
AFAK-Tangier for citizenship and the Development

National Network

47, Bd Pasteur

212-39 93 71 01
Telephone (other)
212-39 37 17 71
212-39 37 17 71
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
212-61 15 84 03
Mobile Phone (other)
212-60 79 90 06
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Association governed by the Dahir of 1958, created in 1997. Local antenna of national O.N.G. AFAK, but enjoying organisational, legal and financial autonomy management Committee: 9 members of various professional horizons (engineers, doctors, teachers...). Average human: especially the voluntary ones and associations Budget 2006: DH 80.000 Contributions of the members + Sponsors Campaigns publicity on the ground, conferences. Partnerships with public institutions local:INAS, Delegation of Jeunesse... with associations of districts and the O.N.G. Corsica U Marinu.
Mission and Objectives

To locally promote behaviors citizens and to rehabilitate the values morals necessary to the development of the individual and community.

Main Projects / Activities

Accompaniment on the local level of the national actions: clean elections, beaches, education with the citizenship at the school... Member of the Board of directors of the Urban Agency of Tangier Repair partial of public schools and sensitizing of the schoolboys to the citizenship Plantation of trees and installation of parks organisational Support, formation and financier to associations of districts Training of the workmen to Organization quality of international meetings: - Workshop on the valorization of solid waste in Morocco - Meetings transdisciplinaires of UNESCO Demonstration "the sea celebrates some" in June 2005 and June 2006 Co-organization with association U Marinu of exchanges of pupils of colleges "crossed on images": Russet-red Island (Corsica) - College Regnault (Tangier)

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Noureddine EL OUAJIH

AFCD Foundation

National Network

Dar chebab rehal ben Ahmed , ait ourir , marrakech
40000 Marrakech

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information

AFCD is a youth organization that works with both national and international perspectives. Our core task is youth involvement and empowerment as we work on youth training and development and make them active in their community. Our mission and vision are to create new communities where youth has the power and are able to put pressure on the community decision-makers both locally and globally. AFCD’s main goals are:    • Build international relations and contribute to community development. • Youth is the core of community development. • Train youth at both personal and professional. 

Mission and Objectives

The AFCD is an independent association of young volunteers, which aims to participate in the improvement of areas such as the socio-cultural areas, educational as well as the enhancement of the regional infrastructure.  Within our association, we adopt a participatory approach in all stages of the work from decision making to the launch and the realization of the work. This strategy is applied to ensure an inclusive and comprehensive approach to the work and activities carried out by the association and to adhere to this approach within the association to ensure the rights of the volunteers to participate in the decision-making process.  

Main Projects / Activities

Environment Friends Project 2009 Madrasati”  ( my school) Park Project A new income-generating project in Aljadida high school  2009-2011 First Local Environment Forum Regional Conference for Environment 2012 An allergic campaign about water Celebrating Earth Week Environmental convoy project against plastic bags 2013 Forestation in educational institutions Environmental Film Festival in its first edition     - Active Grants Youth First funded by the Danish Youth Council OXYGEN Awareness, Advocacy, and action in EL Haouz a project funded by the High Atlas Foundation in partnership with the US Office of Oceans and Environment and Sciences. Alumni Grant Application

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Youth empowerment is one of AFCD's priorities; we believe that youths are the backbone of societies thanks to their potentials; vigor, enthusiasm, creativity, ambition, and creativity for instance. Therefore, targeting youths helps to a higher degree implement our decisions and carry out our plans. AFCD works earnestly to create opportunities and provide tangible solutions to youths in all the areas nearby. By being part of the  ALF network we believe that we will get that needed help and partnerships to reach the wanted goals in our community.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Aissam oukerroum
Job Title
project manager
Head of the organisation
Kamal Akaya
Contact (2) Full Name
kamal akaya
Job Title (2)

AFCD Foundation

National Network

B.P 258 AIt Ourir, Marrakech
42050 Marrakech

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Within AFCD all that e work is done through a participatory approach making use of every member's skills and insights. To reach a unanimous agreement among AFCD team we always resort to consulting, exchanging ideas and sometimes debating over almost every single matter regarding all projects from the launching phase to their realization. By adopting a participatory approach we aim to instill and cultivate a spirit of collaboration, open mindedness, and sharing in every single team member. Furthermore, AFCD is remarkably reputed locally, nationally and internationally due to the fact that improving citizens' lifestyles lies at the heart of most of our projects. Thus, we put much focus on education as it is considered the only key to emancipation. Youths and women empowerment issues top our agendas because AFCD consider both youths and women as the backbone of societies and their empowerment will bring about fruitful results. It's really mesmerizing that recently a lot of ambitious and vigor youths have shown an inner desire to work with AFCD which feeds our team year in year out, besides the overwhelming majority of volunteers are young people who are intrinsically motivated to make their areas a safe haven where everyone learns, produces, and shares.

Mission and Objectives

AFCD is an independent association of highly ambitious youths volunteers who vowed to improve their areas, light people's path and raise their awareness about the importance of their contributions to better their living conditions. AFCD has always adopted a sort of thorough approach in the improvement of the regions within their reach; therefore, AFCD focus on the areas that affect people's daily lives on the short, mid and long term; society, economy, and environment. AFCD's volunteers are highly qualified youths who carry the heavy burden of promoting the areas to keep up with the world.  The AFCD is an independent association of young volunteers, which aims to participate in the improvement of areas such as the socio-cultural areas, educational as well as the enhancement of the regional infrastructure. Within our association, we adopt a participatory approach in all stages of the work from decision making to the launch and the realization of the work. This strategy is applied to ensure an inclusive and comprehensive approach to the work and activities carried out by the association, and also to adhere to this approach within the association to ensure the rights of the volunteers to participate in the decision-making process.

Main Projects / Activities

- Youth First funded by the Danish Youth Council - Awarnes,Advocacy and action in EL Haouz a project funded by High Atlas Foundation in partnership with US Office of -Oceans and Environment and Sciences. - The Youth Forum for young Entrepreneurs.  - Environmental Film Festival  - 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are a group of motivated,passionate and highly active young activists. Our mission in life is impacting and changing our communities. We are full of energy and positive spirit and an optimistic perspective toward our society. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We as a youth organization are doing work in ground  and bringing ipmact to our communities. Yet, we could have done better if we have recieved more trainings and mentoring. A great way to be empowered is via joining the ALF network where we could learn from the experts and the expertise of the network as well as share learn from the best practices mainly about  building a movement for dialogue and ways to foster it. 

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
kamal Akaya
Job Title
Program Manager
Head of the organisation
kamal Akaya
Contact (2) Full Name
Ajrinija Mouhamed
Job Title (2)
Community Manager

Africa Continent Care for Migration

National Network

10001 Rabat

+212 622 888 318
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
  4. Research
General Information

                                 Contact us for any Project/Event etc.    Africa Continent Care for Migration is a non-profit and apolitical organization that aims to contribute to the social and economic integration of foreigners in Morocco and beyond borders and to promote tourism. ACCM is also dedicated to promoting human and orderly migration for the benefit of all.   Our Mission: To fight against discrimination, slavery, exclusion and poverty, to encourage the promotion and protection of migrants and their human rights, in accordance with the United Nations Charter.   Our Objectives: -defending the rights of immigrants and refugees, Immigration equality-Fairness for All. - assist, train, and educate migrants including refugees and internally displaced people to job opportunities. -sensitize the migrants about the rules and principles of their host country. - promote tourism through intercultural activities. - mobilize funds to help vulnerable migrants especially children, women and people with disease. - work hand to hand with the local authorities to facilitate the migrants and refugees' socio-professional integration. - organize and carry out humanitarian activities for migrants and refugees in a vulnerable situation.   Our target population: Association Africa Continent Care for Migration is an organization created by migrants for migrants in general,social rights and those in critical situation.   Our  strategy to reach our goals: - advocacy with the local authorities to explain the migrants' situation. -sensitize both national and international opinion about the necessity of giving helping hand to migrants or refugees.   Who can be our partners? -All moral institutions or individuals that fulfill the admission conditions and commit to honor the statutes and charter of the association.   Sponsor us: - by contacting us through our website,email or our telephone numbers to learn more about our cooperate sponsorship.     Founder /President, U.N. CHRISTOPHER   How to contact us? Website: WWW.AFRICACONTINENTCARE.ORG Email: Mobile: +212 622 888 318   Headquarters/Address: Avenue Omar Ibn Al Khattab, Rabat, Morocco   Social Network:     

Mission and Objectives

                                 Contact us for any Project/Event etc.    Africa Continent Care for Migration is a non-profit and apolitical organization that aims to contribute to the social and economic integration of foreigners in Morocco and beyond borders and to promote tourism. ACCM is also dedicated to promoting human and orderly migration for the benefit of all.   Our Mission: To fight against discrimination, slavery, exclusion and poverty, to encourage the promotion and protection of migrants and their human rights, in accordance with the United Nations Charter.   Our Objectives: -defending the rights of immigrants and refugees, Immigration equality-Fairness for All. - assist, train, and educate migrants including refugees and internally displaced people to job opportunities. -sensitize the migrants about the rules and principles of their host country. - promote tourism through intercultural activities. - mobilize funds to help vulnerable migrants especially children, women and people with disease. - work hand to hand with the local authorities to facilitate the migrants and refugees' socio-professional integration. - organize and carry out humanitarian activities for migrants and refugees in a vulnerable situation.   Our target population: Association Africa Continent Care for Migration is an organization created by migrants for migrants in general,social rights and those in critical situation.   Our  strategy to reach our goals: - advocacy with the local authorities to explain the migrants' situation. -sensitize both national and international opinion about the necessity of giving helping hand to migrants or refugees.   Who can be our partners? -All moral institutions or individuals that fulfill the admission conditions and commit to honor the statutes and charter of the association.   Sponsor us: - by contacting us through our website,email or our telephone numbers to learn more about our cooperate sponsorship.     Founder /President, U.N. CHRISTOPHER   How to contact us? Website: WWW.AFRICACONTINENTCARE.ORG Email: Mobile: +212 622 888 318   Headquarters/Address: Avenue Omar Ibn Al Khattab, Rabat, Morocco   Social Network:     

Main Projects / Activities

                                 Contact us for any Project/Event etc.    Africa Continent Care for Migration is a non-profit and apolitical organization that aims to contribute to the social and economic integration of foreigners in Morocco and beyond borders and to promote tourism. ACCM is also dedicated to promoting human and orderly migration for the benefit of all.   Our Mission: To fight against discrimination, slavery, exclusion and poverty, to encourage the promotion and protection of migrants and their human rights, in accordance with the United Nations Charter.   Our Objectives: -defending the rights of immigrants and refugees, Immigration equality-Fairness for All. - assist, train, and educate migrants including refugees and internally displaced people to job opportunities. -sensitize the migrants about the rules and principles of their host country. - promote tourism through intercultural activities. - mobilize funds to help vulnerable migrants especially children, women and people with disease. - work hand to hand with the local authorities to facilitate the migrants and refugees' socio-professional integration. - organize and carry out humanitarian activities for migrants and refugees in a vulnerable situation.   Our target population: Association Africa Continent Care for Migration is an organization created by migrants for migrants in general,social rights and those in critical situation.   Our  strategy to reach our goals: - advocacy with the local authorities to explain the migrants' situation. -sensitize both national and international opinion about the necessity of giving helping hand to migrants or refugees.   Who can be our partners? -All moral institutions or individuals that fulfill the admission conditions and commit to honor the statutes and charter of the association.   Sponsor us: - by contacting us through our website,email or our telephone numbers to learn more about our cooperate sponsorship.     Founder /President, U.N. CHRISTOPHER   How to contact us? Website: WWW.AFRICACONTINENTCARE.ORG Email: Mobile: +212 622 888 318   Headquarters/Address: Avenue Omar Ibn Al Khattab, Rabat, Morocco   Social Network:     

Contact (1) Full Name
UN Christopher
Job Title
Focus on Migration
Head of the organisation
Africa Continent Care for Migration
Contact (2) Full Name
Enoka Tautun
Job Title (2)


National Network

10090 RABAT

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information

Africa Women's Forum is an NGO registered at the wilaya of Rabat in Morocco . We also have other field offices in Tunisia, Benin, Gambia, Ghana. We have members from 45 countries in Africa and in the diaspora.

Mission and Objectives

Africa Women's Forum aims to empower women of the continent, from Maghreb Countries to other regions. The others objectives are also to encourage North-South and South-South cooperation with women so that there preocupations are better taken into consideration AWF also organise conferences on key issues, where women are more impacted : leadership, education, empowerment, climate change, migration, GBV, peace and security

Main Projects / Activities

AWF organises an international forum each year to gather women from the continent and beyond to give the opportunity to women to express theirs views that affect our socities. AWF also organises capacity building workshops for women in several field : entrepreneurship, climate change, politic,

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are very well known in Morocco and abroad because we regularly iniate events on behalf of women's rights . We are also consulted by International organisations, medias, gvt, to provide informations on women . We then receive several awards in Morocco and abroad for our expertise.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to integrate the Annah Lindh network to bring our network and expertise to others and then contribute to reinforce the position of the CSO's . We wouls also benifit from the data on other members to increase our knowldge and initiate partenerships for the benifit of people we work for.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation


National Network


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Africa Women's Forum is  moroccan NGO, based  in Rabat. all our members are working on voluntary basis,  we also opened external offices  in Tunisia , Benin, Gambia, Ghana) Our yearly budget ,  is part from  payment  of  membership (20 dollars per member) and from  our donors for  projects in parnethip with  international cooperation agencies such as GIZ or Morrocan International cooperation: The  Forum, advocating for women 's right ,  organise a yearly  international forum gathering women from Africa and abroad, and regional conferences in other countries , to make their voices heard  in key issues such as  leadership, governance, eduction, security, intercultural dialogue,   we also , all the year  oganise training session for women and youth  on  entrepreneurship,  participation to elections,  intercultural dialogues

Mission and Objectives

Africa Women's Forum was founded in Morocco in 2014, to  empower women but  most of all to give a  better  image of women  of Africa in their countries due to steorypes  against women and as well to give a  positive  image  of women migrants in Morocco, coming  from other  countries of  africa, and then preventing racism,  discrimination,  misundurstanding The NGO also  advocate for a better visibility of the countribution of women  in their countries ( economy,  conflict prevention, education) Finally the NGO  participate  in the  international conferences to  make heard the preoccupation and contributions  of women in Africa (starting by north africa)

Main Projects / Activities

5 INTERNATIONAL FORUM IN  MOROCCO GATHERING 100 WOMEN FROM  40 COUNTRIES TO DISCUSS ABOUT MIGRATION, EDUCATION, SOUTH-SOUTH COOPERATION, CLIMATE CHANGE TRAINING  IN  MOROCCO , Benin , MAURITANIA, Ghana  ABOUT  WOMEN's LEADERHIP, Climate chance (Benin) OUR MAIN COMING PROJECT IS A  TRAINING WOMEN's CENTER  IN THE ATLAS(Morocco) FOR RURAL WOMEN TO  HELP THEM TO  EMPOWER THEMSELVES BUT AS WELL TO ALLOW THEM TO KNOW AND BENIFIT FOR  MORE RIGHTS (legal, economic)  ; indeed many women work in cooperatives or alone without any  insurance or legal insurance so this project will allow them to have rights at work  place and then avoid exploitation due to their vulnirability and allow them also a better evolution 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

AFRICA WOMEN's FORUM was among the first moroccan NGOs to establish a dialogue betweem women from Morocco and  otheir countries of Africa and then contribute to a better  relations between  women coming from differents cultures   and then contribute to  a better perception of women  migrants . and  to a south south cooperation. Our  network ;  field work, expertise , already allow us to  be associated to international events ( COP22, Paris peace summit, Developpement summit...) can be  a  very  positive contribution to  Anna Lindh Foundation of  to  its network. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

THE ALF  work in  several fields   where we also work ( intercultural dialogue , leadership,  governance,) and then  we wish to  improve our work by  a  potential partnership and as well to share  our experience and  concen on  women's issues. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

African Research Center for Innovation and Development (ARCID)

National Network

Boulevard M.Hassan I - 35 Dakhla Agadir Obtenir l’itinéraire
Lot 483, N°: 1, cité Haut Founty, Agadir

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information

- Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners: ARCID is an NGO, composed by 2 permanent salaries and 20 adherents. Our main partners are: Ibn Zohr University (Morocco), ENCG-Agadir (Morocco); council of Souss Massa region (Morocco), Réseau de Développement de tourisme rural (RDTR)(Morocco); Tropics Magazine (south africa), Konrad Adenauer (Germany), ISM-Dakar; ESCG (Cameroun), Souss Manssa Initiative (Morocco) , Regional Concil of tourism Souss Massa (Morocco), Regioan center for investment(Morocco); Souss Massa culture development (Morocco)    - Sources of fundingr: Council of Souss Massa region; COPELIT ; TAMIMA; Council of Agadir city - Modalities of action: International exchagers; Seminars, concrete projects - Main partners : Council of Souss Massa region; Ibn Zohr University (Morocco), ENCG-Agadir (Morocco); (RDTR)(Morocco); Tropics Magazine (south africa)

Mission and Objectives

The African Research Center for Innovation and Development (ARCID: African Research Center for Innovation & Development) is an non-profit organization dedicated to researchers and professional. It was created in the perspective of developing a new forms of innovation in organizations and contribute to the development of the context of African countries. ARCID aims to forge lasting partnerships between researchers and interested professionals through innovation,culture,  employability and entrepreneurship,  digital Management, Systems and Technologies (STI) and questions on the development of continent.

Main Projects / Activities

  1) WILCA (Week for Internationalizing Local Cultures & Arts), This is an event designed to promote the intangible heritage of Morocco and more precisely that of the region. Inernationals come to share their experiences and values with traditional rural and local troupes. In other words, these troops will sing, dancing or exchange even think locally. WILCA is an original concept inspired by the artistic activities of the ambassador of Moroccan culture in the United States of America, Fattah Abbou, co-founder of the Aza troupe. It is subsequently developed to integrate other facets of the cultural and artistic heritage of the region and seek to internationalize these values.  WILCA has as main objectives : • Capitalisation and internationalisation of cultures and local arts; • Valorisation of cultural and touristic heritage of the region; • simplification of rural tourist destinations and emergence of cultural tourism; • Exploration of tourism potential of hinterland; 2) Journées africaines pour le Développement de l’Emploi (JADE):  JADE cherche à traiter les problématiques liées à l’emploi et l’employabilité́ en Afrique. Ses challenges dépassent une simple création d’opportunités de recrutement dans le contient, et cherche à devenir la première occasion des jeunes pour stimuler leur esprit d’innovation et par conséquent devenir des entrepreneurs créateurs de l’emploi approprié à leur continent.  il vise à donner naissance et à faire émerger une nouvelle génération de jeunes entrepreneurs africains. Cet objectif global peut être décliné en plusieurs sous objectifs spécifiques qui se résument en :  -          Génération des idées de projets innovantes pour les secteurs prometteurs -          Proposition de projets innovants qui répondent aux défis des changements climatiques  -          Formation des jeunes participants aux thématiques de l’entrepreneuriat innovant à bases de ressources limitées -          Mise en place d’une idéa factory pour remédier aux problèmes du changement climatique au niveau de chaque pays  -          Préparer une bonne pépinière de jeunes entrepreneurs vert pour les incubateurs et les business angels       

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We wil contribute to the network  through our civic action that aim to promot sense of particpation and inclusion all the steakholders. ARCID organizes events (WILCA, JADE)  that could bring together many actors, sharing knwoledge and experiences. ARCID could be considerd as a hub where divers actors meet. it consists also of a bridge between Africa and other countries.  

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

the main reasons behing our encentive to join ALF network are:  - Values of the Networks : culture diversity,  diologue and exchange -  Universalism of the network : it integrates people from all over the world - Convergent vision: With ALF network, ARCID shares the same visions

Contact (1) Full Name
Rachid Oumlil
Job Title
President founder
Head of the organisation
Rachid Oumlil
Contact (2) Full Name
Noura Karim
Job Title (2)
General Secretary

Agdz Association Volunteers Without Borders

National Network

Dar el mouwaten Center Agdz
47050 Agdz

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
It is a new Assembly in the hunt for partners and donors have also are preparing for activities aimed at young people and students walking Assembly and 11-member students, professors
Mission and Objectives

 Agdz Association Volunteers Without Borders is a youth association, there is now the headquarters of the House Agdz citizen, is working on a set of goals that seeks to achieve, including:
 develop and organize volunteer work.
 directing volunteer work to serve humanitarian purposes
 raise the cultural, social, environmental and health awareness among members of the community
 help institutions and associations on the performance of its mission through voluntary efforts.
 provide an opportunity for community members to volunteer in the field of public services through education and training
To achieve its goals Assembly is working in several areas remind Maha:
 the cultural field: includes organizing lectures and seminars and exhibitions and CDA spreading cultural production.
 the educational field:
• nurture the upbringing of the individual psychological and social intact.
• the development of individual talents and paid for creativity and investment innate talents and gained.
• cooperation with the concerned authorities and education that have the same goals are also interested in trips and camps and sports activities.
• contribute to the formation of human good to serve the nation and the nation.
• lay the foundations for balanced environmental culture.
 the field of social development:
• Literacy .
• cooperation with the associations and those interested in social development within the country and abroad.
• preparation and completion of development projects for the benefit of the population

Main Projects / Activities

By virtue of the new Assembly, the activity that we have done is training workshop for pupils for ways academic excellence as we are in preparation for regulating the activity to one of the schools in the region is a cleaning and decorating the Treasury and Thiah school arena while working to expand the experiment to other schools, and the Assembly is considering the possibility of organizing a camp for languages in the region to support the youth in languages

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Seeking to form a network with Ganaaat and organizations for the betterment of the cooperative and the Federal my domain and support regions in need of support, and the foundation is to build a communication network between the actors in the country and abroad

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Work to form relationships with other institutions and organizations and the pursuit of a unified goals and the search for supporters and supporters of the Association in order to progress forward and make positive changes in the region

Contact (1) Full Name
Abdelbasset BAHADDOU
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Abdelbasset BAHADDOU
Contact (2) Full Name
Mustapha Ait BAHDDOU
Job Title (2)

Agir ensemble- Head of Network

National Network

BP: 6050 safi principal morocco
46000 Safi

00212 661876711
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00212 661876711
Mobile Phone (other)
00212 626476144
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Others
General Information

Association Agir Ensemble est une association marocaine. Qui vise à réaliser des objectifs culturels et interculturels et de coopération pour le développement en faveur des jeunes.

Mission and Objectives

- aux activités sociales, économiques, éducatives, culturelles, artistiques et à toute activité liée au développement durable, au développement humain participatif et à la solidarité.et l’utilité publique.

- Promouvoir les échanges culturels et interculturels et l'échange d'expériences, Et établir des relations de coopérations et de partenariats nationales et internationales. Pour instaurer un dialogue des civilisations susceptible de favoriser L’ouverture vers de nouveaux horizons en vue d’un Maroc Pluriel, diversifié, égalitaire et ouvert positivement sur L’environnement national, régional et international.

- L’éducation interactive et socioculturelle, le développement des capacités et des compétences et l'éducation à la citoyenneté.

- Création des centres ou des institutions ou des clubs pour adopter les activités d’orientation, de formation et de rééducation programmée.

- Créer des projets et organiser des grands événements, des formations, des ateliers, des séminaires, des festivals. Conférences, manifestations culturelles et gastronomiques, parrainages etc.

Main Projects / Activities

Agir ensemble est membre de la FAL depuis 2009 , membre fondateur du réseau euro-méditerranéen autonome des jeunes, et membre au réseau de l’université de l’union pour la méditerranée (EMUNI network), on a participé dans plusieurs activités à l’échèle international, et en même temps on a pu organiser des activités euro-méditerranéens au niveau locale comme : L'université internationale du printemps des jeunes – le Forum interculturel des jeunes – le Forum régional de renforcement des capacités des ONG, ainsi qu’une série de formations continus dans tout les domaines de la jeunesse et la société civile depuis la création de l’association.

Contact (1) Full Name
Wadii Abdelwahdi
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Wadii Abdelwahdi
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Bassor
Job Title (2)


National Network

85000 Tiznit

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. International/Cultural relations
  8. Media
  9. Youth and education
General Information
The Agora Fondation for Youth "AFY" is a Moroccan NGO that was founded in 2015 by a group of youth who were dealing with youth issues in the city of Tiznit in the South Kingdom of Morocco. In 2015 AFY started to work at the national level together with some other NGOs that were interested in the youth advocacy and activism and oppened its doors to all people from all over Morocco. The Agora Fondation for Youth also serves as a network for youth associations and organizations, with the objective of promoting the exchange of experiences and working together to allow for new horizons of creation and participation among youths.
Mission and Objectives

Coaching young Moroccans in the various issues of public interest, while enhancing their skills, and share the great values of humanity.
Education and capacity building of youth
Promote research on youth issues
Foster dialogue and cultural exchange between international and Moroccan youth
Raise awareness and educate young people about the risks to their health and environment
Promoting arts, cultures and sports
Monitoring and evaluating public policies in the field of media and new technologies of information and communication.
Encourage youth participation in the management of local, National and International matters
Integrate youth in a precarious situation in the concerns of the society

Main Projects / Activities

young mediterranean voices

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
President of the Organization
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Safouane OUMHA
Job Title (2)