among youth from different cultures and countries. We believe that cultural exchange contributes to fostering tolerance and peaceful coexistence among people. 3 - Developing national and international partnerships: We aim to strengthen partnerships with national and international entities and organizations to enhance our ability to bring about positive change and implement social and developmental projects. 4 - Taking advantage of training and development opportunities: We aspire to participate in workshops and training programs organized by the network, which can help us enhance our capabilities and develop skills in various areas, thus improving our effectiveness in carrying out our work and achieving our goals.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)
secretary general

Youth Association for Culture and Development

National Network

BP:1735 Hay Mohammadi
Marrakech 40007

00212 5 24 36 13 95
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Its membership is open to everyone over the age of eighteen, Irrespective of nationality, religion, race, political View, or educational qualification. Any body is welcome to participate in the YACD programmes no prior experience is required of participants. Just energy, enthusiasm and motivation to face the challenge of being confronted with something new. As well as to learn more about themselves and the world they live in.
Mission and Objectives

Youth Association for Culture and Development is an international, non-governmental, non profit-making, non-political, non-sectarian youth association, , which is targeted to develop youth, to promote peace, tolerance and solidarity ,through helping young people to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies .
YACD are addressing major issues youth development and empowerment by organizing seminars, conferences, workshops, summits, expert group meetings ,lectures, and youth oriented programmes in an effort to better the lots of the youth in our part of the world.
Offers young people world wide an experience based on international learning programme, the emphasis of this experience is on promoting international voluntary service as meaningful alternative to addressing social and educational needs of to day's youth.
It also aims to heighten young people's sensitivity towards social and cultural differences, their self confidence and problem solving abilities.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth Association for Culture and Development ,Is an international, non-governmental, non profit-making, non-political, non-sectarian youth association, , which is targeted to develop youth, to promote peace, tolerance and solidarity ,through helping young people to acquire knowledge, skills and competencies .
YACD are addressing major issues youth development and empowerment by organizing seminars, conferences, workshops, summits, expert group meetings ,lectures, and youth oriented programmes in an effort to better the lots of the youth in our part of the world.
Offers young people world wide an experience based on international learning programme, the emphasis of this experience is on promoting international voluntary service as meaningful alternative to addressing social and educational needs of to day's youth.
It also aims to heighten young people's sensitivity towards social and cultural differences, their self confidence and problem solving abilities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelghani BAKHACH

Youth Empowerment Society - YES

National Network

حي الرشاد مجموعة 6
رقم 6011
15400 تيفلت

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

جمعية "YES "اختصار للإسم الرسمي للجمعية Youth Empowerment Society وبالعربية "المجتمع التمكيني للشباب" مبادرة شبابية مستقلة مقرها مدينة تيفلت بالمغرب روئيتنا تبني على خلق مجتمع مصغر يجمع الشباب لتقوية قدرات وتمكينهم من المهارات وتبادل الخبرات في مجالات مبادئ الديمقراطية، وحقوق الإنسان وحوار الثقافات مع نهج مقاربة النوع عبر إشراك العنصر النسوي والعمل على برامج تمكين المرأة، مع التركيز عل المناطق والفئات المهمشة.
يتكون فريق العمل من 7 شباب وشابات لا تتجاوز أعمارهم 35 سنة أغلب تلقى تدريبات في مجال إدارة منظمات المجتمع المدني والمشاريع المجتمعية مع مؤسسات وطنية ودولية من بنيهم رئيس الجمعية سفيان السعودي مشارك ومدرب في برنامج صوت الشباب المتوسطي تلقى تدريبات عديدة وشارك في العديد من برامج مؤسسة أناليندا بالمغرب ومالطا وفرنسا وبلجيكا ومصر.
أمين مال الجمعية خريج زمالة تنمية الرواد مع MEPI
نائبة رئيس الجمعية خبيرة مدربة دولية في المناصرة وحقوق الإنسان مجازة في علوم الإقتصاد و التدبير، مديرة عامة لوكالة التأمين، عضوة في هيئة المساواة و تكافؤ الفرص و مقاربة النوع
ميزانية الجمعية خلال سنة 2022 بلغت 34ألف يورو
مصادر التمويل : منظمات دولية نذكر منها المعهد الجمهوري الدولي، برنامج MEPI، المؤسسة الاورو متوسطية لدعم المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان، مركز شمال جنوب لمجلس أوروبا، ومؤسسات وطنية من بينها وزارات...
طرق عمل الجمعية: تنظيم دورات تدريبية، برامج لتبادل التجارب، ندوات، إصدار دلائل تدريبية، حملات ترافع (مناصرة)...
الشركاء الرئيسيون مع المشاريع المنفذة:
أكاديمية YES للمشاركة والتغيير بشراكة مع المعهد الجمهوري الدولي وتمويل MEPI
برنامج نتضامنوا لريادة أعمال اجتماعية بشراكة مع وزارة السياحة والصناعة التقليدية والاقتصاد الاجتماعي والتضامني
مشروع نفس الخدمة نفس الحقوق لإعمال مبادئ المساواة في أماكن العمل بشراكة مع وزارة الإدماج الإقتصادي
مشروع سمعي صوتك بشراكة مع المرسسة الاورو متوسطية لدعم المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان، ومركز شمال جنوب لمجلس أوروبا
تأسيس منتديات المناظرة في إطار برنامج صوت الشباب المتوسطي (بشراكة مع المجلس الثقافي البريطاني ومؤسسة أناليندا)

Mission and Objectives

مهمة الجمعية :
نعمل على تعزيز المشاركة الفاعلة لشباب في التنمية المحلية
أهداف الجمعية:
نشر ثقافة الحوار
ترسيخ مبادئ الديمقراطية
تمكين المرأة
المشاركة في برامج التبادل الثقافي الدولي والوطني
تشجيع ريادة الأعمال المجتمعية

Main Projects / Activities

أكاديمية YES للمشاركة والتغيير بشراكة مع المعهد الجمهوري الدولي وتمويل MEPI
برنامج نتضامنوا لريادة أعمال اجتماعية بشراكة مع وزارة السياحة والصناعة التقليدية والاقتصاد الاجتماعي والتضامني
مشروع نفس الخدمة نفس الحقوق لإعمال مبادئ المساواة في أماكن العمل بشراكة مع وزارة الإدماج الإقتصادي
مشروع سمعي صوتك بشراكة مع المرسسة الاورو متوسطية لدعم المدافعين عن حقوق الإنسان، ومركز شمال جنوب لمجلس أوروبا
تأسيس منتديات المناظرة في إطار برنامج صوت الشباب المتوسطي (بشراكة مع المجلس الثقافي البريطاني ومؤسسة أناليندا)
برنامج مواجهة الأخبار الكاذبة في فترات الازمات بتعاون المركز ادلولي للصحفيين

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

ستعمل جمعيتنا على المساهمة في تعزيز عمل الشبكة في المغرب عبر مشاركة التجارب، اقتراح برامج عمل، البحث عن شركاء، تطوير منهجية العمل، تعزيز إشراك الشباب والنساء في برامج عمل الشبكة...

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

تهدف جمعية المجتمع التمكيني للشباب للإنظمام للشبكة من أجل تعزيز شبكات العلاقات مع منظمات مجتمع المدني من المغرب ومنطقة البحر الألبيض المتوسط، الإنتفاح أكثر على البرامج التي تقدمها مؤسسة أناليندا، الإستفادة من تجارب المنظمات أعضاء الشبكة، تطوير برامج عمل بالتعاون مع المنظمات الشريكة.

Contact (1) Full Name
سفيان السعودي
Job Title
سفيان السعودي
Head of the organisation
سفيان السعودي
Contact (2) Full Name
محمد أيت موسى
Job Title (2)
أمين مال الجمعية

Youth Empowerment Society - YES

National Network

Hay Andalus N° 345

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Media
  6. Youth and education
General Information

The Youth Empowerment Society (YES) is an association created in July 2017 by a group of socially-committed young people  Association aspires to the dissemination of the citizenship and of universal rights principles and values in the city of Tiflet in the province of Khemisset, in the region of Rabat-Sale-Kenitra. Aiming to build on the combined experiences of its members in the areas of promoting the rights of young people, combating social inequality and gender-based violence, YES pursues the following goals: - Promoting the values of citizenship and observance of human rights, - Strengthening civil and political rights and political participation among young people and women in the region, - Participating in the economic and social development of the region by giving a primary role to women.

Mission and Objectives

Aiming to build on the combined experiences of its members in the areas of promoting the rights of young people, combating social inequality and gender-based violence, YES pursues the following goals: - Promoting the values of citizenship and observance of human rights, - Strengthening civil and political rights and political participation among young people and women in the region, - Participating in the economic and social development of the region by giving a primary role to women.

Main Projects / Activities

YES aims to be a space for consultation and guidance for young people with a particularinterest in promoting women’s rights. The founding members devoted the first months of the association’s existence to strengthening their skills through participation in training workshops including: training on monitoring and evaluating public policies and monitoring human rights violations, organised by the International Republican Institute (IRI), And The President of the Association is one of the young leaders in the Young Mediterranean Voices, Who participated in the various activities of the Anna Lindh Foundation in Belgium, Malta, France and Egypt ... like MED FORUM and  the special seminar Time for a Paradigm Shift: Listening and Learning, Soufiyan take part in the EU High-Representative for Foreign Affairs’ “Regional Youth Policy Forum” in Brussels, Belgium on 22nd – 23rd of March 2017... (Get Heard) initiative that highlights rights and laws to protect women, and helps broadcast their stories to the world. It’s implemented by YES (Youth Empowerment Society), led by Soufiyan SAAOUDI with the support of IRI (International Republican Institute) and Euro-Mediterranean Foundation of Support to Human Rights Defenders (EMHRF) in partnership with Code For Africa , and other educational institutions based in Morocco. he initiative aims to introducing girls and women from different Moroccan cities to the national and international laws and regulations protecting them from sexual harassment, violence and extortion. It also uses its platform to teach them basic skills and techniques to produce their own podcast, in order to have a voice online to tell their stories. The project facebook page : Web Site : our participation on World Forum for Democracy in strasburg

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Definition of the network and its objectives Organizing meetings and workshops to achieve the goals of the َAnna Lindh Foundation Effective participation in all events organized by the Foundation

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The participation in the ALF Network is very very important because it comes in coincidence with our working on the same topic of Interculturel  and  Youth Empowerment. So, we will definitely benefit from it so as to acquire some technics, tactics, and mechanisms to make our projects successful and effective. we sure that we will share our experiences with the participants in this network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Soufiyan SAAOUDI
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Soufiyan Saaoudi

youth for change

National Network

hay touhamou alkablani Ait melloul, Bloc 1 , Num 130
80156 Agadir

Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
A club for young people to practice their communication skills, learn about public speaking and debating.  We don't have any sources for funding project: virtual debate, workshops on public speaking  Partner: faculty of letteres and human sciences
Mission and Objectives

Promote a good understanding of culture, peace and tolerance
 Build a sense of responsibility and critical thinking
 Prepare participants to become effective debaters and future leaders
 Reduce the terrible consequences of violent extremism
 Share my knowledge and expertise with others ‘sharing is caring’
 take part in cultural exchange with young people from many places around the world or at
least on the national level
 understand the potential of intercultural activities in promoting diversity and tackling
 gain new skills and knowledge in the field of world heritage, cultural diversity and global

Main Projects / Activities

Workshops that involve team work building, time management, critical thinking and debate skills
 Icebreakers that will initiate the learners to collaborate and get to know each other in an
atmosphere of sharing the information without attacking each other
 Theatre activities to boost the creative sense of participants and allow them to present local
issues in an artistic way
 Storytelling and interaction: example of the story would be a one that involves many
characteristics , a climax and a resolution
 Learning by doing: introducing them to project management basics and allow them to create
their own by resenting a phenomenon they have to tackle as young citizens who seek change.
 Organize debate activities by picking controversial topics that will permit the participants to be
well engaged and share the necessary information about their cultural backgrounds

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By sharing my experience in different domains. Participating in online meetings . writng report , organizing activities . Mainly, I will contribute by being an active member

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As a young lady from a rural area in Morocco, not so many oppportunties are given to us. That's why , this is a valuable opportunity for me to learn and represent girls and their real potentials. I feel reponsible for being a good citizen, this can be achiieved by being involved in different activities like these.

Contact (1) Full Name
khadija amahal
Job Title
founder and leader
Head of the organisation
khadija amahal

Youth for Peace & Dialogue between Cultures

National Network

Rue F6 no 89 Lot militaire Oued Nachef
60000 Oujda

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Youth for Peace and Dialogue between Cultures, a non-profit organization which mission is to build a world where young people from different religions and backgrounds can come together to create understanding and respect by serving their communities. Promoting the culture of peace and Human Rights We work to inspire youth around the Globe to become valuable advocates for tolerance and peace

Mission and Objectives

Youth for Peace and Dialogue between Cultures, a non-profit organization which mission is to build a world where young people from different religions and backgrounds can come together to create understanding and respect by serving their communities. Promoting the culture of peace and Human Rights We work to inspire youth around the Globe to become valuable advocates for tolerance and peace Voir moins

Main Projects / Activities

Making human rights a reality in Morocco 🇲🇦 International walk for Peace and Human Rights World Interfaith Harmony Week conference Morocco 🇲🇦 🇲🇦 World Peace Festival

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

By strengthening cooperation and partnership in the Moroccan network in all cultural fields

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Building a culture based on dialogue and cultural exchange in all member states and building societies

Contact (1) Full Name
Zakaria El hamel
Job Title
Founder President
Head of the organisation
Zakaria El hamel

Youth for Peace and Dialogue between Cultures

National Network

Rue F6.Lot Militaire.Oued Nachef.

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Structure of The Organization: -Zakaria El hamel:Founder/President -Hassan Belasri :Vice President -Btissam Tijini :Secretary General -Aissam Boussada :Vice S.G -Mourad Scandari :Tresurer -Karim Diani :Adviser Soureces of Funding: Donations Membership

Mission and Objectives

Youth for Peace and Dialogue between Cultures builds mutual respect and Pluralism among young People from diffrent religions traditions. We are looking to build a world where young people from different religions and backgrounds can come together to create understanding and respect by serving their communities.Interfaith Dialogue Helps Promote Tolerance, Understanding

Main Projects / Activities

participation at the international youth forum intercultural intereligious Dialogue Ukraine.there are so many Project for young people,Children and Woman.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Zakaria El hamel
Head of the organisation

¨جمعية صوت المراة الامازيغية

National Network

رقم 20 شارغ غانا رقم 1 الرباط
10000 الرباط

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

جمعية صوت المراة الامازيغية هي جمعية غير ربحية تاسست 2009 من طرف مجموعة من المناظلات اللواتي يحملن القضية الامازيغية وقضية المراة الامازيغية من بين المجالات التي يجب النظال من اجلها في مغرب متعدد. الجمعية تسير من طرف 3 اجهزة : الجمع العام-المجلس الوطني-المكتب الوطني المسير تم الاداريين :2 موارد الجمعية : من الشركاء او المانحين الدوليين مابين 12000 اورو الى 30000اورو المنح حسب التي تستجيب للتخطيط الاستراتيجي للجمعية

Mission and Objectives

وضع المرأة الأمازيغية في قلب اهتمامات منظمة "أمسلي" جمعية صوت المرأة الأمازيغية هي أول جمعية حقوقية للمرأة الأمازيغية في المغرب، أنشئت سنة 2009، بمبادرة من مجموعة من الناشطات النسويات، واعيات لضرورة الاعتراف بخصوصيات المرأة الأمازيغية التي تعاني من التمييز المزدوج والتمييز الجنسي. ومرتكزة على الهوية، مما يمنح نفسها التحدي المتمثل في لفت الانتباه إلى حقوقها. تعمل على تعزيز حقوق المرأة الأمازيغية من خلال التدخل في ثلاثة مجالات رئيسية للتدخل، وهي: بناء القدرات، والدعوة والتعبئة الاجتماعية، والإعلام الجمعوي والمجتمعي. ويجسد التحالف مجالات التدخل هذه من خلال إنشاء مجموعة من الأنشطة التعليمية في مجال حقوق الإنسان والتثقيف الصحي والدعم النفسي والتوجيه ومحو الأمية القانونية باللغة الأمازيغية لصالح المرأة الأمازيغية. ولملء الفراغ المعلوماتي والمعرفي المتعلق بخصوصيات المرأة الأمازيغية، أولت الرابطة أهمية كبيرة لإجراء الدراسات والمذكرات والمسوحات وتعبئة وسائل الإعلام حول قضيتها، فضلا عن الانفتاح على شبكات الفاعلين الذين يحملون نفس السبب في سياقات أخرى.

Main Projects / Activities

MISSION النهوض بوضعية المرأة الأمازيغية بالمغرب عبر تمكينها من حقوقها المدنية والسياسية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية والثقافية والبيئية وفق مقاربة حقوقية VISION » فاعل حقوقي، مؤثر و مرجع على المستوى المحلي، الجهوي ، الوطني و الإقليمي/الدولي في مجال ترسيخ و تعزيز الحقوق من أجل نساء أمازيغيات متمتعات بحقوقهن« محاور الاشتغال: المرافعة تقوية القدرات التواصل والاعلام التشبيك

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

التشبيك من المحاور الاساسية التي نشتغل عليها وهي من اساسيات البرنامج الاستراتيجي لجمعية صوت المراة الامازيغية من خلال تواجدنا في الشبكة سنعمل على تقاسم اهداف وبرامج الشبكة مع الجمعيات والمستفيدات من برامجنا كما سنعمل على تقاسم المعلومات وتوسيع الشبكة

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

طلب الانظمتم الى شبكة اناليند سيمنح لجمعيتنا مجالات اخرى للاشتغال خاصة في ما يتعلق بقضية المساواة بين الجنسين ومحاربة البتريركا المشاركة في مجموعة من التكوينات التي تمنحها شبكة انا ليند توسيع الشبكة خاصة مع الجمعيات التي نتقاسم معها نفسمرجعية لحقوق الانسان

Contact (1) Full Name
زيوال امينة
Job Title
Head of the organisation
زيوال امينة
Contact (2) Full Name
الهام بشار
Job Title (2)
امينة المال