ELSA BiH - European Law Student`s Association

National Network
Telephone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
ELSA BiH (The European Law Students' Association Bosnia and Herzegovina) is an international, indenpendent, non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organization run by and for students. It is comprised of students and recent graduates who are interested in academic and personal excellence in addition to their studies at their universities. ELSA offers law students a perfect platform to develop their existing skills, acquire new skills and meet fellow students and legal professionals throughout Europe. Five law students from Austria, Hungary, Poland and West Germany founded ELSA in 1981. Today ELSA is the world's largest independent law students association and it is represented at nearly 200 law faculties in 42 countries across Europe with membership in excess of 30 000 students and young lawyers. ELSA-activities comprise a large variety of academic and professional events that are organized to fullfil the vision of ELSA and in order to provide our members opportunities to enhance their skills and to interact with each other. Finally, working in the ELSA-network prepares active members of ELSA for their professional life through international experience gained through the association. In Bosnia and Herzegovina we exist since October year 2009. after obtaining observer status at the International General Assembly in Budva, Montenegro. In record time, earned with quality and professional work, we got a full status with the right to vote, in October year 2010. , with unanimous decision on the International General Assembly in Alanya, Turkey, and by this we present in best way our society and law students from BiH. ELSA operates on three levels. International Board (IB), with mandate of one year with no possibility of reelection, is the executive body of the General Assembly which is the supreme and decisive body of theorganization. International General Assembly is held twice a year, on which reports are given regarding: the work of national groups, change and adopt the Statute of the organization, receiving new members, elected by an international board, making short and long term goals of the organization, etc. The next level is the national level, which works through National Board whose mandate is also one year. Members of NB are elected at the annual national assembly and its role is to coordinate the lowest level in the hierarchy, ie, local groups, by which most of the activities and projects of the organization are carried out. Boards at all three levels, starting from the highest in the hierarchy to the boardsof local groups, consist of the President, the Secretary General and Treasurer of the four sectors that are in essentially for existence of the organization, and headed by coordinators are the same. These are: 1) Division of Academic Activities (AA); 2) Sector for seminars and conferences (S & C); 3) Sector for student exchanges and traineeships (STEP) ; 4) Department of Marketing (MAR). Our activities are currently carried out through local groups in Sarajevo, Mostar and Banja Luka, with a tendency to expand on Bihać, Zenica, Tuzla, Travnik, East Sarajevo etc. Currently there are over 300 members from all over Bosnia and Herzegovina. Law students provide the possibility of legal education to attorneys, legal ELSA European seminars and summer schools, internships in European firms and attorneys, legal institutions, law moot court simulations, and other competitions on legal issues. It is important to note that we have done a lot on linking law students from both entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina and we established professional cooperation related to legal issues through constructive dialogue, without any political connotations.
Mission and Objectives

ELSA-activities comprise a large variety of academic and professional events that are organized to fullfil the vision of ELSA and in order to provide our members opportunities to enhance their skills and to interact with each other.

Main Projects / Activities

Some of the most important projects we've realized so far and which have largely contributed to the achievement of the objectives of the organization are:
1) Seminar ” Constitutional organization of Bosnia and Herzegovina” (Hotel Hollywood Ilidža, 18. – 19.6.2013.);
2) Simulated Parliament on enaction of Law on prohibition of discrimination (17.5. – 18.5.2013.) Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina;
3) „ELSA For Children”, Legal Reserch Grup in cooperation with Council of Europe (January 2012. – January 2013.)
4) ELSA BiH National Council Meeting, organized by ELSA Banja Luka (Faculty of Law, University of Banja Luka, 1.6. – 3.6.2012.)
5) ELSA National Council Meeting and ELSA Fresher’s Camp (Hostel ”Fairy”, Igman, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 16.12. – 18.12.2011.);
6) ELSA ”Ex – YU” Conference, which brought together over 100 members of ELSA from former Yugoslavia, and and was organized in cooperation with the German Foundation IRZ, the Global Network of Religions for Children, Save the Children Norway and the Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo;
7) ELSA BIH National Council Meeting organized by ELSA Sarajevo (Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo, 13.5.2011.);
8) Study visit ELSA Amsterdam – ELSA Sarajevo, through which 20 law students spent 6 days in Sarajevo (4.4. – 9.4.2011.), getting to know the work of national and international organizations and institutions. Law studens responded with a visit to Amsterdam (1.10. – 6.10.2011.), They also had an opportunity to visit ICTY in Hague;
9) International conference ”EuthanAsia ’ European Perspectives Towards Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide” (9.3. – 14.3.2011.), organized by ELSA Sarajevo. Among other participants were 15 foreigh law students, including law students from ALSA Japan (Asian Law Students’ Association Japan). Guest speaker at this conference was to Dr. Daniel Rietiker, a lawyer from the European Court of Human Rights;
10) Training for ELSA Members on the subject “Fundraising and Project Writing”, organized in cooperation with Association for Democratic Initiatives (ADI), (USAID Facilities, Sarajevo, 24.12.2010.);
11) ELSA BiH National Council Meeting, organized by ELSA Sarajevo, (Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo, 15.9. – 17.9.2010.);
12) ELSA Mock Trials Moot Court Competition, organized by the Council of Europe and Sarajevo Film Festival , (Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo, 26.7. – 28.7.2010.);
13) Seminar ”Sejdić – Finci – the Future of Bosnia and Herzegovina”, organized by ELSA Sarajevo in cooperation with the Council of Europe (Faculty of Law, University of Sarajevo, 24.5.2010.);
14) Training ”Improvement of Project Management Ability”, organized by ELSA BiH in cooperation with INFO House Sarajevo (21.12. – 23.12.2009.);
15) Each year, in cooperation with the Belgrade Development Center, we organize humanitarian action on the local level ”Donation Days”.

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

We are very well organized network, and we have young law students willing to take part in our activities.

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

We strongly believe in purpose of ALF Network, and we think we have many common goals, activities etc. ELSA believes in world where there is respect for human dignity and cultural diversity. All different -all together, that is the only way to make some difference in this world.

Contact (1) Full Name
Aldijana Alić
Head of the organisation
Aldijana Alić
Contact (2) Full Name
Ana Maria Paponja