
dance arts in & 4 Human Rights & SDGs

dance arts in & 4 Human Rights & SDGs

On December 10, 2023, Agency for Cultural Diplomacy (ACD) organized an event to observe the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This event, part of the "artImpact2030" initiative, focused on exploring the relationship between dance arts and human rights. It addressed how dance influences health, gender equality, ecology, and peace. Discussions and presentations covered topics such as dance's role in sustainable development, activism, and cultural diplomacy. The event showcased insightful presentations and discussions, highlighting dance's transformative power, its role in activism, and its influence on cultural diplomacy and societal norms. This assembly not only celebrated the expressive power of dance but also underscored its potential as a tool for social change and gender equality promotion.

Here you can find more information.

Demokratiezentrum Wien / Democracy Centre Vienna

National Network

Hegelgasse 6/5
1010 Vienna

0043 1/512 37 37
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. Media
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Democracy Centre Vienna is a non-profit NGO with four employees. It is part of the Conflict-Peace-Democracy Cluster and in this context the Democracy Centre collaborates with the Centre for Peace Studies and Peace Education (University of Klagenfurt), the University of Graz, the Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution as well as the Institute of Conflict Research (IKF). The yearly budgetary resources amout to € 300.000,00. The Democracy Centre is mainly funded through: the city of Vienna; Federal Ministry of Education and Women's Affairs; Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy, Federal Ministry for Europe, Integration and Foreign Affairs. Current projects (selection): Teaching controversial issues (associate partner, Council of Europe); Peacemaking: analysis of Nobel Peace Prize awardings 1901–2014; Handbook on Conflict-, Peace- and Democracy research; touring exhibion and workshops: Migration on Tour; (Global) Citizenship Education: post-graduate university training course (co-organizer) and publications.
Mission and Objectives

The Democracy Centre Vienna (Demokratiezentrum Wien) is an academic non-profit organisation with an application-oriented profile, situated at the interface between the academic and public spheres. It is an academic research institution and a virtual knowledge centre which deals with basic questions of political culture and of the political system of Austria in the European context; it is concerned with the processes of democratization and their historical development, with current sociopolitical debates, with new concepts of citizenship, with e-participation, migration, democratic citizenship education, culture of remembrance and the European Union.
Due to its application-oriented profile and its longstanding experiences in relation to pedagogical and didactical issues, the Democracy Centre Vienna has been able to establish a large network within the Austrian educational sector, where it has worked together with different actors in formal/non-formal education and administration: schools, the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Austrian Parlament, adult education centres, university departments, NGOs in the field of civic education etc. Through its participation in trans-boundary projects, it has also established contacts throughout Europe, contributing to a Europe-wide development of education and training.
The Democracy Centre Vienna addresses different and heterogeneous target groups: students, researchers, teachers and other practitioners in the field of education as well as the wider public. It collaboratively develops versatile teaching materials as well as print and online publications that can be used by all target groups and are also available to the wider public.

Main Projects / Activities

Research and Networking:

Processes of democratization and recent debates: political systems in flux, further development of democratic mechanisms, direct democracy, new concepts of citizenship, gender perspectives on society and politics

Europe and European Enlargement processes: historical development and recent perspectives, debates on reforms, processes of participation

Migration and Integration: Austrian and European migration policy, Asylum policy and human rights

Culture of remembrance: dealing with the past, historical-political education, collective memory

Media and image communication: media society, historical short movies, political visual strategies, deconstruction and analysis of historical and recent election posters
Workshops, touring exhibitions, publications:

(online) participation of pupils (project: /

migration and integration (project: Migration on Tour)

human rights and democracy

Global Citizenship Education
Virtual Knowledge Centre:
The Democracy Centre Vienna sets out to provide a virtual knowledge centre (available via with an extensive supply of substantive material on relevant current and historical questions of democracy and sociopolitics addressing the wider public.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Democracy Centre Vienna can look back on a broad range of research projects and can enrich the Austrian Network with its expertise in the fields of democracy research, democratic citizenship education, migration and diversity.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Democracy Centre Vienna appreciates and supports the vision and goals of the ALF Network. The ALF Network is a great opportunity to connect with other institutions that are active in supporting democratic processes and civil society and that are dedicated to a peaceful society on the principles of democratic values on the one hand and on the other hand to develop new research projects and contribute to a profound exchange of ideas, information and experience in line with those goals set by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mag. Gertraud Diendorfer
Job Title
Executive Director
Head of the organisation
Mag. Gertraud Diendorfer

Department Migration and Globalization, Danube University Krems

National Network

Dr.-Karl-Dorrek-Str. 30
3500 Krems

+43 2732 893 2416
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Human rights
  2. Religion
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The Department Migration and Globalization is engaged in research and teachon with focus on migration and integration. Research Topics include: Labour Market Policy and Security Education, Youth and Gender Culture and Religion Teaching focuses on continous education for professional, core courses are: Migration Management Intercultural Competences Interrelgous Dialogue
Mission and Objectives

Research and Teaching

Main Projects / Activities

Plesae see our web site

Contact (1) Full Name
Gudrun Biffl
Job Title
Head od Department
Head of the organisation
Prof. Dr. Gudrun Biffl
Contact (2) Full Name
Friedrich Altenburg
Job Title (2)
Deputy Head of Department

Department of Biogeography and Botanical Garden, University of Vienna

National Network

Rennweg 14

Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Others
  3. Youth and education
General Information
1.Department of the University of Vienna 2. - 3.University budget, Extramural grants (currently EC-projects INTRABIODIV and ENSCONET, FWF-project on Androsace and Bulbophyllum, grants from National Park “Donauauen”; EC-Marie Curie scholarship) 4.conducting research projects, participation in national and international scientific meetings, public seminar series 5.numerous national and international collaborators in the mapping projects; collaboration with national and international research groups (e.g., Univ. Salzburg, Univ. Oslo, WSL, Colorado College, Penn Sate, USGS etc).collaboration in programs about Botanic gardens, incl. ex-situ conservation and nature protection.
Mission and Objectives

Research covers (a) all aspects of activities in Botanic Gardens and (b) of the field of plant biogeography ranging from the intra- specific to the community level; focusing on floristic and the mapping of European vascular plant distributions and study many aspects of plant chorology including molecular phylogeography (with emphasis on Arctic-Alpine and Mediterranean plant groups), as well as taxonomic studies with particular biogeographic concern. Finally, we apply this research to the needs of conservation.

Main Projects / Activities

Ex situ conservation (e.g., dry area plants of Austria)
Creating public awareness about nature conservation
Distribution atlases and checklists of plants (Austria, Southern Tyrol, Central Europe)
Moelcular phylogeny of plant taxa with island distribution (e.g. Bulbophyllum, Orchidaceae, and Cyrtandra, Gesneriaceae)
Molecular biogeography of arctic and alpine plants (e.g., Androsace sect. Aretia) with special emphasis on phenomena and patterns connected to the Pleistocene glaciations
Dynamics of riverine vegetation
Red Data lists for plants
Evolution of non-photosynthetic parasitic plants

Contact (1) Full Name
Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael KIEHN
Head of the organisation
Ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Michael KIEHN

Der Zentrum polis Podcast "Richtig & Falsch"

Richtig & Falsch

Zentrum polis - Politik Lernen in der Schule veröffentlicht regelmäßig einen Podcast zur Politischen Bildung.

Thema sind gesellschaftliche Kontroversen, die im Klassenzimmer bewegen und polarisieren.

Richtig & Falsch, so der Name des Podcasts, holt gute Ideen vor den Vorhang und macht Unsicherheiten besprechbar. Er soll Lehrkräfte ermutigen, über ihre Erfahrungen zu diskutieren. Voneinander und miteinander zu lernen. Sich gegenseitig zu inspirieren und zu bestärken. Denn qualitätvolle Politische Bildung braucht den Diskurs und den Raum für Fragen und Reflexion. Zu Gast sind Lehrkräfte aller Schultypen und Fächer sowie Fachleute aus Wissenschaft und Praxis.

Hier gehts zu den einzelnen Folgen des Podcasts, den man natürlich auch abonnieren kann!


DETECT – Enhancing Digital Citizenship

The DETECT - Enhancing Digital Citizenship project (2018-2021), funded by the European Commission, contributes to promoting a reflective approach to media and a critical examination of challenges such as populism, "fake news" and discrimination. It promotes young people's basic media...

Diakonie Austria

National Network

Steinergasse 3/12
1170 vienna

+43 1 402 67 54
+43 1 402 67 54 - 16
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information
Diakonie Austria has been established in 2009 out of of Diakonie Österreich (established 1968). Staff: 2 persons in the project department and support from the Diakonie network with one person each (part time) for fundraising, accounting, public relations. The yearly budget of Diakonie Austria ranges from € 800.000 to € 4.000.000 depending on the level of budget for Humanitarian crisis. Sources of funding are the Austrian Development Cooperation, European Union, foundations and private donors. Projects in Development Cooperation are located mainly in Palestine and Former Yugoslavia and in the field of support for people with disabilities and nonviolent conflict resolution; awareness raising for the conflict in Middle East has been the aim of youth camps with teenagers from Israel/Palestine/Austria for the last three years. Partners: eg. protestant organisations in Austria, Parents Circle Families Forum (Israel/Palestine), Music Schools in Israel and Palestine
Mission and Objectives

Diakonie Austria develops and promotes development cooperation projects with the aim of combating poverty and enabling sustainable improvements in the living standards of people from the so-called ‘Third World’ countries. Our work focuses on the key areas of; people with disabilities, training and education and conflict management within civil society.
Diakonie Austria projects aim to strengthen the independence and enterprise of the beneficiaries. For this reason, all projects are developed and implemented in cooperation with a local partner organisation. We see the people who live in and work on our projects as equal partners, with whom we share an on-going and mutual learning process. In this way, the long-term sustainability of the projects is assured.
We strive towards a fairer world. In crisis regions, this means that we engage to support organisations facilitating dialogue between parties from opposing sides of a conflict.

Main Projects / Activities

Frameworkprogram to support people with Disabilities to get access to education and labour (Palestine and Bosnia Herzegowina)
Ressource Centre for People with Disabilities in Voivodina (Serbia)
Networking conference in Prague "Assistive Technologies and the labour market"
Workshops focusing on nonviolent conflict resolution for women (Palestine)
Workshops for pupils promoting mutual understanding and peace in Israel and Palestine
Youth camps in Austria for Austrian/Hungarian/Palestinian and Israeli teenagers
Musicamp in Austria for Palestinian/Israeli and Austrian teenagers

Contact (1) Full Name
Dagmar Lassmann
Head of the organisation
Michael Bubik (CEO)

Dialogprojekt Transnational

National Network

A 1140 Wien, Utendorfgasse 7/2/3

0043 676 72 44 111
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Youth and education
General Information
It is a non-profit organization, we have six partners. Financial resources per year: 12.000 euro. Sources of funding: trainings and donations. Our main partners are national and transnational partners (NGOs from the Czech republic, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Iceland, Germany).
Mission and Objectives

Our mission is to spread the ideas of dialogue communication in the sense of david bohm and marting buber, and to give education in this field. we also do trainings in related communicative fields as well as supervision and coaching and scientific research.

Main Projects / Activities

1. Dia-TCC: eu-project (dialogue - the creative communication)
2. Dia-FCC: eu-project (dialogue - facilitating creative communication)
3. a book about dialogue that will be published in September 2011 by an Austrian university-publisher

Contact (1) Full Name
Dr. Michael Benesch
Head of the organisation
Dr. Michael Benesch

DSCHUNGEL WIEN - Theaterhaus für junges Publikum

National Network

Museumsplatz 1
1070 Vienna

+43 1 522 07 20 19
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Youth and education
General Information

DSCHUNGEL WIEN – Theatre for Young Audience, established in 2004 in MuseumsQuartier Wien, is a centre and platform for arts and culture, a unique example of a theatre for young audiences with a national and international reputation.

We are a public institution, certified as non-profit and supported through public funding by state and city with budgetary resources around 1,000.000€ a year. 32 staff members are employed, who work in press, production, office, meditation and audience services.

With more than 600 performances per season, DSCHUNGEL WIEN presents a diverse
range of events with a main focus on artistic quality. A big part of the program is theatre and dance mediation (Workshops, classes, long-term projects) in schools and with different groups.

Our main partners are ASSITEJ Austria, AK Wien, der Standard, Ö1 and Raiffeisen Bank. The mediation program is partners with wienXtra, VZA, PlayTogetherNow, Juvivo, integration wien, Interface, Flash Mädchencafé, oiip, etc.

Mission and Objectives

Our Mission is based on the fact, that every child has a right to participate in the arts and cultural activities and on the vision to create this reality. Dschungel Wien is an authentic platform, where young people negotiate their perspectives, interests and realities through the theatre, dance and performance. We put a spotlight on young peoples’ reflections on society, wishes, fears and visions but also their provocations and utopias in our performances for and with young audiences. In our theatre meditation program, we process a lot of non-profit projects, that focus on participation, co-creation and cultural education with different groups (refugees, people with disabilities, etc.). If a young person can’t afford attending a theatre performance or any other cultural activity in Dschungel Wien, the entry is for free.

Main Projects / Activities

Our main focus is on theatre and dance performances for young audiences from toddlers to young adults. Every season we present around 500 performances of 60 or more pieces to school classes, families, kindergarden groups, etc. Besides that, we take part or organize theatre mediation programs in schools, youth centres, kindergardens in the centre and at the periphery of the city, we organize discussions, panels, festivals with and for our young audiences. These programs consist of Workshops on different topics (gender, emancipation, diversity, resilience, democracy, etc.), poetry slams, dance battles, open spaces, long-term theatre classes theatre performances with young actors, political debate programs and long-term projects.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We as an organization have an expertise of childrens’, teenagers’ and young adults’ realities and express those on an artistic level with or for young people. Furthermore, we see our place as a platform for young communities to meet and exchange and a space, were public discourses can take place. We can offer representation, space, human resources and ideas.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to expand our profile and shift the focus more on children’s rights, gender equality, diversity strategies and democracy values. Therefore, we are looking for partners to cooperate on projects, workshops and discussion panels in different fields.

Contact (1) Full Name
Jonathan Achtsnit
Job Title
Theatre Mediation
Head of the organisation
Corinne Eckenstein & Alexandra Hutter
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Püscher
Job Title (2)
Theatre Mediation

East west organisation for integration of cultures

National Network

Wagramer Strasse 93/3/18
1220 Vienna

Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

تأسست جمعية شرق غرب في عام 2015 ومقرها في فيينا النمسا: رقم الترخيص، ZVR-Zahl 166447512 ، هي مؤسسة غير ربحية ويتم تمويل نشاطاتها من قبل وزارة التضامن الاجتماعي في النمسا، وقدمت المؤسسةالعديد من المشاريع التنموية بالتعاون مع نخبة من المدربين الخبراء في مجالاتهم المختلفة. بعض نشاطاتها: "ورش عمل لأطفال المخيمات الحدودية في دول الصراع" " بازار لبيع الاشغال اليدوية لتشجيع الحرف العربية في أوروبا" " اصدار مجموعة قصصية باللغة الألمانية لأبناء الجالية العربية بالتعاون مع رابطة القلم الدولية فيينا" " اصدار مجموعة قصصية باللغة الالمانية لأطفال مخيمات اللجوء" " مشروع لمكافحة التحرش بالأطفال بالتعاون مع نادي اللايونز إسطنبول" " حفل الربيع لدعم الجاليات المهاجرة في أوروبا" وكان أحدث مشاريعها هو "مشروع للتنمية المجتمعية لدمج الأطفال ذوي الإعاقة، المهاجرين والأقليات العرقية". أسفر هذا المشروع عن عرض مسرحي قدم ضمن فعاليات ملتقى "كلنا إنسان" في دار الأوبرا يعمل في الادارة وكمحاسب للمؤسسة السيد توني بوبيك تعمل كنائبة للارئيس السيدة لارا لايتنر تعمل كسكريتر عام للمؤسسة السيدة بسمة الالفي

Mission and Objectives

العمل على تطير الانسان وبنائه والحفاظ على البيئة وانشاء النشاطات والممشريع المستدامة التي تدعم الانسان المستضعف من ذوي الاحتياجات، المراة، ضحايا الحروب كما الارض والبيئة

Main Projects / Activities

نحاول ان نسهل عملية الاندماج بين فئات المجتمع في بلاد المهجر وفي بلاد العالم الثالث كما بين الاقليات والمستضعفين ومن يعانون من التهميش ، تطوير قدراتهم ودمجهم بالمجتمع كما خلق فرص عمل جديدة تكفيهم من افة العوز والتسول والانخراط في عالم المخدرات والجريمة

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

اننا وكمؤسسة اوروبية مؤثوقة مستعدين للتعاون مع كل الجهات المقترحة من قبلكم لخلق مشاريع وشركات جديدة مثمرة تخدم الارض الانسان والانسانية

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

ما قراته عن انا ليند وبعد ترشيح احد اصدقائي للتواصل معكم وجدت انه من الضروري فتح افاق العمل بيننا لما لديكم من تواصل مؤثوق مع الجمعيات المسجلة لديكم وهذا سيعزز عنصر الثقة لنقل اعمالنا خلف الحدود لافادة عدد اكبر من المحتاجين للمساعدة طالما ان مؤسسة شرق غرب كان لها سابقة عمل خلف الحدود وفي اماكن عديدة خارج اوروبا فاتمنا ان يثمر عملنا معا ثمار جيدة تساعدنا وتساعدكم في الوصول الى اهدافنا المشتركة والتي ترتكز على بناء الانسان والحفاظ على الارض وبيئتها واستدامة مواردها

Contact (1) Full Name
Sonia Boumad
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Sonia Boumad
Contact (2) Full Name
Lara Leitner
Job Title (2)
vice president