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Rapport sur les libertés individuelles en Tunisie

Le Collectif civil pour les libertés individuelles: est une coalition composée d’une quarantaine d’associations et d’organisations tunisiennes et d’organisations internationales basées à Tunis (voir annexe 1). Le collectif œuvre depuis son lancement le 19 janvier 2016 à observer, à dénoncer...


National Network

Cités des jeunes gafsa
2133 GAFSA

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Gender
  4. Human rights
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Carte d’identité Association : Rawafed de Développement Date de constitution : 27/04/2012 JORT N°76 26/06/2012 Catégorie : Association de développement Les objectifs :   Réalisation des études de développement  Motiver les gents à exploiter leurs propres ressources.  Organiser des séminaires et des colloques d’information, de formation et de sensibilisation.  Collaborer avec les autres ONGs Le bureau exécutif :  Président : Hamrouni Mohamed                        97241307  Secrétaire général : Ben Salah Mohamed         96097686  Trésorerie : Shili Abdessamad                             26479547 Nombre D’adhérents : 243 Nombre de cadres disponibles : 23 Adresse : Moulrés Gafsa 2110 E.mail : raouafed@gmail.com FCB : association rawafed de développement  
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation

Research for development Association - REDEV

National Network

16 Rue d'Angleterre 1 er Etage B 1.1
1001 TUNIS

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
We are a group of young Tunisians attained by the virus of the community life and enthralled by technologies of information and communication. We believe in solidarity in knowledge, we think that science does not have fatherland, we like Tunisia and we want it to evolve in all areas. We believe in the importance of technologies of information and communication and we are aware of the role of the Internet in scientific research. We belong to different domains but we have the same ambition and objectives. The force of the interpersonal reports and amicable ambience favours our rapprochement. Suddenly, jurist, economist, information officer, journalist and dentist and others met within a community aiming at implementing our ideas. To make concrete our intentions, we created an association helping in the workmanship of technologies of the information, participating in the evolution of the area of scientific research in Tunisia and calling solidarity in knowledge.
Mission and Objectives

-       Connecting associations and of African civil organizations and scientific research centers and institutions of the private sector to a core network to facilitate communication and exchange of information and experiences,
-       Developing joint scientific research networks in favour of development,
-       Following-up the implementation of WSIS’s recommendations and Millennium Development Goals,
-       Further addressing the relationship between immigration and development,
-       Establishing relations between African scientists and researchers from inside and outside the African continent and trying to take advantage of their experiences for the success of pilot development projects aiming at reducing hunger, poverty, disease, migration and illegal immigration ...

Main Projects / Activities

E-Learning & Certification
Science E-redactionScientific publications
Directory of researchers
Scientific journalism

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

- We are online through a portal in which we provide our adherents such as scientists , researchers, students…with valuable and useful information as job offers .university grants, data base …

- We put in trainings that aims to the  development of researcher’s personal specific skills updated within the context of  society of information and knowledge and the enhancement of  the researches technologies such as  computer software for data analysis …

- We set up frequent workshops and manifestations targeted to assist researchers to improve their qualifications.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Join the ALF will allow us to participate in the  calls that will be proposed. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Sonia Abdellatif
Job Title
President founder
Head of the organisation
Mrs Sonia Abdellatif
Contact (2) Full Name
Kais Chaabane
Job Title (2)
Vice president in charge of PR

Residence Teatro

National Network

Khemaissa, El Nadhour, Bir Ali Ben Khlifa
3040 Sfax

54 900 356
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Résidence Teatro, is a private production company founded on March 9, 2022 by two emerging artists Maher Msaddek and Yasin Ben Ali. Based in a culturally marginalized area, it aims to decentralize the practice of theater in Tunisia. Our partners are (Dar El Masrahi, Le Centre des Arts Vivants de Radès, L'association de la Promotion Théâtrale de Djerba, L'association tunisienne des Arts de la Rue, Le centre des Arts Dramatiques et Scénique de Djerba )

Mission and Objectives

Résidence Teatro's main mission is to train young artists and non-artists in theatre. But also to create an artistic scene that fosters dialogue and cultural exchange. This resides in its artistic residency programs, which invite artists from different countries to collaborate with local artists.

Main Projects / Activities

Residence Teatro Lessons: Session 2021
The first year of training took place in partnership with the Centre of Living Arts of Rades and House of Theatre in Bardo. During this 7-month training period, the workshop participants attended a variety of workshops led by various instructors.

Residence Teatro Lessons: Session 2022
The second cohort of Residence Teatro Lessons completed a 9-month training course with renowned theatre professionals from the Tunisian artistic scene (Abdemonem Chouayet, Younes Ferhi, etc.).

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

I can contribute to Alf's network by facilitating the exchange of information and by introducing the foundation to potential collaborators if requested. As well as mentioning its name to all aid solicitors and donors.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We want to join the ALF network because we intend to collaborate with this organization and its partners by offering the services we are able to provide and by soliciting those of its other partners. But also because our company's guidlines and objectives converge with those of the Anna Lindh Foundation.

Contact (1) Full Name
Maher Msaddek
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Maher Msaddek

Resources Mobilization Digithon MENA

RMD Partners


You're an artist, a cultural actor, a non-profit organization or an entrepreneur in the Cultural & Creative Industries, this is your chance to grow your network and meet your future supporter/funder. Register to join the largest meetup of CCI funders and investors in the MENA region.

📌 Register here: https://rmdigithon.com/participant-registration/ "

Join the CCIboost community and compete for a Free booth at the RMDigithon !
Deadline : 10 September 2022
Enter the competition to win a free booth during RMD MENA and eventually a spot in the VIP pitch sessions that will take place the day of the event on the 22 & 23th September 2022.
More on the RMD: www.rmdigithon.com

👉Who is eligible?
Any Artists, creatives, company, entrepreneur, NGO/association working in the Cultural and Creative sectors. (including Gaming, VR/AR, architecture, heritage etc.), from the MENA region.

👉How to apply?
🟢Easy! Join the CCi Boost platform and complete your profile through this link: http://cciboost.info/bo196594-ovh/register/
🟢You can find the detailed steps of the application process here: https://drive.google.com/.../1Q8kHFqIn1JVFUwYyxZG.../view...
Please note that anyone who registers on CCi Boost during this period will have a free pass, as an attendee, to RM Digithon MENA 2022. A great opportunity to meet the biggest supporters of CCIs from all over the world.
Winning projects will be contacted by our team between the 10th &15th September 2022 for more information about the next steps. 

SAMAR Media (ZSCJ Media Limited)

National Network

Ithaki Building (Off 401). 12, Michalacopoulou Str.
1642 Nicosia

+357 22 767160
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+33 6 73 26 80 09
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Media
  5. Youth and education
General Information
SAMAR Media (corporate name: ZSCJ Media Limited) is a Limited Liability Company registered in Cyprus. It mainly operates from Lebanon and covers the whole MENA region. SAMAR Media is headed by Ziyad Clot and Jana Jabbour. Its staff includes 4 employees working from Beyrouth, Cairo and Paris and a network of free-lancers throughout the MENA region. Its yearly budget is within the range of 100,000/150,000 EUR and is generated by sponsorship revenues, grants and donations.  SAMAR’s most recent web programs “Me & My country, 5 years into the Arab uprisings”, “Rap Generation: the Beat of the Street” and “Arabic Dialects” have generated more than 1,5 million views since the start of the year 2016. SAMAR Media often partners with other media outlets, which relay its web programs to wide audiences worldwide. It has worked with international news websites such as The Guardian, France 24, El Pais, The Christian Science Monitor, Jaddaliya etc. SAMAR also coordinates on a project-basis with local actors (NGOs, universities, local institutions) to organize on the ground events such as workshops, conferences or debates on both sides of the Mediterranean.
Mission and Objectives

SAMAR is a web media organization dedicated to the Arab world. It produces and broadcasts videos on the internet in Arabic, English and French and aims to make knowledge, arts and culture available to the widest audience. SAMAR’s main editorial goal is to address the realities and underlying dynamics which are reshaping the Arab region, rather than to cover its most sensational stories. SAMAR also promotes a more positive image of the Arab region and its people through inspiring individuals and innovative projects. SAMAR shares this aspiration with the widest number in the MENA region: SAMAR also finally offers to its followers the opportunity to share their video production and picks with its growing online community.

Main Projects / Activities

Since 2012, SAMAR Media has produced and broadcast more than 200 videos as part of the following web programs:
The Cartoonists of the Arab world, Tahrir, my revolution, The Arab Summer, This is Palestine, Turkey and the Arab World, The New Arab media, The Lebanese of West Africa, Me and my Country: 5 Years into the Arab Uprisings, Rap Generation: The Beat of the street, Arabic Dialects.
These web video series have generated more than 3 million views on the Internet.
SAMAR also regularly organizes public screenings of these series. In June 2016, SAMAR Media also held a conference and a concert at the Villa Méditerranée in Marseilles on the theme « Exile & Migrations in the Mediterranean ». This public event featured musicians and Spoken Words artists from the Arab region and experts of migration issues.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

SAMAR’s media coverage follows a ‘Slow Media’ approach and its video production emphasises the positive energies and creativity of the Arab world and its diaspora. With an ambition to strengthen intercultural dialogue throughout the Mediterranean, SAMAR hopes to develop a synergy with Anna Lindh’s network members in order to shed light on the potential of Mediterranean societies and contribute positively to the many challenges faced in this region.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Pan-Arab editorial approach of SAMAR Media led us to work on many projects in and outside the MENA region. We are aware that many challenges Arab countries face today (migrations, security, environment etc.) are shared throughout the Mediterranean zone. However, the perception of these challenges and the way they are addressed often tend to vary from one side of the Mediterranean to the other. Developing partnerships around the Mediterranean with ALF network members will allow SAMAR to cover these challenges through the lens of a regional perspective. Thus, we hope to multiply in the future events that embody a multicultural vision of leading issues related to the Mediterranean region. Joining the ALF Network is an important step towards this ambition.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ziyad Clot
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Ziyad Clot
Contact (2) Full Name
Jana Jabbour
Job Title (2)
Beirut Bureau Chief


National Network

11 Avenue de Paris, CP 1000

+216 71 245 849
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
+216 22 593 803
Mobile Phone (other)
+216 20 419 447
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
General Information

L'association est intégralement gérée par des jeunes (18-34 ans). Elle est dirigée par un comité de pilotage composé de neuf membres, dont la répartition se décline comme suit : Président / Vice-président / Secrétaire Général / Secrétaire général adjoint / Trésorier / Responsable des ressources humaines / Responsable des relations extérieures et de la communication / Responsable de la coordination nationale / Coordinateur des projets. Les équipes chargées des projets sont composées de membres volontaires parmi les adhérents, qui sont au total près de 300 dans l'association. Une équipe de deux permanents rémunérés se charge des tâches exécutives. Nos sources de financement sont essentiellement composées de financements étrangers (Institut Français de Tunisie, Open Society, DAI, etc.) et de sponsors. Nous disposons actuellement de ressources budgétaires nécessaires à financer le fond de roulement de l'association ainsi que les actions ponctuelles (de l'ordre de 50 000 dinars tunisiens).

Mission and Objectives

Notre principale mission est la sensibilisation aux principes et valeurs de la vie civique et politique auprès des jeunes tunisiens. Cela passe essentiellement par la réalisation de plusieurs objectifs: - Promouvoir la culture du dialogue auprès des jeunes tunisiens. - Favoriser le réseautage et concrétiser des opportunités de collaborations entre les différents acteurs de la société civile d'une part, et entre la société civile et les pouvoirs publics d'autre part. - Sensibiliser à travers des actions de terrain aux fondements de la démocratie et de la vie civique et politique - Contribuer, en tant qu'association ressource pour les jeunes souhaitant s'impliquer dans la société civile, à l'émergence d'une nouvelle génération de leaders citoyens.

Main Projects / Activities

L'éventail des projets que nous avons réalisés s'étend des actions ponctuelles et de terrain aux projets incitant plus à la réflexion de long terme sur les problématiques touchant directement les jeunes tunisiens, et sont principalement les suivants: - La co-organisation des deux premiers forums tuniso-français de la société civile post-révolution, en partenariat avec l'Institut Français de Tunisie, les associations "RANDET", "Enda-interarabe", "Amal", et le collectif "Bus Citoyen". Organisation, avec les même partenaires, du "forum du citoyen actif", et lancement du "Bureau Associations Conseils", un organisme d'accueil de volontaires français destiné à partager l'expertise française de la société civile avec les ONG tunisiennes. - La création, le lancement, et le suivi du projet "Bus Citoyen", un collectif d'associations qui a été créé dans un premier temps pour sensibiliser à l'échelle nationale à l'importance du vote et à la vulgarisation des enjeux des premières élections post-révolution, et dans une deuxième phase à former des jeunes tunisiens à la vigilance constitutionnelle et électorale, en partenariat avec le Programme des Nations Unies pour le Développement. - Lancement d'une série de "focus groups", formations, débats à l'échelle locale et de "forums des jeunes citoyens actifs" afin d'élargir le dialogue au sein des structures jeunes sur des thèmes tels que la bonne gouvernance, l'environnement, la constitution, etc. - Montage de videos virales et reportages visant à sensibiliser à certaines questions touchant directement les jeunes tunisiens.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Etant assez actifs notamment dans le rapprochement entre les régions et la réduction de la fracture entre jeunes des régions de l'intérieur du pays et jeunes des régions favorisées, nous pensons pouvoir oeuvrer efficacement à l'élargissement des actions effectuées dans le cadre du réseau Anna-Lindh (ou du moins dans le cadre de partenariats avec les associations membres) à une échelle nationale. Cela constitue d'autant plus une opportunité que nous oeuvrons également à fournir les ressources nécessaires aux ONG de jeunes des régions pour leur garantir une implication totale dans des projets effectués par des réseaux et collectifs nationaux, tels que le "Bus Citoyen", le "Bureau Associations Conseils", l'"Observatoire National des Libertés Individuelles et Fondamentales".

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Nous avons, au sein de Sawty, la conviction que le travail en réseau est fondamental pour accroitre l'efficacité des actions, qu'elles soient de terrain ou plus restreintes. Nous sommes également attachés aux principes de dialogue entre les cultures, et avons eu l'occasion de prendre part à programme d'échange de jeunes en partenariat avec des organismes français de la société civile. Nous avons également eu l'occasion de collaborer avec de nombreuses associations réparties sur l'ensemble du territoire tunisien, lesquelles sont pour bon nombre d'entre elles membres du réseau Anna-Lindh, vers lequel elles nous ont orientés pour répondre à notre désir d'intégrer un réseau à l'échelle régionale.

Contact (1) Full Name
Moez Bassalah
Head of the organisation
Moez Bassalah
Contact (2) Full Name
Amine Barkallah

Scientific Children - “Enfants scientifiques”

National Network

Samarkand Street,4

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

- 5 Members - Programs Committee - Committee on Training - Resources Committee - Administrative Committee - Public Relations and Marketing. - Donations. Membership subscriptions, partnership٫٫٫ - Scientific camps - competitions - Debates - Training - Support for adults - Seminars - Exchange Camps and competitions "World Wide"-Award... - Ministry of Women and Children, Ministry of Education, Ministry of communication technology, community groups, civil society associations, institutions and scientific organizations

Mission and Objectives

“Enfants scientifiques” (scientific children) is a scientific NGO working to give aged between 12 and 18 years, who are motivated and with a high intellectual potential, the adequate framework for their high initial skills. The early interference in a child's life, by encouraging his high potential; increases its chances to develop positive attitudes to its future success. This elementary finding, which naturally motivated us to create and establish an adequate structure with our aiming: Developing the mental health and emotional well-being of the child and improve its mental and scientific skills. Evolving in an environment in harmony with the expectations of the child, provides a strong basis for the development of its skills. It is therefore important that the child could benefit of a favorable environment helping development, mental, emotional and intellectual.

Main Projects / Activities

Children are supervised; they participate in different activities such as competitions, various scientific games and discussions, in order to encourage exchanges and performances and of course to develop the strengths of everyone of them.

Contact (1) Full Name
Hassen Jaafar
Head of the organisation
Hassen Jaafar
Contact (2) Full Name
Montasser Kammakh


National Network

tunis rue yoghorta

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information

he is my leader

Mission and Objectives

L'Association SCOUTS TUNISIENS est une organisation de jeunesse. Elle procure aux jeunes des deux sexes une éducation globale et les prépare à entrer dans la vie sociale suivant la méthode scoute mondiale en cohérence avec la culture tunisienne

Main Projects / Activities


How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

i just like doing new things to be more helpful to my country

Contact (1) Full Name
Mourad benzarti
Job Title
scout leader chief
Head of the organisation
wahid labidi