
digital practices for inclusive programmes_SwIdeas swedish network

Digital Practices for Inclusive Programmes Guidebook

The Inclusive Guidebook - How to create inclusive programs using digital resources - has been developed to provide useful tools, materials and experiences to teachers, educators, trainers, counsellors and experts working with migrants and/ or with people with special needs...

Digital Tools for Cultural Heritage Management

Digital Tools for Cultural Heritage Management

                                                                                              Executive Leadership Development in Heritage Management Workshops

                                                                                                                     Digital Tools for Cultural Heritage Management


Do you want to digitize heritage? Apply for our Certificate in Digital Tools and gain skills in:

  • Spatial Data (GIS): Master the art of spatial analysis and geographic information systems.
  • Laser Scanning and 3D Modeling: Explore advanced techniques for capturing and visualizing heritage sites.
  • Heritage Management: Understand the principles of preserving and interpreting cultural assets.
  • Community Management: Learn how to engage communities in heritage conservation



13 May - 17 June 2024 Hybrid Training Program (In person & online)

13 May - 9 June: Online Training Program

10 - 17 June: Field School, Greece


Application Deadline:
28 March 2024


Application form and more information here.

Dimitris Ladikos

National Network

Sotiros 56D
85101 Rhodes

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Media
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
Greetings, I am a teacher of classics at tutorial schools in Rhodes (such as "Rodion Pedia") and the past few years I write short stories and novels. I have also write articles about culture and literature on many greek websites. Teaching, writing and listening to music (favourite: classical, soundtracks and instrumental) are my passion.  With regards, 
Mission and Objectives

I want to participate in literature events in Rhodes and generally in Greece. The most amazing thing is to knew other writers and discuss with them about literature subjects. However, my willing to transfer the passion about literature and writing stories in the classroom is one of my goals.  
The research on literature theories, writers and narrative ways is another area that I intend to enter deeper, because of my Phd in literature.  

Main Projects / Activities

Writing stories
Teaching literature and classical subjects
Research on literature

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My passion about literature, books, stories and meeting people that are related to this subject (such as teachers, translators and writers), will make me a significant bond, at first in Rhodes and then in Greece. I' m an organised person with commitement to my course and my targets.   

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I find this "step" so interesting, because I have the will to offer as I can in the common cause and make people interested in literature and works of art. I want to join in your community and be a useful member here in Rhodes. You give me a chance to prove to myself and to the others that I can offer voluntarily in subjects which I love. 

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Dimitris Ladikos
Job Title
Teacher of Classics and Writer
Head of the organisation
Dimitris Ladikos


National Network

11524 ATHENS

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information

DOTANK Plus stands as a sustainability consulting agency, extending its impact across international borders. As a catalyst for change, we specialize in guiding businesses worldwide towards a more sustainable and ethical future. Our consultancy services are tailored to empower companies with strategic solutions that harmonize business growth with environmental responsibility. With a global perspective, we offer bespoke strategies, innovative frameworks, and actionable plans to address the urgent challenges of our time. At DOTANK Plus, our mission is to not only assist businesses in navigating the complexities of sustainability but also to foster a collective effort in reversing the climate crisis on a global scale.

Mission and Objectives

Our vision is to build a strong community of organizations that could stand independently but also interact with each other to tackle the biggest challenges of humanity.

Our mission is to motivate, support and empower leaders to achieve scalable actions for a sustainable future.

Main Projects / Activities

Strat­e­gy Planning & Development
Organisational Capacity Building
Project Design & Implementation
Stakeholders Management & Networking
Educational Activities & Training
Impact Assessment
Sustainability Communications

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

DOTANK Plus stands ready to significantly contribute to the international network by leveraging our wealth of expertise in sustainability consulting. In our country, we aim to share invaluable insights and best practices gleaned from our experience, facilitating a deeper understanding of local challenges and regulatory landscapes. Our commitment to collaboration aligns seamlessly with the network's ethos, as we enthusiastically anticipate joint initiatives and collaborative programs that transcend borders. We're poised to offer innovative solutions, advocate for sustainable practices through thought leadership, and play a pivotal role in capacity building. Through our active involvement, we aim not only to enhance our local sustainability efforts but also to actively contribute to a global shift toward a more responsible and sustainable future for businesses worldwide.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

DOTANK Plus is eager to join the ALF Network due to our commitment to fostering intercultural dialogue and promoting sustainable practices. We believe in the power of cultural exchange and understanding as essential components of building a more sustainable and harmonious world. Our expertise in sustainability consulting enables us to contribute innovative strategies that align with the ALF's mission, working towards a future where diverse cultures collaborate in advancing shared values of environmental responsibility and ethical practices. Joining the ALF Network presents an opportunity to engage in cross-cultural initiatives that promote dialogue, respect, and sustainability across the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nikos Therapos
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Nikos Therapos, Director

Dråpen i Havet Stagona

National Network

14, D. Vernardaki str.
81100 Mitilini

(+46) 7 61 11 18 15
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone (other)
+30 6984983197
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

Dråpen i Havet is a voluntary humanitarian organization established in 2015 and runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons. Its headquarters are situated in Oslo and in Greece it has 15 employees, 20 International Volunteers and 60 resident volunteers, who are for most young adults residing in refugee camps, whom we support with specific capacity building projects preparing them for integrating in European society. Our mission would not be achieved without the financial contribution of private donors, sponsors and support from individuals. Dråpen i Havet Stagona collaborates with volunteer field workers, with established aid organisations in each location such as UN agencies, international organisations, local NGOs and with the Greek authorities.

Mission and Objectives

Dråpen i Havet Stagona runs activities designed to help restore a sense of normality and dignity and to help build resilience and practical skills for displaced persons.  The organisations’s vision is a world that respects the human rights and dignity of displaced people and its values are respect, loyalty, understanding and vigilance for these people. Our main objective is to support and promote the integration of the asylum seekers in Greece.

Main Projects / Activities

We have four programmes directing all our activities:
1. Community Empowerment Mobilisation: Our various activities are directed at children, youth, women, and men, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups such as women, children, and unaccompanied minors. We use a community-based approach, involving beneficiaries in our programmes as much as possible in the planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of activities. This helps us to better develop activities according to needs and increase ownership of activities and strengthen community networks.
2.Integration: Our aim is to support displaced persons’ integration in Greek society and improve their professional development. With increased knowledge about Greek society, more people can access resources and training, and find work and housing. We organise employability workshops and coordinate with relevant actors, connecting beneficiaries to already existing employment-related programmes. Our activities are: Info Hub, Interview Preparation and Employability Support
3.Non-formal Education: We aim to support displaced persons in accessing formal education and to promote their employability and integration in their host society. Our activities are: English classes, Greek classes and Computer classes
4.Humanitarian Aid: We work to ensure that displaced persons’ needs are met in a dignified manner. We assess the situation on each site and act according to demand. Our teams distribute and improve access to food, clothing, winter equipment, and hygiene items, and contribute to better health and well-being through activities both inside and outside refugee camps. Our activities are: Baby pack distribution, Diaper distribution, Food distribution, Open access to hygiene and sexual and reproductive health items, Seasonal clothes distribution, Emergency response distributions, Laundry services.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The objectives of the organization align with the objectives of Anna Lindh Foundation. As a member, we want to promote the volunteer oriented activities of our organisation to an increased amount of young people from our local community in order to raise awareness about asylum seekers and promote participation and solidarity among the local people. Our long term goal is to encourage ethnic diversity, solidarity, tolerance for asylum seekers, equality and cultural understanding. As a member of the Foundation, we would like to share information and experiences and strengthen the intercultural dialogue and the foundations of the civil society while serving core European values of unity and diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Being part of an international network like Anna Lindh Foundation, will give us the opportunity to broaden our collaborations and take common action with other participating members in joint activities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Job Title
Head of Operation / Programs Greece
Head of the organisation
Jean-Baptiste Metz
Contact (2) Full Name
Fania Zouni
Job Title (2)
Head of Finance

EADAP (Society for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children)

National Network

13, Diogenous Laertiou Str. 10446

0030 210 8224487
0030 210 8847232
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
EADAP is supervised by a Scientific Board and has two employees. A European Scientific Council is consulting EADAP and a network of collaborators is occupied on a works contract basis on the projects it implements. Other than this, EADAP is in constant collaboration with educators, academics, researchers, school counsellors, students, officials, parents etc. Expenses and salaries of NGO EADAP are covered by Bernard van Leer Foundation, by European Union projects, as well as by the educational and training programmes it implements. Since its establishment, EADAP has been: • developing and participating in European and international networks, • engaging in research projects, • implementing training programmes, • taking part in educational European projects, • organising educational activities for young children, • producing printed and audiovisual educational material and • organising workshops, conferences, festivals and study trips. EADAP is in continuous exchange with partners from all over Europe, which include but are not restricted to educational institutes of all levels, non-governmental organisations, national and local authorities, etc.
Mission and Objectives

EADAP's vision is to substantially and effectively contribute to the development and creative occupation of children from preschool age to their first years at school, thus promoting their rights and contributing to the recognition and respect of their diversity, while also developing educational innovations and conducting academic research on those matters.
EADAP aims to:
• design and implement training programmes,
• promote continuous in-service training,
• develop collaboration among parents, educators and educational bodies, and involve all of them in reforming the educational institutions,
• advance and link action research, training and innovations in preschool and school institutions,
• research and train in the field of intercultural education and
• create educational networks.

Main Projects / Activities

EADAP's academic members have developed an in-service training methodology, which they called Synergy. EADAP has been expanding and disseminating the Synergy methodology through:
• implementing programmes at municipal day care centres,
• involving executives from relevant bodies in the programmes,
• engaging certified educators-mediators to staff the programmes,
• publishing material,
• presenting papers,
• conducting research in Greece and
• participating in research programmes abroad.
Furthermore, EADAP has been running educational programmes and seminars focusing on:
• specific targets, as has been done, for example, with the Aesop intercultural education programme,
• specific themes such as, for example, health education, environmental education, evaluation, etc.,
• the educational needs not only in Athens but also on the rest of Greece, by providing distance learning courses and
• the needs of education executives (school counsellors, education officers, headmistresses and day care centres' managers).
European projects EADAP has been involved in, include Leonardo Da Vinci, Gruntvig, Comenius, etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maria Arvanitopoulou, MSc
Head of the organisation
Dr. Natassa (Anastasia) Papaprokopiou
Contact (2) Full Name
Daphne Baron

Ecological Movement Thessaloniki

National Network

Ptolemeon 29A
54630 Thessaloniki

0030 2310222503
0030 2310222503
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
0030 6946621161
Mobile Phone (other)
0030 6972902748
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Others
  8. Youth and education
General Information
Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki (Greek: Οικολογική Κίνηση Θεσσαλονίκης, Oikologiki Kinisi Thessalonikis), is the oldest living eco-political group of Greece. It was founded in 1982, by an initial core of people with ecological sensitivities who wanted to turn them into action. Among them was Michalis Tremopoulos (currently an elected councillor in the Thessaloniki Prefecture and an elected member of the Executive Secretariat of Ecologist Greens, the Greek Green Party) and Yiannis Tziolas, who are still active. Oikologiki Kinisi in fact means ecological move or action or movement. This shows an emphasis on action and social mobilization. The political agenda of the group consists of the main pillars of the green ideology: ecology, peace/non-violence, grassroots democracy, human rights, social solidarity, with a strong social context. A major influence was Murray Bookchin's social ecology. André Gorz, Ivan Illich and Cornelius Castoriadis were also significant influences.
Mission and Objectives

Our ecology
Already in 1982 we said that we understand the ecology as a tool of analysis, critique and social change, starting from a new angle, as to reinstate man in nature, by utilizing the findings of science and translating them into social practice, with interdependence, naturalness, plurality and diversity as its guiding axes. Thus, it is clear that ecology, extends beyond the identification of the physical laws that govern ecosystems, the denouncement of the upset of ecological balance and the fight for the environment protection, and inevitably reaches to a criticism of  lifestyle, of production and consumption. Ultimately, and contrary to what many believe, the domination of man over nature is but a reflection of human domination over man. This is what social ecology advocates, not merely sticking plasters on the planet's wounded body.

Main Projects / Activities

Organizing awareness activities, provides legal advice on environmental offenses matters. Also is claiming vindication through the legal battles for public issues.
Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki is the National Eurovelo Coordination Center for Greece and Membership of ECF (European Cyclists’ Federation)
GreenWave Festival: It is an alternative “green” celebration which is organized by the Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki every year since 2011, in cooperation to other organizations and networks. It is materialized thanks to the valuable contribution of citizens who give away their voluntary action, free time and energy towards planning, setting about and taking care of every single detail about all kind of issues during that event
GreenWave targets the meeting of people, the exchange of their opinions and the cooperation prospects among the ones who are interested in alternative ways of solving social problems in accordance to environmental protection and social solidarity as well as to entertain, to amuse and to develop the creativity of the participants. Those kind of people-every September- freely communicate and associate with each other, form cooperatives, think about solving local environmental, social or political problems and finally act accordingly
The social space OIKOPOLIS was  created as an initiative of the Ecological Movement of Thessaloniki. OIKOPOLIS objectives are:
a) the dissemination and application of green ideas and values ​​and alternative solutions through organizing events, lectures, discussions, seminars, workshops and other activities on issues of ecological, political, social and cultural content
b) the practical solidarity to individuals and social groups in need, as well as the realization of raising-awareness actions on issues of discrimination, racism, violence , etc, but also support actions for those who suffer from them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eleonora Zotou
Job Title
Legal Representative
Head of the organisation
Alexandros Georgopoulos
Contact (2) Full Name
Sofia Kyprianidou
Job Title (2)
Communication Officer

ELIAMEP - Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy

National Network

49, Vas Sophias Ave
Athens 10676

0030 210 7257 110
Telephone (other)
0030 210 7257 125
0030 210 7257 114
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Religion
  6. Research
General Information
ELIAMEP is governed by a 13-member Board of Directors and an 11-member Honorary Council. It is staffed by a small number of permanent senior officers and a large number of research associates and interns, usually affiliated with it on a project basis. ELIAMEP is funded by the public and the private sector in Greece and abroad, European Institutions and International Organizations. Its activities include mainly policy oriented research, the organization of international conferences and training seminars and the publication of policy papers, reports on topical issues and edited volumes. ELIAMEP has an extensive institutional networking and international presence and it plays an active and constructive role in a number of international networks
Mission and Objectives

ELIAMEP is an independent, policy-oriented, non-profit research institute. It serves as a forum for the study and understanding of issues relating to foreign and security policy, European affairs and international relations. It functions as a forum of debate on international issues, as an information center, as well as a point of contact for experts and policymakers. ELIAMEP conducts a number of research programs that combine specific needs and interests of policymakers with the Foundation's own agenda. Important subjects for research at ELIAMEP include European integration; the evolution of European and regional organizations; transatlantic relations; political, economic and military developments in Southeastern Europe, the Black Sea area, the Caucasus, the wider Mediterranean and Middle East region, as well as Greek-Turkish relations and Cyprus.

Main Projects / Activities

In recent years, ELIAMEP has coordinated or participated in a number of European research consortia (funded principally within FP5 and FP6).
ELIAMEP also organizes several major international conferences and workshops every year addressing issues of direct concern to ELIAMEP’s audience. The other aspects of its activities relate to training. The Halki International Seminars (HIS), represent the core of ELIAMEP’s training activities for young leaders, held since 1990.
Publications comprise a substantial part of the Foundation's work as more than 160 books, seminar and conference proceedings, working papers and monographs (in Greek and English) have been published since 1988.

Contact (1) Full Name
Thanos Dokos
Head of the organisation
Professor Loukas Tsoukalis
Contact (2) Full Name
Ms Elizabeth PHOCAS


National Network

VERANZEROU 15 , 10677

0030 210 3825506
0030 210 3814682
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
1. Staff Employeed : Director, 2 Project Managers, 2 Volunteers Services Responsible, Communication Manager, Financial Responsible Volunteers: 100 active volunteers Board of Direction: 5 members 2. approximately 300.000 Euros 3. European Programmes, National grants, occasional private sponsors, fundraising activities, foundations grants 4. 1987-2009 : workcamps , 2000-2009: Seminars , 1997-2009 activities connected with youth in action programme, 2006-2009: events connected with european programmes, 1990-2009: environmental activities 5. “Alliance of Voluntary Service Organizations”,“Pan Hellenic Network of Ecological Organizations” and the “Volunteerism and Environment” Network, BTCV- UK, CEMEA-ITALY
Mission and Objectives

ELIX, Conservation Volunteers Greece, is a non-governmental not-for-profit organization promoting voluntary service and education, since 1987. The main value of ELIX is the personal development of individuals as citizens of the world, through active participation in projects for the common good. ELIX organizes international voluntary projects for the protection of the environment, conservation of the cultural heritage projects, as well as social service projects.
ELIX co-operates with National and Local Administrative Bodies, Private Companies and Institutions, as well as with local environmental and cultural associations.
ELIX is a member of the international network “Alliance of Voluntary Service Organizations”, the “Pan Hellenic Network of Ecological Organizations” and the “Volunteerism and Environment” Network.

Main Projects / Activities

• Organization and coordination of international voluntary projects in many areas in Greece.
• Recruitment of volunteers from Greece and all over the world in cooperation with international networks of voluntary organizations.
• Sending Greek volunteers abroad, in short- term voluntary projects (1-3 weeks) or long-term projects of the EU (2-12 months)
• Hosting volunteers from all over the world in voluntary projects in Greece, for short-term as well as long-term projects of the EU.
• Training seminars for international workcamp and youth leaders.
• Participation in many European Programmes: YOUTH IN ACTION (Youth Exchanges, European Voluntary Service, Support Measures) EQUAL, LEONARDO, in order to be actively involved in European structures, to promote and accredit voluntary work and the status of volunteers.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation

ELLINIKI ETAIREIA Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Environment and the Cultural Heritage

National Network

Tripodon 28 105 58

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Heritage
  3. Media
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The organisation is governed by a 25-member Board of Directors. An executive committee comprising 7 members of the Board meets more frequently to decide on urgent issues. Six committees, the chairpersons of which are elected by the General Assembly, comprising of volunteers work on specific issues (environmental education, heritage, nature, legal issues, fundraising, communication etc). Ten paid staff are also employed. Annual budget around 900,000€. Sources of funding are donations, sponsorships, memberships, projects, sales of educational material, social events etc. The head office is owned by ELLINIKI ETAIREIA. There is a Branch Office in Thessaloniki and Local Committees across Greece (e.g. Xanthi, Spetses, Patmos, Corfu)
Mission and Objectives

To raise awareness on the values of the natural and cultural environment and promote the protection and rehabilitation of our heritage in both fields of nature and culture within the framework of sustainable development.

Main Projects / Activities

• Restoration of Byzantine monuments
• Protection of historical city centres (e.g. Plaka)
• Actions for protection of free spaces, parks and recreational areas in or outside cities (e.g. National Garden in Athens, Tatoi)
• Promotion of sustainable development in the Aegean Islands
• Legal actions
• Lobbying
• Participation in Management Agencies of Protected areas
• Environmental education programmes (e.g. “The river”, “The Nestos environmental train”)
• Biennial congresses on Environmental Education
• Series of lectures for the public (e.g. Water Framework Directive, protection of historical city centres)
• summer camps for youth
• scholarship for students in architecture
• workshops
• production of educational material
• adoption scheme for the Skyros horse

Contact (1) Full Name
Dimitrios Dimopoulos, Director
Head of the organisation
Costa Carras, President of the Board
Contact (2) Full Name
Lymberidi Vaso, Secretariat