Association Jeunesse Et Coopération des Chantiers Internationaux

National Network

JEC - B.P.19
46000 SAFI

E-Mail (2)
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
Organisation Type
Non-Governmental Organization
Year of Establishment
Fields of Activity
  1. Democracy and community development
  2. Environment/Sustainable development
  3. International/Cultural relations
  4. Religion
  5. Youth and education
General Information

JEC is non governmental and non lucrative association founded in 1958 in accordance with 1998's law of public freedom allowing associations’ creation of volunteer work created by young volunteers’ initiative and willingness to contribute to the construction of a new deal based upon peace value, solidarity and fraternity among people. Since its creation, JEC has never given up encouraging the promotion of these values within young people.  JEC aims at promoting the voluntary service by working on projects favourably benefiting to the local community especially to poor district. It is also an educational movement lucidly based upon the international exchange of young people within summer workcamps. It fosters youth’s expectation through an action attended by environmental safeguard and by making young volunteers aware of the importance of community work.  

Mission and Objectives

JEC’S STRUCTURES : JEC organises its congress once in every three years with the participation of the representatives of the sections during which it evaluates the activities, elaborates the program and elects the members of the central bureau. The central bureau sets up the activities of the association and deal with the following axis: international exchanges, training, orientation, workcamps, cultural projects, financial and administrative management. The coucil of administrative committee is formed by the central bureau and the representatives of the sections.

Main Projects / Activities

ACTIVITIES : The activities of the association JEC are deeply connected to the different types of activities it fulfils including : » Organising international workcamps of voluntary work during summer holidays. » Organising workcamps in week-ends aiming at developing local community. » Exchanging volunteers at the level on the international volunteer. » Realisation of the fitting out of some socio-educative establishment and the renovation of historical patrimony. » Organising excursions and travelling. » Reinforcing of some social works devoting to the elimination of ignorance and illiteracy and also to the integration of physically disabled people in society. » Getting people aware of the necessity of environmental protection  » Offering courses of consolidation and reinforcement for students who have difficulties » Teaching JEC’s volunteers some languages such as French, English and German. » Organising training courses aiming to improve and strengthen the personal skills and competencies of volunteers interested in carrying out co-ordinators, leaders, animators and managers of workcamps.  » Opportunity to learn and put in practice their own skills (project: pottery, embroidery, Arabic language, Moroccan kitchen, crafts…)

Informations supplémentaires
Contact (1) Full Name
Elmostafa Elmaazouzi
Head of the organisation
Nabil Moudden