

First Intercultural Morning Coffee

The first virtual Intercultural Morning Coffee For this Intercultural morning coffee focused on how restrictions to mobility in gene

Fondación Internacional del Teaotro del Mediterráneo

National Network

C/ Ricardo de la Vega, 18
28028 Madrid


0034 91 355 58 67
0034 91 72 63 711
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
0034 696 941 929
Mobile Phone (other)
0034 687 553 862
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Others
  6. Youth and education
General Information
Il s'agit d'une Fondation dont l'équipe comprant un noyau dure de 6 personnes et qui peut aller selon les activités développées jusqu'à 40 personnes. Les ressources budgétaires annuelles sont de 1.245.784 euros. Les sources diverses de financement proviennent des communautés autonomes, du ministère des affaires étrangères, du ministère de la culture, des mairies de Madrid et Alcorcon. Les principaux partenaires sont les membres du réseau international de l'IITM.
Mission and Objectives

Les objectifs de la fondation sont principalement la création d'un espace de dialogue interculturel, la promotion d'artistes étrangers et espagnols au travers de festivals qui accordent un espace important aux débats, la défense des droits de l'homme et la promotion de la collaboration culturelle en tant qu'instruments permettant la compréhension entre les peuples et les cultures méditerranéennes.

Main Projects / Activities

Les activités principales sont le Festival International de théâtre Madrid Sur, le Festival des Deux Rives que nous organisons dans 5 villes marocaines, le programme de "L'arrivée de l'autre dans l'imaginaire de l'enfance et de l'adolescence", qui s'adresse aux jeunes(traitant de la tolérance et de l'immigration, il se développe en milieu scolaire avec l'aide d'artistes et de professeurs)et L'autre théâtre, programme pour les handicapés. L'ensemble de ces activités sont complétés par des conférences, journée, etc.. développées dans le cadre du programme Al Mutamid, du programme Prometeo ou du programme de Formation et de Dialogue Intreculturel.

Contact (1) Full Name
Angela Monleón
Head of the organisation
José Monleón
Contact (2) Full Name
Delphine Salvi

Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació

National Network

c/General riera 113
07010 Palma

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Others
General Information
The Fons Mallorquí de Solidaritat i Cooperació (Majorcan Fund for Solidarity and Cooperation) is a non-profit-making organization founded by local (town councils, associations of municipalities and the Island Council of Majorca) and regional institutions (Government of the Balearic Islands) in order to coordinate and channel the annual contributions to development cooperation. The 53 municipalities of Majorca, the Government and the Insular Council pay a membership quote every year and the budget of our organization is around 1.100.000 euros. We are 4 employed and we manage development programmes and raising awarness project in Majorca.
Mission and Objectives

Manage economical resources through cooperation projects, in order to contribute efficiently to a comprehensive and self-sustainable development for people and communities in the South.

Support initiatives from Majorcan institutions and bodies, in order to create, among the citizens, a view that favours a new international economical order.

Promote a political and ethical commitment to the South and Human Rights.

Stimulate an active and critical participation of population by means of campaigns and awareness activities on cooperation for development.

Ensure that the Majorcan institutions allocate at least 0.7% of their budget to developing countries

Main Projects / Activities

Development cooperation programs in collaboration with municipalities in Nicaragua, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Burkina Faso and Morocco.

Strengthening links between Majorcan towns and municipalities in the South.

Awareness activities in order to promote responsible citizenship, participation and commitment to the fight against poverty and exclusion and the promotion of sustainable human development.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

The Majorcan Fund can contribute exchanging experiences and join and promoting  project of raising awarness.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We consider very necessary to promote spaces of knowledge, experiences exchange and coordination with other institutions and organizations in the Mediterranean area, even more, because of our condition as islands.
Due to this we really would like to become members of the ALF network
We consider that become members of ALF would be a great opportunity for strengthening our associations, the civil organizations and the local authorities of the Balearic Islands and of the Southern countries, with whom we work.

Contact (1) Full Name
Francesca Campana
Job Title
Project Officer
Head of the organisation
Joan Verger Rossiñol
Contact (2) Full Name
Antònia Rosselló Campins
Job Title (2)

Formación para el Desarrollo y la Inserción, DEFOIN

National Network

C/ Ricardo Ortiz, 31
28017 Madrid Madrid

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Organisation Type
Private Company
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information

Training for Develop and Integration DEFOIN was born in 2009 with the idea of promoting the Training for Employment and Insertion of employed and unemployed workers. Through its team of highly qualified professionals who analyze, design, and develop each project with the best guarantees of success. DEFOIN bets on training as a basic tool for development and facilitate the integration of people. DEFOIN is a training center, with over 750 trainers with a large experience in the design, implementation, development, and evaluation of training programs at National, Regional and local level with a national network of more than 200 training centers all along with Spain and providing training opportunities to 35,000 students. DEFOIN is a training company specialized in offering training solutions and consulting services according to the needs of our clients. DEFOIN offers the following solutions to our customers: • Analysis of pedagogical needs. • Development of teaching methodologies for learning. • Development of personalized environments for learning • Design and elaboration of didactic materials • Content digitalization. Given the increasing importance of accreditation of skills acquired through training provisions linked to the National Catalogue of Professional Qualifications, DEFOIN, through its NETWORK CENTRES PARTNERSHIP manages and provides training leading to the award of Certificates of Professionalism. DEFOIN has been authorized as Employment Agency to provide workers / as a labor intermediation and users in finding and achieving suitable employment to the properties and provide employers the most appropriate to their needs and requirements in terms of working people their professional skills and qualification levels.

Mission and Objectives

Mission: Improve the productivity of workers and organisations, increasing the profitability and quality of their services. Objectives:

Main Projects / Activities

DEFOIN is accredited for training in the following professional families and their corresponding certificates of professionalism: -Sociocultural services - Administration and management - Health -Agriculture - Security and environment - Commerce and Marketing -ICT -Physical and sports activities -Tourism. With accredited centers in Andalucía, Castilla la Mancha, Murcia, Basque Country and Madrid for the provision of vocational training for employment. Defoin started with European Projects in 2014 and has successfully managed over 50 projects since then. We have a European Projects Department with 4 full-time staff members with strong profiles and experience in EU Projects that have managed over 22 projects in the last 2 years.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Our European Projects Department is responsible for implementing the activities developed by the consortiums in the different Spanish communities which we work on. Being part of this network would help us to share the tools developed and to be able to reach more spaces that benefit from the implementation of the activities and the resources and opportunities we offer.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We would like to be part of the Anna Lindh network mainly because of the impact of our projects in the Spanish community. Our projects are focused on different target groups: young people (14-30 years old), formal education, adult education... Our different lines of work can have a positive impact on the target group and empower the group with useful and quality tools. On the other hand, the network of contacts that can be generated by being part of this network will strengthen our work and cooperation with other entities throughout the Mediterranean. That is why being part of this network will provide us with a larger network of contacts to work and cooperate with as well as a network that can be involved in the projects we implement.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
María Arroyo Ces
Job Title
European Projects Technician
Head of the organisation
Daniel Zarco Exojo
Contact (2) Full Name
Ohiane Uranga
Job Title (2)
European Projects Coordinator

Foro Abraham para el diálogo interreligioso e intercultural

National Network

Paseo Alameda de Osuna, 76. 4ºA. Escalera Izquierda
28042 MADRID

Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Religion
General Information
Foro Abraham is an association where around 10 persons work as volunteers. In the group there are people of different religions with a strong network within their own communities, so this allows us to get close to many others. We have no stable source of finance but every year we manage to have enough money to do our activities. Around 2000 euros per year that we receive by private donations. We do interreligious events, iftars, Christmas dinner and interreligious cooking, conferences, collaborate with other NGO and other things.
Mission and Objectives

What is the Forum?The Abraham Forum for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue is a non-profit association based in Spain.Through cultural and educational activities we want to contribute to the mutual knowledge of people of different religious beliefs.The Abraham Forum aims to create a space for dialogue from a socio-cultural, apolitical and academic approach, with absolute respect for the beliefs of its members and participants in its activities.To this end, we organize social and cultural activities, promote research in the field of interreligious and intercultural dialogue and cooperation between academic institutions and civil society in Spain and the world. We cooperate with national and international entities and activities of promotion, development and organization and / or sponsorship of artistic and cultural activities and volunteer training.

Main Projects / Activities

We organize conferences, we participate in intercultural concerts, intercultural camps and we do special events during Ramadan, Hanukkah and Christmas. For instance, we ask a little mosque in a little village to open the doors to all neighbors and we encourage them to visit it by organizing an activity inside. We are also planning to visit schools with an interreligious calendar to have the chance to discus about the importance of religion in the society.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are the only association dedicated to interreligious dialogue whose structure is interreligious in itself. We believe that it is also necessary to address the religious dimension of people because it is often forgotten even though it is part of the identity. We can contribute to improve knowledge of minority religions and promote safe spaces for dialogue.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are a small association and we need support to keep growing. We like the values of the Foundation and also personally, we know people who work in it and that gives us confidence.

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Victoria Martin de la Torre
Job Title
Press assitant
Head of the organisation
Victoria Martín de la Torre
Contact (2) Full Name
Amanda Figueras
Job Title (2)

Fundació ACSAR

National Network

Via Laietana, 16
08003 Barcelona Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. International/Cultural relations
General Information

Fundació ACSAR is an NGO dedicated to constructing a plural and diverse society through the study of migrations and the promotion of social cohesion. The structure of the organization consists of a president (Carles Campuzano, former MP), a secretary, a board (composed by members of the trade unions CCOO and UGT) and two employees. The available budgetary resources vary every year, as do the sources of funding (i.e. from Fundació La Caixa to the European Union), depending on the implemented activities. Considering the last two economic exercises, the organization has held an approximate annual budget of 50.000 €. The modalities of action include a large variety of activities, such as the annual seminars on asylum and LGTB refugees, the 2018 project in support of refugees in Greece, or the conferences in Palau Macaya (Barcelona) with politicians, political scientists and members of the civil society.

Mission and Objectives

Fundació ACSAR aims to construct a plural and diverse society, through the achievement of equal rights and emphasizing the relevance of equal opportunities as a tool to accomplish basic needs and strategical social interests. Moreover, it seeks to simultaneously reinforce duties and responsibilities for a democratic convivence. With these purposes in mind, public policy analysis, as a facilitator of human mobility and of social cohesion processes, becomes more necessary than never.

Main Projects / Activities

Fundació ACSAR develops its task through the implementation of several projects in different fields of work. Its main actions are framed in the next types of activities: applied research in collaboration with university research groups and think tanks; organization of formative seminars for NGOs, professionals and public administrations; technic support for the public administration in the elaboration, design and evaluation of policies, programs and projects; creation of debate and reflection spaces, as well as publication of both academic and non-academic materials.

Some examples of the main activities mentioned above have been: the research carried jointly with GRITIM-UPF on “The paths of young people of diverse origins in Barcelona”, the annual seminars on asylum and international protection (with the collaboration of Generalitat de Catalunya and the Barcelona City Council); the current design of an unprecedented observatory of immigration in Catalonia; or the 2013-2018 conferences with Fundació La Caixa on migration, interculturalism, and diversity.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

As a promoter of the future Catalan Observatory of Immigration (which is expected to be ready by the end of 2020), it is Fundació ACSAR’s aim to be in constant contact and coordination with all the organizations that are already taking part in ALF’s network (not only in Catalonia and Spain but also in the Euro-Med region). Fundació ACSAR can provide a wide range of greately useful data, as well as collaborate in the implementation of projects and the elaboration of seminars and conferences related to interculturalism, diversity and asylum (as it has been already doing with CIDOB, GRITIM-UPF, La Caixa, Fundació Catalunya-Europa, the United Nations or the Catalan Secretary of Immigration, among others).

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we are living in a modern era, where the concept of citizenship is more important than ever, it is essential for Fundació ACSAR to be in close contact with entities, organizations and members of civil society whose pursuit is to establish an intercultural global society. Moreover, Fundació ACSAR deems as crucial the design, elaboration and implementation of projects aimed to seek social equality and cohesion, as well as the advocacy and promotion of a trend of thought based on the defense of human rights. Therefore, becoming part of Anna Lindh Foundation’s network would be a major boost in the achievement of these goals, in order to contribute to a more equal society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Tarek Saliba
Job Title
Technical project manager
Head of the organisation
Carles Campuzano

Fundació Bayt al-Thaqafa

National Network

08003 BARCELONA Barcelona

E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information

Structure of the organization, including number of staff employed and/or partners
- 80 wokers and 150 volunteers.
- The Foundation belongs to "Orden Hospitalaria de San Juan de Dios" and "Franciscanas Misioneras de María"

Budgetary resources available in a year:
- 3 million € per year

Sources of funding
- Public (local, autonomic and state level) and Private

Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.)
- Manily we offer social, juridical, housing and work services
- Also advocacy

Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities
- Red Acoge is our main partner.

Mission and Objectives

Bayt al-Thaqafa is established with the aim of building an inclusive society that allows migrants to exercise full citizenship based on participation, belonging and rights. Bayt al-Thaqafa accompanies and welcomes from the recognition of the dignity of every human being and their personal baggage. Likewise, it is the purpose of Bayt al-Thaqafa to promote spaces for meeting and dialogue with Arab culture and Muslim communities in their diverse manifestations to promote the construction of a cohesive and plural society.

Main Projects / Activities

- Social, juridical, housing and labor services for migrants.
- Advocacy and sensitization to promote human rights.
- Promote arab and urdu learning.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We have a direct contact with migrant communties that can offer interesting information about inclusion processes given in our country. Also we have an expertise about convivence between arab and catalan cultures. We were born on 1974, so there is a great acumulated experience.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Te become a proactive actor to create a more inclusive society.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Daniel Ibarz Pérez
Contact (2) Full Name
Job Title (2)

Fundació Catalunya Voluntària

National Network

Casa del Mar, Albareda St. 1-13, 2nd floor 08004 Barcelona Catalonia

+34 934 124 493
Fax:+34 934120761
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+34 600 554 506
Mobile Phone (other)
+34 661 670 925
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
The members of the board of trustees of the Foundation are persons who work in different professional areas and support the projects that the organization promotes.
Mission and Objectives

The Fundació Privada Catalunya Voluntària- FCV was founded in October 2007, though its origins are to be found in the
non-profit association Barcelona Voluntaria, established in 1999.
FCV aspires to be a tool for non-formal learning by managing and participating in projects of social interest and by offering to young adults the opportunity to learn and gain competences through their active participation in social projects that directly affect the community they live in.
Our commitment is to foster volunteering, to develop activities of social benefit, cooperation and to enhance the internationalisation of Catalan organisations, being our regular activities to give information, support, training and assistance to individuals and NGOs and to promote and manage international projects and initiatives.
The Foundation operates in the frames of 2 programmes:
- Catalans in the World, which serves as a tool for international mobility of the Catalans
- Clamour for Peace seeks to promote culture of peace among people through non formal learning initiatives, international and intercultural cooperation.
With these 2 programmes, the FCV hopes to reinforce and support youth participation, paying special attention to young people with fewer opportunities. We work to promote participation of youth in the Euro-Mediterranean region - its socio-cultural cohesion and cooperation.
We work with different sectors and actors in different levels (public and private instituations, companies, etc) to encourage the society to recognise the positive impact of young people’s social involvement and to value the strategic importance they have as key actors in developing and improving their communities, providing answers to their social needs and being agents of social transformation and peace.
The FCV is member of the International Association for Volunteer Effort-IAVE, the European Center for Volunteering-CEV, European Youth Foundation-EYF and the Spanish Network of the Anna Lindh Foundation for the Dialogue between Cultures-ALF, the Forum of Local Authorities for social inclusion and participative democracy-FAL, and United Network of Young Peacebuilders-UNOY.

Main Projects / Activities

1) Mobility of youth in Europe and beyond:
Catalans in the World Programme - promotes international mobility of young people through participation in international volunteer projects under the Youth in Action Programme and Lifelong Learning Programmes of the European Commission, as well as the Council of Europe´s European Youth Foundation (EYF).
2) Volunteer Opportunities for young people (European Voluntary Service and other volunteer initiatives)
3) Promotion of the Culture of Peace (local and international awareness):
Clam per la Pau (Voices for Peace) Programme - aims to raise awareness Catalan society (local) and international about the Culture of Peace, promoting human rights and solidarity among young people and looking for their active participation and creativity.The activities are carried out in cooperation with education centres, schools, institutes and non-profit organisations from different parts of Catalonia.The Programme consists of offering these organisations and education centres the chance to conduct workshops on the culture of peace, human rights and volunteering.
4) Peace Education, Intercultural Dialogue Human Rights Education
5) Peace Bag for EuroMed Youth Project - mainstreaming peace education and intercultural dialogue in youth work in the EuroMed region. (

Contact (1) Full Name
Meghann Aurea V. Villanueva
Head of the organisation
Jaume Martì i Gual
Contact (2) Full Name
Jordi Virgili