
Safe Construction Strategies: Showcasing Umbrian Model at Basilica Reconstruction Conference

The construction site for the reconstruction of the Basilica of San Benedetto in Norcia

The conference titled "Safety Management in Complex Construction Sites: The Umbrian Model Applied to the Basilica of San Benedetto in Norcia" successfully took place in Norcia, Italy. Organized by the Umbria Region, INAIL Umbria, CESF Perugia, and TESEF Terni, the event aimed to highlight the effective strategies employed in the reconstruction of the Basilica and evaluate their progress for potential future implementation.

The conference, held on April 21, 2023, at Norcia's Digipass Space, brought together esteemed speakers, including Mayor Nicola Alemanno, Prefect Armando Gradone, Councilor Enrico Melasecche Germini, Director Massimo D'Angelo, Regional Director of INAIL Umbria Alessandra Ligi, and President of CESF Perugia Agostino Giovannini.

Coinciding with the World Day for Health and Safety at Work, the conference provided an opportunity to showcase the achievements and developments in the complex construction site of the Basilica of San Benedetto. The Umbrian model demonstrated its effectiveness in improving workplace safety and inspired professionals to adopt similar approaches in their projects worldwide.

Participants, including industry professionals, researchers, and interested individuals, actively engaged in the conference. They gained valuable insights from renowned experts, learned about successful safety management strategies, and explored potential applications in their own projects.

Overall, the conference served as a valuable platform for knowledge dissemination, and experience sharing.

San Salvo Municipality

National Network

Piazza Giovanni XXIII, No.1
(66050) San Salvo (CH)

+39(0)873.547712 / +39(0)873.548142
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The municipality includes a staff of about 200 persons. There are several partners in Italy and some partners abroad that collaborate with San Salvo in different projects. The municipality has about 17.000.000,00 euro available each yeas for its budget. Principal sources of funding: state and regional contributions, tax collection, capital income etc. Various modalities of action: regular public administration, different projects carried out in collaboration with Italian and foreign partners, international exchange and collaboration projects, participation in school exchange programmes through substantial contributions. Main partners: the University of D’Annunzio (Chieti, Italy), the association INTERFOR-SIA 2 (Amiens, France), Cnos-Fap (activities for example vocational training organization: Vasto, Italy), some Italian municipalities in the Abruzzo region.
Mission and Objectives

San Salvo carries out the common activities of a public administration body. In addition, it holds a strategic role in the local development. The municipal administration is particularly sensitive to social issues. It works hard in order to make local institutions, producers, human and material resources work in synergy. The San Salvo municipality manages innovative projects in the fields of social services, intercultural communication, integration and occupational growth.

Main Projects / Activities

Public administration; local development promotion; organization and implementation of the local socio-economic plan; management of special projects in the field of social services; regional experimentation; management of interventions that promote for example social well being of the young, occupational growth, intercultural communication and interaction, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Palmina Napolitano
Head of the organisation
Mayor Tiziana Magnacca
Contact (2) Full Name
Licia Zulli

Sapienza University of Rome

National Network

P.le Aldo Moro ,5

06 49766860
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
Sapienza carries out the mission of contributing to the development of a society of knowledge through research, excellence and quality education as well as international cooperation. It offers a wide range of fields of study that includes 370 first cycle and second cycle degrees and over 300 professional university masters (continuing education courses). It carries out scientific research in various fields, achieving high-standard results, which are acknowledged both on a national and an international level. The branches involved cover every field of knowledge from pure science to technical branches and classical studies, historical, philosophic and economic-juridical subjects, from Sociology to Psychology, from Communication Sciences to Medicine.
Mission and Objectives

Sapienza carries out the mission of contributing to the development of a society of knowledge through research, excellence and quality education as well as international cooperation.
It offers a wide range of fields of study that includes 370 first cycle and second cycle degrees and over 300 professional university masters (continuing education courses). It carries out scientific research in various fields, achieving high-standard results, which are acknowledged both on a national and an international level.
The branches involved cover every field of knowledge from pure science to technical branches and classical studies, historical, philosophic and economic-juridical subjects, from Sociology to Psychology, from Communication Sciences to Medicine.

Main Projects / Activities

Sapienza carries out the mission of contributing to the development of a society of knowledge through research, excellence and quality education as well as international cooperation.
It offers a wide range of fields of study that includes 370 first cycle and second cycle degrees and over 300 professional university masters (continuing education courses). It carries out scientific research in various fields, achieving high-standard results, which are acknowledged both on a national and an international level.
The branches involved cover every field of knowledge from pure science to technical branches and classical studies, historical, philosophic and economic-juridical subjects, from Sociology to Psychology, from Communication Sciences to Medicine.Many of the 145,000 students attending the University come from abroad: there are more than 5,000 foreign students and incoming and outgoing Erasmus students are about 1,000 per year. There are more than 4,500 professors and the administrative and technical staff counts approximately 5,000 people.
Sapienza is a city within a city. The decentralisation process, started in 1999, has led to the creation of five Confederate Universities including 21 faculties and over 100 departments.

Contact (1) Full Name
Giulio Querini
Head of the organisation
Rector Luigi Frati
Contact (2) Full Name
Carmen Bizzarri

Sapienza, Università di Roma/ Dipartimento di Architettura

National Network

Via Flaminia 359, 00196

0039 06 49699020
Telephone (other)
0039 06 49699029
0039 06 49699050
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 338 1125654
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
The Department of Architecture is formed by 40 tenure track professors and 16 staff employed. The DiAR is a research institution founded in 2005 as the result of a merging of two departments of Sapienza born in 1980 the DAAC and DPAUPI. The structure has been developing for many years now, highly multidisciplinary knowledge, bringing together expertise in architecture, urban design and landscape, but also in other related disciplines as social sciences, the humanities and natural science (anthropology, geography, ecology) with a special focus on issues concerning the contemporary metropolis. The Department benefits from partnership with other public institutions such as the Municipality of Rome, the Anas, the Ministry of Cultural Affairs, etc. which become sources of funding of the structure together with the sources deriving from budget of the Ministry of the University and Research. Research projects, seminares, conferences are some of the modalities of action. The yearly balance sheet is around 900.000 euro.
Mission and Objectives

Drawing on this multidisciplinary knowledge, the DiAR applies an analytical cross-disciplinary and project-based approach in its research. The Department is endeavouring to develop a structure for ongoing co-operation among institutions to help it share this knowledge. In today's environment of globalized debates on landscape and the environment, this kind of international networking is essential for analyzing emerging issues. International exchanges and relations in particular with the mediterrannean cultures are part of the mission of the department.
Among the objectives there are:
- understanding the role of landscape in social recomposition, the emergence of new uses and revitalization
of rural spaces, in connection with urban-to-rural migration processes;
- characterizing and managing of landscapes with heritage value (analysis of historic places) and tourist appeal;
- sustainable development and new approaches to the environment;
- characterizing the social and cultural appreciation and experience of urban spaces and suburbs;
- developing goals and approaches for landscape projects, with attention to sociocultural and environmental

Main Projects / Activities

Among some of the most recent works:
- the research Anas/DiAr on the Grande Raccordo Anulare
- the Workshop for the new university campus in Pietralata
- projects for the requalification of hill towns in Umbria
- the investigation on the contemporary city for the "Carta per la Qualità" of the new Master Plan of Rome
- the selection of works of artistic and historical relevance of the second half of XIX Century for the DARC - Direzione generale
per l'Architettura e l'Arte contemporanee del Ministero per i Beni e le attività culturali.
- researches on contemporary forms of housing
- temporary housing for earthquake areas
- workshops on landscape issues together with the Chaire Unesco en environnement et paysage

Contact (1) Full Name
Prof. Alessandra Capuano
Head of the organisation
Prof. Antonino Terranova
Contact (2) Full Name
Prof. Fabrizio Toppetti

SATTVA FILMS Production and School

National Network

Via Marsala n.31, Bologna 40126

0039 (0)51 267458
0039 (0)51 267458
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 380 5203065
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
§ Sattva is a uninominal company (srl) which employee on specific projects; 15 partners § The average budgetary resources is 85.000 euros § European Union with the programmes MEDIA Development and Civil Society Dialogue - Cultural Bridges Assessorato al Mediterraneo - Regione Puglia Gruppo Montepaschi § Documentaries and film development and production, seminars and workshops, trainings § Main partners: Süddeutscher Rundfunk Fernsehen Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Direzione Generale Promozione e Cooperazione Culturale Film Commissions of Regione Puglia, of Regione Marche and of Torino Assessorato Politiche Sociali - Regione Emilia Romagna Reggio Children; Universities of Bologna, of Milano Bicocca, of Modena e Reggio Emilia Bilgi University - Istanbul (Turkey) Meaddle East Technological University - Ankara (Turkey)
Mission and Objectives

School of cinema, fiction and documentary
Cinema and television production
Publishing activities

Main Projects / Activities

Documentary and films
§ in production:
There is only future in me Duration 85 min., digital, colour and b/w, stereo, Italy, 2010
"Dialogues": Tariq Ramadan meets Paolo Dall'Oglio
§ in development: La Signora delle Acque / The Princess of the Waters
Films and books:
Glimmer of Light. Notes for a film about a sense of place
Seth’s journey to Otranto (developed with MEDIA development contribution)
Non in un posto qualsiasi
§ Training activities
"Conceiving and Creating a Film Seminary” is a theoretical/practical training course
§ Seminar and workshops (latest)
2009 - Ankara (Turkey): presso GISAM - Meaddle East Technological University
2009 - Istanbul (Turkey): presso il Dipartimento Media and Cinema - Santralistanbul - Bilgi University
2005 - Milano: presso Pedagogia Interculturale - Facoltà Scienze della Formazione - Università Bicocca

Contact (1) Full Name
Michele Fasano
Head of the organisation
Michele Fasano

Sattva Films Production and School SRL

National Network

Viale Alfredo Oriani 54

Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
General Information
La Sattva Films production & school nasce nel 2005 per iniziativa di Michele Fasano, per sviluppare a livello internazionale la sua esperienza nel campo della produzione filmica e dell'implementazione di progetti di formazione teorico/pratici in ambito cinematografico, conferendo alla nuova società l'attività della precedente ditta individuale. La parola sattva fa riferimento alle tecnologie della comunicazione audiovisuale: SAT (satellite), TV (television), A (audiovisuals), FILMS; ma sattva è anche parola sanscrita che può essere tradotta con "impulso all'evoluzione", con "principio creativo", come spinta qualitativa al progresso spirituale e materiale insieme, particolarmente adatta a descrivere la natura di una tecnologia, più spesso un'industria, che produce e genera sogni. La coincidenza della dimensione creativa, di quella formativa con le normali aspirazioni di un soggetto economico-produttivo, tuttavia, dà conto anche dell'intento di mantenere sempre criticamente aperto il dialogo tra il fare e il pensare, al centro dell'attenzione la qualità del prodotto e quella del processo, viva la connessione tra etica, estetica e responsabilità sociale dell'impresa. La Sattva Films privilegia la coproduzione internazionale secondo standard europei di qualità ed è interessata a promuovere progetti d'autore, sia documentari di creazione, sia film d'animazione, sia fiction per la sala; essa è inoltre Casa Editrice e cura progetti inerenti a vario titolo all'arte cinematografica: in particolare in Italia, essa privilegia la distribuzione in libreria come canale privilegiato per la diffusione di prodotti di qualità del cinema indipendente.
Mission and Objectives

La società si occupa di produzione cinematografica e insegnamento delle tecniche inerenti ad essa.

Main Projects / Activities

La società svolge attività didattica in qualità di scuola di cinema, fiction, documentario e dà lezioni inerenti tutto le comptenze necessarie alla gestione del processo cinematografico quali ad esempio: teoria, pratica, gestione risorse umane, dinamiche di gruppo, comunicazione interpersonale e aziendale, gestione tempo, gestione denaro, organizzazione di produzion. La società offre consulenza per produzioni terze nell'ambito di: regia, sceneggiatura, direzione di produzione, montaggio.

Contact (1) Full Name
Michele Fasano
Head of the organisation
Michele Fasano


National Network

Via Bruno Lanzarini 11/C
40127 Bologna BO

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Scambieuropei is a NGO established in Bologna fostering youth development by promoting active European citizenship, intercultural learning and social inclusion.
The organisation includes 4 board members, 2 staff employed and on average 200 members participating in the activities.

Scambieuropei works mainly with the Programs Erasmus+ (Mobility project for young people and youth workers in KA1 and Capacity Building and Strategic Partnerships in KA2) and European Solidarity Corps (volunteering). It sends on average 100 volunteers across EU countries while directly coordinating projects with a focus on the Balkans, Tunisia, Turkey and Russia. The organization has hosted volunteers since 2016 focusing on digital media and the volunteering experience.

Scambieuropei has a well-established network across the EU through which successfully implements its projects. It is a member of the European Youth Press and collaborates with the Youth Department of the Municipality of Bologna and the EuropeDirect of the Marche Region.

Mission and Objectives

The mission of Scambieuropei is to support young people in their social, personal and professional development to raise their empowerment, active participation and employment.
The association wants to promote among young people positive values and solidarity by fostering valuable opportunities such as volunteering as a way to increase their potential while contributing positively to community development. At the same time, we want to foster a glocal identity with a special focus on a shared European identity and citizenship by fostering intercultural learning and social inclusion.
As the association also wants to foster employment among young people, especially considering NEETs, we aim at providing young people opportunities to increase their soft skills and empowerment through non-formal education, innovative tools and participation in the reflection acquisition process and long-term objective definition.

Main Projects / Activities

Scambieuropei organises different activities at a local, European and international level.
Local level:
We organise workshops for young people to learn how to develop their own project by providing know-how on fundings and project writing, with a special focus on youth exchanges.
During the last years, in collaboration with the Municipality of Bologna, we have been organising and coordinating small projects for young people to increase their aggregation and social inclusion given that our office is located in one of the most multicultural neighbourhoods of the city. For instance, we organised meetings based on the human library method, a living escape room on human rights, or a human football table.
Scambieuropei produces a series of podcasts organised by young people. We have been part of the national network ANG inRadio and now we are focusing on promoting interculturality in Bologna through another project.
We have a strong collaboration with the Youth Department of the Municipality of Bologna through which since 3 years we offer your people face-to-face coaching meetings to support them in finding opportunities abroad for developing their educational and professional path.
The organisation has a collaboration with the EuropeDirect of the Marche Region by managing their social web pages and wordpress given our expertise in digital communication.

European Activities:
Scambieuropei works mainly in the framework of the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Program, thus promoting and participating in youth exchanges, training courses for youth workers and volunteering.
We have a special focus on supporting NEET young people as a way to define new long-term objectives and boost their potential.
We send young people abroad, as well as hosting them in our city by directly coordinating projects.
To give some instances on volunteering, we have been coordinating different projects among which:
“EU for Us” (Turkey): sending 5 Italian volunteers in Gaziantep to support integration among Syrian refugees and Turkish community
“GIVE - Gaziantep Integration by Volunteers” (Turkey):sending 40 Italian NEETs volunteers in Gaziantep for short-term activities supporting the local community
“Experience the Change” (Tunisia): sending 3 Italian volunteers in Sousse implementing local community-oriented activities for a cultural exchange
“Youth for EU 2: Network the Community” (Italy): hosting 3 EU volunteers to promote among Bologna community civic engagement and volunteering
We are also sending young people abroad through youth exchanges. Moreover, we have been hosting and coordinating some mobility for youth workers such as “GOAL! - Gaining Opportunities About Leadership” to promote leadership skills among youth workers as a way to support NEET young people.
International activities:
We have collaborations with international organisations organising volunteering camps, such as in India with the local organisation FSL.
We are also partners in different KA2 youth projects (Erasmus+) allowing us to send and participate in international activities focusing on volunteering and training courses (India, Indonesia, Mexico, etc).

In order to raise awareness and knowledge on the European mobility among young people and to promote the projects of the Erasmus+ Program, the founders of Scambieuropei created also a portal (, which is connected to the organization. The platform was created to support young people in finding easily and for free opportunities (youth exchanges, training courses, evs, VET, but also internships and jobs) to develop their personal and professional skills in a European perspective.
Since summer 2011, the portal has also opened an online magazine, with the aim of giving the opportunity to EVS volunteers and young people abroad of sharing their experiences and emotions through travel stories and reflections on multiculturalism. Today has more than 300,000 visits a month and 750,000 page views: these numbers help the organization to achieve a huge amount of young people from all the country and to promote the European mobility in a young-oriented way.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organisation is eager to share know-how and experience acquired during the years. More in particular, we can surely contribute through:
Experience in virtual trainings + digital competence (website, podcast)
Experience in non-formal education in activities fostering active participation and intercultural dialogue

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to improve our daily work by providing young people new opportunities. Moreover, we would like to expand our horizons by sharing best practices and knowledge with a collaborative and experienced network.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefano Campanari
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Rosalia Marchese
Job Title (2)
Project Manager

Scuola Popolare di Musica Donna Olimpia

National Network

Via Donna Olimpia 30

0039 (0)6 58202369
0039 (0)6 53271878
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0039 373 7292425
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Cultural Organization, 7 people executive staff, 3 employed, over 50 teacher and worker. Budget for year close to 800.000 €. First sources of funding private, second public advise. International project are organized with exchanges, conferences and congress, workshop, scholarship, publication. Main partner was Comune di Roma, Magnificat Institut Jerusalem, Edward Said National Conservatory of Music Palestine, Temple University USA
Mission and Objectives

We dream a society where the music, education and training be the focus of the civil life. Where the structure of Education be multidisciplinaries and learning music be a right for all people.
A society in which music is an universal communication channel that it reduces the distances between the people, the different age-brackets and ability, the ethnic differences, the religions.

Main Projects / Activities

Music courses for children, youth people. Workshop, training course, conference, congress, festival, concert.
Main international project was: Notes of Peace in Middle East and the organization of ECME and MISTEC international conference 2008 in Italy for International Society for Music education.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our organization was founder of different and important network of music teaching in Italy, like Orff-Schulwerk Italiano (500 people and 35 organization associated), Music in Crib Network (14 organization), Music Education National Forum (22 organization), Music School network and other. With our 550 associated, 3.500 students we are a node in the country about these theme

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because our Vision and Mission is very close with 4D strategy Dialogue, Diversity, Democracy and Development

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesco Galtieri
Head of the organisation
Stefano Ribeca


National Network


+39 0434 520074
+39 0434 520074
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
1. Structure of the organisation, including number of staff employed and/or partners: tot. 8 people (full time), 4 partners) 2. Budgetary resources available in a year: 170.000 3. Sources of funding: public, private 4. Modalities of action concrete projects exchanges, international cooperation seminars, workshops, lessons for adults and children, for professional and non-professional people residency programmes for artists and students, scholarships lectures, conferences and debates 5. Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities Municipality of Pordenone Province of Pordenone Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Italian Cultural Institutes/Embassies abroad Italian and foreign Universities, Research Centres, Theatre Schools and Academies International Festivals and Theatre/Arts Centres and Companies National and international “masters”
Mission and Objectives

The main mission is a precise research for developing a contemporary theatre, that should be popular, multi-ethnic, non-profit.

Main Projects / Activities

Studies and researches, pedagogies, production and distribution of theatrical performances in Italy and abroad, national and international travels to join pedagogical/training projects or for conferences and dissemination of studies and researches in the field of theatre history, anthropology, pedagogy, etc..
Besides we also work a lot at local and regional level: management of theatrical seasons, continuative programs of courses and workshops, special projects for disabled people, lectures and conferences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms CHIARA MUTTON (management staff)
Head of the organisation

Servizio Civile Internazionale

National Network

via Cardano 135

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Servizio Civile Internazionale (SCI Italy) is part o the wordwilde movement, Service Civil International, a peace organisation that co-ordinates short and long term voluntary projects for people of all ages and backgrounds. The network spans 5 continents: it has 43 branches and groups worldwide and an ever growing number of partner organisations. SCI is also consultive member of Unesco and of the European Council. SCI Italy counts every year on more than 500 associated. Every two year the directive board of the organization (Consiglio Nazionale) is elected. The organization can count on a National Office, with 9 paid staff, and several Regional and Local Groups. Most of the funds come from the Euopean Commission, both at National and European Level. Some project are founded by the Italian Ministry of Foreing Affaires and by local authorities, as well as from internal fundraising. The avarage balance-sheet is about 450.000 euro every year
Mission and Objectives

Our vision is a world of peace, social justice and sustainable development, where all people live together with mutual respect and without recourse to any form of violence to solve conflict.
Our mission is to promote peace and intercultural understanding through volunteering and international voluntary projects.
All SCI activity is based in the belief that all people are capable of living together and co-operating with mutual respect and without recourse to violence to solve conflict, thus promoting intercultural dialogue and the feeling of belonging to an international community. This implies a strong work at community level, with an interaction among generations, based on mutual exchange and on the preservation of skills and of memories.

Main Projects / Activities

SCI-Italy as part of an international movement, promotes intercultural learning and the empowerment of grass root organisations and citizens through their active participation to voluntary projects and exchanges.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefania Pizzolla