
Sarina initiative

National Network

567 el-horeya road , gleem , abu-qir street , Alexandria , Egypt

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

Sarina is an initiative led by two Egyptian woman from a medical background and also a number of volunteers -
the funding was from mitOst organization for the first implementation round but now we are looking for grants and funding opportunities-
the initiative based in Alexandria and implement workshops for kids and teenagers in many governments in Egypt -

Mission and Objectives

Improve the health awareness in the society using non-formal education methods to create an impact in people lives
We use the interactive and interesting learning tools such as dialogue , role plays and graphic or visual facilitation

Main Projects / Activities

peace building and diversity between the Syrian and the Egyptian participants
interactive workshops about many health topics such as first aids for teenagers and mothers from different arabian nationalities
online awareness campaign about COVID-19 preventive and hygienic measures
virtual workshops for kids and teenagers about staying home and new normal health situation during pandemic and infection control

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through the membership of the initiative, we will be able to work under a sponser or an umbrella, and thus it will open the opportunity for us to form partnerships to enhance our presence and to contribute to building a strong network of relationships with Anna Lindh.
Also, the initiative is close to society and youth, so we can implement activities to serve society, promote a culture that accepts the other, respect different cultures and nationalities, and achieve sustainable development goals that work on health, education and peace.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

As an initiative, we need to form a network of relationships and institutions that sponsor our activities. With this partnership, we will be able to implement events and activities and form partnerships aimed at effectively serving civil society in a predominant way, accepting the other and respecting diversity.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mervat sherin adel ahmed
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Mervat Sherin
Contact (2) Full Name
Eman abd-alhamid moussa
Job Title (2)

Sawi Cultural Center

National Network

Zamalek, at the end of 26th of July St., at Aboul Feda St., Cairo - Egypt

+20 23 7359087
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
The El Sawy Culturewheel is a comprehensive cultural center laying on a 5,000 m2 area right under the 15th of May bridge on Zamalek island. It values human beings without any kind of classification. All visitors are treated equally regardless of their social, official and economic status. Likewise artists of the same field are dealt with by equal measures and conditions. In 2003 the El Sawy Culturewheel was founded by Engineer Mohamed Sawy. Partners : El Sawy Culturewheel involves its friends and volunteers in various projects and missions starting from simple tasks such as controlling gates to advanced missions of holding workshops and seminars.
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities

Art Exhibitions : El Sawy Culturewheel is proud to host exhibitions of well-known artists, as well as being a platform for yet unknown students and beginners.
Seminars: initiate dialogue in different subjects on current and long-lasting topics. We value thinking and the freedom of thought and try to encourage them in our seminars.
Awareness Campaign : Every year the El Sawy Culturewheel focuses on one main theme. 2009 was chosen to be the ‘year of Dignity’, in which efforts are directed towards four main points: 1. eliminate the profession of begging 2. revive manhood and courage 3. keep cleanliness and 4. work proficiently. Please check our History of Awareness Campaigns for more information on previous years.
Workshops : Next to concerts, art exhibitions, theater plays and seminars the El Sawy Culturewheel also offers a number of workshops teaching the principles of art in all its disciplines on all levels from beginner to advanced.
Library : The Zamalek main center also provides a library. Although many people enter the El Sawy Culturewheel without noticing it, since it is located behind the gate, our poor library is rich in possessing a wide range of books for children and adults in Arabic, English and French. Everyone may enter, pick and read a book. El Sawy Culturewheel members can even borrow the books and read them at home.
Magazine : After only four years of existence, in 2007 El Sawy Culturewheel launched its quarterly magazine El Sakia el Warakeya - an integrated Culture magazine, written in Standard Arabic, directed towards the youth. El Sakia el Warakeya magazine provides information about all fields of culture and covers news of the El Sawy Culturewheel as well as other cultural centers.
Radio : Now in 2009, the El Sawy Culturewheel started its own online radio
station Sound of Sakia. It's mission is to enrich the cultural scene in Egypt by expanding the reach of El Sawy Culturewheel’s stage for local artists, workshops and speakers through high quality cultural online programming to be accessible to a broader audience in Egypt and worldwide.
Children : Children are on top of our priorities. Therefore we initiated the program Let me Think – LMT. LMT is a workshop designed to teach children to think, imagine and develop solutions and ideas for specific virtual situations and problems. The aim of the program is to show children how thinking could be a fun activity, by inciting them to do it informally through mind exercise and games.http://www.culturewheel.com/eng/Activities

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Mohamed El Sawi (President)

Sawiris Foundation for Social Development

National Network

10 El Diwan St., 1st Floor, Garden City, Cairo

+202 2792 7660 / 61 / 62
+202 2792 7664
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
The Sawiris Foundation for Social Development was founded in April 2001, with an endowment from the Sawiris family. It constitutes the first family foundation dedicated to social development in Egypt. The Foundation provides grants to fund projects implemented by partners. The Foundation focuses its action on projects geared towards job creation. It first identifies job opportunities with no qualified individuals available to fill them. It then proceeds to train unemployed to take up these jobs. Prior commitment from employers is obtained to hire successful trainees. The Foundation also strives to foster the spirit of entrepreneurship and to support the creation of self-employment opportunities. It funds training for potential entrepreneurs, and provides seed money for the start up of micro and small enterprises.
Mission and Objectives

The Foundation's approach to social development is based on three fundamental concepts: the backward model of job creation; partnerships; and leverage and replicability.
The Backward Model:
The Foundation follows a linear, three-stage approach to job creation: market needs are assessed; employment is secured; and then certified training of an internationally accepted standard is provided in areas where there are jobs available but nobody qualified to fill them. This strategy of working backward by securing employment prior to undertaking specially tailored training programs for the unemployed, ensures that jobs are guaranteed for graduates of the training programs supported by the Foundation, and that market needs are met.
Projects funded by the Foundation are based on the collaboration between civil society, the government, and the corporate sector. The Foundation's institutional partners function as implementing agencies, and are also sometimes involved in the design and co-funding of projects. Implementing agencies include government bodies, non-governmental and non-profit organizations, universities, and business enterprises.
Thus, employment creation programs are implemented through partnerships involving institutions willing to undertake the training component; businesses willing to host on-the-job training; and partners willing to participate in project funding or provide technological transfer.
Leverage and Replicability :
The Foundation supports and develops projects that are innovative, answer socio-economic needs, demonstrate potential for success, and can be promoted as a model to be replicated and adapted by other institutions. Such projects are seen as the starting point for a long-term process of social change and economic growth, on both an individual and a societal level. The Foundation thus works towards the improvement of society by helping others to help themselves.

Main Projects / Activities

- health sector
- vocational training
- small & micro business
- scholarships
- education and professional development

Contact (1) Full Name
Ms. Rosa Abdel Malek (Operations Manager)
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Gannat El Samalouty (Executive Director)
Contact (2) Full Name
Eng. Mena Nabil (Network Administrator)

Sawy Culture Wheel

National Network

Sawy Culture Wheel – AbolFeda street – Zamalek

01222 10 3155
Telephone (other)
0122 345 2287
002 02 33456100
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Youth and education
General Information
El Sawy Culture wheel was opened with one main purpose: making the culture accessible for everybody and giving the chance to artists to present and develop their talents in our center. Our policy is to keep all the prices as low as possible (tickets, membership, facilities etc.) to give the opportunity to everyone to attend our events or to present their art. Supporting culture is a sustainable development investment, as this mean making our community richer in their knowledge, opening their mind, and their vision of the world. Our staff is in the range of 80 employees (full & part time).Our source of funding is Sponsorship. We are proposing various events (festivals, contests, concerts, plays, cinema, exhibitions, seminars, workshops …)
Mission and Objectives

Setting ambitious strategies to make culture a priority in developing the Egyptian society according to the following: - preserving the Egyptian and Arabic identity - replacing the inherited negative ideas by innovative ones - spreading guidance and thinking through arts & creation Our objective now is to become the cultural spot in Cairo by always proposing better and more events (by means of upgrading our facilities, improving quality and creating new extensions).

Main Projects / Activities

Our organization is a non profit unit proposing various events (concerts, plays, cinema, exhibitions, seminars, workshops …); the place is equipped with stages, cinema screens and all kinds of audio-visual aids. Our mission is to spread culture among the people and to protect the freedom of expression and the freedom of our visitors to enjoy culture. Today, thanks to the support of people sharing our values, our center is growing and proposing three events per day, through the year

Contact (1) Full Name
Mohamad Elsawy
Job Title
Managing Director
Head of the organisation
Abel Monem Abdel Monem El Sawy
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmed Fouad
Job Title (2)
Development Director

Scandinavian Culture Center

National Network

13 Markaz El-Maalomat street, Morabaa El Wozra 1175, Sheraton Heliopolis

+202 226 711 61
+202 226 785 92
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
+46 707 267 161
Mobile Phone (other)
+20 18 611 53 01
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Youth and education
General Information
The structure of SCC includes 6 employes, a chairman, a managing director, an account manager and three other employes. The SCC partners and cooperation partners for this time of applications, Egyptson Group AB which is the current sponsor to SCC. Other cooperations are with Center for Middle East Studies in Lund and CTR Lunds University. Since the center opened in June 2009 the budget is postponed to december 2010. Main Projects in the center are Educational and Cultural, such as teaching scandinavian languages, Arabic for Scandinavians, Cultural dialogs, art exhubitions, cultural seminars, cultural exchanges. Current art project at SCC is an art exhibition by Swedish artist Kicki Hankell. Coming project is an art project cooperation led by Jan Cardell.
Mission and Objectives

The SCC is a meeting point for Cultural exchanges between Scandinavia and Egypt through out dialogs and language. Our mission includes cooperating with Scandinavian artists and researchers to exhibit their work in Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

As the only Scandinavian Center in Middle East and Africa we offer language educational programmes, an opportunity to learn Swedish, Norwegian and Danish in Egypt. No other institutes teaches the Scandinavian languages. We offer Arabic Courses to Scandinavian students who wish to come and study Arabic at our center and we offer the students accommodation as well. Our activities includes to be a part of the Scandinavian community living in Egypt and offer them a meeting place at the center where they can meet other Scandinavians and make friends and to help to preserve the Scandinavian Culture and traditions. To be a part of cultural dialogs and exchanges between the Scandinavian countries and Egypt. SCC has also taken the initiative to create a an non profit educational programme in a suburb to Cairo-Shobr-el skema, which is one of the poorest suburbs in Cairo. Our objective is to help to improve peoples living conditions by teaching them to read and write, teach them English. Our main targets are children, youth and women.

Contact (1) Full Name
Sameh Egyptson
Head of the organisation
Scandinavian Culture Center
Contact (2) Full Name
Jasmine S Ruottinen

Scandinavian Culture Center (Swedish culture center)

National Network

13 Markaz el Maalomat, Morabaa el Wozra, 1157, Sheraton Heliopolis

+202 22671161
+202 22678592
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
01223568281 (ishaq)
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information
Scandinavian Culture Center (Swedish culture center): The center is a meeting place for Egyptians, who wants to know more about Scandinavia, and where Scandinavians working in Egypt, can meet and develop contacts in Cairo. We want to increase the knowledge about the Nordic countries for Egyptians, and for Scandinavians to know more about Egypt. The Center offers seminars, conferences, art exhibitions and film-documentaries about the different Scandinavian forms of government, culture and arts. The Center has a library, a gallery and is the only institution in Africa and Middle East which offers teaching in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages. The Center also has teaching in Arabic for Scandinavians and special courses for Master students in cooperation with Lund University. In the Center there are student lodgings. Swedish House Swedish House is a five storey building, situated in Shubra al-Kheima, a poor and polluted area in a suburb to Cairo. Here we initiate - living for two Swedish guest students - daycare for children when their mothers work or study - a center where women can be taught to read and write and also give them a possibility to learn an activity where they can earn money. The goal is to give these women social protection and a higher status in the society. - library and place for studying.
Mission and Objectives

The Swedish-Egyptian Institute is a Swedish non-profit organization and its purpose is to collect funds for promoting intellectual, scientific, cultural and inter-religious exchanges for social development and a more humane and democratic society in Egypt.
The purpose of the organization is to support and give allowance to;
Swedish and Egyptian students and researchers for travelling to and studying in Egypt, respectively Sweden
prize for best translated book from Swedish to Arabic and from Arabic to Swedish
conference activities for Egyptian and Swedish university graduates
support translation of Scandinavian literature and dubbing of Swedish and Egyptian films
financial support to Scandinavian Culture Center and Swedish House in Cairo.
Scandinavian Culture Center and Swedish House are run by the Egyptian non-profit association al-Moasasa al-Masreya al-Swedeya (Svensk-Egyptiska institutet). We are looking for cooperation with students, voluntary workers and researchers. We are also looking for cooperation with institutes, organizations, companies, etc for our projects in Egypt.

Main Projects / Activities

Scandinavian Culture Center:
The center is a meeting place for Egyptians, who wants to know more about Scandinavia, and where Scandinavians working in Egypt, can meet and develop contacts in Cairo.
We want to increase the knowledge about the Nordic countries for Egyptians, and for Scandinavians to know more about Egypt. The Center offers seminars, conferences, art exhibitions and film-documentaries about the different Scandinavian forms of government, culture and arts.
The Center has a library, a gallery and is the only institution in Africa and Middle East which offers teaching in the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian languages. The Center also has teaching in Arabic for Scandinavians and special courses for Master students in cooperation with Lund University. In the Center there are student lodgings.
Swedish House
Swedish House is a five storey building, situated in Shubra al-Kheima, a poor and polluted area in a suburb to Cairo. Here we initiate
living for two Swedish guest students
daycare for children when their mothers work or study
a center where women can be taught to read and write and also give them a possibility to learn an activity where they can earn money. The goal is to give these women social protection and a higher status in the society.
library and place for studying.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?


Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To make connections with other organisations and to seen and heard

Contact (1) Full Name
Sameh Egyptson
Head of the organisation
The Swedish-Egyptian Institute

Scientific Society for Research and Development Ethics

National Network

El Korba Above Mardini

+2 012 3270506
Telephone (other)
(202) 238 064 65
(202) 238 064 65
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Others
  6. Research
  7. Youth and education
General Information
Scidre is an NGO that is registered nationally and internationally. funding is mainly from subscriptions, donors projects (WHO, UNESCO...etc). 1. SciDRE is registered in Egypt under No. 7226, Ministry of social solidarity. 2. SciDRE is registered in US Department of Health (DHHS), Federal Wide Assurance #FWA00013077, the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP). 3. SciDRE`s Institutional Review Board (IRB) is registered by the OHRP-DHHS-Bioethics (IRB#1:IORG00006480).
Mission and Objectives

SciDRE is established to contribute in improving human health and development and in society welfare with integrated ethics standards. MAIN OBJECTIVES:
1. Increase the awareness of the importance of observing all ethical and moral values in research for the benefits of the society.
2. capacity building .
3. Promote high standards of biomedical research enhancing the community participation.
4. Implement programs t0 contribute to the improvement of the society welfare.
1. Creation of networks of professionals and researchers of broad expertise in biomedical research and bioethics.
2. Development and conduct training programs.
3. Setting up accreditation systems.
4. Establishment of a peer-reviewed and internationally-indexed journal.
5. Dissemination of information and researches findings.
6. Development of teaching resources (books, CDs, digital resources)
7. Organizing conferences, workshops, and awareness campaigns to scientific organizations and to the society.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Creation of networks of professionals and researchers of broad expertise in biomedical research and bioethics.
2. Development and conduct training programs.
3. Setting up accreditation systems.
4. Establishment of a peer-reviewed and internationally-indexed journal.
5. Dissemination of information and researches findings.
6. Development of teaching resources (books, CDs, digital resources)
7. Organizing conferences, workshops, and awareness campaigns to scientific organizations and to the society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Hanan El Guindy
Head of the organisation
Dr. Magdy Shehata Gebreil
Contact (2) Full Name
Dr. Magdy Shehata Gebreil


National Network

Scientific Groups Club, wady Hof, Helwan, Cairo

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Scouting4Peace began in 2007 as an online community for youth and scouts to gather and share their opinions on peace and the environment. Scouting4Peace has connected over 4500 scouts and young people on its website, Scouting4Peace.org In December 2010, Scouting4Peace Foundation held its first international camp in Egypt, "Together for Peace". This week-long peace gathering included participants from 9 different countries worldwide, who joined together to send a message of peace to the world. Campers brought the mission of the Foundation to life with scouting activities, cultural and historical tours, and services.
Mission and Objectives

Since its establishment in 2007, Scouting4Peace Foundation has united both scouts and non-scouts in the name of worldwide peace and understanding. Scouting4Peace Foundation produces events and youth programs, which instruct participants in subjects related to peace, responsibility, and the environment. Members also share their cultures and experiences with one another through international discussion on our website, Scouting4Peace.org. By fostering empathy, knowledge, tolerance and a global conscience within young people, we hope to give youth the qualities necessary to create a more peaceful and clean world.

Main Projects / Activities

Scouting4Peace Foundation plans to develop programs in various charitable fields. These fields include:
• Friendship between nations
• Mother and child care
• Family care
• Culture, Scientific, and Environmental actions
• Special Needs care
• Care for street children
• Environmental education and protection
• Family economic development
• Human resource education
• Human and youth rights
We will utilize youth and scout involvement in order to work in each one of these fields. By using youth volunteers to help plan, fund, and carry out projects in these fields, we aim to both contribute to these fields and educate our volunteers.
Scouting4Peace Foundation also plans to expand the role of its international peace clubs. We will also develop a system whereby peace clubs will receive up-to-date information on current Scouting4Peace events and projects, as well as ideas for projects of their own.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tarek Aziz
Head of the organisation
Tarek Aziz
Contact (2) Full Name
Faten Farouk

SDA "Sustainable Development Association"

National Network

150 Gamal Abdel Nasser str., first floor, Sidi Bishr 21411

+2 012 359 2395
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+2 012 359 2395
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Human rights
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Media
  8. Others
  9. Research
  10. Youth and education
General Information
1- Organisational structure 2- Around 800,000 EGP annually, 6 full timers, 6 part-timers, volunteers. 3- EU, USAID, Ford Foundation, SIDA, CIDA. 4- Capacity Building for youth, Euro-Med youth programmes, Non-Formal Education, Cultural and Arts activities, Women and Gender advocacy, awareness and networking; seminars, workshops, simulation models. 5- Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Egyptian Youth Federation, EDC, UNDP, UNV, USAID, Goethe Institute, French Cultural Centre, GTZ, NBV in Sweden. 6- Russian cultural centre, DUF
Mission and Objectives

The mission of the SDA is to contribute to the education of young people, to help build a better generation where young people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society. This is achieved by:
• Involving young people in a non-formal educational process.
• Using a specific method that makes each individual the principal agent of his or her development as a self-reliant, supportive, responsible and committed person.
• Assisting them to establish a value system based upon, social and personal principles.

Main Projects / Activities

? The ICT4D “Information and Communication Technology for Development” Youth Caucus program.
? ISSD “Information Society and Sustainable Development”.
? TIG “Taking IT Global”.
? Euro-Med YOUTH Program:
o Euro Med Youth Award winners, October 2005.
? YES Network-Egypt (Youth Employment Summit):
o The campaign adopts the banner of the 6 E's: Employability, Employment Creation, Equity-equal opportunity, Entrepreneurship, Environmental sustainability and Empowerment.
? AIMUN “Alexandria International Model United Nations”
A non formal education method used as a Leadership training tool.
? On Going Projects:
o SDA Training Center for Non-Formal-Education
For more info: www.sda-web.org

Contact (1) Full Name
Mr. Haythem kamel (President)