République tchèque

Pro-AERO, o.s.

National Network
République tchèque

kino Aero, Biskupcova 31, 13000 Praha 3

+420 271 771 349
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+420 777 077 055
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information
Since 1997, Pro-Aero manages and runs the Prague based arthouse cinema Aero. Aero focuses on quality film art and promotes educational activities, organizes film festivals and other cultural events. A common link in all its activities is to introduce culture as a common base for different cultural backgrounds. Its staff consists of 8 full time employees and 30 volunteers. Its main sources of finance are sold tickets and services, funding from public (local, national, European) funds, it operates with an annual budget of approx 500,000 EUR. In previous years, AERO organized e.g. a film festival of Arabic films, debates on the current situation in Middle East, held events dedicated to victims of Holocaust and other events. Introducing various national culture through national film is part of its basic mission.
Mission and Objectives

The mission of Pro-Aero is to support and maintain the arthouse cinema Aero through organizing non-commercial screenings of quality films, setting up festivals and cultural exchange on various topics, support the (mainly film) educational activities, organize exhibitions and other cultural activities. Its objective is to offer an alternative cultural content and different point of views.

Main Projects / Activities

Main activities of Pro-Aero are: non-commercial screenings of quality arthouse films throughout the entire year, special film festivals focusing on personalities of filmmakers, national cinema or specific topics, educational activities (Baby Bio, Aeroschool, workshops of animation), offering alternative content (live transmissions of opera, theatre, concerts), organizing exhibitions, film events outside cinema, participating in activities of other cultural institutions in Prague and Czech Republic.

Contact (1) Full Name
Zuzana Kamenikova
Head of the organisation
Zuzana Kamenikova

Regional Environmental Center Czech Republic Country Office

National Network
République tchèque

Regional Environmental Center Czech Republic
Senovazna 2
110 00 Prague 1 - Czech Republic


Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
General Information
Country Office Czech Republic has established very good cooperation with the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic. The ministries and different regional & local authorities are traditional partners in country office operation for projects in the fields of Water Management, Pollution control, Flooding protection, Biodiversity, Strategic environmental assessment and Effective communication and education in nature protection, Indicators for sustainable local development, and Management of public participation programmes.
Mission and Objectives

Country Office Expertise:
• Hydrogeology and Civil engineering
• Water management
• Environmental protection
• Flood Risk Management
• Environmental education in nature protection
• Management of public participation programs, seminars and workshops.

Main Projects / Activities

WAREMA: (Water resources management capacity building on integrated water management in Bosnia and Herzegovina). The activities of the project should initiate water resources management and capacity building on integrated water management in Bosnia and Herzegovina; the important part of this project is also know-how transfer between the Czech Republic and Bosnia and Herzegovina
INTENSE: (From Estonia till Croatia: Intelligent Energy Saving Measures for Municipal housing in Central and Eastern European Countries); Intelligent Energy – Europe (IEE) Programme. The project INTENSE aims at transferring intelligent energy saving measures for municipal housing from “old” EU Member States to “new” Member States, Accession and Candidate countries in Central and Eastern Europe and it is built on a holistic approach for planning of energy optimized housing.
FLOODPROBE: PROJECT FP7: Technologies for the cost-effective Flood Protection of the Built Environment. The objectives derived from the problem description and the principal aim are:
• To improve methods for assessing the vulnerability of the urban environment related to floods, especially by extending conventional methods with the ability to assess indirect impacts of damage to networks and assets with a high value density.
• To improve the understanding of urban flood defence performance, in order to develop suitable protection measures and to increase the cost-effectiveness of future investments.
• To develop and test construction technologies and concepts to improve the performance of existing and new flood defences and for flood-proofing of the urban environment.
PANI (Solution of problems of groundwater quality and quantity in the region of Kathmandu (Nepal) on the basis of experience of Czech hydrogeologists in providing drinking water for Prague). Twinning project of the capitals of Prague and Kathmandu; within the frame of establishing expert activities, promotion and transfer of knowledge & technology in the sphere of research of groundwater and its permanent utilization.
EASY-ECO: a training and conference programme on evaluations in the specific context of sustainable development. Between 2005 and 2010, the EASY-ECO Series comprises seven conferences and ten training opportunities related to Sustainable development.

Contact (1) Full Name
RNDr. Zuzana Boukalova
Contact (2) Full Name
Ing. Filip Cejka

Rene Motlak

National Network
République tchèque

bratří Křičků 16
62100 Brno

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information

Interpretation and translation from Arabic to Czech and likewise, teaching Arabic for Czech people and Czech for Arabic people.

Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

My beneficial profit is the language.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

To spread my contacts.

Contact (1) Full Name
René Motlak
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Rene Motlak

République Tchèque

Czech Network

Le réseau national de la Fondation Anna Lindh en République tchèque met en relation les organisations de la société civile et les citoyens afin d’instaurer la confiance et d’améliorer la compréhension mutuelle. La fonction de chef de réseau national est assurée par l’Institute of International Relations (IIR), qui travaille dans le domaine des relations internationales, notamment dans les régions des Balkans, de la Méditerranée, du Moyen-Orient, de l’Afrique du Nord et de l’Afrique subsaharienne. Ces domaines sont étudiés principalement en regard de la politique étrangère et de sécurité commune de l’Union européenne. 

En tant qu’institution indépendante fondée à l’origine par le ministère des Affaires étrangères, l’IIR fournit également des analyses et des recommandations politiques. Il constitue également un lien entre le monde universitaire, le public et la pratique politique internationale. 

La FAL en République tchèque est un réseau de plusieurs dizaines d’organisations réunies sous l’égide du dialogue interculturel. Son action se traduit aussi par des initiatives dans les domaines du changement climatique, de la culture et de l’autonomisation des femmes et des jeunes. Le réseau tchèque est remarquablement diversifié et comprend des associations culturelles et communautaires, des institutions universitaires, des organisations de jeunesse et des particuliers. 

Les principaux objectifs du réseau sont la promotion du dialogue entre les différentes cultures, l’introduction de questions importantes dans le débat universitaire et public, et l’implication des communautés dans la vie publique. Compte tenu des différences régionales de perception des diverses cultures, le réseau tchèque doit soutenir des initiatives dans des lieux autres que la capitale. Il le fait principalement à travers des événements culturels de différentes tailles. En République tchèque, la FAL offre chaque année à ses membres une formation gratuite sur un sujet pertinent, soutient la promotion des événements des membres, offre la possibilité de participer à des projets communs et encourage l’échange d’expositions passionnantes, de matériel éducatif et d’espaces événementiels. 

À l’avenir, dans le cadre de ses événements et activités, le réseau tchèque devrait s’impliquer davantage dans des projets transfrontaliers et s’inspirer des meilleures pratiques des autres réseaux nationaux de la FAL. À cet égard, les échanges transfrontaliers sont également l’occasion de diffuser l’expérience et les connaissances tchèques. De par sa composition, le réseau tchèque, fort de son expérience académique et culturelle, est capable de déployer des projets qui combinent ces deux sphères et apportent ainsi de nouvelles perspectives au thème du dialogue interculturel.

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Štefan Füle

EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy. Füle previously has held several positions within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, serving as First Secretary of Permanent Mission of the Czech Republic to the UN, the Ministry...

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Štefan Füle

Commissaire européen chargé de la politique européenne d’élargissement et de voisinage, Štefan Füle a précédemment occupé plusieurs postes au sein du ministère des Affaires étrangères de la République Tchèque, en tant que premier secrétaire de la mission permanente de la...

Svět islámu pro začátečníky

National Network
République tchèque

Komenského 29
77900 Olomouc

Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
  2. Religion
  3. Youth and education
General Information
Currently it´s only a facebook platform, no funding, no budget. I do videos, reports, contributions in Czech language for Czech people about world of Islam. Platform has only educational character. At least five times a month I give lectures about different subjects.
Mission and Objectives

Share my experiences and knowledge about Islam and world of Islam  in my country there is a huge fear of Islam so I try to bring some news that are not just about negative subjects, as our media present, but also about culture, history and different achievements.

Main Projects / Activities

- Lectures in different cities
- Reports, videos, news

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I am an hyperactive person, I hope I could cooperate in some programs.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

I would like to find a partner or coworker who would help me to extend my platform.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hrabalova Lenka
Head of the organisation
Lenka Hrabalova


National Network
République tchèque

Husova 29/1
460 01 Liberec 1

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1 - Chairman, board of directors, members, volunteers (all unpaid) 2 - no regular income 3 - EU, municipal grants 4 - exchanges, seminars, cultural events, workshops, camps 5 - YOFI-Israel, Gendenbir-Turkey, IPYL-Palestine, Hamrun Youth Initiatives Club-Malta, Single parents-Greece, Youth center of Dravinja valley-Slovenia,Norrvalla Sports Institute Vora-Finland….
Mission and Objectives

Using English as the common language we provide an informal environment that encourages an exchange of cross-cultural ideas. Through a combination of social, cultural and educational activities, stereotypes and prejudices can be challenged and closer relationships develop.
In the International Youth Program we began to concentrate on relationships with the Mediterranean countries, as these were the lesser known cultures and peoples. The common impression in the Czech Republic of many Mediterranean countries received through the mass media is overwhelmingly negative, which creates distrust and fear of the unknown. The projects we have initiated aim at building trust and understanding.

Main Projects / Activities

“The Czech Mediterranean” Liberec, January 2006.( Greece, Israel, Malta, Turkey, Palestine and the Czech Republic).The project is to enable young people to learn about life, culture and customs in each others’ countries
“Trakya Kenteler Bulusmasi”, an Exchange concerning the promotion of free time activities among young people, held in Turkey /September 2005.
We are hosting a volunteer from Turkey.
Art in Prince Islands July 2005, Istanbul, a presentation of international art.
Purple Book – August 2005, Ankara, a presentation of national literature.
The Greeting Plant – September 2005, Mus, a youth cancer awareness raising event.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jana Hunterová
Head of the organisation
Jana Hunterová

Tanween – Arabsky kulturni institut

National Network
République tchèque

Eliášova 266/3
16000 Prague

00420 233 344 362
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
00420 777 787 337
Mobile Phone (other)
00420 777 787 336
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information

Tanween – Arabsky kulturni institut 1 – Chairman 1 person, board of directors 2 person, - No regular income ( 1). Grants (2). Sponsorship: • Arabesque • Another companies (3). Operating income • Advertising revenue • Entry & Language course’s fees • Sales of foreign publications 4 - activities concerns Arabic societies, divided into: * Cultural events * Lectures &discussions Organising educational exchanges in Czech Republic: • Arabic/ Persian/ Czech language courses Specialized programs • Seminars in foreign languages • Advanced language/ business courses (CV program ) • Arabic penmanship 


Mission and Objectives

Tanween – Arabsky kulturni Institut (originally established as The Middle East Center in Prague), aims to support knowledge and to deepen a dialogue between Czechs and the Middle Eastern and North Africans, and to build for mutual understanding between the Czech majority and immigrants coming from the Middle East and Northern Africa. The lectures, discussions, seminars and cultural activities will be organized to accomplish these aims. The association will also translate and publish printed and on-line publications and will cooperate with Czech and foreign organizations having similar orientation


Main Projects / Activities

Education Since 2003 Courses Arabic Persian Czech language July 2003 Health training spring roses Workshop on Arabic culture and History 2003 – 2004 Diplomatic academy 2003 – 2005 (PINF) NGO 2004 (AMO) NGO Lectures 2004 Persian culture & Islam June 2005 Arabic person and coexistence Dr. Ammar Syria Public discussions October 2005 Czech media and Middle East Exhibitions October 2004 REZ Iraq June 2005 Bedouin Faces Syria April 2006 Arabic Touches Festivals October 2005 colorful planet language workshop May 2006 Arabic Day And Night Cultural celebrations Book presentations January 2005 Al Adha Book release KalilaWADimna Arabic Persian literature November 2005 Al -Fitr


Contact (1) Full Name
Chima Youssefova
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Head of the organisation
Chimaa Youssef
Contact (2) Full Name
Ondrej Zavadil