
Editions Caractères

National Network

7, rue de l'Arbalète - Paris
75005 Paris

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association loi 1901, avec 4 personnes au bureau. Cette Association soutien la perennité et le rayonnement des Editions Caractères.
Mission and Objectives

Developper la mémoire litteraire et artistique des editions caractères.

Main Projects / Activities

Les 60 ans ded Editions Caractères, mise en valeur de leurs auteurs et, en particulier, l'oeuvre de leur fondateur, le poète Bruno Durocher.

Contact (1) Full Name
Nicole Gdalia
Head of the organisation
Nicole Gdalia Kaminski

Éducation national

National Network

156chemin de la Brondelle
73000 Sonnaz

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
Je suis proviseure adjointe d'un Grant lycée de province.
Mission and Objectives

Ma mission et de mettre en oeuvre un fonctionnement pour permettre au plus grands nombres de jeunes d'être en situation de réussite.

Main Projects / Activities

Avec les enseignants,  je met en place des actions inclusuves, des échanges, des informations concernant l orientation.....

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Apporter une réflexion sur l' accès à l éducation des jeunes et notamment les plus éloignés de l éducation .

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

J ai envie d oeuvrer pour un dialogue entre les peuples car le replis constatés actuellement m'inquiète,  la paix et la démocratie me semblent les meilleurs vecteurs d 'émancipation et de développement social, personnel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Elan Interculturel

National Network

3 rue Pache 75011

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Elan Interculturel’s team is composed of 4 intercultural psychologists, researchers and trainers interested in exploring interculturality, and finding ways to make it a source of advantage. Resources & sources of funding: in 2009 the total budget was 35.000 eur, the main sources of funding being: Grundtvig grants funding from the European Lifelong Learning Programme and trainings Actions: In 2009 we have conducted several intercultural trainings for professionals of the health and social sector in France. Within the project TIMING – Toolkit for Intercultural Mainstreaming – we have been developing new activities that could enhance our capacity to dialogue across cultures. We have conducted a cross-cultural adaptation training for women who arrived to a new country to accompany their partner. Partners: we work in partnership with a variety of organizations from different countries and sectors. Amongst ALF members we have been collaborating with Artemisszio Foundation on projects related to intercultural education.
Mission and Objectives

The main objectives of Elan Interculturel are:
■ To create a better understanding of how diversity affects our life
■ To raise awareness of the resources inherent in diversity
■ To support organisations / groups in finding ways to use the cultural diversity within and around them for the benefit of the individuals and the group
■ To develop and transfer tools that make the process of adaptation to a new country a source of growth

Main Projects / Activities

■ Research: we explore the social, psychological aspects of cross-cultural transition
(Eg: How to handle stress in the adaptation? What is an intercultural identity? How does our embodiedness play in our experience of migration?)
■ We develop new tools, new methodologies through international collaboration:
In project ‘TIMNG’ we work with 6 organisations from Belgium, Denmark, France, Iceland and Spain to propose adult education activities that can enhance intercultural dialogue.
■ Trainings
Based on our research and development programs we offer trainings to people working or living in intercultural situations.
Eg: Facilitating intercultural communication, Preparing and accompanying international mobility, Making intercultural teamwork a source of advantage

Contact (1) Full Name
Vera Varhegyi
Head of the organisation
Stephanie Nann
Contact (2) Full Name
Cecile Stola
Elisabeth Guigou

Elisabeth Guigou

رئيسة مؤسسة آنا ليند منذ عام 2015، ولدت غيجو في مراكش في المغرب. شغلت منصب وزيرة الشؤون الأوروبية الفرنسية (1990-1993)، وانتخبت في عام 1994 عضواً في البرلمان الأوروبي. وفي عام 1997، أصبحت عضواً في الجمعية الوطنية الفرنسية وعُيّنت أول وزيرة...

Elisabeth Guigou

Elisabeth Guigou

President of the Anna Lindh Foundation since 2015, was born in Marrakesh, Morocco. She served as French Minister of European Affairs (1990-1993), and was elected in 1994 as a Member of the European Parliament. In 1997, she became member of...

Elisabeth Guigou

Elisabeth Guigou

Présidente de la Fondation Anna Lindh depuis 2015, Elisabeth Gigou est née à Marrakech, au Maroc. Elle a été ministre française des Affaires européennes (1990-1993), et a été élue en 1994 en tant que membre du Parlement européen. En 1997...

enfin bref

National Network

10 bis rue Bisson, Paris 75020 Belleville

06 11 81 47 93
Telephone (other)
01 73 76 86 30
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Media
General Information
Nous sommes un petite équipe passionnés des nouvelles technologies, des médias conventionnels et web, et des réseaux sociaux. Nous oeuvrons dans le domaine de la production audiovisuelle et web, avec en démarrage le site un site tranmedia et pluriculturel qui vient de recevoir l'aide du CNC au développement internet.
Mission and Objectives

Nos lignes sont : observation politique nationale et internationale, et le développement de projets pluriculturels où se rejoignent des cultures et des peuples différents.
Nous oeuvrons dans la production de films documentaires (lignes science et écologie, et ligne cultures étrangères dans le but de favoriser l'intégration des migrations humaines); Nous développons des projets commerciaux pour les sociétés.

Main Projects / Activities

Films : Don d'organe entre juifs et arabes en Israel, (docu 52 et 70 mn). Gares routières, périgrinations d'un photographe qui traverse la France en traçant la ligne Calais-Cerbère, observation des déplacements et des flux migratoires hier et aujourd'hui. (Série de 26); Le son du métro : à la rencontre des artistes du métro parisien (52mn et DVD en projet). In vino véritas : la vérité sur la fabrication du vin et ses pesticides (52mn et extraits en ligne).

Contact (1) Full Name
Agnes Azuélos
Head of the organisation
Philippe Knafo
Contact (2) Full Name
Jérémy Sahel

ENS de Lyon

National Network

90 rue André Bollier, appt F301
69007 LYON

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information


Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Adèle Audouy
Head of the organisation
ENS de Lyon

Ensemble Baroque de Toulouse

National Network

22 bis rue des fleurs

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Association loi 19001 CDI : 1 administratrice, 1 chargée de production, 1 chargée de diffusion CDD d'usage : directeur musical, musiciens, chanteurs, chargée de production, régisseurs, techniciens Associations liées à l'activité de l'Ensemble Baroque de Toulouse : Choeur Baroque de Toulouse, les Amis de l'Ensemble Baroque de Toulouse, Mezzanine Spectacles 300000€ annuel environ autofinancements>50%,Mairie de Toulouse, Conseil Général 31, Région Midi Pyrénées, DRAC, Fondation Orange, Banque Populaire, Adami, Spedidam concerts, conférences, festivals, échanges Partenaires Comptabilité,Service de presse, photographe, captation video, Université UFR musicologie Toulouse 2, Centre de formation des apprentis de Blagnac, Lycée des Arènes Arts Appliqués, Foyer des Jeunes Travailleurs Espérance, Les Maisons de chômeurs TO7 et Partage La Faourette, Librairie Ombres Blanches, le Lido – Centre Municipal des arts du cirque de Toulouse,le Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional de Toulouse, CCI, les Hôpitaux de Toulouse.
Mission and Objectives

En faisant le choix de jouer sur des instruments anciens, et par les
recherches stylistiques que ce choix impose, l’Ensemble Baroque
de Toulouse veut faire revivre la musique ancienne dans toute sa
fraîcheur et son intensité, et faire partager la curiosité et
l’enthousiasme avec lequel il interprète un répertoire encore à
découvrir.Novateur, curieux et foisonnant d’idées originales, il fait rimer musique baroque avec audace, fantaisie et ouverture sans rien sacrifier à l’exigence artistique.

Main Projects / Activities

Deux rendez-vous créés par l’Ensemble Baroque de Toulouse illustrent bien
son esprit particulier.
- D’abord Cantate sans filet qui relève le défi de jouer
l’intégralité des quelques 200 cantates connues de Bach, à raison d’une par
mois. La répétition se déroule devant le public, et le choral final est travaillé
avec lui, donnant à la représentation qui en découle une intensité particulière.
Commencée en janvier 2007, cette aventure exaltante devrait durer 25 ans...
- Ensuite Passe ton BACH d’abord !, créé en juin 2008, est un festival
original : deux jours autour de la musique de Bach, un déferlement
d’événements dans des lieux inattendus, insolites et patrimoniaux de
Toulouse, au cours desquels la musique baroque est déclinée en version jazz, cirque,
flamenco,danse, slam... et aussi baroque ! Un événement à la portée des mélomanes et
des curieux, toutes générations confondues, et un succès public impressionnant.

Contact (1) Full Name
Laurence Larrouy
Head of the organisation
Mélanie Quinet - administratrice

Ensemble Contre la Peine de Mort (ECPM) – Together Against the Death Penalty

National Network

69 Rue Michelet
93100 Montreuil

00 33 1 80 87 70 53
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Youth and education
General Information
ECPM is a non-profit organization in compliance with the law of 1901, based in Paris and Montreuil (France). It is composed of 9 employees in France and abroad, with interns. The provisional budget for the year 2015 is around 1 560 000 Euros. ECPM sources of funding come from several sources: abolitionist governments, French local authorities, private funds and international organizations. ECPM organizes World and Regional Congresses against death penalty, raises youth awareness about human rights in France and abroad, lobbies national and international organizations and promotes human rights in the MENA region. One of our main partners is the World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, composed of more than 150 NGOs, bar associations, local authorities and unions. It aims to lobby, organise international campaigns and support national and regional abolitionist forces for universal abolition. ECPM also works with several partners in France and abroad: parliamentarians, politic or juridical associations...
Mission and Objectives

The purpose of ECPM is to organize and support all actions that effectively fight the death penalty around theworld, as well as the promotion of universal abolition and more broadly, the carrying out of actions aiming atthe development of human rights and fundamental freedoms.
ECPM’s mission is to gather, unite, and empower human rights defenders engaged in the fight against the death penalty to reach universal abolition of the death penalty.

Main Projects / Activities

ECPM has 4 core activities:
Bringing together abolitionist actors from around the world
Every three years, since 2001, ECPM organizes the World Congress against the death penalty (Strasbourg 2001, Montreal 2004, Paris 2007, Geneva 2010, Madrid 2013) involving thousands of political representatives, civil society organizations, lawyers and artists from abolitionist and retentionist countries, in order to develop new strategies to carry out the abolitionist cause.

The next World Congresses will be in Oslo, Norway, in 2016. ECPM is also organizing a Regional Congress in Malaysia in June 2015, focused on drugs and death penalty. This event is co-organised by The Anti-Death Penalty Asia Network (ADPAN), an independent, interregional network involved in the Asia Pacific region. It currently includes members from 28 countries and is composed of NGOs, organisations, civil society groups, attorneys and individuals.
Enhancing the capacity of local actors and working with them
Since 2011, ECPM supports the development of coalitions in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, in order to strengthen local actors of the abolition, raise public awareness about this issue and supports the creation of Parliamentary abolitionist networks. ECPM organized for instance a Regional Congress in Morocco in 2012 and several national conferences in the region, created the first parliamentarians’ Network against the death Penalty in Morocco, developed the first abolition website of Morocco ( and supported the creation of a graphic novel on death penalty in Arabic.

Implementation of lobbying actions towards the universal abolition of the death penalty
ECPM carries out fact-finding missions with local partners (Morocco, Tunisia, the United States of America, and the Great Lakes region in Africa) and publishes annual reports about the death penalty in Iran.
Teaching and raising awareness of abolition
ECPM carries out actions and develops educational tools for middle and high school students in France and abroad. The association has been working to raise public awareness about issues of the death penalty around the world, and in particular for minorities and vulnerable groups.
In 2014, one thousand students from low socioeconomic areas were taught about the death penalty in accordance with ECPM’s education of human rights project. This project was also implemented in Morocco, with 1,500 students who took the course in human rights (focusing on abolition of the death penalty). In Tunisia ECPM is implementing the first “Caravan” for the teaching abolition in partnership with the Tunisian coalition against the death penalty and the Arab Institute of Human Rights, crossing the country and meeting more than 250 students from middle and high school institutions in order to debate the death penalty.
The same year, ECPM organized a drawing contest for pupils and high scholars of France, Lebanese, Moroccan, Tunisia and the Democratic Republic of Congo, called “Dessine-moi l’abolition”. This international contest gathered 350 drawings denouncing the horror of the death sentence, with an international jury composed of actors involved in human rights or graphic design professionals, and with the partnering of human rights associations of each country represented. The success of this contest shows the importance of human rights education for children.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ECPM works with numerous partners, especially located in the country where ECPM operates. The Regional Congress is for instance co-organised by ADPAN, an Asian network, and numerous local organizations collaborated for the projects in the MENA region. Belong to such a great network as the Anna Lindh’s one would be a great opportunity for ECPM to expand and strengthen its network and find new relevant and motivated partners for its events.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ariane Gresillon
Job Title
Vice Director
Head of the organisation
Raphaël CHENUIL-HAZAN, Executive Director