Training for young journalists
Young journalists living in Finland, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Germany are called to connect, debate and learn over a 2-day online workshop in October.
Journée de la Méditerranée – Troisième édition
Young journalists living in Finland, Estonia, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Germany are called to connect, debate and learn over a 2-day online workshop in October.
MTÜ AIESEC Eesti - Raua tänav 23,
Vision: Peace and fulfillment of humankind’s of potential. Objectives: Our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership potential for them to have a positive impact in society. AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in global learning environment.
AIESEC is managing and co-ordination 4 programs for youth to participate in: Team Member programme: It is one of the most crucial ways in which you can start on your path towards leadership development. In this phase you will be introduced to a practical team experience, gain access to a global network and engage in practical hard skills development. Team Leader programme: This experience will culminate in your personal and professional development through the concept of team building and management. You get to experience leading other members and guiding them in their work, thus becoming a crucial part of their development. Global Internship programme: This programme offers internships that contribute to the professional development of a member and assist them to specialise in a certain field of work. They are normally long term in nature and involve working on diverse business projects and organisations. Global Community Development programme: International internships are the most intense learning experience we offer and link together our global network. This programme encompasses cross-cultural positive impact through working abroad for social and community development projects that lead to self-development and skill enhancement for the member undertaking the programme.
Harju maakond
Kesklinna linnaosa, Roosikrantsi tn 2-1255
10119 Tallinn
AsfarEurope is a dynamic micro-NGO based in Estonia, established to offer development opportunities for Young People, Women and Communities in the Baltic, Russia, the Caucasus and wider Europe through: Educational, Skills & Digital learning opportunities; Social Entrepreneurship; Intercultural learning; Transnational & Digital Volunteering; Creative skills; and Reconciliation and Peacebuilding. AsfarEurope has a team of 3 team members, plus a small network of freelance trainers from Estonia, Lithuania, Russia and the Southern Caucasus. As a relatively new organisation, our partnership network is growing, however, due to our team's strong experience in 2014-2020 Erasmus+, AsfarEurope has 8 committed partners. Furthermore, AsfarEurope is a member of the RESOLVE: Network - Partnership and is an official committed partner. The RESOLVE: Network brings together over 30 NGOs, social enterprises and charities working in the youth sector, peacebuilding and wider development activities throughout Europe, the Balkans, the Caucasus and the Middle East & North Africa, as well as a growing informal partnerships from Colombia, Ghana, Pakistan, India and South Korea. Budgetary resources In 2020/2021, AsfarEurope was only carrying out non-funded social action-based activities, due to the pandemic. 2021/2022, AsfarEurope will be a minimum of 20,000 euros (based on current funding agreements and without any further fundraising in this financial year). Sources of funding Social enterprise-model - offering development consultancy services to peer NGOs to support their development, projects and wider areas. Private grants - through our links with Asfar UK, AsfarEurope has guaranteed private grants to support their core development between 2021 and 2023. Fundraising activities Modalities As a young organisation, AsfarEurope main projects and activities have initially been focused on the RESOLVE: Network (i.e. 2020 Youth Conference) and in 2021 AsfarEurope will be a lead partner on the following events/activities: -RESOLVE: Network - youth conference (December 2021) -RESOLVE: Network - Gender Equity event (24th May 2021) -RESOLVE: Network - Climate Change event -RESOLVE: Network - Storytelling event -RESOLVE: Network - Youth - skills development event Furthermore, from June 2021, AsfarEurope will be delivering monthly creative digital learning workshops for Estonian and Russian speakers. RESOLVE: Network partners: - Anthropolis, Hungary (current ALF member) - Interfaith Encounter Association, Israel (current ALF member) - Asfar, UK (current ALF member) - IMECE Network, Turkey - SVITAC, Bosnia - Debate for Peace, Israel - CDC, Georgia - CATED, Morocco - CSYO, Azerbaijan
AsfarEurope aims to: AsfarEurope's main objectives focus on: Develop Young Leaders, Environmental awareness, Gender Equity, and to address Social Intolerance in Europe, especially in the Baltic & Russia. Specifically: -Develop: the Baltic & wider European young people, especially future Young Social Action Leaders through skills, employability and social entrepreneurship. -Promote: Gender Equity in the Baltic, in Russia and the Caucasus, as well as wider afield. -Address: the rising tide of Social Intolerance in Europe. -Capacity Build: fellow NGOs through research and innovation and our development consultancy services. -Increase: society’s awareness on Energy Poverty & Climate Change.
RESOLVE: Network - Partnership activities: RESOLVE is AsfarEurope’s strategic approach to address social intolerance and xenophobia in the Europe, the Baltic, the Caucasus, Russia and wider afield. The learning and social action element of RESOLVE is the Reconciliation for Development learning model. Reconciliation for Development is learning embedded in conflict resolution, reconciliation and peacebuilding activities. A learner will develop new skills in Reconciliation & Peacebuilding through informal and non-formal learning activities, while also making a difference to communities affected by conflict through social action and volunteering. Plus, learners will develop a range of different skills which will benefit their future careers and lives. A key part of RESOLVE is the RESOLVE: Network AsfarEurope officially became part of the RESOLVE: Network in April 2020 and is an official committed partner as of February 2021. The RESOLVE: Network Youth Wing, has its own Youth Board who are in charge of making key decisions for the Youth Wing of the network, international youth co-designed activities and ensuring the ethos of the original youth network is sustained and developed. AsfarEurope supports this and is in the process of implementing our own Youth Board to support the Youth Wing management team. A key part of the RESOLVE: Network - Partnership and Youth Wing is the co-developed dialogue and development activities including: - Youth Conference - Skills development activities - Sector-focused Workshops (Climate Change, Gender Equity, Memory, Reconciliation & Storytelling) Another key area of our delivery include our Creative Digital Learning activities. AsfarEurope’s team is highly experienced in the Creative Industries and throughout the pandemic have designed, developed and launched digital learning methodologies for our partners (inc. Asfar UK & Debate for Peace) and online workshops to benefit young people, build their life skills and become more creative. Creative skills through Digital Learning are free monthly training workshops which will start delivery from May 2021 and October 2021 for young Estonian and Russian speakers focusing on the following learning outputs: -The Sustainable Development Goals -Digital Storytelling -Conflict Resolution -Intercultural Learning Creative Skills through Digital Learning is free to any young person, who speaks Estonian or Russian and is interested in developing their creative skills while also learning about the Sustainable Development Goals, Conflict Resolution and would like to have a Cultural learning experience.
AsfarEurope has an experienced team of learning professionals with direct experience of contributing towards the Anna Lindh Network in (i.e. through the ALF Global Learning through Digital Stories). AsfarEurope is committed to collaborative working and co-development of opportunities and is a committed and active organisation throughout our membership networks. Furthermore, as an active member of the RESOLVE: Network, AsfarEurope can both promote the Network and share opportunities to our partners on a local, EU-wide and to our partners in the Balkans, the Middle East & North Africa and the Caucasus, as well as new partner NGOs in Colombia, India, Pakistan, Ghana and South Korea etc. As well as promoting the Network, AsfarEurope would be willing to support it in other ways. Our skilled Bid Writers (inc. Sheniz Tan), Trainers, Methodologists and Development Consultancy team can offer some pro bono support to other Network members. AsfarEurope is a relatively new organisation, however, our team has over 25 years experience together, in the Anna Lindh Network sectors and we would be willing to support the Network through our commitment, wider networks and our skills in achieving its goals.
AsfarEurope's goals are similar to the ALF Network and we would like to get involved and contribute to the ALF Network's development. Furthermore, AsfarEurope has a lot of respect for the network and believe by becoming a member we can support the network and its current partners. Intercultural learning is core to our delivery and being a member of the ALF Network makes sense to use, both to develop new skills/knowledge/understanding as an organisation and a team and to work with others to promote an interculturally fair society, safe from social intolerance. Also, as a small relatively new organisations, AsfarEurope is keen to build bridges, collaborate with other organisation's like us and to co-develop opportunities for young people, communities and wider groups we serve in intercultural development and wider development opportunities to further promote a fair, tolerant world.
Ülikooli 18, 50090, Tartu – Estonia
Have fun learning about the world's major religions with creative designs and simple challenges! For kids age 5+. O f the thousands of colouring books available for children, only a few deal with religion, tending to depict only one religion...
La crise économique européenne a mis à rude épreuve les relations entre de nombreux pays européens. Cela a également conduit à saper des valeurs telles que la démocratie et la liberté sur lesquelles l'Union européenne était bâtie. Ces mêmes valeurs...
Lai 30
50050 Tartu
We are normally around 3-4 paid staff and volunteers.
In April 2011 new statues were developed, new board was elected and membership was changed. ERC changed its direction of activities from giving legal advice to refugees and asylum seekers to providing assistance and information on integration to Estonian society to refugees. ERC has stated four priorities for its activities: Assistance to cultural, social and labour market integration of refugees; Raising public awareness on refugee issues in Estonia; Advocacy work and representation of refugee interest; Securing public as well as private funding for its activities.
You can see our activities on
Karberi 33-76
13919 Tallinn
The purpose of People to People aims to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of ideas and experiences directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures. Eesti PTP is committed to enhance cross-cultural communication within each community, and across communities and nations. Tolerance and mutual understanding are central themes.
Eesti People to People has experience in organising training courses, seminars and conferences. Eesti People to People has experience in LLP Programme including Leonardo da Vinci partnership project, EuropeAid, DAPHNE III, Nordplus, NORDEN and Erasmus+ KA1, KA2 and KA3 projects as partner and co-beneficiary.
The main topics for NGO staff members as trainers are global education, sustainability, cultural diversity, inclusion, gender, media, European citizenship and European values. Eesti People to People works with skills oriented VET projects. NGO is partner in Erasmus+ KA1, KA2 and KA3 project, also in Nordplus project at the moment.
Eesti People to People is active as sending and hosting organization and will share own experience from previous projects funded by European Commission. Eesti People to People is part/chapter of People to People International and participates in many cultural activities around the world. We hosted PTPI worldwide conference in Estonia in 2012 and there were many participants from Europe, Asia and USA.
Eesti People to People is active as sending and hosting organisation and participated in many Youth in Action Programme and Erasmus+ projects in Estonia and abroad. One of Youth in Action training course was organized by Eesti People to People in Armenia in 2013. In 2014 Erasmus+ training course was organized in Estonia for 30 youth workers form 3 Baltic and 3 Caucasus countries. “Gender and Media” training course was for youth workers from 14 countries, including Jordan, Israel, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Ukraine. Eesti People to People regularly sends youth and youth workers to the projects in EU and also Caucasus, Ukraine, Moldova, all Balkan countries, etc.
Eesti People to People was partner in PCD EuropeAid project where one of partner was from Cabo Verde, second awareness raising EuropeAid multi-media project was with partners from Kenya and Eesti People to People sent to Kenya 5 teachers for two weeks in 2014, we help one of schools in Nairobi till now. Eesti People to People will organize Erasmus+ training course for youth workers from 12 countries in Estonia in October 2016, 5 participants will be from Syria.
Eesti People to people sent to Jordan for study visit 3 youth workers in July 2016 and 5 participants to EuroMed project to Palestine in December 2016.
Eesti People to People is partner in the Technical Assistance Project "More and Better EU Aid Volunteers: enhancing technical capacity of European organisations and improving opportunities for EU citizens to participate in humanitarian aid actions" funded by EACEA.
Eesti People to People is part/chapter of People to People International and participates in many activities around the world. We hosted PTPI worldwide conference in Estonia in 2012 and there were many participants from Nepal, Pakistan and other countries (also from USA, EU, Russia, etc).
Eesti People to People is member of national platform AKÜ (Arengukoostöö Ümarlaud - Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation). AKÜ's main areas of work are development and global education.
Eesti People to People participates as one of 32 members of the Estonian National Platform AKÜ in different actions in Ghana, Kenya and other countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Caucasus through GLEN program, financed by Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Eesti People to People coordinates in Estonia annual Global Education Week of the North-South Center of the Council of Europe and works with high school students and teachers. In October 2016 Eesti People to People hosted in Tallinn Baltic Regonal seminar of the Global Education and coordinates follow up activities during 2017-2018.
Eesti People to People is supporting Destiny school in Nairobi Matara slam in Kenya during last two years. Five Estonian teachers, Eesti PtP volunteers, visited this school in 2014 in the frame of EuropeAid project “Makutano Junction: a multi-media approach to effective development education” (2013-2015) and now collect money at schools in Estonia from parents and children and send to Destiny school. This school principal sent many emails with photos and reports about payments for primary schools students, so they could continue education at Destiny school and also they renovated walls at school for this money.
Eesti People to People staff members has Erasmus+ Programme experience as trainers, projects coordinators and group leaders. There are professional journalist, educators and trainers among Eesti People to People key staff persons.
They coordinated in Estonia Grundtvig Partnership project “Europe needs active seniors” (2008-2010),
EuropeAid project "Enhancing policy coherence: making development work better” (2009-2012),
Leonardo da Vinci Partnership project “Cultural treasure hunt” (2010-2012),
Youth in Action “EyoUth-Day” – comprehensive non-formal learning for the future’s European youth citizens" project (2011-2012),
Youth in Action Programme trainings in Estonia “Gender and Media” (2011),
"Young people as important actors in social media" (2013),
“European Citizenship Education: Meanings, Understandings and Actions" (2013),
evaluation meeting “Gender and media toward creativity and entrepreneurship” (2012),
"3C in youth work: Creative thinking - efficient Communication - active Citizenship"(2013) training course in Armenia,
youth exchange “Creative reading and writing – access for youth to global media” (2012),
DAPHNE III project “Impact Of Relationship” (2012-2014),
EuropeAid project “Makutano Junction: a multi-media approach to effective development education” (2013-2015),
Erasmus+ KA1 mobility for adult project “Reading the city in adult” (2014-2015),
Europe for Citizens project “Reflection on the Future” (2014-2015),
NORDEN "Support for Civil Society and Equality in Baltic" project (2014-2016),
Erasmus+ KA1 youth project "Youthpass - your path"(2016),
Erasmus+ KA1 youth project "Analyse and think critically: media literacy for youth workers" (2016).
At the moment they are involved in Erasmus+ KA2 VET “ERA+” project (2015-2017), Erasmus+ KA2 VET "MINDS into MATTER - the "Book of Business" sustainable training tool in the tourist industry" project (2016-2018), Erasmus+ KA2 adult "Media literacy in adult education" (2016-2017), Erasmus+ KA3 project "inEDU inclusive education model for children with migrant background in pre-schools", in capacity building project “CooperActive II”, Europe for Citizens “Unspoken truths”, Nordplus adult project “Sustainable Tools 4 Trainers” as a partner.
We can share our experience. Our trainers can work in projects about media and gender issues.
We are interested in new partners and projects, also in networking for capacity building.
The Estonian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation was established in 2006.
The Network's vision is to bring together civil society organisations that are active in promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding within the society, providing a platform to create successful cooperation within the local network and other networks, and tap into the resources provided by the members of the network.
Our strength lies in the accessibility to all sectors within the network to all the members, in addition to the availability of the board of governance. Most of the organisations and members of the network have demonstrated a large impact in the local community by tapping into the relevant topics affecting our society.
Our Network members are active in:
Among the achievements of many of the network members is the strong role they played in raising awareness on topics related to the different crises in the society, starting with the Syrian refugee crisis, and ending with the war in Ukraine, providing resources to the educational and youth work sector and creating safe spaces for women and youth.
The Network is re-inventing itself; while many of the older members have become less active, there is an interest by new organisations to join. The Estonian Network encourages new members to build a more sustainable and active network that is very much taped into the important issues facing our society.
The Estonian Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation was established in 2006 by Prof. Dr. Thomas Richard Kämmerer from the University of Tartu, since then the Estonian network has been active and coordinated by other civil societies: Ethical Links, and the Estonian school of diplomacy and after not having a national coordinator between 2018-2019 in 2020 the Estonian ministry of foreign affairs gave NGO Mondo the mandate to become the Estonian National Network coordinator.
The previous Heads of the Anna Lindh National Network in Estonia, were:
-The Estonian School of Diplomacy (ESD), which was elected by members in 2016.
- Ethical links, which was elected from 2012 until 2016.
Toom-Kooli 17, 10130
The purpose of ECCI is developing of entrepreneurship and commerce as well as representing and protecting the interests of its members
Arranges business connecting events and presentations for the companies. Arranges commercial and industrial exhibitions as well as participation of its members in international exhibitions and fairs;
? Gathers and analysis information related to entrepreneurship and commerce keeps relevant databases and provides information services. Provides assistance in searching partners and execution market researches;
? Arranges publishing of information, advertising and training materials. Issues printed matters;
? Acknowledges and confirms certificates of origin and consignment documents for the products exported from the Republic of Estonia and other documents related to foreign trade as well as trade and transportation practice valid in the Republic of Estonia;
? Arranges issuing of Estonian bar codes in accordance with the requirements of EAN by international Bar Code Association;
? Issues ATA CARNET documents and other acknowledgements, certificates, information inquiries required for