
emPOWER Training e.V.

National Network

Oben am Mockenweiher 1
66117 Saarbrücken

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
emPOWER Training e.V. was founded in 2010 by a group of young people who are passionate about social change. emPOWER Training e.V.
Mission and Objectives

emPOWER Training e.V. is a group of young people who are passionate about social change. It aims to run high-quality non-formal education projects that promote critical political participation and active citizenship.

Main Projects / Activities

emPOWER so far implemented three major programmes: the UWC Short Course "Together for Development!" bringing together 51 students from 30 countries in Swaziland in December 2011, where they spent two weeks learning about core issues in international development, working hands-on in local projects and developing ideas for own initiatives. Then a YiA itinerant youth exchange in September 2012 entitled "(NOT) EUROPEAN?!" in which groups from 7 countries travelled from Berlin to Baku, via Istanbul and Bucharest, exploring limits to European collaboration and integration. Most recently, the UWC Short Course "Living together - Navigating common grounds" took place in Turkey in August 2013, exploring topics shaping the Europe-MENA relationship such as identity, conflict, and migration.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

emPOWER can contribute a number of things to the ALF network of networks. First, we will join with our own network that is inherently international due to the nature of our activities, and that is also strongly developed in the Southern Mediterranean countries . This will expand the reach of the ALF and possibly increase its impact by making its resources more widely available. Second, we have a proven track record of successfully implemented projects and are willing and happy to share our “recipe” with other members if desired. Third, a number of our active members are based in Germany and could attend networking events and get involved in common actions to work with other members of the network and explore cooperation opportunities within the German network itself. Finally, we bring enthusiasm coupled with professionalism and a readiness to develop new projects in the Mediterranean region working towards the common objectives of emPOWER and the ALF.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

emPOWER’s 2013 UWC short course took place in Istanbul, Turkey, and has placed the Mediterranean region prominently into our planning for the next years: we will be implementing another short course in Istanbul in August 2014 on migration and sustainable urban development, and possibly developing more long-term initiatives in the region in the future. Since this falls within the ALF priority field of action “youth and education” and also touches upon the fields of culture & arts, cities & migration, as well as peace & coexistence, we are excited to expand our network of partner institutions and also benefit from ALF’s longstanding experience in and support of the region. We feel that the time is particularly ripe to join the ALF national network because shockwaves from recent political, economic and societal developments are being felt on both shores of the Mediterranean region, sowing much uncertainty about the future. Bringing together young people from all its countries and fostering peer learning, personal cross-border friendships and networking around is thus the foundation for future peaceful coexistence and joint sustainable development. emPOWER has demonstrated a commitment to these aims already and is looking to increase its impact together with ALF national networks. In particular, we believe that the ALF’s unique structure of national networks and its focus on being a bridge between individuals and communities make it exceptionally fit to strengthen partnerships and also transmit this feedback of the people and civil society organisations (rather than public authorities alone) back to the political level, eventually shaping policy making in the region.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lukas Wallrich
Head of the organisation
Lukas Wallrich

Empowered Birth Movement e.V.

National Network

Dorotheenstr. 48
40235 Dusseldorf

+34 674 82 74 97
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
General Information

The Empowered Birth Movement is an independent nonprofit organization, made up of 8 founding members (including a 3 person Board of Directors), 3 interns, and 2 volunteers representing nationalities from Germany, USA, Hungary, Czech Republic, Iran, Italy, Turkey, Denmark, and Hong Kong -- 100% have lived experience as an immigrant. We are very recently-founded and work with limited financial resources from donations, as such we are entirely volunteer-run. Our modalities of action right now are collaborating with healthcare institutions to create and disseminate "fact sheets" in a variety of languages to make healthcare information more accessible. We are creating intersectoral partnerships with hospitals, NGOs, government agencies, and research institutions to overcome barriers that "illegitimize" community-based social support or peer-to-peer models of maternal health support.

Mission and Objectives

Our goal is tackling medical racism, obstetric violence, and social determinants of poor maternal and neonatal health through a Systems Thinking and intersectional justice lens. We are advancing the availability, affordability, and accessibility of health information and community health workers that can uniquely empower and support birthing people to make informed decisions for themselves and their babies, as well as bridge the cultural and linguistic gap between healthcare systems and immigrants.

Main Projects / Activities

Creation and dissemination of multi-lingual "Fact Sheets" (i.e. Your Rights during Birth, Newborn Hospital Procedures, Childbirth Edu, C-Section Indications, Infant Sleep Safety, Post-Partum Depression, etc) in collaboration with medical professionals. Matching vulnerable women with doulas who can guide them through pregnancy, birth, and post-partum and help them navigate the healthcare system.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are the only intersectional maternal health equity organization in Germany. Empowered Birth Movement can therefore provide meaningful participation and valuable perspective of intercultural dialogue and culturally congruent care from a healthcare and human rights perspective. We believe we can be agents of change best by uplifting those around us and that can look like contributing our knowledge, skills, perspective, time, and energy to causes that align with our own values in whatever capacity possible.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the Network above all to advance respectful and empathetic dialogue in the healthcare sector about refugee/migrant experiences and that promotes culturally and linguistically congruent care. This is our utmost priority and we believe this aligns with the values and goals of the ALF Network. By engaging midwives in our projects, we break down the stigma behind "doulas" (i.e. non-medical, community-based social support for pregnant people and new parents) as well as open the door to anti-racism training and exchange about different cultural perceptions/experiences of birth and parenthood.

Contact (1) Full Name
Katherine Banchoff
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Katherine Banchoff

Equal Rights Beyond Borders

National Network

Lahnstraße 98
12055 Berlin

00491778206035 (Robert Nestler)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Research
General Information
Equal Rights Beyond Borders working on reuniting families in Europe, on individual rights within the so called Dublin system and on providing qualified legal support to asylum seekers in European Hotspots in Greece. For this purpose we provide legal advice, litigation, trainings and advocacy activities. At our three locations - Athens, Berlin and Chios - we have 10 employees, mainly lawyers. We have an annual budget of around 300,000 €, comprising funds from foundations and churches (e.g. Evangelische Kirche Deutschland and Mercator Stiftung) and private donations. Specifically, we conduct (strategic) litigation against unlawfully rejected family reunifications on the basis of the Dublin III Regulation and represent asylum seekers legally at all stages of their asylum procedures. In Germany, we focus on advocacy and lobbying. In Greece and Germany we cooperate with various partner organisations, e.g. Diakonie Deutschland, Amnesty International, International Refugee Assistance Project, Greek Council for Refugees and others.
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to make the rule of law work - in all procedures and in all places. And we advocate for a humanitarian refugee policy and the validity of human rights for everyone. This is what we stand for in all our locations and in various ways.
On Chios, we also take legal action, but above all we accompany in all steps of the asylum procedure, which is very complicated and unpredictable in the European “Hotspots”. Asylum seekers often do not know why they are being held on the islands and they do not know which procedures apply to their situation and their needs, in particular why the asylum procedure often only covers questions about Turkey and leaving out questions about their country of origin. Most of them are not aware which rights they have and how to perceive them.   We clarify about their rights and give information about the whole procedure. So that they can make their own decisions. And be able to demand the rule of law themselves.
Where this is not enough and where the administration acts are strictly against the rule of law, we want to activate it by legal means. Against illegal refusals of family reunification and imprisonment, we pursue strategic litigation.
Our mission also includes drawing attention to irregularities in regular meetings with political decision-makers and through advocacy work. There are places where no procedure in accordance with human rights can be implemented. Because of the environment. These include the Greek hotspots under the auspices of the EU-Turkey Deal. Against the containment policy and against the catastrophic conditions we stand up with legal and policy means.

Main Projects / Activities

Our organization is difficult to divide into projects. The work at our locations is interlinked. We therefore dare to provide you with a brief description of the organisation.
In Chios, our legal aid services focus on counselling in the first instance procedure, on appeals against unlawful rejections and on family reunions within the framework of the Dublin III Regulation. This includes informing asylum seekers about the hotspot procedure and the EU Turkey Deal, providing legal assistance in the asylum procedure and taking action against unlawful deportations to Turkey on the basis of the EU-Turkey Deal.
Asylum seekers who are eligible for family reunion under the Dublin III Regulation are exempted from the border procedure and therefore not subject to the scheme of return to Turkey. Our presence in Chios allows us to identify these cases as early.
We accompany these persons through the entire process of family reunification, also through our office in Athens. This is particularly important because Germany has rigidly tightened its rejection practice in this area – 60 % of the take charge requests sent by Greece are rejected by Germany. We also take action against illegal rejections by way of (strategic) litigation. Both with regard to "our own" cases and with regard to those forwarded to us by Greek colleagues. The possibility that we have been offering since 2018 has been used extensively. On the one hand this was our aim. On the other hand, it brings us to our capacity limits. But we are also seeing, that this support is more than needed. The Dublin procedure takes place mainly between Member States and largely without the involvement of applicants. People often do not even know that their family reunion has been decided negatively with the result, that  the asylum procedure must take place in another Member State, often in Greece. Legal assistance is the exception alongside this procedures. One is left with the suspicion that the German administration has the impression to act in a legal vacuum, without any supervision of the rejections issued. At a time when the call for the "harshness of the rule of law" is getting louder and louder, it seems to be forgotten that the rule of law actually means that every state action is subject to law and justice. In our daily work we encounter rejections that can be described as creative. But which actually separate families permanently. The list of examples of the absurd legal opinions is long. The reunification of an unaccompanied minor who is homeless in Greece is rejected on the grounds that the transfer has a negative impact on the child's well-being. In another case, the necessary written consent of a wife was sent by fax. The German Asylum Service states that it did not receive the fax. It would also have been sent from a Greek number. It actually was sent from a German number. And in the obligation to prove, whether a fax did not arrive, is the authority.
For a long time, the assumption had prevailed that the Dublin family reunion procedure can not at all be subject to judicial review. In December, March and April, we were now able to positively establish the justiciability of a total of four cases and force their legal transfer to Germany. However, these are first instance decisions. They are not binding. It is therefore our aim to address this structural problem before the highest courts as well.
Additionally, we cover cases of substantive asylum law, with a special focus to unaccompanied minors. We are also dealing with cases of administrative detention and other fundamental human rights violations.
In Berlin, we research and advocate for the rights of people who are subject to the EU Hotspot Approach, the EU-Turkey Deal and illegal administrative practices preventing family unit, as well as on (Dublin) readmissions and deportations.
Legal analysis enables us to advocate for the rights of asylum seekers, and to enforce their rights in individual cases.
Since the project was launched, we have established Equal Rights as a first legal information actor and have a wide network and a close cooperation with Greek and German organizations.
The support of Greek colleagues is a question of European solidarity. The Hotspots are a project of the European Union. Hence, EU agencies support the Greek authorities with stuff and resources. We support the legal advice and the civil society on site. And thus the asylum seekers – to ensure that legal protection does not degenerate into a question of resources!

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

With regard to refugee law and respective policy issues, we have excellent networks in Germany, Greece and Europe. We are also happy to contribute our expertise on our main topics - the Dublin system, in particular family reunion, and the EU-Turkey Deal - as well as on developments regarding the Common European Asylum System and German asylum law, to the network of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are interested in a broad civil society exchange and are convinced that - in order to address issues effectively - a cooperative approach and a kind of an European civil society is needed. The Anna Lindh Foundation contributes to this. And we want to become part of it.

Contact (1) Full Name
Robert Nestler
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Clara Anne Buenger (Board), Kathleen Neundorf (Board), Robert Nestler (Director), Katharina Stamm (Board), Vinzent Vogt (Director), Catharina Ziebritzki (Board)

EU Strategic Toolbox Talk: Green partnership agreements with the EU’s neighbouring countries Potential instruments for strengthening the European Green Deal?

bertelsmann stiftung

In February 2023, the member organsation Bertelsmann Stiftung organized an event that continued the series EU Strategic Toolbox Talks and focused on existing and upcoming EU instruments aimed at managing critical dependencies and strengthening the EU’s sovereignty. These instruments form an important basis for fostering the EU’s capability to act in a global environment increasingly shaped by geopolitical tensions and systemic rivalries.  

A central project of the EU in making Europe CO2-neutral by 2050 and reducing critical energy dependencies is the European Green Deal. Main fields of action for its implementation are energy supply, transport, trade, industry, financial market regulation and agriculture. In order to achieve climate neutrality and energy security more quickly, the EU is looking for partners. In increasing the supply of green energy sources, the partnership with the EU's southern neighbourhood plays an important role.  

Since October 2022 Morocco is the first country with whom the EU has concluded a Green Partnership Agreement under the external dimension of the European Green Deal. Brussels and Rabat defined as areas of cooperation: climate and energy; environment, including marine issues; agriculture; and green economy. Other Southern Mediterranean Partner Countries, such as Tunisia, offer similar green cooperation potential. 

Please find the article "Green Partnership Agreements – How They Advance the EU Green Deal and Strengthen EU Relations with its Southern Neighborhood" by Anneke Grosskreutz and Christian Hanelt here

Photo: ©alexmlx 2017 -



National Network

Pappenheimstraße 4
80335 München

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
The Eugen-Biser-Stiftung has an executive committee , a board of trustees and a advisory board. The Eugen-Biser-Stiftung has a number of 7 people of staff employed. The sources of funding are donations and funding by other foundations, the European Union and by the federal state of Germany. The actions are mentioned in the point main projects. Our main partner is at the moment the theology faculty of the University of Ankara
Mission and Objectives

Responsibilities and Aims of the Eugen Biser Foundation Founded in Munich in 2002, the Eugen Biser Foundation (EBF) numbers many distinguished figures among its members, serving on its board of trustees, executive committee or council, and who support its aims in a multitude of other ways. The Foundation, which engages with a wide spectrum of human existence from a Christian perspective and with Christian values, above all promotes dialogue and understanding with other faiths, ideologies and cultures, and the interests of freedom, tolerance and peace. I. Principal interests From a Christian source, intensifying inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue with the other monotheistic religions (e.g. Judaism and Islam), ideologies and cultures. Contributing to the development of a common basis for the tolerant, peaceful co-existence of all religions and nations, both at national and supra-national levels. Preserving, developing, perpetuating and disseminating Eugen Biser’s theological and philosophical works and related themes, by means of scholarly studies, such as dissertations and doctoral theses, lectures, seminars and publications. Disseminating Christianity’s core values and impulses. Encouraging inter-Christian reconciliation and ecumenism. Analysing spiritual and religious developments in all aspects of the human experience, in all its forms, from that of the individual to family life, to society as a whole. Organising lectures, symposia and seminars on themes relating to the Foundation, in co-operation with high-schools, academies and other educational and cultural organisations, as well as in industry. Granting the € 5000 Eugen Biser Award. Increasing access to the library of philosophical, theological and scholarly religious sources and reference-works assembled by Biser, alongside his archive of scholarly works. The Foundation funds the Library’s expansion.

Main Projects / Activities

The Eugen Biser Foundation is dedicated to promoting dialogue among cultures and religions, in keeping with the motto of Professor Eugen Biser: ‘We are living in an hour of dialogue,and will survive only if growing confrontations are overcome by a culture of understanding..’ Dialogue between Christians and Muslims, conducted in this spirit and characterised by a high level of mutual respect, is a central task for our scholarly work: Since 2005, we have conducted annual symposia, usually alternating between Munich and Ankara, on basic questions in Christian and Islamic theology, with the participation of German and Turkish scholars. The theology faculty of the university of Ankara is the entity in charge on behalf of Turkish participants. These events serve to deepen our awareness of one another. Some of the documentation of these meetings is already available in book form. Each original article is printed in both Turkish and German and includes an abstract, a summary, and an index of names and topics. Based on our experience from symposia already conducted that to date there are no comprehensive, scientifically well-founded Turkish-German/German-Turkish specialised dictionaries for the areas of theology/philosophy, and that it is consequently occasionally difficult to translate text from one language to the other, we have also decided to begin compiling just such a dictionary of all of the main basic concepts, together with explanatory articles. This dictionary is currently in progress, also in close collaboration with the aforementioned Turkish partners – with the assistance of numerous additional scholars in Turkey and in Germany. The dictionary is a pioneering work in the annals of research. It is due for publication no later than late 2012/early 2013, in a German and a Turkish edition. Also the Eugen Biser Foundation organises Christian-Islamic forums to provide experts an opportunity to discuss the basic socio- and religio-political principles of Christianity and Islam.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Eugen Biser Foundation would like to deepen his relationship to partners in the Middle East since the Foundation has already partners in Turkey and Jordan and made good experiences in interreligious dialogue. Also the interreligious dialogue with partners of the ALF Network should have a political and social outlook, to ask e.g. how religious ethics can help for a common good.

Contact (1) Full Name
Stefan Zinsmeister
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Richard Heinzmann

eurient e.V. Verein für transmediterranen Kulturdialog

National Network


+49 (0)341-4626534
+49 (0)341-4626535
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
eurient e.V. is an association for Trans-Mediterranean cultural dialog. 1. 4 fulltime workers; 20 volunteers– most of them young academics and university graduates; a network of people and other NGOs working in all the MENA region; internships 2. 143.000, € 3. Federal Employment Agency, German Academic Exchange Service – DAAD; Bildungswerk Weiterdenken in der Heinrich Böllstiftung; Stiftung Nord Süd Brücken; 4. projects, seminars, conferences, exchanges, concerts, exhibitions 5. OIL (Department for Oriental Studies of University of Leipzig); City Council Representatives and the Commissary for Foreigners; VHS Volkshochschule (“people’s college”); SALF (Saxony´s Academy for Teachers´ Training ); Consulate of the United States; FES (Friedrich Ebert Foundation)
Mission and Objectives

eurient e.V - promotes the intercultural dialogue between Europe and its Mediterranean neighbours - works independently from any political parties, religious congregations - beyond stereotypes and all forms of populism and stigmatisations - to constitute an intercultural network of contact, dialogue and mutual understanding - focuses on the younger generation of artists, intellectuals, and interested members of civil society and those who have not yet benefited from the cultural industries of their countries.

Main Projects / Activities

Youth and adult education in the field of Islam and international politics with regard to the MENA region
Intercultural dialogue between the EU and its Mediterranean neighbours of the MENA region – like hiwar fanni - which means artistic dialogue in Arabic – a cooperation project on university level, set up for three years und supported by the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD – German Academic Exchange Service). Eurient e. V. is responsible for coordinating the project
Campaigns to raise public awareness towards the problems of migrants coming from the MENA region and socio-political issues of their home-countries – like “The Past is our Future”: Academic cooperation, professional and cultural exchange between Morocco and Germany
Empowerment of young artist, scientists and active citizens from the MENA region

Contact (1) Full Name
Mona Feise, Brigitte Schröder, Nina Senchan
Head of the organisation
Mona Feise, Brigitte Schröder, Nina Senchan


National Network


+962 79 5580879
Telephone (other)
+962 6 5520012
+962 6 5525775
Mobile Phone
00962 79 5580879
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Established in 1999 as a private company dealing with European companies, that’s why our logo (Euro Jordan)  Our team of professional sales engineers and technicians of 25 persons are covering our market of its need for automatic doors, roller shutters and door access systems.  
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to provide Jordan market with the latest German technology in the field of Automatic doors and door access systems, we succeed to be the Jordanian market leader along with our partner GEZE GmbH.. 

Main Projects / Activities

We are looking to increase our share of dealing with German and European companies as our country need quality goods.  

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

we are looking to be an active member in the network.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to be part of ALF network to achieve its goals in our country..

Contact (1) Full Name
Bashar Micheal Hijazin
Job Title
Head of the organisation
bashar Hijazin

Euro-Mediterranean Association for Cooperation and Development e.V. (EMA)

National Network

Deichstraße 19
20459 Hamburg

+49 (0) 40 - 609 455 4-30
+49 (0) 40 - 609 455 4-39
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
The Euro-Mediterranean Association for Cooperation and Development (EMA) e. V. is committed to a far-reaching cooperation between Germany and the MENA region. The organization initiates and mediates mutual exchange throughout the region. The EMA connects politicians, business men and scholars in order to learn from each other and grasp contemporary economic, social and political developments in the region. Besides, the EMA provides their clients with business development services and crucial contacts. Members of the EMA benefit from a vast network of high class consults and business experts.
Mission and Objectives

We focus on communication and mutual understanding, giving strong support to partners in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the other Arabic countries. We are ideologically and denominationally independent, considering ourselves to be a mediator between the cultures. Therefore, we discourage the view of a clash of cultures by promoting instead the collaboration of Arab and European cultural areas and supporting a mutual enrichment of cultural variety. We recognize finding the right balance as our particular challenge. Our vision is to develop and support the Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

Main Projects / Activities

Hamburg Business Days Water Forum for the EMA-Region Delegation's Journeys Roundtable Tenders Events in the EMA-Region Magazine Mediterranes

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Abdelmajid Layadi
Head of the organisation
Christian Wulff

euroCom – Gesellschaft für europäische Kommunikation e.V.

National Network

Brachvogelstr. 1
10961 Berlin

0049 – 30 - 69035014
0049 – 30 - 69035011
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Others
General Information
1. Executive committee (Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Treasurer); members (natural persons); staff employed: 3 2. Depending on grants 3. private, European Commission 4. Projects, seminars 5. Local partners in Jordan, Egypt
Mission and Objectives

Publication of literature concerning European integration; promotion and organisation of projects in the areas of development aid and development co-operation. Special focus is given to the development of relations between western and eastern Europe as well as relations between Europe and countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea, including the Near and Middle East region. Research in the field of legal and tax environment of Third Sector Organisations

Main Projects / Activities

• Development and elaboration of by-laws and regulations in the field of environment and their enforcement (Jordan) • Support and strengthening of Jordanian NGOs in management issues, improvement of internal and external communication, co-ordination and networking (capacity building) (Jordan) • Implementation of a consultation system for draftees and soldiers for factual guarantee of their rights (Kiev) • Organisation of information campaigns in the Russian Parliament in order to facilitate preparation of legislation in the field of human rights, training and counselling of Russian human rights lawyers and NGOs, including practical training in West European countries (St. Petersburg)

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Michael Ernst-Pörksen
Head of the organisation
Dr. Michael Ernst-Pörksen
Contact (2) Full Name
Ute Henkel

EuroMed Citizen Reporters still open for participation!

Breaking News on EuroMed Citizen Reporters_Swenja Zaremba in Berlin

Every active citizen of the region is still invited to take part in the storytelling project “We are still here! EuroMed Citizen Reporters”, that was launched by the ALF President Elisabeth Guigou on the occasion of the ALF activities during the German EU Presidency. ZAK, as coordinator of the German network of Anna Lindh Foundation, runs this project in cooperation with the Candid Foundation, with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office. With this video project, ZAK aims to give citizens of the EuroMed region the opportunity to take part in a citizen journalist campaign by sharing voices and views in the current situation of Covid-19. One central element of the project is the future prospect for challenges and opportunities for civil society during and after the pandemic by showcasing small “utopias”, local initiatives that give hope. The released videos can be watched on the website: If you want your voice to be heard in this context, please send an email to