
Departamento de Estudios Árabes e Islámicos de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

National Network

Facultad de Filología ; Universidad Complutense ; 28040-Madrid

00 34 91 394 55 86
00 34 91 394 53 75
Organisation Type
Individual Person
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Others
General Information
Mission and Objectives


Main Projects / Activities


Contact (1) Full Name
Juan Martos Quesada
Head of the organisation
Juan Martos Quesada
Contact (2) Full Name
Ahmad Ould Baba

Department of Arab And Islamic Studies

National Network

B. P. 99

0034-965903400 - 3409
Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Fields of Activity
  1. Heritage
  2. International/Cultural relations
  3. Research
  4. Youth and education
General Information
The strucure of the group is: group university , with some professors of different categories . our group counts: 4 chair professors , 1 conference master , 2 on hires ( 6 doctors) we count on the fixed ressources of university , moreover those who generate the group with various accorded research projects . Since our activities concerns the reasearch and education , the modalities of action realized are mostly seminars , exchanges , collaborations among universities ... Thus the group counts on the network of academics contacts in various places of the world , which can be associated to our activities .
Mission and Objectives

The activities of the group are directed towards research , education and the knowledge diffusion , in various fields of Arabic and Islamic research : literature , History ,Islamology , Al-Andalus , religious minority , cultural institutions ,etc ..
with inter-disciplinary methodologies who tries to advance in its lines of research , with a personnal work and in a contact with other groups , by impelling the scientific discussion and the knowledges exchange .
Moreover ,We try to diffuse in the society the results of our work by the publication of our studies , the technical assistance and the collaboration with various institutions , and the encouragement of points of reflexion .

Main Projects / Activities

Development of proper research and the participation in research projects financed by various organizations ( UNESCO , Ministry of culture , Ministry of technological innovation ,..)
Means of diffusion and scientific discussion " Shark El Andalus " review .
Estudios Mudéjares y Moriscos» and site Literatura de Mudéjares y Moriscos» in the virtual library Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra of Alicante university .
directed by María Jesús Rubiera Mata.
organization of seminars , and international scientific congresses , with the publication of acts . Education and technological assistance specialized to media and communication institutions , in arabic and islamic subjects .

Contact (1) Full Name
Contact (2) Full Name


National Network

Conde de Vistahermosa, 9
28019 Madrid

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
  2. Democracy and community development
  3. Environment/Sustainable development
  4. Gender
  5. Heritage
  6. International/Cultural relations
  7. Religion
  8. Youth and education
General Information
  Structure of the organization: Board of Directors: President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vocal. Commissions: Creation of Projects, Volunteering, Agreements, Coordination of Projects, Funding Staff: 3 Academics of Islamic and Semitic Studies, 1 Academic Specialist in Culture and Thought of Africa and Diaspora, 1 Dance Anthropology Specialist, 1 Specialist in International Cooperation. Partners: 30 Budgetary resources available in a year: Under 50.000€ Sources of funding: Membership fees, Grants, Procurement by project Modalities of action (concrete projects, exchanges, seminars, scholarships etc.)  International Volunteer, Art and Childhood, Workcamp, Teaching Languages, Sensitization Autism Spectrum Disorder, Interreligious roundtables, Rehabilitation of rural schools, Donation of school and health equipment, Educational Seminars (Genre and Islam,  Youth migration, Social Actions...), Dialogue between peoples.  Main partners involved in the organization's projects/activities: Spain: África Fundación Sur, YMCA, Feminist Meeting Space City Council Madrid, UCM, AMPA C.P. Joaquín Costa, C.C. Leo Kanner,  Essaouira, Morocco: Delegation of Education and Culture, Delegation of Health, Qalb Sadaka-Le coeur d'Amitie (Unprotected Childhood Association), Dar Mu'atim (House of Citizenship), AKHFE (Association des Femmes et des hommes Enseignantes d'Essaouira), Heart of Mogador for Autism (ACMA), Caravana Amis Mogador Association, Provincial Office of Teacher Training
Mission and Objectives

Non-profit association focused on working towards a more beautiful world. We develop humanitarian, social, educational and artistic projects.
Defense and respect for cultural diversity.
Humanitarian Action
International cooperation for development.
Human and Ethical Rights
Education, training and research.
Artistic inheritance
Creation and realization of projects and activities:
Academic, artistic and social that favor cultural diversity.
For academic, cultural, educational or social research and its subsequent dissemination.
Training and practices that implement the experience of the participants.
Collaboration with organizations and entities from developing countries to carry out integral and sustainable projects that promote a total, non-dependent and participatory development.
Collaboration with Spanish organizations and entities for the development of international cooperation projects.
Support to any project and initiative that starts from the association itself and that adapts to the purposes of the same.
Presentation to calls for subsidies deemed appropriate for obtaining resources for the execution of the purposes of the association
Creation and development of projects and activities in the field of International Cooperation in collaboration with foreign and national organizations:
Short and long-term volunteer programs
Conducting meetings and cultural exchange programs focused on improving dialogue between peoples.
Cultural integration programs for young people and international students.
Construction projects, rehabilitation and operation of educational sites in needy areas.
Educational projects that favor disadvantaged communities.
Projects to improve infrastructure in rural areas and the most disadvantaged communities.
Favor access to education and health services.
Promote activities of awareness, information and sensitivity based on respect and equity between genders, conditions and beliefs.

Main Projects / Activities

Complete the work of construction and improvement of the needed classrooms in rural Schools in the region of Essaouira, and have school equipment to the school for the students to have the oportunity to acces a dignified teaching. 
Lines of Action:
Know, analyze and evaluate the situation of rural schools in the region of Essaouira.
Establish an action plan for improvement
Raise funds
Involve the local community
Bring a team of international volunteers
Action aimed at: 
Berber rural community
Children students
Teachers unitary schools
Promote awareness and knowledge of Autism Spectrum Disorder within the society of southern Morocco: ASD. For this, we collaborate jointly with local entities in carrying out dissemination actions and training material.
Lines of Action: 
Awareness Campaign on ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and ACNEE (Students with Special Educational Needs):
Oriented to the educational field (teachers and students), family and social.
Carry volunteer team of educational professionals in ASD
Action Aimed at:  
Training Teachers
Orientation to Families
Support for Association
Restoration and maintenance urban schools, social centers and health
Educational and creative activities with children at risk of exclusion.
Cultural exchange.
Language teaching in youth social project "Language Street class"
Spread solidarity values.
Lines of Action:
Know, analyze and evaluate the situation of urban schools in the region of Essaouira.
Address the needs of the directors of the centers
Establish an action plan for improvement
Calling for Volunteers
Involve the local community
Bring a team of international volunteers
combat cultural prejudices through intercultural coexistence
Action Aimed at:  
Associations of Parents of School 
Children students
Teachers of schools
Moroccan volunteers without resources
European volunteers without knowledge of other realities

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Expanding our projects to areas of need in which we can collaborate with our organization, experience and productivity, to achieve greater scope of social benefits.
Attending proposals from other entities that want to collaborate together in the creation of related projects
Sharing and disseminating information

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it is a network very close to our area of action, development and knowledge, which has a great cultural and social impact in the countries where it is,  and that works in a very clear, objective manner and whose ends we share.

Contact (1) Full Name
Carolina Grandela Tortuero
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name
Nihad Boubiad
Job Title (2)

Diputació de Barcelona - Xarxa de Municipis

National Network

C/ Còrsega, 300.pral.

+34 93 402 06 95
+34 93 402 24 73
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Gender
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Others
  5. Youth and education
General Information
La Diputació de Barcelona est une administration locale de deuxième niveau (NUTS III) qui regroupe les 311 municipalités de l province de Barcelone. Elle est composée d’un Président et de 51 Conseillers (élus communaux). 4.369 employés 12 Départements et différents consortiums Budget : 720,8 M€ (2007) 82,5% ressources provenant de transferts de l’Etat Projets de coopération au niveau européen, méditerranéen …. Partenaires : administrations locales, Institutions de recherche ( IEMED, CIDOB). Réseaux de coopération : Arco Latino, Partenalia, Commission Méditerranéenne de CGLU, Groupe Med d’Eurocités
Mission and Objectives

Soutien technique, économique et technologique afin de permettre aux mairies d'offrir des services locaux de qualité de façon plus homogène sur l'ensemble du territoire. Il coordonne les services municipaux et organise des services publics à caractère supra municipal.
Objectifs stratégiques
Doter les villes et villages d'instruments susceptibles d'en garantir la cohésion et la sécurité.
Améliorer la qualité de vie de l'ensemble des villes et villages.
Travailler pour une gestion territoriale durable.
Œuvrer au développement social et économique des différents territoires de la province.
Renforcer la dimension civique, citoyenne et démocratique de nos villes et villages.
Obtenir un système local efficace et structuré

Main Projects / Activities

• Information et formation des élus locaux sur la UE et la coopération décentralisée
• Promotion de l’implication des collectivités locales au niveau européen, euromed et au niveau international à travers leur participation à des réseaux de coopérations
• Support à la création de réseaux de coopération transnationaux.

Contact (1) Full Name
Agustí Fernández de Losada i Passols
Head of the organisation
Celestino Corbacho Chaves
Contact (2) Full Name
Paqui Santonja Mayor

DIPUTACIÓN DE GRANADA - Delegación de Empleo y Desarrollo Provincial

National Network

Avenida Andalucía sn
18014 Granada

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. Heritage
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Research
  6. Youth and education
General Information
The Provincial Council of Granada is a Public Administration (NUTS III) coordinating municipal services in the whole province of Granada through legal, economic and technician assistance to 170 town councils. It is compose by a President and 27 local elected representatives, 1.600 employees from 12 departments and consortium. Budget 289 M€ (2015) excluding the budget for Community financing. Partners: local authorities, education, cultural and research institutions. Cooperation networks: Arco Latino, Med Group Eurocities, EuropeDirect, RedReto and several national networks.
Mission and Objectives

Main Goal:
Technical, economic and technological support to enable local resources to provide consistent quality services throughout the country.
Coordinate municipal services and organize utilities sustainable municipal character.
Strategic Goals:
Providing municipalities and their citizens the tools to ensure the cohesion, security and development.
Improve the queality of life of the municipalities and their citizens.
Working for a sustainable land management.
Work for social and economic development of different regions of the province.
Strengthening of civic, public and democratic dimension of our municipalities.
Achieve an effecient and structured local system.

Main Projects / Activities

Provincial Council of Granada has close cooperation with several european regions (FEDER and FSE) through the colaboration in programs as INTERREG IVB, INTERREG IVC, MED, POCTEFEX, LIFE or SUDOE.
The PRovincial Council of Granada had participated in several internacional and national projects in the last 15 years.
Currently it is taking part in the following internacional projects:
.- CesR - Cooperatives of employment and services in rural areas.
.- EMMA - Entrepreneurship methodology mediterranean assistance.
.- WIDE - Innivation in the MED area.
.- AGROPAISAJES - Peri-urban agricultural landscapes.
.- INNOMERCAMED - Relationship betwen Granadian and Marroccaine bussines.
.- ETNOMED - Cultural Heritage.
.- CULTURMED - Cultural Heritage.
.- I4Food - Interregional cooperation for competitive and sustainable regional food industries.
.- ITERA-AA - Rural development and innovation.
.- Tourage - Developing Senior Tourism in Remote Regions.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

For Provincial Council of Granada is a priority to coninue collaborating in european partnerships that contributing to the promotion of the socioeconomic development of our province.
Development in the following areas thar has been working for years: rural enterprise development, training and employment, promotion of cultural heritage, social responsibility of organizations and companies, international cooperation....
The Provincial Council of Granada, in addition to collaborating with the 170 municipalieties, with more than 1.800 contacts of associations, other public institutions, foundations and NGOs in the province through different projects and activities carried our in the territory.
Also it is working with national networks of the different work areas of priority development.
Networking the Council of Granada has developed facilitates knowledge and knowledge transfer between European and national public entities, citizens and territory.
Other priority for the coming years is to consolidate our relationship with the Kingdon of Marrocco who, trhough POCTEFEX projects, have conducted seven cooperation projects during the last 4 years

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

The Provincial Council of Granada believes in the intercultural public awareness through knowledge sharing and dissemination of experiences and cultures.
Networking between public and private entities from different countries helps us in a territiorial and common development.
ALF Networking will provide us new networks to work for the coomon citizenship, sustainable development, culture, environment....sharing and working new experiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Juan Ramón La Chica Aranda
Job Title
Jefe de Servicio de Desarrollo - Delegación de Empleo y Desarrollo Provincial
Head of the organisation
Juan Ramón La Chica Aranda
Contact (2) Full Name
Jose Francisco Oliver Berta
Job Title (2)
Jefe de Sección Administrativa - Delegación de Empleo y Desarrollo Provincial


National Network


Telephone (other)
E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
E-Mail (4)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Local/Regional Authority
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
General Information
General Directorate within the Regional Minister for Justice and Citizen Safety Staff number: between 50 - 100 public servants Focal Point in Spain for the WAVE Network Budget: Around 20.000.000 €, on the basis of Annual Budget from Murcia Regional Government Modalities of action: grants to NGO's, coordination of regional resources, traning courses and seminars, online training, scholarships,workshops,etc. International partners within the YOUTH IN ACTION Programme, the LIFELONG LEARNING Programme and the DAPHNE III Programme by the European Commission
Mission and Objectives

The General Directorate for Prevention of Violence and Juvenile Reform exercise the responsibility for domestic violence and juvenile reform, including the establishment of halfway houses and rehabilitation.

Main Projects / Activities

Regional activities:
Regional network of centres for attention to women victim of gender based violence (GBV)
Programme for Psychological Support of children from women victim of GBV
Annual grants to NGO's active in the support and shelter of women victim of GBV
Coordination point for the regional resources concerning GBV
Programme for the prevention of GBV in teenager's romantic relationships in Secondary Schools.
International projects:
COMENIUS REGIO "LA MASCARA DEL AMOR - THE MASK OF LOVE" with Macedonia Central Region (GR. 2009 - 2011.
YOUTH IN ACTION PBA "THE MASK OF LOVE" with 10 EU, EECA, SEE and MEDA countries in November 2010.
DAPHNE III PROTECT, leaded by WAVE Network and with other 9 European partners. From Dec 2009 till Dec 2010.

Contact (1) Full Name
Head of the organisation
Contact (2) Full Name

Discrimination meets interculturalism in theory, policy and practice

Discrimination of immigrants and racialized minorities as the Roma is increasing in Europe and elsewhere in the world. Different policy approaches to diversity management tackle this issue differently, both in terms of recognizing ethnic discrimination as a key obstacle to...

Dones del Món - Barcelona

National Network

Armengol 2-8, Barcelona (08003)

E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Gender
  2. Others
General Information
We're a young association created to allow women's civil and political empowerment. The majority of us are immigrant women, around fourthies, with a very little political experience. And, the ones with political experience, its from other country or culture. So, to be real citizens, we're making reunions, seminars, conferences. So, we can talk about different topics, like the legislative organizations; the comparison between laws; the women rights, and so on... We work in feminism, as a tool to became conscious minded. We also try to visit buildings, like the Catalan Parlament; or the European one. There we can make interviews to the politicians and then we can confront experiences. Travelling is also a good way to engage confidence, and to put women out of their normal rol. We normally make other activities, around the abortion laws; the immigrant situation in the country, and all other issues that affect us, for example against racism, or xenophobia. Our budget is really small, because we only ask for financiation if we're travelling, or inviting people to Barcelona. And we'd found good allies in the European Parliament.
Mission and Objectives

Our main objective is to allow women to became conscious of themselves, their importance in the society, and the immense influence they can have in politics.
We are walking in the feminist road; but, as immigrant women we're also fighting for reach political goals (against racism; against fascism; to allow political visualization of women), all of that with a lot of local women.
We believe that in the constructions of the projects grows the confidence. And that confidence is essential win the stereotypes.

Main Projects / Activities

Till now, our main goal was to create confidence in women.
And lot of them are now participating as representatives of DONES DEL MÓN in the "Consells de Dones" (Women Councils) not only in Barcelona neighborhoods, but also in the City's one.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Making difusion; offering our network to be partners; bringing our views to different projects.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because we think we can show our experience, and also we can learn from other's ones.
Nowadays things and projects are thought for young people (and that's very very important), but, many adult women couldn't enjoy their youth as "person", but only as workers, or mothers... and we try to allow them to do that difficult step with us.

Contact (1) Full Name
Mercedes Silvano
Head of the organisation
Mercedes Silvano

DRAMBLYS: Social Creativity Lab

National Network

C/Pedro Coca 49, 3B

Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Environment/Sustainable development
  2. Research
  3. Youth and education
General Information
DRAMBLYS (Social Creativity Lab) is a non-profit socio-cultural organization of independent professionals committed to positive social change and responsible leadership. In DRAMBLYS we combine sociological imagination & inquiry with social creativity and design to approach, explore, and innovate solutions to contribute to sustainable development. Our main programmes and areas of expertise include the following: programmes design and evaluation, data visualization and social innovation design, development and management.  
Mission and Objectives

DRAMBLYS operative strategy is based on the following activities:
- Promotion and implementation of activities to support social innovation (research, analysis of case of studies, etc.);
- Development of specific tools (ICT and non ICT based working methodologies) to answer social challenges;
- Consultancy services on social innovation for public and private organizations (companies, professional associations, public bodies, public administration, NGOs, social actors); and
- Collaboration in multilateral projects at national, European and International levels aimed to:
• Create formal and informal networks on innovation ecosystem (including human capital; social entrepreneurship; alternative funding; training and learning, etc.);
• Design, develop and coordinate socio-economic research activities within the framework of European and international partnerships;
• Define and implement communication and dissemination activities through social networks;
•Involve and dynamise multi-stakeholder based pilot and demonstration activities;
•Define and design evaluation tools, according to European and international indicators and standards;
•Develop socioeconomic studies, etc.
In addition, we are particularly interested in approaching, reaching, learning from, and empowering under-represented voices, as well as local communities on social creativity ventures, for sustainable local development and global & local solidarity. We design and implement a range of initiatives and project, based on social research, participatory and experiential methodologies, for the promotion of social growth and competitiveness.

Main Projects / Activities

In DRAMBLYS, we aspire to serve as an interactive platform and meeting point to exchange, design, inspire and promote social innovation projects and creative alternatives, both globally and locally. We aim to facilitate creative dialogues and co-create sustainable alternatives and so, to inspire new social entrepreneurs and community leaders & promote sustainable ways of living.
We aim to bridge diverse communities by connecting and engaging different people from all walks of life. Through social learning and exchange of good practices, we aim to design colourful synergies creating an impact on local communities and social groups in need.  Currently, in DRAMBLYS we are working on the following programmes:  1.“Go Social”:  “Social English Language Course” and “Social Cinema Nights”, 2. “Salad Bowl”: Workshops and training programmes & activities on “Intercultural Communication” and “Diversity Management” and 3. “Living Library” project: Take out your prejudices!

Contact (1) Full Name
Lina Klemkaite
Head of the organisation
Lina Klemkaite


National Network

Av. de las Universidades 24

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Organisation Type
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Research
General Information
DUSKE, the association of current and graduate Sylff fellows from the University of Deusto, is run by Lina Klemkaite (President), Bruno Kaimwa (Vice-President) and Eider Muniategi (Treasurer). This Duske association was launched on March 23 of 2009 aiming to build an active network of Sylff-fellows in order to support and promote the development of academic research and projects, between Sylff associations and within the framework of the SYLFF (The Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund) programme. The SYLFF rogramme is inspired by the vision of the late Ryoichi Sasakawa, philanthropist and founding chairman of The Nippon Foundation that “The world is one family and all mankind are brothers and sisters.” The Program contributes to support the education of outstanding students pursuing graduate level study in the social sciences and humanities with high potential for leadership, by establishing endowments at selected institutions of higher learning throughout the world, providing a sustainable source of fellowships in perpetuity.
Mission and Objectives

- To build an active network of SYLFF fellows (current and graduate), which allows to support and promote the development of initiatives related to academic fellows and working projects (within the vision and goals of the SYLFF programme).
- To establish contacts among SYLFF fellows of various institutions in collaboration with the Steering Committee at the University of Deusto and the Tokyo Foundation's Scholarship Division.
- To promote and support the sustainable leadership, intercultural dialogue and knowledge exchange.

Main Projects / Activities

- Providing a platform for the exchange of knowledge, information and experience among SYLFF fellows and the broader international SYLFF family.
- Sharing and exchanging information while supporting and facilitating the participation in the emerging initiatives, thematic networks and projects at both national and international levels.
- Facilitating networking among the Sylff fellows and other interested institutions leading to joint projects development.
- Promoting and sharing information about the SYLFF programme and fellowship and
supporting SYLFF fellows and their current research projects.

Contact (1) Full Name
Lina Klemkaite
Head of the organisation
Lina Klemkaite
Contact (2) Full Name
Eider Muniategi