
Wider Security Network WISE

National Network

Siltasaarenkatu 4, 7.krs
00530 Helsinki

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Human rights
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Wider Security Network (WISE) is a civil society network established in October 2015 that brings together Finnish NGOs and parliamentary groups, to work together to promote peacebuilding, crisis management and conflict prevention both nationally and internationally. WISE highlights the importance of human security, according to which security discussion should include broader perspectives than just the traditional aspects of security. Wider human security includes e.g. human rights and participation, democracy and good governance, environmental and economical questions as well as sustainable development. WISE on lokakuussa 2015 Kansalaisjärjestöjen konfliktinehkäisyverkosto KATUn ja ETY-yhdistys STETEn tuki ry:n yhdistymisen pohjalta perustettu laajan turvallisuuden verkosto, joka yhdistää kansalaisjärjestöjä ja eduskuntapuolueiden edustajia.
Mission and Objectives

WISE's most important strategic goal is to encourage public analytical discussion regarding the practical meanings of human and broad security as well as to support actions to advance them. WISE brings together security sector actors throughout the field of study.
WISE offers a wide and versatile platform to Members of Parliament, NGOs and other civil society actors, civil servants, researchers, journalists, private persons and companies to advance dialogue and communication and to carry out common projects. The board of WISE consists of 8 NGO-members and 9 Members of Parliament. The chairperson of WISE is Ms. Tarja Kantola and the Vice Chairperson is Ms. Eva Biaudet.
WISE lähtee toiminnassaan liikkeelle laajasta, inhimillisen turvallisuuden periaatteisiin pohjautuvasta turvallisuuskäsityksestä, jonka mukaan perinteisen, myös kovaksi turvallisuudeksi kutsutun turvallisuusajattelun, lisäksi keskusteluun ja päätöksentekoon tuodaan mukaan laajemmasta perspektiivistä katsottuna nykyajan turvallisuuteen liittyviä ja vaikuttavia asioita, kuten inhimilliset turvallisuusnäkökohdat; ihmisoikeudet ja osallistuminen, demokratia ja hyvä hallinto, ympäristö- ja talouskysymykset sekä kestävä kehitys. WISEn tärkein strateginen tavoite on tukea yhteiskunnallista keskustelua inhimillisen ja laajan turvallisuuden käytännön merkityksistä sekä toimintaa niiden edistämiseksi. WISE tuo erityistä lisäarvoa toimintakentälle tuomalla yhteen näiden kysymysten kanssa työskenteleviä kansanedustajia ja kansalaisjärjestöjen edustajia, tarjoamalla yhteisen vuoropuhelu- ja yhteistyöfoorumin edistämään yhteisiä tavoitteita laajalla rintamalla.

Main Projects / Activities

WISE organises regularly security-related training, seminars and events and publishes handbooks, reports and other publications.
WISE edistää turvallisuuspoliittista keskustelua myös järjestämällä seminaareja, koulutusta ja tapahtumia, sekä julkaisemalla käsikirjoja, raportteja ja muita julkaisuja.

Contact (1) Full Name
Director Anne Palm
Head of the organisation
Chairperson Tarja Kantola

YHDESSÄ-yhdistys / TOGETHER Association

National Network

Nisse Kavon katu 3
20610 Turku

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. International/Cultural relations
General Information
YHDESSÄ-yhdistys – TOGETHER Association works over language, cultural and religious barriers in order to improve intercultural dialogue.
Mission and Objectives

The objectives of TOGETHER Association are to
• promote diversity
• support immigrant integration
• improve possibilities for employment
• support immigrant communities.

Main Projects / Activities

Together Association is run by a board formed of six individuals who hold their posts as volunteers. Currently Together Association runs a project dealing with social integration and suburban activities. Besides, municipal and state authorities purchase rehabilitation services from the association. Six people work at Together Association full time. In addition, the association always employs a varying number of part-timers, interns and volunteers.
The activities are funded by STEA (Funding Center for Social Welfare and Health Organizations). Together Association also gets minor support from the Ministry of Education and Culture and Regional State Administrative Agency. Also when possible, new sources of funding are sought.
Together Association works at Varissuo, neighbourhood that is the most culturally diverse in Finland. City of Turku provides the association with premises in the centre of the area. The place is open for all. Anyone can step in, read newspapers, drink coffee or meet with friends. Immigrant communities also use the location for their own club meetings and cultural events.
TOGETHER Association cooperates closely with the municipality of Turku and its branches, as well as with local immigrant and multicultural NGOs and other actors in Varissuo area.
The IKU project is in charge of the overall administration of the association´s premises and coordinating their implementation. The project offers different group activities and organizes events. The goal is to encourage different cultures to interact. The groups we offer include cooking, physical exercise, Finnish and English languages, excursions etc.

Contact (1) Full Name
Duha Elsayed
Job Title
Project Director
Head of the organisation
Hersi Muhiadin
Contact (2) Full Name
Hersi Muhiadin
Job Title (2)
Chair of the Board


You own the story; you own it all - nordic theatre network seminar

Hanasaari – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre is organizing an NORDIC THEATRE NETWORK SEMINAR; YOU OWN THE STORY; YOU OWN IT ALL .

Join the open seminar exploring the power of the story. Stories that clash, stories that convince, stories that sell, stories that indoctrinate, stories that manipulate, true stories, false stories, private stories becoming public stories, public stories becoming histories.

In this seminar, four distinguished speakers will share their perspectives on the power and risks of storytelling:

Maria Mäkelä, author and lecturer whose publications deal with storification and the storytelling boom; the neoliberal logic of narrative and fiction; realism across media; and critical applications of postclassical narratologies.

Erik Söderblom, artistic director of & Espoo Theatre and a theatre and opera director and a pedagogue together with Matilda von Weissenberg, a project and theatre producer with a background in political science.

Harri Saukkomaa, Chairman of the Board and founder of Tekir, one of Finland’s leading communication and public affairs firms, with an extensive insight in communications, reputation management, media business and journalism.

The seminar is moderated by Ragnheiður Skúladóttir, Director of Festspillene i Nord-Norge and previously Managing Director of Iceland Dance Company and Co-Artistic Director of LÓKAL-International Theatre Festival in Reykjavík. The event is held in English.

Date: Thursday, 5th October 2023
Time: 15:00 – 18:00
Location: Hanaholmen Conference Centre, Espoo, Finland
Admission: Free, with complimentary coffee break included.
Language: This event will be conducted in English.

Click here to register.

Youth Centre Villa Elba

National Network

Sannanrannantie 60
67100 Kokkola

+358 (0) 6 8313400
+358 (0) 6 8313448
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+358 (0)500 902330
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Heritage
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Youth and education
General Information

Villa Elba is a non profit company owned by the town of Kokkola. It is one of the 10 Finnish National Youth Centres supported and observed by the Ministry of Education. We are specialized in youth work and our function is to develop the methods used in the field of youth work, to act as a centre for developing the skills of the youth, and enable young people’s mobility: domestically and abroad. The centres are run under the Finnish Youth Act. Youth CentreVilla Elba has 20 full-time employees and about 10 young volunteers, trainees and other staff annually. In the centre we have 20.000 young visitors annually. Finland's nationwide network of Youth Centres is entrusted with the non-profit civic responsibility of promoting a good life for children and young people. Finnish Youth Centres specialize in providing a safe and nurturing operating environment for young people to experience, learn, and have adventures that encourage personal growth. Our knowledge of young people and developmental expertise supports youth participation and aids in their growth and development towards active citizenship. This knowledge is not only founded on years of experience working with young people, but also successful cooperation with municipalities, school and various organizations, in addition to our special status as a partner to the Ministry of Education in the administration of government youth policy. Youth Centre Villa Elba is Member of several national and international networks; Anna Lindh Foundation Finland, Platform Network of Youth mobility, Ryckenwind Network, Platform of European Quality labelled Youth Centres, European Network of Youth Centres, Reves Network. Youth Centre Villa Elba has got Council of Europe`s Quality Label for European Youth Centres for 2014-2018. The standard that the Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres represents is informed by a quality concept that has been established over many years through the practice of the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest. This quality concept covers all aspects of the policy, programme, infrastructure, management and administration of the centre. It can be best expressed and understood through the five specific areas of what the European Youth Centres of the Council of Europe do and of how they do it

Mission and Objectives

Youth Centre Villa Elba represents Finnish National Youth Centres which are entrusted with the non-profit civic responsibility of promoting a good life for children and young people. Finnish Youth Centres specialize in providing a safe and nurturing operating environment for young people to experience, learn, and have adventures that encourage personal growth. Our knowledge of young people and developmental expertise supports youth participation and aids in their growth and development towards active citizenship. This knowledge is not only founded on years of experience working with young people, but also successful cooperation with municipalities, schools and various organizations, in addition to our special status as a partner to the Ministry of Education in the administration of government youth policy. We have strong experience in volunteering in a civic society. Coordinator of international affairs Ms Ritva Saarikettu is full time worker in international work and she also coordinate also International work of Finnish Youth Centre association (10 youth Centres in Finland).

Main Projects / Activities

The international work among young people is one of the priorities of Youth Centre Villa Elba. Our goal is to offer youngsters possibilities of learning in multicultural environment and finding their own strengths and abilities through international activities. Our work consists of international camps and programs, education, practical training and voluntary work for young people, information and guidance about international programmes, projects and EVS co-ordination for hosting organisations. Our Strategy emphasizes the prevention of disadvantagedness of young people, international activities and development of the youth work methods. Youth Centre of Villa Elba answers these challanges by arranging camp schools, international and adventure activities, activities on the sea as well as hobbies and cultural activities for the children and the youth.

Contact (1) Full Name
Catarina Silvander
Job Title
General Manager
Head of the organisation
Ms Catarina Silvander
Contact (2) Full Name
Ritva Saarikettu
Job Title (2)
Coordinator of international affairs
Youth work in Finland - cover

Youth work in Finland

The article examines Finnish youth work and its objectives and development through legislation. In the current legislation, youth work is assigned the task of promoting young people’s active citizenship and participation. Other key objectives of youth work include young people’s...

Bonne pratique
Good Practice Illustration

أيام آنا ليند لتعليم المواطنة بين الثقافات

نظّمت الشبكة الفنلندية في مؤسسة آنا ليند، إلى جانب شركائها من رؤساء شبكات الدنمارك وإستونيا وألمانيا والمغرب وبولندا والسويد وتونس وتركيا في مؤسسة آنا ليند، منتدى بين الثقافات وتدريباً بعنوان "أيام آنا ليند للتعليم على المواطنة بين الثقافات" في الفترة...


تومو ميلاسو

أستاذ فخري في بحوث السلام والنزاع ومدير سابق لمعهد تامبيري لبحوث السلام (TAPRI) في جامعة تامبيري. حائز درجة الدكتوراه في العلوم السياسية وهو أيضاً محاضر في التاريخ السياسي في جامعة توركو. تتمحور اهتماماته الأكاديمية على وجه الخصوص حول التاريخ الحديث...



الهدف الرئيسي للشبكة الفنلندية لمؤسسة آنا ليند هو دعم الحوار بين الثقافات والمساهمة في إبراز الشراكة الأورومتوسطية من خلال التبادلات الفكرية والثقافية والقائمة على المجتمع المدني. تعزز الشبكة المعرفة والاعتراف بالآخر والاحترام المتبادل بين الأديان والمعتقدات، وبين الثقافات والقيم، وتشجع المبادرات التي تهدف إلى تعزيز الحوار، فتضمن بالتالي التنوّع والتعددية في المنطقة الأورومتوسطية.

أهداف الشبكة الفنلندية هي التالية: 

  • تعزيز معرفة المجتمع الفنلندي بالثقافات والمجتمعات المدنية المتواجدة في بلدان منطقة المتوسط
  • تفعيل دور الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني الفنلندي في الحوار بين الثقافات مع الجهات الفاعلة في المجتمع المدني في منطقة المتوسط، وخاصة المجتمعات في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
  • تعزيز أنشطة مؤسسة آنا ليند في فنلندا
  • توسيع الشبكة الفنلندية وأنشطتها في جميع أنحاء البلاد
  • تقديم المشورة للأعضاء ومساعدتهم للمشاركة في الدعوات لتقديم المقترحات وأنشطة مؤسسة آنا ليند.

تضمّ الشبكة الفنلندية حالياً أكثر من 100 عضو، معظم الأعضاء هم من منظمات المجتمع المدني أو منظمات عامة أو أفراد يعملون على مواضيع مختلفة تتعلق بالحوار الثقافي. الشبكة مفتوحة لجميع المنظمات غير الحكومية؛ والجهات الفاعلة العامة والمحلية والإقليمية؛ والمؤسسات العامة والخاصة غير الهادفة للربح؛ والمنظمات غير الربحية الأخرى؛ ورواد الأعمال الاجتماعيين، والمنظمات الهادفة للربح ذات الأهداف المستدامة اجتماعياً، والأعضاء الأفراد الذين يلتزمون بمبادئ ورسالة مؤسسة آنا ليند والذين يرتكز عملهم على قيم الديمقراطية والتعددية وتعدد الأطراف.

تتلقى الشبكة الفنلندية دعماً مالياً من قبل وزارة الخارجية الفنلندية ومؤسسة آنا ليند. يتم اختيار رئيس الشبكة من خلال دعوة لتقديم العطاءات تنظّمها وزارة الخارجية. 

ويُتوقع أن يتولى رئيس الشبكة مهام التنسيق بطريقة شفافة وديمقراطية. ويتلقى عمل المنسقين الدعم والتوجيه من لجنة توجيهية يتألف أعضاؤها من المنسقين ومن ممثل عن وزارة الخارجية الفنلندية ومن ثلاثة أعضاء على الأقل منتخبين من قبل أعضاء الشبكة. يتم اختيار اللجنة التوجيهية لمدة عامين.