Free Egypt Association in Minia

National Network

1 - Basic: Minya manor Shaheen T. unions housing 2 Flat Building 1 Second Floor
2 - sub: Abukerkas: Fikry Pasha Street second floor next to Dr. / Ahmed


E-Mail (2)
E-Mail (3)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Public Institution
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Youth and education
General Information
الحاكمية/ Gouvernance الحكم المحلي/ Local governance المراهقة/ Adolescence العولمة/ Globalization العمل/ Employment حقوق المرأة / Women rights حقوق الطفل/ Children rights حقوق الإنسان/ Human rights النوع الاجتماعي/ Gender الصحة الإنجابية/ Reproductive health مكافحة الفقر/ Poverty alleviation البيئة/ Environment الإسثمار/ Investment حل النزاعات/ Conflict resolution الإقراض الصغير/ Micro credit المقاولة/ Entreprenariat المشاركة السياسية/ Political Participation صنع القرار/ Making decision مناهضة العنف المبنى علي النوع الاجتماعي/ Combat Gender based violence Field of Interest 1 - Project loans young graduates 2 - Draft encourage girls Egypt on civic participation 3 - National Program to empower the family and against female genital mutilation 4 - Draft a new step for a bright future 5 - Draft NGO Support emerging (Cotter CAIR) 6 - Draft culture environment-friendly solar water heaters 7 - reel for your initiative
Mission and Objectives

1 - the establishment of development projects and programs that deal directly with the problems that hinder rights in obtaining all their human rights and to achieve social equality and working to promote the local community.
2 - improve the level of economic and social status of women.
3 - the construction of projects that spread awareness of the rights of women in all aspects and work to achieve gender equality and non-discrimination in the formation on the basis of gender.
4 - the construction of projects that keeps prevent dropouts and improve educational efficiency.
5 - Implementation of the thought of development rights, which helps to educate citizens about their rights and linked including by the State and obtaining them.
6 - Implementation of projects that reduce child labor and ensure the safety of working children and preserve their rights
7 - General community culture development with members of the community at all developmental patterns and commensurate with the customs and traditions and the fight against harmful habits.
8 - attention to human development and training of cadres and leaders of youth (Alfattaan and girls) within local communities on development programs to increase their political awareness and instill love of belonging and citizenship.
9 - to raise awareness among members of the community and attention to issues that affect the community.
10 - literacy, publishing and educational development.
11 - to provide job opportunities for young graduates.
12 - the construction of projects that work on the care and protection of the family.
13 - the construction of projects that work to serve and preserve the environment from pollution.
14 - the construction of projects that raise awareness of health and work to improve and facilitate the health services to citizens

Main Projects / Activities

1. Implementation of educational activities and educational, cultural, health, social and sports and art, especially in the education sector in order to raise the standard of education in Egypt to reduce the school dropout phenomenon.
2. Lending to small project within the geographic targeting project funded by the Social Fund for Development through the qualitative Federation of women working in the field.
3. Lending project for young graduates in conjunction with the operation of young graduates.
4. Implementation of a previous research study private (youth employment - circumcision - illiteracy - dropouts - political participation)
5. Empowerment Project funded by USAID for development: "support civic participation for girls Egypt, where they are implementing activities that encourage girls from the age of 15: 23 years of civic and popular in the community and the ability to make a decision.
6. Participate in the implementation of the project girl-friendly schools in cooperation with the Coptic Evangelical queens Assembly where the technical supervisor of workflow chapters inside Abukerkas center.
7. Project Youth Dialogue forum in cooperation with the Coptic Evangelical Organization in Cairo, where the Assembly through the forum implementing initiatives to support youth culture of acceptance of the other and dialogue.
8. Community service projects and access to the marginalized and disadvantaged groups and provide services of through Egypt goodness Foundation in charitable support for families through the distribution of food and meat processing brides and implementation of projects that raise the economic situation of low-income people
Volunteer projects and Self-Assembly of a variety of objectives, activities and serving diverse society

How can you contribute to the Network in your country?

Through Fterh door dialogue with the community around me as well as we are through we execute Assembly Youth Dialogue Forum the same way and your goals therefore will benefit by opening another door and transfer experience for youth and community

Why do you want to join the ALF Network?

Because it will contribute to widen the circle of our own relations in addition to the skills Acassapna dialogue and acceptance of the other and different skills

Contact (1) Full Name
Eman Mohammed Abdella
Head of the organisation
Zeinab Abdel Fadeel
Contact (2) Full Name
Mohamed Hamdy Mohamed