
Internationale Jugendgemeinschaftsdienste LV Berlin e.V.

National Network

Glogauerstr. 21
10999 Berlin

0049 30 612031332
0049 30 612031338
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
registered association, NGO, Non profit, 40 employees, DBU, DSD, Inwent, BMZ, International, State and regional agencies, worldwide partnerorganisations,for more details see website:
Mission and Objectives

international political education and youth exchange

Main Projects / Activities

volunteer service national, International, workcamps national, international, heritage conservation with volunteers

Contact (1) Full Name
Torsten Schramm
Head of the organisation
Johannes Zerger

Internationaler Kultureller Jugend-Austausch e.V.

National Network

Brandstraße 25

+49 (0) 511 105 94 992
Telephone (other)
+49 (0) 176 203 26 900
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
IKJA Organization, was founded on 03th December 2009 by seven students from the Leibniz University of Hannover. We do not have fixed Budget for whole year. We just write projects, then we search sponsoring. If the topic is from the priorities of the European Commission then we apply directly by the national agency in Germany. We took part in a lot of workshops, seminars and youth exchange project in Germany and Europe. Regarding our Team we are all students and we do not have salary, we do this job as volunteers. we have partner from Europe as well as from Mediterranean area.
Mission and Objectives

IKJA aims to foster a dynamic dialogue between cultures and civilizations. Furthermore, it is about strengthening the cooperation between various youth groups in the world. Central Topics are as international human rights, democracy, sustainable development, information society and gender equality. Leitmotif is a world of peace and stability created.

Main Projects / Activities

We try to build projects focusing on the organization goals. we try to implement the ideas in different way. so our projects could be festival, workshop, seminar, youth exchange or konferenz...

Contact (1) Full Name
Torinke Murtskhwaladze
Head of the organisation
Mohamed Seddiki

Internationales JugendKunst- und Kulturhaus Schlesische 27

National Network

Schlesische Straße 27b

+49 (0)30 / 61 77 67 - 39
+49 (0)30 / 61 88 048
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The" YouthArt- and CulturalCenter Schlesische27" is a Berlin institution rich in tradition working in the field of aesthetic education and perception training within an artistic and cultural context. In cooperation with artists and experts of varied disciplines, every year over 2000 young people experience and explore interdisciplinary questions designing their own creative visions of the world. Having started as a project to promote aesthetic education by ambitious artists in the 1970s, the organisation structure of our institution is horizontal, consisting of seven employed people within the administrative staff and about 50 artists working on project basis. Budgetary resources available in a year amount to 280.000 Euros, primarily funded by the senate office of Berlin, companies, friends and sponsors. On a local level our projects focus on a very haptic/manual approach to aesthetic education in close cooperation with local and international actors from a wide range of professional disciplines. Internationally we engage in the promotion of intercultural dialogue and organize exchange projects with young people from France, Poland, Turkey, Lebanon and Ramallah.
Mission and Objectives

In working with young people and artists, the focal point is the aesthetic attention of the young guests, an experimental and adventurous education of their senses through the arts. Developing one’s own creative abilities provides one with the best qualifications to actively participate in the process of forming society and living an active democracy.
Therefore, guideline of our institution’s work is the “optimal promotion through the arts”: every human is capable of creating! When creating, one gains identity and self-confidence – the foundation for performance abilities, broad-mindedness, commitment and capacity to work in a team. Based on an empowering pedagogic approach, art is an important promoter leading to defining moments effecting all areas of life.
To many young people, whose educational and personal development is not supported in their own surroundings, artistic and creative projects open up major scopes of action and development. In order to promote cross-cultural competence we emphasize on artistic and participative exchange projects on an international level.

Main Projects / Activities

Approximately 130 short- and long-term projects take place in our institution within one year. These range from artistic projects with school kids to self organized projects of young adults taking an active part in the urban, social and cultural development nationally and internationally. We are currently working on an artistic youth exchange programme with young people and artists from Lebanon and Germany addressing the topic of freedom, self-determination and democracy through creative writing and experimental performance.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As we are a well-established institution within the Berlin “cultural landscape”, we would be very happy to support the network partners with our expertise, experience and contacts. Not only being in contact with many active artists and partner cultural institutions in Berlin, but also with committed young people based in Berlin and Europe, enables us to pro-creatively contribute to and cooperate in international cultural projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Located in a Berlin district with young people of multi-ethnic, in particular Arabic, background we feel the urge to even further promote cross-cultural dialogue, especially with the Arabic world and provide our young guests with the opportunity to get in contact and exchange with young people from other countries – especially with youngsters, living in home-countries of our young migrant neighbours. We very much hope to be able to establish fruitful contacts to the partners in the network and conjointly develop projects. We look forward to exchange with the partners within the ALF network on experience in creative, democratic education and to promote active youth exchange within the network. The Schlesische27 offers 30 years of best practice and experience in international youth exchange.

Contact (1) Full Name
Barbara Meyer
Head of the organisation
Barbara Meyer
Contact (2) Full Name
Anna Maier

Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin (ILB)

National Network

10115 Berlin

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The festival has existed since 2001 with 6-8 permanent workers and a varying number of interns and volunteers. Essentially thanks to financial aid from national institutions like the federation’s cultural foundation and the capital’s cultural funds and help from embassies, foundations, foreign cultural institutes and sponsors – such as “Der Spiegel” and “Skoda” it has with both non-cash and service benefits a capacity of over one million euros a year. Every year in september it transforms the city of berlin for twelve days in a melting pot of international literature with readings, discusissions and other events based on the work of over 100 writers from nearly 50 countries who take part in the festival. Prose, poetry, conversations with writers and political discussions, children’s and young adults’ literature, film adaptations of literary texts In 2007 it garnered around 400 articles in the national press and 40 in foreign newspapers, as well as 80 radio and 21 television contributions. 483 journalists accredited themselves. Since 2001 the yearly number of visitors has advanced to 34,000, among them 10,000 children and young adults. The festival’s reputation has been able to develop to an enormous degree. It has been embraced worldwide, and now numbers among the A-list festivals. Every festival has an emphasis on a special region, this year literature of the arab world. The festival therefore cooperates also contentual with foundations and other institutions in the arab world.
Mission and Objectives

Over 100 international authors are invited to present and discuss their work, to read to the berlin audience and interchange with international colleagues We wish to open up the international literature to interested audiences, promote mutual understanding, and inspire contact as well as lively exchange between artists, mediators and writers. Ilb2009 presents the focus “Arab World” which will be concerned with contemporary literary and politic developments of the arabic world. The festival aims to build bridges between the countries of the world through international literature.

Main Projects / Activities

As described above, the project works constantly on the realization of the yearly festival, including its preparation and accomplishment.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ulrich Schreiber
Head of the organisation
Mr. Ulrich Schreiber
Contact (2) Full Name
Marianne Karthäuser


National Network
+49 81579380
Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Kayode Salau

JuBuK e.V.

National Network

Altenessenerstr. 122b
45326 Essen

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Heritage
  4. Human rights
  5. International/Cultural relations
  6. Religion
  7. Youth and education
General Information
JuBuK e.V. was founded in 2008. Currently we have 1 employed staff, chairman and 6 volunteers who work project-based.  The budget is based on the implemented projects. Main funding sources are EU Commission (Erasmus+ programme), Foreign Ministry of Germany, Aktion Mensch, Genesis Philanthropy Group, German Ministry of migration and integration.  Main activities: seminars, training courses, educational trips, youth exchanges.We have built a solid international civil society network with partners in more than 30 countries.
Mission and Objectives

The main aims and objectives of the organization are integration of migrants in Germany, inter-religious dialogue and bridge-buiding, fostering active European citizenship,  fight against racism and discrimination, inclusion, building integrated open-minded society, volunteerism, capacity building and leadership.
Our purpose is to support young people's growth and independence, to promote young people's active citizenship, volunteerism and inclusivity.
The implementation of the purpose is based on Europe's values such as solidarity, respect, equity and equality, multiculturalism and internationalism.

Main Projects / Activities

JuBuK has organized 5 international educational projects financed by the Youth in Action and Erasmus+ programs: 1) "Raising Awareness-Building united Europe" in 2011 in Stuttgart, 2) "Culture and Gender" in 2012 in Kiel, 3) "Blueprint your Career" in 2015 in Kleve; 4) "Time to Act" in 2015 in Hamburg 5) "What YOUth believe" in 2015 in Armenia
"Training for multiplyers in youth work in North-Rhein-Westphalia in 2013-2014 supported by the Ministry of migration and integration.
"Training for NGO leaders on project management and social activism coming from Germany and Eastern Europe" supported by the German Foreign Ministry.
Local projects on entrepreneurship, capacity building and social activism. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We will be happy to contribute with all our knowledge, expertise, experience. We would like to be actively involved in the activities, forums, platforms, campaigns. We have experienced trainers, project managers, changemakers in our organization. 

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We see ALF Network as a great possibility for our organization to get in touch with like-minded organizations, to expand our professional network, to learn and to grow. We believe that our membership can bring new possibilities to our target group, also increase our visibility in Europe and that it can open new perspectives of development. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Natalia Seriakova
Job Title
Project Coordinator
Head of the organisation
Stanislav Dyskin
Contact (2) Full Name
Stanislav Dyskin
Job Title (2)

Jugendliche für Kultur e.V. (YouthX)

National Network

Universitätsstrasse 19
45141 Essen

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. Human rights
  7. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  8. International/Cultural relations
  9. Media
  10. Youth and education
General Information

Jugendlichr für Kultur e.V. (YouthX) is a non-governmental organization established by 5 young people from Europe and the Middle East. We want to implement projects, exchanges, and seminars for European and Mediterranean youth together with our partners Wasla, Oyoun Masr Association, and Euro-Med Youth Federation. We aim for funding from Erasmus and from other local institutions.

Mission and Objectives

We want to build an international understanding and education about young people's welfare and their rights in society. As well as expanding the possibility of exchanging contacts and the sense of organization. It's crucial for us to educate our target groups about the importance of cultural diversity and the different aspects of digitalization in our society through innovation.

Main Projects / Activities

We want to organize both local and international projects about different subjects that are relevant and educational for different target groups. We also want to create campaigns, workshops, and seminars.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to make sure to work in a network as a team to bring out the benefits of our projects and seminars and to expand the knowledge for as many people as possible.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mina Aata
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Mina Aata
Contact (2) Full Name
Maya Mia

Jugendpresse Deutschland e.V.

National Network

Alt-Moabit 89
10559 Berlin

0049 30 39 40 525-00
0049 30 39 40 525-05
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Young media has a long tradition in Germany and that is why the Youth Press Germany is organising around 10.000 young journalists in sixteen regional branches. Togehter with them and through the support of professional journalists from all big media-companies they run around 300 regional seminars about how to make school- and youthmedia and realise different regional congresses. The basic structure of the Youth Press Germany is funded by a federal fund (Kinder- und Jugenplan des BmFSFJ). Moreover the specific projects have specific plan sponsors. One of the most important partners is the Federal Agency for Civic Education.
Mission and Objectives

The Youth Press Germany unites the young journalist and media maker in Germany. Our members are between 14 and 27 years old, they are mostly students and young professionals or simply people that are interested in media and see the related work as a valuable experience for their future. Through means of projects, workshops, camps and congresses, the Youth Press communicates media competence, networking, education and the exchange of experience. Therefore the overall aims of the Youth Press Germany are quality assurance and sustainability in the field of youth media.

Main Projects / Activities

On federal level this work is supported by the yearly Youth Media Days with more than 500 young journalists, the school newspaper award under the patronage of the president of the Bundesrat and the Youth Media Convention on the ferry between Kiel and Oslo. Youth Press Germany also issue an event magazine called politikorange. It is also available at international congresses.

Contact (1) Full Name
Britta Kaufhold
Head of the organisation
Britta Kaufhold

K8 Institut für strategische Ästhetik gGmbH

National Network

Keplerstr. 3-5
66117 Saarbrücken

+49 681 84492069
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information

Structure: non-profit research institute, 15 employees, +65 freelancers, +85 partners / cooperating organizations
Budget: ca 1 Mill / year in project-based funding, mainly in arts and culture, civic engagement, cross-innovation, new technologies, sustainability
Sources: regional / national research funding, public sector, private sector
Modalities of action: multi-year research processes, exhibitions, conferences, workshops
Main partners: K8 is the Academy of Fine Arts Saar's transfer institute and works closely with partners from across arts and culture, but has cooperated with +85 partners from public, private, and civil society sectors

Mission and Objectives

K8 explores the role of co-creation methodologies in processes of change, from organizational development to systemic design. Building on the experimental cultures of art and design, K8 remains close to the peer-to-peer dynamics of existing and emerging digital and data cultures. Our work brings civil society organizations and social movement actors together with other public and private actors interested in collaborative and regenerative ways of creating, living, and working.

Founded in 2015, K8 builds on the methodological work conduced at the xm:lab – Experimental Media Lab of the Academy of Fine Arts Saar, founded in 2012 as institute for experimental education and arts-and-technology research. K8 was developed by people interested in organizing training, transfer, and think tank activities to share and expand these methods with a wider community. Since then, K8 has attracted interest, funding, and support from a wide variety of sources to conduct an average of 25 individual projects per year with private and public organizations and continue to evolve our innovation and transformation frameworks through such exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

25 projects / year, mainly in applied, research, arts-and-culture cooperations, see

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Act as cooperation partner with a strong track record of collaborative project development and international networking with a focus on arts-and-culture approaches.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Organize events with partners from across the ALF network with a particular focus on new data and technology literacies

Contact (1) Full Name
Soenke Zehle
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Dr. Soenke Zehle
Contact (2) Full Name
Julia Hartnik
Job Title (2)