
Rato ADCC participates in Innovative Social Inclusion Project Using ICT

Os Outros

Rato - Associação para a Divulgação Cultural e Científica (ADCC), member of the Portuguese Network, is proud to announce the their participation in the Job Shadowing activity, a groundbreaking social inclusion initiative utilizing Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) called “Os Outros”. This project, which began in early 2024, aims to bridge the digital divide and empower marginalized communities through technology.

The initiative focuses on providing comprehensive ICT training and resources to underrepresented groups, fostering digital literacy and inclusion. By offering workshops, mentoring, and access to technology, Rato ADCC seeks to enhance participants' skills, confidence, and opportunities in the digital age.

This project is part of Rato ADCC's ongoing commitment to using technology as a tool for cultural and scientific dissemination. It reflects the organization's dedication to creating a more inclusive and connected society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive in the digital world.

For more details on how to participate or support this initiative, visit Rato ADCC’s website (https://www.rato-adcc.pt/pt/).


Reading Collective

Coletivo de Leitura

The Coletivo de Leitura (Reading Collective in English) is an initiative led by Ana Lúcia da Silva Reis, and it will take place on the third Thursday of every month at the Goethe-Institut library in Lisbon. The primary aim is to create a space for sharing, dialogue, critical thinking, and reflection. Through the selected readings, which can be either prose or poetry, the hope is that those who participate will have the opportunity to engage with current topics of interest, debate them, and explore them further together. This initiative is intended to help counteract the polarization and radicalization that is occurring in society, especially on social networks.

This reading and debate platform emerges from the desire to establish a collective, diverse, and democratic space for intellectual and emotional growth. Each session will revolve around a different theme, and the attendees will have a say in choosing the books to be read.

All sessions are open to the public, and no registration is required for those who simply want to listen and participate in the discussions. However, for those who wish to read, prior registration is mandatory. Participants must provide information about the book they plan to bring, as there will be a limit of up to 10 readings per session. Each registered person will have two reading sessions, each lasting approximately 5 minutes. The session lasts roughly 2 hours, divided into two distinct segments. During the first hour, people read aloud from the selected books, and in the second hour, there is an open discussion on the chosen theme and the readings.

Coletivo de Leitura is generously supported by the Goethe-Institut of Portugal, a member of the Anna Lindh Foundation's Portuguese Network. Established in 1962, the Goethe-Institut has a 60-year history of promoting intercultural communication between Portugal and Germany. It maintains two institutes in Portugal, one in Lisbon and the other in Porto. The Goethe-Institut in Portugal engages with approximately 180,500 people each year through its numerous events, diverse training courses, comprehensive information services about Germany, and guidance and training for German teachers and students of the German language and culture.

The Cultural Department serves as a catalyst for dialogue, exchange, and interaction between German and Portuguese artists and researchers. It addresses current German trends and promotes intercultural collaborations in various fields, including film, dance, music, theater, art, literature, and translation. In partnership with Portuguese organizations, the Goethe-Institut organizes readings, exhibitions, conferences, film screenings, concerts, and also supports the participation of German artists in festivals.

Click here for more information

Rede Inducar

National Network

Rua da Fábrica Social SN
4000-201 Porto

Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Gender
  3. Human rights
  4. International/Cultural relations
  5. Youth and education
General Information
Inducar is a cooperative organization with 17 members.  Inducar have an anual budget of 20000,00€. Our principal sources of funding are financied projets (nacional and european funds) and services. Inducar is a training and consultancy organization specialised in the field of non-formal education. In the past years we have worked with a variety of clients and partners at national and international level – from public administration to the private and non-for-profit sector.  Our work is to design, implement and evaluate training strategies and learning processes.
Mission and Objectives

Inducar - organisation for the promotion of non formal learning and social integration is an international agent operating in the context of partnerships and networks for an integrated society, based on the empowerment of the individual person, in a culture of collective responsibility and mutual learning. We take on the mission to contribute, in articulation with others, through a diversity of innovative and quality responses, for the facilitation of processes oriented to the transformation of attitudes. 

Main Projects / Activities

The core of our action is the development of organisations, their human capital and the public's in general. Inducar conceptualizes, develops, implements and assesses projects directed to governmental, third sector, and private organisations (http://www.inducar.pt/portfolio). We offer know-how and expertise in areas such as Non Formal Learning / Education, Human Rights Education, Cultural Diversity, Gender Balance, Citizenship and Participatory Democracy. 

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We take on the mission to contribute, in articulation with others, through a diversity of innovative and quality responses, for the facilitation of processes oriented to the transformation of attitudes. We hope contribute to this network with our expertise and contacts. We also have a strong knowledge of the social and cultural portuguese reality that can be useful.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We are align with the ALF Network principles. Mostly are very envolved with the subjects that ALF Networks wants to work out. We will be very please to join this network and help to disseminate is work. 

Contact (1) Full Name
Susana Constante Pereira
Job Title
President of the board
Head of the organisation
Susana Constante Pereira

SOS Racismo

National Network

Rua Arnaldo Assis Pacheco Lote 11 Loja A Quinta da Torrinha 1750 Lisboa

(351) 21 7552700
E-Mail (2)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Human rights
  3. Youth and education
General Information
SOS Racismo has a colective board, organized by regional local work groups. There are 4 employees for the all the organization struture. The major part of SOS Racism work is developed by 100 active volunteers. The budget available for this year is 53.000 € providing by High Comission for Interculture Dialogue by Portuguese Government. Actions: social and pedagogical project open for children, youngsters and families from gipsy community in Lisbon with 2 local partners and Lisbon Municipality; training programs in intercultural education and anti-discrimination in schools for students and teachers, seminars, cultural activities, information and sensilization sessions, campaigns and group mobilization, edition of studies and pedagogical tools. In national level is part of Anti Racist Network in Portugal, Comissioner for Equality and against racial discrimination, Lisbon Municipal Council of Immigration and Minorities. In European level, SOS Racismo is part of European Network Anti-Racism (ENAR), United for Intercultural Action, and others.
Mission and Objectives

Sos Racismo was created by a group of people worried with racism and xenophobia in portuguese society, Our mission is to promote equal rights for all, contributing to a fair society though inclusive and intercultural education, mobilization, critical thinking, lobbing, etc.

Main Projects / Activities

- Interligar Project: community education work with minorities groups such as gypsies and immigrants;
- Training programs for students, teachers, social educators, etc.;
- Edition of studies and pedagogical tools - at this moment we are preparing 3 editions Media Report, Cases of Discrimination in Portugal and Intercultural Tools;
- Lobbying for creating better social and cultural policies for immigrants and minorities;
- Campaigns to promote information and sensitization about discrimination and social inequalities;
- Mobilization of differents groups to fight for their rights thourgh training programms and participation;
- Organization of debates, meetings, cultural events, and the anual Diversity party in Lisbon “Festa da Diversidade”;
- Legal support and counseling for immigrants and minorities groups;
- Legal support and counseling in cases of discrimination;
- Non formal education in schools and communities.

Contact (1) Full Name
Ana Cruz
Head of the organisation
José Falcão
Contact (2) Full Name
Eduardo António

Teatro do Elefante

National Network

Pta. Amadeu de Sousa Cardoso, nº4 - 2º Dto.
2900-164 Setúbal


+ 351 265 535 640
Telephone (other)
+351 927751881
+ 351 265 535 640
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
+ 351 966 434 317
Organisation Type
Public/Private Non-Profit Foundation
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Teatro do Elefante was founded in 1997 and employs three persons, besides several project collaborators. Its main partner it’s Setúbal City Hall, but has partners around the world. Have around 60000 euros of budget for 2010 and it's sources are City Halls, Portuguese Government and Private Foundations. Work's on concrete projects, national and international exchanges and artistic residences. For 2010 its main partners are Setúbal College of Education, Montijo City Hall and Portuguese Social Security.
Mission and Objectives

Teatro do Elefante main activities are to create performances and workshops and other events of cultural and artistic character, either in Setúbal, as well on tour from North to South of Portugal. Positioning it self as an itinerant group Teatro do Elefante also develops educational and social projects with the aim of promoting awareness on civic and environmental matters, such as equality opportunities and multicultural exchange – directed, mainly to young people. Nowadays, is working with local partners, as the City Hall and cultural organisations, on a programme for the formation of new audiences in Setúbal. This programme intend to develop a series of activities promoted by and for the youth - performances and workshops – and is based on the idea that the artistic expressions, as well as all cultural activities in general, contribute to the identification with/of a community, promoting the social involvement of minority groups in the society, specially ethnical and social-economical excluded groups.

Main Projects / Activities

Twelve years after its formation, Teatro do Elefante announces a new training program in the field of Performative Arts, taking place in Setúbal. Performative Arts Scholl aims to provide diversified training experiences, which globalize several artistic disciplines as Physical Theater, Theatrical Dance, Circus and Music, among others. This initiative is pioneer in Setúbal Region in the field of non-formal education. The experience of training is complemented with participation in artistic projects. In the wake of the apprenticeships, trainees have the opportunity to integrate the creation and production of performances. Participation in projects will happen in partnership with artistic structures, museums, libraries and cultural centers. The project began in the towns of Setúbal e Montijo, in partnership with secondary schools integrated on neighborhoods with social and economical disadvantage, and the financial support of the City Halls. The project includes artistic residences and international exchanges, with the main objective of promoting the multicultural awareness.

Contact (1) Full Name
Rita Sales
Head of the organisation
Fernando Casaca
Contact (2) Full Name
Marlene Aldeia

Teatro do Montemuro (Montemuro ´s Theatre)

National Network

TR. Principal, 1
Campo Benfeito
3600-371 gosende, Castro Daire, Viseu

Castro Daire

+351 254 689 352
Mobile Phone
+351 91 951 83 93
Mobile Phone (other)
+251 91 360 39 60
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
Teatro do Montemuro is a professional theatre company. We have only six people permanently, but every new artistic projet as around 12 people, we always invite writters, set designer, musical diretors, news energies for the projets searching for new methods and new languages. We are funded by the gourvernement and by selling our shows. We present around the counrty and outside near 100 shows a year. Besides touring we have a Festival that gathers theatre, music, plastic arts, dance and others experiences. The Festival has been happening since 1998 and groups from Portugal and abroad had present their shows here. We also have a projet with schools.It is necessary to demystify the arts, stimulate the taste for the theater and critical sense of youth. It's been ten years since Theatre Montemuro began to invite schools to visit Espaço Montemuro. The project has grown and the number of schools that integrate this activity grows from year to year to live this experience. The company makes this kind of theatrical experience so than young do not just watch a show on stage but make them to think, form opinions about the show and express them in words, actions , images or sounds. This initiative aims to show the reality of the theater to new audiences, young people, showing and explaining the creative process, since the creation of the text, props, till the moment it’s presented to the public, all in a very intense day hat begins with the presentation of the piece. The discussion about the project between actors, director, students and teachers is followed by a visit to the various departments: backstage, offices, storage, technical parts. After a lunch break, the afternoon work begins with several games, exploring the dramatic expression. The workshop ends with a presentation of games, exercises and improvisations made ​​by the students. For many young people who come to our village this is the first contact they have with the theater, for others, it’s now an usual visit.The connection between Teatro do Montemuro and the community of the small village of Campo Benfeito has always been and will continue to be very close. The lifestyle of the local population has contributed to enrich the company's performances. People that are present in the ante-premieres and at the festival, people who follows the work of the group ever since the beginning. The work of the company requires that the group passes most of the time on tour, so these gatherings keeps us together and we do not want to miss these important moments. The gatherings aim to combat isolation and loneliness and to promote unity among the villagers, friends and employees of Teatro do Montemuro. For TRSM is a return to the origins. These meetings are always around the holidays, according to the availability of the company and with the will of the people of the village.
Mission and Objectives

20 years have passed since a group of young people took its first steps into theatre. It’s in the small village of Campo Benfeito, lost in labyrinthine paths and hills of Serra do Montemuro that the group still works. Nowadays the team has seven members, but each new project brings to Campo Benfeito professionals from all around the country and abroad. Actors and actresses, designers, playwrights and directors flock to the village with the enthusiasm to create something different, something unique.
As a company in a rural area, Teatro do Montemuro is by obligation, but also by vocation a touring company, the "jugglers" of the 21st century, with a big bet on sets, detailed costumes and props, masks, live music.
Over 16 years of creations as a professional theater company, the group distinguishes itself by the authenticity and originality of its writings, sets, music and also by the actors work based on truth, emotion, joy and physicality brought to exhaustion.
Teatro do Montemuro is a solid structure that invests its resources creating new artistic projects, training, and planning its national and international tour, in the Altitude’s Festival and in other dynamics, that allow a gradual growth of the company, always based on a notion of sustainability.
Its performance has corrected culture asymmetries, presenting to public performances executed with rigor, seriousness, professionalism, but accessible to everyone, from a lawyer to a farmer.

Main Projects / Activities

Right now we have three new theatre produtions, a projet of programing called "Serões na Serra" ("Nights in the village") and the Altitudes Festival, we have ans educative projet about the importance of water and natural resources for schools and a projet with regional groups( associations about traditions of the diferent places.We also are presenting an adaptation of "King Lear" from Shakespeare.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We can promote the network, we can receive groups to be with us and promote their projets with our schoools and other audiences, we can plan to produce new artistic projewts in collaboration (co -production) and we are completly interest in new forms of working toghether.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Teatro do Montemuro had the possibility to present its projets abroad, however there were very few oportunities. We would like to have the possibility to increase touring abroad, we would like to exchange experiences and methods with others, we would like to have here other persons from other countries to work with us, to share their projets with our audiences.

Contact (1) Full Name
Eduardo Correia
Head of the organisation
Eduardo Correia e Paula Teixeira
Contact (2) Full Name
Paula Teixeira


National Network

Teatro Taborda, Costa do Castelo, 75 1100-178 Lisboaa
1100-778 Lisboa

+351 21 885 41 90
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information

Teatro da Garagem is a Theatre Company that celebrates 30 years of regular activity in 2019, and which has dedicated its work to the research and experimentation of new theatrical forms, through an original dramatic writing and its staging. The issue of recognition and communication, through Theatre, has triggered throughout the course of the Company’s existence a sense of questioning and innovation that can be synthesized in the concept of Openness. This openness presupposes two ramifications: Openness to other artforms, in the influx of an “intermedial” dynamic, which is central in the vulgarization of the digital paraphernalia and respective sociological, anthropological, political and, above all, aesthetic impacts; Openness of the traditional niche of “theatre makers” to other artists of different generations, who together contribute to a challenging revival of the Company. Through both the “historic” and new collaborators, the Company assumes change as a natural condition, without losing, however, the specificity of the deep and fertile artistic experience. Teatro da Garagem began, as the name implies, its activity in a garage in the outskirts of Lisbon, a hybrid zone, mixture of landscapes and landmarks which influenced in an indelible way the work of the Company and the writing of his playwright, director and artistic director, Carlos J. Pessoa. The trail of Teatro da Garagem has been recognised by the audience, the critics, the cultural institutions and government structures, which, on the one hand, has given greater solidity and cultural dimension to the project and, on the other hand, added an extra responsibility towards the community. The artistic project becomes, in a more visible way, a Public Service project. During its 29 years of activity, Teatro da Garagem organised its artistic work through different cycles, which corresponded to specific creative moments and to the social and technological transformations of the World. The public recognition of the Company’s work was manifested through the loyalty of the audiences, the prizes received, and the support given by the Ministry of Culture. Since 1996, Teatro da Garagem has developed through the Educational Service a set of pedagogical and artistic activities with children, adolescents and the elderly. Since 2005/2006 Teatro da Garagem is the resident Company of the Teatro Taborda, as a result of an invitation by the EGEAC and the Lisbon City Council.

Mission and Objectives

Promote Artistic activities and engageing with the community

Main Projects / Activities

2019 Best Actress Award granted to Ana Palma, within the 2019 Theater Guide Awards (PT), for her work on the shows “Life as it is”, “Black Stars” and “Display”, in 2018. Audience selection. Best Revelation Actor/Actress Award granted to Rita Monteiro, within the 2019 Theater Guide Awards (PT) [Prémios de Teatro do Guia dos Teatros 2019], for her work on the shows “FLUX Daylight Project” and “Display”, both written and directed by Carlos J. Pessoa, in 2018. Audience selection. 2019 Best Theater Direction Award given to the show “Still on the Road”, written by Carlos J. Pessoa and directed by Ana Palma, at the Lebanon International Theater Festival of Women Monodrama, promoted by the Tiro Association for Arts and the Lebanese Ministry of Culture , at the Lebanese National Theater in Tire. 2018 Honorable Mention – Jury Award granted to the show “Black Stars”, written and directed by Carlos J. Pessoa, within the International Prize Il Teatro Nudo di Teresa Pomodoro, in Milano, promoted by the Spazio Teatro No'hma, with the support of the Milano Municipality and the High Sponsorship of the Italian Republic Presidency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. International Jury Members: Peter Stein, Eugenio Barba, Lluís Pasqual, Tadashi Suzuki, Lev Dodin, Stathis Livatinos, Ludovic Lagarde, Ruth Heynen, Enzo Moscato, Oskaras Korsunovas and Livia Pomodoro. 2018 Nominations for the Golden Globes in the categories of Best Theater Actress, Ana Palma, and Best Theater Actor, Elmano Sancho, for their performance in the show “Display“ by Teatro da Garagem. 2016 Selection EURODRAM – European Theater Translation Network, for the play “Ela Diz `{`She Says`}“`. 2015 Authors Prize, in the category of Theater – Best Portuguese Performed Theater Text, for the show “For a staging of Hamlet `{`For a staging of Hamlet`}“`, co-authorship between Jorge Listopad and Carlos J. Pessoa, awarded by the Portuguese Society of Authors. 2014 Nomination for the Authors Award, in the category of Theater – Best Portuguese Performed Theater Text, awarded by the Portuguese Society of Authors, for the show “Finge `{`Pretend`}“`. 2009 Awards: Best Original Portuguese Theater Text awarded to Carlos J. Pessoa, Best Actress awarded to Maria João Vicente and Best Sound Design awarded to Daniel Cervantes by the Guide of Theatres, for the show “On the road, or the rainbow hour `{`On the road, or the rainbow hour`}“`. 2003 Special Mention for Best Performance by the Portuguese Association of Theater Critics, attributed to the show “Circo `{`Circus`}“`. 2003 Nomination for the Golden Globes in the category of Best Theater Actress to Maria João Vicente for her performance in “Adélia Z“. 2000 Prize CyberKyoske99 – Genre Drama attributed to Carlos J. Pessoa for the play “Desertos – didactic event followed by a free poem `{`Deserts – didactic event followed by a free poem`}“`. 1993 Theater Text Award given to Carlos J. Pessoa in the Competition Theater in the Decade by the Portuguese Club of Arts and Ideas for the show “Café Magnético“. 1993 Executive Production Award given to José Espada and João Rodrigues in the Competition Theater in the Decade by the Portuguese Club of Arts and Ideas for the show “Café Magnético“. 1992 Honorable mention of the Prize Madalena Azeredo Perdigão, attributed to Carlos J. Pessoa, for the staging of “A Cidade de Fausto `{`The City of Faust`}“`.

Contact (1) Full Name
Job Title
Head of the organisation
Carlos J Pessoa

TEMPO - Teatro Municipal de Portimão

National Network

Teatro Municipal de Portimão
Largo 1º de Dezembro, 8550-538 Portimão


282 402 479
Telephone (other)
282 402 485
282 402 471
E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
969 892 244 (João Ventura)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Arts
General Information
TEMPO - Teatro Municipal de Portimão is a department of the Municipality of Portimão; employs 20 persons; the budget of public ressources in a year is about €800.000.
Mission and Objectives

We are boosters, producers and facilitators of culture, which translates to an inclusive service catalog of cultural products we make accessible to a growing number of citizens that are always at the center of the decisions-making process. (additional information at our website)

Main Projects / Activities

We program activities in the areas of the performing arts (theater, dance, music, multidisciplinary projects...) and other cultural related events such as conferences and cinema and literature. We also have an educational department that develops projects on the area of spectator development, adult, senior and schools. We intend to develop a multidisciplinary project related with cultural diversity mainly centred on the Mediterranean area.(additional information at our website)

Contact (1) Full Name
João Ventura (Artistic Director of TEMPO - Teatro Municipal Portimão)
Head of the organisation
Manuel da Luz (Mayor of Portimão)
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Cristina Correia

The New Generation with History


On the 24th of June, the CCCV - Cape Verde Cultural Center hosted the event "A Nova Geração com Estória" (The New Generation with Story in English), in Lisbon, organized by CulturFACE.

CulturFACE is focused on Culture and Citizenship, where it uses cultural dynamics to reach the social side in a perspective of inclusion of the migrant and Roma population in the northern part of Lisbon. It is a way to promote the value and good social practices that are the added value for society.

Considering that African children's literature has been little highlighted in the socio-cultural world, CulturFACE - Cultural Association for Development organizes this event, in partnership with CCCV - Cape Verde Cultural Centre, bringing together a panel of authors of African origin, who will make known their work in this area and will share their stories with the public, promoting the counterpoint between generations through the self-knowledge of their roots, with a more accessible language and capable of reaching the younger audience of migrant communities, immigrants and beyond.

Thinking about the younger generations of migrant, immigrant and Afro-descendant communities in Portugal, CulturFACE created the project "A Nova Geração com Estória" to provide a meeting between generations through a Talk Show Story that allows the sharing of stories between fiction and reality, based on the experience of the guest speakers.

The goal was to create a space for sharing through fictionalized narratives by authors of children's literature, where they tell stories that marked their paths through orality. The guests of the project "A Nova Geração com Estória" transmitted their experiences to those present, providing coexistence between parents and children in the public space and alerting to the importance of children's literature in migrant communities.

The speakers invited for this 1st edition are Kátia Casimiro (Guinea-Bissau), Mirian de Deus (São Tomé and Príncipe), Akil de Sousa (Cape Verde) and Miguel Luís (Mozambique). It also counted with the participation of Hilarino da Luz, Cape Verdean academic, specialist in Cape Verdean literature and researcher at NOVA FCSH. The moderation was done by Paula Esteves, journalist and former presenter of children's programs at TPA (Televisão Pública de Angola).